General information

The Bonch-Bruevich St.Petersburg State
University of Telecommunications
Master Degree Programs
for International Students
«Intelligent Info-communication Systems»
210700 - "Info-communication technologies
and telecommunication systems"
«Information Security»
210700 - "Info-communication technologies
and telecommunication systems"
«Electronic Business»
080500 – “Business Informatics”
General Structure of Master Programs
210700 "Info-communication technologies and telecommunication systems"
Intelligent Info-communication Systems
080500 Business Informatics
Electronic Business
210700 "Info-communication technologies and telecommunication systems"
Information Security
Theory of Systems and System Analysis
Communication protocols
Theory of Sysytems and System Analysis
Mathematical Modelling
Methods for modeling and optimization
Methods for modeling and optimization
Philosophical and psychological problems
of creativity
Philosophical and psychological problems of creativity
Philosophical and psychological problems of
Project Management
Project Management
Project Management
Russian Language
Peer-to-peer networks
Theory of IC networks and Systems development
Marketing Fundamentals
Psychology and Pedagogy
Psychology and Pedagogy (Higher School)
Economic and Management
Economics and Management
Economic and Management
Scientific and Research work
Scientific and Research practice
Scientific and Research practice
Theory of Decision Making
Theory construction Info-communication networks and systems
Network security (SECURE)
Enterprise Architecture
Actual problems of science in Infocommunication
Service and technical maintenance of multilayer switched networks (CCNP SWITCH)
Scientific Seminar "Enterprise Architecture"
Routing in IP-based networks
Service maintenance of routed networks
Internet of Things P1
Internet of Things P1
Internet of Things P1
Criptographic Methods and Tools of Information Security
Cryptographic methods and tool of information
Cryptographic methods and tools of information security
Russian Language
Quality of service in IP-based networks
Scientific and Research practice
Electronic Financial Markets
Introduction to Profile
Information security in OS MS Windows Server & UNIX
Scientific and Research work 1
Scientific and Research practice
Development of protected Java applications
Information Systems Life Cycle Management
NGN elements
Scientific Seminar "Information Systems
Information security in data center
Internet of Things P2
Internet of Things P2
Internet of Things P2
Technologies of Steganography
Technologies of Steganography
Technologies of Steganography
Multimedia Technologies for Electronic
The theory of electromagnetic compatibility
of radio electronic facilities and systems
The theory of electromagnetic compatibility
of radio electronic facilities and systems
Electronic Business Strategies
Electronic Business Strategies
Scientific and Research practice
Russian Language
LTE and cooperative networks
Scientific and Research work 2
Scientific and Research practice
Programs Principal Courses
Methods for modeling and optimization
Knowledge of how to simulate and model the performance of various systems has
become an essential tool for any IT professional. However, building a simulation model is
not a trivial task. It requires a thorough understanding of simulation and modeling concepts, extensive knowledge of the properties of the modeled system, and a solid mathematical background. This course is intended to serve the needs of students who are interested in network modeling and simulation. A basic understanding of network topologies,
protocols, and services is useful but not essential.
This course provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in modeling and
simulation tools, including OPNET, ns-2, and QualNet, and discusses many of the pitfalls
most commonly encountered by network engineers and researchers. The course provides
a comprehensive description of OPNET IT Guru and Modeler – the most popular products
for network simulation offered by OPNET Technologies, Inc. (now owned by Riverbed
Technology, Inc.) –and how to use this software for the simulation and modeling of computer networks. The course also includes a set of laboratory projects to help students
learn different aspects of the software and fundamentals of telecommunications.
The following list summarizes the topics covered in each lecture of this course:
Introduction to modelling and simulation
Simulation output data analysis
Introduction to ns-2
Introduction to QualNet
Introduction to OPNET IT Guru and Modeler
Creating and configuring network topologies
Configuring and running simulation experiments
Standard applications and traffic generation features
Specifying user profiles and deploying applications
Transport layer: TCP and UDP
Network layer and routing
Data link and physical layers
Communication protocols
Knowing how to install, configure, and troubleshoot a computer network is a highly
marketable and exciting skill. This course is intended to serve the needs of students who
are interested in mastering fundamental, vendor-independent networking concepts. No
previous networking experience is necessary, although knowledge of basic computer
principles is helpful.
This course first introduces the fundamental building blocks that form a computer
network, such as protocols, media, topologies, and hardware. It then provides in-depth
coverage of the most important concepts in modern networking, such as TCP/IP, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, virtual networks, and security. After completing this course, students will be
prepared to select the best network design, hardware, and software for various network
environments. They will also have the skills to build a network from scratch and maintain,
upgrade, troubleshoot, and manage an existing network. Finally, they will be well prepared to pass the CompTIA Network+ certification exam. Because the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is a well-respected developer of vendor-neutral
industry certifications, becoming Network+ certified provides numerous benefits such as
proof of professional achievement and fulfillment of training requirements, employer
confidence and opportunity for advancement, etc. For more information on the CompTIA
Network+ certification, visit CompTIA’s Web site at
The following list summarizes the topics covered in each lecture of this course:
Networking basics
Network devices
Wireless networking
IP addressing
Transport layer
Wide area networking
Network management
Physical layer
Data-link layer
Network layer
Routing and switching
Application layer
Network security
Network troubleshooting
Internet of Things p.1
This course will first give general introductions of Internet of things, essential devices, important networks and representative services, and then check various ubiquitous
devices including RFID, e-tag, sensors, handhelds, robots, etc. as well as their typical applications. The context as a special kind of information in internet of things will be described in details and related context-aware computing technologies, systems and application will be presented. Various key issues in internet of things smartness, intelligence,
security, safety, trust and related social issues will be discussed.
Wireless Sensor Networks WSN
Standard and protocol data transmission in IoT
Commercial activities in IoT
Internet of Things p.2
Development of individual projects
"Smart" Planet
"Smart" house
"Smart" transport
"Smart" Health
"Smart" city
"Smart" energy
● "Smart" industry
● "Smart" life
Peer-to-peer networks
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking is generally seen as a new technology with a disruptive business model and many possibilities for further innovation. These trends make P2P
systems and applications highly relevant to the technology community, including researchers and practitioners. This course is a valuable starting point for students who are
new to the subject and an important reference for those who are active in the field. The
course is intended for students who are familiar with computer networking and basic ideas about algorithms.
While the huge popularity of P2P systems has created a large body of knowledge,
there is little structure to this body. Surveys on P2P systems and books providing comprehensive coverage on the P2P technologies are few and far apart. This course fills this
void by giving an up-to-date and comprehensive snapshot of the P2P field. The course introduces the main concepts of the client/server and P2P models, examines the operation
of P2P systems, including the algorithms for self-organization, routing, and searching. It
also describes a number of P2P applications and fundamental P2P overlay architectures,
including both unstructured and structured overlays.
The following list summarizes the topics covered in each lecture of this course:
Client/server and P2P models
Searching for shared resources
P2P file sharing and traffic management ●
P2P telephony and instant messaging ●
Evolution of P2P file sharing systems
DHT algorithms
Bit Torrent
P2P streaming
Grid and cloud computing
Investigation goals in the telecommunication area.
The networks growth history and forecast up to 2030. The Internet of Things (IoT)
concept. The Things definition. The IoT applications. The self-organizing networks. The
self-organizing networks examples: Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN), Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks (VANET), Medical Body Area Networks (MBAN).
The USN structure and features. The USN standardization at ITU-T, IEEE. The USN
clustering. Cluster head selection algorithms for fixed and mobile USN. USN network security features.
VANET structure. VANET standardization at ETSI. Services list and features. Intelligent Transport System (ITS).
E-health system structure. ITU-T and WHO view. E-health QoS classes and parameters. New requirements for network. IEEE 802.15.6 standard for MBAN.
Quality of Services and Quality of Experience. Objective and Subjective methods.
Transmission quality. QoS classes and parameters standardization at ITU-T, IEEE and
3GPP. QoE parameters standardization at ITU-T and ITU-R.
Routing in IP networks
This course is devoted to study of foundations of up-to-date routing processes in IPnetworks. The aim of the course is a deep understanding of routing principles and concepts utilized in modern IP-networks. Basic algorithms, used for routing, main routing
protocols, interoperability questions and main tendencies and tasks are discussed.
Course outline:
 Advanced addressing in IPv4/IPv6
 Main problems, tasks and approaches of routing in IP-networks
 Basic routing algorithms (Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra)
 Main routing protocols: RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP
 Routing protocols interoperability
 Multicast routing approaches
 Advanced routing aspects: Adaptive ad-hoc routing, Geography routing, Multipath routing
Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions
You will gain a thorough understanding of designing routed and switched network
infrastructures and services involving LAN, WAN, and broadband access for businesses
and organizations.
Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) how to gather internetworking
requirements, identify solutions, and design the network infrastructure and services to
ensure basic functionality using the principles of hierarchical network design to structure
and modularize a converged enterprise network design. Specific topics include understanding the design methodology; structuring and modularizing the network design; designing the Enterprise Campus, Enterprise Data Center, Enterprise Edge, and remote
modules as needed; designing an addressing plan and selecting suitable routing protocols;
designing basic voice transport across the network; designing a basic wireless solution;
and evaluating security solutions.
Describe the Methodology Used to Design a Network
Describe Network Structure and Modularity
Design Basic Enterprise Campus Networks
Design Enterprise Edge and Remote Network Modules
 Design IP Addressing and Routing Protocols
 Design Network Services
Quality of service in IP networks
Network quality of service is a critical element of a successful converged networking
design. QoS is a networking term that specifies a guaranteed network performance level.
In practical terms, QoS is a mechanism to assure that audio, video and other data traverse
the network with minimum delay, jitter and packet loss. Most existing networks have
been designed for data application that does not require real-time performance. Because
audio and video data must be received in real-time, QoS must be implemented into the
network. Three fundamental concepts: network provisioning, queuing, and classifying, affecting real-time data transmission must be considered while designing the IP network for
audio and video data. Although over-provisioning the network bandwidth may provide
adequate QoS temporarily, additional mechanisms including queuing and classification
should be designed into the network infrastructure. Another approach is based on the
high variations of the connection requirements posed by Internet users and concentrated
on two different techniques to provide QoS differentiation to customers of packet
switched networks. First, the Integrated Services and the Differentiated Services. In this
course we investigate the efficient solutions of the service rate reconfiguration problem
that should be solved in the context of the IP network management.
The networks development history and forecast. Nano-network as a new network
paradigm. Internet of Nano-things. Nano-networks classification.
Electromagnetic and molecular nano-networks. Electromagnetic TGz network. Bacterial nano-network. Pheromones. Pheromone nano-network.
Future terminals.
8-10 Hours. Lecture only.
Cryptographic methods and tools of information
security in info communication systems
The main cryptographic goals and information security objectives. Ideal (perfect)
cryptosystems. Concept of contemporary block cipher design. Examples of real world
block ciphers (DES, AES). Block cipher modes. Concept of contemporary stream cipher design. Examples of real world stream ciphers (А5 algorithm of GSM standard).Authentication based on symmetric ciphers .Public-key cryptosystems. Examples of
public-key cryptosystems (RSA, El Gamal). Authentication based on public-key cryptosystems. Digital signature. The main methods of key distribution. The notion of cryptographic protocol. Some problems of network security.
Technologies of Steganography
Two main part of information hiding: Steganography (SG) and watermarking (WM).
Definitions and classification. Attacks on SG and WM. The main methods of SG system design. Applications of WM systems (broadcast monitoring, owner identification, proof of
ownership, content authentication of audio and video messages).Copyrights protection
.The main methods of WM system design
Marketing for Engineers
The course goals are to provide the student with a general knowledge of marketing
principles, marketing’s role in a business organization, and the interaction between marketing and engineering. It is the goal of the workshops to use that week’s lecture material
to analyze particular marketing aspects of their assigned company. The group will be expected to provide detailed analysis using data available in the public domain. All assigned
companies will be public companies with relevant financial data available. The teams will
also be responsible for developing a new imaginary product for their assigned company.
This class is structured around 17 lectures (L), their associated workshops (W) and a group
L1 Introduction to Marketing. What is marketing? Origins of Marketing. Marketing Management
Philosophies. Importance of the Marketing Concept. Marketing’s place in the Corporate World. The 4
P’s of Marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
L2 Introduction to the Strategic Market Plan. Introduction. Strategic Market Planning. SWOT Analysis.
Mission Statement. Organizational Goals. Corporate Strategy. Marketing Planning. Marketing
Management. Conclusion
L3 New Product Development Introduction. Differences between Goods and Services. Classifying Products.
Elements of the Product Mix. Product Positioning and Repositioning. Positioning Existing Products,
Positioning New Products, Developing and Managing New Products, Developing New Products, Why
New Products Fail?, Seven Phases to New Product Development, New Product Strategy
Development, Idea Generation, Product Screening and Evaluation, Business Analysis, Product
Development, Test Marketing, Commercialization, Buyers' Production Adoption Process, Diffusion
Process, Conclusion.
L4 Product Management Product Life Cycle Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline, Different Types of
Cycles, Branding, Benefits of Branding, Importance of Branding, Corporate Naming, Types of Brands,
Manufacturing, Private and Generic, Selecting a Brand Name, Protecting a Brand Name, Branding
Policies, Brand Licensing, Packaging, Major packaging Considerations, Packaging and Marketing
Strategies, Criticism of Packaging, Labeling, Warranty
L5 Price Nature of Pricing, Importance of Pricing, Price Competition, Non-Price Competition, Factors
Affecting Pricing Decisions, Objectives, Buyers Perceptions Elasticity, Costs, Break-Even Analysis,
Marginal Analysis, Other Marketing Mix Variables, Demand Oriented Pricing, Cost Oriented Pricing,
Competitive Oriented Pricing, Selecting a Price Level, Price Discounting
L6 Placement Introduction, Justification for Intermediaries, Functions of Intermediaries, Types of Channels
of Distribution, Multiple Distribution Channels, Wholesale Intermediaries, Nature and Importance of
Wholesalers, Types of Wholesale Intermediaries, Vertical Marketing Systems, Channel Conflict,
Selection of Distribution Channels, Retailing.
L7 Promotion. Role of Promotion, Promotion and Society, Promotion and Communication Process,
Promotional Mix, Advertising Preview, Personal Selling Reviewed, Sales Promotion, Publicity
Preview, Selecting Promotional Tools, Nature of Sales Promotion, Scope and Importance of Sales
Promotion, Sales Promotion: Opportunities and Limitations, Consumer Sales Promotion Techniques,
Trade Sales Promotion Techniques, Publicity, Publicity and Advertising Compared, Unfavorable
Publicity, Limitations of using Publicity
L8 Promotion and Advertising. Scope and Importance of Advertising, Nature of Advertising, Use of
Advertising, Developing an Advertising Campaign, Identify and Analyze the Advertising Target,
Defining Objectives, Determine the Advertising Appropriation, Create the Advertising Message,
Develop a Media Plan, Direct Marketing, Search Engines Key Word Searches, Web Portals, Viral
Marketing, Executing the Campaign, Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Campaign, Who Develops
the Campaign,
L9 Focus on the Customer Customer’s and Buyer Behavior - Types of Buyers, Individual Influences on Buying
Behavior, Marketing Research Process, Defining and Locating The Problem, Assess The Decision
Factors, Collect Relevant Information, Collecting The Data, Sampling, Survey Methods, Questionnaire
Construction, Collect Relevant Information, Observation Methods
L10 Focus on the Customer Continued. One to One Focus, Loyalty Marketing, Relationship Marketing,
Database Marketing, Peer to Peer Marketing, Forecasting - Trend Analysis, Market-share Analysis,
Test Marketing, Market Buildup, Market Breakdown
L11 What is a Market? What is a Market?, Developing a Target Market Strategy, Selecting a Target Market,
Undifferentiated Approach, Market Segmentation Approach, Concentration Strategy, Multi-segment
Strategy, Criteria for Segmentation, Variables for Segmentation, Product Positioning.
L12 Marketing - Services Introduction to Services Marketing, Understanding the Service Customer,
Perceived Service Quality, Loyalty, Relationship Marketing and the Customer Mix, Using Experiential
Marketing to Create Service Value, Technology and Service Innovation, Service Leadership: Growth
and Profitability,
L13 International Marketing. The Concept of Global Marketing , Global Business and Geographical
Concerns, Global Economics, Issues in International Finance & Currency, Global Trade Environment:
Regional Market Characteristics Differences , Global Trade Environment: Preferential Trade
Agreements, Social and Cultural Environments in Business, Legal and Regulatory Environments of
Global Business.
L14 International Marketing Continued. Global Business Research, Global Market Entry Strategies:
Licensing and Investment, Global Market Entry Strategies: Strategic Alliances& Competitive
Advantage, Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage, Global Branding - Product and Brand
L15 Differences between Sales and Marketing. The Nature of Personal Selling, Types of Sales People,
Elements of the Personal Selling Process, Prospecting and Evaluating , Pre-approach , Approaching
the Customer, Making the Presentation, Closing the Sale and Follow up , Sales force Management,
Sales force Objectives, Sales force Organization, Sales force recruitment and training, Sales force
motivation and compensation ,
L16 Roles of Product Marketing and Product Management
Product Management – Inside Focus. Market Analysis: Distinctive Competence, Market Research,
Market Problems, Technology Assessment, Competitive Review. Quantitative Analysis: Market Sizing,
Product Performance, Operational Metrics, Win/Loss Analysis. Strategic Planning: Business Case, Buy,
Build, or Partner, Pricing, Thought Leaders, Innovation. Product Planning: Product Positioning, Sales
Process. Build Market Requirements Document (MRD): Writing Product Requirements, Implementing
use-case scenarios, Programming for the “persona”, Determining product feature sets. Creating the
MRD: Analysis Business and Technology Drivers, Reviewing specifications, Prioritizing the product feature set. Establishing Product Commitments: Product Contract, Synchronize Product Team, Obtain Executive Support, Communicate Plan inside and outside the company.
Product Marketing – Outside Focus. Build Strategic Product Marketing Program: Product Marketing
Plans, Link with Sales Goals, Build Marketing Messages. Sales Support: Develop Sales Scenarios, Create
Sales Tools, Measure Sales Processes and Productivity, Work with Sales to Sell New Products
Electronic financial markets
(share and currency Forex)
Students learn bases of the theory of share and currency markets, classification of
tools, principles of the organization, functioning and investment of money. Studying in financial management and receiving skills of application the Internet technologies to practical work on named markets. As a result of studying discipline the student should:
- know theoretical bases of financial markets functioning, financial terminology, organizational principles of the work at electronic share and currency markets, methods of
analysis for FOREX currency market and an estimation of management efficiency the capital.
- be able to use information technologies for management of the finance, to select
and generalize the information, to solve arising problems and to estimate the received financial results.
- have skills: practically to use theoretical knowledge and means (the Internet, the
software) for work in the currency and share markets to optimize made decisions to apply
methods analyses of the markets to efficient control the capital, independently to be
trained in conditions of development new
Course Content
1. The theory of the financial markets of the Basis of economy and the finance,
history of occurrence of a financial system, financial institutions (stock exchanges, banks,
the insurance companies) their basic functions, occurrence of the markets, classification
of the markets, the organization of their activity, tools, information technologies in the financial markets.
2. The share market History and tendencies of development. Regulation of activity, the legislation. Securities, their classification. Professional participants and their functions. The organization of the tenders on the basis of new information technologies. Investment in the share market and an estimation of profitableness.
3. The Currency market FOREX, its history and development, Participants of the
market, the organization of their activity. Currencies, quotations. The organization of the
tenders in the market, management of the capital. Methods of the analysis of the market
(fundamental, classical, technical (computer)). Tactics and trading system. Psychology of
E-Business Strategies
Courses analyze various segments of the e-business to compare the profitability of
business models and better appreciate the potential of new technologies. Course deals
with planning and development methodology of e-enterprise. Role and position of ebusiness in information society (IS). Planning of e-business in IS. E-enterprise lifecycle.
“Business-Content-Management” model. Teleworking, Distance Learning, On-line gaming,
Internet-banking and other applications. B2B, B2C, B2G, C2G, C2C, G2G applications. Ecommerce and Mobile e-commerce. Marketing in e-commerce.
The course aim is to study the peculiarities of business on the Internet. The course
covers the development of an effective business strategies, technology of the online marketing, methods of assessing the economic efficiency of e-businesses. Particular attention
is paid to the organization of the enterprises in the field of e-commerce, electronic payments and information services.
The course “E-Business Strategies” covers following topics:
I INTRODUCTION: Introduction to e-business and e-commerce, E-Commerce Fundamentals, E-business Infrastructure, E-environment,
II STRATEGY AND APPLICATIONS: E-business Strategy, Supply Chain Management, Eprocurement, E-marketing, Customer Relationship Management,
III IMPLEMENTATION: Change Management, Analysis and Design, Implementation and
The course includes lectures and practical classes in following topics:
1. Electronic business and electronic enterprises
Network economy and electronic business, Electronic enterprises
2. Business models and business strategies of the electronic enterprises
Business model description, Internet information services, E-government (B2G, C2G,
G2G), Electronic financial structures (Online banking, Internet-insurance, Internet trading,
Electronic payment systems), Electronic commerce (B2B, B2C, C2C), Online gaming and
3. Internet marketing: The Internet-advertising, Loyalty on the Internet, Mediametric
researches, Efficiency of Internet advertising
4. Efficiency of e-business: Investing e-businesses, Efficiency of the electronic enterprises.
Enterprise Architecture
Technological innovations and new possibilities instantly transform whole industries. Enterprises have to be constantly transforming to be able to promptly respond to
the changes presented by the market and technologies or to proactively initiate acquiring
a new role in the ecosystem. Business models become more complicated and complex
and rely upon effective interaction. The role of communication and interconnection is
growing. Previously regarded as separate today businesses tend to merge into a single
body in which the shift of one element causes the chain of shifts in others. Management
under these circumstances requires special methods and models which are systematized
and developed within the framework of a new discipline - Enterprise Engineering. Its
building brick - Enterprise Architecture is used as an object of transformation. Most en-
terprises today are fully supported by IT or totally become e-businesses. Application of
architectural methods (design, model-based management) becomes a pressing necessity.
System approach supported by engineering methods makes it possible to manage enterprise as an integrated system, take decisions based on facts, be driven by models and project or forecast changes.
The course will present know-how and insights of Russia's and international experts and will deal with:
Goals and objectives of system engineering management methods
Major international methodologies, standards and approaches to EA governance
Major methods and tools for architecture modeling and enterprise engineering
Real life cases and examples from our partners experience
The role of architecture in constant business transformation and innovation
Course covers the following topics:
Introduction. Enterprises and their challenges. Stakeholders and their concerns. EA evolution. EA positioning
Enterprise Architecture artifacts. EA components. Business architecture. Strategy model.
Operational model. Technology model. Solution architecture. Migration program /
Development projects portfolio. Service Oriented Enterprise
Process of Enterprise Architecting. Stakeholders’ requirements analysis. EA modeling. EA
design. EA analysis. Solution architecture design. Migration planning and governance.
Change management. Value management
Survey of EA methodologies. ORG-Master / Business Engineering Group Framework,.
TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework),. Archimate,. FEAF (Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework),. Zachman framework,. PraxOS,. IBM Actionable Business Architecture,. LEAD,. DEMO,. ISO 15704 / GERAM,. ARIS
EA management tools. EA modeling tools. EA analysis tools. Tools for EA knowledge reuse (work with patterns, reference models etc). Project portfolio management tools.
Neighbor tools: Business Process Management (BPM) tools, Corporate Performance
Management (CPM). Knowledge structuring tools (graphical editors, concept mappers, mind Mappers, ontology editors). EA Management tools positioning in application landscape.
The roles in enterprise architecting. Enterprise architect. Business architect/engineer.
System architect. Information architect. Business analyst
Enterprise transformations. Change management methods. 5 colors of change (Caluwe,
Vermaak). EA maturity.
Future trends. Model-oriented enterprise engineering. Intellectual technologies in EA
management. Agile methods. Enterprise 2.0 and social networks. Enterprise Ecosystem Architecture, Robotics and EA.
The course is incorporating the following session types: Meeting with experts: face
to face and on-line lectures, seminars, discussions and case analysis, Practical sessions:
discussions, games, presentations, case analysis, and Laboratory sessions: working with
EA modeling tools.
Course projects
Project-based work is one of the required part of the course (4 months). The projects are to be of research and practical types and are to be carried out within our key
partner-companies and by our experts with potential job placement for best students.
For persons interested there is a possibility for international professional certifications by TOGAF, MEGA, IBM, ORG-Master
Project Management
Course objective - to acquaint students with the project management technology
based on the requirements of the international standard PMI PMBOK, to give them understanding of contemporary approaches to the business and enterprise management
and prepare them for the skillful practical implementation of MS Project instruments for
project design and analysis.
Course content consists of the following questions:
- Project Scope Management (initiation, project charter, restrictions, compiling
baseline content of the proposals, the hierarchical structure of the project, change management, project justification);
- Project Time Management (definition of operations, identification of relationships, Gantt chart, critical path method, the Monte Carlo method, the theory of critical
- Project Cost Management (project life cycle, the use of a hierarchical structure of
work, project cost estimate, budget development expenditures, cost management);
- Quality management (quality planning, quality assurance, quality costs, quality
- Risk management (risk management process, risk management planning, risk
identification, quantification of risks);
- Procurement Management (manufacturer and the buyer, the life cycle of the
contract, contract administration, supply chain management);
Multimedia information systems
for E-business enterprise
The course “Multimedia information systems for e-business enterprise” covers following topics:
Theory of informational interaction: Domain model for info-communications.
Structural and functional organization for info-communication systems (ICS). ICS classification. Multimedia informational environment. Multimedia technologies as an instrument
for informational interaction.
Application field analysis for multimedia ICT systems: Strongly and weakly formalized application fields. Examples – business, healthcare, education. Methodology of application fields process analysis and description.
ICS optimization: Approaches to optimization of multimedia ICS as “complex system” (CS). CAIV methodology for optimization of multimedia CS.
Multimedia ICT systems and e-business enterprise: E-enterprise, semi-E-enterprise,
traditional enterprise. Virtual enterprise. M-ICS design for different types of e-enterprise.
Multimedia ICS and entertainment industry: Specific features of entertainment MICS comparing other industries. Multimedia content usage.
Philosophical and psychological problems of
This course is dedicated to the problem of creativity both of philosophical and
psychological points of view. Being a young daughter of philosophy, modern psychology
define the problem of creativity in the terms of global meta-categories: Divergent and
Convergent Thinking, Mind, Intelligence, Personality (and Individuality as the highest level
of human’s development), Artificial Intelligence and pattern recognition (specially according to cognitive psychology), Social and Emotional Intelligence, fluid and crystallized intelligence. Also the problem of creativity is connected with the different aspects of psycho-
logical approaches and subjects such as language (psycholinguistics), memory, perception,
psychophysiology, associations, unconscious, problem solving, cognitive development
(Piaget’s theory), teamwork and so on.
Thus, the cornerstone tasks of our course «Philosophical and psychological problems of creativity» are: first of all to demark intelligence and creativity as the different
skills and mind opportunities (also according to Russian psychological school); then to describe creativity components, main characteristics and the mains steps of creativity process; and finally to develop our creativity as the ability, which is necessary for all kind of
modern professions (scientists, entrepreneurs, designers, programmers, writers, managers, architectures) as the resource of innovations.
Creativity is the basis of all investigations, discoveries, innovations, changes in
common life, organizations, leadership. It is extremely necessary in the situations of uncertainly. Creativity is the way to change both of external and inner worlds.
So, creativity according to psychology, is a systemic multiple process of changing
our thinking from unconstructive mind paradigm, stereotypes, mind illusions (even at the
level of perception), linear cognitive picture of the world, two-dimensional cognitive map
to the promising individual style of thinking.
Modern cognitive psychology generally regards creativity as a dual process (this
approach expounded, for example, Daniel Kahneman): unpredictable insight, based on
intuition, and rational reasoning.
Creativity is the personal skill, individual resource, which is necessary to diagnose,
develop and, of course, understand.
Psychology and Pedagogy
This course is dedicated to the general problems of Psychology and Pedagogy.
Pedagogy is the science of education and development. Its aims range from the
full development of any human being (personality, mind and values) to specific skills, such
as mathematical, musical abilities and general mental ability.
Psychology is the rapidly developing, young science. It consists of academic
and applied branches, such as general psychology, experimental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, economical psychology, psycholinguistics, psychometrics, behavioral genetics, organizational psychology, industrial psychology and ergonomics, historical psychology, virtual psychology and others.
Psychology, connecting with many natural, social and mathematical sciences, investigates individuals and groups, inner personal traits, processes, states and also exter-
nally observed behavior. Considering a lot of problems of human psyche, such as perception, attention, memory, emotions, feelings, motivation, character and personality
traits, individuality, behavior, intelligence, imagination and other areas, psychology is a
very complex science.
Historical approach separates psychology at various schools (according to their
appearance): Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical direction, Behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, Humanistic psychology, Cognitive psychology and
other psychological schools (like, for example, Systemic Approach).
Correlating with other sciences (physics, neurobiology, philosophy, psychiatry, biology, chemistry, economics and others), psychology attempts to understand some crossscientific dilemmas, like psycho-physiological dilemma, genetic dilemma (education and
genetics opposition), separate itself with special methods, principles, theories, models
and concepts of psychic reality.
Extra courses
Embedded systems
The purpose of this course to teach students the fundamentals of microprocessor
and microcontroller systems. The student will be able to incorporate these concepts into
their electronic designs for other courses where control can be achieved via a microprocessor/controller implementation. Although assembly language programming is a large
component of the course, this course is extremely hardware-oriented. Students will comprehend the basic requirements and layout for building a microcomputer and applying
those concepts to achieve a dedicated “embedded” controller as a component of a larger
The course will include such subjects as:
- microcontroller architecture, addressing modes and instruction set;
assembler and emulator experience;
Programming techniques and applications.
Computer timing, bus usage and system memory design.
Input/Output including parallel, serial and A/D conversion.
Laboratory exercises to demonstrate, and enhance the understanding and
implementation of, microcontroller system design.
Main principles of stereoscopy
During this course students will have a lot of lectures and practice in making and
shooting 3D. They will have an excellent opportunity to familiarize themselves with 3D
technology and the state of the art stereo equipment. For the whole semester every student has been involved in 3D studies and lectures, has taken part in capturing 3D video
and photo, converting 2D photo to 3D and uploading their shootings to the famous video
Theoretical studies consists of the following lectures:
- 2DTV: broadcasting, formats, equipment.
- Basic principles of stereoscopy.
- Accommodation and convergence of the eyes. Parallax. Stereo basis. Conditions
required for visual comfort.
- Stereo images: stereoscope, lens raster, displays, projectors, 3D-TV. Stereo systems with and without glasses.
- Stereo viewing and printing
- Types of stereoshooting. Choice of photo technique.
- 2D Editing.
- 3D Editing.
Practice includes: 3D shooting and overviewing, creating 3D images from «ordinary», 2D and 3D Editing.
Besides classes students have to make a project. They should write the MPO file
converter program by using MPO files taken from different stereo cameras.
Adaptive Methods for Signals and Fields Detection and Resolution (AIR)
The lecture course «Adaptive Methods for Signals and Fields Detection and Resolution» presents an introduction to statistical theory of signals and images, which are
used in Telecommunication Systems and Radar. It is intended for students and postgraduates who are interested in modern methods for signal and image modeling.
Basic concepts of signal processing in uncertainty conditions are invariance, adaptation and robustness. The main task is to apply these concepts to practical detection and
discrimination problems to obtain processing algorithms.
Gaussian and non-Gaussian problems are given for consideration.
Practical models of signals and images must be adequate to physical processes
which have place in channels, networks and radio-electronic devices. On the other hand
models have to be rather simple for analysis and application.
The lecture course covers following topics, which are given below. The content
closely related to applied statistics but examples are given from telecommunications and
radar problems.
Topic 1. Problems of signal detection and discrimination
Topic 2. A priori uncertainty in description of signals and interference. Adaptive,
invariant and robust algorithms
Topic 3. Gaussian problems of signals and fields detection and discrimination
Topic 4. Non-Gaussian problems of signals and fields detection with uncertain
Topic 5. Detection algorithms with adaptive threshold
Computer geometry and graphics
On the lectures the following subjects are given: methods and models of geometrical simulation, computer implementation of geometrical models, formation of graphic
objects from primitives, visualization of objects and scenes, architecture, hardware and
software of modern graphic stations, modern standards of the computer-generated image, dialogue systems, interactive graphics in computer systems of different assigning.
The course project contains programming the three-dimensional graphics. The laboratory
activities run in graphic systems AutoCAD and 3ds max. The course consists from: the lectures - 18 hours, course project -20 hours, laboratory activities -10 hours, independent
opening-up 37 hours. Passing an examination completes the course.
Russian language, part 1
Basic skills needed for communication in Russian language will be given students
in this course.
Russian language, part 2
Advanced language knowledge and skills will be provided in second (spring)
Foreign language (English), part 1, 2
Enhanced and deeper training in English language
History and Architecture of St.Petrsburg
Russian Literature