PG 113 114 115 116 117 117 118 118 119 119 Who Beatty Mildred Beatty Beatty Beatty Montag Montag Beatty Montag Beatty 119 Montag Literary Notes Fahrenheit 451 pp113-150 Quote/Paragraph Begins~ Significance “You weren’t fooled by…” Beatty knows Clarisse’s simple philosophy,curses it “Mildred came down the steps” Knows house will burn, gets out, “poor, poor family” “Its real beauty is that it destroys…” Got a problem? Burn it! Now Montag = problem-burn him! “I want you to do this job” Beatty forces Montag to burn his own house & ideas “When you’re finished, under arrest” “Was it my wife turned in alarm?” “…letting Beatty hit him” “We’ll trace this & drop in” “He twitched the safety catch” “Go ahead, you 2nd hand litterateur” 119 119 119 “We never burned right” Montag “Montag shut his eyes, shouted” Montag “spittle banging a red-hot stove” Beatty “Beatty flopped over and over…” 120 120 120 120 121 122 Montag Montag Montag Montag Montag Montag 122 124 125 127 128 129 130 130 131 132 132 132 133 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 144 144 145 145 146 147 147 147 148 149 150 150 Montag Montag Narrator Narrator Montag Montag Narrator Narrator Faber Narrator Faber Narrator Narrator Narrator Montag Montag Faber Narrator Narrator Narrator Narrator Montag Narrator Narrator Narrator Montag Granger Narrator Granger Granger Granger Narrator Granger Granger “Montag kept his sickness down” “Montag caught it in a bloom of fire” “He felt it scrabble and seize his leg” “his knee slammed by the fender” “Beatty, you’re not a problem now” “If we have to burn, let’s take more” Beatty has pushed Montag to the point of no return-arrest! Beatty nods that Mildred called in, her friends did earlier Montag feels so defeated, he lets Beatty beat him Green bullet out of Montag’s ear, Beatty threatens Faber! Faber threatened, now Montag takes action against Beatty Beatty calls Montag’s bluff with the flamethrower Last words to Beatty as Montag burns him Sound of Beatty burning was the worst part What sound of Beatty burning was like for Montag He looked like a melting wax doll or salt foaming snail Montag did not enjoy burning Beatty Montag burns the Mechanical Hound, too! Before the Hound burned it injected Montag’s leg. A second after its injection, Montag’s leg knee hit by car Beatty taught Montag to burn away problems-he did! Montag collects remaining hidden books to plant in firemen house “Beatty wanted to die” “Now he must be clean & presentable” “police helicopters…turned into beatles” “beatle scuttling after its running food” “I wonder if they … killed Clarisse” “thing that saved him was falling flat” “he hid the books in the kitchen” “small light flickered in Faber’s house” “I felt alive for the first time in years” “head for the river & hit railroad lines” “they say there’s lots of Harvard degrees on the tracks” “a television screen the size of a postal card” “new mechanical hound brought from another district” “follow the hound by camera helicopter” “so they must have their game out’ “wipe down the furniture with alcohol” ‘suitcase, fill it with your dirtiest clothes” “mechanical hound turned & plunged away” “on the count of 10 now, One, two!’ “he was at the river, then dressed in Faber’s old clothes” “he floated on his back” “now the guild of the asbestos weaver must open shop very soon” “the forest seeing him! The hound!” “there was a smell like…” “foot hit something than rang duly, railroad track” “Clarisse had walked here, where he was walking now” ‘all right, you can come out now!” “five old men dressed in dark blue denim” “name’s Granger, the best thing is bottom’s up” “It’ll change the chemical makeup of your perspiration” “they’re sniffing for a scapegoat to end things” “The search is over; Montag is dead” “you might as well know all of us now; Dr. Professor, Reverend” “the Book of Ecclesiastes would be fine”