
EDU 221-Introduction to Education
Spring 2012
Phoenix College
Teacher Education Program
Carmen Johnston M.Ed
(623) 341-2749
Office Hours: by appointment only
Course Title EDU 221- Introduction to Education
Credits: 3
Class Mtgs.
Prerequisites none
Thursday 7:10-9:50
Section # 19903
Required Text/Material:
Koch. (2012). Teach 1st Edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning
Course Description:
Overview of the historical, political, economical, and philosophical factors that influence education and
make it so complex. Opportunity for students to assess their interest and suitability for teaching. Includes
school-based practicum.
Course Note:
Requires a minimum of 30 hours field experience in elementary or secondary classroom environment.
The location must be approved by the instructor before commencing the exercise.
“Students will be notified by the instructor of any changes in course requirements or policies”
Course Objectives:
1. Evaluate current statistics and trends in the field, and personal motives when considering education
as a career.
2. Analyze the political and economical influences on education at the federal and state levels.
3. Identify and explain the current issues confronting public education, including legal and ethical
4. Analyze historic events in education and their importance and impact on education today.
5. Evaluate the major philosophies of education and describe your personal philosophy of education.
6. Explain how national and state standards influence curriculum development, assessment,
accountability, and classroom practices.
7. Synthesize the factors that influence education and make it so complex.
8. Participate in a K-12 classroom field experience for a minimum of 30 hours.
9. Analyze instruction, relationships, and classroom management strategies observed in you 30 hours
field experience.
10. Develop a portfolio to demonstrate your abilities, teaching philosophy, experience, growth and
potential as an educator.
Class Policies
Attendance: To keep up with the course material, you must make every effort to attend each class meeting. If
you expect to miss a class, call me or e-mail me using the contact information found on the first page of this
syllabus. If you miss on a day of a test you will NOT be able to make that up.
Fingerprinting Procedures: You MUST show evidence of Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Card. A required
copy will be kept in the administrative office. You have until ____________________ to be fingerprinted or
you will be DROPPED from the course. Fingerprints can take 3-5 weeks to process so get them done ASAP.
 Monday February 20, 2012 is the last day to withdrawal WITHOUT Instructors signature
Classroom Behavior:
 Please arrive on time to lecture.
 Silence and cell phones and electronic devices.
 Contribute to an open, respectful atmosphere of sharing opinions, thoughts, and ideas.
 Come prepared to class with all materials read and be ready to participate.
Electronic Devices: As a courtesy to the class, and me, all cell phones, pagers, IPODS, should be turned off
during class. If you are expecting an urgent call, please use non-audible settings and leave the classroom before
answering. Please do not electronically record the class without my prior permission.
Academic Misconduct: Committing plagiarism is unethical and can result in loss of credit (loss of all points)
for an assignment. When using an author’s words or thoughts, giving proper credit [us quotations marks around
direct quoted] or citing the source you used, no plagiarism has occurred
Assignments Due: Assignment and reading must be completed by the assigned guidelines that follow. I expect
that you will have your assignments ready at the beginning of class and reading complete prior to our class
Late Work: There are no exceptions for late work. There is an extra credit assignment available to make up for
any work not turned in on time.
Grade Disputes: I will carefully and thoughtfully grade all of your assignments. If you disagree with a grade
on any assignment or assessment, you must submit a written statement of the reasons for your disagreement
within one week of receiving the grade.
Additional Responsibilities: Students enrolled in this course are responsible for information provided in this
syllabus. In addition, students are responsible for college policies included in both the Phoenix College Catalog
(2007-08) and the Phoenix College Student Handbook (2007-08).
Course Requirements and Grading
3 @ 50 points each
Class Participation 10 pts per class
10 @ 10 pts each
Final Exam
Group Project
Field Experience Deadline
Current Events
2 @ 25 pts
Movie Review
300 points
150 points
160 points
100 points
100 points
50 points
50 points
50 points
40 points
1,000 points
Grading Scale:
1,000-900 points
899-800 points
799-700 points
699-600 points
599 and below
Assignments Descriptions:
Portfolio: You will be developing a portfolio to demonstrate your abilities, teaching philosophy, experience, growth, and as an
educator. This will include your field experience documentation, Philosophy of education, classroom management strategies, teaching
strategies, personal accomplishments and field experience reflection. An outline will be given at a later date.
Exams: Completion of a midterm and final exam are required. The exams may consist of true/false, multiple choice, and/or essay
questions. *For each exam, you must provide your own scantron test sheet for use on the multiple choice and /or true-false
Class Participation/Attendance: 5 points will be given for each class meeting. You must participate in group discussion to earn your
participation grade for the day. If you miss class on any given day you will lose those points.
Perspectives: You will be given 10 different sets of questions to answer from your perspective. Each set will be accompanied by
reading the corresponding Chapter in the text. Your responses must be typed in questions and answer form using complete sentences.
Group Project: You will be working cooperatively with other members of the class to research and create a timeline of our
Educational Heritage covered in Chapters 3. Guidelines for the project will be given at a later date
Current Events: You must research a current event in any field of education and write a 1 page summary of your findings along with
your personal viewpoint of the topic. (Why you found it interesting? Do you agree with the statements made? Etc…) The current
event article must be submitted along with your summary.
Movie Review: Choose a movie from the education genre you have NEVER seen. . Write a 1-page essay of the movie summarizing
the theme and how it influences you as a teacher.
Extra Credit: You have the opportunity to earn 20 additional points of extra credit by attending a Public School Boards Meeting.
You must attend the entire meeting. You will need to turn in a one page, typed summary of the meeting. Be sure to include the
agenda with your paper. No other extra credit will be offered.
EDU 221
Spring 2012 Schedule
Ch 1
Ch. 1
Ch 2
Ch. 2
Ch 2.
Ch 1 & 2 Take Home Test
Ch 3 Group Project
Ch. 3
Chapter 3 Group Project
Chapter 4- Principles of Teaching and Learning
Test #2 Ch. 3 & 4
Chapter 5- Who Are Today’s Students
Chapter 6- Contemporary Trends and Pressing
Issues In Education
Chapter 6
Test #3 Ch. 5 & 6
Child Abuse
School Finance
Chapter 8- Globalization and Education
Chapter Readings
Chapter 1- Becoming A Teacher
Ch. 1
Field Experience Requirements
Ch. 2-Teaching Stories
Perspectives Due
Chapter 9- The Classroom as a Community
Chapter 10-Making the Decision to Become a
Chapter 7- Technology in the 21st Century
Computer Lab
Portfolios Due
Final Exam Ch 7,8,9, & 10
Ch. 3
Current Event # 1
Ch 4
Ch. 4
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch 6.
Movie Review Due
Ch. 8
Ch. 8
Ch. 10
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Current Event #2
Ch 7
Ch. 7
Student Resources
Disability Accommodations: I am more than happy to make reasonable accommodations for disability-related
limitations. Please see me to discuss any special needs you might have. If you have, or believe you have, a
disability and would benefit from any accommodations, you may wish to self identify by contacting:
 The Disability Resource Center (DRC) coordinates services which will ensure students with
disabilities access to college programs and resources. Services included interpreting for the
deaf/hard of hearing, note-taking, reading, testing accommodations, adaptive technology,
enlarged print and Braille text for handouts and course materials, audio tapes and special seating
arrangements. Certain classroom accommodations such as interpreting services, audio taped
texts and converted Braille material require preparation time. For this reason, students with
disabilities are encouraged to contact the DRC office prior to registrations in order to provide the
necessary documentation. All disability-related information obtained by the DRC remains
 LC Building
 Phone (602) 285-7477
 Fax (602) 285-7663
Testing Center:
 LC Building
 Phone (602) 285-7844
 Fax
(602) 285-7933
Learning Center: The learning center office is responsible for providing quality support services to the
students at Phoenix College so they can develop academic skills essential to successful learning. Students
improve their study habits and receive assistance through tutoring, study skills development, multimedia
materials and student special services. Services are provided with qualified assistance in a friendly, nonthreatening learning environment.
These support services include:
 Tutoring
 Study Skills
 Advisement/referral
 Supplemental Computer Aids
 Services to At-Risk and/or Disadvantaged Students
 Other services as needed
 LC Building
 Phone (602) 285-7486
 Fax
(602) 285-7663
Compliance with Policies, Rules and Regulations:
 Every student is expected to know and comply with all current published policies, rules and
regulations as printed in the college catalog, class schedule and/or student handbook, Copies are
available in the Liberal Arts Department (A-building, Room 126)
College Catalog:
Student Handbook:
Online Resources:
APA quick guide for citing references-Provided by Illinois University:
Arizona Department of Education Link to Academic Standards K-12:
National Education Association:
Disclaimer: This syllabus is a tentative plan for the course and likely will be altered, orally or in writing, at my
discretion. Course content may also vary from this syllabus to meet the needs of this particular class. It is your
responsibility to keep abreast of changes to the syllabus.
EDU 221 Course Acknowledgment Form
Phone #:
E-mail Address:
Grade Level/Subject you are interested in teaching:
School where you are interested in doing your field experience:
Please initial the following and sign below:
_____ I understand that I am required to perform 30 hours of field experience in a Public, Private, or
Charter School in order to receive a passing grade from EDU 221
_____ I understand that I am, by law, required to submit a copy of my fingerprint card to the Education
Administrative Office (H-221) or show your paperwork from the Department of Corrections verifying
that your fingerprints are being processed by_______________________.
_____ I understand that I must have my School Site Placement confirmed by _______________and begin
by field experience by _______________________.
_____ I have read the EDU 221 Syllabus and will comply with all other requirements.
Name Printed