On May 27, 1992, a breadline in Sarajevo was

10. A sequence of telephone scams has _____ deep concerns; therefore, parents of school kids
keep closer touch with teachers.
(A) exceeded
(B) fueled
(C) demonstrated
(D) reflected
11. A dispute arose when the Chinese government changed the name of the _____ of 2008
Olympic Game, from "Friendlies" to "FuWa." (福娃)
(A) prediction
(B) totem
(C) vision
(D) mascot
12. Compared to other supermarket groups such as RTMart ( 大潤發) and Geant ( 愛買),
Carrefour(家樂福) _____ the market with more than 50 stores islandwide, which makes it the
largest retail group in Taiwan.
(A) recognizes
(B) dominates
(C) profits
(D) represents
13. The iPod, a music player designed by the Apple Computer, can hold more than 20 times as
much music as a _____ MP3 player which will likely be out of fashion in the near future.
(A) conventional
(B) influential
(C) lasting
(D) extensive
14. Great _____ have been made in cloning technology. Sooner or later, people could get
burgers made from cloned meat.
(A) combinations
(B) inquiry
(C) strides
(D) connections
15. Rose is _____ passion.
(A) symbolic of
(B) on the verge of
(C) indispensable to
(D) in anticipation of
16. When learning that the pop singer had committed suicide, the fans were all _____ sadness.
(A) derived from
(B) supposed to
(C) familiar with
(D) overwhelmed by
17. Such a lucky girl is Jane that she is _____ good looks and wealth.
(A) burdened with
(B) endowed with
(C) initiated into
(D) rich in
18. People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very _____ develop skin cancer.
(A) opposed to
(B) prone to
(C) boiled down to
(D) inspired to
19. To keep young good looks, many women have become _____ buying anti-aging cosmetics.
(A) suited to
(B) synonymous with (C) obsessed with
(D) faced with
20. The chef in the newly-opened seafood restaurant _____ such shellfish as lobsters and crabs.
(A) has his share of (B) pays tribute to
(C) is unaware of
(D) specializes in
三年級 英文科 第三次定期考查試題卷
注意:1~65 題於答案卡上作答,答案卡班級、座號未畫記或書寫不清者扣 5 分。
Part A 選擇題 (70%)
一、長春藤字彙片語測驗 20%(每題 1 分)
1. I am _____ to colds because of my weak lungs.
(A) invisible
(B) initial
(C) susceptible
(D) available
2. Even though I cleaned the pan, the smell of fish _____.
(A) lingered
(B) paraded
(C) extended
(D) resumed
3. Thanks to wireless Internet service, it's easier than ever before to have _____ to the Internet
in Taipei.
(A) target
(B) routine
(C) eradication
(D) access
4. A small group of demonstrators _____ a protest against the government's policy of building a
new power plant.
(A) depicted
(B) staged
(C) advanced
(D) incorporated
5. In recent years, organic products have become popular, because there are much more
health-_____ consumers than before.
(A) inherent
(B) targeted
(C) looming
(D) conscious
6. Due to the bribery scandal he was involved in, it is _____ that the manager will be tossed in
(A) inevitable
(B) domestic
(C) meticulous
(D) reputable
7. Antarctic is _____ to humans, because 98% of its land is covered with ice. As a result, it is
mainly inhabited by marine animals such as penguins and seals.
(A) domesticated
(B) indispensable
(C) inhospitable
(D) triumphant
8. Two days after the earthquake, the rescue workers had not given up their hope but _____
their efforts to search for the twins trapped in the rubble of the collapsed building.
(A) interrupted
(B) intensified
(C) mimicked
(D) eliminated
9. To lessen the harmful effect of global warming, it is _____ to plant more trees and to stop
(A) undeniable
(B) well-balanced
(C) crucial
(D) equivalent
二、克漏字測驗 30%(每題 1 分)
On May 27, 1992, a breadline in Sarajevo was bombed, killing 22 innocent civilians.
__21__ the massacre, a musician named Vedran Smailovic determined to play the cello in the
street of Sarajevo. For each of the next 22 days, at 4 p.m., Smailovic __22__ his full, formal
concert dress, took up his cello and walked out of his apartment into the midst of the battle
raging around him. Sitting beside the crater that the shell had made, he played one of the most
mournful and haunting pieces in the classical repertoire. He played to the __23__ streets,
destroyed trucks, and burning buildings, and to the terrified people who hid in the cellars while
the bombs dropped and bullets flew. __24__ masonry exploding around him, he made his
unimaginably courageous __25__ for human dignity, for those lost to war, for civilization and
for peace. Even though the shellings went on, he was never hurt.
After newspapers picked up the story of Smailovic, __26__ was David Wilde, an English
composer, that he wrote a composition for unaccompanied cello, “The Cellist of Sarajevo,”
__27__ he poured his feelings of outrage, love, and brotherhood with Vedran Smailovic. In
1994, at the International Cello Festival in Manchester, Yo-Yo Ma played the work by David
Wilde. After the performance, Ma stood up and signaled someone to come to the stage. __28__,
it was Smailovic, the cellist of Sarajevo! The audience erupted __29__ a chaotic, emotional
excitement while Ma and Samilovic cried __30__ and embraced each other on the stage.
21. (A) In the sight of
22. (A) put himself on
23. (A) which was deserting
24. (A) In
25. (A) stand
26. (A) Such moving
27. (A) which
28. (A) Fortunately
29. (A) in
30. (A) shamefully
(B) dressed himself in
(B) people abandoned
(B) For
(B) sympathy
(B) Moved as
(B) with whom
(B) Consequently
(B) out
(B) unashamedly
But what is the origin of these new diseases? Most new diseases begin when a person
catches something from an animal, __36__ by chance or even the weather. However, studying
the causes of disease emergence, ecologists find that human ambition is a __37__ more
significant force. Almost any activity that disturbs a natural environment can increase the
mobility of __38__ microbes. For instance, in 1999, Malaysian pig farmers started to replace
forestland __39__ barns; thus, fruit bats started living in the rafters and contaminated the pigs’
drinking water with the now-known Nipah virus. The outbreak of the deadly virus ended when
Malaysian government slaughtered 1 million pigs and closed 8 farms. The example told us that
the threat of the virus can never be taken __40__ seriously.
31. (A) By contrast
32. (A) It seemed not
33. (A) to be evolved
34. (A) Unfortunately
35. (A) as much as
36. (A) shaped
37. (A) very
38. (A) causing-disease
39. (A) into
40. (A) enough
(C) To regard
(D) As soon as seen
(C) wearing in
(D) dressed in
(C) abandoning
(D) deserted
(C) With
(D) Upon
(C) pity
(D) position
(C) Moving though (D) So moved
(C) into which
(D) what
(C) Surprisingly (D) Additionally
(C) for
(D) at
(C) shamelessly
(D) with shame
(B) That is to say
(B) It didn’t seem
(B) evolving
(B) Out of the question
(B) some
(B) shaping
(B) so
(B) caused-disease
(B) with
(B) much more
(C) Nevertheless
(D) Contrarily
(C) It wasn’t seem
(D) Not seeming
(C) evolved
(D) to evolve
(C) There is no knowing (D)There is no doubt
(C) many
(D) a number of
(C) to be shaped
(D) which shaped by
(C) far
(D) too
(C) disease-causing
(D) disease-caused
(C) for
(D) in
(C) too
(D) very
According to a British psychologist and his colleagues, the notion __41__ geniuses were
born with talents is a myth. They concluded that excellence is determined by opportunity,
encouragement, training and, __42__, practice. After training, even common people can reach
levels thought __43__ only by gifted individuals. Talent is a myth and it is time that we __44__
it. The theory, __45__ traditional beliefs, has been applauded by academics worldwide. Take
players and composers for example. Prominent players who were believed to be exceptionally
talented needed lengthy periods of instruction and practice. __46__, composers have been found
to practice regularly and intensively over a period of several years. During this period, unusual
opportunities were provided, __47__ strong expectations that a child would do well. What
makes a genius then? __48__ an answer may be difficult, the response of researchers is simply
this: practice outweighs talent. __49__ people need is not the recognition of their talents,
__50__ their own effort and diligence.
SARS may have dominated the headlines in the spring of 2003. __31__, it wasn’t the only
weird disease on the World health Organization’s radar screen. Other new infectious diseases
such as Ebola fever and bird flu also emerged last year. The parade of those frightening new
diseases continued, showing that our species were threatened. __32__ that way 30 years
ago—not with smallpox largely defeated and medical science __33__ quickly. Although
optimists proclaimed victory over the germ, the dark side of progress is now unmistakable.
__34__ that many of the advances that have made our lives more comfortable have also made
them more dangerous. Since the 1970s, __35__ 30 new diseases have cropped up, causing tens
of millions of deaths.
41. (A) what
42. (A) in particular
43. (A) as attainable
44. (A) to demolish
45. (A) as well as
46. (A) Otherwise
47. (A) combined
48. (A) To find
49. (A) That
50. (A) but
(B) which
(B) all in all
(B) that are attainable
(B) demolished
(B) in line with
(B) Though
(B) which combining
(B) Finding
(B) What
(B) or
(C) in which
(C) that is
(C) to be attainable
(C) demolishing
(C) contrary to
(C) Likewise
(C) combining with
(C) Find
(C) Things
(C) not
四、閱讀測驗 10%(每題 2 分)
(D) that
(D) for example
(D) for attainable
(D) demolish
(D) rather than
(D) Therefore
(D) combined with
(D) While finding
(D) Those
(D) and
This year, five million people will be newly infected with HIV and more than three million
people will die of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses. Today, just one in five people at risk of HIV has
access to the information and tools they need to prevent it, and millions are in urgent need of
antiretroviral medicines. WHO is working with countries:
• To prevent people becoming infected with HIV—helping them change their behaviors to
reduce HIV risks and making prevention commodities, such as condoms, widely available.
• To expand the availability of treatment.
• To provide the best care for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
三、文意選填 10%(每題 1 分)
A. unlike
B. contrasts
C. speaks of
D. best-known
AB. builds on AC. invokes AD. personifies AE. preserved
The global TB epidemic causes nearly nine million cases of disease and kills about two million
people each year. The good news is that the prevalence of TB cases has dropped by 20% since
1990. The bad news is that the TB situation in Africa is now so grave that it was declared a
WHO emergency by African Ministers of Health. WHO leads the global drive to expand the use
of an internationally recommended strategy to fight TB. The DOTS Strategy can cure up to
95% of patients, even in the poorest countries, and is now being used in 182 countries.
E. original
BC. primary
Shakespeare’s eighteen sonnet is perhaps the __51__ and most well-loved one of all 154
poems. It is the conventional Shakespearean sonnet that explores conventional themes in an
__52__ way.
The first line of the first quatrain introduces the __53__ conceit of the sonnet, the
comparison of the speaker’s beloved to a summer’s day. The speaker then __54__ the
comparison, describing his beloved in a way that could also describe summer.
In the second quatrain, the speaker __55__ the sky by using the metaphor of an “eye” for
the sun so that he can make the comparison between a person and a season vivid. By assigning
heaven an “eye,” the speaker __56__ the images of his beloved’s eyes.
The third quatrain no longer focuses on the mutability of summer, but __57__ the eternal
nature of the memory of the beloved. He assures his beloved that her “eternal summer shall not
fade,” using summer as a metaphor for her beauty and youth.
Additionally, the speaker sharply __58__ the life spans of his poem and his memory of the
beloved with the fleeting nature of a summer’s day. He brags that, __59__ a summer’s day, his
poetry and the memory of his beloved will last “so long as men can breathe or eyes can see.”
Shakespeare used a conventional form of poetry to praise poetry and his beloved. He spoke
with pride that both would be __60__ nearly eternally. Even four hundred years later, no one
can refute it.
51. ______
52. ______
53. ______
54. ______
55. ______
56. ______
57. ______
58. ______
59. ______
60. ______
Malaria and other diseases
Malaria kills more than one million people a year – most of them children under five in Africa.
In fact, on average a child in Africa dies every 30 seconds from a malaria infection caused by
the bite of a mosquito. WHO urges four main strategies to tackle malaria:
• prevention, through protection against mosquito bites;
• rapid treatment with effective anti-malarial medicines;
• a special effort to protect pregnant women and young children;
• pre-empting epidemics by detecting them and acting swiftly to stop them.
61. The information in this passage is mostly about _____?
(A) the ecology of disease transmission from insects to humans
(B) the symptoms of the deadly diseases and other related illnesses
(C) why people in poor countries are more likely to get infected with deadly diseases
(D) the danger of the three diseases and what WHO has done so far
62. Where would this article probably found?
(A) In a geography textbook.
(B) In a guidebook.
(C) In a WHO brochure.
(D) In a design magazine.
六、翻譯 10%
63. According to the death tolls a disease causes per year, which disease is the deadliest?
(B) Tuberculosis.
(C) Malaria.
D) All of the above.
64. Which statement is TRUE?
(A) A mosquito bite can lead to malaria, and even death, if not treated carefully.
(B) Most people at high risk of HIV have adequate knowledge to well protect themselves.
(C) The TB epidemic in Africa is so severe that it kills many people, mostly children.
(D) The DOTS Strategy successfully curb the spread of malaria in poor countries.
65. What does the word pre-empting mean?
(A) to cure a disease after it breaks out
(B) to prevent something from happening
(C) to make something take place earlier than expected
(D) to get a shot of a vaccine against a certain disease
76. 周杰倫(Jay)的音樂被認為是值得一聽。(3%)
77. 為了成功,他投注很多時間及精力於音樂上。(4%)
78. Robert 說起話來彷彿他和 Einstein 一樣是個天才。(3%)
Part B 非選擇題:請於答案卷上作答(30%)
五、單字填充 20%(每題 2 分)
66. The teacher and all the other students burst out laughing s
y as soon as Jim finished
telling the joke.
67. The evidence c
med the police’s suspicion that that man was murdered instead of
committing suicide.
68. Her violent crying s
ed into a soft sobbing and finally she was back to her calmness
69. It was really an i
e and unforgettable experience for me to encounter my favorite star
in the pub. I was so overjoyed that I didn’t even know how to tell my friends about it.
70. Teresa is a kind teacher. She always shows c
n for the students who are in need and
helps them all the time.
71. Bill always b
ts that he is the best employee in his company. But, the truth is that he is
only showing off his talent.
72. The lawyer r
ed his argument that the suspect was innocent by giving a new evidence
to the chief judge.
73. She was so i
ed in reading the novel that she didn’t hear the phone ring.
74. In order to increase the number of female workers, the boss d
ed in favor of hiring
women employees.
75. Sally was a determined girl. She would try any c
e means to achieve her purposes.