Organized April 17, 1916 - Club No. 5371 - District 7390
Meets every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon
C/O The Yorktowne Hotel
48 E. Market Street
York PA 17401
Phone: 717-848-1370
March 6, 2014
William Penn & York Suburban High School Music Departments & Guidance Counselors
Rotary Club of York Arlington Kahley “Rising Musician” Scholarship
The Rotary Club of York is pleased to announce that we have a NEW SCHOLARSHIP for your students who plan to major in MUSIC EDUCATION or MUSIC PERFORMANCE to be awarded Spring 2014 for the
2014-2015 academic year. This $500 scholarship is based on musicianship and academics. We ask that you encourage any of your students who qualify, to apply for this new scholarship.
Student Education Committee will review applications received and select the students to be interviewed for the scholarship.
The following criteria are applicable for the Rotary Scholarships :
1. The scholarship is for the academic year beginning August 2014. It is a one-time award of
$500 payable to the Educational Institution
It is open only to students from the School District of the City of York and York Suburban
School District who are majoring in Music Education or Music Performance.
Scholarships are awarded without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, or national origin.
This scholarship is awarded based on musicianship and academics, with need as a secondary factor. Students must show that they are working to their potential within sole
7. discretion of the committee.
An interview with the York Rotary Club Student Scholarship Committee will be required and scheduled at the convenience of both the committee and student(s).
The York Rotary Student Scholarship Program and the Loan Program are not mutually exclusive.
If the student withdraws from the college or university, the scholarship (based on per cent refunded) shall be returned to the Rotary Club of York by the university as usual policy.
The application form and information are available on the Rotary Club of York website
). Select “Documents and Forms”, and then select “Forms”. Please download
(enable the macros if needed), complete, print, sign and return the application with requested documentation to the Rotary Club office, C/O The Yorktowne Hotel, 48 E. Market St., York PA 17401 before April 30, 2014. Do not hold application for the Student Aid Report (SAR) from the FAFSA – submit when received from federal government.
We would appreciate your help in selecting students to apply for this scholarship to honor our current
Rotarian, Arlington Kahley, who made this bequest to help the students of William Penn and York
Suburban attain their educational and professional goals within the music field.
If a student from your school receives a scholarship, you will be invited to attend the Rotary Club meeting with the student(s) and parents for the award. If you have any questions regarding the scholarship, please contact Roberta Oberdick in the York Rotary office at (717) 848-1370 or via email at
Patrick J. Rooney
Student Loan Committee Chair
Encl: Kahley Scholarship Application Form
Arlington Kahley graduated from William Penn High School, received a Bachelor’s degree from West
Chester State, and his Master’s degree in Music Education from Penn State University. He also attended the
Peabody School of Music. Art is the founder of the Pennsylvania Ambassadors of Music. He retired from York
Suburban High School as Chair of the Music Department and Director of Bands. He is past director of the York
City Band, York College Band, past member of the York Symphony Orchestra, and one of the organizers of the
York Youth Symphony Orchestra.
He has been a member of the Rotary Club of York since May 2002 and is a past President of the Rotary
Club of Red Lion where he was a member for 15 years. Art is an active member of the PA Music Educators
Association, Musical Director for 23 International Concert Tours, recipient of the Arion Medal for Distinguished
Musical Service from the York Chorus, and the Outstanding PA Bandsman award from Phi Beta Mu, an international bandmasters association.
This scholarship began as an honor to Art on his 90 th birthday (9/15/2012), to assist students in the music fields to achieve their academic goals in the world of music
Rev. 3/5/14