PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards PIMA - NCC Award for Best Manager in Global Market Reach Nomination / Application form 01. Prospective Recipient’s Details Full Name PIMA Life Membership No (if applicable) NIC/Driving License/Passport No Photograph LinkedIn Profile Link Address: Residential Telephone Mobile E-Mail Personal Twitter Company Company Residential Company PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards 02). Company Details: Designation Name of the Company Company Website/ LinkedIn / Facebook Annual Turnover No of Employees 03). Achievements Academic / Professional Achievements (100 marks) (Bachelors/ Professional Qualification - 20, Masters - 30, Membership in a Professional Body - 30, Doctorate - 40) PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards 04). Academic / Professional Contributions (100 marks) (Article in academic publications, paper presentations at international conferences - 15 marks Articles in institutional publications, paper presentation at local conferences, fellowships - 10 marks each) 05). Contribution to your Organizations/ Industry’s Global Market Reach (200 marks) (Enhancement of shareholder value, Improve cost efficiency, Increase revenue growth, Enhance brand image overseas, expand market share overseas, high performance product, operational efficiency, innovation, implements policy, develops strategic competence, expand Capability with technology, etc. - 25 marks each) PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards 06). Contribution to the Society (200 marks) (Positions in social and not for profit organizations, Special activities introduced, initiated, responsibilities undertook and achievements - 25 marks each) 07). International / Local recognitions achieved by you individually or through your organization in the recent past (Last 5 years) (200 marks) (Based on Impact) PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards 08). Serving with professional bodies (150 marks) (Keynote speaker, Resource person, Panelist, etc. Office bearer - 30 marks per term, executive committee member 20 marks per term, member of subcommittee - 10 marks per item 50 marks per each participation) 09). Future goals (Personal, Business and Social) (50 marks) PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards 10). Any other facts you would like to mention I hereby state that the facts mentioned above are true and correct as per my knowledge and understanding Thank you Yours sincerely …………………………………………………. Prospective Recipient / Nominator PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards Details of the Nominator Full Name NIC/Driving License/Passport No Address: Residential Telephone Mobile E-Mail Personal Company Company Residential Company Twitter I hereby state that the facts mentioned above are true and correct as per my knowledge and understanding Thank you Yours sincerely …………………………………………………. Nominator 1st Endorsement PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards Full Name Designation Company Name Telephone Mobile E-Mail Personal Company Residential Company Twitter I endorse the prospective recipient to be worthy recipient of this prestigious award Thank you Yours sincerely …………………………………………………. Endorser PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards 2nd Endorsement Full Name Designation Company Name Telephone Mobile E-Mail Personal Company Residential Company Twitter I endorse the prospective recipient to be worthy recipient of this prestigious award Thank you Yours sincerely …………………………………………………. Endorser PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards Terms & Conditions 1. This award is open to all Public & Private sector professionals of the country 2. The prospective recipient could either apply by themselves or be nominated by a fellow professional. 3. The applications will close at 5.00 pm on the 29th February 2016, application received after the closing date will not be entertained. 4. The application should be recommended by two referees. a) The CEO/ Director of the company/institution in which the applicant is attached b) A person with a similar status in a recognized government / private organization. 5. The decision of the executive committee of PIMA will be final. 6. The present PIMA Executive Committee members are not eligible to apply or be nominated. 7. All information furnished shall be supported with documentary proof 8. PIMA Executive Committee will bear the sole right & authority of accepting the applications for each of the categories and will exclusively reserve the rights on the final decisions. A transparent mechanism will be deployed for the selection process, which will include reputed personnel chosen by the PIMA. 9. This is a private event and no other unauthorized third party body will bear any right to inspect / alter or appeal against the committee’s final decisions. 10. The applications could be submitted by either the prospective recipient or the nominating party. Nominators could be considered as a party who is in position to provided authenticated information about the candidate and who has genuine interest in showcasing the achievements of the candidate. A nominators could be an individual, a department or an organization. 11. The provision of incorrect / fraudulent information in the application will give rise to instant disqualification without justification. Also, Canvassing via any form will be an instant disqualification, and the applicant will be immediately informed of his repudiation, without justification. 12. No appeal / request would be entertained at any instance. Any other attempt to unofficially unethically influence any member of the panel of judges or PIMA Executive committee will be dealt with immediate disqualification from the contest. However, based on adequate justification solely PIMA-Olympics: National Management Awards on human grounds the PIMA Executive committee might consider & explore the possibility of introducing the services of an ombudsman based on a case by case basis, but will be not exclusively bound by such. 13. In the event of recipient of a particular award is proven guilty of a criminal offense by a court of law / or disbarred from a professional body, PIMA Executive Committee will bear the full right to nullify the award and demand the return of token. The award will be made to the next most eligible party. 14. If it comes to the notice of the PIMA Executive Committee that an awardee has furnished fraudulent / incorrect / incomplete information which have made a significant impact to the awarding decision, the committee bears the right to immediately nullify the award and demand the return of token. I hereby agree to the above rules and regulations stated above …………………………………………….. Prospective Recipient …………………………………………….. Nominator