Chapter 6

Spanish I
Lesson Plans
Feb. 25 – Mar. 26
Monday/Tuesday, Feb. 25/26
 Chapter 6 Vocabulary Sheets
Introduce Chapter 6: Featured Country: México.
“Story Telling”: See notes: Background History on Mexico; Mayan Ruins, Aztecs, etc.
Slide show
Geoculture discussion: pages 190-193
Chapter 6, Section 1: Commenting on food and making polite requests.
Page 194-5
This photo features street-vendor stalls in Chapultepec Park in Mexico City.
Pages 196 & 197: New Vocabulary: FOOD!!!
Tell students the difference between a glass (vaso) and a cup (taza). Have them write this
on their vocab sheet.
Core Instruction:
1. Introduce the new vocabulary, modeling the pronunciation.
¡Exprésate” box on page 197 and 198
2. Ask students which foods they like, using….¿te gusta(n)…
3. Ask students which utensils, plates, etc. we use to eat certain foods. For example:
---Para tomar la sopa, ¿necesitas un tenedor? (No, necesito una cuchara y un
plato hondo.
----Para cortar el sánwich, necesitas una cuchara?
Wednesday/Thursday, Feb 27/28: Vocabulary quiz: matching
Wednesday/Thursday, Feb 27/28
Overhead transparency: Review of vocabulary.
Have students “act out” ¡Exprésate! page 197 & 198
Read aloud some of the expressions and ask students whether the speaker is most likely a
server or customer.
Vocab quiz (matching-sychron-eyes)
Pages 198-199: Do exercises 1, 2 (L/C), 3, 4, & 5. Share with class in Round Robin
Homework: Vocabulary 1 Practice Sheets pp 61, 62 & 63
Vocabulary 1/Application Quiz: Friday/Monday, Feb. 29/Mar.3
Friday/Monday, Feb. 29/Mar. 3
Corrijen paginas 61, 62, & 62
Vocabulary 1 Application Quiz
Page 200: Introduce Gramática en acción (ser and estar)
Core Instruction:
Review the forms of ser and estar.
Go over Point 1. Ask students to suggest additional sentences using estar.
Go over point 2. Ask students to suggest additional sentences using ser.
Go over point 3. Give students descriptions of fools, like “está picante”. Have
students tell whether you are describing what the food normally tastes like or
tastes like at a specific moment.
La sopa está salada. Specific
El picante es rico.
El jugo de naranja es frio. Normal
Review notes of when to use ser and estar.
Pages 200 & 201: On-line textbook, do ex. 7, 8, omit 9, & 10.
Ex. 11: I ask students if they like a particular food and they must respond accordingly.
Quiz: For Tuesday/Wednesday, Mar. 4/5: Conjugating ser and estar. (syncrhon-eyes)
Page 202: Pedir and servir, stem changing verbs:
Core Instruction:
1. Go over ¿Te acuerdas? As students to come up with some stem-changing verbs.
2. Go over point 1.
3. Ask students to add the conjugation of an ei stem-changing verb to the verb
conjugation charts in their computer notes. (Project)
4. Review the other stem-changing verbs students have had thus far.
Tuesday/Wednesday, Mar. 4/5
Quiz: “ser” and “estar” conjugation quiz (synchron-eyes)
Page 202: Round Robin: exercises 12 (L/C), 13, 14, & 15
Page 204: preferir, poder, and probar (stem-changing verbs)
Core Instruction:
1. Go over ¿Te acuerdas?
2. Have a few students go to the board. The student will choose a candidate from the
audience and give him/her a sentence in English and the candidate must say it in
Spanish as the board person writes it on the board. (preferir).
3. Go over point 2. hat similar verbs have students already learned with this stem
change? (almorzar, dormir, llover, volver).
4. Again, have some students go to the board and choose a candidate from the
audience to create a sentence using poder and probar.
Pages 204-205: On-line do exercises 17, 18, and two of 19.
Homework: Grammar 2 practice sheets: pages 64, 65, & 66
Memorize the conjugations and meanings of: pedir, servir, preferir, poder, & probar (all
stem-changing verbs.)
Grammar 1 Quiz: Thursday/Friday, Mar. 6/7
Thursday/Friday, Mar. 6/7
Corrijen las paginas 63, 64, & 65
Watch Gramavisión: vocab and grammar concepts
Grammar 1 Quiz
Pages 208 & 209: Vocabulario en Acción 2
Core Instruction:
1. Introduce the vocabulary modeling the pronunciation of each item.
2. Call out the names of foods (including those students learned previously, and
have volunteers tell whether they normally eat the food at breakfast, lunch, or
dinner. (For example, call out “los cereales” a student might respond with:
“Siempre desayuno cereales / Como cereales para el desayuno.
3. Tell students what I usually have fo breakfast, then ask what they have, using
“¿Qué desayunas?” Then ask students what they would like to have for lunch and
dinner today, using: ¿Qué quieres hoy de almuerzo/cena?
4. Page 209: ¡Exprésate! : Talking about meals.
Go over the vocab and expressions.
Page 211: ¡Exprésate!: To offer help and to give instructions.
Monday/Tuesday, Mar. 10/11
Overhead Vocab Review
Vocabulary Quiz 2, Matching
With transparencies, review food vocabulary.
Nota Cultural page 210
Exercises 21, 22, 23, & 24 (L/C)
Homework: Vocabulary 2 practice sheets: pp 67, 68 & 69
Vocabulary 2 Quiz (application) on Wednesday, Thursday, Mar. 12/13
Wednesday/Thursday, Mar. 12/13
Bell work: page 212 project from notes
Corrijen paginas 67, 68, 69
Vocabulary 2 Quiz (application)
Page 212: Direct objects and direct object pronouns
Core Instruction:
1. Go over ¿Te acuerdas?
2. Go over Point 1. Have students suggest English sentences that have direct
objects, then have them suggest some Spanish sentences with direct objects.
The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object. It can
also be a person. The direct object answers the question “what?” or “whom?” with
regard to what the subject of the sentence is doing.
Board examples:
a. Bill hit the ball. (ball receives the action of the verb hit) Bill hit what? the ball
b. Sandra reads the book. (book receives the action of the verb reads) Sandra reads
what? the book
c. Sandra hit Bill. Sandra hit whom? Bill.
Go over point 2. Often, we replace the name of the direct object with a pronoun
3. Ask students what words we use for direct object pronouns in English. (me, you,
him, her, it, us, them)
4. Go over point 3. Write four or five sentences on the board. Have students
underline the direct object, tell which pronoun they would use to replace the direct
object, and finally, write the sentence with the direct object in place. (Use the
examples from above, replacing the direct object with a pronoun)
When the pronouns replaces the name of the direct object, use the following pronouns:
me (me)
te (you-familiar)
 lo, la (him, her, it, you-formal)
os (all of you-familiar)
 los, las (them, all of you-formal)
lo (him, it)
los (them/m)
la (her, it)
las (them/f)
Example sentences:
María washes the car.
My dad cooks spinach.
We set the table.
They eat eggs.
You hear the radio.
I prepare dinner/supper.
My mother washes the dishes.
Pages 212 & 213: Round Robin: Exercises 26, 27 & 28
Homework: Read and translate into English the legend on page 220. Due next block.
Friday/Monday, Mar. 14/17
Bell work page 214. (Project from notes)
Collect translation page 220
Nota cultural: page 214.
Page 214:
Affirmative informal commands.
Core Instruction:
1. Go over Point 1. Have students suggest some English sentences using commands.
2. Go over Point 2. Call out the infinitive of several regular verbs and ask students
for the informal affirmative command form. (Eat. Cut the grass. Clean your
room. Straighten up/clean up the kitchen.)
3. Go over Point 3 and have students create a command using an irregular
affirmative informal command. (ie. Pon el lapis en la mesa.)
4. Go over Point 4. Have students practice the new vrbs by suggesting steps them
might see in a recipe.
Practice Exercises:
Page 214: Ex 30, 31, & 32 (partner practice)
Page 216:
Affirmative informal commands with pronouns.
Core Instruction:
1. Go over Point 1.
2. Review the use of direct object pronouns by having students answr questions
using a direct object pronoun----¿Quién teine mi bolígrafo? (Yo lo tengo).
3. Go over poing 2. (Project)
Pages 216 & 217: Textbook exercises:34, 35, 36 (L/C), & 37
Homework: Practice Sheet pages 70, 71, & 72
Grammar 2 Quiz on Tuesday/Wednesday, Mar. 18/19
Bring a recipe to next block!!
Tuesday/Wednesday, Mar. 18/19
Corrijen paginas 70, 71, & 72.
Grammar 2 Quiz
TELL THEM HOW TO SAY: bake, cool, fraction measurements, “half”, cup, teaspoon,
tablespoon, etc.
Writing and Speaking Assessment:
Writing and Presentational Rubric (Individual) (Due next block)
Arranging your ideas in chronological order helps you map out a plan for your writing.
When you give written instructions such as recipes, the ordering of elements becomes
Scenario: You are invited to a potluck party where you are expected to exchange your
favorite recipe with other guests. Write a simple recipe for a dish with a clear list of
ingredients and clear instructions on how to prepare it. Use command forms and
adjectives to describe in detail the different steps in preparation.
Prewriting: list the foods you need to prepare your dish, then arrange them in the order
you will need them. Write a command telling what needs to be done with each
Easter: Friday/Monday, Mar. 21/24
Thursday/Tuesday, Mar. 20/25
Recipe presentations.
Chapter 6 Repaso: pp 222 & 223:
Ex. 1: evens
Ex. 2: fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb, translate paragraph into English
Ex. 3: all
Ex. 4: odds
Chapter 6 Test on Wednesday/Thursday, Mar. 25/26
Wednesday/Thursday, Mar. 25/26
Chapter 6 Test
Chapter 7 Vocabulary
Video Novela: pp 218 & 219: Students may pair up to read telenovela
Watch video
Friday/Monday, March 16/19: Present recipes.
Tuesday/Wednesday, March 20/21
Chapter 6 Test
Chapter 7 Vocabulary
Get with a partner and read (and understand!) the tele novela (Novela en video) on pages
218 & 219.
Watch video.