Assessment Test Questions

Product 6a
Anthony Artino
Below are ten short-answer items designed to assess student knowledge of Sleep
Physiology. The four performance objectives being assessed are also included.
Information: Identify the characteristics of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep.
1. The state of sleep characterized by a slowing of brain activity, and the one that is
conventionally subdivided into four stages, is known as __________ sleep.
2. The state of sleep characterized by an increase in brain activity, muscle
relaxation, and bursts of rapid eye movement is known as __________ sleep.
3. NREM sleep consists of four stages (1, 2, 3, and 4). Typically, only a very slight
stimulus is required to cause arousal from stages ___ and ___.
4. Two of the four stages of NREM sleep are categorized as deep sleep and require
a much larger stimulus to produce an arousal. The two stages are ___ and ___.
5. This state of sleep has an arousal threshold that is variable. The state is
__________ sleep.
6. Following stage 4 sleep, the brain enters __________ sleep.
Information: Identify the sleep requirements for the average adult.
7. For optimal performance and alertness, studies have demonstrated that the
average adult human requires ___ hours of sleep.
Information: Identify the amount of sleep deprivation associated with a decrease in human
performance and alertness.
8. Current scientific data suggest that significant decreases in performance and
alertness can occur if an individual sleeps ___ hours less than his body
physiologically requires.
Information: Identify the characteristics of recovery sleep following sleep deprivation.
9. Laboratory studies have shown that following sleep deprivation, recovery sleep
tends to be __________ rather than longer.
10. The only remedy for sleep deprivation is __________.
Answers: 1. NREM; 2. REM; 3. 1 and 2; 4. 3 and 4; 5. REM; 6. REM; 7. 8 (8.25 and 8.5 are also
acceptable answers); 8. 2; 9. deeper; 10. sleep (recovery sleep is also an acceptable answer).
Product 6b
Anthony Artino
Below are two essay items designed to assess student knowledge of Sleep
Physiology. The two performance objectives being assessed are also included.
Information: State the characteristics of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid
eye movement (REM) sleep.
Describe the characteristics of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep. Be sure to discuss/identify: 1) brain activity during each
state of sleep; 2) the stages of NREM sleep and their classification; and 3) the
state where dreams occur.
Scoring Plan:
2 points
1. States that NREM is characterized by a slowing of brain activity
and that REM is characterized by an increase in brain activity.
3 points
2. Identifies the four stages of NREM sleep as stages 1, 2, 3, and
4 and identifies stages 1 and 2 as light sleep and 3 and 4 as
deep sleep.
1 point
3. States that the mental activity of REM sleep is associated with
Information: State the characteristics of the sleep architecture of the normal adult
Describe the sleep architecture of the normal adult human. Be sure to discuss:
1) entry into a normal sleep cycle; 2) the cyclic nature of REM and NREM sleep
states; 3) time spent in each state; 4) the stages of NREM sleep, progression
through those stages, and depth of sleep within those stages; and 5) arousal
thresholds for each sleep state/stage.
Scoring Plan:
1 point
1. States that humans enter sleep through NREM.
2 points
2. States that NREM and REM sleep alternate cyclically through
the night with an average period of about 90 minutes.
1 point
3. States that during a typical sleep period, the average adult
spends about 75% of the time in NREM sleep and 25% of the
time in REM sleep.
3 points
4. Identifies the four stages of NREM sleep as stages 1, 2, 3, and
4; identifies progression from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4; and identifies
stages 1 and 2 as light sleep and 3 and 4 as deep sleep.
3 points
5. Identifies arousal thresholds as: 1) low threshold for light sleep
(stage 1 and 2); 2) high threshold for deep sleep (stage 3 and
4); and 3) variable threshold for REM sleep.
Product 7a
Anthony Artino
Below are five multiple-choice items designed to assess student knowledge of Altitude
Physiology. Correct answers are underlined.
Concept: Identify examples and non-examples of subjective and objective hypoxia
1. All of the following are examples of subjective hypoxia symptoms that one might
experience at 25,000 feet without supplemental oxygen, EXCEPT:
Air hunger
Chest pain
Loss of visual acuity
Muscle fatigue
2. Which of the following is an objective symptom of hypoxia that you would expect to
see in a person that has been off supplemental oxygen for three minutes at 25,000
3. A student complains of dizziness, hot flashes, and muscle fatigue after two minutes
without supplemental oxygen at 25,000 feet. This student is most likely suffering from
which of the following ailments?
Decompression sickness
Rule: Given two of three cardiovascular variables, use the cardiac output equation to
calculate the third variable.
4. What is the cardiac output of an individual with a heart rate of 72 beats per minute
and a stroke volume of 80 milliliters per beat?
4760 ml/minute
5760 ml/minute
6760 ml/minute
7770 ml/minute
5. Given a heart rate of 90 beats per minute, what stroke volume is required to get a
cardiac output of 7700 milliliters per minute?
70.6 ml/beat
85.6 ml/beat
87.0 ml/beat
90.2 ml/beat
Product 7b
Anthony Artino
Below are ten true-false items designed to assess student knowledge of Altitude
Physiology. Correct answers are underlined.
Concept: Identify examples and non-examples of subjective and objective hypoxia
1. T or F
Headache is a subjective symptom of hypoxia.
2. T or F
Tingling in the fingertips is an objective symptom of hypoxia.
3. T or F
A dry, unproductive cough is a subjective symptom of hypoxia.
4. T or F
All of the following are examples of subjective symptoms of hypoxia:
dizziness, air hunger, loss of color vision, and muscle fatigue.
Rule: Given two of three cardiovascular variables, use the cardiac output equation to
calculate the third variable.
5. T or F
A person with a stroke volume of 90 milliliters per beat and a heart rate of
60 beats per minute has a cardiac output of 5400 milliliters per minute.
Concept: Identify examples and non-examples of the four types of hypoxia.
6. T or F
A person who has recently donated blood is said to be suffering from
histotoxic hypoxia.
7. T or F
Smokers suffer from anemic hypoxia.
8. T or F
The type of hypoxia that occurs when a person goes above 10,000 feet
without supplemental oxygen is call stagnant hypoxia.
9. T or F
Stagnant hypoxia occurs when an aviator experiences increased
gravitational forces (Gs) while flying.
10. T or F
Alcohol consumption is an example of histotoxic hypoxia.