3.1 Science and Engineering Highlights 2007 1. Mu-Hyun Baik, Indiana University 2. David Baker, University of Washington 3. Chaitan Baru, SDSC/UCSD; Ramón Arrowsmith , Arizona State University 4. Jacobo Bielak and David O’Halloran, Carnegie Mellon University 5. Volker Bromm, University of Texas 6. Indrajeet Chaubey, M. Gitau, L. Chiang, and M. Sayeed, Purdue University 7. Peter Coveney, University College, London 8. Peter Coveney, University College, London 9. Stefano Curtarolo, Duke University 10. Michael Deem, Rice University, David Earl, University of Pittsburgh 11. Alex Demkov, University of Texas 12. Tiziana Di Matteo, Carnegie Mellon University 13. Maria Esteva, University of Texas at Austin 14. E. Farhi and M. Taylor, Institute Max von Laue-Paul Langevin (ILL), France 15. Wen Jiang, Purdue University, Weimin Wu, Purdue University, Matthew L. Baker, Joanita Jakana and Wah Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine, Peter R. Weigele and Jonathan King, MIT 16. Tom Jordan, University of Southern California 17. Masao Kanamitsu, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 18. J. Andrew McCammon, UC San Diego 19. Kumar Mahinthakumar, North Carolina State University, and Jim Uber, University of Cincinnati 20. P.R. Mukund, Rochester Institute of Technology 21. Aiichiro Nakano, University of Southern California, Yoshio Tanaka, Hiroshi Takemiya, Satoshi Sekiguchi (AIST, Japan), Shuji Ogata, Takahisa Kouno (NITECH, Japan), Rajiv K. Kalia, Aiichiro Nakano, Priya Vashishta, USC 22. 2007 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment 23. Michael Norman, UC San Diego 24. Tom Quinn, University of Washington 25. Randall Q. Snurr, David Dubbeldam, Houston Frost, Krista S. Walton, Northwestern University 26. Mete Sozen, Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Purdue University 27. Juri Toomre, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Mark Miesch, National Center for Atmospheric Research 28. Igor Tsigelny, SDSC, UC San Diego 29. Anne Villamil and Stefan Krasa, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 30. Gregory Voth, University of Utah; Phil Blood, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center 31. Gregory Voth, University of Utah 32. Ming Xue, University of Oklahoma 33. Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Purdue University 34. LEAD WxChallenge Mu-Hyun Baik, Indiana University Title: Fighting Alzheimers Field: Bioscience As part of the Bandwidth Challenge competition held at the SC07 conference in Reno, Nevada, a team led by Indiana University enabled Indiana University faculty member Mu-Hyun Baik to analyze the structure of the Amyloid-β protein. This protein is thought to be the cause of Alzheimer's disease, and the analyses performed provided new insights that may help fight Alzheimer’s. The Amyloid-β protein structural analysis was done with a workflow that involved a Lustre Wide Area Network file system (based on the IU Data Capacitor), a Lustre file system set up on the SC07 exhibit floor, and IU’s Big Red supercomputer. Using Dr. Baik’s structural analysis software, along with a variety of other workflows, the Indiana University led team demonstrated a bidirectional transfer rate of 18.2 Gigabits per second (Gbps) out of a possible 20 Gbps. This shows Lustre-WAN’s tremendous capabilities for supporting data-intensive research across wide area networks. The TeraGrid-attached Big Red and Data Capacitor systems made this research possible. In turn, this demonstration project serves as a proof of concept enabling data-centric research across multiple institutions within the TeraGrid. TeraGrid collaborators on this project included PSC and ORNL; international collaborators included Technische Universitaet Dresden. NSF Award OCI 0504075 (IU TeraGrid Resource Partner – C. Stewart, PI). Figure 1. The structure of Amyloid-β protein. Researchers used an experimental Lustre-based wide area network connecting multiple TeraGrid sites to search for ways to disrupt the creation of the fibrils that cause Alzheimer’s disease. David Baker, University of Washington Title: Decoding Proteins Field: Bioscience Proteins are the molecules of life, and the myriad ways they function depend on the dynamics of their 3-D shapes. The research holds promise for rational design of drugs for tomorrow’s medicine chest. “Having access to the massive computing resources of the TeraGrid is revolutionizing the approaches that are open for protein structure prediction,” says Baker, whose group ran targets for the most recent CASP7 competition (Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction). For CASP7, the team used 1.3 M hours on NCSA Condor resource to identify promising targets (coarse resolution). Then refined 22 promising targets on 730,000 hours of SDSC Blue Gene. SDSC helped improve scaling to run on 40,960 processor BlueGene at IBM’s Watson Research Center, which reduced the running time for a single prediction to 3 hours, instead of weeks on a typical 1000 processor cluster. BlueGene well suited to compute intensive, small memory tasks. The prediction for a specific target protein led more than 100 CASP7 entries from other groups. To let other researchers run Rosetta jobs, Baker’s group also supports the Robetta Web portal for which NCSA has provided additional computational power, bringing the throughput time down to days instead of months, and enabling more researchers to complete more runs using Rosetta. Related links: http://www.bakerlab.org/ Figure: Predicting Protein Structure Best CASP7 prediction for Target T0380, showing the native protein structure (blue), which is made public only after predictions were submitted, the initial starting structure (pink), and the Rosetta prediction (green). Following preparations on TeraGrid systems at SDSC and NCSA, the calculation was performed in an unprecedented three hours on 40,960 processors of the IBM Watson Blue Gene system. Image courtesy of Ross Walker, SDSC, and Srivatsan Raman, University of Washington. Chaitan Baru, SDSC/UCSD; Ramón Arrowsmith , Arizona State University Title: GEON Science Gateway Field: Geology Geoscientists who study the subterranean world must be ingenious, finding indirect ways to penetrate the mysteries of that hidden world. A key tool is to gather the most detailed possible topography data to help understand the complex 3D structure of the earth, which gives vital clues to both geological hazards and mineral resources that lie below. The GEON Science Gateway democratizes access to state-of-the-art geosciences tools and data. To give geoscientists access to detailed laser scans of the earth’s surface known as Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) -- normally too massive to access -- the GEON Science Gateway is providing broad community access to this key topographic data, and much more, in a cyberenvironment that integrates geoscience tools, applications, high-performance computing resources, and diverse data collections in a unified portal. Project leaders Chaitan Baru of SDSC and Ramón Arrowsmith of Arizona State University have coordinated development of the GEON LiDAR Workflow, which uses TeraGrid data and computing resources to let hundreds of users from universities and USGS, industry, and beyond access terabytes of topography data of unprecedented detail. In addition to data access, GEON researcher Dogan Seber of SDSC and colleagues have also developed an easy-to-use portal to the SYNSEIS (SYNthetic SEISmogram) modeling environment, which lets users compute 2D and 3D regional seismograms showing earthquake ground motion. GEON is also helping educate a new generation of cyberinfrastructure-savvy researchers and serving as a model for other disciplines, with more than five other projects adopting the GEON infrastructure. Related links: https://portal.geongrid.org Figure: Perspective View of the San Andreas Fault Through the GEON TeraGrid Science Gateway, users reach the interface to the GEON LiDAR workflow, which produced this view looking north. Making this previously unavailable high resolution topography data accessible to geoscientists is helping them better understand the earth’s history and detect hidden hazards and resources below. Image: Chris Crosby, ASU/GEON Jacobo Bielak and David O’Halloran, Carnegie Mellon University Title: When the Earth Shakes Field: Civil Engineering Civil engineers want to predict how the earth will shake, taking into account subsurface soil properties and the nature of seismic waves. The CMU Team and SCEC (Southern California Earthquake Center) create realistic 3-D models of earthquakes in the Los Angeles basin, using empirical information about the inhomogeneous basin properties. The changing nature of soil characteristics demand adaptive meshing (but only once). It is computationally very demanding to find the ‘high frequency’ (above 1 Hz) properties because these involve shorter wavelengths and thus finer meshes. But these are what matter for the building engineers. The Quake team, a collaboration of computer scientists and computational scientists and PSC consultants, developed Hercules code for PSC Cray XT3 that does the meshing, the load balancing, the wave propagation, and the visualization. The application won the SC06 Analytics Challenge Award. The model runs on the whole XT3, and sustains over a Teraflop. PSC helped optimize the code and developed the ability to stream results to remote sites to enable the researchers to interact with the calculations in real time, changing what is being visualized. PSC also developed visualization tools to compare results from Hercules with those of SCEC (uniform meshes) to validate results. Volker Bromm, University of Texas Title: Cosmological Simulation – The End of the Cosmic Dark Ages Field: Astronomy In the absence of powerful enough telescopes, Bromm and other astronomers rely on supercomputers to peer deep into the past. Using the supercomputing resources of the TeraGrid, Bromm and his team have theoretically modeled aspects of the first billion years of the 14 billion-year-old universe, computing the interactions of molecules on the largest and smallest scales over millions of years and changing atmospheric conditions. Bromm’s conclusions closely match those of other cosmologists whose computational simulations also predict giant, bright, unstable stars that played a pivotal role in the enrichment of the universe. With the planned launch of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) set for 2013, Bromm and his colleagues will learn more about the nature of the early universe. They may even obtain an observational answer to what the first objects that coalesced after the Big Bang looked like. However, preliminary studies suggest the space telescope still won’t have the sensitivity to see isolated early stars, so Bromm is working on a series of studies to help guide the JWST’s detection systems in their search for small, galaxy-sized aggregates. If the process works, Bromm will be able to compare observational data with his computational models to refine the theory of the first stars. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Figure: This supercomputer simulation shows how gravity assembles one hundred million solar masses of dark matter (top row) and gas (middle row) into the first galaxy. Each column (from left to right) corresponds to a different snapshot, from 100 million years to half a billion years after the Big Bang. Early on, the cosmic matter is still quite uniform and dispersed, but gravity inexorably draws it in, eventually leading to a violent collapse during the birth of the first galaxy. Indrajeet Chaubey, M. Gitau, L. Chiang, and M. Sayeed, Purdue University Title: BMP effectiveness assessment in a pasture dominated watershed Field: Earth Sciences The objective is to analyze various Best Management Practices (BMPs) for nonpoint source pollution control and their effects on water quality, considering different weather scenarios over a 25-year period. This project is part of an ongoing US Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) for which the overall goal is to quantify relationships between water quality, and selection, timing, and spatial distribution of BMPs within a watershed primarily impacted by land-application of animal manure. This project is focused on the Lincoln Lake watershed in the Ozark Highlands eco-region of northwest Arkansas using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to analyze BMP effects. The SWAT model is a physically-based distributed-parameter river basin, or watershed scale hydrological model that predicts the impact of land management practices on water, sediment and agricultural chemical yields in complex watersheds with varying soils, land use, and management conditions over long periods of time. There was a need to evaluate 172 different BMP scenarios, incorporating 1000 different weather realizations in each BMP scenario resulting in 172,000 different model runs. On a LINUX system, X86_64 architecture, SWAT takes 8-10 minutes to complete one run; thus the time required to complete all runs was 23,000-29,000 CPU hours (2.6-3.3 years) on a single machine. The TeraGrid Condor clusters were used. This area has not been explored in depth in the past, due to the complexity and inherent computationally intensive nature of such techniques. Figure: Total phosphorus losses as a function of various BMPs implemented in the watershed and stochasticity of weather. The results of this computational project will aid watershed planners, state and federal agencies, and agricultural producers in planning management interventions for watershed water quality protection. This project will provide information necessary to take BMP evaluation to the next level, for optimal scenarios for BMP selection and placement in a watershed. This project will set the stage for research using various state-of-the-art search algorithms in BMP evaluations. Peter Coveney, University College, London Title: Life-Sized Clay Field: Materials Science In the late ‘80s, Toyota patented a nanocomposite material made of nylon interspersed with layers of a common clay called montmorillonite. The result is a light, strong material that offers improved performance (and recyclability) at significantly less weight. “The clay confers remarkably enhanced material properties to the original polymer, like mechanical strength and barrier properties, such as to prevent diffusion of gases and to act as a flame retardant. There are many applications for these novel materials,” says theoretical chemist Peter Coveney of University College, London. The key is to better understand how clay particles behave at the nanoscale, in particular to control how they “exfoliate”—scatter from layered arrangements into individual nanometer-thick sheets that can be dispersed within a matrix of polymer. Previous simulations have been limited to system sizes in the range of 10,000 atoms—much smaller than the realistic size of the clay particles and too small to observe many physical properties of the material. Using TeraGrid systems at TACC, NCSA and PSC in a “federated grid” with systems at the UK National Grid Service and the EU Deisa grid, Coveney and colleagues did extensive simulations of clay particles in system sizes that range up to 10 million atoms. Employing innovative middleware his UK team developed, called the Application Hosting Environment, the researchers moved with ease among the three different grids. At large system sizes—up to three orders of magnitude larger than prior work—the simulations approached the realistic size of clay “platelets.” The results (reported this year in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C) revealed thermally-induced undulations in the clay sheets not before observed, findings that make it possible to calculate elastic properties difficult to obtain experimentally. Figure: Visualization of a clay system containing approximately 10 million atoms after 0.5 nanoseconds of simulation. The system is 0.3 microns wide by 0.2 microns deep by 2.5 nanometers high. The vertical dimension is expanded to allow visualization of thermal sheet fluctuations. Atoms are colored: Mg (green), Al (blue), O (red), Si (gray), Na (yellow), H (white). Image courtesy of Peter Coveney. Peter Coveney, University College London Title: Patient Specific Medicine Field: Biochemistry Every field of study has its “Holy Grail” — a tantalizing new model with the potential to revolutionize society. In biomedicine, the Holy Grail is patientspecific medical treatment. With the resources of TeraGrid, Coveney pushes the limits of biomedical research and tests methods for the fast and accurate treatment of unique illnesses. “To be able to tailor medical treatment to a person and their ailments, instead of giving them some average course of treatment — we’re only going to get to that level of patient specificity if we use computational science and high performance computing, of that there can be no doubt,” Coveney said. Coveney and his colleagues first developed fine-detailed molecular representations for HIV protease and saquinavir, the first HIV drug to be discovered that inhibits the replication of HIV by binding to the protease molecule. They then used molecular dynamics codes that fully exploit the massively parallel power of TeraGrid’s supercomputers to determine how well the drug binds to the “wild-type” HIV protease and to three drug-resistant mutant strains. Coveney’s results mirrored the experimental data and revealed how the virus protein interacts with the drug, including how mutations alter critical interactions to lower the strength of drug binding. Figure: A snapshot of the HIV-1 protease (a key protein that is the target for the protease inhibitor drugs) from a computational simulation. Mutations from the "wildtype" can occur within the active site (G48V) and at remote locations along the protein chain (L90M ). The "asp dyad" is at the centre of the active site, where polyprotein changes are snipped by the enzyme; this is the region that any drug must occupy and block. Stefano Curtarolo, Duke University Title: Computational Discovery Field: Materials Research Curtarolo uses the TeraGrid for his disparate material property research problems. His explorations of carbon-tube catalysts, super-alloys, quasi-crystal structures and superconductors netted Curtarolo career awards in 2007 from the Navy and the National Science Foundation, and led to the prediction of a superconducting, lithium-boron “sandwich.” When scientists look beyond the bulky macroscopic characteristics of materials down to the nano-level — structures as small as one nanometer, or roughly one thousand times smaller that the width of a human hair — they often find material characteristics far different than those they expected, with strange and potentially useful states. “Going from macro to nano completely changes the physics of the systems,” Curtarolo explained, “but so far, we’ve only been able to calculate the properties of very small systems, ten to one-hundred atoms maximum. This is why we need supercomputers, because by increasing the size of the calculations, we can see phenomena that happen only on the nanoscale that are worth investigating.” Curtarolo recently completed a paper using a quantum mechanics simulation of up to three hundred-atoms, among the largest nanoparticles calculated to date. Curtarolo’s most significant discovery happened accidentally, when he stumbled on the superconducting lithium-boron metal-sandwiches while doing theoretical materials research for another project. The prediction came with the application of “ab initio” (from first principles) methods that allow high-performance computing systems to predict and characterize the structure of materials by simulating the properties of a material based on its atomic components and the laws of electrodynamics. By parallelizing his code for TeraGrid’s systems, Curtarolo was able to complete 900,000 hours of computing time on 670 jobs (across almost 10,000 allocated cores) in nine months. "Hypothetical" layer of methane adsorbed on a quasi-crystalline surface. Michael Deem, Rice University, David Earl, University of Pittsburgh Title: Industry Darlings Field: Materials Science Zeolites are silicate minerals with a porous, Swiss-cheese-like structure. For decades, chemists have relied on zeolites to catalyze chemical reactions on an industrial scale. They are used to make everything from gasoline and asphalt to laundry detergent and aquarium filters. In the past 50 years, the catalog of naturally occurring zeolites – there are about 50 – has been bolstered to about 180 with the addition of synthetic varieties, Deem and Earl used the TeraGrid systems at TACC, Purdue, Argonne, NCSA, SDSC to identify potentially new zeolites by searching for hypothetically stable structures. Their database now contains over 3.5 million structures. By studying the catalog, scientists might find structures that are more efficient, either in terms of energy inputs or in waste byproducts. TACC developed tools like MyCluster, harnessing the distributed, heterogeneous resources available on the TeraGrid network into a single virtual environment for the management and execution of their simulation runs. At Purdue, the application was used within a Condor pool of more than 7,000 processors using standard Linux tools for job management. Over 4M processor hours were used in 22 months. Performance engineer supported application revisions and job management scripts to: Track execution time to detect runaways and terminate gracefully. Add application self checkpoint to recover from job and system failures Control of number of jobs in queue to practical maximum w.r.t. system capabilities. Dynamically adjust cap to hold percentage of jobs executing to 80-90% of total in queue (number executing varied from <100 to peak of ~2000). Alex Demkov, University of Texas Title: Designing the Nano-Future Field: Physics It’s practically a given that this year’s PCs will be significantly faster than last year’s. This trend in computer hardware, dubbed Moore’s Law, depends primarily on engineers’ ability to miniaturize transistors and double the number that can be placed on an integrated circuit every two years. However, scientists recently discovered that at the 32-nanometer scale — the current target for semiconductor fabrication — the behavior of the materials used to make transistors changes in distinct and unexpected ways. A phenomenon called quantum tunneling let electrical charge leak through the gate dielectric, making the mechanism ineffective. So a search began among chipmakers and researchers for new processes, new architectures, and new, unexplored materials to continue shrinking the transistor. Demkov is at the forefront of the search for new materials in nano-scale semiconductor production. His research explores the gate stack — the most important element of a transistor’s speed — and bridges the gap from first principles to device physics, helping to uncover the rules that govern the production and operation of working computers and cell-phones. Prompted by the tunneling leakage problem, the industry converged on an oxide of a semi-obscure element, hafnium, as the basis for nano-scale semiconductor technology, stimulating new questions about an old material. To speed the search for semi-conducting compounds, Demkov relies on the high-performance computing system of TeraGrid. The immense computational power of TeraGrid enables Demkov to explore the atomic and crystalline characteristics of novel compounds to determine their usefulness in semiconductor construction. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Figure: Transmission electron microscopy image of a 65 nm semi-conductor. Tiziana Di Matteo, Carnegie Mellon University Title: Making the Holes Count Field: Astrophysics Once thought to be rare, exotic bodies, black holes are now known to be ubiquitous, often hugely massive features of galaxies. Until recent work by a team of physicists led by Tiziana Di Matteo of Carnegie Mellon University, however, computational power had been insufficient to include black holes within large-scale simulations of the universe. Using PSC’s Cray XT3, Di Matteo and colleagues from the Max Planck Institute and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics simulated the evolution of the cosmos over the 14 billion years since the Big Bang, with black holes and the quasars they spawn included. Their findings, published in the Astrophysical Journal, show that black holes regulate galaxy formation. The researchers tracked the evolution of fundamental relationships between black holes and the galaxy where they reside, and they have developed new insight into the formation of the first quasars in the universe. “Ours is the first cosmological simulation to incorporate black-hole physics,” says Di Matteo, a theoretical cosmologist. “It involves more calculations than any prior similar modeling of the cosmos. The galaxies we see today look the way they do because of black holes. This result offers the best picture to date of how the cosmos formed and evolved.” Figure: Snapshots from the simulation show evolution of structure in a large volume of the universe. Gas density is shown (increasing with brightness) with temperature (increasing from blue to red). Yellow circles indicate black holes (diameter increasing with mass). At about 450 million years after the Big Bang, left, as the early universe still shows a relatively uniform structure, the first black hole appears. At about 6 billion years, right, the universe has many black holes and a pronounced filamentary structure. Maria Esteva, University of Texas at Austin Title: Analyzing social relationships within an organization Field: School of Information TACC’s Visualization Group worked with Maria Esteva to visualize social relationships within an organization over a ten-year span on Maverick, a TeraGrid visualization resource. Using the corpus of electronic documents produced by all organization employees, Maria computed a cosine similarity matrix for the corpus and aggregated the document scores for each employee. With these aggregate scores, she computed a relationship score between each pair of employees by tracking which to which similar documents each employee contributed. The visualization takes the director, the focus employee, and plots the other employees around it relative to the strength of the employees working relationship. The visualization demonstrates that the relationship between the director and the organization managers remains relatively unchanged across the ten years of the dataset. It further reveals interesting fluctuations in the relationship between the director and the organization president, and between the director and other employees in their department. E. Farhi and M. Taylor, Institute Max von Laue-Paul Langevin (ILL), France Title: Neutron Scattering Field: Physics E. Farhi and M. Taylor have completed virtual neutron scattering experiments for twelve materials using a TeraGrid cluster at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and ILL computing resources. As an example in the figures below, the simulated time of flight data for copper plate for the 1.1A beam matches the experimental results very well. The VASP package was used for the timeconsuming ab initio molecular dynamics calculations [G. Kresse, J. Hafner] and the trajectory to S(q,ω) converter was the nMoldyn package [G. Kneller, K. Hinsen]. The virtual experiments were completed using the McStas package [E. Farhi, P. Willendrup, K. Lefmann, E; Knudsen and K. Nielsen] with S(q,ω) input. This is an initial proof of principal demonstration that advanced cyberinfrastructure can be used to predict and evaluate experimental data, and in so doing advance the knowledge acquired from a large science user facility and tightened the feedback loop between theory and experiment using simulation. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the following NSF programs: TeraGrid Partners, Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure, Distributed Terascale Facility (DTF) and Terascale Extensions: Enhancements to the Extensible Terascale Facility under current TeraGrid project allocation, TG-DMR060000T. Figure: Time of flight data for Copper plate using 1.1A beam (log scale). Experimental (left) and simulated (right) results agree well. Wen Jiang, Purdue University, Weimin Wu, Purdue University Matthew L. Baker, Joanita Jakana and Wah Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine Peter R. Weigele and Jonathan King, MIT Title: High resolution 3-D reconstruction of infectious viruses Field: Biology Viral infections are threats to human health, the society and the economy. High resolution 3-D structure of the virus particles, if available, will provide important insights to the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies. The research group of Wen Jiang at Purdue University has used the electron cryomicroscopy and single particle 3-D reconstruction (cryo-EM) technique to determine the structure of many viruses at intermediate resolutions (6-10 Å). Now his group, in collaboration with researchers in Baylor College of Medicine and MIT, has demonstrated the 3-D reconstruction of the infectious bacterial virus ε15 at 4.5 Å resolution, which allowed tracing of the polypeptide backbone of its major capsid protein gp7. The structure reveals similar protein architecture to that of other tailed double-stranded DNA viruses, even in the absence of detectable sequence similarity. However, the connectivity of the secondary structure elements (topology) in gp7 is unique. These results have been just published on Nature (Feb 28, 2008). Large scale computing resource provided by the Condor pools at Purdue University is indispensible for such an achievement. For the cryo-EM technique, the purified virus particles are plunge-frozen in vitreous ice and imaged in high-end cryo-electron microscopes. Due to radiation damage limitation, low dose imaging conditions are used which result in very noisy images. It is essential to collect large number (104-105) of 2-D images (8002 pixels/image) of the virus particles to reach high resolution (4.5 Å). The 2-D images represent the projections of identical 3-D structure viewed at different angles, requiring intensive computation to accurately determine their relative orientations before the 2-D images can be coherently merged into a single high resolution 3-D structure. Thus, the availability of large scale computing resources is critical to the success of the cryo-EM 3-D reconstruction projects. Wen Jiang group, with the help from RCAC at Purdue, have adapted the image processing software, EMAN, to successfully run on the Purdue Condor pools. A large Condor submission could harvest >500 CPUs on average and >1,400 CPUs at peak for the ε15 project. As the Condor pools are being expanded at Purdue University and across the TeraGrid, the research projects in Wen Jiang group will be able to tap into even larger computational resources to see even higher resolution (3 Å) structural details of the viruses in the future. Figure: 3-D structure of bacterial virus ε15. Shown are the surface view of the 4.5 Å resolution density map solved by cryo-EM 3-D reconstruction (left) and the backbone model of the major capsid protein gp7 (right) built from this density map. Tom Jordan, University of Southern California Title: ShakeOut: Unleashing a Virtual Megaquake Field: Computational Seismology California is long overdue for a massive earthquake, and earthquake scientists have turned to simulations, or "virtual earthquakes," that harness the power of supercomputers to predict the likely location and severity of resulting ground motion. Researchers from the Southern California Earthquake Center, in collaboration with computational scientists at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, have now used NSF-supported TeraGrid resources to achieve the largest and most realistic simulations ever of a magnitude 7.8 earthquake on the southern San Andreas Fault – “the big one.” Such simulations are important to underpin improved seismic hazard estimates, better building codes in high-risk areas, and safer structural designs, potentially saving lives and property. Following efforts by SDSC TeraGrid staff to improve model efficiency, the researchers used systems at SDSC and the Texas Advanced Computing Center to capture ground motion frequencies as high as 1 Hertz, twice as high as previous simulations, and producing some 3 terabytes of data which will be archived in the SCEC Digital Library at SDSC. This higher frequency gives new clues into how such quakes may shake Southern California and affect tall buildings in the Los Angeles area, where peak predicted motion reached more than 3.5 meters per second. Displaying the results in SDSC-produced visualizations helped the scientists gain new insights into the strong focusing of ground motion in the direction of the rupture and the “waveguide” effect of the sediment-filled basins and mountain chains that can channel unexpectedly large amounts of energy into the Los Angeles area. Related links: http://www.geology.sdsu.edu/research/ Figure: More than just pretty pictures, visualizations of the ShakeOut magnitude 7.8 earthquake simulations are a vital tool helping scientists understand the "big picture" of their results and guide the simulations. The figure shows peak ground velocity, reaching more than 3.5 meters per second in the Los Angeles area with great potential for structural damage. Warmer colors are higher ground velocity. Credit: Amit Chourasia, SDSC Visualization Services. Masao Kanamitsu, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Title: Regional Spectral Analysis Field: Climate Research Climate research—particularly studies aimed at management of water, energy, forestry, fisheries, or agriculture—requires fine-scale data over long time periods. But it’s nearly impossible to find data from multiple decades that is consistent, comparable, and of sufficient resolution. Therefore scientists turn to reanalysis, the process of integrating data from disparate sources within a numerical model in order to create a comprehensive dataset. Using compute resources at SDSC and NCSA, Kanamitsu and postgraduate researcher Hideki Kanamaru were able to carry out a fine-scale 10 km regional reanalysis of California covering 57 years, from 1948 to 2005 (CaRD10, for short). Using a technique called dynamical downscaling with the state-of-the-art Regional Spectral Model, they found that their reanalysis results compared well with observations and yielded more accurate wind and temperature data than other methods on all time scales, whether hourly or across decades. Their results, to be published in the Journal of Climate in 2007, indicate that dynamical downscaling could be a reliable way to derive fine-scale regional detail from coarser analyses. Their work is supported by the California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research program. Figure: Near surface wind for a Catalina Eddy event on May 22, 1984. Shades are surface height (in meters) for each analysis. CaRD10 is the dynamical downscaling of California. The analysis using surface observation is shown on the right. Image courtesy of Hideki Kanamaru and Masao Kanamitsu. J. Andrew McCammon, UC San Diego Title: Fighting Bird Flu: Simulations Help Identify Promising Vaccine Target Field: Computational Biology New drug targets are desperately needed to combat deadly bird flu virus, with the only drugs now available – Tamiflu and Relenza – in limited supply and some virus strains already resistant to them. Building on X-ray crystallography studies, researchers at UC San Diego have used NSF-funded TeraGrid supercomputers to identify promising new drug targets. UCSD postdoctoral fellow Rommie Amaro is studying N1 neuraminidase, an enzyme on the surface of the avian influenza virus, which is needed to spread the infection. To capture the complex dynamics of proteins, which do not show up in traditional static crystallography studies, scientists have used molecular dynamics codes. Zeroing in on likely sites for new drugs, they provide timesaving guidance to those working on the rational design of inhibitors to such diseases. Using the NAMD molecular dynamics program running on SDSC’s DataStar and NCSA’s Abe system, the researchers, working in the laboratory of UCSD professor J. Andrew McCammon, explored two 40 nanosecond (a billionth of a second) simulations of the N1 neuraminidase, requiring about a day of compute time for each five to eight nanoseconds of simulations. In a 2007 paper in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, the team described surprising new details of interest to drug designers that they observed in movies of the simulations. They found a key region, or “hot pocket” to be more flexible, closing and opening much wider than previously supposed and identified another area that acts in concert. In addition, the group has already identified several potential inhibitors that might represent new drugs against avian flu. The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Accelrys, Inc., and NSF TeraGrid resources. Links: http://mccammon.ucsd.edu/ Figure: The image shows a key enzyme on the surface of avian influenza, N1 neuraminidase, needed to spread infection to new cells. The anti-viral drug Tamiflu is shown bound in the active sites (yellow). Molecular dynamics simulations of this enzyme-drug complex are being run on SDSC and NCSA supercomputers to help develop improved drugs to fight this disease. Image: Rommie Amaro, UCSD. Kumar Mahinthakumar, North Carolina State University, and Jim Uber, University of Cincinnati Title: Urban Water Field: Environmental Science Urban water distribution systems cover hundreds of square miles, but the water is largely unmonitored after it leaves the treatment plant. This situation creates a threat to the health and economy of any urban area, through both intentional and unintentional contamination. Researchers use NCSA's Mercury cluster--and other TeraGrid systems--to develop new methods of locating the source of contaminants and testing approaches to limiting their impact. Using real-world data from the Greater Cincinnati Water Works, they've run numerous simulations on a "skeletonized" metropolitan distribution system. Current simulations are already showing officials how to cope with problem situations in which some sensors within the network malfunction and to improve the fidelity of their algorithms. Such improvements were presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007. They have developed better algorithms for distinguishing different contamination sources which present similar sensor profiles. Early simulations simulated a few hundreds of sensors; they have now grown to 11,000 but a city network could have 300,000. Using data from the Greater Cincinnati Water Works they are showing officials how to cope with problem situations. The research team used hundreds of processor simultaneously at NCSA, SDSC and Argonne. They worked with the Argonne team to build a framework that figures out how many jobs to send to which site, based on the length of each system’s queues. SDSC helped them with the grid software, including cross-site runs using MPICH-G2. Supported by NSF’s Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems program. Figure: Grid-enabled simulationoptimization framework developed by the North Carolina State University team, which allows them to study the efficacy of the evolutionary computation algorithms in finding a contaminant source and its mass loading history. These images show the progression of the evolutionary computation optimization algorithm in finding a contaminant source and its mass loading history. In the final frame, the true source and its mass loading history are accurately captured. P.R. Mukund, Rochester Institute of Technology Title: Preserving Ancient Manuscripts Field: Humanities TeraGrid storage allocation enables scholars to manage workflows, preserve ancient manuscripts, and win the SC07 challenge award. Rochester Institute of Technology used the Indiana University Data Capacitor as part of their preservation of the Sarvamoola Granthas – 13th century Indian philosophical writings originally inscribed on palm leaves. Scholars at RIT have scanned these images, and as part of Indiana University’s Bandwidth Challenge demonstration transferred digitally enhanced images to the Data Capacitor. From the Data Capacitor these 700-year-old writings are moved to and stored for posterity in Indiana University’s archival data storage system. This storage is made available via an allocation through the NSF-funded TeraGrid. Because Indiana University’s HPSS installation is geographically distributed, with duplicate copies kept in Indianapolis and Bloomington by default, these precious manuscripts will be stored reliably. While this application is perhaps not unique technologically, it is highly unusual in the sense of an important use of the TeraGrid by archaeologists – contacts initiated as a result of Indiana University outreach activities on behalf of the TeraGrid. This activity was performed in collaboration with PSC and ORNL RPs working on behalf of an allocated TeraGrid user at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Figure: 13th-century Indian philosophical writings on palm leaves are digitally scanned Aiichiro Nakano, University of Southern California, Yoshio Tanaka, Hiroshi Takemiya, Satoshi Sekiguchi (AIST, Japan), Shuji Ogata, Takahisa Kouno (NITECH, Japan), Rajiv K. Kalia, Aiichiro Nakano, Priya Vashishta, USC Title: Simulation of H-diffusion path in g-alumina Field: Materials Research The nudged elastic band (NEB) method is an efficient method for finding the minimum energy path (MEP) between two given states (i.e., before and after the reaction). It is often used to evaluate the energy barrier of a reaction process, e.g., molecular dissociation and atomic diffusion, through variation of the atomistic energy among the image-slices. Accurate evaluation of the energy profile through MEP usually requires an electronic-structure calculation method such as the density-functional theory (DFT), treating all the involved atoms with such a compute-intensive method is impractical. We address this challenging and important problem by combining the NEB method and the hybrid simulation method that we have developed recently. An appealing aspect of the method is that parallel computers or a cluster of networked computers can be used efficiently for finding MEP by assigning each computer for each image-slice. We have implemented the simulation code based on a hybrid Grid Remote Procedure Call (GridRPC) + MPI programming that launches MPI processes for concurrently simulating different time instances, each of which acts as a GridRPC client which in turn is parallel MD-QM simulation implemented with hybrid GridRPC + MPI. The hybrid grid application framework enables to implement flexibility (adaptive resource allocation and task migration), fault tolerance (automated fault recovery), and efficiency (scalable management of large computing resources). The potential of GridRPC has been most recently demonstrated at Supercomputing’07, where it was used in a 60-hour simulation distributed across 1129 TeraGrid and AIST processors on the Trans-Pacific Grid infrastructure. This cross-site experiment ran on resources at NCSA, SDSC, Purdue and AIST. The simulation ran without any need for manual restart, automatically recovering from system faults. These and other experimental results indicate the strong potential for GridRPC in implementing sustainable grid applications. 2007 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment Title: Hazardous Weather Testbed Field: Climate Research Better alerts for severe thunderstorms, especially the “supercells” that spawn tornados could save millions of dollars and countless lives. To that end, TeraGrid resources made possible an unprecedented forecasting experiment: The 2007 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Spring Experiment ran from April 15 to June 8, 2007, and involved more than 60 researchers and forecasters from government agencies, universities and the private sector. A major goal of HWT was to test the ability of storm-scale “ensemble” forecasting, multiple runs of the same model to provide an uncertainty assessment for the forecast. It was the first time ensemble forecasts were used at the storm-scale and in real time in a simulated operational environment. The Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, carried out the model forecasts using 66 processors of PSC’s Cray XT3. Preliminary findings show successful predictions of the overall pattern and evolution of many of the convective-scale features, sometimes out to the second day. The ensemble shows good ability in capturing storm-scale uncertainties. The HWT experiment also used capabilities developed by LEAD (Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery), a TeraGrid Science Gateway, to test “on-demand” forecasts that were triggered automatically from daily forecasts indicating regions where storms were likely to develop. Figure: This plot [c] from the forecast for May 24, 2007, shows probability of radar reflectivity (proportional to intensity of precipitation) derived from the 10- member ensemble forecast 21 hours in advance and is related to the “spaghetti” plot [d] of reflectivity contours for the same time. Courtesy CAPS. Michael Norman, UC San Diego Title: Modeling the Early Universe in Unprecedented Detail Field: Cosmology Astronomers have a way to see back into the universe’s early history and record objects that are ever farther away – and therefore older -- as their light travels billions of years to reach the earth. To help understand these observations, UC San Diego cosmologist and SDSC Chief Science Officer Michael Norman and collaborators have conducted the most detailed simulations ever of some 2.5 percent of the universe spanning more than 1.5 billion light years. The results, published in the Astrophysical Journal, will be used by other researchers involved in spatial mapping and simulated sky surveys, shedding light on the underlying physical processes that have produced the structure of the universe. To keep the model faithful to reality, the researchers need to represent the extreme variability of matter as it coalesces under gravity, becoming many orders of magnitude more dense in local areas. The simulations achieved this unprecedented detail by using the code’s adaptive mesh refinement to zoom in as matter coalesces under gravity, becoming many orders of magnitude more dense in local areas. Uniform meshes won’t do, must zoom in on dense regions to capture the key physical processes- gravitation (including dark matter), shock heating and radiative cooling of gas. So need an adaptive mesh refinement scheme (they use 7 levels of mesh refinement). The computation, including an unprecedented seven levels of subgrids throughout the survey volume, was achieved thanks to the two large-memory TeraGrid systems, SDSC’s DataStar and NCSA’s Cobalt. A collaboration between SDSC’s Harkness and Norman’s helped make major improvements in the scaling and efficiency of the code (ENZO). Amore, an NCSA-developed visualization tool, produced high quality visualizations. The simulations generated some 8 terabytes of data, stored in SDSC’s data archiving environment and using the Hierarchical Data Format, recently spun-off from NCSA. Related links: http://cosmos.ucsd.edu/enzo/index.html. Figure: A simulation of what a radio telescope will see when surveying a wide swath of sky 10 degrees square, which can help telescope builders calibrate their instruments and understand their observations. In the most detailed simulations ever using the ENZO code on SDSC and NCSA, the effect of all cosmic structure from two billion years after the Big Bang to the present is added up, giving the “light cone” a length of over ten billion light years. Bright white spots are groups and clusters of galaxies; red background is from filamentary structure. Image: Brian O'Shea, LANL. Thomas Quinn, University of Washington Title: Gravitational N-Body Simulations: Planet Formation to Cosmology Field: Astronomy This project runs N-body gravitational simulations modeling the formation of the Oort Cloud, a halo of about a trillion km-sized icy bodies that surrounds the solar system. It is the most remote part of our solar system, stretching over half way to the nearest star. For comparison, Neptune, the most distant planet is only 0.01 % of the distance to the nearest star. All of the bodies in the Oort Cloud were originally distributed between the giant planets of the solar system early in its history. Through gravitational encounters with the giant planets, however, these small bodies were steadily scattered to greater and greater distances from the Sun. As they attained greater and greater distances, their motion started to be affected by more distant gravitational force, most notably the Milky Way's tide and the gravity of passing stars. The strength of these external perturbations determines the exact distribution of bodies throughout the Oort Cloud. The nice thing about the Oort Cloud is that once it's formed its dynamical evolution is very slow, so it retains information about the early setting of the solar system. To constrain the conditions that the solar system first formed in, we're modeling the formation of the Oort Cloud in several different types of star formation settings, basically star clusters of different densities. By comparing our simulation results with real observations of the structure of the Oort Cloud, we hope to put constraints on the types of environments on the Sun and planets could've formed in. TeraGrid Condor is a perfect tool for this because our comets are tiny compared to the giant planets, Sun, and other stars, i.e., their gravitational fields are dwarfed by the more massive bodies. Furthermore, the density of comets in the Oort Cloud is extremely low, so they almost never feel the effects of one another. Because of these two things, we can run 2 different simulation on 2 different CPUs with the same initial conditions and co-add their results at the end, and we get the same results as if we ran one larger simulation on a single CPU. (Supported by NSF planetary science grant, and NSF IGERT.) Figure: A snapshot from one of the simulations showing the Oort Cloud surrounding the solar system. The comets are colored by local number density. The width of the image is ~1 parsec, roughly the distance to the nearest star. The cloud is stretched in the vertical direction, caused by the tide of the disk of the Milky Way. Randall Q. Snurr, David Dubbeldam, Houston Frost, Krista S. Walton, Northwestern University Title: Molecular Simulation of Adsorption Sites in Metal-Organic Frameworks Field: Chemistry Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are an exciting new class of nanoporous materials with potential applications in energy-related areas such as chemical separations, gas storage, and catalysis. Understanding their properties at the molecular level is a key to designing new MOFs for particular applications, and molecular simulation has therefore become an important tool in MOF research. Grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations using an atomistic representation of the MOF and the guest molecules can predict the amount of molecules adsorbed in the pores for given external conditions in good agreement with experiment. In addition, this project has shown that predicted positions and orientations of the adsorption sites match well with x-ray diffraction experiments from the published literature. At 30 K the molecules are localized around their crystallographic sites, while at room temperature the molecules are spread throughout the pore volume, as shown in the figure below. This molecular-level information provides useful insight into the properties of MOFs for applications. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy and used TeraGrid computing resources (TGMCA06N048). Figure: Adsorption sites for argon in the metal-organic framework IRMOF-1. Predictions from Monte Carlo simulation are shown as brown patches. Sites found by x-ray diffraction at 30 K are shown as colored circles. Left: simulated results at 30 K. Right: simulated results at 298 K. Reference: “Molecular simulation of adsorption sites of light gases in the metalorganic framework IRMOF-1,” D. Dubbeldam, H. Frost, K.S. Walton, R.Q. Snurr, Fluid Phase Equilibria, in press. Mete Sozen, Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Purdue University (in collaboration with Turkish engineering group and government) Title: Design of a Cyber City of the Future Field: Civil Engineering Istanbul, populated by 12 million people in brittle concrete and masonry housing, has been devastated by earthquakes many times in its history, and the next catastrophe is only a matter of time. Istanbul is at such high risk for a devastating earthquake that engineers at Purdue University and the Republic of Turkey have come up with a bold new proposal: build a second city. A second, satellite city would provide immediate refuge to inhabitants of the old city in the event of a catastrophic earthquake and soften such an event's effects on the nation's economy. Sozen and the team created a 3-D fly-through animation showing what the proposed new city would look like. The animation of the future Turkish city was created in two months by using the TeraDRE, a TeraGrid distributed rendering service. This animation is a 5-minute movie flythrough of the proposed city to be constructed on the banks of the Black Sea. The city concept was created by researchers at Purdue University and from Istanbul, Turkey, led by computer graphics faculty, and produced by a team of researchers and students. This complex animation presented a significant challenge because of its large frame size and lighting effects required. Nine virtual cameras were used to provide a variety of perspectives for the animation. The animation has 9,000 frames each at 720x480 resolution, with more than 30,000 frames rendered including testing and production, totaling more than 10,000 CPU hours of TeraDRE. Using the TeraDRE harnessing thousands of computer nodes from the TeraGrid Condor resource, the researchers were able to render this animation in hours, instead of weeks and months. Figure: This animation was produced for The Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul, Turkey. It is a 5-minute movie flythrough of a proposed city to be constructed on the banks of the Black Sea. The city concept was created by researchers at Purdue University and from Istanbul, Turkey. Technical information: 720x480 9,000 frame animation, more than 30,000 frames rendered including testing and production, totaling more than 10,000 CPU hours of TeraDRE. Juri Toomre, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Mark Miesch, National Center for Atmospheric Research Title: A Stellar Performance Field: Astrophysics A new computer model allows scientists to peer deeper into the Sun’s mysteries to simulate convection patterns in the deep interior of the Sun in unprecedented detail. The patterns, giant cells, play a critical role in solar variability, and influence magnetic storms that can reach to Earth. Juri Toomre and Mark Miesch used TeraGrid to generate simulations of subsurface processes and the Sun’s unusual rotational pattern. They model the Sun's magnetism and internal rotation using the Anelastic Spherical Harmonic (ASH) computer code. The model reveals details about the giant cells that are hidden from current observational technique. The team’s simulations indicate that, at low solar latitudes, cooler and denser plasma sinks along north-south corridors, with corridors moving eastward relative to hotter plasma that rises. But at higher latitudes, rising and falling areas of plasma meet and create solar cyclones that last for several days. Convection near the surface of the Sun occurs as hot plasma rises and cooler, denser plasma sinks. This also happens deep beneath the surface, where scientists now suspect that these giant cells, or churning masses of plasma, may be up to 10 times larger than Earth. ASH is helping scientists investigate the origins of magnetic activity such as sunspots and coronal mass ejections. Since the simulations generate vast amounts of data that cannot be easily transferred, researchers have been exploring the data remotely using the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers (VAPOR), a tool developed under an NSF grant by NCAR’s Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL), in partnership with U.C. Davis and Ohio State University. VAPOR allows researchers to probe three-dimensional volumes in detail, providing rich visualizations of the complex processes taking place. Figure: Giant cell convection patterns beneath the surface of the Sun, as revealed by the new model. Image courtesy of Mark Miesch, NCAR, UCAR. Igor Tsigelny, SDSC, UC San Diego Title: Tracking the Causes of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s Diseases Field: Computational biology A study featured on the cover of the April 2007 Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) journal offered – for the first time – a model for the complex process of aggregation of a protein known as alpha-synuclein, which in turn leads to harmful ring-like or pore-like structures in human membranes, the kind of damage found in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients. The researchers at SDSC and UCSD also found that the destructive properties of alpha-synuclein can be blocked by beta-synuclein – a finding that could lead to treatments for many debilitating diseases. Lead author Igor Tsigelny of SDSC and UCSD, said this helped confirm what researchers suspected. “Using molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations in combination with biochemical and ultrastructural analysis we showed that alpha-synuclein can lead to the formation of pore-like structures on membranes.” In contrast, he said, “beta-synuclein appears to block the propagation of alpha-synucleins into harmful structures.” “This is one of the first studies to use supercomputers to model how alpha-synuclein complexes damage cells, and how that could be blocked,” said Eliezer Masliah of UCSD. The complex calculations were principally performed on the TeraGrid Blue Gene Data supercomputer at SDSC, as well as another Blue Gene supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory. In addition to the NSF supercomputing resources, the research was supported by the NIH, the DOE, and the SDSC/IBM Institute for Innovation in Biomedical Simulations and Visualization. Related Link: http://www.sdsc.edu/News%20Items/PR032207_febs.html Figure: By simulating how the alpha-synuclein protein forms pore-like structures such as the pentamer in this image, which lead to neural death, scientists at SDSC and UCSD gained fresh insights that can help better fight the devastation of Parkinson’s disease. The complex simulations used SDSC's Blue Gene Data supercomputer and resources at DOE Argonne National Laboratory. Credit: I. Tsigelny, Y. Sharikov, M. Miller, and E. Masliah, SDSC/UCSD. Anne Villamil and Stefan Krasa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Title: Secret of Success Field: Economics What factors are most responsible for entrepreneurial success? Do personal characteristics, like optimism or willingness to assume risk, play more of a role than the institutional environment, including bankruptcy laws and the availability of credit? University of Illinois economics researchers Anne Villamil and Stefan Krasa developed a computable model to distinguish among theories of why people become entrepreneurs. After employing the model at NCSA, they determined that entrepreneurs need not have personal characteristics that are significantly different from standard values, but the environment in which they operate matters greatly to their success. Their results were recently presented at a Conference on the Resolution of Financial Distress at the Institute for Advanced Study, the XVI European Workshop on General Equilibrium, and the SAET International Conference on Current Trends in Economics. This research is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, and the University’s Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership. Figure: Many entrepreneurs are poorly diversified. Twenty-five percent invest more than 40 percent of their net worth, and 11 percent invest more than 60 percent. The data show significant differences in firm size. Median firm assets are about 50 percent of an entrepreneur's net worth. The distribution of firm capital structures is uniform. Any debt-equity ratio is equally likely. Gregory Voth, University of Utah; Phil Blood, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Title: Membrane Remodeling Field: Bioscience Modeling of cellular membrane processes is one of the most transformative challenges of computational bioscience, since it provides atom-level understanding of important biological processes that can otherwise be observed only in general features. The research team applied molecular dynamics simulation to understand how banana-shaped proteins, known as BAR domains, induce curvature in cellular membranes. They used TeraGrid resources at multiple sites for what are probably the largest biological simulations ever done, and for the first time showed how proteins make curves in cell walls. Known broadly as “remodeling,” protein-induced curvatures in cellular membranes are involved in many processes, including “endocytosis” — the lifesustaining process by which cells absorb molecules from outside the cell. In work from 2006, Voth and Blood, showed how BAR domains act as a scaffold, forcing the membrane to adopt their curvature, and how the orientation of the BAR domain determines the degree of curvature. In 2007, the researchers used TeraGrid systems at SDSC, NCSA and UC/Argonne to develop a model of a 50nanometer length of membrane — the longest patch of membrane ever simulated, totaling 738,000 atoms. They used PSC’s Cray XT3 for the largest-scale simulations. The researchers refined their simulations to look more deeply and see more exactly which parts of the BAR domain drive curvature. Contrary to what had been surmised from experiments, they found that helical structures at each end of the BAR domain do not by themselves initiate curvature. “With this kind of problem,” says Voth, “we’re getting at the interplay between proteins and membranes at a level beyond binding studies and ion-channel transport, and we’re able to see whole-scale changes in the membrane morphology driven by these interactions. The next generation of these simulations will push up to 10-million atoms, which we’ll need to look at multiple interacting BAR domain proteins and to develop accurate but simpler coarse-grained models for these systems. In nature, it’s the collective behavior of many of these proteins interacting with the membrane that creates curvature. There isn’t a good experimental way to look at this. This is the frontier in this field. These simulations are indispensable.” Gregory Voth, University of Utah Title: Proton transport in the influenza A M2 channel Field: Chemistry Voth and his research team in 2007 published a study on the uniqueness of the influenza A M2 channel and its effect on proton transport in the virus. The M2 channel is a trans-membrane, four-helix channel believed to play a key role in the viral life cycle by allowing protons to flow though it. This transport of protons facilitates the viral replication process in a host cell. In terms of basic research, the M2 channel is of considerable relevance to drug design and virology. According to Voth, the challenge of understanding proton transport requires computational simulations benchmarked against experimental results. “I’m a huge fan of the TeraGrid,” said Voth, who is the second-largest TeraGrid user. “The TeraGrid cluster systems are phenomenally useful. There isn’t any doubt that these resources have enabled our research.” The calculation of proton transport pathways requires a novel computational methodology combined with extensive simulation over many fast processors to achieve meaningful statistical convergence. This makes proton transport one of the most challenging molecular processes to study through computer simulation. Using TACC’s Dell cluster, Lonestar, and the Big Red HPC system at Indiana University, the research team solved part of the proton transport mystery. They also used systems at NCSA to develop a multi-state empirical valence bond approach (MS-EVB), which allows explicit proton transport to be simulated using molecular dynamics simulations.Their study explains 1)how the M2 channel operates as a proton conductor in responding to the acidic conditions on either side of the cell membrane; and 2) how the anti-flu drug amantadine blocks the channel and causes it to shut down. Figure: Snapshot of the M2 channel with the inside proton conducting water wire disrupted by the presence of the anti-flu drug amantadine. The helices of the M2 channel (blue), the proton-gating His37 residues (mauve), and the proton-blocking amantadine molecule (orange) are depicted. The lipid bi-layer membrane is not shown so that the channel can be seen more clearly. Image courtesy of Hanning Chen. Paul Woodward, David Porter, University of Minnesota Title: Simulation of Compressible Turbulent Astrophysical Flows Field: Advanced Scientific Computing Paul Woodward and David Porter study turbulence in astrophysical flows. They used their “PPM” code on the entire XT3 (4,096 XT3 cores plus eight input/output nodes) to simulate turbulent shear between two fluids on a computational grid of 576^3 cells, sustaining 9.5 teraflops which is almost half of peak speed. Their work is an impressive feat of “strong scaling”: getting a large number of processors to work together efficiently on a moderate-sized problem. PSC scientists Nathan Stone and Raghurama Reddy developed specialized software called Portals Direct I/O (PDIO) to route simulation data in real time from the XT3 to Woodward’s lab at the University of Minnesota where they are volume-rendered and displayed, allowing Woodward and Porter to interact with and steer the running XT3 simulation. PSC visualization support using PDIO and other tools has also enabled significant breakthroughs in converting oceanographic, arterial blood flow and seismic XT3 simulation data to “actionable knowledge”. Providing transparent access to distributed file systems and remote application steering are particularly valuable to TeraGrid applications. Carl Wunsch, MIT Title: Maximizing Knowledge of Remote Oceans Field: Oceanography Climate change is one of the major challenges of our times, and the vast size and heat capacity of the oceans give them a pivotal role in earth’s climate. But the magnitude and remoteness of the oceans, which cover 70 percent of the earth’s surface and contain 97 percent of its water, also make them difficult and expensive to observe. With support from SDSC’s Scientific Computing Group, climate scientist Carl Wunsch and colleagues in the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Consortium are working to better estimate the physical state of the Southern Ocean – its velocity, temperature, salinity, and other factors. Running 600 processor jobs on SDSC’s DataStar with their adjoint model, the scientists create a vast simulation or “virtual ocean,” developing accurate estimates of the ocean’s state by filling the gaps between relatively scarce ocean observations. Along with observational data, to provide valuable new data for climate scientists and others the ECCO group has been making this simulation data available from SDSC’s DataCentral, managed by the SRB and offering easy access through both the SRB client and Web interfaces. Related Links: http://puddle.mit.edu/~cwunsch/ http://www.ecco-group.org/posters.html Caption: To help climate scientists and others, researchers are providing the most accurate state estimates ever available on the motion, temperature, and other conditions of the oceans. The map shows the speed of the clockwise Antarctic Circumpolar current on May 12, 2006, increasing from slow-moving blue water to dark red indicating speeds above one mile per hour, accurately estimated by scientists running a powerful model on SDSC’s DataStar system. Credit: M. Mazloff, MIT/ECCO. Ming Xue, University of Oklahoma Title: Ensemble Modeling for Storm Forecasting Field: Meteorology Better alerts for thunderstorms, especially supercells that spawn tornados, could save milions of dollars and many lives. Unprecedented experiments were conducted every day from April 15- June 8 (tornado season) to test the ability of storm-scale ensemble prediction under real forecasting conditions for US east of the Rockies. This was the first time for ensemble forecasting at storm scale (had previously been used for larger scale models) real-time in a simulated operational environment There were successful predictions of the overall pattern and evolution of many of the convective-scale features, sometimes out to the second day, with a good ability to capture storm-scale uncertainties. Ten member ensembles (at 4 km resolution) ran for 6.5 to 9.5 hours each day, using 66 Cray XT3 processors at PSC. One 600 processor high resolution model (2 km resolution) ran for 9 hours. This entailed 100 times more computing daily than the most sophisticated National Weather Service operational forecasts to date. The runs generated and transferred 2.6 TB of data daily to Norman, Oklahoma PSC optimized the IO, and modified the reservation and job-processing logic of its job-scheduling software to implement auto-scheduling of the runs and related post-processing, (760 jobs/day), demonstrating the ability to use the Cray XT3, a very large capability resource, on a scheduled, real-time basis. The experiement used the TeraGrid Gateway LEAD to test on-demand forecasts, triggering automatically in regions where storms were likely to develop. Those ran on NCSA Tungsten system at 2km resolution. Figure: Left- prediction 21 hours ahead of time for May 24, 2007 ; right- observed. Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Purdue University Title: TeraGrid Distributed Rendering used by Computer Graphics Courses Field: Education and Training Undergraduate students have access to the TeraGrid in two courses in Computer Graphics Technology: Motion for Computer Animation, and Advanced Topics in Computer Animation. Both require students to produce a short film in Maya for their final project. A number of the students from these courses rendered using the TeraGrid distributed rendering service TeraDRE. One of the projects is to create an introductory movie for the game Nano Factor, which is a challenging new creation toolkit that gives Jr. High-schoolers the opportunity to design and perform exciting experiments based on real world nano and micro technologies, promoting inquiry based learning through design, technological literacy, and attracts young minds to science with fun mini-games and performance rewards. Students in the Nano Factor project used about 7500 hours of CPU time using the TeraDRE to render about 30,000 frames at 720x480 resolution. The Annual Digital Cinema Contest event was hosted by the Purdue Digital Learning Collaboratory for students to develop and produce video or animations. Entries are judged on all elements of development and production, including narrative and technical components and integration of information resources. One of the judging categories is Animation. TeraDRE was used in rendering some of the animations for the event in 2007. Figure: Educational animation about nanotechnology Figure: Images from student animations in computer graphics class LEAD-WxChallenge Title: WxChallenge Field: Education and Training In spring 2007, students from colleges and universities across the country faced off in the WxChallenge hoping to be named the nation’s top weather forecaster. Competitors were asked to accurately forecast the maximum sustained wind speeds for select U.S. cities. In an effort to help participating students, researchers from the Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) Project team at Indiana, Oklahoma, and Millersville universities and the UCAR Unidata Program Center and NCSA developed the LEAD-WxChallenge Pilot Project, opening the LEAD gateway to about a dozen university teams. The LEAD-WxChallenge Pilot Project introduced LEAD technology to up-andcoming scientists outside the LEAD project, allowing them to configure their own model runs and use the LEAD technology how and where they found it most valuable. The LEAD gateway provides streamlined entry to LEAD capabilities, allowing each student to locate a region on the map, establish a model domain, and launch a forecast workflow on-demand. TeraGrid resources that support the project include Indiana’s Big Red supercomputer and Data Capacitor, as well as NCSA’s Tungsten supercomputer on which 160 processors were reserved 10 hours daily, five days each week, from mid-December to the end of April. The project team plans to expand the program to reach all WxChallenge teams in 2008. Figure: The LEAD Workflow Composer showing event monitoring. The color of the boxes indicates the status of the computation, with components now executing shown in green, those completed in dark grey, and those waiting to be started in gold.