Directed Reading Form This form is to be completed and signed by the student and faculty sponsor, and submitted to and approved by the GSOM Associate Dean prior to registration for the course. If approved, it will then be submitted to the Registrar’s Office so that the student can be registered. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Clark ID: Program: Degree Level: Course Information Subject area: ACCT (Accounting) Undergraduate Graduate MIS (Management Information Systems) FIN (Finance) MKT (Marketing) MGMT (Management, Global Business, Social Change, & Sustainability) Course credit: Semester: 0.5 unit Fall 1 unit Spring If 0.5 unit: Summer Module A Module B Year: Name of faculty sponsor: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature*: Date: *By typing my name, I recognize that this is equivalent to a written signature and I attest to the fact that the information on this form is correct. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I agree to serve as faculty sponsor for the directed reading project specified above and I approve the course of study as outlined in the following pages. Signature of faculty sponsor*: Date: *By typing my name, I recognize that this is equivalent to a written signature and I attest to the fact that the information on this form is correct. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I approve the directed reading as outlined in the following pages and as approved by the faculty sponsor. Title of Course, as determined by the Associate Dean: Signature of Associate Dean*: Date: *By typing my name, I recognize that this is equivalent to a written signature and I attest to the fact that the information on this form is correct. Please submit this form to your faculty sponsor through your Clark University email account. Please provide detailed information outlining your proposed directed reading by including the following (this can be filled out below, or you may submit separate documentation with this form): A. A description/outline of your proposed project. B. A list of the reading materials to be used. C. A weekly summary of how you propose to complete the project. Be sure to include dates of exams and meetings with instructor, deadlines for papers (including length, content, etc.), schedule of readings, and so on. D. Grading policy for the course.