MSc Computer Systems - Draft Teaching Plan Hardware Section The table below outlines a teaching plan for the MSc Computer Systems module. Please note that this is for guidance only and WILL change. Week Lecture Queens 0.17 29th Sep Introduction To Number Systems My First Computer I/O Interrupts and DMA Peripheral Devices C Programming 1 C Programming 2 6th Oct 13th Oct 20th Oct 27th Oct 3rd Nov 10th Nov 17th Nov 24th Nov 1st Dec 8th Dec 15th Dec Lab Queens 1.01 & 3.01/2 Introduction To Lab Reading/Self Study Web notes on information representation I can be contacted on email Substantial web based learning material can be found on Ian Sexton’s Web-Site They will be found under ELEC1099 The notes below were compiled from various sources, including Ian Sexton, Morteza Safazi, and Kath Garnett. Most of the originals can be found on their respective websites, or on Ian Sexton’s ELEC1099 WWWpages. 1 NUMBER REPRESENTATION 1.1 Decimal Numbers In Europe we use the Latin alphabet to represent our diverse languages. However we ceased using Latin Numbers a long time ago. You are unlikely to see the date that I wrote these notes represented as XXVII:VI:MMIII Latin Numerals Instead we use Arabic numerals – 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 – to represent our number systems, so our date looks like 27:06:2003 Arabic Numerals Our number system is based on powers on 10 – for no other reason than we have 10 fingers (and thumbs) to count up on. There are other number systems than ours; one lost Polynesian culture only recognised three numbers, One, Two and Many. Even today there is much debate as to whether or not Zero is a true number. We represent our numbers as polynomials of powers of 10. For example the number three-hundred-and-eight-six is written as 386. But this is just a convention, what we are really writing is (3 x 100) + (8 x 10) + (6 x 1) The first columns numbers are 1’s or 100 The second columns numbers are 10’s or 101 The third columns numbers are 100’s or 102 And so on Numbers less than one are represented by –ve powers of 10. So 27.34 really means (2 * 101) + (7 * 100) + (3 * 10-1) + (4 * 10-2) Where 10-1 is 1/10, 10-2 is 1/100 etc. We represent –ve numbers by placing a – or minus symbol in front of the numbers. This does not really make the numbers –ve, we just have a convention that tells us how to interpret that symbol. Our everyday number system is infinite. We can create almost any number we like from the infinitely big to the infinitely small, they can positive or negative, they can even be imaginary. Computers are not so clever, as we will see. 1.2 Binary Numbers Computers are not as clever as we are, they are made up of electronic circuits known as LOGIC GATES. These gates are either ON or OFF, and these states are used to represent just two numbers - 0 or 1. Computers deal with groups of binary digits called words. A word is a string of binary digits that the computer regards as a single unit of data. An n-bit computer is one in which the length of the most frequently used word is n and the main data paths are parallel n-bit paths. The value of n depends on the computer's vintage, the purpose for which it was designed, and its cost. It varies from 4 (in some simple microprocessors) to 64 (e.g. a Pentium) and beyond. We can build up a number system that is just as rich as our decimal numbers, with just two numbers. The trick is to line them up in columns, and assign different values based on the power of 2 to each column. If we stick with 4 columns for now we can represent 16 different number – 23 ‘8’ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 ‘4’ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 21 ‘2’ 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 20 ‘1’ 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ‘Binade’ Equivalent Decade 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 We can extend our binary number if we wish, but for the moment we will stick with 4 bits of binary data – better known as a NIBBLE. 1.3 HEX Notation Even though computers like binary, it is not easy for us to think in binary. Instead we use a compromise notation known as HEXADECIMAL. HEX arithmetic is a number system based on powers of 16 – therefore we need 16 characters to represent our numbers. For the first 10 numerals we use Arabic notation, for the additional 6 numerals we use Latin letters. Binary 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F We can now create larger numbers using multiple HEX digits. The first column will be powers of 1, the 2nd column powers of 16 and so on. As each HEX digit replaces 4 binary BITS, 4 HEX digits are the equivalent of 16 binary BITS. For example the HEX number 3E7B is the same as – Powers of 16 Equivalent decimal HEX Digits Polynomial 163 162 161 160 4096 256 16 1 3 E 7 B (3*4096) + (14*256) + (7*16) + (11*1) 1.4 Octal Notation Octal notation is a number system based on powers of 8. It is rarely, if ever used these days, but you may come across it in old textbooks. Binary 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OCTAL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.5 Finite Number Sets Our number system is infinite. However computers do not have infinite storage capacity, so computer number systems are finite. A memory location is defined by its’ ‘width’, which is another way of saying how many binary bits can be stored in that memory location. Typical lengths are 1,4,8 & 16. These different lengths are also known as a BIT (1), NIBBLE (4), BYTE (8) and WORD (16). If a memory location is only a byte wide, then the biggest number that it can store is 255 Decimal, or FF HEX. A word memory can go up 65535 Decimal or FFFF HEX. What happens if we overflow? Try it with a pocket calculator, enter the biggest number that you think of, say 99999999999 exp 99, and add 1 to it; the probable result is that the calculator displays ‘ERROR’ – why? Because computers are stupid. They have finite word lengths and cannot ‘think’ of numbers greater than the ability of their memory to store them. If you add 1 to a byte memory holding FF, it rolls around back to zero. We will see later how computers handle overflows, by use of what is known as the CARRY FLAG. 1.6 NEGATIVE NUMBERS In our infinite decimal system we use a ‘-‘ symbol to designate that a number is negative. Computers have no mechanism to prefix a fixed bit length value with a ‘-‘ symbol; so how do computers represent –ve numbers. Consider our finite number system, using HEX notation. If we have 8 bits our number system is a RING – 00 01 02 03 .... FD FE FF When we add one to FF it wraps back to 00. If these are considered to be +ve numbers only, the decimal equivalents to above sequence are – +0 +1 +2 .... +253 +254 +255 When we add 1 to 255 it goes back to zero. So if we subtract 1 from zero we get FF HEX So 00 – 01 = FF The HEX number FF therefore represents the negative number –1 Let us rearrange our RING FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 Negative Positive This notation is known as 2’s complement. The rule is that if the most significant binary bit is a ‘1’ then the value is –ve, otherwise it is +ve. If we have 8 binary bits we can use the 256 available patterns to represent an UNSIGNED BYTE. The numeric range is 00 HEX to FF HEX, or 0 decimal to 255 decimal. Or we can use them to represent a SIGNED BYTE. The numeric range is 80 HEX to 7F HEX, or –128 decimal to +127 decimal. Here is a simple proof that it works. 00 = 0 FF = -1 FE = -2 FD = -3 What is –3 +4 = ? FD + 04 = 01 1.8 Converting +ve Numbers to –ve Numbers There is a simple technique that allows us to switch a +ve number to a –ve number, and back again. Write out the number in binary, swap all the bits over, and then add 1. Try it – 03 = 00000011 11111100 11111101 -3 = FD +3 decimal to binary swap the bits add 1 convert to HEX It works the other way around as well – FD = 11111101 00000010 00000011 03 -3 in binary swap the bits add 1 convert to HEX 1.9 Sign Extension If we expand a signed byte, to a signed word, then we must maintain the status of the sign bit. This is known as sign extension. So the number +3 is 00000011 in binary. If it is sign extended to a 16-bit value it becomes 0000000000000011. The sign bit is extended into the new bit fields. Now consider –3, which is 11111101 in binary. When it is sign extended to 16 bits it becomes 111111111111111101. 1.10 Multiplication and Division Start with the decimal number 37. To multiply it by 10 we simply add a zero to get 370. In effect we have shifted our number to the LEFT, in order to multiply it by 10. The same is true for binary, but in this instance shifting left multiplies by 2. So if we start with 0011 (3 decimal), and shift it left we get 0110 (decimal 6). Shifting right divides a number by the base power. So 370 become 37, and 0110 becomes 0011. 1.11 Arithmetic Shift, Logical Shift and Rotate Most computers support three different types of rotate instruction. This is a generalisation, you must consult the computer’s Assembly Language Manual for the precise details of how that computer works. ‘Arithmetic shifts’ are used for signed numbers, and maintain the status of the sign bit. Consider the negative –6, which is 11111010. If we Arithmetically Shift Right we obtain 11111101 which is –3. Note that all the bits are shifted right, the least significant bit is lost, and the most significant bit remains unchanged. By maintaining the sign bit we can successfully divide signed –ve numbers by 2. Arithmetic Shifts Left multiply by two. Some computers maintain the sign bit, others just allow the bit 6 to shift into the bit 7 position (such as the 6805). As long as our result does not exceed the available numeric range of –128 to +127, all will be OK Logical Shifts simply shuffle all the bits left or right as required. If we shift left, bit 7 is lost, and bit 0 is set to 0. If we shift right then bit 0 is lost and bit 7 becomes 0. These instructions can be used to multiply & divide unsigned values, or just for bit manipulation. Rotations consider the number as a ring, but with the addition of an extra bit called the CARRY FLAG. If we rotate left then bit 7 goes onto the carry flag, bit 6 goes into bit 7 and so on, and bit 0 is filled with the previous contents of the carry flag. Rotate right does it the other way around. 1.12 What is the Carry Flag You have seen the carry flag mentioned a few times. Its role is to capture the bit that overflows (from bit 7) or underflows (from bit 0) as a result of any relevant arithmetic or logical operation. So if we add together two numbers, with a result greater than FF HEX then the carry flag is set to 1, else it is set to 0. It is in this case the ‘ninth’ bit. Similarly if we subtract a big number from a little number it is set to 1, to indicate a ‘borrow’. It is also used to capture overflows for shifts and rotates. Some instructions will use the carry flag. For example the OP-CODE ADD will add together two numbers, whereas the OP-CODE ADC will also add in the current value of the carry flag. In this way we can perform arithmetic on numbers that exceed the word width of our memory locations. ADD16: LDA ADD STA LDA ADC LOWBYTE1 LOWBYTE2 LOWRESULT HIGHBYTE1 HIGHBYTE2 STA HIGHRESULT2 ; Get low byte of 16-bit value 1 ; Add low byte of 16-bit value 2 ; store the low byte of the result ; Get the high byte of 16 bit value 1 ; Add high byte of 16 bit value 2, and carry ; from low byte addition ; store the low byte of the result Note that if our final answer is greater than FFFF HEX, then the carry flag is set. All computers have a CARRY FLAG. They also have what is known as the ZERO FLAG, which is set whenever the result of the last arithmetic or logical operation resulted in a zero. 1.13 Ian Sexton’s Notes Including Floating Point Notation Information Representation Introduction The logic circuits of digital computers are binary, that is, they can at any one time be in one of only two states. Thus, the only information that can be represented is that which is adequately represented with only two values - say whether a switch is on or of, a person is male or female. The two states of a binary device are usually represented by the binary digits (bits) 0 and 1. Computers deal with groups of binary digits called words. A word is a string of binary digits, which the computer regards as a single unit of data. An n-bit computer is one in which the length of the most frequently used word is n and the main data paths are parallel n-bit paths. The value of n depends on the computer's vintage, the purpose for which it was designed, and its cost. It varies from 4 (in some simple microprocessors) to 64 (e.g. a Pentium) and beyond. The representation of Data in a Word For simplicity, consider a pattern of eight bits, say a word containing eight binary digits. Within 8 bits the patterns which can be distinguished are: 00000000 00000001 00000010 etc. 11111110 11111111 It can be seen that there are 2n (256) different patterns. Therefore in an 8-bit word, 256 different values can be distinguished. Generally an n-bit word can be in one of 2n different states. What information is being represented and what value a particular pattern has depends on the context and how the data is coded in binary. Before discussing how commonly needed information is represented for a computer and how it is coded, it is useful to explain some notational conventions for binary words. Notations and Conventions The n-bit binary word is often written as: an-1 an-2 ... a0, where ai is either 0 or 1 Thus considering the 8 bit word: 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0, a7, a4, a2, and a0 are 0 and a6, a5, a3, a1 are 1 Alternatively, we can describe the individual bits by their 'bit number'. Starting from the right - bit 0 and numbering each bit until bit 7 is reached. In arithmetic contexts bit 0 is called the least significant bit (LSB) and bit 7 is called the most significant bit (MSB). Considering an 8-bit word, if the patterns in a binary word are used straightforwardly to represent nonnegative integers: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 is 255 In general: X(10) = a727 + a626 + a525 +a424 + a323 + a222 +a121 +a020 Octal and Hexadecimal Words written in binary notation are not convenient for human use; we are most adept with decimal (denary) notation, which is also shorter. The most common shorthand ways of writing binary information are called OCTAL and HEXADECIMAL. The conversions to and from binary (if necessary) are much simpler than with denary. Octal, or Base 8 A given word is split into 3-bit groups starting with bit 0; the least significant bit. For example: 01 101 010 Binary word is 1 5 2 Octal word To get the denary equivalent: X(10) = 1x82 + 5x81 + 2x80 Hexadecimal Hexadecimal is more popular because 8 bits can be represented by only two 'Hex' digits. The notation is a trickier to master as alphabetic characters are used to represent the extra digits. The table below shows the equivalent representations. Denary Binary Octal Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 Bytes A byte is the universally accepted name for a group of eight bits. A group of four bits is sometimes called a 'nibble' being smaller than a byte! Non-negative integers Conceptually, the simplest interpretation of a bit pattern is as a non-negative integer and the numerical value can be calculated as shown previously. In practice this coding is not used very often but a particular use is in addressing memory locations in the computer where (in simple terms) the amount of real memory a computer can address is determined by the number of bits available on the Address Bus. For example, if the computer has a 16 bit address bus then it can address 65536 (216) memory locations. The range of values represented by an n-bit word is: 0 to 2n - 1 Integers A range of consecutive integers, which run from negative, through zero, and then positive, can be represented by a binary string. The most common convention for achieving this is called 2's complement. Remember that in an n-bit string we can represent at most 2n different values. Thus if half of these values are negative then the maximum positive integer is reduced. Specifically, an 8-bit word interpreted as 2's complement integers can represent numbers in the range: -128 to +127 To understand how the 2's complement system works, imagine a 6-digit 'mileometer' on a car, which is driven in reverse. The sequence of patterns on the meter as it passes through zero are: 000003 000002 000001 000000 999999 999998 999997 It is natural to think of 999999 as -1 etc. Since 999999 can not represent both -1 and +999999, a rule for interpreting the patterns must be used. If we were to say that: 000000 to 499999 represented positive integers and 999999 to 500000 represented negative integers we would have a decimal system exactly analogous to the 2's complement system for representing integer values with binary digits. Using an n-bit pattern the range is -2n-1 to 2n-1 -1 and all patterns which begin with a 1 represent negative values. This left most bit is called the sign bit. With 2's complement notation the normal rules of addition apply. For example: 2 000002 00000010 + -3 999997 11111101 = -1 999999 11111111 In order to find the additive inverse of any number i.e. the number to which it must be added to yield an answer of zero, the following rule applies. To help you understand the jargon just think of this technique as changing the sign - making a positive number negative, or a negative number positive. Change all 0's to 1's and all 1's to 0's (i.e. invert or complement the number) and add 1. Thus, the additive inverse of 00110010 (50 in decimal) is 11001110 Explanation: 11001101 (by complementing) 11001110 (by adding 1) In general, in adding two numbers we treat them as unsigned integers and disregard any carry from the most significant bit. e.g. 01010101 85 + 11001100 -52 = 00100001 33 Consider the addition 01000000 64 + 01000010 66 = 10000010 130 ????? Two positive numbers are added (the result should be 130 in decimal) but the answer appears to be negative (bit 7 is a 1). What's wrong? The explanation introduces the concept of an overflow. In an 8 bit pattern 127 is the largest positive integer that can be represented using 2's complement notation so 130 is outside the range; an overflow has occurred. In essence an overflow occurs when a result is too 'big' for the available number of bits. To represent a larger range of integers more than 8 bits are needed. If more than one word is used to give a large enough range it is called multiple precision. Most commonly, two words are used in double precision arithmetic. Numbers with fractional parts - Floating Point In the real world, the most useful arithmetic involves numbers that are not all integral, i.e. have a fractional part. With suitable rules, these too can be represented using a binary pattern. Conceptually, the simplest method is to choose a place for the binary point. Bits to the left are the whole number part and bits to the right are the fractional part. Thus, if the point is taken to be between bit 4 and bit 3 in an 8-bit pattern: 01011101, it is interpreted as: 0x23 + 1x22 + 0x21 + 1x20 + 1x2-1 + 1x2-2 + 0x2-3 + 1x2-4 in a completely analogous manner to the digits in a decimal fraction. Since, in fixing the position of the point, we are in effect, multiplying integers by a scaling factor (in this case 2-4) positive and negative fractional numbers can be represented in twos complement form, and the number of significant figures depends on the value of the number being represented. Floating point Floating point representation has two essential groups of bits, one of which, the mantissa, contains a fixed-point binary fraction and the other, the exponent, contains an integer used to calculate the scale factor. There are many ways in which these two parts can be coded, as a 2's complement fraction and an integer, respectively, for example. The number of bits allocated to each group depends on the computer, its word length and use. The number of bits in the mantissa determines the number of significant figures, the number in the exponent, the range of numbers that can be represented. To indicate the principle, consider an 8-bit group in which the 3 left most bits are the exponent and the 5 right most, the mantissa, both in 2's complement notation. Thus the pattern: 10111011 has '101' (-3) for the exponent and '11011' (-0.15625) for the fraction which combine to give: -0.15625 x 2-3 Generally, 2's complement notation is not used because the advantages it has for adding integers, are not available when scaling factors are involved. An unrealistic (but easy to follow) example of how 8 bits could be used to represent a floating point number might be: 1 011 1011 sign exponent fraction (negative) (-1 see below) 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.625 = 0.6875 Which is the same as saying: -0.6875/2 = -0.34375. The three digits used for the exponent can have 8 possible values: 0 - 8, but if we subtract 4 from this number we can represent numbers both larger and smaller than the binary fraction. More sensibly, a 32-bit representation might be used where 8 bits could be used for the exponent, 23 bits for the binary fraction, and the remaining bit is used for the sign. 2 Flags Computers store numbers in registers. If our register can only store a byte, then the largest value that it can remember is 255. What happens if our result is greater than 255? Similarly what happens if we subtract a large number from a small number? We need a mechanism to indicate that the limited capability of our calculator store has resulted in an incorrect answer, because there was either a CARRY or a BORROW. This is indicated using a special 1-bit store called THE CARRY FLAG. If any arithmetic or logical operation generates a ‘carry’, then the carry flag is SET, else it is RESET. Examples of logical operations that can cause a carry are the SHIFT and ROTATE operations that are discussed later. All computers have a CARRY FLAG. The other flag that you will always find is known as the ZERO FLAG. It is SET if the result of the last operation was a zero, else it is reset. There are other types of FLAG that will come across, such as SIGN, HALF-CARRY, PARITYand INTERRUPT. These are usually stored in a special register called the CONDITION CODE REGISTER (CCR) or just known simply as THE FLAGS. The half carry indicates that a carry has occurred between bits 3 & 4 of the accumulator. It used for BCD arithmetic. The sign flag indicates if the last arithmetic operation resulted in a –ve result (i.e. the sign bit is set to a 1). The interrupt flag indicates whether or interrupts are active. If it is set to a 1 then the Interrupt Mask is SET, so interrupts are disabled The parity flag is set if the parity of the accumulator is even. 3 My First Computer The core of a computer is a component known as the Arithmetic & Logic Unit, or ALU. It is able to perform a range of arithmetic and logical operations, such as ADD, SUBTRACT, AND, OR etc. The ALU shown here can perform one of 8 different operations. The Accumulator is always a source of data, and the destination of the result. The other source of data (if required) will be from any one of the other registers available in the computer. How do we decide which instruction to perform? We could use a decoder to select the operation. We need 3 control lines to select one of 8 different arithmetic or logical operations, and 2 control lines to select the other source of data for that operation. We can now construct some truth tables for our control lines: Control 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Control 3 0 1 0 1 Control 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Control 4 0 0 1 1 Control 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Operation ADD SUB INC DEC SHR SHL AND OR Register 0 1 2 3 So how do we ADD REGISTER 2 to the ACCUMULATOR? To select ADD we set control lines 0,1 & 2 to 000, and control lines 3 & 4 to 01. When the binary pattern 00001 is put onto the control lines then contents of register 2 will be added to the accumulator – that is the way the circuit is designed. 3.1 Exercises What bit pattern do we use to perform the following operations : SUBTRACT REGISTER 1 FROM THE ACCUMULATOR AND REGISTER 3 WITH THE ACCUMULATOR OR REGISTER 0 WITH THE ACCUMULATOR 3.2 Programmes We have now seen that if we apply a binary pattern to the control lines of our computer it performs a known operation. The types of operation that we can perform are very simple – the above sequence (exercise 8.1 and section 8) consisted of a sequence of 4 operations. ADD REGISTER 2 TO THE ACCUMULATOR SUBTRACT REGISTER 1 FROM THE ACCUMULATOR AND REGISTER 3 WITH THE ACCUMULATOR OR REGISTER 0 WITH THE ACCUMULATOR This sequence is known as a PROGRAMME. A programme is a sequence of 1’s and 0’s which when applied to the control lines of a computer will force to perform a known sequence of operations. This is the link between the ‘programmer’ and the engineers that designed the computer. Binary patterns are recognised by our computer and are known as MACHINE CODE. They are usually represented in HEX as opposed to binary. There is a limit to the number of control lines that are found in a computer. A typical microcontroller would only have 8 control lines, which means that there a maximum of 256 possible machine code instructions. These are known collectively as the computer’s INSTRUCTION SET. Human beings prefer words to numbers, so for each machine code there is a mnemonic code that represents that instruction. For example our 4-line programme could be expressed as ADD 2 SUB 1 AND 3 OR 0 This type of programming is known as ASSEMBLER CODE or ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE. There is one assembler instruction for each available machine code. Note that each instruction has two parts, one part is the actual operation itself, known as the OPCODE (e.g. ADD), the other part is the memory location that contains the data that is operated upon, or the OPERAND. We will see later that there are different ways of selecting a unique memory location, known as ADDRESSING MODES. For now we have defined only two types of ADDRESS, register addressing and inherent addressing. Register Addressing selects a unique Register (in this case 0,1,2 or 3). Inherent means that the OPCODE itself refers to a specific address, such as INC and DEC, which always operate on the accumulator. 4 Memory Computers require memory to store programmes and data. But what do we need to store in the memory? The simplest partition of the memory is into 3 parts – CODE, DATA & STACK. The code partition holds our programmes. The data partition holds our variables. The stack partition is used to manage programme flow, parameter passing and interrupts. Memory comes in a hierarchy, ranging from ‘slow, big and low-cost’ to ‘fast, small and high-cost’. The picture below show the simplest partition of our memory. Code is usually placed at the bottom of memory, data dome next, then we have the ‘stack’. 4.1 How Do We Manage Programme Flow First reconsider our 4-line assembler programme from earlier ADD 2 SUB 1 AND 3 OR 0 Each of these commands will need to be stored in consecutive locations in our CODE SEGMENT. So how does our computer know where to find the next opcode? This is achieved using a special register known as the INSTRUCTION POINTER (IP) or PROGRAMME COUNTER (PC). Let us review our picture – We need to add a DATA BUS that is used to move opcodes and data from memory to the CPU, and results back into memory. We also need an ADDRESS BUS that is used by the CPU to uniquely select a specific memory location, either to access data or to obtain the next opcode. This discussion assumes that we are using a computer with an 8-bit data bus and a 16-bit address bus. A 16-bit address bud allows us access to 216 (65536) memory locations. An 8-bit data bus means that our computer can support a maximum of 256 op-codes. How does our computer manage the address bus? The programme counter is used to point to the next op-code, so we cannot use that to point to data. We need another pointer to select a data memory location; one method is to employ a special 16-bit register known as the INDEX REGISTER. Our instruction pointer is automatically set to 0000H when our computer powers up. So the first opcode that will be executed is always at the bottom of memory. Our computer then enters the ‘instruction-fetch-execute’ cycle. Each op-code is broken down into a series of steps, which can be generalised as - 1 2 3 4 FETCH THE OP-CODE FETCH THE OPERANDS EXECUTE THE OP-CODES STORE THE RESULT So the op-code is not the lowest layer of our computer’s command structure, there is a lower layer that breaks down each op-code into a series of ‘micro-instructions’ or ‘micro-code’. When each op-code is ‘fetched’ from the code segment, the instruction pointer is automatically incremented to point to the next available code segment memory location. This may be an extension to the current op-code (e.g. data or an address) or it may the next op-code. When our op-code has completed execution, the instruction pointer now ‘addresses’ the next op-code. As our instruction pointer is a register, we can either make it increment as already discussed, or we could reload it with a totally new address. Consider the next piece of code – In this instance, the op-code at location 2 loads the instruction pointer with the operand 0006. So our next instruction will be located at address 6 – it is the equivalent of the BASIC instruction GOTO, and is the means by which we can implement a branch in our programme flow. 4.2 Conditional Branching Overwriting the instruction pointer using a JMP instruction. This type of branch is known as UNCONDITIONAL, as it will always happen. The really powerful instructions are those that combine the contents of the FLAGS with the branch instruction, these are the CONDITIONAL BRANCH opcodes. Consider just two of the flags, CARRY and ZERO. The carry flag is set if the last arithmetic or logical operation generated a carry, the zero flag is set if the result was a zero. All computers support the following four conditional instructions, in one form or another – JZ JNZ JC JNC Jump if zero Jump if not zero Jump if carry Jump if not carry It is the existence of these instructions that gives a computer the ability to take decisions. All high level constructs, such as IF THEN ELSE, DO WHILE, FOR etc. Are compiled down to one of these types of op-code. 4.3 Subroutines Another form of branching that we need to support are subroutine calls. At a low level you would use commands such as – CALL JSR BSR SUBROUTINE ; RUN ‘FUNCTION’ USING A 16-BIT ABSOLUTE ADDRESS SUBROUTINE ; RUN ‘FUNCTION’ USING A 16-BIT ABSOLUTE ADDRESS SUBROUTINE ; RUN ‘FUNCTION’ USING A 8-BIT RELATIVE ADDRESS The CPU saves the current contents of Instruction Pointer, and then loads it with the address of the first line of the subroutine. The very last instruction of the subroutine will something like RET or RTS. When this opcode is executed the contents of the instruction pointer are restored, so that execution continues from the point that we called the subroutine from. The ‘return address’ is temporarily stored in the STACK SEGMENT. Access to the stack is via a special purpose pointer register known as the STACK POINTER. When a return address is placed onto the stack it is said to be ‘pushed’ – the stack pointer automatically decrements after each push operation, such that it points to the next free entry. Other uses for the stack segment include passing parameters to subroutines, receiving returned values from a subroutine, temporary storage of local variables and management of interrupts. 4.4 Speed Of Access – Backup, Cache and Pipelines At the time of writing the typical access time for MAIN MEMORY is 60ns. Our main memory holds our code, data and stack segments. However it is only part of our memory hierarchy. When we are not using programmes or data they can be stored on large, slow BACKUP MEMORY devices such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, floppy disks and ZIP-Drives; we only need to load them into our main memory when we want to use them. Once our code and data are loaded into main memory, and we are allocated a stack segment we can start executing the programme. 60ns sounds fast, but as today’s programmes consist of megabytes of code, and data storage for images can be vast, it all adds up to a lot of time. To speed things up we use another type of memory called THE CACHE. This is very high-speed memory that is located close to our CPU, and runs at between 2ns to 25ns depending upon how it is organised. Main memory is usually made from STATIC RAM, similar to the D Type latches discussed earlier. Once data is written to them, it is stored for as long as power is applied to the memory device. Cache is usually made from DYNAMIC RAM; each memory cell contains far fewer active devices than dynamic ram memory, which is why they operate faster. However the data that is stored on them decays (i.e. the data is lost), so they have top be regularly REFRESHED, to restore the stored data. Cache is used to speed up data segment access. If a data variable if used, then it is probable that it will be used again very soon; so instead of putting it back into main memory a copy is retained in the cache. In this way the CPU can access the most recently used data very quickly. Cache locations are allocated dynamically, as they are required. When the cache is full, the oldest data is put back into main memory freeing up a new location. What about CODE? If we have just executed an op-code at location n, then the next instruction is probably going to be at location n+1. Instead of waiting for instruction n to finish, we might as well get the op-code at location n+1 whilst the CPU is executing instruction n. This is known as PIPELINING. The execution part of the CPUs control logic fetches more than just the next instruction, it fetches a batch of sequential instructions, ready for execution. Some more advanced devices look out for branch operations, and fill up two pipelines ready with both possible routes, so that it is always ready to deliver the next op-code in the shortest time possible. 5 MEMORY MANAGEMENT Memory Management Units are responsible for allocating available main memory space to functions. This is a brief overview of how this task is achieved. 5.1 Virtual Memory The above link gives a good description of virtual memory, with better pictures than mine. As we have already discussed, modern programmes need a lot of memory – and if you start executing a lot of programmes then you are liable to run out of main memory to keep them in. Virtual memory overcomes this problem. The Virtual Memory Manager looks for available RAM to store a new programme in. If there is not enough space then it looks for a block of RAM that has not been used for some time (i.e. a programme that is ‘running’ but not actually doing anything at that moment of time), and copies that programme’s RAM onto a storage media such as a hard disk. This frees up main memory for the new task. When the dormant programme starts up again, its’ ‘ram image’ is restored to main memory. 5. 2 Segmentation This is a totally different process that is used to allocate the available main memory RAM to a new task. When we compile a programme it creates an executable that requires 3 memory segments, CODE, DATA & STACK. These segments are referenced using pointers, such as the INSTRUCTION POINTER, the INDEX REGISTER and the STACK POINTER. Let us assume that these pointers are 16-bits wide; then each segment consists of only 64k bytes. However our main memory is much larger than this, a MEGABYTE has 1048576 memory locations. Segmentation is a technique that allows us to locate our programme segments anywhere within the main memory. Our programme address space is only 16-bits wide – which means that all memory pointers have a range of 0000 to FFFF. However if we have a megabyte to play with, our real memory space has a range of 000000 to FFFFFF, which is a 24-bit address. In effect we have 256 ‘blocks’ of 64k each available. Our programme requires 3 of these, for code, data and stack. The memory management unit allocates 3 free blocks for this new task. The simplest way to do this is to have a set of segment pointers, each of which are 8-bits, that are used to ‘offset’ our programmes blocks into the available main memory. This is known as the EFFECTIVE ADDRESS, as it is the actual location in main memory where will find our information. An effective address is obtained by combining the programme's pointer information with the segmentation offset. EFFECTIVE ADDRESS = POINTER (lower 16-bits) + SEGMENT OFFSET (upper 8-bits) With the above method CODE, DATA and STACK can never overlap. Another technique, as used in PCs, is to allow an overlap between the pointer address and the segment offset. In this case the pointer gives us the lower 16-bits, and the segment gives us bits 4 through to 20. This technique provides a more efficient use of main memory, as unused gaps are removed – however it can cause problems as poorly written programmes may allow data to be overwritten with code, and visa-versa. 6 ADDRESSING MODES So far we have only talked about using memory pointers, such as the Stack Pointer, Instruction Pointer and Index Register. The Index Register allows us to point to any data location of our choice, but it requires us to preload the Index register with an address. There are more direct forms of addressing data that can be used. REGISTER IMMEDIATE DIRECT INDIRECT INDEXED 6.1 Register Addressing All CPU's contain some internal registers, which act like local fast data stores. For example an 8086 type CPU contains 4 'general purpose' registers called AX,BX,CX and DX. Programmes can access these registers as an integral part of their op-codes, e.g. MOV AX,BX will move the contents of register BX into register AX. You are unlikely to ever make use of REGISTER ADDRESSING unless you are prepared to abandon your compiler and write your code in assembler. Some C compilers allow you force a variable to be stored in a REGISTER by a slight modification to the variable declaration. e.g. register unsigned int name - will force the compiler to try to reserve a register for the variable 'name' to be stored in a register. You are not advised to use this facility. 6.2 Immediate Addressing IMMEDIATE ADDRESSING means that the number that we are loading is part of the instruction itself, and is not found in the data memory. e.g. MOV AX,#334 - will load the AX register with the number 344. The following two lines perform the same operation in C int my_variable ; my_variable = 344 ; // declare an integer Variable called 'my_variable' // store the number 344 into my_variable With immediate addressing the data is fixed in the code, and is therefore a CONSTANT. In the example given above the number 344 is the constant. 6.3 Direct Addressing DIRECT ADDRESSING means that the opcode includes the address of the variable that we wish to load. e.g. MOV AX,my_variable - the accumulator AX is loaded with the contents of my_variable. Or in C int my_variable ; // declare an integer variable called my_variable int another_variable ; // declare another variable my_variable = another_variable ; // whatever was stored in 'another_variable' is // copied into 'my_variable' You may have now realised that variable names are really just alternative ways of using an absolute memory address. When the compiler 'compiles' our source code, it first allocates a unique memory address for each and every variable that is declared. The machine code accesses memory using numeric addresses, but we access memory by using the names that we declare in our source programmes. With direct addressing our data address is fixed, but the data value itself can vary. 6.4 Indirect & Indexed Addressing INDIRECT ADDRESSING means that the address of the variable that we wish to address is not included in the op-code at all, instead we are given the address of a different variable that contains the address the actual variable that we wish to access. At a low level this can be achieved by means of either an INDEX or a POINTER register. These are special registers in the architecture of the computer that are specifically designed for use as indirect registers. In an 8086 one these registers is called BP or base pointer. If we load BP with a number, then that number can then be used as the address of a variable e.g. MOV MOV BP,#344 AX,[BP] ; Load the base pointer with the number 344 ; Load the AX register with the contents of the memory location ; pointed to by BP When an internal register is used as a pointer it is known as INDEXED ADDRESSING. Alternatively we can use another memory location as our data pointer. e.g. MOV MOV 178,#344 AX,[178] ; Load memory location 178 with the number 344 ; Load the AX register with the contents of the memory location ; pointed to by the contents of memory location 178 When an external memory location is used as a pointer it is known as INDIRECT ADDRESSING. In C this is achieved as follows unsigned int my_variable ; unsigned int *pointer ; // declare a variable for us to play with // declare a pointer to an unsigned integer So we have a variable to use, and we have a pointer as well. Remember that when we start our programme the pointer DOES NOT HAVE A VALUE, as yet it does not know what to point at. I will now introduce another C concept, the 'address' symbol, which is a '&'. The & operator returns the address of the variable that it is applied to. my_variable = 344 ; pointer = &my_variable ; // load 344 into my_variable // load pointer with the address of my_variable We can now either directly address my_variable using its' name 'my_variable', or we can indirectly address the identical memory location using the pointer. When a pointer is used we use the * symbol to indicate that we wish to access the variable that the pointer 'points to'. IMMEDIATE ADDRESSING my_variable = 344 ; // the source data is the constant 344 DIRECT ADDRESSING another_variable = 344 ; my_variable = another_variable ; // the source data is the contents of address // 'another_variable' INDIRECT ADDRESSING pointer = &another_variable ; another _variable = 344 ; my_variable = *another_variable ; // the source data is the contents of the // memory location pointed to by the contents of pointer 7 Input and Output I/O How do we get information into and out of a computer? There are two main techniques, Serial I/O and Parallel I/O. Parallel is the easiest to consider first. Data is transferred between the CPU and memory using the DATA BUS. A Data Bus is no more than 8, 16 or 32 wires in parallel. A PARALLEL PORT is an electrical interface to this bus, instead of the data being presented to a memory location it is instead presented to a series of contacts on a connector. For example a printer port on a PC is a parallel interface – 8-bits of data from the data bus are put onto the pins of the printer connector, another wire called the strobe is asserted to inform the printer that another character is available for it to read. Parallel ports can be uni-directional (as just described), or bi-directional which means that data can be transferred in both directions using the same connections. Parallel connections are very fast, because each bit of data has its’ own wire to move along. They are not practical for long distances, not least because of the cost of the cabling. For long distances we use SERIAL I/O. Examples of serial I/O are a PC’s COM PORTS, USB, FireWire and Ethernet. Today we will only consider Serial I/O. A PC’s COM port conforms to the CCITT V24 standard, better known as RS232. Instead of sending out all data bits at the same time, we clock them out individually one after the other over a single wire – thus the name Serial I/O. Each character is ENCAPSULATED between a START BIT (0) and a STOP BIT (1). 7.1 Direct Memory Access DMA Serial and parallel I/O both require direct intervention by the CPU, by means of a suitable programme (often called Drivers in PCs). An alternative technique is to use DMA. DMA is a technique that allows data to be moved into and out of memory without any intervention by the CPU. It can be achieved in a number of different ways. An external DMA Controller can take over the CPUs data bus, effectively locking the CPU out of memory. Whilst the CPU is locked out the DMA controller can perform the memory transfer. Another technique is known a ‘cycle stealing’ – the CPU only accesses memory when it needs to (i.e. to get the next op-code or to retrieve data), whilst it is not using the memory the DMA controller is allowed access. 8 INTERRUPTS In an ideal world the occurrence of events, and the actions that need to be taken, can be planned for and scheduled into a nice clean multi-tasking multi-use operating system. However we all know that that is not the real world. External events can, and will, occur whenever they want to, and the computer must react to them within a specified time. For example we may have an electronic control unit (ECU) for a car, that measures road speed and updates the driver's speedometer. To achieve this the time of arrival of pulses from the road speed sensor must be logged almost immediately (depending upon the accuracy required) whatever the processor may be doing. So the processor must suspend its’ current operation, and pass control immediately over to the road speed sensor function. The processor is INTERRUPTED by the external event, which takes over control of the processor and all its’ resources. 8.1 Examples of Interrupts In the simplest of systems there will normally be at least two possible interrupt sources. One will be an EXTERNAL INTERRUPT, and the other will be a TIMER INTERRUPT. 8.1.1 External Interrupts As its’ name implies an external interrupt, is a hard wired signal taken to the processor from an external source. This could be, for example, a pulsed input from an external frequency source, or a crash sensor on a car. This signal is usually digital, and the interrupt is triggered when that signal changes state. External interrupts can be either LEVEL SENSITIVE or EDGE SENSITIVE. Edge sensitive signals detect a change of state, e.g. high to low or low to high. Level sensitive signals are sensitive to a high or a low level. Edge sensitivity is more commonly used as level sensitivity can cause multiple interrupts to occur from the same source. External interrupts are also classified as MASKABLE or NON MASKABLE. A maskable interrupt is one that can be enabled and disabled by software, which means that the processor is capable of accidentally switching it off should there be a software error. Maskable interrupts are usually used for processing expected external signals, such as limit switches, frequency signals, and peripheral requests for attention. In all these examples it is of advantage to the programmer to be able to disable the interrupt source, e.g. there is no point allowing an interrupt to occur during an initialisation or idle phase. But what if the interrupt is an emergency warning signal, such as a crash sensor, or watchdog time-out. Fail safe procedures are degraded if it is possible for faulty software to switch off the alarm signals, therefore NON MASKABLE INTERRUPTS must be used for such signals. TYPES OF EXTERNAL INTERRUPT RISING EDGE SENSITIVE FALLING EDGE SENSITIVE HIGH LEVEL SENSITIVE LOW LEVEL SENSITIVE Any of which can be MASKABLE or NON MASKABLE 8.1.2 Timing Interrupts Timing interrupts are generated internally by the processor itself. An independent digital divider circuit uses the processor clock as timing source. This divider is can be set up by the programmer to divide the main clock source down to give a slower timebase. Simple processors usually offer only a binary division (i.e. by 128 or 256 etc.), more expensive devices (i.e. £2 or more) offer a division register, typically 16 bits wide, but sometimes only 8 bits. When this register counts down to zero an interrupt is issued to the processor. So for example if we are using a 4 MHz clock, and we need a 10 ms time base the divider register would be loaded with 40000. 4 MHz / 40000 = 100 Hz that is 10 ms. One thing to look out for is whether or not the timer automatically reloads the division ratio. Some processors do this (e.g. INTEL 8051 FAMILY, but only 8 bit reload), most DO NOT, therefore the timer will need to be reloaded on every occurrence of the interrupt. Another trap that is waiting for you is the fact that sometimes the divider COUNTS UP and not down, issuing the interrupt when the register rolls over from FFFF to 0000. In this instance you will need to preload the divider with the complement of the number that you wish to divide by, i.e. 65536 - DIVISION RATIO. TYPES OF TIMING INTERRUPT UP COUNTER DOWN COUNTER Interrupt when register changes from full (FFFFH or FFH) to zero Interrupt when register changes from 1 to zero TYPES OF DIVISION BINARY DIVISION 8 BIT DIVISION 16 BIT DIVISION AUTOMATIC RELOAD Can only divide by 2/4/8/16/32/64/128 etc Counter is only 8 bits wide, so can divide by 1 to 255 Counter is 16 bits wide, so can divide by 1 to 65535 Counter automatically reloads a fixed number on interrupt 8.1.3 Serial Interrupts Most reasonable processors include at least one, and possible two serial communications devices on the chip. One will be an asynchronous port, for use with an RS232 or RS485 driver, and the other will be some form IIC/SPI driver. As such links are often quite slow with respect to the processor, an interrupt is an essential requirement. When data is received by a serial device it will issue a RECEIVER FULL interrupt, and when it is ready to transmit data it will issue a TRANSMITTER EMPTY interrupt. Normal software practice is to implement a cyclic buffer under interrupt control for both the receiver and transmitter sections. The background process can then examine the size of the RECEIVE BUFFER to see if any data has arrived, or put a character into the SEND BUFFER for interrupt processing. The main dangers with this approach are as follows RECEIVER - the RECEIVE BUFFER must be polled, and emptied, by the background faster than data arrives, else the buffer will overrun. TRANSMITTER - when there is no data left to send the TRANSMITTER EMPTY INTERRUPT must be disabled, otherwise it will hang up the processor forever. 8.1.4 Watchdog Interrupts Watchdogs are used to provide system integrity. They are timing devices, often located externally to the processor, but sometimes they are included on the chip itself. They act like an alarm clock, as long as they are RESET by the processor at regular intervals they never time-out. If the processor dies, or gets lost in some obscure section of code that has been poorly designed, then the timer does times out, and it issues an interrupt. Internal devices, as can be found on the PIC family, the Motorola 68HC11 family and some advanced 8051 type devices, use an internal interrupt or force a complete processor reset. External watchdog devices (available from many manufacturers - such as DALLAS and MAXIM) provide a digital output that the designer can either use to RESET the processor or cause an EXTERNAL interrupt. The simplest method of using such a device is to set the ‘time-out’ to be longer than the complete programme cycle; then at the end of the cycle a signal is sent to the watchdog to RESET its’ timer back to zero. As long as the programme is operating correctly then the watchdog will never time out. This method however cannot be used for asynchronous programmes that use interrupt functions. It is necessary to ensure that each function independently ‘kicks’ the watchdog. This can be achieved by using flags. For example, an interrupt function can set a flag indicating that it has occurred, and the background routine can examine this flag, and only if it set will it then ‘kick’ the watchdog. In this way we have proven that both functions have been executed within the desired time. 8.1.5 Power Fail Interrupts It would be helpful if the processor had advanced warning of an impending power failure, in order that it can gracefully close down all current operations and protect its’ memory. This is achieved by the use of power fail interrupts, which are to be found in a number of advanced microcontrollers. They work by monitoring the voltage level on the chip. If it falls below a minimum threshold it issues the interrupt call before the power falls too far for the device to operate - you then have a small amount of time do something to make everything safe and secure. 8.1.6 Software Interrupts (Traps) A total separate group of interrupts may also exist, that are designed to ‘trap’ illegal operations. For example sections of memory may be designated as protected, perhaps because it is designated as the stack, or we may try to perform a hardware divide by zero. Illegal operations such as these can cause an interrupt, so that some form of housekeeping software can be invoked to tidy up the mess. 8.2 Vectors & Saving the Processor Status If we have so many different types of interrupt how can the processor distinguish between them ? This is achieved by an INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE. The vector table is located at a fixed location in the code space, typically at the bottom of code space (location 0000 to 00FF) or at the top of the code space (FF00 to FFFF). Each interrupt has a fixed location in the vector table for its’ own use, into which must be stored the starting address of its’ unique interrupt function. When any interrupt occurs, the processor stops running whatever function is currently operating, and executes a SUBROUTINE CALL to the address stored in the vector. Therefore the minimal interrupt code must be a single RETURN instruction, so control will then return back to the interrupted function However to ensure that an interrupt cannot itself be interrupted, it is usual for all other interrupts to be disabled whilst any interrupt function is being executed. As the interrupt may wish to call subroutines, a special type of return is used that signals to the processor that interrupts can now be reenabled. In the INTEL family of devices this opcode is RETI, MOTOROLA uses the opcode RTI for the same purpose. e.g. For an Intel 8051 code address 0000 0003 000B 0013 001B 0023 0100 reset vector external interrupt (say 0100) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timer 0 overflow interrupt | external interrupt 1 | timer 1 overflow | serial interrupt | | | | | | | | Start of EXT0 interrupt function <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| RETI We are also using the processors internal resources, and data that was resident in its’ registers must be saved before the interrupt code is executed, otherwise they may destroyed. This is achieved by pushing the contents of any registers used by the interrupt function onto the stack, and restoring them before executing the return operation. e.g. 0100 Start of EXT0 interrupt function PUSH A PUSH B PUSH DPH PUSH DPL ; SAVE REGISTER A ; SAVE REGISTER B ; SAVE DATA POINTER ; SAVE DATA POINTER INTERRUPT CODE CAN NOW USE REGISTERS A/B/DPH AND DPL POP POP POP POP RETI DPL DPH B A All this pushing and popping takes time, and interrupts must be quick, so only save the contents of registers that are used by the interrupt routine. What about our processor status flags, these are not registers but represent the state of the machine at the time the interrupt occurred. For example what was the state of the ZERO and CARRY flags, if they are not correctly restore then any subsequent conditional branch operation in the interrupted routine will fail. These flags must be saved as well, and special instructions are always present to allow this to be done. 0100 Start of EXT0 interrupt function PUSH PSW PUSH A PUSH B PUSH DPH PUSH DPL ; SAVE PROCESSOR STATUS ; SAVE REGISTER A ; SAVE REGISTER B ; SAVE DATA POINTER ; SAVE DATA POINTER INTERRUPT CODE CAN NOW USE REGISTERS A/B/DPH AND DPL POP POP POP POP DPL DPH B A POP RETI PSW So to summarise an interrupt must cause the following to happen * THE CURRENT PROGRAMME COUNTER ADDRESS MUST BE PUSHED ONTO THE STACK * THE START OF THE INTERRUPT FUNCTION MUST BE READ FROM THE INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE * THE PROCESSOR STATUS WORD MUST BE SAVED ON THE STACK * THE CONTENTS OF ALL REGISTERS USED BY THE INTERRUPT MUST BE SAVED ON THE STACK * EXECUTE THE INTERRUPT CODE * RESTORE THE SAVED REGISTERS * RESTORE THE PROCESSOR STATUS WORD * REENABLE INTERRUPTS EXPLICITLY, OR IMPLICITLY WITH A SPECIAL RETURN * RETURN TO THE CALLING FUNCTION 9 My PC So how does all the above relate to the PC on your desk? 9.1 The CPU and MOTHERBOARD Most of the above hardware will be found on the ’motherboard’ of your PC. The Central Processing Unit (e.g. a Pentium) contains the ALU, the instruction fetch and execute logic, the pipeline, the flags, the registers, the timing circuitry, the stack pointer, the programme counter and the data pointers. Close to the CPU will be found the Cache, which is fast dynamic RAM. Also on the motherboard you will find the main memory, the address bus and data bus, and probably some of the I/O devices. Now some terminology. So far we have referred to the address bus and the data bus; there is also a control bus that includes control lines such as ‘read from memory’ or ‘write to memory’. Collectively these are called the xxx BUS, where xxx may be ISA or PCI or VME or whatever BUS standard this particular computer manufacturer has chosen to use. 9.2 Memory Backup memory is provided for by hard disk drives, floppy disk drives and CD-ROMs. All three of these devices have file structures that are created and managed by the computer’s Operating System or OS. Other types of backup media, such a Zip drives, do not use the OS file structure. 9.3 I/O Serial communication can be obtained via a COM port, or a USB port. COM ports use the RS232/V24 asynchronous communication standard. PC manufacturers are trying to get rid of them, but they are extensively used in telecommunications and will not become obsolete despite some ridiculous claims by the mass-market PC manufacturers. A typical use for a COM port is to connect to a dial-up MODEM – they are also used to connect to ‘Packet Switch Networks’ such as an X-25 PAD (Packet Assembler and Dis-assembler), and the mobile phone network via GSM MODEMS. USB ports are a high speed serial standard, now widely used to connect a range of peripheral devices to a PC. Currently, the USB Specification, Revision 2.0, covers three speeds 480 Mbps, 12 Mbps, and 1.5 Mbps. The term "Hi-Speed USB" refers to just the 480 Mbps portion of the USB Specification. We now use the term "USB" to refer to the 12Mbps and 1.5Mbps speeds. See for more information. You make also come across the concept of ‘networking’. A network is a cabling system that connects a group of computers together into as ‘Network’. This allows users at on computer to access resources and files on other computers that are connected to that network. It is the job of the OS to allow users to apply ‘attributes’ to the files and directory structures in order to allow or bar other users from accessing their data. ETHERNET is an example of networking standard that allows messages to be moved from one computer to another; it is not a complete networking solution, as it does not offer any form a file management. You may have also heard of Novell – this is a network standard that can overlay Ethernet, and provides the ‘networking’ layer that is lacking in Ethernet. There are other standards available. PCMCIA slots are very popular on portable PCs. These are in effect a collapsed BUS, that allows developers to design slim-line peripherals that can by plugged into the computer to provide a new facility, such as extra memory or a MODEM. All PC’s have a parallel port, which is usually used as a printer connection. 9.4 Human Machine Interfaces As a minimum these will be a screen, keyboard and a mouse. Screens come in two main technologies, CRTs (cathode ray tubes) and LCDs (liquid crystal displays). CRTs are big and bulky, and use the same technology as a TV – three different coloured spot sources (Red Green and Blue) are scanned across the screen. The more lines that your CRT can scan the better the vertical resolution. TVs have 625 lines, but in practice some of these are blank, and as the image is ‘interlaced’ the effective resolution is halved to about 300 lines. As each spot is scanned across your screen its’ intensity is changed. The speed at which this happens determines the horizontal resolution. So a screens overall resolution is defined in terms of (horizontal spot changes per line) x (total number of lines). A basic VGA screen offer 640 x 480 resolution, which means that there are 480 lines, each with 640 horizontal dots. Each dot is known as a Picture Cell, or Pixel for short. LCDs are made of individual dots, each of which can be switched on or off. You may be able to see them if you look closely at an LCD or Plasma screen. Keyboards are matrix-scanned devices, which converts each key depression into an 8-bit character (not ASCII) or a 16-bit character pair. This information is transmitted to the PC using a serial standard called Keyboard Wedge. Other devices that use the keyboard wedge standard are barcode scanners, infrared sensors and RFID (radio frequency ID) sensors. Mice can use a variety of techniques, USB, serial or keyboard wedge. 10 C Programming Language This section is not a complete introduction to C; such information can be found from a variety of sources at DMU. It is intended only to relate some C language concepts to material that we have already covered. 10.1 Data Types At the beginning of these notes we referred to different lengths of binary bits that are used to represent numbers. The names that we used were BIT, NIBBLE, BYTE & WORD. Numbers can unsigned or signed. Later on we discovered how floating point numbers are represented. In the C programming language most of these methods of representing numbers can be found. They are known as DATA TYPES. An 8-bit variable is known as a char. It can be signed or unsigned. We can create a char variable for use in our programme by declaring a variable. The programme line char x; will create an 8-bit variable that is called ‘x’. In this case it will be a signed variable, as that is the default. So x can have a numeric value in the range –128 to +127. If instead we wanted an unsigned variable it would be declared as unsigned char y ; This creates an 8-bit variable that is called ‘y’. It will be an unsigned variable. So y can have a numeric value in the range 0 to 255. 16-bit variables are declared using the data type int. int x; Will create a 16 bit signed variable, with a numeric range of –32268 to + 32267. unsigned int x ; Will create a 16 bit signed variable, with a numeric range of 0 to 65535. C also supports a 32-bit variable type, which used to be known as a long int, but is now just known as long. long x; Will create a 32-bit signed variable, with a numeric range of –2147483648 to +214748367. unsigned long x ; Will create a 16-bit signed variable, with a numeric range of 0 to 4294967296. C also supports two floating point variables types. float x ; Will create a 32-bit floating point variable that has an 8-bit exponent and a 24-bit mantissa. double x ; Will create a 64-bit floating point variable that has a 16-bit exponent and a 48-bit mantissa. 10.2 Operators C supports are range of mathematical and logical operators. Most of which are self explanatory. The maths operators are +-/* For Addition Subtraction Division and Multiplication. The usual BODMAS rules apply, which means that multiplication & division take precedence over addition and subtraction; but it is best to use brackets to ensure that you get the correct mathematical operation. The logical operators are &|^! For And Or Exclusive-Or and Not The logical operators should not be confused with the interrogative operators that are used to build conditional statements && || ~ These interrogative operations will be explained later. Numerical Representation Exercises 1 Convert the decimal number 98 into Binary, Octal and HEX Method First convert the number in BINARY An 8-bit Binary polynomial has columns with the following values 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Which are derived from the exponents of the power of 2. 20 = 1 21 = 2 22 = 4 23 = 8 24 = 16 25 = 32 26 = 64 27 = 128 So now we build up the binary number column by column As 98 < 128 the 128th column is zero 128 64 32 16 0 ? ? ? 8 ? 4 ? 2 ? 1 ? Now we try the 64th column As 98 > 64 we set the 64th column to a 1 and subtract 64 from our number 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 98 - 64 = 34 Now we try the 32nd column As 34 > 32 we set the 32nd column to a 1 and subtract 32 from our number 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? 34 - 32 = 2 Now we try the 16th column As 2 > 16 we set the 16th column to a 0 128 64 32 16 8 0 1 1 0 ? 4 ? 2 ? 1 ? Now we try the 8th column As 2 > 8 we set the 8th column to a 0 128 64 32 16 0 1 1 0 8 0 4 ? 2 ? 1 ? Now we try the 4th column As 2 > 4 we set the 4th column to a 0 128 64 32 16 0 1 1 0 8 0 4 0 2 ? 1 ? 4 0 2 1 1 ? As our remainder is 0 the last column must be 0 128 64 32 16 8 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 Now we try the 2nd column As 2 = 2 we set the 2nd column to a 1 128 64 32 16 8 0 1 1 0 0 2 -2 = 0 So 98 DECIMAL = 01100010 BINARY Which is another way of saying that 98 = 128x0 + 64x1 + 32x1 + 16x0 + 8x0 + 4x0 +2x1 + 1x0 Now we can convert our binary number into HEX and OCTAL equivalents To create HEX equivalents we group the binary digit into groups of 4 bits 01100010 = [0110] [0010] Our HEX number system has 16 different digits HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F BINARY 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 DECIMAL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 So using our table above [0110] = 6 [0010] = 2 So our HEX value is 62H NOTE THE H SUFFIX USED TO DENOTE THAT THIS IS A HEX NUMBER Which is another way of saying that 98 = 6x16 + 2x1 Our OCTAL number system has 8 different digits - OCTAL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BINARY 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 DECIMAL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To create our OCTAL number we group together three bits. So using our table above [001] = 1 [100] = 4 [010] = 2 So our OCTAL value is 142O NOTE THE O SUFFIX USED TO DENOTE THAT THIS IS AN OCTAL NUMBER Which is another way of saying that 98 = 1*64 + 4*8 + 2*1 2 Convert the following decimal numbers into BINARY HEX AND OCTAL 65 247 17 33 160 3 Convert the following numbers into decimal A7H 0AH 80H 220H 220O 777O 101O 01011100B 11000000B 01010101B 4 Multiply the following in binary, showing all your working 100101B 101000B x X 101B 1010B 5 Divide the following in binary, showing all your working 1001000B 1010001B / / 100B 10B 6 Perform the following multiplications in HEX 3H x 2H 8H x 2H 8H x 3H 10H x 10H 7 Perform the following Divisions in HEX 1476H / 10H 80H / 4H C0H / 4H 100H / 8H 8 Convert the following decimal numbers into 8-bit 2’s complement binary notation -1 -10 -127 -33 NUMERICAL REPRESENTATION KEY TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. Draw up a table that shows the relationship between the first 16 numbers, counting from zero, expressed as decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary. 2. How many binary bits are there in the following number ‘types’ NIBBLE BYTE WORD 3. What is the largest decimal number that can be represented by 8 binary bits? 4. What is the largest decimal number that can be represented by 16 binary bits? 5. What is the largest decimal number that can be represented by 10 binary bits? 6. What is the decimal equivalent of 1k? 7. What is the approximate decimal equivalent of the maximum number represented by 20 binary bits? 8. Convert the following decimal numbers into binary 45 129 53 195 9. Convert the following binary numbers into HEX 00101101 10000001 00110101 11000011 10. Convert the following decimal numbers into HEX 65 127 245 9 (Hint – convert the decimal into binary, and then convert the binary into HEX) 11. Convert the following signed 8 bit –ve binary numbers into their –ve equivalents 00000001 00110011 01010101 01111110 12. What is the binary representation of the following –ve numbers, express your answer using 8 bits. -1 -128 -17 -53 (Hint – first convert the +ve value into binary, then use the 2’s complement conversion technique to create the –ve binary equivalent number) 13. Convert the following HEX numbers into OCTAL 17 31 9 11 13. Convert the following HEX numbers into OCTAL 1A 3C 09 17 (hint – convert the HEX into binary, and then convert the binary into OCTAL) 14. Complete the following HEX sums, assuming that we are using signed 8-bit arithmetic 80 – 0A 15 + 95 05 – 07 1A + C7 15. What is the numeric range of 8 binary bits if we are using unsigned notation? 16. What is the numeric range of 8 binary bits if we are using signed notation? 17. What is the numeric range of 16 binary bits if we are using unsigned notation? 18. What is the numeric range of 16 binary bits if we are using unsigned notation? 19. Approximately how many memory locations can be addressed by a 24-bit address bus? 20. Complement the following binary numbers 01010101 11110000 10101111 00001000 21. Negate the following binary numbers 01010101 11110000 10101111 00001000 22. What is the format of a floating-point number? What is meant by the terms MANTISSA and EXPONENT?