SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-INTENT T0 COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PROPOSER E-MAILS LETTER-OF-INTENT AS WORD DOCUMENT TO DR. ALLEN JACOBS, COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT. Dr. Jacobs determines which campuses are affected by proposal and fills out the Response to Proposal Form below. Dr. Jacobs returns the Letter-of Intent and Response to Proposal forms to proposer with copies to the appropriate Executive Deans. Proposer___Elizabeth Chu__________ Campus: (name) A_ X___ E____ G_____ Department/Discipline__Mathematics and Computer Science_________________ Telephone___4271______________________ E-mail_chue@sunysuffolk.edu_ Name of Curriculum/Course Proposal___ MAT200 – Language, Logic, and Proof Date________________________________________________________ College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development completes form below this line. ****************************************************************** Type of Proposal Course New________XX_______________________ Revised_______________________________ Adoption______________________________ Curriculum New__________________________ Revised________________________ Expedited Revision_______________ A.A._____ A.S. _____ A.A.S _____ Certificate __ This proposal requires the following approval(s) Single Campus _ X____ *College_____ *College approval is required when the proposal has an impact on more than one campus. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 2 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-INTENT T0 COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Description of proposal idea and rationale. (Proposer should present description of proposal idea on this page along with a rationale for the proposal.) With the recent program review of the Mathematics Emphasis program Liberal Arts and Sciences: Mathematics Emphasis Ammerman / LAMA-AA (102-1) Hegis Code –5649, one of the recommendations is to create a proofs course. This course will be numbered MAT200 and the title will be Language, Logic, and Proof. This will be a basic course in the logic of mathematics, the construction of proofs and writing proofs. The mathematical content is primarily set theory, logic, number theory, introduction to some basic concepts related to functions and relations, and some Euclidean Geometry. There is considerable focus on writing proofs. This course is designed to better prepare students to take higher level mathematics courses. The learning outcomes are: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will able to: A. use logical language, operations, and rules to create and interpret mathematical proofs. B. use the definition of sets and maps between them to create and interpret proofs about sets. C. use concepts from number theory and elementary Euclidean geometry to create and interpret proofs from those topics. D. prove elementary facts about functions and relations. E. read and critique proofs, and recognize basic errors in reasoning. F. construct and write mathematical proofs by using methods, such as; mathematical induction, proof by contradiction, direct proof, and proof by contraposition. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 3 Rationale: Many of our peer institutions have a proofs course in their curriculum. Also, many of the four year colleges’ curricula have an introductory proofs course in the first two years. In order to better prepare our students to seamlessly transfer to a four-year college, the Program Review Committee recommended to create a proofs course. It will be numbered MAT200 and title will be Language, Logic, and Proof. MAT200 will be a required course. The proof course is offered at sophomore level in most four-year institutions to bridge gap between lower level math courses such as calculus, procedural/computational base, and upper level math courses such as real analysis and abstract algebra, logical reasoning/generalization base. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 4 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE RESPONSE TO PROPOSAL FROM COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development uses this form to respond to the proposal with instructions for further developing proposal (e.g., which forms to use, the campuses and departments who need to be consulted, items to be considered when developing the proposal.) ****************************************************************** TO: Elizabeth Chu, Assistant Academic Chair and Professor of Mathematics FROM: Dr. Philip H. Christensen, Associate Dean for Curriculum Development DATE: October 14, 2013 *********************************************************** Comments: The MAT200: Language, Logic, and Proof course proposal addresses a current gap in the preparation of our graduates of the Liberal Arts and Sciences: Mathematics Emphasis / A.A. Degree who transfer to four-year mathematics programs. This course proposal has emerged from the LAMA Program Review, conducted in 2009-2011, which recommended this new course, as well as several other revisions to the current program. (The full program revision is addressed in a separate Curriculum Revision Proposal.) As a next step in the course proposal process, you need to complete the New Course Proposal Form, as found on the College Curriculum Committee website. Please note: the New Course Proposal Form must include the votes of the affected department. (Since this course is limited to an Ammerman Campus program, the faculty affected is the Ammerman Campus Mathematics / Computer Science Department). You must also complete the Executive Dean's Acknowledgement of Support Form and email this form, along with the completed proposal, to the Ammerman Campus Executive Dean, George Tvelia, as well as a copy to me, as Associate Dean for Curriculum Development. The Executive Dean completes this form and returns it to Professor Chu, with a copy to me. The Executive Dean’s Acknowledgement of Support should address campus ability and commitment to support this proposal in terms of the following: ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 5 Academic Merit Availability Of Personnel Adequacy Of Facilities Budgetary Needs For Supplies And Equipment Please note: the Letter of Intent does not identify MAT200 as a 3-credit course. This information must appear in the New Course Proposal. cc: George Tvelia, Executive Dean, Ammerman Campus Tina Good, College Curriculum Committee Chair ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 6 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE NEW-COURSE PROPOSAL FORM ORIGINATING CAMPUS: ( X) Ammerman ( ) Eastern ( ) Grant Date Submitted to Curriculum Committee: _____10/13_____ To meet the ideals of Suffolk County Community College, new courses should, if appropriate, consider issues arising from elements of cultural diversity in areas of textbook choice, selection of library and audio-visual materials, and teaching methodology. PROPOSER E-MAILS ENTIRE COURSE PROPOSAL PACKET TO THE APPROPRIATE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE CHAIR AS A WORD DOCUMENT. Proposal Checklist Proposer records appropriate departmental votes here and checks to be sure all the documents are contained within the packet. (X) Electronic Letter-of-Intent (X) Electronic Letter-of-Support from Executive Dean(s) (X) Vote(s) of Department: Name of Department: Mathematics and Computer Science For: __26___ Against: _0____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: 10/15/2013 and 10/16/2013 Proposer's Initials: _EC___ Select One: Approved__X___ Not approved_____ Name of Department: _(Name of Department/Campus)_ For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Proposer's Initials: _____ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ Name of Department: _(Name of Department/Campus)_ For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Proposer's Initials: _____ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ (X) Campus Dean Final-Approval Form(s) (Proposer completes form to this line before sending entire proposal packet to the appropriate Curriculum Committee Chair) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development Dr. Tina Good, Chair of College Curriculum Committee Academic Chairs of affected departments ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 7 Curriculum Committee Chair completes form below this line and, upon approval, the Curriculum Committee Chair e-mails the entire proposal packet to the College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development, with electronic copies to the appropriate Executive Deans and the College Curriculum Committee Chair. (If the proposal is not approved, the Curriculum Committee Chair e-mails proposer and explains why proposal was not approved and sends an electronic copy of explanation to the College Curriculum Chair and the College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development.) ****************************************************************** ( ) Vote of Curriculum Committee Name of Committee:_______________________________ For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ ( ) Vote of Ammerman Faculty Senate (if appropriate) For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ Abstention_____ ( ) Vote of East Congress (if appropriate) For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ Abstention_____ ( ) Vote of Grant Assembly (if appropriate) For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ Abstention_____ ****************************************************************** Proposal is _____Approved _____Not Approved Date________________________________________ Comments: ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 8 NAME OF PROPOSAL: __MAT200 – Language, Logic, and Proof__________ DEPARTMENT/DISCIPLINE:___Mathematics and Computer Science_________ I. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A basic course in the logic of mathematics, the construction of proofs and writing proofs. The mathematical content is primarily set theory, logic, number theory, introduction to some basic concepts related to functions and relations, and some Euclidean Geometry. There is considerable focus on writing proofs. This course is designed to better prepare students to take higher level mathematics courses. II. STATEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES (Course outcomes should be stated in the form of what students will be expected to learn in the course precise, e.g., “Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate . . . . ”) Upon successful completion of this course, the student will able to: A. use logical language, operations, and rules to create and interpret mathematical proofs. B. use the definition of sets and maps between them to create and interpret proofs about sets. C. use concepts from number theory and elementary Euclidean geometry to create and interpret proofs from those topics. D. prove elementary facts about functions and relations. E. read and critique proofs, and recognize basic errors in reasoning. F. construct and write mathematical proofs by using methods such as mathematical induction, proof by contradiction, direct proof, and proof by contraposition. III. RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENTS A. Credits and Contact Hours (Provide a rationale for proposed credits and contact hours. See the formula for credit hours and contact hours on the Curriculum Website.) B. Credit Hours___3___ Contact Hours__3___ Lecture__X___ Studio_____ Lab_____ Internship_____ Course Fees (Will the student be charged additional fees for this course?) Lab Fees___N/A_______ Course Fees___N/A_______ Please explain as necessary:____N/A_____________________ ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 9 C. Required/Elective/Restricted Elective (Will this be a required course? If so, for which curricula? Provide a rationale as to why this course should be required. If this is proposed as an elective or restricted elective course, state what elective category it will fulfill and why it is appropriate for that elective category.) MAT200 will be a required course in the Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Emphasis. The proof course is offered at the sophomore level in most four-year institutions to bridge the gap between freshman level math courses, such as calculus, which are procedural computational based, and upper level math courses such as real analysis and abstract algebra, which are based on logical reasoning and generalization. D. Prerequisites/Co-requisites (What prerequisites or co-requisites will be required for this course? Provide a rationale for these requirements.) C or better in MAT142 (Calculus II) Rationale: The proofs course in most colleges is offered in the third semester of the math major sequence. The prerequisite of most of the programs at peer institutions as well as the four year colleges is Calculus II (MAT142). E. Transferability (Would this course transfer to any other institutions? If so, give examples of transfer institutions/departments who would accept this course. Give the name(s) of the courses it would transfer as. Demonstrate how transferability was determined.) This course was modeled after Stony Brook University’s proofs course. In an e-mail to Dr. Scott Sutherland of the Mathematics Department at Stony Brook University, he indicated, after reviewing our proposed syllabus, that our proofs course is comparable to MAT200, Language, Logic, and Proof – the proofs course at Stony Brook University. A copy of the e-mail correspondence with Dr. Sutherland is attached. (Attachment I) A similar exchange of correspondence via e-mail took place with Dr. Barbara Bohannon, Provost of Articulation at Hofstra University. Dr. Bohannon is also a mathematics professor at Hofstra University. She forwarded our curriculum revisions to the Mathematics Chair at Hofstra University, Dr. Gillian Elston, who reviewed our proposed curriculum revisions and indicated that MAT200 is similar to their proofs course Math114 Introduction to Higher Mathematics, and hence will transfer. A ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 10 copy of the e-mail correspondence with Dr. Bohannon is attached. (Attachment II) ATTACHMENT I E-mail from Dr. Scott Sutherland, Professor of Mathematics and former Undergraduate Director at Stony Brook University ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 11 ATTACHMENT II Email correspondence with Dr. Barbara Bohannon, Associate Provost for Accreditation and Assessment and Dr. Gillian Elston, Mathematics Chair at Hofstra University regarding transferability of the proposed Proofs course as well as the proposed curriculum revisions ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 12 F. Master Schedule (How would this course fit into the Master Schedule? How often would it be offered? Would it be offered in the Fall? Spring? Summer? Winter?) The initial plan would be to offer the course every fall semester or every other fall semester, depending on demand. G. Estimate of student enrollment (How many students are anticipated to initially enroll in this course per semester? Per year? How were these enrollment figures determined?) 20 H. Class Size (What is the maximum number of students that should be allowed to enroll in one section of this course? Provide a rationale for this class size. Should the class size be forcible?) The maximum number of students that should be allowed to enroll in one section of this course is 28. Rationale: This course is similar in depth and scope to our Discrete Mathematics course (MAT205) which has a seat limit of 28 students. IV. RELATIONSHIP TO FACULTY A. Number of current faculty available to teach proposed course and number of additional faculty required. The department has 23 mathematics faculty members, almost all would be available to teach the course. No additional faculty would be required. B. Number of other staff positions required. None required. C. Discipline(s) required and/or minimum preparation in order to teach the course. MA or MS or PhD in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics V. RELATIONSHIP TO SUNY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS* Is this course being proposed as a SUNY General Education Course? YES ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 13 A. Identify which of the ten SUNY knowledge and skills areas the course would fulfill. *The ten SUNY knowledge and skill areas are Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, American History, Western Civilization, Other World Civilizations, Humanities, The Arts, Foreign Language, Basic Communication. Mathematics B. Demonstrate how the course outcomes map to the SUNY Learning Outcomes for the knowledge and skills areas you have identified. (See the Curriculum Website for further details about the required outcomes.) SUNY Learning Outcomes- Mathematics Students will demonstrate the ability to: interpret and draw inferences from mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, tables and schematics; (SLO A and B) represent mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically and verbally; (SLO F) employ quantitative methods such as, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or statistics to solve problems; (SLO C and D) estimate and check mathematical results for reasonableness; (SLO E) and recognize the limits of mathematical and statistical methods. (SLO F) MAT200 – Students Learning Outcomes (SLO) Upon successful completion of this course, the student will able to: A. use logical language, operations, and rules to create and interpret mathematical proofs. B. use the definition of sets and maps between them to create and interpret proofs about sets. C. use concepts from number theory and elementary Euclidean geometry to create and interpret proofs from those topics. D. prove elementary facts about functions and relations. E. read and critique proofs, and recognize basic errors in reasoning. F. construct and write mathematical proofs by using methods such as mathematical induction, proof by contradiction, direct proof, and proof by contraposition. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 14 C. How does this course incorporate the SUNY infused competencies of Critical Thinking and Information Management? (See the Curriculum Website for further details about the required outcomes for Information Management and Critical Thinking.) This course incorporates the SUNY infused competencies of Critical Thinking by requiring the students to: identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments as they occur in their own or others' work; and develop well-reasoned arguments. The nature of the course is such that it requires the students to read and critique proofs, and recognize basic errors in reasoning. This is just one of the student learning outcomes of this course. D. Do the faculty within the department/discipline agree to assess this course according to the approved *SUNY General Education Assessment Plan, using assessment measures, i.e., instruments that measure the attainment of student learning outcomes as described in the plan? *Be sure to see if the original assessment plan has been updated either through the strengthened campus-based assessment plan or through a closing-the-loop process. Contact Dr. Allen Jacobs, College Associate Dean for Assessment of Academic and Student Affairs for further information. Yes VI. COSTS List costs and space requirements. The cost of staffing this course is approximately $3,600- the equivalent of adjunct pay for teaching a 3-credit course. VII. COURSE SYLLABUS (See Appendix Below.) ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 15 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS FORM To meet the ideals of Suffolk County Community College, new courses should, if appropriate, consider issues arising from elements of cultural diversity in areas of textbook choice, selection of library and audio-visual materials, and teaching methodology. (Please note that a course syllabus is not the same as a course outline. A course syllabus outlines the general requirements for a course. A course outline is the specific document created by the individual faculty member to distribute to a specific course section. Please see the Faculty Handbook for further details as to what to include in a course outline. A SAMPLE course outline should be attached below.) I. Course Number and Title: (Be sure to consider whether this course is a 100- or 200-level course and give a rationale for the decision.) MAT 200 Language, Logic and Proof Rationale: This course is usually taken in the third semester in many mathematics curricula. The committee modeled this proofs course after the one offered at Stony Brook University, and their course is a sophomore level course, numbered MAT200. II. Catalog Description: A basic course in the logic of mathematics, the construction of proofs and writing proofs. The mathematical content is primarily set theory, logic, number theory, introduction to basic analysis, and Euclidean Geometry. There is considerable focus on writing proofs. A/ 3 cr. hrs. III. *Learning Outcomes: (Main concepts, principles, and skills you want students to learn from this course) Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: A. use logical language, operations, and rules to create and interpret mathematical proofs. B. use the definition of sets and maps between them to create and interpret proofs about sets. C. use concepts from number theory and elementary Euclidean geometry to create and interpret proofs from those topics. D. prove elementary facts about functions and relations. E. read and critique proofs, and recognize basic errors in reasoning. F. construct and write mathematical proofs by using methods, such as mathematical induction, proof by contradiction, direct proof, and proof by contraposition. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 16 IV. Programs that Require this Course: (List or indicate none.) Liberal Arts and Sciences: Mathematics Emphasis (LAMA-AA) V. Major Topics Required: Approximate Time (Including Examinations) Required Topics A. Introduction: A more rigorous approach to the familiar (revisit topics from algebra, real numbers, and calculus with an emphasis on understanding “why?” rather than “how”) Selections can be chosen from the list below or from other proofs found in earlier mathematics courses: 1. Proving the quadratic formula both algebraically and geometrically. 2. Deriving a formula for solving a system of 2 simultaneous linear equations in 2 unknowns. 3. Proving 1 1 weeks 2 3 1 weeks 2 3 1 weeks 2 2 is irrational. 4. Precise definition of limit and proving lim f ( x) L x a for linear functions. 5. The Binomial Theorem and proofs of the power, product and quotient rules for differentiation. 6. Showing that differentiable at a point implies continuous at a point. 7. Finding counterexamples. B. Logic 1. Statement, compound statements and truth values 2. Truth tables, logical equivalence, tautologies and contradictions 3. Conditional statements and their negation 4. Converse, inverse and contrapositive of conditional statements 5. Valid argument forms (rules of inference) 6. Proving arguments valid using truth tables 7. Proving arguments valid using the rules of inference 8. Brief introduction to universal and existential quantifiers and learning how to negate these quantifiers C. Elementary Number Theory 1. Natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers 2. Formal definition of even, odd, prime, composite, and “a divides b” 3. Quotient-Remainder Theorem 4. Euclidean Algorithm 5. Methods of proof illustrated by intuitive number theory results (direct proofs, proof by contradiction, proof by contraposition, proof by division into cases, uniqueness and existence proofs) 6. Mathematical induction ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 17 D. Set Theory 1. Basic definitions (set, set equality, operation on sets, empty set, partitions of sets, power sets, Cartesian product) 2. Basic set identities and their proofs 3. Disproving set properties 4. Proving that a set is an empty set E. Functions (Provide an understanding of what a function is and prove basic results) 1. Definition of a function and connections with set theory 2. Notion of well-defined 3. One-to-one, onto and inverse functions 4. Composition of functions F. Relations 1. Relations on sets 2. Reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity 3. Equivalence relations 4. Relation induced by a partition 5. Equivalence classes 6. Showing every equivalence relation induces a Partition 7. Connection between functions and relations G. Optional Topic 1. Introduction to Euclidean Geometry a. Introduction to axiomatic systems b. Proofs by construction involving circles, lines and triangles 2. Properties of continuous function VI. 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 1 weeks 2 Special Instructions: A. Prerequisite(s) to this Course: (List or indicate none) C or better in MAT142 (Calculus II) B. Course(s) that Require this Course as a Prerequisite: (List courses or indicate none) None C. External Jurisdiction: (List credentialing organization/association if appropriate or indicate none.) None VII. Supporting Information: (Examples – newspapers, journals, Internet resources, CD-ROMS, Videos, other teaching materials, textbooks, etc.) Textbook to be determined by the instructor teaching the course. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 18 VIII. Optional Topics: (List or indicate none) 1. 2. IX. Introduction to Euclidean Geometry a. Introduction to axiomatic systems b. Proofs by construction involving circles, lines and triangles Properties of continuous function Evaluation of Student Performance: List possible methods to be used for evaluating students’ achievement of the course’s learning outcomes. midterms Oral presentation 80% 20% 100% ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 19 X. Sample Course Outline (See Faculty Handbook online at for guidelines.) SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE MAT200 Course Outline Fall 2014 Instructor: Section: Course: Language, Logic and Proof CRN: Time and Location: Prerequisites: C or better in MAT142 Calculus II Telephone: E-mail: If an e-mail is sent, be sure to send out from your college account and identify yourself in the “subject” line. Unidentified e-mail is assumed to be a virus, and is deleted without being opened. Office hours: COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will able to: A. use logical language, operations, and rules to create and interpret mathematical proofs. B. use the definition of sets and maps between them to create and interpret proofs about sets. C. use concepts from number theory and elementary Euclidean geometry to create and interpret proofs from those topics. D. prove elementary facts about functions and relations. E. read and critique proofs, and recognize basic errors in reasoning. F. construct and write mathematical proofs by using methods, such as; mathematical induction, proof by contradiction, direct proof, and proof by contraposition. GRADING PRACTICE Students are expected to take all examinations. No make up tests will be given. Missing exams receive a grade of zero. Every student must take the oral examination in order to receive a passing grade for this course. If a student misses more than one exam, he/she will be withdrawn from the class. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 20 COURSE GRADE: There will be two midterms (80%) and one oral presentation (20%). Letter grades will be assigned based on the course average as follows: A: 90% and above C: 70%-74% B+: 85% - 89% D+: 65% - 69% B: 80% - 84% D: 60% - 64% C+: 75% - 79% F: below 60% College-Wide Attendance Policy: All students are expected to attend every session of each course for which they are registered. Students are responsible for all that transpires in class whether or not they are in attendance. The College defines excessive absence or lateness as more than the equivalent of one week of class meetings during the semester. Excessive absence or lateness may lead to failure in a course or removal from the class roster. INSTRUCTOR’S ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance at all classes is highly recommended. If more than three absences occur, the students may be withdrawn from the course. Absence from class on the day of an exam will be deemed the equivalent of having taken the test and receiving a “zero” on it. TEXTBOOK: TITLE: AUTHOR: PUBLISHER: ISBN: OUTLINE OF TOPICS Week 1 Introduction - part I Week 2 Introduction – Part II. Compound statements and truth values. Week 3 Truth table and conditional statements and their negation. Week 4 Converse, inverse, and contrapositive statements; valid argument form. Week 5 Week 6 Proving arguments valid using the truth tables and rules of inference. Number system and formal definition of even, odd, prime and composite numbers; Quotient and remainder theorem. Week 7 Week 8 Euclidean Algorithm and method of proof in number theory – direct proof, proof by contradiction and proof by contraposition. Uniqueness and existence proof and mathematical induction. Midterm 1 Week 9 Mathematical induction and basic definitions in set theory. Week 10 Basic set identities and their proof. Disproving set properties. Week 11 Proving that a set is an empty set. Definition of function and connection with set theory. Week 12 Notion of well defined function and one-to-one, onto and inverse functions Week 13 Composition of function and relations on sets. reflexivity, symmetry and transivity. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 21 Week 14 Week 15 Optional 1. 2. Equivalence relations, relation induced by a partition, equivalence classes. Connection between functions and relations. Midterm 2 Student oral presentations. Topics: (If time permits) Introduction to Euclidean Geometry c. Introduction to axiomatic systems d. Proofs by construction involving circles, lines and triangles Properties of continuous function MISCELLANEOUS: 1. No text-messaging!!! 2. Students should seek help when needed by visiting their instructor or the Math Learning Center [MLC, (631)451-4002] in R-235. The MLC hours are Mon. through Thurs.: 9 am ~ 6 pm; Fri.: 9 am ~ 2 pm; Sat.: 9 am ~ 1 pm. 3. Disruptions such as talking, eating, leaving and re-entering the room regularly and electronic devices frequently going off will not be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right (by college policy) to ask a disruptive student to leave the classroom for the day. 4. If you are a student who has a disability and is entitled to reasonable accommodations, please speak to me privately outside of class as soon as possible so that the accommodations can be in place in a timely fashion. If you have specific questions about obtaining these services, you can contact a special-needs counselor. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 New-Course Proposal Form, Pg. 22 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE EXECUTIVE DEAN’S ACKNOWLEDGMENT-OF-SUPPORT The Proposer should email completed proposal packet along with the Executive Dean’s Acknowledgment-of-Support Form. The Proposer should complete the top half of the form and the Executive Dean should check the “Support” or “Do Not Support” line based on the Campus’ ability to commit to implementing the proposal if it is approved through the Governance process. Criteria to consider for supporting this proposal are listed below. If the Executive Dean is in general support of the proposal but has specific concerns related to the proposal, these concerns should be stated in the comment section. If the Executive Dean does not support the proposal, specific reasons should be listed in the comment section. The Executive Dean should email completed form to Proposer so that it can be included in the proposal packet to be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee Chair. ****************************************************************** The Executive Dean’s Acknowledgement-of Support is a commitment to support the implementation of the course adoption in terms of: Academic Merit Availability of Personnel Adequacy of Facilities Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment ****************************************************************** This section to be filled out by Proposer: Name of Proposal: _ MAT200 – Language, Logic, and Proof Adopting Campus: A_X___ E____ G_____ ************************************************************************ This section to be filled out by Executive Dean: ____ X_____Support __________Do Not Support Name of Executive Dean:__George P. Tvelia______________________________ Date__10/18/13__________________________ Comments: This proposed course will better prepare our math majors for the upper level math courses they will be taking in their junior and senior years. ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008