Pat Kramer: Lesson Plans Week 3: August 30-September 4, 2015 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 Spanish 2 English 11 Objective: to introduce Chapter 1 Moonday Monday Check homework: activities 7 & 8 (p. 5 in text) Check notes taken in the first 7 days of class. Hand out Chapter 1 vocabulary list & work on pronunciation. Homework: Make a Chapter 1 (left column) vocabulary quizlet Objective: to practice using adjectives as nouns & using the target vocabulary in context Practice Worksheets 71 through 7-4, p. 91-94 Homework: Create a Chapter 7 Vocabulary quizlet (right column) Chapter 7 Vocabulary Test (right column) on Friday, 9/4 Objective: 1) to present a diamondshaped poem that demonstrates the correct use/form of each part of speech & clipart and/or pictures relevant to the poem 2) to introduce Chapter 1 vocabulary Objectives: 1) to discuss what myths are 2) to review 5 types of context clues 3) to complete Vocabulary Lesson 2 using context clues & the context clues handout Presentation of diamond poems Check homework: Show me your screenshot of each of the following from under Spanish adjectives and nouns, activities #’s 1, #2 & #3 *Last Thursday’s assignment Chapter 1A Vocabulary handout – Listen to pronunciations if there’s time. Chapter 1A Vocabulary Test on Fri., 9/4 Review the 5 types of context clues on the handout received on the first day of class. In class: Complete Vocabulary Lesson 2 handout - Due today! Read (as a class) the myth entitled “The Sky Tree”, p. 20 in the lit. book. Vocabulary Lesson 2 Test on Thurs., 9/3 Objective: to master review material Check review packet in class. Tuesday Additional review: Objective: 1) to begin memorizing the lesson 1 vocabulary for the test on Friday Check Vocabulary quizlet 7 (right column) WEIRDO Homework: Practice Worksheets 7-5, 7-6 & 7-7, p. 95-97 Homework: Chapter 7 Vocabulary Test (right column) on Friday, 9/4 Objective: to review interrogatives Checking to see if you have the groupings of Spanish words in your notebook with the English translation (last Thursday’s assignment) entitled: A ver si recuerdas. Create a Vocabulary 1A / Part 1 quizlet. Prepare for Friday’s Voc. 1A / Part 1 Test using Objectives: 1) to discuss key terms for literature 2) to begin memorizing Vocabulary Lesson 2 for the test on Thursday Check Vocabulary lesson 2 & turn in. Vocabulary Lesson 2 test on Thursday Objectives: 1) to memorize the 1A Vocabulary 2) to review preterite (reg., irreg., & orthographic) Vocabulary 1 Practice on quizlet AVSR worksheets, p. 15-18 Objectives: Objective: to improve 1) to memorize the vocabulary listening & writing skills for Thursday’s test 2) to review negative & Prepare for Friday’s affirmative words and using Voc. 1A / Part 1 Test adjectives as nouns using Worksheets: 1A-A, 1A Study Chapter 7 b, 1A-1 & 1A-2, p. 5-8 vocabulary on Check homework: Practice Worksheets 75, 7-6 & 7-7, p. 95-97 Chapter 7 Vocabulary Test (right column) on Friday Objective: to discuss theme and compare & contrast Wednesday Study Voc. Lesson 2 for tomorrow’s quiz Go to library and pick out a novel to read. Literary Focus: Archetype- a very old imaginative pattern that appears in literature across cultures and is repeated through the ages. It includes characters, plots, images, themes & settings. What is archetype and personification? Intro to myths, p. 18 -A myth is a story that is made up and that explains the existence of a natural phenomenon such as- where thunder comes from or why snow falls from the sky. Myths — which often include gods and goddesses and other supernatural characters who have the power to make extraordinary things happen — are popular even when people know the actual reasons for natural phenomena. Objective: 1) to review regular, irregular & orthographic preterite forms 2) Thursday r sday Check AVSR Worksheets 1-4, p. 1518. Practice memorizing vocabulary, Chapter 1 (left column) Chapter 1 Vocabulary Test tomorrow! Objectives: 1) to master the Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2) to heighten listening and writing skills Chapter 7 Vocabulary Test (right column) tomorrow! Workbook audio & writing activities 1 & 2, 92 & 93 Objective: to practice regular verbs for mastery Worksheets: 1A-A, 1A-b, 1A1 & 1A-2, p. 5-8 Objective: to demonstrate mastery of the vocabulary in lesson 2 Partner practice - 5 minutes. Login on Blackboard & take the lesson 2 vocabulary test today. Read & discuss myths: “Strawberries” and “Mother Earth’s Son”. Students will write a myth by brainstorming ideas to create a story that helps explain the world in which we live. Due tomorrow! Objective: 1) to demonstrate mastery of the Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2) to improve listening skills Chapter 1 (left column) Vocabulary Test today! Listen to and discuss Manos a la obra & Videohistoria. Objective: 1) to demonstrate mastery of the Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2) to improve listening skills Chapter 7 Vocabulary Test (right column) today! Finish workbook audio activities 2, 3 & 4, p. 9394. Objective: to complete the project on p. 13 in text Prepare your diamondshaped poem and use relevant clipart to help convey meaning. Then, mount it on construction paper. Use glue, not tape! : ) Present to the class on Monday, 8/31/15. Objective: to continue reading & discussing myths Friday Turn in the myth you wrote. Novel sign-up sheet and book talk handout Read: In the lit. book, read: “Coyote finishes his work”, p. 22 in the lit. book. Read, also: “Heritage Link”, p. 88 – Oprah’s heritage Allusion: a reference to someone or something that is well-known from history, literature, religion, politics, sports, science or some other aspect of culture. Historical narrative: a personal and often autobiographical account of a significant event in history