Manufacturing Team Members: Trebuchet / Catapult Project Team Name: The “Egg” Launch Project Project: Students are to construct a “working” trebuchet or catapult using any materials from home. No food, fireworks or liquid may be used. Check your materials with Mr. Shepard before beginning construction. The trebuchet or catapult is to be of an ancient, medieval design. Objective: Students will compete; using their trebuchets or catapult, in a contest to determine which team can hurl a “large” grade A egg the farthest and most accurately. Ye Old Rules & Regulations: 1. The trebuchet or catapult will launch an egg provided by the instructor. 2. The trebuchet or catapult must be no larger than 3 feet by 3 feet by 5 feet. Any larger projects will be disqualified. 3. The trebuchet or catapult can be as small as you like. 4. The trebuchet or catapult must be constructed out of approved materials only. 5. No springs may be used. 6. The instructor, before any construction, must approve a materials list and sketch. 7. The sketch must contain all pertinent measurements. 8. You must provide all of your own materials. 9. The trebuchet or catapult must be free standing and safely launch the projectile. 10. A remote triggering device must be incorporated into the trebuchet or catapult. 11.The instructor may disqualify any trebuchet or catapult or team for safety concerns. 12.All participants will wear safety goggles while testing and launching their trebuchet or catapult. Failure to do so will result in failure of the team’s project. Trebuchet Contest Shepard Page 1 Ye Old Quick & Easy Trebuchet or Catapult Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cover page with team members name and name of team. Approved diagram or sketch with all measurements labeled. The five W’s and how for your teams trebuchet or catapult works. Research on how a trebuchet or catapult works (in your own words). Test results. Proper footnotes and/or citations. Plagiarism will result in an “F” for the team. The Final Duel, “Displacement”: 1. On January 31, 2007, the trebuchets or catapults will duel it out for first place. 2. Measuring straight-line distance from the front of the trebuchet or catapult to the impact point of the “test-egg” will determine the scoring distance. 3. Each team will have three attempts to achieve their farthest “fling.” 4. There will be no more than two minutes between each team’s successive “fling.” 5. The following criteria will be used for scoring: a. F = Farthest distance achieved for one fling (feet) b. S = Size of trebuchet (cubic feet) c. C = Cost of trebuchet (dollars & cents) d. A = Accuracy of launch 6. In the event of a tie, the team whose trebuchet or catapult launched the “test-egg” the farthest will win. 7. All participants will wear safety goggles while testing and launching their trebuchet. Trebuchet Contest Shepard Page 2 Mr. Shepard Manufacturing Launch Lab Scoring Rubric 2009 Team Name: Team Members: Judges: Data % Trigger Mechanism Present: Distance Deviation Accuracy: Accuracy: Accuracy: Size: Cost: Reference Table Criteria % % % Total Percent Cost $20 or more (0 % ) 45 ft3 ( 10 % ) $10 - $20 (7 % ) 30 ft3 ( 30 % ) Less Than $10 (10 %) Less than 15 ft3 10% Size 30% ( 35 % ) Accuracy (See Grid) Trigger Mechanism See Grid Has One ( 10 % ) See Grid Doesn’t Have One – Not Tested (0%) See Grid 50% 10% NOTE: All materials used in catapult construction must be pre-approved by instructor prior to being used. No exceptions! Trebuchet Contest Shepard Page 3 Grid Scoring System Distance Traveled 1-2 m 3-4 m 5-6 m 7-8 m 9-10 m Above 10 m Percentage 5 10 15 20 25 Additional 5 % for every 5 meters Deviation 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° Above 50° Percentage 25 20 15 10 5 0 Trebuchet Contest Shepard Page 4