University of Central Florida Bluetooth Wireless MP3 Player Computer Engineering Program School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science University of Central Florida Orlando, FL 32816-2450 Team Members: Project Mentor: Jesse Gusse Sylvester Harding Jim Killingsworth Charles Osborne Janusz Zalewski, Ph.D. -1- Abstract The Wireless MP3 Player allows the user to access, via Bluetooth, MP3 files located on their PC's, and listen to them with a set of headphones from anywhere in the house. The user interface is on a Palm computer (client) which shows a listing of the MP3's that currently reside on the remote PC (server), as well as commands to control the song (or other audio) selection, play, pause, etc. Communication, via Bluetooth, between headphones and Palm on client side, and MP3's on the server side, is controlled by a microcontroller. The user selects an MP3 via Palm, the command is sent via the microcontroller, through Bluetooth, to the server, which then streams this selected MP3 back, via Bluetooth, and the microcontroller directs it to the user's handheld device, which is then played through their headphones. The report describes… -2- 1. System Overview MP3 players have made an impact on the market, yet still lack in sufficient data storage. Home PC's have been able to handle mass data, but unless a user is near the PC audio speakers, they can't take advantage of their mass amount of MP3's. The objective of this project is to address both problems and develop an MP3 player with wireless access to PC storage. The system to accomplish this task is an MP3 Wireless Player. It is a Personal Area Network for home use (Fig. 1). In essence, the system will allow a user to access and listen to his or her MP3's located on their PC's from anywhere in their house with a set of headphones. The user interface is an LCD display (client) which will present a real-time listing of the MP3's that currently reside on their remote PC (server), as well as commands for the user to control the song (or other audio) selection, play, pause, etc. First, the user selects an MP3; the server then will stream this selected MP3 to the user's handheld device, which will then be played through their headphones. Fig. 1 MP3 Wireless Player -3- This way an individual can listen to any of their MP3's anywhere in or around their house or place of business. The market demand for this is outweighed only by the further potential applications. It can then be extended to include any sort of audio output, such as an answering machine, etc. With permission, users can possibly one day access an MP3 server anywhere that is within 100 feet of them. This project includes both software and hardware design. The goal is to make a reproducible, affordable, and efficient product that meets a market demand. 1.1 Requirement Specification 1.1.1 General Overview The system has two major components, the Client and the Server (Fig. 2). The Client has multiple inputs and multiple outputs. The Client's inputs are the Bluetooth signal from the Server and operator commands from an external interface. The Bluetooth signal is what data is streamed to; for this system it is MP3 and items list data (songs, other audio files, etc.). Operator commands are such as PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, etc. Fig.2 MP3 Wireless Player System Architecture -4- The Client's outputs include audio signal, local screen output, as well as service requests to the Server. The audio signal is for the user to listen to the MP3's he or she chooses. The local screen output is composed of text messages addressed to the operator. The service requests go to the Server from the Client and include which song to choose. The Server has multiple inputs and outputs as well. Its inputs include the Bluetooth signal which carries commands and service requests from the Client, which are the same as Client's outputs, but also regular file access to MP3 data. The Server's outputs include MP3 and song list data and are identical to respective inputs of the Client. 1.1.2 Functional Requirements The Client shall accept from the operator the following commands to the Server: SELECT, PLAY, PAUSE, SKIP, and CANCEL. Further commands may be added later. All commands accepted by the Client from the operator shall be transmitted to the Server via Bluetooth signal. The Server shall be able to handle commands from multiple Clients simultaneously. The Server shall react to the SELECT command by providing the client with a list of audio files available for transfer. The Server shall react to the PLAY command by sending the requested data to the Client. This data will be decoded by a DSP since it is in MP3 format. There will be a buffer so that the MP3 is consistent and not cutting in and out. The Server shall react to the first PAUSE command by stopping the stream of data, yet remaining at the same location within the MP3.. -5- The Server shall react to the second PAUSE command by starting at the memory location at which the first PAUSE command stopped it. The Server shall react to the SKIP command by ending the current MP3 it is streaming and skipping to the next or previous file in the file directory, and then stream this MP3. The Server shall react to the CANCEL command by ending execution of any currently executing command and placing itself in an initial state. In case the Server is unable to react to the Client's command correctly, it should return an error message as follows: "Cannot process request, please choose again". The Client shall accept the MP3 data sent from the Server, in the following forms: File list as plain text, and MP3 encoded data. The client shall generate the audio signal in response to the MP3 data received and deliver it to an output such as a pair of headphones. 1.1.3 Performance Requirements The Client shall primarily be battery powered since it is the mobile unit of the overall system. It will be designed to accept SELECT, PLAY, PAUSE, SKIP, and CANCEL. from the operator and process them accordingly through the server. MP3 data will be streamed from host computer (server) and send via Bluetooth to the Client. -6- To maintain a “near CD quality” sound, the device should be capable of receiving and playing MP3 file of 128 kbit/s bit rate; thus MP3 data transfer will be about 160 kbits/s which is well in the range of Bluetooth capabilities. The required tranmission range of the device will be approximately 100 feet, since it is a home application. The mobile unit will also contain a memory buffer which will allow data to be stored for continuous listening. The system should be light in weight and very cheap to produce, especially since the primary consumer is a home user. 1.2 Design Methodologies The development methodology used for this project is called the Waterfall Model. It has been selected because it is simple and well understood by the project team. According to this methodology, the project was accomplished in overlapping steps, consisting of one to two cycles of requirement specification development, hardware design, software design, test plan development, hardware and software implementation, testing, independent V&V, documentation and product delivery (fig. 3). -7- Fig. 3 Project Activities According to Waterfall Model To achieve maximum productivity and efficiency, these various design steps were developed and implemented simultaneously by each team member independently and then implemented as a single unit upon completion. The overall design was made such that the device would be easily reproducible and open-ended for potential upgrades such as outputting audio signal to different audio devices, allow the mobile unit to connect to any MP3 server, when given proper permission, and so on. -8- 1.3 Innovation Many people who start collecting MP3 files find that they want to listen to them in all kinds of places. In response to this demand came the birth of portable MP3 players. These players have one key limitation though; the amount of MP3 music accessible to the listener is limited to the device’s physical memory or storage capabilities. Our wireless MP3 player eliminates this vital limitation by providing the home user unlimited realtime access to his/her entire MP3 library collection. This device will be very unique, especially since wireless MP3 players do not exist. When further developed, the device could become a key element in a user’s personal area network. It could be developed to interface with all audio and data dependent devices such that the user could be able to answer phone calls from the home telephone line, listen to answering machine, see the phone number of incoming calls, receive email alerts and so on. At the recent Wireless 2002 show in Orlando, none of the top companies demonstrated a Bluetooth enabled MP3 player. -9- 2. Implementation and Engineering Considerations 2.1 Design Description 2.1.1 System Architecture The system has two major components, the Client and the Server, both of which use a Bluetooth module for data transmission between each other, within a range of 100 feet (fig. 3). RS232 M100 Palm Computer Windows Based Personal Computer USB RS232 I2 C Bus MP3 Data ATmega128 Microcontroller STA013 MP3 Decoder Bluetooth Radio Link Bluetooth Module PCM Bluetooth Module CS4334 D/A Converter Server Analog Audio Headphones Client Fig. 4 Block Diagram Showing System Components The Client's inputs ports include a Bluetooth signal from the Server, and operator commands from an external interface. The Bluetooth signal is what data is streamed to; - 10 - for this system it will be MP3 and items list data (songs, other audio files, etc.). Operators commands are commands such as SELECT, PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, SKIP and CANCEL. The Client's outputs include an audio signal to a pair of head sets, local screen output to a PDA device, as well as service requests to the Server. The audio signal is for the user to listen to the MP3's he or she chooses. The local screen output is composed of text messages addressed to the operator. The service requests go to the Server from the Client and include which song to choose and so on. The client will also be composed of a buffer to ensure synchronous play of music. The Server has multiple inputs and outputs as well. Its inputs include the Bluetooth signal which carries commands and service requests from the Client, which are the same as Client's outputs, but also regular file access to MP3 data. The PLAY command will be processed by streaming the required MP3 file to the client. The Server shall react to the SELECT command by providing the client with a list of audio files available for transfer. The PAUSE command will be processed by stopping the stream of data, while remaining at the same location within the MP3 file. The SKIP command will be executed by reverting to the previous, or advancing to the next MP3 file on the play-list. CANCEL commands will involve termination of executing command and a return to initial state. When as case arises in which the Server is unable to properly execute a command from the client, it should return an error message as follows: "Cannot process request, please choose again". It is important to note that the user will already have a personal computer which he/she will use a server, after installation of the application software. The Server's outputs include MP3 and song list data and are identical to respective inputs of the Client. The Server shall be able to handle commands from multiple Clients simultaneously. - 11 - 2.1.2 Palm Computer The user interface to the system is a Palm Computer (Palm M100). This device uses Palm OS version 3.5. Data transfer between the Palm device and the server is established via a serial RS232 connection. 2.1.3 Atmel Microcontroller An Atmel Microcontroller is used to control and synchronize data transfer between the MP3 decoder and the Bluetooth module. In this project, we needed to have two UARTs, SPI, I2C, large program memory, 8 MHz, low power. After a thorough research, we decided that the Atmega128L was the best microcontroller that fit our needs. The ATmega128 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the ATmega128 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed. It’s advanced RISC Architecture contains about 133 Instructions most of which are single clock cycle execution, 32 x 8 general purpose working registers plus peripheral control registers. See figure below. - 12 - Fig.6 ATmega128 Microcontroller 2.1.4 MP3 Decoder The MP3 files are typically created by converting large files from music cd’s hence shrinking to extremely small file sizes while maintaining the audio quality. An MP3 encoder is used to achieve this goal. Therefore, in order to player MP3 files one must decode this file. As our decoder, we chose to use the STA013 MP3 decoder. This decoder can operate in several different modes. We used the Multimedia Mode for our project. In this mode, the STA013 automatically detects the bitrate of your MP3 data, and gives you a signal requesting more data. Data is then feed into the STA013 as rapidly as possible (up to 20 Mbit/sec), while the chip keeps asserting its data request signal. The MP3's sample rate (32, 44.1, 48 kHz) is also automatically detected, and the correct clock and data waveforms are created for the digital to analog converter. It is possible to ask the - 13 - STA013 what it has detected while it's playing, though that's outside the scope of our application. As bits are transfered, the decoder will end the request when its buffer is nearly full. The STA013 is designed so that when the chip requests more data, the data source needs to respond in a timely manner, and feed the data in as rapidly as possible until the STA013 de-asserts its request signal. The chip will make requests more frequently at faster bitrates. The combination of time response and data rate, if they are slow, may limit the maximum bitrate that can be played. Most VBR encodings only use fast bitrates (256 and 320 kbps) for brief times, so in many cases the STA013's input buffering allows a design that couldn't supply 256 kbps constant bit rate to play variable bit rate files which contain brief bursts at these high speeds. The STA013 typically ignores non-MP3 data (producing no sound), so it's safe to feed entire MP3 files, which may contain ID3 tags, into the STA013 without concern for which part of the file is MP3 bitstream and what portion is the ID3 tag. The chip will just keep requesting more data until it sees valid MP3 information. It's also safe to feed damaged MP3 streams into the STA013, for example truncated files due to partial download. Most damaged MP3 data is completely ignored. Some damaged files will produce a brief chirp sound (usually depending on what follows immediately after the damaged part), but the STA013 will rapidly sync back to good data that's sent after a corrupted part. - 14 - Fig. 7: Connection of STA013 and CS4334 2.1.5 Digital to Analog Converter A digital to analog converter is needed in the system to convert the digital signals from the MP3 decoder to analog audio signals for output to the headphones. It is possible to configure the STA013 to work with many different DAC chips and crystals, but we chose to use a 14.7456 MHz crystal, which is inexpensive and a standard value (that also happens to be an exact multiple of standard baud rates). The CS4334, provides excellent quality line-level audio output, and also includes 4X interpolation and a continuous time analog output filter that eliminates the need for external opamps and complex output filtering. The CS4334 makes it simple and easy to obtain excellent quality line-level audio output without adding noise. The CS4334 is fairly easy to use, 4 pins are digital input, 2 pins for the outputs, and 2 pins for 5 volt power. The input format is I2S format, which is one of the well supported formats available from the STA013 MP3 decoder chip. For use with the STA013, the pins 1-4 of the DAC connect direct to pins 9-12 on the STA013 (fig 8 ). - 15 - Fig. 8 Connection of CS4334 to Audio Output 2.1.6 Bluetooth Module and Server PC Two Ericsson Bluetooth transmitter/receivers are used in the design. The modules are responsible for wireless data transfer between the client and server machines. The Server PC could be any computer with a Bluetooth USB connection and necessary driver and interface software installed. For the server software, includes Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0 running on Windows 2000 platform and utilizes MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and Win32. 2.1.2 Software Design Programming ATmega128 MCU - 16 - Compiler used is the IAR C/EC++ Compiler. The program structure consists of a basic interrupt driven C program (fig. 9). It starts out with initialization routines. Then a large continuous while loop constantly runs. Within this loop, interrupts dictate certain functions to be called. The goal is to receive a byte of data from Bluetooth, send this out to the STA013 decoder chip. This routine is repeated until a seperate interrupt ends occurs thus causing a termination. This interrupt may be a song change for example. Upon occurrence of the interrupt, functions needed to operate with the Palm interface are then called. To summarize, the entire system is basically one huge continuous loop. This loop can be interrupted to call certain functions (functions with the MP3 end, or functions with the Palm control end). To overcome potential problems with UART speed on the MP3 side,we are employing the double speed feature of the Atmega128 MCU. The figure below shows a flow chart for the MCU program. Processes utilized within this flow chart are shown in figures 10, 11 and 12. MCU Process for Palm The main task of this process is to determine whether or not data resides on the UART buffer. If data is present, the process checks the value of this data, interrupts the MCU and run “PLAY”, “STOP”, “PAUSE” or “STOP” processes according to the value received. On the event of no data, the process loops continuously till data arrives on UART buffer. MCU Process for STA013 The first task of this process is to initialize the STA013 using the I2C protocol . The process loops continuously till proper initialization of the decoder chip is achieved. The next step is to start sending MP3 data using SPI. MP3 data is then sent until the STA013 buffer becomes full STA013's use of the I2C protocol Data transfer for the STA013 MP3 decoder chip uses the Serial Peripheral - 17 - Interface, SPI. However, the STA013 is controlled and initialized using the I2C protocol. Play, pause, volume and initialization are all features that are controlled and manipulated with the I2C protocol. To initialize the STA013 over 2000 data/address pairs are required to be written to the chip. Once this is done and aknowledgement is sent back. If the acknolwedgment isn't received, the chip has not been initialized and will not work. I2c protocol, or TWI as the AtMega128 aliases it, was developed by Phillips. It is a 2wire interface, SDA and SCL. In essence it allows for a network of IC's. Each IC is either a slave or a master. In the Wireless MP3 Project, the AtMega128 is always the master and the STA013 is always the slave. Each time a data bit is transfered using I2C, it is accompanied by a clock pulse. It is initialized by a START condition and terminated by a STOP condition. Until a STOP condition is reached, no other master can seize operation. Address packets on the I2C bus are 9 bits. 7 address bits, a control bit, and an acknowledge bit. The AtMega I2C, or TWI, is interrupt based. Interrupts occur after all events. See flow chart on STA013 for implementation. MCU Process for Bluetooth In this process the program loops until data is present on the bluetooth buffer. It then checks the format of the data. If it is text data, it to the Palm device. If MP3 data, it sends it to the STA013 for further processing. - 18 - Fig. 9 MCU Program Structure - 19 - Fig. 10 MCU Process for Palm - 20 - . Fig. 11 MCU Process for STA013 MP3 Decoder - 21 - . Fig. 12 MCU Process for STA013 Bluetooth Module - 22 - Programming the Palm M100 Interface The Palm application was written in the C programming language using the Palm OS API. A GNU C Compiler was used to compile the software for the Palm application. Another compiler used was the PilRC v2.9. This is a resource compiler used to compile resouce scripts (layout of buttons, listboxes, etc. on the Palm's display). Resource scripts need to be compiled to binary before linking everything together with GCC. The Palm application acts as the human interface to the client device. When the user interacts with the Palm application, commands are sent to the microcontroller via the Palm's serial port. The microcontroller does all of the work involved with sending and receiving data to and from the Bluetooth device and sending data to the MP3 decoder chip; the Palm simply tells the microcontroller what to do and when to do it. When the Palm application is first started (user clicks the music icon labelled "BT MP3"), a command is sent to the microcontroller indicating that it should attempt to connect to the server via the Bluetooth connection. When the application exits, a command is sent to the microcontroller indicating that the Bluetooth connection is no longer needed. The commands are sent to microcontroller in the form of unsigned 8-bit integers as describd below: command 8-bit command code handler function ------------------------------------------------------------FORM_OPEN 0x06 OnEvent_FormOpen FORM_CLOSE 0x07 OnEvent_FormClose When a FORM_OPEN command is issued, the application waits for the microcontroller to respond with a confirmation message before continuing. Upon receiving the connection confirmation message, the Palm will receive a list of songs available on the server (see fig. 13). - 23 - Send FORM_OPEN co mmand to MCU. MCU will establish Bluetooth connection. Application Start Wait for MCU to confirm Bluetooth connection established. Download playlist from server. STATE_READY Play Send PLAY command to MCU. Send 16-bit playlist index to MCU. Previous Decrement playlist index. Next STATE_PLAYING Stop Increment playlist index. Pause Exit Send STOP command to MCU. Play STATE_STOPPED Exit Send PAUSE comand to MCU. Stop STATE_PAUSED Play Exit Application Exit Send FORM_CLOSE command to MCU. MCU will terminate Bluetooth connection. Fig.13 Flow Chart for Palm Appication Once the microcontroller establishes a connection with the server via Bluetooth, there are five possible commands that can be sent to the microcontroller: PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, NEXT, PREVIOUS. The commands are sent to microcontroller in the form of unsigned 8-bit integers as describd below: - 24 - command 8-bit command code handler function ------------------------------------------------------------PLAY 0x01 OnEvent_Play STOP 0x02 OnEvent_Stop PAUSE 0x03 OnEvent_Pause NEXT 0x04 OnEvent_Next PREVIOUS 0x05 OnEvent_Prev In the case of a PLAY command, a signed 16-bit integer is sent following the command code indicating which song on the playlist is currently selected. The user interface presents the user with five control buttons (play, pause, stop, next song, previous song) and a playlist of available songs. The PLAY button causes song currently selected in the playlist to begin playing. The STOP button will stop a song from playing, while the PAUSE button will halt playback and allow the user to continue with a PLAY command. The NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons can be used to skip playback to the next or previous song on the playlist. The Palm application also incorporates the physical hard buttons on the Palm device into the user interface. The up/down hard button can be used to scroll through the playlist. Hard button #1 (left-most button) performs that same function as the PREVIOUS control button, while hard button #4 (right-most button) performs the same function as the NEXT control button. Hard button #3 is a play/pause toggle that performs the functionality of the PLAY and PAUSE control buttons. Hard button #2 is synonymous to the STOP control button. The Palm application is an event driven system. Any input "event" that occurs within the program is put onto an event queue and processed, in the order received, by an event handler loop. - 25 - PilotMain is the main program entry point. This starts the application's main event loop, AppEventLoop, which handles all events that are placed on the event queue. Events that belong to the application (as opposed to operating system events) are then passed to AppHandleEvent. AppHandleEvent determines which form (if the application uses multiple forms) the event belongs to and passes the event to the appropriate form's event handler – MainFormHandleEvent. MainFormHandleEvent determines exactly what caused the event and calls the appropriate handler function to respond to the event. A listing of event handler functions and their origin are described below: Handler Function Cause --------------------------------------------------------------OnEvent_FormOpen Application started OnEvent_FormClose Application exit OnEvent_Play User taps PLAY control button OnEvent_Stop User taps STOP control button OnEvent_Pause User taps PAUSE control button OnEvent_Next User taps NEXT control button OnEvent_Prev User taps PREVIOUS control button OnEvent_HardButtonUp User pressed scroll button UP OnEvent_HardButtonDown User pressed scroll button DOWN OnEvent_HardButton1 User pressed hard button 1 OnEvent_HardButton2 User pressed hard button 2 OnEvent_HardButton3 User pressed hard button 3 OnEvent_HardButton4 User pressed hard button 4 The application must be aware of the current play-state of the entire system. The application keeps track of the play-state in a global vaiable called gPlayState. Possible states are listed below: state value condition ----------------------------------------------------------------------STATE_READY 0x00 Ready for user input STATE_PLAYING 0x01 Currently playing a song STATE_STOPPED 0x02 No song playing - 26 - STATE_PAUSED 0x03 A song has been paused, able to continue The global variable gCurrentSong keeps track of the playlist index of the song that is currently playing if in STATE_PLAYING, or set to -1 if not in STATE_PLAYING. gPlaylist is an array of null-terminated character strings that contain the list of songs available on the server. Below is a screen capture of the Palm GUI application. Fig. 14 Palm Application User Interface - 27 - 2.1.3 Server Programming The Bluetooth MP3 Server software was developed using the Microsoft Foundation Class library to create the user interface and the Ericsson Bluetooth PC Reference Stack to communicate with the Bluetooth device. The software was written in the C++ programming language and compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. The MP3 server runs on the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. The server application software is an event-driven system. Events can be generated by the Bluetooth device or by the user via the user interface. These events are mapped into the server application's message queue where they are processed by specific event handler functions. The server application does not interface directly with the Bluetooth device, however. The application relies on a separately running process, BT_COMServer, that acts as a proxy when passing messasges to and from the Bluetooth device. Bluetooth messages are passed between BT_COMServer and the server application via a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces. The server's MP3 playlist is implemented as a linked list of file objects. When new entries are added to the playlist, the corresponding MP3 files are opened and added to the tail of the linked list. The playlist is implemented as a linked list instead of an array because it must accommodate the removal of entries that exist in the middle of the playlist without affecting the order of playlist entries. It is essentail that the order of the files in the linked list matches the order of entries in the playlist, or else the selected song may not match the user's selection. The Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) is used when the client device first establishes a connection with the server application. When the Service Discovery transaction takes place, the server application will act as a Service Discovey server, and the client device will act as a Service Discovery client. For the sake of simpliciy, the server will offer only one service record containing only one service attribute. The service attribute is implemented as a service ID containing a 128-bit UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) - 28 - specific this project. The client device will not attempt to establish an RFCOMM connection if it does not find this unique service attribute. Once the client device discovers the MP3 Server via SDP, an RFCOMM connection is established between the client and server. The server application will accept two types of service requests from the client via the RFCOMM channel: MP3 data packet requests and song selection requests. Upon receiving an MP3 data packet request, the server will create an optimally sized packet of MP3 data by reading the currently selected MP3 file in the playlist and send this data to the client via the RFCOMM channel. A song selection request is accompanied by a signed 16-bit signed integer. When a song selection request is received, the server will update the playlist index with the 16-bit number associated with the request. The proceeding MP3 data packet request will be serviced at the beginning of the file indexed by the newly updated playlist index. A flow chart showing the different process of the application is shown below. - 29 - Initialize Bluetooth Device Application Start Activate MP3 Server Deactivate MP3 Server Start Stop Waiting for events Connection Request Exit Song Selection Request Establish Connection Update Playlist Index Yes No MP3 Server Active? MP3 Packet Request Read MP3 Data From File Application Exit Send MP3 Packet to Remote Client Device Fig. 15 Flow Chart for Server Program 2.2 Implementation 2.2.1 Overview The Bluetooth Wireless MP3 Player Server allows the user to create a playlist of MP3 files that will be available for use by the client device. Once a wireless connection is established between the server application and the client device, the server will respond to requests received from the client. The client device may request a copy of the next - 30 - pending MP3 data packet in the data stream, or it may request the server to begin streaming a different MP3 file in the playlist. 2.2.2 User Interface The server application provides the user with an easy to use graphical, mouse-driven interface. The user can add and remove MP3 files to and from the playlist, activate and deactivate the MP3 server, as well as monitor Bluetooth events that take place between the client device and server application. Fig. 16 Server Screenshot 1 The top section of the server application's user interface displays the name and address of the local Bluetooth device. When a physical data connection is established with the client device, the name and address of the remote client will also be displayed. The fields at the right inform the user whether or not the MP3 server is actively responding to requests received from the client, and whether or not there exists an active data connection between the server and client. - 31 - The functions of the user interface are described below: Playlist The large listbox in the center of the user interface is the playlist of MP3 files that are made available for playback by the client device. The playlist presented on the Palm interface will match this playlist exactly. Add Files to Playlist The Add Files to Playlist button allows the user to add MP3 files to the playlist. When this button is clicked, a standard file dialog box appears allowing the user to select multiple MP3 files that are stored on the user's hard drive. The selected files will be added to the playlist. Fig. 17 Server Screenshot 2 Remove Selected When certain songs in the playlist are no longer desirable, a selection of songs can be removed from the playlist. To remove songs from the playlist, the user highlights the unwanted songs in the playlist by clicking the entry with the mouse cursor. Clicking the Remove Selected button removes the selected MP3 files from the playlist. Multiple playlist entries may be selected. - 32 - Initialize Bluetooth Device Before the MP3 server can be activated, the Bluetooth device must be initialized with the appropriate settings. Once the Bluetooth device is initialized, the Start MP3 Server option becomes available. Start MP3 Server This button activates the MP3 server. When the MP3 server is activated, the server application will respond to all request received from the client device. The user is prevented from adding or removing files to and from the playlist while the MP3 server is active. Stop MP3 Server The Stop MP3 Server button deactivates the MP3 server. When the MP3 server is deactivated, any existing data connection will be cut off, and all connection requests will be rejected. Bluetooth Event Monitor The Bluetooth Event Monitor field allows the user the monitor events that occur within the system. Messages will appear in the event monitor listbox indicating the occurrence of important events such as: successful initialization of the local Bluetooth device, activation of the MP3 server, connection establishment, service requests received from the remote client device, etc. This feature was originally implemented for debugging purposes, however, it has been incorporated into the final version for the benefit of the technically inclined user. 2.2.1 Wireless MP3 Player; Prototype #1 Our first version of the wireless MP3 player consists of a STA013 MP3 decoder chip, responsible for decoding the MP3's. Code for this decoder chip was written in the C language. The display interface provides means for the user to access a listing of the songs (or other audio) residing on MP3 server. An “Analog to Digital” converter was used to convert the decoded MP3 digital signal to an analog signal. This signal is then - 33 - sent to headphones so the user can listen to the MP3 he or she chose. The client also contains a microprocessor to control and synchronize activities within the client and its Bluetooth module, with the help of the client’s application software. The figure below shows the first prototype of our wireless MP3 player in operation. fig. 18 Wireless MP3 Player, Prototype v1.0 - 34 - Project Cost The entire project was designed and implemented for less than $90.00. The exact cost of the components used is listed below. AtMega128L SRAM IS63LV1024-10J STA013 CS4334 DAC MAX233 (qty: 2) Passive Components Headphones $17.00 $2.50 $20.00 $5.00 $11.00 $20.00 $15.00 Total Cost $90.50 2.3 Verification & Testing 2.3.1 Test Plan Test Case Client response to operator commands Unit being tested: SELECT, PLAY, PAUSE, SKIP, CANCEL commands. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case Wireless Bluetooth transmission Unit being tested: Client to server Bluetooth transmission Test Items: Input: Expected Output: - 35 - Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case Multiple client functionality Unit being tested: Server response to multiple client request. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case SELECT command Unit being tested: Server response SELECT command. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case PLAY command Unit being tested: Server response PLAY command. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies Test Case PAUSE command Unit being tested: Server response 1st instance of PAUSE command. Test Items: Input: - 36 - Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case PAUSE command Unit being tested: Server response 2nd instance of PAUSE command. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case SKIP command Unit being tested: Server response SKIP command. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case CANCEL command Unit being tested: Server response CANCEL command. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case Error processing Unit being tested: Server generation of error report. Test Items: - 37 - Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case Transmitted MP3 data format Unit being tested: Client’s accepted MP3 data format. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: Test Case MP3 audio signal Unit being tested: Client MP3 audio signal. Test Items: Input: Expected Output: Actual Output: Discrepancies: discepancy - 38 - 3. Summary MP3 players in today’s market have a major limitation; the amount of MP3 music accessible to the listener is limited to the device’s physical memory or storage capabilities. Our wireless MP3 player eliminates this limitation by providing the home user unlimited real-time access to his/her entire MP3 library collection. This device is very unique, especially since wireless MP3 players do not exist. It uses Bluetooth wireless technology to transmit data from a PC server to a small hand-held unit. This hand-held unit gives the user key features such as song play list, rewind, forward and so on. We have successfully implemented a Bluetooth protocol stack on an Atmel AVR microcontroller, coupled with an MP3 decoder chip to playback CD quality MP3 files at a sampling rate of 128 kb/s. With further development, this wireless MP3 player could become a key element in a user’s personal area network. It could be developed to interface with all audio and data dependent devices such that the user could be able to answer phone calls from the home telephone line, listen to answering machine, see the phone number of incoming calls, receive email alerts and so on. - 39 - 4. References [1] Bray J, C. Sturman, Bluetooth 1.1: Connect Without Cables, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001. [2] Miller B.A, Bluetooth Revealed, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001. [3] Miller M, Discovering Bluetooth, Sybex, San Francisco, 2001. [4] Bray J, B. Senese, Bluetooth Application Developer's Guide, Syngress Publishing, Rockland, Mass. 2001. [5] Held G, Data over wireless networks: Bluetooth, WAP, and wireless LANs, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001. [6] Muller N.J, Bluetooth Demystified, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001. [7] Siep T, An IEEE Guide: How to Find What You Need in the Bluetooth Spec, IEEE Press, New York, 2001. [8] Tranter W.H (Ed.), Wireless Personal Communications: Bluetooth Tutorial and Other Technologies, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Mass., 2001. [9] Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), [10] Dreamtech Software Team, Cracking the Code: WAP, Bluetooth, 3G Programming, Hungry Minds, New York, 2002. [11] Rhodes N, J McKeehan, Palm OS Programming: The Developer's Guide, O'Reilly & Associates Sebastopol, California, 1998. [12] Kruglinski D, G Shepherd, S Wingo, Programming Microsoft Visual C++, 5th Edition, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington, 1998. [13] Prosise J, Programming Windows with MFC, 2nd Edition, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington, 1999. [14] Rogerson D, Inside COM: Microsoft's Component Object Model, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington, 1997. [15] Marshall B, Win32 System Services 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996. [16] Stroustrup B, The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition, Addison Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2000. [17] The Bluetooth Specification, [18] The Palm OS online API reference, [19] Paret D, C Fenger, The I2C Bus From Theory to Practice, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, England, 1997. - 40 -