Charis Bible College of Phoenix

Charis Bible College of Phoenix
Please apply as soon as possible to insure your enrollment in the next class, although
we utilize an open enrollment process so you may enter the program at any point if you
are willing to study and keep up with ‘extra’ assignments. Review and processing of your
application can take a couple weeks. Please call
480-636-1870 for more information.
Students will be expected to live in accordance with godly principles as stated in
the Dress Code and Conduct Information and the Student Handbook.
A one-time, nonrefundable $100 application fee must be sent with your application. Your
application will not
be processed without payment. (A husband and wife may share this fee, i.e. $100 total,
not $100 each.)
Completed Application:
1) Application Form
All questions on the application must be completed. If a question does not apply to you,
write “N/A”
(not applicable) in the space provided.
2) Essay Question Form
Complete this form in your own words. Your statements will be held in confidence.
3) Personal Recommendation
This form should be completed by a high school or college teacher or counselor, an
employer, or a
friend. This person may not be a relative.
4) Proof of High School Diploma or G.E.D. /Transcript
Please provide a copy of your high school diploma, G.E.D. certificate, or college degree.
experience will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If
you have previously attended a college
please provide a copy of your transcripts.
5) One Recent Photographs
Please include one recent, passport-sized photograph of yourself (head and shoulders).
Note it does not have to be a passport photo, but can be.
Charis Bible College requires a copy of a signed passport at the start of your second
year. If you do not
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currently have a US passport please visit for more information,
locations to apply, and
to download application forms. The US passport application process requires 6
weeks. Please plan
accordingly and remember to provide adequate postage when sending application.
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must provide a copy of your visa which allows you to
legally reside here in
the U.S. and attend Charis Bible College.
When the Admissions Office has received all your forms, fully completed, and the $100
application fee, your
application for admission will be evaluated. You will then be notified by the Admissions
Office as to the status
of your application. Please allow a couple weeks to review and process your application.
Checklist for Completed Application:
Must be completed upon applying and received prior to your start date:
____ Completed application form
____ Completed essay questions form
____ Signature and date on application
____ Application fee of $100 (one-time, nonrefundable)
____ Visa – if not a U.S. Citizen
____ College transcripts, proof of high school graduation, G. E. D., or equivalent
____ Copy of Certificate of Completion (if applying for 2nd year program from
The following must be received by the school prior to your start date:
____ Two (2) recent, passport-size photographs
____ Completed Personal Recommendation Form
The following must be received within the first two weeks of starting your second
year for inclusion
in your foreign missions trip, which is required for graduation:
____ Copy of signed passport (please see passport paragraph)
Charis Bible College of Phoenix
1220 S. Park Ln, Suite 2,
Tempe, AZ 85281-6940
Phone: 480-636-1870 * Fax: 480-704-4592
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Registration Payment:
Please enclose a check/money order for the $100 registration fee, or if you would like to
charge the fee to your credit card, please provide the following billing
information. (Couples may share the registration fee, i.e. $100 total, not $100 each.)
_ Check/Money Order Enclosed
_ Visa _ MasterCard _ AMEX _ Discover
Name on card: _____________________________________ Amount to charge:
Card #:
Exp. Date: _____/_____
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3 digit pin: _________(4 for AmEx)
Charis Bible College of Phoenix
The Scriptures:
We believe that all of Scripture (both the Old and New Testament) is verbally
inspired by
God and is our final authority in all matters pertaining to doctrine, reproof,
correction, and
instruction in righteousness (II Tim. 3:16, 17).
We believe in only one true God; One in essence, nature, and attributes, but
existing in
three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (I Jn. 5:7).
Jesus Christ:
We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, of His shed
blood on
Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, of His bodily resurrection and ascension
to the
Father’s right hand. We do not believe that He is simply “a” way to the Father, but
rather the
only way through which we can receive righteousness, regeneration,
sanctification, and
glorification. He is, in fact, our salvation (I Cor. 1:30-31).
Holy Spirit:
We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit, expressed with speaking in
according to Acts 1:8; 2:4; 9:17; 10:44-46; 11:15, 16; and 19:6. We believe this
is distinct from, and subsequent to, the new birth, and can be received by faith
(Gal. 3:2).
We believe that all who, in repentance and faith, receive the Lord Jesus as
Savior and Lord
are born again (Acts 20:20-21; Rom. 10:9-13).
We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross has provided healing
for the
human body (Mt. 8:16, 17; Isa. 53:4; I Pet. 2:24).
The Resurrection:
We believe in the resurrection of the just and the unjust; one to
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everlasting life and one to
everlasting damnation (Mt. 25:46).
The Second Coming:
We believe in a literal, physical second return of the Lord Jesus Christ (I Th. 1:10;
The Church:
We believe that the universal church is comprised of all true believers who have
salvation through Christ (Eph. 1:22-23). We also believe in and
encourage fellowship with a
local church (Heb. 10:25).
Gifts of the Spirit:
We believe that spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the
common good
and building up of others today (I Cor. 12:7-12).
Charis Bible College of Phoenix
Standards of Progress
Charis Bible College has three basic standards by which students' progress is
measured: grace, servanthood, and character. Detailed below are "guideposts" by which
the working out of these truths may be measured, not a formula by which these qualities
may be attained. As a believer we already possess everything we need in
Christ, but must yield our souls and bodies so that these qualities are manifested in
our thoughts and actions.
Grace: Second Peter 1:23, "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of
Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain
unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and
Charis is the Greek word for grace. The grace of God is God's favor given to every
believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life
as you relate with other people. The grace of God, His ability working in you, is
manifested as you are willing to listen and understand the heart of your teachers and
fellow students, as you exercise forgiveness, as you see the best in people and overlook
human faults, and as you are enabled to work with those you may disagree with.
Servanthood: As disciples of Jesus Christ, students at Charis Bible College value
and walk in humility and servanthood. They are willing to put the needs of others ahead
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of their own desires, and find opportunities on their own to serve the school, staff, fellow
students, and others.
Character: It is defined by the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and further explained
by the writers of the Bible. This is measured by your attendance record, faithfulness in
paying tuition, obeying rules, and living by the highest moral and ethical standards.
We expect all students of Charis Bible College to conduct themselves to the best of their
abilities, in agreement with the teachings of Jesus, both on and off campus, at all times
while enrolled as students.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does Charis Bible College (CBC) have to offer that other Bible schools
A thorough study of the Word of God through fellowship, teaching how to apply
the Word to your life and ministry. It’s a place where you can get your
questions answered according to the Word of God, and much more through
developing an intimate relationship with your heavenly Father instead of
practicing ‘religion.’ We are a grace school where you learn the truth about
the love of God, and how to walk in the freedom of His love.
Do I have to be a member of the church?
We believe that we, as the body of Christ, are the “church” however, CBC
recommends that you attend church and worship services regularly, and serve
in a local congregation. You will learn foundational truth that will help guide
you to a local church fellowship if needed.
Why should I attend CBC?
If there is a stirring and desire inside of you to attend, CBC can help you to
recognize if it’s a call to ministry, and/or a call to a deeper relationship with
and understanding of God. Feel free to ask current CBC students and staff,
who are all CBC graduates, for their personal testimonies which we believe will
encourage your decision. We have seen awesome inner and physical healings,
and well as other tremendous changes in people as they learn the Word of God
that sets them FREE!
When can I enroll?
NOW! CBC Phoenix allows an “open enrollment” and regular classes start at
CBC Phoenix after Labor Day. Staff can answer your open enrollment questions
if you are unable to begin your studies at CBC Phoenix at the beginning of each
school year.
Can I take an individual class?
No, CBC classes are taught systematically, to give the students a solid
foundation so they can receive the most spiritually and academically from the
program. However, we do have provision for part-time students to attend on
two days a week or on Saturdays for two, 9-month school years to receive the
entire Bible Training Institute (first year) curriculum.
What about Correspondence?
Correspondence is available through the main campus. CBC Phoenix offers
accelerated home study via DVD and CD as a way to augment classes missed
by late (open) enrollment or by scheduling conflicts.
How much homework is there?
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We require the bible to be read through during first year. Minimal homework
assignments are required in addition to required bible reading.
How much time is required each day?
The full time schedule is Monday through Thursday for four hours a day, either
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 6 pm to 10 pm OR either day or evening session on
Tuesday & Thursday AND Saturday 9 am - 4 pm.
The part time schedule is Monday & Wednesday, OR Tuesday & Thursday
(either day or evening sessions) OR Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Are there papers that need to be written?
Only occasional essays are required in 2nd year, usually involving your thoughts
or testimony, not academics. They are graded pass/fail, based on whether the
assignment was completed or not.
Where is CBC located?
We are centrally located to the entire Metro Valley, in the Hohokam
Business 10 East park, one block north of Rio Salado College & Maricopa
College. Our NEW address is: 1220 S Park Ln Suite 2, Tempe AZ 852816940.
Can the 2nd year School of Practical ministry also be done part-time?
Yes, although the Saturday option is not available to 2nd year student, you can
do 2nd year on a PT basis.
Will there be a mission trip?
Yes, it is a requirement for graduation and details are given during the school
year. If you are a PT student, you will take your missions trip in the second
half of your 2nd year.
What will I receive when I finish the first and the second year?
A. 1st year—Certificate of Completion from Bible Training Institute
B. 2nd year—Diploma, Ministerial License, Associates, Bachelors or Masters
degree in Biblical Studies, with option to be ordained through CBC if
additional qualifications are met.
What is involved in the Apprentice Program?
Third year students will split their time between their own academic program
and working alongside staff in the operation of the school. Our 3rd year
Apprenticeship program is a wonderful opportunity to work with others at CBC
in various positions to learn aspects of ministry and administration.
What ministries will I be equipped for and qualified to do after graduation?
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Pastor, associate pastor, any para-church ministry, missionary, work in a CBC
extension school, or just enjoy letting your light shine where ever God places
you by taking the limits off of God!
What if I don’t have the money right now?
Installment payments can be made
Is tuition tax deductible?
Probably not. But some may so check with check with your Tax Preparer on
current tax code).
How can I work and go to school?
Our scheduled curriculum is the same during day school and night school, which
even allows for a student to work part-time or do shift work, by attending a
combination of days or nights whichever is more convenient. Pray about it and
God will reveal to you how.
Do you offer student scholarships?
Not at this time for first year students.
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Charis Bible College of Phoenix --SAMPLE COURSE
This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required or possible course.
Courses are
subject to change without notice.
Course Title: A Sure Foundation I & II
Hours: 10
Instructor: Andrew Wommack
Two subjects are covered in this class. The Integrity of the Word expounds on the truth, surety,
and infallibility of God’s Word. Christian Philosophy shows us that we all have a system of
thought, but challenges us to examine if it is according to the Word or the world.
Course Title: The Basics of Righteousness I & II
Hours: 10
Instructor: Andrew Wommack
This class teaches about our Spirit, Soul, and Body and Identity in Christ. Spirit, Soul, and Body
is a study that explains how our spirits are complete in Jesus if we are born again and how our
souls and bodies should relate to our spirits. The Identity in Christ study shows us from Scripture
who we are in Christ—our righteousness and justification.
Course Title: Relationship with God I-IV
Hours: 20
Instructor: Andrew Wommack
This study emphasizes four important truths about God and man’s relationship with Him. The
Nature of God is a study of God that distinguishes between His character and His acts,
contrasting the Old Testament with the New Testament. Hardness of Heart deals with one of the
major barriers that keep us from accepting all of God’s truth. Authority of the Believer helps us
receive the blessings God has for us and shows us how to stop Satan from robbing us. God’s Not
Guilty shows us from Scripture that God is not the author of our problems, nor does He cause
bad things to happen to us.
Course Title: Receiving from God I-IV
Hours: 20
Instructor: Andrew Wommack
This class covers the subjects of Prayer, Healing, Blessings and Miracles, and Harnessing Your
Course Title: Old Testament Survey I – VI
Hours: 60
Instructor: Wendell Parr
This is an overview of the Old Testament. In this class, students will study the author, historical
setting, purpose, and theme of each book; special attention is given to some of the key passages.
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Course Title: The Holy Spirit I - III
Hours: 30
Instructor: Wendell Parr
This is an exciting class that discusses the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit. Not only will
you learn how He has worked throughout history, but how He works in your life.
Course Title: Healing
Hours: 10
Instructor: Barry Bennett
The Christian life includes physical health for all who believe. It is as much God’s will that we be
physically whole as it is that we be born again. Before anyone can have faith for healing, they
must be certain of God’s will. Faith cannot go beyond the knowledge of God’s will and God’s
ways in the area of health and healing. This course will establish principles for health and healing
and will explain healing in terms of the spirit, soul and body of man. We will learn what is
required of us as faith filled Christians, and what is God’s part in the process of receiving health in
our bodies.
Course Title: Introduction to the Bible
Hours: 10
Instructor: Barry Bennett
A course designed to inspire confidence in the Bible as the Living Word of God by understanding
its 1) revelation, 2) inspiration, 3) compilation, and 4) preservation.
Course Title: Galatians
Hours: 10
Instructor: Barry Bennett
Paul’s inspired letter which is often referred to as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Christian liberty is
reviewed and studied in terms of its great themes: grace, revelation, our identity in Christ, faith,
the Law vs. the blessing of Abraham, and life in the Spirit.
Course Title: The Ministry of Jesus I & II
Hours: 20
Instructor: Barry Bennett
An overview of the culture and context of Jesus’ life and ministry that will deal with His manner of
teaching, the content of His teaching and His declarations about Himself, His relationship with the
Father, the Word, the devil, sin, faith, prayer and the Holy Spirit.
Course Title: Romans
Hours: 10
Instructor: Lawson Perdue
Romans - The revelation of righteousness. The Book of Romans is considered by many as the
greatest exposition of Christian Doctrine anywhere in the Bible. The revelation of righteousness
is the revelation of the gospel. In this class we see: the need for the provision of, the way to and
the power of righteousness revealed in Christ and received by faith.
Course Title: Bible Covenants
Hours: 10
Instructor: Lawson Perdue
The purpose of this study is to learn about the nature of God as revealed in the covenants He has
made with men, in order to develop our faith in God as a way of life today. We will begin with
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God’s covenants with Adam, Abraham, and Israel, and then we will consider the new covenant
fully revealed in the New Testament.
Course Title: Basic Bible Doctrines
Hours: 10
Instructor: Lawson Perdue
Bible doctrine will be covered in this course. Subjects include The Scriptures Inspired, One True
God and The Trinity, The Deity of Jesus Christ, The Fall and Salvation of Man, The Present Day
Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, The Return of Jesus Christ for His Church, and Heaven
& Hell.
Course Title: The First Book of John
Hours: 10
Instructor: Lawson Perdue
The object of Christianity is our relationship with God - a study through the book of I John.
Course Title: In Christ Realities
Hours: 10
Instructor: Lawson Perdue
A course designed to give us an understanding of our new identity in Christ, the value of our
identity in Christ, and how that identity helps us fulfill the purpose and plan of God in our lives.
Course Title: What Faith Is and How to Live By It
Hours: 10
Instructor: Dan Funkhouser
We will be studying how God operated in faith and see that we also have the same measure of
faith in our lives. We will discover that faith operates from our heart and our confession of God’s
Course Title: Discipleship Evangelism
Hours: 24
Instructor: Ken and Shelley Settles, others
A 48-lesson condensed course developed by Don Krow and Andrew Wommack for introducing
to a person who may nothing about Christ and developing that person into a student of the Word.
Course Title: Only Believe
Hours: 10
Instructor: Rose Gonyer
Only faith pleases God, the just shall live by faith, and be it done unto you according to your faith
are only a few of the scriptures concerning faith. This class teaches the practical application of
our faith and how to live daily by faith and not by sight.
Course Title: The Heart “Essence” of the Gospel
Hours: 10
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Instructor: Arthur Meintjes
Because of the ignorance and lack of understanding concerning the Heart or “Essence” of the
Gospel, very few people know and relate to God the way that he is revealed in the New
Testament. The Heart or “Essence” of the Gospel is all about God revealing His Goodness, Love,
Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness and true nature to a Tired, Worn out, and Hopeless world!
Course Title: Essential Truths of the New Testament
Hours: 10
Instructor: Arthur Meintjes
There are many truths in the Bible, but not all the truths in the Bible are essential and
foundational. That means that there are many things in the Bible that are extremely interesting
but they are not extremely important. There
are also many truths that are important, sometimes even extremely valuable, but they are not
essential. The big tragedy is that many times the truths that Christians major on, and build their
lives upon, are non-essential or non-foundational truths. It will not necessarily be what you
believe about healing or prosperity that will determine whether you will fall or stand when you’re
sick, or when you’re in poverty. It will most probably be what you believe about the essential and
foundational truth of the Gospel, because all other truths must be based and founded on this truth
in order to work.
Course Title: Let Freedom Reign
Hours: 10
Instructor: Arthur Meintjes
When we talk about freedom, it means different things to different people. For the majority of
believers, freedom in a Christian’s life is only achieved through great sacrifice and hard work.
When we have sacrificed and labored long and hard enough, we are ultimately rewarded with
freedom; freedom from sin or freedom from bondage such as from drugs, alcohol, pornography or
whatever we perceive freedom to be. We will discover that freedom in the New Testament is a
gift. Whenever you study the subject of freedom, as seen in the New Testament, there is a
fundamental reality that we must understand about true freedom; in Christ we are all born free.
Course Title: Finally, My Brethren
Hours: 10
Instructor: Dr. Delron Shirley
This insightful study through the first five and a half chapters of Ephesians will cover the
foundational steps that Apostle Paul laid out before his often-quoted statements about putting on
the spiritual armor. This course will enlighten new scriptural truths and empower you to become
more than a conqueror in spiritual conflict.
Course Title: Your Home Can Survive in the 21st Century
Hours: 10
Instructor: Dr. Delron Shirley
Delron Shirley asked the question, “Can your home survive in the 21st century?” In this course the
question is answered with a resounding, “Yes! And not just survive—thrive!”
Course Title: Israel – Key to Human Destiny
Hours: 10
Instructor: Dr. Delron Shirley
It is so tiny that no world map can even squeeze its name on the space allotted it on the layout,
yet Israel dominates our evening news every night. How is it that this miniscule blob of color with
an arrow from the Mediterranean Sea identifying it as a nation, can so engulf the interest of the
total human race that it takes precedence on the front page of almost every newspaper and
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tabloid? Why can one little country of a few million people tie up the wealth, the foreign
policy, and the political movements of the greatest nations on earth? Explore these intriguing
ideas and more in this class.
Course Title: Three Days that Changed the World
Hours: 6
Instructor: Dr. Jim Richards
Every aspect of salvation, i.e. born again, healed, delivered, blessed, prospered, protected, made
whole, set apart, and all that's promised in Christ, is dependent on what we believe about the
resurrection of Jesus. Salvation wasn't finished on the cross; salvation was finished after Jesus
sat down at the right hand of the Father and received the inheritance which He freely shares with
all who believe.
Course Title: Miracles, Science and the Bible
Instructor: Dr. Jim Richards
Hours: 7
Imagine people thousands of years ago trying to explain scientific information with the words,
examples and technology available at that time. This course will unravel the mysteries. It will
show you that the most up to date scientific discoveries verify what God inspired thousands of
years ago. The entire scientific community is rethinking its concepts of God, creation and the
miraculous. They are finally confirming what the Bible has taught for thousands of years!
Course Title: Fingerprint of Grace
Hours: 10
Instructor: Dan Olin
From eternity past God has desired to have a partner in the earth with whom He could share
Himself. Religion has told man that there is a great chasm between God and man - that we are
"fallen and we can't get up"! Through Jesus, God restored man back into His grace "in which we
stand". What is Grace? What is its purpose? How do we recognize its workings? and How do we
not only stand strong in it but "have our being" in it? The answers to these questions will eliminate
forever the image of man simply being on "this side of the fall."
Course Title: Excellence in Ministry
Hours: 10
Instructor: Greg Mohr
This course covers two key aspects of ministry development and success: 1) Identifying and
establishing core values your life and ministry are grounded in. Compromise, deception and
failure are averted when core values are established in the heart of the minister. 2) The essential
leadership principles necessary for the minister to both lead people to fulfill his/her vision and
become a leader worth following.
Course Title: Fruit of the Spirit
hours: 10
Instructor: Greg Mohr
Fruit is naturally born out of relationship with God. This study of Galatians 5:22 will make the
realities of the fruit of the Spirit come alive and active in you.
Course Title: Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
hours: 10
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Instructor: Dr. Mark Virkler
For those who lack confidence that they can and do regularly hear God’s voice talking to them,
this is transformational class in drawing near and learning how to listen. For those who already
experience hearing God, this class can bring deeper intimacy with practice.
Plus, optional classes from the library are available to help you grow deeper.
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Charis Bible College Phoenix
Tuition Schedule
Full-Time Tuition Payment Agreement 2013-2014
Please select a payment option, sign and return. Note: Tuition is subject to change
Student Fees
Application Fee
100.00 (if not previously paid) Note: One Application fee
applies to both spouses
Activity Fee
Book Fee, includes DE
75.00 (& Graduation fee, if applicable - $35 )
$ 375.00 ($410 if graduating)
Student Tuition Payment Options – Please Select One
Yearly Tuition - $3285 per student (see immediate family discount, applies only in
current year)
$285 Discount for yearly tuition when paid in advance - ($3285-
Payment of $3000 due on or before start of school
Monthly installment plan - Nine monthly payments of $365 ($365 x 9 =
First payment due on or before starting school. Subsequent payments
due on the 1st of each month and are considered late by 5th of the month. (Monthly
installment plan usually runs September through May.) All tuition and fees must be
current before student is promotable.
Immediate Family discount:
□ Paid in Advance:
Head of Household = $3000, Each additional family member =
□ Monthly payment:
Head of Household $365; each additional family member $320.
First payment due on or before starting school. Subsequent payments
due on the 1st of each month and are considered late by 5th of the month. (Monthly
installment plan usually runs September through May.) All tuition and fees must be
current before student is promotable.
Refund Polices
Students who withdraw may be granted a tuition refund as follows:
By Thursday, First week of term:
100% refund*, that term & remaining terms
By Thursday, Second week of term
50% refund that term*, 100% of remaining
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By Thursday, Third week of term
25% refund that term*, 100% of remaining
After the third week of the term no refund will be granted for that term, refunds would be
available for remaining terms if student paid year’s tuition in advance**with tuition
adjusted to monthly rate. *Refunds are granted for tuition only, and does not apply
to books, activity fees, application fees, or any fees other than tuition. A $50 per
student administrative fee will be charged upon withdrawal.
I agree to pay my 2013-2014 full-time tuition for Charis Bible College of Phoenix as
indicated above.
Charis Bible College Phoenix
Tuition Schedule
PART-Time Tuition Payment Agreement 2013-2014
Please select a payment option, sign and return. Note: Tuition is subject to change
Student Fees
Application Fee
100.00 (if not previously paid) Note: One Application fee
applies to both spouses
Activity Fee
Book Fee, includes DE
75.00 (& Graduation fee, if applicable - $35 )
$ 275.00 ($310 if graduating)
Student Tuition Payment Options – Please Select One
Yearly Tuition - $1800 per student (see immediate family discount, applies only in
current year)
$150 Discount for yearly tuition when paid in advance - ($1800150=$1650/year)
Payment of $1650 due on or before start of school
Monthly installment plan - Nine monthly payments of $200 ($200 x 9 =
First payment due on or before starting school. Subsequent payments
due on the 1st of each month and are considered late by 5th of the month. (Monthly
installment plan usually runs September through May.) All tuition and fees must be
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current before student is promotable.
Immediate Family discount:
□ Paid in Advance:
Head of Household = $1800, Each additional family member =
□ Monthly payment:
Head of Household $200; each additional family member $180.
Refund Polices
Students who withdraw may be granted a tuition refund as follows:
By Thursday, First week of term:
100% refund*, that term & remaining terms
By Thursday, Second week of term
50% refund that term*, 100% of remaining
By Thursday, Third week of term
25% refund that term*, 100% of remaining
After the third week of the term no refund will be granted for that term, refunds
would be available for remaining terms if student paid year’s tuition in advance**with
tuition adjusted to monthly rate. *Refunds are granted for tuition only, and does not
apply to books, activity fees, application fees, or any fees other than tuition. A $50
per student administrative fee will be charged upon withdrawal.
I agree to pay my 2013-2014 part-time tuition for Charis Bible College of Phoenix as
indicated above.
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Charis Bible College of Phoenix
Please complete and mail to:
Charis Bible College of Phoenix
1220 S Park Lane, Ste 2
Tempe, AZ 85281-6940
Application for Bible college:
Start in:
_ September _ Open Enrollment Starting Year: _______________ OTHER:
Starting as:
_ FT 1st year Day / Night or Saturday combo (circle) _ PT 1st year: M/W or
Saturday / OR T/Th (circle)
_ FT 2nd year Day / Night student (circle)
_ PT 2nd year M/W or
T/Th Day / Night (circle)
Your Name: _ Mr. _ Ms. _
Mrs. _____________________________ _____________________________ ______
Last Name
City: __________________________________________________ State:
_______________ Zip: _________________
Home Phone: (__________)_________________________ Cell/Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Gender: _ Male _ Female
Marital Status: _ Single _ Married _ Separated _
Divorced _ Widow/Widower
Have you previously attended CBC or extension school? _ Yes _ No If yes, when and
where? __________________
Date of birth: __________/__________/__________
Are you a US citizen? _ Yes _ No If no, country of
citizenship? _________________________________________
If no, what type of visa have you obtained to live in the United States?
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence (misdemeanor or felony)? _ Yes _ No
If yes, explain number of conviction(s), nature of offense(s) leading to conviction(s), how recently
such offense(s) was/were committed, sentence(s) imposed, and type(s) of rehabilitation.
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
When did you accept Christ as your personal Savior?
Have you been baptized in the Holy Ghost? _ Yes _ No
Do you speak in tongues? _
Yes _ No
Do you attend church regularly? _ Yes _ No Are you a member of a church? _ Yes _ No
Current church / denomination name:
Pastor’s name: ________________________________________ Phone:
Church address:
Date Rec’d ________________
Fee Rec’d _________________
Student ID # _______________
2_ x 2_
Are you presently under the care of a physician? _ Yes _ No
If yes, please explain:
If married, name of spouse:
Name: ______________________________ Age: _______
________________________ Age: _______
Name: ______________________________ Age: _______
________________________ Age: _______
Parents: (please complete this section if under 18 years of age)
Name of father/guardian: ______________________________________ Phone:
Address: _____________________________________ City: ____________________ State:
_______ Zip: __________
Name of mother/guardian: ________________________________________ Phone:
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
Address: _____________________________________ City: ____________________ State:
_______ Zip: __________
Education History:
High School: _________________________ Dates Attended: _______________ Did you
graduate? _ Yes _ No
College: _________________________ Dates Attended: ____________ Course of study/degree
conferred: ____________
Bible College: _____________________ Dates Attended: ____________ Course of study/degree
conferred: ____________
Other: ___________________________ Dates Attended: ____________ Course of study/degree
conferred: ____________
Employment Experience:
Present employer: ____________________________________ Past employer:
Address of employer: __________________________________ Address of employer:
Dates (from/to): ______________________________________ Dates (from/to):
Supervisor: __________________________________________ Supervisor:
Ministry Experience and Interests:
Ministry experience: _ Full-time _ Volunteer _ Part-time Number of Years: __________
Have you been involved in Praise and Worship ministry? _ Yes _ No In what
way? ___________________________
Describe ministry experience:
Mark 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for areas of interest:
____ Counseling
____ Theology
____ Biblical Studies ____ Missions
____ Church Growth ____ Evangelism
____ Music Ministry
____ Practical Ministry/Helps
____ Pastoral Ministry/Preaching
_ I have carefully read the “Dress Code and Conduct Information,” and I agree to adhere to
these guidelines completely for as long as I am an active student at Charis Bible College.
_ I have carefully read the “Doctrinal Statement,” and I affirm my belief in each of the articles.
_ I have carefully read the “Financial Information” and the “Enrollment and Admissions
Information,” and I agree to abide by the financial policies set forth by CBC.
_ I understand that faithfulness is most important for success as a student at CBC. I will be
faithful to keep my
appointments, fulfill my obligations, complete the tasks I have been assigned, and to do them on
I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all of the answers and statements on this application
are true, and give an accurate and adequate account of my background and beliefs.
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date:
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
Charis Bible College of Phoenix
Mail to: Registrar, Charis Bible College of Phoenix
5151 N. 16th Street, Suite E126, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Applicant’s Name ______________________________________________ Date
Below are essay questions that will help us evaluate you as an applicant. Please answer the
questions as
completely as possible and attach to the application. You may use a separate piece of paper;
however, please
limit your answers to one page each.
1. Why are you applying to Charis Bible College? If accepted for admission, what qualities
would you bring
to the college community that
might benefit, enhance, or stimulate the learning environment for your
fellow students?
2. What are your beliefs about the Bible, and in particular, your beliefs about salvation? How do
these beliefs
relate to your own goals in life?
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
3. Please write a brief testimony of your Christian experience, including details of your
conversion, call to the
ministry, and any other significant events that have contributed to your Christian growth.
4. How did you learn about CBC?
5. How do you plan to finance your education at CBC?
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
Charis Bible College of Phoenix
ote: This section must be completed by applicant.
TO THE APPLICANT: Each applicant to Charis Bible College of Phoenix is required to
submit a personal recommendation for review by the Registrar. Please complete this entire
section, and then give this form to the person (teacher, employer, or friend) you choose to have
complete it.
Date ______________________________ Phone
Applicant's Name
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________ State __________ Zip Code
applying for
admission to Charis Bible College of Phoenix. Serious consideration will be given to you
r comments.
Thank you for your assistance. Once you have completed the form, please mail it to the CBC
Registrar at
1220 S. Park Ln, Ste 2, Tempe, AZ 85281-6940. Questions to or call
1. How long have you known the applicant?
2. What is your relationship to the applicant? (cannot be a family member)
High school teacher/counselor
_ College teacher/counselor
Friend Other: _______________________________
3. How well do you know the applicant?
_ Casually _ Fairly well _ Very
4. To your knowledge, has the applicant made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ?
_ No _ I don't know
5. To your knowledge, does the applicant: Smoke?
_ No
_ No
Drink alcohol?
Use illegal drugs? _ Yes _ No Comments:
6. Which characteristic(s) best describes the applicant? Please check all that apply.
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
_ Critical _ Enthusiastic _ Loving _ Passive _ Rebellious
_ Respectful _ Sympathetic _ Tolerant _ Warmhearted
7. To your knowledge, what Christian service is the applicant involved in (such as Sunday
school teacher,
youth leader, nursery worker)?
8. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant's strengths.
9. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses.
10. The applicant's influence on his or her peers is:
don’t know
_ neutral _
11. Please evaluate the applicant in regard to the following categories. (Please circle one.)
Excellent / Above Average / Average/
Christian commitment
Social adaptability
Integrity and honesty
Mental ability
Physical health
Christian character
Emotional stability
Personal appearance
Below Average/
No Chance to
12. Please add any further comments you may have that would help in our evaluation.
Please Check One:
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
_ I highly recommend _ I recommend
_ I recommend with reservation _ I cannot recommend
Please print or type the information below:
Name _______________________________________ Phone (______)
Signature _______________________________________________ Date
Please return this form to:
Registrar, Charis Bible College of Phoenix
1220 S. Park Ln, Ste 2, Tempe, AZ 85281-6940
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
Charis Bible College of Phoenix
Fall Term
Registration for enrolled students
a.m. to 7 p.m.
September 3rd
Open House & Rally
p.m. – 9 p.m.
September 6th
Fall Term begins
Veterans Day
No school
5th 9
September 9, 2013
9 a.m.
November 11, 2013
Fall Term ends
November 23, 2013
Thanksgiving Holiday
November 24 - 30, 2013
Winter Term
Winter Term begins
9 a.m.
December 2, 2013
Christmas holiday
No classes
Dec. 21st, to Jan 6th
Gospel Truth Seminar
7 p.m.
January 2 – 4, 2014
Regular classes resume
January 6, 2014
MLK, Jr. Day
President’s Day
Winter Term Ends
January 20, 2014
February 17, 2014
9 a.m.
No classes
March 1, 2014
Spring Term
Spring Term begins
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
March 3, 2014
9 a.m.
Spring Break
no classes
March 10 - 15, 2014
Spring Term Ends
May 17, 2014
Promotion & Graduation
6 p.m.
May 17, 2014
Fall Term 2014
Fall Term begins
App inst w/cc form, 8/13
September 8, 2014
9 a.m.