Name: Date: Core: #: The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 4-6 Directions: Use the context of the word to guess at its meaning and connotation. Then look the word up in your dictionary and find the meaning that makes the most sense given the context. COMPLETE BOTH SIDES! 1. Johnnycake made a kind of gasp and his eyes were smoldering (Hinton, 55). Connotation: POS NEUTRAL NEG Your definition: Dictionary definition: 2. My teeth chattered unceasingly and I couldn’t stop them. (Hinton, 56) Connotation: POS NEUTRAL NEG Your definition: Dictionary definition: 3. His voice quavered slightly. “I had to. They were drowning you, Pony” (Hinton, 57). Connotation: POS NEUTRAL NEG Your definition: Dictionary definition: 4. Buck glared at me for a second, then stumbled off. He was pretty drunk, which made me apprehensive. If Dally was drunk and in a dangerous mood… (Hinton, 59) Connotation: POS Your definition: Dictionary definition: NEUTRAL NEG 5. He rubbed his side ruefully. “Ol’ Time sure can pack a punch” (Hinton, 60). Connotation: POS NEUTRAL NEG Your definition: Dictionary definition: 6. I looked at Johnny imploringly. Johnny sighed. “I’m gonna cut mine too, and wash the grease out, but I can’t bleach it” (Hinton, 71). Connotation: POS NEUTRAL NEG Your definition: Dictionary definition: 7. “He meant more to it than I’m gettin’ though.” I was trying to find the meaning the poet had in mind, but it eluded me (Hinton, 78). Connotation: POS NEUTRAL NEG Your definition: Dictionary definition: 8. “You’re starved? Johnny was so indignant he nearly squeaked. I remembered the baloney (Hinton, 80). Connotation: POS Your definition: Dictionary definition: NEUTRAL NEG