Teacher License Level Subject Matter Test1 Test Code Adult Basic Education (ABE) N/A Adult Basic Education (first administration 11/20/04) 55 Biology 5-8, 8-12 Biology 13 Business 5-12 Business 19 Chemistry 5-8, 8-12 Chemistry 12 Dance All Dance 46 Early Childhood PreK-2 Early Childhood + Foundations of Reading2 02 + 90 Earth Science 5-8, 8-12 Earth Science 14 Elementary 1-6 General Curriculum3 + Foundations of Reading2 03 + 90 English 5-8, 8-12 English 07 English as a Second Language (ESL) English Language Learners (ELL) Foreign Language A Competency Review4 is required for subjects where a test is not offered. License no longer issued. PreK-6 English Language Learners + General Curriculum 54 + 03 5-12 English Language Learners + one of the following MTEL exams in the core academic subjects at the 5-8 or 8-12 grade level: arts (Dance, Theater, Visual Arts), English, Mathematics (47 or 09 only), science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, Physics), foreign languages including Latin, History, Middle School Humanities, Middle School Math/Science, Political Science/Political Philosophy, Reading Specialist. 54 + core academic subject matter test PreK6,5-12 Chinese (Mandarin) 29 French 26 German 27 Italian 30 Portuguese 32 Russian 31 Spanish 28 General Science 1-6 Competency Review.4 General Science (10) will also meet this requirement. - 5-8 General Science 10 Health/Family and Consumer Sciences All Health Education 21 History 1-6 Competency Review.4 History (06) will also meet this requirement. - 5-8, 8-12 History 06 Home Economics License no longer issued. Instructional Technology All Competency Review4 N/A Latin & Classical Humanities 5-12 Latin and Classical Humanities 15 Library All Competency Review4 N/A Mathematics 1-6 Elementary Mathematics. Middle School Mathematics (47) OR Mathematics (09) will also meet this requirement. 53 5-8 Middle School Mathematics, OR Mathematics. 47 or 09 8-12 Mathematics 09 Middle School: Humanities(English/History) 5-8 Middle School Humanities. The English (07) + History (06) test will also meet this requirement. 50 Middle School: Mathematics/Science 5-8 Middle School Mathematics/Science. Middle School Mathematics (47) + General Science (10) OR Mathematics (09) + General Science (10) will also meet this requirement. 51 Music: Vocal/Instrumental/General All Music 16 Physical Education PreK-8, 5-12 Physical Education 22 Physics 5-8, 8-12 Physics 11 Political Science/Political Philosophy 5-8, 8-12 Political Science/Political Philosophy 48 Social Studies Speech License no longer issued. All Speech 44 Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities PreK-8 General Curriculum 3 + Foundations of Reading2. In addition, a Competency Review4 is required for a Preliminary license. 03 + 90 5-12 General Curriculum3 + Foundations of Reading,2 OR one of the following MTEL subject matter tests: English, Mathematics (47 or 09 only), Middle School Humanities, Middle School Math/Science, science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, Physics), History or Political Science/Political Philosophy + Foundations of Reading2 In addition, a Competency Review4 is required for a Preliminary license. 03 + 90 OR subject matter test + 90 Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities All General Curriculum3. In addition, a Competency Review4 is required for a Preliminary license. 03 Teacher of the Deaf and Hardof-Hearing:American Sign Language/Total Communication orOral/Aural Levels All ASL/Total Communication: General Curriculum3 + test of ASL approved by the Department (to be identified) + EITHER Foundations of Reading2, OR DOE approved test of teaching of reading to deaf and hard of hearing students (to be identified). In addition, a Competency Review4 is required for a Preliminary license. Oral/Aural Levels: All of the above EXCEPT FOR ASL test 03 + 90 OR03 + other Tests Teacher of the Visually Impaired All General Curriculum3 + Foundations of Reading.2 In addition, a Competency Review4 is required for a Preliminary license. 03 + 90 Technology/ Engineering 5-12 Technology/Engineering (formerly Technology Education) 33 Theater All Theater 45 Visual Art PreK-8, 5-12 Visual Art 17 Specialist Teacher License Level Subject Matter Test*1 Testcode Academically Advanced PreK-8 Academically Advanced. 52 Reading Specialist All Reading Specialist 08 Speech, Language, and Hearing All No subject test required for Initial N/A Disorders license. Transitional Bilingual Education License no longer issued. Administrator License Level Subject Matter Test (See Communication & Literacy Skills Test Requirements) Test Code Superintendent/Asst. Superintendent All Subject matter test not required N/A School Principal/Asst. School Principal PreK-6589-12 Subject matter test not required N/A Supervisor/Director Based on Prerequisite License Subject matter test not required N/A Special Education Administrator All Subject matter test not required N/A School Business Administrator All Subject matter test not required N/A Subject Matter Test (See Communication & Literacy Skills Test Requirements) Test Code Professional Support Personnel License Level School Guidance Counselor PreK-8512 Subject matter test not required N/A School Nurse All Subject matter test not required N/A School Psychologist All Subject matter test not required N/A School Social Worker/School Adjustment Counselor All Subject matter test not required N/A