Parkland College Course Information Form Course Prefix and Number: Class Hour: Title: Lab Hours: Clinical Hours: Credit Hours: 1. Catalog course description including prerequisites (not more than 40 words). 2. The attached course outline must contain the following: general course objectives, textbooks(s), and other required materials with approximate cost, required reading lists--when appropriate, required writing assignments (including length and type)-when appropriate, and laboratory information (e.g., topics covered)--when appropriate. 3. Methods of evaluation [essay exams, objective exams, term papers, projects (give description), etc.] 4. Will additional and/or special equipment, library materials, supplies and/or facilities be needed or required? Please list and estimate cost. 5. What is your rationale or evidence of need for this course? 6. Are there any other Parkland courses that are similar in content? If yes, which ones? 7. Does this course qualify as a general education course for any programs? Proposed By Date Curriculum Chair Date Department Chair Date Vice President for Academic Services Date Provide the following on how this course is being offered at other Illinois community colleges: Name of Community College (at least one) Course Number and Title Semester Year of Page Credit Catalog Number Remarks For baccalaureate-oriented courses, the following information is also needed: Name of Senior Institution (at least one) Course Number and Title Semester Year of Page Credit Catalog Number Remarks Course Prefix and Number: General Course Objectives: Textbook(s): Major Course Segments Class APPROXIMATE TIME (Hours per Segment) Lab Clinic Learning Outcomes Course Prefix and Number: General Course Objectives: Textbook(s): Major Course Segments Class APPROXIMATE TIME (Hours per Segment) Lab Clinic Learning Outcomes