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Important Questions of Operating System
Introduction to OS
Q1: What is distributed system?
Q2: what are the various functions of OS?
Q3: name any four multi- user OS?
Q4: What is main goal of memory management?
Q5: What is Real time OS (RTS)?
Q6: What is spooling?
**Q7: Difference b/t Multiprogramming and multitasking.
**Q8: What is OS? Discuss its classification.
Q9: List the function of OS?
Q10: What is multiprogramming? What are the factors effecting the degree of multiprogramming.
OS architecture
Q1: What is system call?
Q2: What is spooling?
Q3: What is garbage collection?
Processes and threads
Q1: Explain the difference between the process and a program?
Q2: Difference between the process and thread?
**Q3: What do you mean by PCB?
Q4: List some reason for process termination.
Q5: What are the reasons for the process suspension?
CPU Scheduling
**Q1: Define preemptive and non preemptive scheduling. [dec 10]
**Q2: What is a scheduler? How many types of schedulers coexist in a complex OS? Explain [m
Q3: List various scheduling algorithm. [dec 09]
Q4: Explain by taking example of RR scheduling algorithm.
Q5: Discuss different factors which are taken in to account while selecting a CPU
scheduling algorithm.
IPC and synchronization
***Q1: Define critical section. How it can be managed. [dec2008,2009]
Q2: What is busy waiting? [dec 2006,may2006]
**Q3: What are semaphores? [may 2008]
Q4: Write note on Synchronization. [dec 2006,may 2008]
Q5: Discuss concurrency? (^th edition page 229)
Q6: Differentiate between program and process.
Q1: Whatis deadlock? List and explain four necessary conditions for dead lock to occur? Explain
different algorithms for prevention and avoidance of deadlocks. [Dec 2009, May 2006, Dec 2006]
(List the various strategies to deal with deadlock)
Q2: What is resource allocation graph? [Dec 2008]
Q3: List the Coffman's conditions that leads to a Deadlock. [Dec 2006]
Q4: Explain the technique for Deadlock avoidance. //Bankers Algo
Q5: When is a system in safe state? [Dec 2008, May 2006]
Q6: How can you prevent circular waiting situation in Deadlock? [May 2008]
Memory Management
Q1: What is logical address space? [May 2008]
Q2: What is physical address?
Q3: Explain Swapping and its advantage? [Dec 2006, Dec 2007]
**Q4: Explain the difference between internal and external fragmentation?
Q5: Define Compaction. [Dec 2008]
**Q6: Why are page sizes always power of 2? [Dec 2008]
Q7: Explain the algorithm: (a) First Fit, (b) Worst Fit & (c ) Best Fit. [may 2007,2009]
Q8: Explain about paging? [Dec 2006]
Q9: Explain the concept of segmentation taking suitable example? [dec 2009]
Q10: What are the various memory management techniques? Discuss with example.
Q11: List various free space management techniques and explain them.
Virtual memory
Q1: What is virtual memory? Explain the advantages of it?
Q2: What are the logical page replacement and global page replacement?
Q3: Describe the Belady's anomaly. Explain with example?
**Q4: What is thrashing? How does the system detect thrashing? What can the system do to
eliminate the problem?
***Q5: What so you mean by page faults? When do page fault occur? Describe the action taken by
OS when page fault occurs?
((((( Solve: Consider a main memory with capacity of 4 page frames. Assume that the pages of a
process are referenced in the order as given below: 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 7, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 2)))))
Q6: Explain virtual memory and associative memory.
Q7: A variable partition memory system has at some point in time the following
hole sizes in the given order :- 20k, 15k, 40k, 60k, 10k, 25k. A New process is to be loaded.
Which hole size would be filled using best-fit, first-fit and worst-fit respectively
File- System Interface/ File-System Implementation
**Q1: What is file system? Explain file protection and allocation methods.
Q2: What do you mean by file management? Explain the various access and
allocation methods of files in detail.
I/O Systems
Mass-Storage Structure
Q1: Suppose that the head of moving head-disk with 200 tracks, numbered 0 to 199, has just
finished a request at track I25. The queue of the requests is kept in FIFO order :
86, 147,91, 177,94, I50, 102, 175, 130.
What is the total number of head movements needed to satisfy requests for the following disk
Scheduling algorithms :(a) FCFS
(b) SSTF
(c) Scan.
Distributed Structures/ Distributed File System / Distributed Coordination
Q1: What is a distributed system?
Q2: What are distributed and non distributed operating systems?
Q3: Compare and contrast Public - key cryptography technique with conventional cryptography
Q4: Discuss multiprocessor and distributed operating systems with their merits and demerit.
Q1: Differentiate between protection and security. (1mark).
Q2: Discuss in detail Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. What are its disadvantages?
Q3: Compare and contrast Public-key cryptography technique with Conventional
cryptography technique.
Q4: Differentiate between virus and Trojan horse.
Case Studies
Q1: What is Process in Linux? Explain '&' and 'kill' in detail.
**Q2: Explain the architecture of LINUX Operating System.
Q3: Explain how UNIX has a better policy to handle smaller files than the larger files? Explain how
UNIX is booted. Show inode structure in UNIX.
Q1: What is reentrant code? What is better to share a reentrant code out of paging and
Q2: Give an example of producer-consumer problem, indicating the reasons for inconsistency that
can arise due to race conditions.
“May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.”
~Irish Blessings quotes