Learning and Development Framework

Approved by the Workforce Development PAG
February 2005
Lifelong Learning
The Processes to Achieve Lifelong Learning
Training Needs Analysis
Approaches to Learning
Mandatory Training
Non-professionally Affiliated Staff
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Leadership and Management Development
Equality of Opportunity
Service Users and Carers
Monitoring and Review
Appendix 1 (Training Needs Analysis Process)
Appendix 2 (Study Leave Process)
Appendix 3 (Study Leave Application Form and Guidelines)
The Trust approved the Human Resources Strategy (2003-2006) in September 2003. A key
area within this was the Continuing Personal and Professional Development of its workforce
linked with the service modernisation programme. It is recognised that we need a framework to
provide a strategic approach to lifelong learning within the Trust and with our partners and
stakeholders. This document was widely consulted on with all stakeholders prior to approval.
The framework sets out:
the principles that underpin learning organisations;
the organisational processes by which we will achieve lifelong learning;
the priority development areas for action;
the Trust’s commitment to Diversity through equality of opportunities to training and
development activity.
It also affirms our partnership approach to the integrated services.
It is intended to support change and the achievement of our Vision, Values and Goals within a
climate of learning and development. As a learning organisation, we believe that the
development of competence for all staff is central to modernising and re-shaping services
around service users and their families. Personal and professional development and training
opportunities are provided that are accessible to staff irrespective of their working patterns as
part of our commitment to the Improving Working Lives and Investor in People Standards.
Therefore, this framework recognises, values and aims to realise lifelong learning as an
essential element of successful individual, team and organisational performance.
For the purposes of the framework the following definitions have been adopted.
Lifelong Learning
Continuous acquisition of the skills, knowledge and understanding, are essential for
employability and development. Learning – a change in capability, whether of
individuals, teams, or the organisation and is achieved through:
Training – the systematic development of knowledge, skills, behaviours and
attitudes, specific to a given task or role.
Development – the longer-term investment in people. This takes time and is about
enabling people, in a range of ways, to benefit from life opportunities and
Education – the broader and/or deeper development of knowledge and
There is increasing evidence that learning and development forms part of good
employment practice and lies at the heart of effective organisational performance.
Within the framework for lifelong learning for the NHS, Working Together – Learning
Together (Department of Health, 2001) it defines a number of characteristics which are
key to developing a successful NHS learning organisation. This framework builds upon
these characteristics and is designed to provide:
a clear framework for the investment in the training and development of the
workforce which is strongly linked to the new roles and new ways of working which
underpin the modernisation programme;
a clear route for managers to access resources for learning and development;
a link to the Trust’s HR Strategy by recognising that training delivery needs to be in
partnership with service user and carer representatives, education providers, staff,
trade unions and other organisations and meets professional regulatory
a system of Appraisal and personal development planning for all staff – linked to
organisational and individual needs which are regularly reviewed;
a process that demonstrates that access to education and training is available on an
equitable, non-discriminatory and increasingly flexible basis to all staff groups in
supporting the development of a diverse workforce;
a commitment to the provision of a flexible and creative approach to learning;
a commitment to Improving Working Lives and the Investor in People standards;
strong links with Agenda for Change and the Knowledge and Skills Framework;
a variety of development methods – including coaching, mentorship, learning sets,
job rotation, secondments, project work, sabbaticals, as well as formal education and
training aimed at enabling staff to progress their careers and build on their skills and
a consistent approach to the evaluation of learning and development activity;
where possible and, appropriate, in collaboration with Higher Education Institutions
and other organisations.
The processes to achieve life-long learning
The Trust is currently piloting a 2 day Induction Programme for all staff with the
aim of welcoming and assimilating them into the organisation. The Induction
Programme offers an early opportunity to demonstrate the Vision, Values and
Goals of the organisation within the Service Governance Framework and the
contribution staff make to the delivery of high quality care. It offers the chance
for the Trust to demonstrate its commitment to building a competent workforce
who can continually develop within the lifelong learning process.
We will be evaluating the pilot but the aim is to run the programme every 6
weeks and will provide new staff (and our partners) with an overview of the
organisation, our key priorities, what they can expect from us and our
expectations of them. The pilot includes:
introduction to the Trust (Vision, Values and Goals)
how it feels to use mental health services (from a service users perspective)
our approach to risk and risk management
how we deal with Compliments and Complaints
how we involve service users and their carers
Improving Working Lives/HR Issues
our approach to mandatory training
As part of the 2 day programme we are running a ‘market place’ style session
where departments and services provide information with representatives on
hand to answer questions. The following subjects are represented at the Market
Training and Development
Moving and Handling
Pastoral Care
Staff Counselling
Public Relations
Personal Safety
Health and Safety
Risk Management
Mental Health Act
At service level, workplace induction begins on the individual’s first day and
continues until new staff are properly integrated into teams and conversant with
working practices. These arrangements apply both to permanent and temporary
staff. To support this we provide new starters and their managers with a
‘workplace induction checklist’ which also promotes and signposts mandatory
To utilise the NHSU Induction package where the content
is appropriate.
To promote our mandatory training arrangements
To continue to evaluate and revise the Induction process.
The process of Appraisal and Development Review is fundamental to our
becoming a learning organisation. The Trust’s Appraisal and Development
Review is designed to:
establish where each individual role fits in with the Trust’s Vision, Values
and Goals, IWL Principles and Practices and the Knowledge and Skills
review past performance,
set realistic objectives,
communicate the value we place on individual contributions, initiatives and
identify future learning and development needs, which are then reflected in
the training needs analysis,
improve motivation and job satisfaction and provide the opportunity to
discuss work life balance and flexible working options.
The process is compulsory for all staff and the Trust’s standard is that this will
take place at least once a year with a six monthly review and is an ongoing
process. To be effective for all, the Appraisal process must be continually
reviewed and re-asserted as an organisational priority as part of Agenda for
To continue to promote the Appraisal and development review
process linked to KSF.
To monitor and regularly review the Appraisal process via
IWL, IIP assessments and the Staff Opinion Survey.
To ensure that Personal Development Plans (PDPs) are
effectively utilised to inform the prioritisation of learning and
development programmes.
To implement Knowledge and Skills Framework to support
individual learning and development.
Training Needs Analysis
The Trust recognises that to deliver high quality care in line with the principles
of Clinical Governance, health care staff must have a range of competencies
which we define as the knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes to be
effective in their work role. An annual Trust-wide training needs analysis is
undertaken in the Spring, which is responsive to the Personal Development
Plans which are produced as part of the Appraisal process. Managers are asked
to identify training needs for their staff, linked to the PDPs but ensuring that
mandatory and essential training requirements are given priority. Other priority
areas are the modernisation programme, training included in action plans arising
from Independent Inquiries, Professional Regulatory requirements and any
national policy relevant to the particular work area. The training needs analysis
process is described in Appendix 1.
To continue to develop the Training Needs Analysis
process ensuring that this promotes the development of
competence and is consistent with our Vision, Values and
To identify best practice in undertaking analysis and
utilise the methodology.
Approaches to learning
It is increasingly recognised that people learn in different ways according to
their personalities and as such we have an obligation to offer creative and
flexible approaches. Both service pressures and increasing diversity in staff
working patterns may result in difficulties in attending traditional learning
events and, therefore, there are benefits in having flexible approaches such as
distance learning, e-learning and work-based learning opportunities. Workbased learning is something that the Trust is actively promoting and is described
in the Non-course-based Learning Opportunities document (available on the
Intranet). All of the different opportunities described contribute to continuing
personal development.
To continue to promote and develop work-based and noncourse-based learning opportunities.
To establish an e-learning portfolio for aspects of mandatory
training and development elements.
Mandatory Training
The Training Needs Analysis process aims to identify and prioritise the
mandatory training needs for all services. Working with managers and senior
clinicians representing all localities and specialisms within the Trust, the
Training Needs Analysis has been re-visited to identify the mandatory training
for all Trust staff, for the specialism in which they work and for those
requirements which are job specific.
This approach needs to be maintained and further developed by considering
those core professional and vocational competencies that are required for the
delivery of safe and effective mental health and learning disability services.
To develop a mandatory training strategy responsive to meeting
health and safety needs together with professional, personal and
service-related requirements.
To review the service level agreements for training with
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust and Mid-Yorkshire
Hospitals NHS Trust with the aim of bringing the provision ‘inhouse’..
Non-professionally Affiliated Staff (those who do not have a professional
The NHS Plan gave a major commitment to supporting and developing staff
who do not have a professional qualification. They work in diverse and
important jobs, all of which are integral to modernising care and service
delivery. The plan stated that staff without a professional qualification will have
access either to an NHS Learning Account (ILA) or to dedicated training, such
as National Vocational Qualification (NVQ Level II or III), Basic Skills,
including Adult Literacy and Numeracy.
We want to open up opportunities for existing staff and those who join the Trust
at relatively low skills levels to progress their skills through investment in
learning and development to professional levels by moving up a ‘skills
A basic skills programme will include supported assessment of staff’s learning
needs, resulting in progression towards the relevant learning pathway.
To develop an NVQ Strategy which promotes the skills
escalator approach for all staff.
To continue to optimise on funding opportunities and
resources via the West Yorkshire Workforce Development
Confederation and the Learning Skills Council.
To increase NVQ assessment capacity across all localities of
the Trust.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Staff access post-registration modules at a range of universities. We are served
locally by the four universities of Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Bradford and the University of Huddersfield, with whom we have a number of
joint appointments. Specific courses are also offered at universities outside
West Yorkshire, eg, York and Derby. It has been acknowledged that the current
process for identifying need and projecting demand is flawed. Working with the
West Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation Trust staff from each
locality have undertaken a modular training programme ‘Workforce Planning
and Development’. The aim of the programme is to ensure we have both a
process and the skills to ensure a more integrated and robust system.
Additionally, the Workforce Development Confederation has developed a
Commissioning Group on which the Trust has representation. This Group has
the aim of producing a systematic framework for commissioning education.
Senior clinicians and managers work with Higher Education Institutions to
develop post-registration modules which reflect and promote evidence-based
practice in line with our modernisation programme and care pathways
To ensure high-quality practice placements for both pre- and
post-registration students and to participate in the Major
Review of healthcare education.
In partnership with the WDC and HEIs ensure educational
portfolios are evidence-based and promote best practice in
effective mental health and learning disability care.
Leadership and Management Development
We have the Leadership and Management Framework which devolves local
decision making and influence as near to where services are provided as
possible. Therefore, we are committed to equipping staff to work in this way.
The Trust continues to modernise its services, which includes significant
changes to the way that services are delivered. As leaders of frontline services
across the Trust, the ‘middle managers’ (team leaders, ward managers, service
heads etc) have been clearly identified as a staff group requiring a priority focus
as their role is pivotal to the success of the Modernisation Programme.
A Management Development Programme is designed to ensure that this staff
group is equipped with the competence, confidence and capability to carry out
their role in delivering high quality, modern services in a manner which is
congruent with and promotes our Vision, Values and Goals. This programme
strives to be transformational in its proactive approach, supporting the culture
we wish to develop across the Trust, whilst providing a framework to ensure that
we reflect both national and local priorities.
To implement the management development programme with
a reference group of managers across the Trust to support
evaluation and inform future development.
Equality of Opportunity
The Trust has a philosophy of ensuring that unjustifiable barriers to staff
receiving training and development are eliminated and recognises that an
important part of encouraging and developing an equal opportunities culture
within the organisation is through supporting training. The study leave process
(Appendices 2 and 3) is standardised for use across all localities.
The Basic Skills Agency (BSA) estimates that one in five adults has poor basic
skills in literacy and numeracy. The Trust is committed to tackling this problem
by working with the Workforce Development Confederation and other partner
organisations, such as the Learning and Skills Council. We will utilise resources
such as the basic skills ‘tool kit’ to raise awareness and provide advice and
guidance on the assessment of need and offer basic skills for those staff who
require this.
Development of a single computerised training system which
includes equal opportunities information on training and
To access national agencies such as the Learning and Skills
Council who provide development opportunities.
To identify alternative funding streams to resource learning
and development initiatives.
Service Users and Carers
Some current programmes and developmental initiatives involve service users and
carers. However, more meaningful involvement of service users and carers is vital to
help ground programmes in their real world experiences. With this in mind, service
users must be involved in the design, delivery, evaluation and commissioning of
learning and development programmes.
The Trust, together with voluntary organisations, service user groups, Social Care and
Huddersfield University, are progressing the development of an accredited course which
will be with the University. The course aims to provide service users with opportunities
to increase their knowledge base and confidence to enable them to both deliver training
in the future and to contribute to curricular design and evaluation.
To develop service user and carer confidence and skill in
supporting the Trust in the achievement of its Vision, Values
and Goals.
To undertake Training Needs Analysis specifically for service
users and carers to identify their development needs.
To enable service users to contribute to the design, delivery,
evaluation and commissioning of learning and development
initiatives as well as participating as learners.
Monitoring and Review
The Learning and Development Framework will be an evolving document which will
require continuous monitoring and review in line with the Modernisation Programme
and national and local priorities. This will be done via the Workforce Development
Policy and Action Group.
Process for year agreed and
documentation updated as necessary.
Letter and TNA forms sent from
Assistant Director of Workforce
Development to General Managers
and EMT for distribution as necessary
end of February
Appraisals undertaken by line
managers by end of March.
Information gathered used to inform
completion of TNA forms
TNA forms collated at departmental
level and returned to Training
Department by end of April
Collated information scrutinized
by Workforce Development
Leads at 4-District Training and
Development Meeting - June
TNA form data collated by Training
Department end of May
Remedial action
taken/amendments made if
Sent to Locality Management
Teams for signing of and further
remedial action/amendment as
Courses identified for inclusion in inhouse training programme.
Those courses which are not provided
internally but are deemed essential
commissioned from external providers.
Training Programme produced
and distributed by end of July
Study Leave form completed by applicant
and sent to line manager (together with
booking forms and accompanying
documentation for external courses/events)
Applicant informed of reason
Manager approves attendance
Manager sends form and accompanying
documentation to Education Centre,
Fieldhead (Wakefield/North Kirklees
Localities) or Yearn to Learn Centre, St
Luke's (South Kirklees/Calderdale
Localities) for approval
Applicant/Manager informed of
Course attendance and/or expenditure
approved by Training Department
Internal Course
Booked via appropriate department, e.g.
Education Centre, Yearn to Learn or
other Locality training provider
If course is full, place offered on
next available course
External Course/Event
Booking and payment arranged by
Education Centre or Yearn to Learn
Details entered onto course booking system
Yellow and pink copies of study leave form
returned to applicant and line manager as
confirmation of place on course
Course/Event attended
Evaluation forms (initial and
three monthly) completed to
reflect learning and application
to practice
(Please read Guidance Notes overleaf before completion)
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr SURNAME: ………………………………………. FIRST NAME(S): …………………………………………………………
(Please delete)
(Please write in full)
JOB TITLE: …………………………………..……………….…PLACE OF WORK: ………………………………………………………………...
Contact Telephone No …………………… Name of Line Manager ……………………………………………. Employee No. …………………….
(From payslip)
NAME OF COURSE OR EVENT: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Start date: ……………………….……… End date: ……………………………….. Number of Days Attending: ……………………………………
(Please note that if a course takes place over several months you must count up the total number of full days you will attend)
Internal Course: 
External Course/Event: 
(Please tick)
Organising Body: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Venue: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. EXPENSES: Managers or applicants must ensure that all external course costs are identified below – see Guidance Notes:
Course Fees:
£ __________________
Travel: Car _______miles
Examination Fees:
Lease Car? Yes
 No 
£ _____________
Number of Passengers _________ Other (e.g. Rail) ________________
Accommodation: Number of nights ____________ Cost __________________ Other Expenses: _________________________
I have made a provisional reservation.
Yes 
No 
What do you hope to learn from this course/event and how will this be put into practice? ………………………………………………
Internal Courses: Is there anything you would like to discuss with the facilitator/trainer or make them aware of prior to the course, e.g.
specific learning, educational or health requirements? Yes 
No 
Is the subject matter of this course/event relevant to the individual’s personal development plan?
Yes  No 
I agree that this course/event is relevant and appropriate for this member of staff.
Signature of Manager: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
AUTHORISATION OF EXPENSES (This section must only be completed by a signatory authorised to approve training expenses)
OTHER (e.g. Exam Fee)
Full costs
Trust’s contribution
Applicant’s contribution
Own Training Budget Code
Training Department Budget Code
Cheque request to Finance (Date):
12 Form Sent (Date):
Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________
(Authorised signatory)
Please send all copies (White, Pink and Yellow) to Locality Mental Health Training and Development Lead
Guidance Notes for Study Leave Applications
A Study Leave Form must be completed for all training and development initiatives. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to complete the form correctly and, where indicated, estimate the costs.
No more than one applicant from a particular work area should attend an external
event/conference unless identified by line manager/budget holder and approved by Training
Information from conferences should be cascaded to colleagues whenever
possible following the event.
All sections must be completed as fully as possible. The following points are important to ensure
accurate records. Inaccuracies or omissions will lead to delay.
Sections 1-4 to be completed by the applicant:
Enter employee number (from payslip) to ensure correct data entry (Section 1)
Add up or estimate the total number of days involved in course attendance (Section 2)
Give an estimate of expenditure (Section 3).
Include a brief description of what you hope to achieve from attending the course/event
(Section 4)
Indicate if you would like to discuss anything with the trainer/facilitator before you attend
(internal courses only). If this is the case the trainer will contact you prior to the course
(Section 4)
Section 5 to be completed by manager.
Discuss with the applicant the relevance of the initiative, that it meets individual and service
objectives. Agree how this will be disseminated and put into practice.
Check and sign indicating agreement to the relevance of the course/event
Pass to Training Department for authorisation.
Section 6 to be completed by Locality Mental Health Training and Development Lead
Applicants should make provisional reservations to avoid disappointment in not securing a
If there is a ‘Payment by Invoice’ option this should be taken. The name and address for
invoice is: Creditor Payments, Finance Department, Ward 7, St Luke's Hospital,
Blackmoorfoot Road, Crosland Moor, Huddersfield, HD4 5RQ.
If there is no option of invoicing, the Trust can send a cheque on behalf of the applicant.
Please ensure that fully completed booking/registration forms are attached to the Study
Leave form.
Once approval has been received, the applicant may obtain train tickets (if applicable) and
book accommodation (if applicable). The Training Department is not responsible for booking
accommodation unless this is included as a complete conference package.
Any expenses incurred, e.g. travel or subsistence, should be claimed on an expenses claim
form and forwarded, with receipts, to the Training Department which will be forwarded to
Payroll following authorisation.