References (Examples of Author-Date Style) (For Committees C01

Revised 16 January 2003
Author 1,1 Author 2,1 and Author 3,1 {ASTM Author}
Title of Paper {ASTM Title of Paper}
REFERENCE {ASTM Reference Block}: DeMars, K. A., Henderson, W. P., and Liu, M.,
“Title of Paper,” Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials: 4th Volume, ASTM STP
1428, M. A. McGaw, S. Kalluri, J. Bressers, and S. D. Peteves, Eds., ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA, 2002.
ABSTRACT {ASTM Abstract}: The abstract should be approximately 100 to 150 words in
KEYWORDS {ASTM Keywords}: Include approximately 5 to 10 keywords separated by
commas. These keywords are critical for online indexing of your final paper.
Introduction {ASTM Heading 1}
Your paper will be peer-reviewed for technical content and acceptability for
publication by ASTM International. Papers submitted for consideration must not have
been previously published. Copies of our policies regarding peer review and previously
published material are attached. {ASTM Body Text Indent}
Word Processing Instructions
These instructions have been developed in the style and format of an ASTM STP
paper. If you are submitting your paper electronically, you may request our Word
template for your convenience in creating the paper.2 All of the styles included in that
template appear here in brackets, demonstrating where to apply them in your own
manuscript. Authors may also choose to copy these instructions from the template into a
new document and type over the text, since the template is already applied. All authors
submitting electronically must also submit a hard copy of their paper.
After the peer reviewer’s comments have been addressed, all authors are requested to
send the revised paper electronically and on hard copy. Please ensure that the electronic
and hardcopy versions are identical. Whenever possible, e-mail correspondence and
files, and fax hard copies. In cases where the manuscript would need to be placed on our
FTP site, contact the STP Administrative Assistant or in-house editor.
Creating a New Paper Using the Template
When creating a new document using the template, follow these
 Copy into your templates directory, e.g.,
Type author’s job title and company affiliation and mailing address here. {ASTM footnote text}
Templates can also be found on the ASTM Website. Refer to Publishing Guide in the Technical
Publications section on the Site Map.
 Launch Microsoft Word.
 From the File menu, select New. When the New pop-up window appears, select
 All of the heading styles outlined in this document are included in our template:
ASTM Author, ASTM Title of Paper, ASTM Reference Block, ASTM Abstract,
ASTM Keywords, ASTM Heading 1, ASTM Heading 2, ASTM Heading 3,
ASTM Body Text, ASTM Body Text Indent, ASTM Footnote Text, ASTM
Caption Centered, ASTM Caption Indent, ASTM Endnote Text.
 Click on the appropriate style in the pull-down style menu and begin typing.
 Press Enter at the ending of a paragraph or heading, but do not include additional
line endings as all spacing between paragraphs and headings is built into the style.
Manuscript Organization
When using the ASTM template, the page margins are set up automatically.
Otherwise, set the top, bottom, and right margins at 1 in. The inside margin and the top
margin for the first page only is 1½ in. Font is 12 pt. Times New Roman. Body text is
single-spaced with full justification. Number each page in the outside corner.
Page 1 Requirements {ASTM Heading 2}
Author Byline {ASTM Heading 3}—The full name, followed by a numbered footnote,
of each author should appear in the first line of the manuscript. Include the author’s job
title and affiliation in the footnote.
Title of Paper—Use initial capitals and lower case letters for paper title. Insert a 1 pt.
solid line beneath the title.
Reference Block—Use the format included on page 1 of this sample document for the
Reference, Abstract, and Keywords.
Manuscripts should be organized with as many subdivisions (subheads) as necessary
to ensure readability. First-level headings are flush left, boldface, initial capitals, and
lowercase (ASTM Heading 1 in the template). Second-level subheads are flush left,
italicized, initial capitals, and lowercase (ASTM Heading 2 in the template). Third-level
subheads are indented, italicized, initial capitals, and lowercase, followed by an em dash
and roman, body style text (ASTM Heading 3 in the template).
Editorial Style
The nomenclature section goes after the Keywords and before the Introduction.
Mathematical Material
Mathematical copy must be clear with distinctions made between ambiguous symbols
(e.g., zero and letter “o”; one and letter “I”). Equations are centered with the number of
the equation in parentheses on the far right. Apply the Normal style to all equations. Use
Microsoft Equation Editor whenever possible, or include equations as scanned images.
For example:
 1
2  m
w  
  q
 4V0  0 0
Use Arabic numbers throughout. Spell out the number for multiple-number
expressions, e.g., fifteen 2-cm rods. Place a zero before a decimal point, e.g., 0.65. Use
spaces in place of commas for numbers containing more than three digits, e.g., 12 365.
Chemical Symbols
Spell out chemical compounds the first time they appear in the text and include the
formula in parentheses, e.g., hydrochloric acid (HCl); use only the symbol thereafter.
Spell out individual chemical elements. In figures and tables, use symbols freely for
compounds and elements.
Metric Practice
ASTM policy requires the use of SI units in all publications (including figures and
tables). See IEEE/ASTM SI 10 Standard for the Use of the International System of Units
(SI): The Modern Method System (attached). If inch-pound units must be used to
accurately present test results, SI equivalents must follow in parentheses. Excerpts from
the standard are appended to these instructions for your convenience in preparing your
All tables must be cited in numerical order in the text in parentheses, e.g., (Table 1).
Online and camera ready manuscripts should have the tables correctly placed within the
text. Use the ASTM Caption Centered or ASTM Caption Indented style for the proper
caption format: centered above the table for one-line captions and a first line indent if the
caption includes two or more lines. Provide all units of measurement. Insert a solid line
under the column headings. Insert a zero before decimal fractions, e.g., 0.7. Use three
dots (…) to mark empty places in tables. All explanatory notes should be included as
TABLE 1—Results of tests. {ASTM Caption Centered}
Length, m
Width, m
Refrigerate at 20ºC for three days.
Figures for camera ready manuscripts should be placed within the text. Figures for
online manuscripts should be sent in a separate electronic file as .tif images and linked
into the appropriate place in the text (in MS Word go to Insert, then File, then Insert as
Link). Use consecutive, Arabic numerals for captions. Figure elements and type size in
legends should be large and legible. Include in-text figure citations throughout the paper
in numeric order, for example, (Fig. 1). Use figures to demonstrate a point, only when
If you are using the template, use the toolbar button “ASTM Graphic Insertion” to insert
figures in the paper. Upon clicking on the toolbar button, browse to the file you are
inserting, then use Word’s “Link to File” feature so that the figure is not embedded in
the text. For Word 97, after browsing to the desired file, select “Link to file” and deselect
“Save with document” check boxes. For Word 2000, after browsing to the desired file,
click on the arrow in the lower right-hand corner of the window and select “Link to file.”
Be sure to send the separate image files to ASTM International.
NOTE: We welcome color figures for our online publications. Those choosing to submit
color figures for the web must also submit those same figures in grayscale for the printed
book, ensuring that no information is lost in the grayscale figure. {ASTM Body Text}
Graphs and Charts
All electronic graphs and charts should be incorporated using Microsoft Office
products such as PowerPoint or Excel. Simulate shading with solids, black lines, or
patterns. Avoid fine dot or line patterns. All labeling must be large enough to be legible
after a 20% reduction.
Diagrams and Photographs
Electronically submitted line art and photographs should be in .tif format, with line
art at 600 dpi and photographs at 300 dpi. Keep master copies of your artwork as original
artwork is not returned to authors. Photographs must be clear images with good contrast.
If using a conventional camera, keep in mind that the larger the negative, the sharper the
image. The best scanned photos originate from film. If using a digital camera, use the
highest resolution (1200 × 960 pixels or greater). Keep the legends similar in size and
appearance, when applicable. Submit files by (a) Microsoft-compatible CD-Rom, (b) 3½
in. disk, or (c) e-mail. All electronic submissions must be accompanied by a hard
copy. In cases where the figure would need to be placed on our FTP site, contact the STP
Administrative Assistant or in-house editor.
276 MPa
6.4 mm
34 MPa
41 MPa
351 MPa
FIG. 1 Insert caption here.{ASTM Caption Centered}
In order to avoid commercialism, use generic terms whenever possible. Capitalize
trademarks and trade names, when used. Use the symbols ® or ™, when appropriate, and
include the company name, city, and state in a footnote the first time used and capitalize
the trademark name throughout the rest of the paper.
Citing Standards
Provide the full citation for all standards cited in your paper within the text (do not
include in a footnote or reference). For example: The test was conducted in accordance
with ASTM Test Method for Peeling Resistance of Paperboard (D 1029). For subsequent
referrals, use the letter and number designation only, e.g., ASTM D 1029.
NOTE: ASTM has two styles of references. References for books and journals
sponsored by the following committees use the Author/Date Style: C01 (Cement), C09
(Concrete and Concrete Aggregates), D18 (Soil and Rock), E35 (Pesticides), and E47
(Biological Effects and Environmental Fate). All other books and journals use the
Numerical Style. For examples of each of these reference styles, see the list of references
All references must contain enough information to allow a reader to find the cited
materials. Use italics for titles of books or journals and do not abbreviate journal titles.
Reference to personal communications must be footnoted on the bottom of the same page
as the first citation, not listed in the reference section. Standards are not cited as
Web site references must contain the title of the site, the URL, and the date you
viewed the site. If possible, also include the author, the date the information on the site
was written or posted, and any other pertinent information that will help the reader find
the reference.
For Numeric Style References, cite the references in the text in numeric order, using
italics, in brackets, e.g. [1] or [1,3,5,] or [3–8]. References should be listed in the order of
their citation at the end of the paper.
For Author-Date Style References, cite references in the text using the author’s last
name and date of publication, e.g., (Jenkins 1980) or (Jenkins and Smith 1980) or
(Jenkins et al. 1980). When there is no individual author, use the publisher with the date,
i.e., (Composites Research Institute 1989). References should be listed in alphabetical
order at the end of the paper. For multiple citations, use the following notation:
 (Jenkins 1980, 1989) for two references by the same author.
 (Jenkins 1980a, 1980b) when both references were published in the same year
by a single author.
 (Jenkins 1980; Wong 1972; Smith and Jones 1990) for different references,
with multiple authors, with the years of publication.
References (Examples of Numeric Style) (All committees use this style EXCEPT C01,
C09, D18, E-35, and E-47)
[1] Theiss, T. J. and Shum, D. K. M., “Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the
Shallow-Flaw Effect in Reactor Pressure Vessels,” USNRC Report
NUREG/CR-5886 (ORNL/TM-12115), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 1992.
{ASTM Endnote Text}
[2] Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Section 50.61 and Appendix G.
[3] McAfee, W. J., Bass, B. R., and Bryson, Jr., J. W., “Development of a Methodology
for the Assessment of Shallow-Flaw Fracture in Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessels,”
ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Orlando, FL, 27–31 July 1997,
PVP-Vol. 346, pp. 85–94.
[4] Chapuis, R. P., “Sand-Bentonite Liners: Predicting Permeability from Laboratory
Tests,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 27, ID 423, Online, Available:
www.cto/pub/library/gj/chap.html, 14 March 2000.
References (Examples of Author-Date Style) (For Committees C01, C09, D18, E35,
and E47 Only)
Anderson, D. E., June 1984, “Surface Impoundment of Soil Liners,” Geotechnical
Testing Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 30–41.
Composite Research Institute and Materials Structural Analysis Society, 1989,
Composites for Small Aircraft Applications, University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia, PA, pp. 25–30.
Jenkins, J. A., 1980a, Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics, Vol. I, John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
Jenkins, J. A., 1980b, Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics, Vol. II, John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
Miura, S., Wood, S.T., and Kirk, R.T., 1960, “A Sample Preparation Method and Its
Effect on Static and Cyclic Deformation,” Soils and Foundation, Vol. 22, No. 1,
pp. 61–77.
Additional Information
Please refer to the following resources for additional guidance regarding the
presentation of your paper:
 Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
 Chicago Manual of Style for good technical writing.
 IEEE/ASTM SI-10 Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI) for
information on the conversion to and use of SI metric units.
If you have any questions when preparing your manuscript, please do not hesitate to
Ms. Christina Painton
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
PO Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
Attachments and Associated Files
COP Review Policy (see Attachment A)
COP Previously Published Policy (see Attachment B)
ASTM Author Agreement (refer to attached file Authoragreement.doc)
SI Quick Reference Guide (refer to attached file SIguide.pdf)
Committee on Publications
Review Policy
List of Reviewers: Two reviewers and one alternate reviewer must be provided by the
book or journal Editor for each paper.
Anonymity of the Reviewers: In keeping with long standing publication practices,
ASTM protects the anonymity of the peer reviewers.
ASTM’s Review Process: Each paper published by ASTM requires two reviews. When
the two reviewers’ comments are received, they are sent to the Editor for consideration.
The Editor is given 10 days to make a recommendation after which time the reviews are
sent to the author requesting revision of the paper in accordance with the reviews and any
additional comments provided by the Editor. The Editor may also request additional
reviews as warranted.
Controversial Papers: When a reviewer recommends that material be rejected, the
Editor confers with the COP Representative assigned to that publication to reach a joint
Note: ASTM Journal Editors have the right to reject papers without input from a COP
Representative as long as no conflict of interest exists.
Completion of the Review Process (for STPs): The following policy was adopted by
COP in order to expedite publications:
“The review process must be completed within 6 months after the symposium date, i.e.,
the final receipt of manuscripts, or the symposium chairman must appeal to the COP for
an extension. The COP may grant an extension based on the situation, or may indicate
other steps that must be followed to resolve the situation.”
Committee on Publications
“Previously Published” Policy
In order to maintain the integrity of the publication process, the policy of ASTM and its
Committee on Publications (COP) forbids the publication of previously published
material. For the purpose of this policy, “previously published” means published in a peer
reviewed, archival document or electronic format such that the material can be easily
referenced and obtained. With limited exceptions, this definition would encompass any
material that is currently subject to copyright protection. Informally published proceeding
of workshops or seminars would not normally fall under the scope of this definition.
In order to be subject to this policy, the material in question need not be identical to the
previous publication, only substantially the same. The editor of the publication and the
assigned COP Representative are responsible for determining whether or not the material
is “substantially the same” in each case.
Exceptions to this policy can be granted with approval of the Technical Editor of a
journal or the Technical Editor of a book and the COP Representative. Examples for
exceptions may include, the completeness or technical accuracy of a manual might be
compromised without the materials contained in a previously published work. Similarly,
a journals’ Technical Editor may feel that the readers would benefit from the information
so much that they agree to sacrifice journal pages to accommodate the previously
published article.
In cases where an exception is granted, all necessary waivers of copyright must be
obtained by the author and submitted in writing to ASTM and cited in the publication
with the copyright holder’s permission.