Chapter 5 Section 1 and 2 Review Questions

Chapter 4 Section 1-3 Review Questions
Federalism: The Division of Power
The National Government and the 50 States
Interstate Relations
Define the following:
act of admission
block grant
categorical grant
concurrent powers
delegated powers
division of powers
enabling act
exclusive powers
expressed powers
Full Faith and Credit Clause
grants-in-aid program
implied powers
inherent powers
interstate commerce
Privileges and Immunities Clause
project grant
reserved powers
revenue sharing
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. According to the Constitution, what are the National Government’s
obligations to the States?
2. Give an example of a program that a State may fund using block grant
3. Give three examples of the kinds of interstate compacts that exist today…
4. How did the principles of federalism enable the Framers to solve the
problems they faced in 1787?
5. How does the Constitution provide for the powers of the states in the
federal system?
6. List three examples of cooperative federalism at work…
7. Under what circumstances can a State deny full faith and credit to a law,
public record or outcome of a court case in another state?
8. What are the steps Congress has usually taken in admitting new States to
the Union?
9. What is cooperative federalism?
10. What is the purpose of the Privileges and Immunities Clause?
11. What is the role of the Supreme Court in the federal system?
12. What was the significance of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Williams v.
North Carolina?