歐美所圖書館電子新聞 2004/10/27 Berkeley Electronic Press 期刊


歐美所圖書館電子新聞 2004/10/27

Berkeley Electronic Press 期刊全文資料庫試用

(一 ) Bepress -

Berkeley Electronic Press 期刊清單

(1) The Economists’ Voice ( 經濟學者論壇期刊 )

(2) The B.E. Journals in Macroeconomics ( 總體經濟學期刊 )

(3) The B.E. Journals in Theoretical Economics ( 理論經濟學期刊 )

(4) The B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy ( 經濟分析與政策期刊 )

(5) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics ( 非線性動力學及計量經濟學期刊 )

(6) Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization ( 農業經濟與食品工業期刊 )

(7) Review of Marketing Science ( 市場營銷學評論期刊 )

(8) Business and Politics ( 國際政商關係 )

(9) The Forum ( 柏克萊當代政治研究論壇 )

(10) Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

( 國家安全與危機處理期刊 )

(11) The Rhodes Cook Letter ( Rhodes Cook 信函雙月刊 )

(12) Global Jurist ( 全球法學論述期刊 )

(13) The Journals of Legal Scholarship: ( 柏克萊法律學術期刊 )

(14) International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship ( 國際護理學術教育期刊 )

(15) International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering ( 化學反應( 堆 )工程學期刊 )

(16) Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology

( 遺傳與分子生物學之統計應用期刊 )

(17) Engineering Conferences International Symposium Series

( 國際工程會議專題論文期刊 )

( 二 )

Working Papers( 加州大學柏克萊學術研討論文期刊 )

( http://www.bepress.com/workingpapers.html


Business & Economics ( 企業與財經論文 )

 American Law & Economics Association Annual Meetings

 The Centre for the Study of African Economies Working Paper Series

 The German Working Papers in Law & Economics

 Review of Marketing Science Working Paper Series

 See also the University of California sites listed below.


Legal Studies ( 法律論文 )

 American Law & Economics Association Annual Meetings o American Law & Economics Association 14th Annual Meeting

 California Public Employee Relations (CPER) Papers o CPER Selected Publications

 Rutgers University (Newark) Legal Working Paper Series o Rutgers Law School (Newark) Faculty Papers

 University of San Diego Legal Working Paper Series o University of San Diego Law and Economics Research Paper Series o University of San Diego Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper Series

 University of Illinois Legal Working Paper Series o University of Illinois Law and Economics Working Papers

 University of Michigan Legal Working Paper Series o University of Michigan John M. Olin Center for Law & Economics Working Paper


 University of Southern California Legal Working Paper Series o University of Southern California Law and Economics Working Paper Series

 University of Virginia Legal Working Paper Series o University of Virginia John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics Working Paper

Series o University of Virginia Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper Series

 Villanova University Legal Working Paper Series o Villanova University School of Law Working Paper Series

 New England Law Library Consortium Legal Scholarship Repository o Boston College Law School

 Boston College Law School Faculty Papers

 Boston College Law School Lectures and Presentations


o Columbia Law School

 Columbia Public Law & Legal Theory Working Papers o Cornell Law School

 Cornell Law School Berger International Speaker Series

 Cornell Law School Working Papers Series

 Cornell Law School East Asian Law and Culture Conference Series

 Cornell Law School LL.M. Papers Series

 Cornell Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series o Fordham University School of Law

 Fordham Law Faculty Colloquium Papers

 Fordham Law School Occasional Papers o Roger Williams University School of Law

 Roger Williams University School of Law Faculty Papers o Suffolk University Law School

 Suffolk University Law School Faculty Publications

 Suffolk University Law School Intellectual Property

 Suffolk University Health & Biomedical Law o University of Connecticut School of Law

 University of Connecticut School of Law Working Paper Series

 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal o University of Pennsylvania Law School

 Scholarship at Penn Law o Yale Law School

 Yale Law School John M. Olin Center for Studies in Law, Economics, and

Public Policy Working Paper Series

 Yale Law School Occasional Papers


 ExpressO Preprint Series

 See also the University of California sites listed below.

Think Tanks & Policy Centers ( 智囊團與政策中心論文 )

 The Gruter Institute Working Papers

(三) eScholarship Open Access Journals University of California eScholarship Digital

Repository ( 加州大學學術期刊論文 ) ( http://repositories.cdlib.org/ahc/ )

 Agricultural History Center (UC Davis)

 Agriculture & Natural Resources Research & Extension Centers (University of California) o Hopland Research & Extension Center o Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center

 Anderson Graduate School of Management (UC Los Angeles) o Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management o Finance o Marketing

 Bay Area International Group (UC Berkeley)

 Berkeley Program in Law & Economics, Working Paper Series (UC Berkeley) o Law and Economics Workshop, Law 216

 Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (UC Berkeley)

 Boalt Working Papers in Public Law (UC Berkeley)

 California Space Institute (UC Multi-Campus Research Unit) o CalSpace Center for Space Sciences and Engineering o CalSpace Center for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment o CalSpace Center for Space Instrumentation and Nanotechnology o CalSpace Center for Earth and Space Science and Aerospace Engineering o CalSpace Center for Remote Sensing for GIS and Geography


o CalSpace Center for Adaptive Optics and Astrobiology

 Center for African Studies (UC Berkeley)

 Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (UC Santa Cruz)

 Center for Bioinformatics & Molecular Biostatistics (UC San Francisco)

 Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (UC San Diego)

 Center for Conservation Biology (UC Riverside)

 Center for Global, International and Regional Studies (UC Santa Cruz)

 Center for Governance (UC Los Angeles)

 Center for Health and Public Policy Studies (UC Berkeley)

 Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care (UC Davis)

 Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies (UC San Diego)

 Center for Ideas and Society (UC Riverside)

 Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community (UC Santa Cruz)

 Center for Latin American Studies (UC Berkeley)

 Center for Pervasive Communications and Computing (UC Irvine)

 Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence (UC Santa Cruz)

 Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (UC Irvine)

 Center for Research on Latinos in a Global Society (UC Irvine)

 Center for Responsible Business (UC Berkeley)

 Center for Studies in Higher Education (UC Berkeley)

 Center for the Study of Democracy (UC Irvine)

 Center for the Study of Law and Society Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program (UC


 Center for the Study of Neurodegenerative Disorders (UC Santa Barbara)

 Center for the Study of Religion (UC Los Angeles)

 Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education (UC San Francisco)


 Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies (UC San Diego)

 The Consortium for Women & Research (UC Davis)

 Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, UCB (UC Berkeley)

 Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, UCD (UC Davis)

 Department of Biological Chemistry, UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine (UC Los

Angeles) o Nutrition Bytes

 Department of Communication, UCSD (UC San Diego)

 Department of Communication Studies/Speech, UCLA (UC Los Angeles)

 Department of Economics, UCB (UC Berkeley) o Econ 221 - Industrial Organization Seminar

 Department of Economics, UCSB (UC Santa Barbara)

 Department of Economics, UCSD (UC San Diego)

 Department of Linguistics, UCSD (UC San Diego)

 Department of Psychiatry, UCSD (UC San Diego)

 Department of Sociology, UCD (UC Davis)

 Department of Sociology, UCLA (UC Los Angeles)

 Earl Warren Legal Institute (UC Berkeley)

 Epidemiology Research Group (UC Berkeley)

 Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics (University of California)

 Global & International Studies Program (UC Santa Barbara)

 Human Complex Systems (UC Los Angeles)

 Indigenous Research Center of the Americas, Department of Native American Studies (UC


 Institute of Business and Economic Research (UC Berkeley) o Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy o Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance


o Center for the Economics and Demography of Aging o Center for Health Research o Center for International and Development Economics Research o Competition Policy Center o Department of Economics, UCB

 Econ 221 - Industrial Organization Seminar o Fisher Center for Real Estate & Urban Economics o Research Program in Finance Working Papers

 Institute of European Studies (UC Berkeley)

 Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (UC Multi-Campus Research Unit)

 Institute of Governmental Studies (UC Berkeley)

 Institute of Industrial Relations (UC Berkeley) o Center for Culture, Organizations and Politics o Center for the Study of Childcare Employment o Center for Work, Technology and Society o The Institute of Industrial Relations Library

 Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies (UC San Diego)

 Institute of International Studies (UC Berkeley)

 Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences (UC Irvine) o Social Dynamics and Evolution Group

 Structure and Dynamics: Explorations in Anthropological Sciences

 The Institute for Research on World-Systems (UC Riverside)

 Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (UC Berkeley) o Berkeley Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies

 Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research (UC Santa Barbara) o Center for Advanced Study of Individual Differences


o Center for Communication and Social Policy o Center for Evolutionary Psychology o Center for Global Studies o Center for Information Technology and Society o Center for Middle East Studies o Center on Police Practices and Community o Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science o Center for the Study of Religion o Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military o East Asia Center o Health Data Research Facility o MesoAmerican Research Center o Social Science Survey Center

 Institute for Social Science Research (UC Los Angeles) o California Center for Population Research o Center for Communications and Community o Center for Research in Society and Politics o Center for Social Theory and Comparative History

 Institute of Transportation Studies (UC Berkeley) o U.C. Berkeley Traffic Safety Center

 Institute of Transportation Studies (UC Davis)

 Institute of Transportation Studies (UC Irvine) o Center for Activity Systems Analysis o Center for Logistical Innovations in Freight Transportation o Center for Traffic Simulation Studies

 Institute of Urban & Regional Development (UC Berkeley)


 Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation (UC Berkeley)

 Law of the Sea Institute (UC Berkeley)

 The Ralph and Goldy Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies (UC Los Angeles)

 Linguistics Research Center (UC Santa Cruz)

 Mental Retardation Research Center (UC Los Angeles)

 John Muir Institute of the Environment (UC Davis) o San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science o Information Center for the Environment o UC Davis Natural Reserve System

 Pacific Regional Humanities Center (UC Davis)

 Santa Cruz Center for International Economics (UC Santa Cruz)

 Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UC San Diego) o Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation

 Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® (UC Irvine)

 Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities (UC Berkeley)

 UC Natural Reserve System (UC Office of the President)

 UCD McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center (UC Davis)

 UCLA Center for Modern and Contemporary Studies (UC Los Angeles) o UC Transnational & Transcolonial Studies Multicampus Research Group

 UCLA Center for the Study of Women (UC Los Angeles)

 UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies (UC Los Angeles) o InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies

 UCLA's Institute for Democracy, Education, & Access (UC Los Angeles)

 UCLA International Institute (UC Los Angeles) o James S. Coleman African Studies Center o G E von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies


o UCLA Asia Institute

 UCLA Center for Chinese Studies o UCLA Center for European and Eurasian Studies

 UCLA Library (UC Los Angeles) o Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections

 UCLA Research Program in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy (UC Los Angeles)

 University of California Energy Institute (UC Multi-Campus Research Unit) o Center for the Study of Energy Markets

 University of California Institute for Labor and Employment (UC Multi-Campus Research


 University of California International and Area Studies

 University of California Press (UC Office of the President) o UC Publications in Entomology o UC Publications in Geological Sciences o UC Publications in Zoology

 University of California Transportation Center (UC Berkeley)

 University of California Water Resources Center (UC Multi-Campus Research Unit) o Water Resources Center Archives

 UC World History Workshop (UC Multi-Campus Research Unit)

 Wildlife Health Center (UC Davis)

