3. Instructions for the Final Report

Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Selection 2012
"Structural support for European Associations active at European level in the
field of European Integration and Education and Training"
Reporting Guidelines
1. Purpose of the report
2. Structure of the report
3. Instructions
General rules
Summary part
Confidential parts
4. Instructions for the Financial Reporting
Cost categories
Financial Work sheets
5. Declaration of Honour by the Beneficiary
6. Annex
Audit Certificate
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines
Reporting on the European Association’s execution of its annual work programme and its
achievements is both a crucial and beneficial part of the management process. The report you are
required to submit serves a dual purpose:
 For your own benefit and use. The report is a means of communication between you
and your peers about the activities you are undertaking - you place information on the
achievements obtained through your activities at the disposal of a wider community.
Through the dissemination of this information, you increase the potential for being
contacted by interested parties with useful input or feedback.
 For the Agency's benefit and use. The Final Report at the end of the eligibility period
allows an overall evaluation of the activities' outcomes and their impact and European
added value. The assessment of the report enables the Agency to take a decision on the
launch of the final payment.
In order to provide a practical and structured means for an Association to report its
achievements, the Agency has prepared a report template – including a financial reporting table –
accompanied by instructions on how to complete them. The approach that has been taken is
expected to facilitate compliance with reporting obligations towards the Agency as well as to
enable the identification of best practice and the extraction of qualitative and quantitative
analyses and statistics. The implementation reports will be evaluated by independent external
experts. Following the results the Agency shall reduce the amount of the final grant in the event of
weak implementation of the work programme in accordance with Art.II.14 of the agreement.
This reduction shall be applied in accordance with the provisions explained below:
The experts carrying out the final assessment will give an overall judgement made up of a
"qualitative" grade and a numerical rating. The values given will reflect the quality of the
performance of the association taking into consideration the objectives defined in the work plan.
The rating values – which dictate the precise level of reduction of the grant, if any – run from 0 to 10,
where 0 is at the bottom of the rating scale and 10 is at the top. Where the rating recommended by
the external experts and confirmed by the Agency lies between 0 and 4, the Agency may decide to
have the project reassessed. If a reassessment is carried out and the views of the experts differ, the
final consolidated rating will be determined by the Agency.
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines
Where the final rating falls between 0 and 4, a reduction of the European Union contribution will
be implemented according to the following scale:
Corresponding reduction to the final European
Union contribution
Final Assessment
Very Good
Very Weak
In addition, the external expert may recommend that the contribution for other budget categories is
reduced where it is considered that the costs are not necessary for the execution of the project or not
justified by the work reported e.g. travel costs, equipment costs,(e.g.: all costs for the creation of a
website invoiced but the website is not available).
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines
The Final Report consists of several parts:
Part 1 Final report on the European Association's Work Programme 2012
 A
Summary (may be published)
 B
Implementation of the Work Programme (confidential)
 C
Information about the evolution of the Association (confidential)
 D
Financial Reporting (confidential)
 E
Declaration of Honour (confidential)
Part 2 Report on the three – years action plan of the Framework partnership agreement (20112013)
Part 1 Final report on the European Association's Work Programme 2012
The Summary Part (A) presents the overall outcome of the Work Programme and the results and
achievements. Parts (B), (C) and (D) contain information about the execution of individual
activities, the management of the project, and the Association’s finances. They are aimed at the
Agency and remain confidential. In Part (E) the legal representative of the Association confirms
that the data and information contained in the report are accurate and in accordance with the
Part 2 Report on the three – years action plan of the Framework partnership agreement (20112013)
This part refers only to those associations benefiting of a Framework partnership agreement
(2011-2013). It serves to provide an overview about the state of the art as far as the action plan is
Please note: the Summary Part and the Confidential Parts of the report when put together should
offer the complete picture thus enabling the Agency to fully evaluate the European Association's
activities and achievements. Therefore, the Summary part and the other parts should not
contain the same information.
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines
3.1 General rules
Please note the following points before you produce and submit your report to the Agency:
1. You must use the content report template provided by the Agency for the Jean Monnet
Programme KA 3 Reporting 2012.
2. You must use the appropriate reporting templates and financial tables (eligibility cost
table or flat rate table) provided by the Agency. The financial table needs to be signed
by the legal representative of the association, scanned and uploaded to the CD
ROMs/DVD/USB Keys together with the audit certificate (see 3.3 last paragraph
Audit Certificate) mentioned under 4.
3. The declaration of honour has to be signed in original by the legal representative of
the association, scanned and uploaded to the CD ROMs/USB Keys mentioned under 4.
4. The report should be written in one of the official working languages of the EU
(English, French or German) and be submitted within three months following the end of
the eligibility period (31/03/2013).
5. The report must be sent electronically only. The signed declaration of honour, the
financial report, the audit certificate and the content report together with all potential
annexes (e.g. publications, minutes of meetings, leaflets) shall be uploaded on 3 CD
ROMs/DVD/USB Keys. Each electronic devices should have two separate folders
named as follows: Folder 1 Content Part and Folder 2 Financial Part and the uploaded
documents should be uploaded in the respective folder according to their nature (e.g.
financial table and audit certificate in Folder 2 Financial Part.
6. The three devices must be identically containing the same data/information. They
have to be sent to the address specified below and received by the Agency by the
deadline (31/03/2013). Please take note that the electronic devices must contain all the
requested information since the experts will be provided only with electronic versions.
A paper version of the final report is not requested.
7. Applicants are required to send the above mentioned 3 CD ROMs/DVD/USB Keys, to
the following address:
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
LLP – Jean Monnet Programme, KA 3 – REPORTING 2012
Av. du Bourget 1 (BOU2 - 03/57)
BE-1140 Brussels
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines
8. As products/results are concerned, copies of each product/result must be supplied (if
possible also on the CD ROMs/USB Keys mentioned under 4.; example ebooks or pdf
version of publications instead of printed versions). If only hard copies are available
you are requested to send 2 copies. If you refer to websites, passwords should be given
for all private areas (in the Confidential Parts of the report). The Agency reserves the
right to request further copies of reports and products.
9. The report should not be used as a means to request changes to the agreement (such
as changes to the budget, work programme, partnership, etc). These are subject to
formal amendment requests that should have been submitted separately.
10. Abbreviations and acronyms must be explained by a legend.
11. You are strongly advised to send the CD ROMs/USB Keys by registered post in order
to ensure a record of postage. Additionally, you are advised to keep a copy of the full
report, including any annexes.
3.2 Summary (Part A)
Guidelines on the preparation of the content
Please bear in mind that the summary part should be of a quality that would allow it to be
published as it is i.e. without revision or editing.
 The font used for the reports should be Arial with a font size no smaller than 11.
 If permissions are required for the publication of any of your report content e.g.
photographs that include images of people, please ensure that the necessary permission
has been obtained.
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines
3.3 Confidential Parts
Part B - Implementation of the Work Programme
Execution of individual Work Programme activities
Describe the activities that you planned (see Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement) and the
success in accomplishing these activities. In case of problems encountered provide
information on how they have been solved. Also provide information, where new
activities have been added during the eligibility period.
Provide information on the deliverables/outcomes (along with details of variations from
the initial plan, if relevant).
 Overall Management of the Work Programme
Under this heading information should be provided on meetings that were held in order
to execute the Work Programme (including General Assembly and Executive Board
meetings). Please indicate the meeting date, town and objective and indicate the number
of member organisations that participated (and other relevant information). Explain also
which other networking activities with the member organisations have been set up.
Provide information on how interaction and communication with the target groups (e.g.
web site, publications, newsletters, conferences) has been implemented and major results.
Part C - Information about the evolution of the Association and other information
 Concerning the evolution of the European Association during the reporting period please
explain - if relevant - any changes in the statutes, new members, address, new staff,
organisation chart, etc.
 Any other supplementary information that the beneficiary wants to communicate to the
Agency and that is not covered in the other reporting points should also be mentioned
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines
Part D - Financial Reporting
The financial reporting for your Association during the eligibility period must be carried out by
using the Excel table (either for eligible costs or for flat rate funding) that is provided by the
Agency for that purpose. Please make also sure that you are familiar with the rules for eligible
costs /flat rate rules as stated in the call for proposals and your grant agreement.
Part E - Declaration of Honour by the Beneficiary
The 'Declaration of Honour' must show the amount requested for payment, the stamp, date and
the signature of the legal representative of the beneficiary organisation on the electronic version
that has to be submitted.
Annex - Audit Certificate
An audit certificate must accompany the final report of beneficiaries.
Please note:
The audit certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts (profit & loss accounts,
balance sheet and annexes if available) has to be produced by an approved external auditor. The
certificate should be attached to the request for payment. The certificate should certify that the
costs declared by the beneficiary in the financial statements on which the request for payment is
based are real, accurately recorded and eligible in accordance with the grant agreement.
Flat rate financing
The approved external auditor should confirm and certify that the information provided in the
"Declaration the honour" by the beneficiary on the number of employed persons and the number
of working days charged under the operating grant for the year 2012 is true and verifiable. For
this purpose he should countersign the beneficiary's "Declaration on the honour" specific to the
flat rate financing.
Jean Monnet Programme Key Activity 3
Reporting Guidelines