HCPSS Worthwhile Math Task It All Adds Up! Common Core Standard 6.NS.B.4. Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12. Use the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. The Task A popular game show is creating a spin-off of its show where each game is won by using various math skills. The producers of the show want your class to test out a potential game. In this game there are four prizes you can win, each prize is labeled with its price and an addition problem. In order to win the game, you have to first solve each addition problem and then, using only the numbers in the price of the prize, create another math problem whose answer is the same as that of the addition problem. Each correct match wins you that prize! Correctly matching all four wins you all the prizes and a bonus cash prize! Here are the four prizes you could win. Good Luck! Cruise to the Bahamas A New iPad __________ __________ Mountain Bike Jet Ski $942 36 + 8 $583 15 + 24 $768 48 + 42 $7,312 36 + 21 __________ __________ Howard County Public Schools Office of Secondary Mathematics Curricular Projects has licensed this product under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. HCPSS Worthwhile Math Task Facilitator Notes 1. Place larger images of each prize on the front board; this is where students will post answers once the task has been completed. 2. Have students work individually or in pairs to complete the task; give each student or pair of students a copy of the sheet with the prizes on it and have them record their answers in the respective boxes for each prize. Also give them 4 sticky notes and have them record one answer on each to post on the board when directed. Allow students access to multiplication charts. (Look for evidence of MP1 and MP2.) 3. Once students have completed the task, have each student or pair come up to the board and place their sticky notes under each prize. Group common answers together and then have students share their solutions and what strategies they used to solve the problems. (You could also post each student’s or pair’s resource sheets around the room and allow students to do a brief gallery walk to view each other’s answers as well.) (Look for evidence of MP3.) 4. Lead class discussion about strategies, which worked best and why. (Look for evidence of MP3.) o Finding factors of each addend (quickest) o Guess and check 5. Continue the discussion by finding one prize that had different answers. Compare the answers and discuss whether or not they could be represented in the same way: o Example: Cruise Ship: 9+2= 11, 11 4 = 44 can be written 11(9+2) so they are actually the same answer. (Look for evidence of MP3.) 6. Complete the discussion by discussing the distributive property and how it could be/was used to find each solution. (Look for evidence of MP3.) 7. Extension Question: Connect the task to the English Common Core objective of argumentative writing by having students respond to the prompt below in a paragraph. o Write a statement to the game show producers telling them why you would or would not recommend they include this game on their show. Be sure to back up your response with examples from your experience playing the game and include any changes you think should be made and why they should be made. (Look for evidence of MP2, MP3.) 8. Extension Activity: Have students play it as a timed game in the classroom with different prizes and/or different amounts. Follow-Up Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What strategies did you use to find you answer? Was there more than one way to solve each problem? Was there more than one solution to each problem? How are the strategies the groups used to solve similar? How are the strategies the groups used to solve unique? Howard County Public Schools Office of Secondary Mathematics Curricular Projects has licensed this product under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. HCPSS Worthwhile Math Task Solutions Here are some potential solutions for the task: Cruise to the Bahamas A New iPad $942 36 + 8 = 44 $583 15 + 24 = 39 4(9 + 2) 3(5 + 8) 4 9 = 36, 4 2 = 8 36 + 8 = 44 3 5 = 15, 3 8 = 24 15 + 24 = 39 2 + 9 = 11, 11 4 = 44 8 + 5 = 13, 13 3 = 39 Mountain Bike Jet Ski $768 48 + 42 = 90 $7,312 36 + 21 = 57 6(8 + 7) 3(12 + 7) 6 8 = 48, 6 7 = 42 48 + 42 = 90 3 12 = 36, 3 7 = 21 36 + 21 = 57 8 + 7 = 15, 15 6 = 90 12 + 7 = 19, 19 3 = 57 Howard County Public Schools Office of Secondary Mathematics Curricular Projects has licensed this product under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.