Christmas Appeal 2015 - Christmas Day - Uganda Photos: CCS Give the Water of Life Joy radiates from Kellen’s face as she tells her story of transformation in southwest Uganda. “I am Kellen Namara. I am 42 years of age with six children. I lost my husband in June 2007. He was a carpenter and the family bread earner. After his death I became weak and sick. I was bedridden for a year. The children would go daily to fetch water from 3 km away and cook for me. They had no time to go to school. We had a small banana and coffee plantation. It became weedy and production drastically declined meaning no food and income for the family. It was by God’s mercy we survived.” Hearing of her misery, staff from the Centre for Community Solidarity visited and eventually persuaded her to seek medical help. “The results were that I was positive for HIV. So then I knew that my husband died of HIV/AIDS. I was given drugs regularly. I started improving.” Christian World Service PO Box 22652, Christchurch 8140 0800 74 7372 Christmas Appeal 2015 - Christmas Day - Uganda With her illness under control, Kellen welcomed the invitation to join the Kyabishaho Association for women looking after HIV orphans and vulnerable children in her parish. “We are 26 members. We meet monthly and save 1,000 Ugandan shillings (41 cents) a month to our loan portfolio.” When the time comes to build the next tank, the group passes around slips of paper. Whoever draws the picture of a tank is the lucky winner. Now with a rainwater tank at home, Kellen says the children go to school and have time to do their homework. “We are healthy. Joining with CCS was an entry point to a new life.” The family has established a nursery growing vegetables, fruit and trees which they sell at the onset of the rainy season. She has learnt new techniques to use the water run off to improve production in her plantation. Using her bananas, she and other members of the Association make yellow banana pancakes for sale. Once worried about others passing judgement on her HIV status, she is much more confident, “Now I feel free.” “I very much thank CWS of New Zealand for their generosity, care and concern, specifically for us people living in impoverished Isingiro.” Background on Uganda In the southwest corner of Uganda, the climate is getting warmer and drought more severe. In a country that relies on its agricultural sector, farmers will need to learn how to farm for the changing weather. Close to 98% of people living in Isingiro District rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. Many small farmers have one acre (.4 hectare) of their two to five acre plots planted in bananas, a staple for many Ugandans. Safe drinking water is very scarce and the little water available contains unacceptably high levels of mineral salts. Isingiro lies on the border of Tanzania and many of the men head across the border to earn income for their families only to return with the HIV virus. In 2014, UNAIDS estimates 1.5 million people in Uganda were living with HIV and 650,000 children under the age of 18 were orphaned by AIDS. While the infection rate is decreasing, Christian World Service PO Box 22652, Christchurch 8140 0800 74 7372 Christmas Appeal 2015 - Christmas Day - Uganda the drop in funding for education and treatment programmes is a concern. In the final year of the Millennium Development Goals, Uganda has reduced the incidence of poverty by two-thirds and 72% (up from 52% in 2000/1) of people have access to improved drinking water. 6.7 million Ugandans live in “absolute poverty” with a further 14.7 million who remain vulnerable in a population of around 40 million. Centre for Community Solidarity With two staff the Centre for Community Solidarity is making life better for small farmers in the Isingiro district. Their focus is on women caring for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS. CCS is in the second phase of their project. The first phase provided funds to build 495 rain water tanks for 530 groups members and 1742 children from 2008-2012. They have almost reached the halfway point - 610 tanks have been built and another 630 tanks are needed. At the centre of the programme are local associations of people caring for orphans and vulnerable children. The Christian World Service PO Box 22652, Christchurch 8140 0800 74 7372 Christmas Appeal 2015 - Christmas Day - Uganda associations meet monthly to share their problems and look for possible solutions. CCS visits them regularly to teach new farming techniques, train them on improved hygiene and sanitation, and educate them on HIV and AIDS. In addition they supervise the revolving credit fund and rainwater harvesting tank construction. CCS uses low cost clay water filters made from local clay mixed with sawdust. The filters are coated inside with silver nitrate to remove pathogens. The filter is placed in a plastic bucket with a tap on and filled with water. The quality of water is regularly tested and has government approval. Caregivers cannot afford to send their children for further education so once they have left school they are often exploited for cheap labour. In collaboration with the caregivers, CCS has begun a new initiative to start youth groups/clubs to give them new opportunities and respect. CCS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Helps Associations make action plans Supervises the revolving credit fund Organises exposure visits to learn from neighbouring groups Organises the building of rainwater tanks Trains the groups in construction skills, hygiene, sanitation, HIV and AIDS prevention, coping mechanisms and how to deal with those infected 6. Helps them set up and manage revolving loan funds and organise repayment 7. Manages a piggery project which began with the distribution of 240 piglets to families 8. Produces water filters to sell cheaply to ensure safe drinking water 9. Trains members in improved farming practices and environmental protection 10. Sets up groups for young people unable to continue to secondary or tertiary education so they can learn to build water tanks and energy saving stoves, plumbing, biogas construction, bicycle repair, sewing, hair dressing and other marketable skills. Christian World Service PO Box 22652, Christchurch 8140 0800 74 7372