Granite Bay High School Freshman Advising Guide 2010 – 2011 Grizzly Guidance Table of Contents Power Point ……………………………………………1 - 4 9th Grade Time Line & Blackboard Information………… 5 Grizzly Guidance Website/Resources……………………. 6 Strategies for Improving Grades …………………………. 7 Study Skills Resources ……………………………….. 8 - 9 4 – Year Plan……………………………………………..10 Granite Bay High School #1 Grizzly Way Granite Bay, CA 95746 GBHS Counseling Blackboard Page Instructions __________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Go to: Click on “Blackboard” under Home on left Click on “User Login” Username = firstname.lastname (i.e. – Beetle.Bailey) Password = Student ID # Select GBHS Counseling on the right side of the screen Click on “9th Grade” button on left 9th GRADE Time Line Begin researching post-secondary options. Check out some of the Web-based College and Career Exploration Resources. Begin creating a list of the programs and colleges you are interested in. Become familiar with the admissions requirements of the California Community Colleges, the California State University, the University of California, and any independent colleges and universities you are interested in. Review the RJUHSD College and Career Handbook with your parents. Note that the admissions requirements of UC and CSU schools (as well as many independent colleges and universities) include additional courses beyond those required by our district for graduation. Work to establish a four-year plan of your college preparatory classes using the UC required a-g courses as a guide. (For a sample academic planner, see the UC Individual Academic Planner for High School Students.) To see which Granite Bay High School classes meet the a-g requirements, check out the UC approved a-g course list using keyword “granite bay”. Create a file for yourself which contains: 1) Copies of your high school report cards, 2) Awards and honors, 3) Descriptions of paid and/or volunteer school and community activities you participate in. Take credit recovery classes to correct any failed courses. Participate in summer academic enrichment programs and workshops. (Compiled with information available at and - see this source material for comprehensive, updated information.) CHECK THIS OUT!!! GBHS GRIZZLY GUIDANCE/ COUNSELING WEB SITE FIND US AT: OR ON THE GBHS HOME PAGE AT: (click on Resources/Counseling) FIND DIRECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS WITH THESE REMARKABLE RESOURCES: Updated news bulletin School profile Frequently Asked Questions with Answers Academic Resources Community Resources Study Skills Test-taking strategies Personality tests College searches Career Inventories and Much, Much, More!!! GBHS GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING GRADES 1. Have a system for keeping track of homework. ____ Homework sheet, planner ____ Use calendar or whiteboard at home to track assignments ____ Have a consistent place to keep finished homework prior to turning in at school. 2. Keep binders organized. Use a system that works! 3. Have a consistent time and location for doing homework. Make an appointment with yourself! ____ If doing homework in your room really doesn’t get the job done, move to the kitchen table. Do what works! ____ Avoid the distractions that keep you off task. (phone? Computer? TV? Music?) 4. Use Homelink to track progress and grades. 5. Meet with the teacher before or after school (by appointment if necessary) to get extra help. 6. Use the after school Learning Center, or the Peer Tutoring Center during lunch for extra help in those subject areas. 7. Find a study buddy in each class to exchange phone numbers with to assist with course work and test preparation. 8. Form a study group with class members. 9. Use student tutors from tutor list available in counseling office. (students typically charge around $15.00 per hour) 10. Learn different strategies for studying and test preparation: _____ are you a visual, verbal, tactile learner? _____ do mnemonic study techniques help? Note cards? Post it notes? repetition over time? _____ research best study strategies on GBHS’s counseling website Learning Strategies Center Cornell University 420 CCC, Garden Ave. Ext. Ithaca, NY 14853-6601 Phone: 607-255-6310 Fax: 607-255-1562 Cornell University Learning Strategies Center Study Skills LSC Home About the LSC Contact Us Meet the LSC Staff Supplemental Courses Tutoring Study Skills Workshops Study Skills Resources HE 1100: Critical Reading & Thinking Math 1000: Calculus Preparation Statistics Lab LSC CyberTower Study Skills Resources (clicking on a title will download a pdf file copy of the document) Time Management A Simple, Effective Time Management System - A time management system using a semester planner and a weekly planner. Blank Fall 2009 Calendar/Semester Planner - Shows the whole semester on one page. Weekly Planner - Shows whole week on one page by the hour. Creating a Daily To-Do List - How to make a prioritized to-do list To-Do List with Time Estimates - How to make a prioritized to-do list with space to estimate the time a task will take you, and space to note the actual time. Time Management - Tips on time management. Time Management for Right Brained People - What to do if to do lists aren't your style. Overcoming Procrastination - Tips for overcoming procrastination. Tips on Reading and Learning from Lecture Rapid Reading - Reading rate goals and "Alarmclock" speed reading technique. Concept Mapping - How to make a concept map. Good for studying for exams Textbook Reading Systems - How to use the SQ3R and other reading systems. The Cornell Notetaking System - How to use the Cornell notetaking system. Tips on Studying and Taking Exams Office Hours - What they are and how to make the best use of them. Guidelines for Study - Suggestions for making your study more efficient. Exam Strategies: How to Tackle Exam Questions - Strategies for different types of exam questions (e.g. multiple-choice, essay, etc...) Words to Watch for in Essay Questions - Defines words used in essay questions, and explains how to structure your answer. Multiple Choice Tests - Tips for tackling difficult multiple choice tests The Five Day Study Plan - A way to plan when and how to study for exams. Stress Management The Basics of Stress Management - Tips for stress management. Understanding Academic Anxiety - Tips for understanding and managing academic and/or test anxiety. Letting Go of Test Anxiety - Strategies for relaxing and forgetting your anxiety Related Resources Student Disability Services This page was last updated on 09/16/2009 ©2007 Cornell University FOUR-YEAR PLAN Name_______________________________ Graduation Date________________________ Counselor___________________________ Post Graduation Goal____________________ Career Goal_____________________________ High School Graduation Requirements (Each box represents 5 credits) In addition to the requirements below each student must acquire a minimum of 260 credits. Semester 1 2 English 9 Semester 1 2 Physical Science (i.e. Chem., Physics) Life Science (i.e. Biology) Fine Art/For. Lang MY PERSONAL PLAN English 10 English 11 English 12 Health/Safety English 9 English 10 English 11 Algebra 1 World Studies Health/Safety US History Geometry US History World Studies or AP European History PE 9 Gov/Econ PE 9 PE 10 PE 10 Exit Exam English Math 9 10 11 CSU/UC College Entrance a. History/Social Science b. English c. Math (through Algebra 2) d. Lab Science e. Language other than English f. Visual and Performing Arts g. Elective Courses (Check UC List) 2 years 4 years 3 years 2 years (3 rec.) 2 years req. (3 recommended) Planned dates for: SAT I__________________ SAT II________________ ACT __________________ PSAT_________________ 1 year 1 year ASVAB________________ 12 English 12 Government / Economics