Unit 6 – Sağlıklı Yiyecekler: (Healthy eating) Framework objectives Oracy 3.2, Oracy 3.3, Oracy 3.4, Literacy 3.1, Literacy 3.2, Literacy 3.3, Knowledge about Language, Intercultural Understanding 3.2, Intercultural Understanding 3.3, Intercultural Understanding 3.4, Language Learning Strategies Topic/theme Functions/notions Grammar Core Language Phonic focus Summary of learning over the year. Food names-vegetablesfruits-drinks Buying things Making simple statements (about food and drinks) Expressing preference Expressing likes and dislikes (about food) Ordering in a restaurant Making traditional Turkish dish Saying what you would like Turkish eating habits Questions: asking yes/no questions … seviyor musun? Evet/Hayır (do you like…)Yes/No Using quantifiers: az(a few), çok (a lot), biraz(a little) …..Seviyorum/…..sevmiyorum.(I like…/I don’t like…) Plural ending with quantifiers Çok yumurta/yumurtalar Lots of eggs/eggs ….alabilir miyim?(Can I have…)…. var mı? (Is there…) Lütfen (please) Teşekkür ederim.(thank you) Bir /yarım kilo domates (one/half kilo of tomatoes) Bir dilim ekmek(a slice of bread) En sevdiğin yiyecek nedir?(What is your favourite food?) Ne yemekten hoşlanırsın?(What do you enjoy eating?) Ne içersin?(What do you drink?) Baharatlı/acılı/ekşi/tatlı…(spicy/hot/sour/sweet…) İçecekler:Süt, su, portakal suyu..(Drinks:milk,water,orange juice..) Yiyecekler: peynir, yumurta, zeytin, et, balık, ekmek, pilav, makarna, patates kızartması, salata…(Foods:Cheese, egg, olive,meat,fish,bread,rice,pasta,chips,salad…) Meyveler: muz, elma, armut…, (fruits:banana,apple,pear…) Question endings-mı, mi, -mu, -mü sebzeler: domates,havuç, marul, salatalık... (vegetables:tomato,carrot,lettuce,cucumber…) Baharatlar:nane, karabiber,kırmızı biber…(herbs: mint,black pepper, red pepper…) Activity ideas: Discuss with children what they know about breakfast in Turkey (or in a country where Turkish is spoken). How could they find out more? If possible, show children an authentic Turkish breakfast video and discuss similarities and differences with English breakfast. If you have a partner school abroad, find out what children in that school know about English breakfast. Select some known food and drinks suitable for a breakfast, eg yumurta, bal, portakal suyu, süt… and revise these with picture flashcards, real or plastic items, or by playing guessing games. Introduce some new items using shopping role play games. Give the phrases and sentence forms that are used in shopping. (….alabilir miyim?/…..var mý? Lütfen, teþekkür ederim.)Show some pictures from a Turkish supermarket from internet website or real items: bir kilo havuç, (a kilo of carrots), bir muz (a banana), biraz peynir (some cheese), biraz su (some water) Using text cards or the interactive whiteboard, display the Turkish word for each item. In pairs, children match them up. Children practise saying the items as a whole class, using “Ben peynir seviyorum.” (I like cheese) /Ben zeytin sevmiyorum. (I don’t like olives). Children listen to and repeat the new items. Draw their attention to the usage of plural endings with quantifiers and numbers ( biraz peynir/bir kaç yumurta/iki muz…) For additional reinforcement, the children can be taken to a Turkish supermarket near to school if possible.Using known items of food and drink, practise the sentences, eg. Ben kahvaltýda peynir, zeytin ve domates yiyorum. Ask children to put the jumbled up sentences in correct order.These sentences could be like/dislike sentences (ben süt seviyorum. /Ben et sevmiyorum.) or a shopping conversation (Süt var mý?/ Ýki kilo domates alabilir miyim?) As a further activity, the children can prepare a traditional Turkish food “kýsýr” and learn more about Turkish people’s eating habits. Another activity can be keeping a daily food and drink diary in Turkish for a week, using dictionaries as necessary. Resources: Picture flashcards, real or plastic items of food and drink•Sets of food picture cards•Smiling and sad face cards to express likes and dislikes•Word cards for food •Word and phrase cards for jumbled sentences(e.g.Ben zeytin sevmiyorum…) •Photographs or video clips of a traditional Turkish breakfast within a Turkish family.•Calendar grid on an interactive whiteboard with pictures of food and drink•Ingredients or pictures to show how to make a simple recipe (kýsýr)•Six sentences from the recipe printed in different colours •Bilingual dictionaries•Equipment and utensils for making “kýsýr” Cross curriculum link: Primary framework for literacy: Use knowledge of different organisational features of text to find information effectively; write non-narrative texts using structures of different text types Primary framework for mathematics: Measuring strand – read, choose, use and record standard metric units to estimate and measure length, weight and capacity PSHCE: develop good relationships and respect the differences between people; think about the lives of people living in other places, and people with different values and customs Design and technology: follow safe procedures for food safety and hygiene; design and make assignments using a range of materials Assessment ideas: traffic lights – self evaluation Learning outcomes: Most children will: talk about what they eat and drink using the present progresive tense; listen to and read an authentic non-fiction text and select key words and phrases from it; devise and perform with a partner a short conversation using structures learnt in the unit Some children will not have made so much progress and will: respond with single-word answers to questions about food and drink; refer to text or visual clues when joining in a short conversation Some children will have progressed further and will: write a simple recipe, research new vocabulary using a dictionary and apply it accurately to write a simple recipe.