Exercise Science Program Goals (Standards) and Objectives

Exercise Science Program Goals (Standards) and Objectives (Outcomes)
Content Knowledge: Exercise Science
majors understand human movement
and concepts related to the anatomical,
physiological and biomechanical aspects
of human movement.
Exercise science candidates must do the
Identify critical elements of the bones and
muscles involved in human movement and
combine the concepts related to anatomy
and physiology with biomechanics.
Demonstrate competent knowledge in
areas of exercise physiology.
Describe physiological concepts related to
exercise testing (i.e. maximal aerobic
testing, anaerobic testing, body
composition analysis.
Describe and apply anatomical,
physiological and biomechanical concepts
to exercise testing, health and fitness.
Understand and debate current exercise
physiology principles based on historical
and technological changes (i.e., anaerobic
threshold, body composition analysis)
Demonstrate knowledge of approved
National standards for exercise testing and
Evaluation of grades each semester.
Evaluate grades each semester
Evaluate lab grades in exercise testing,
laboratories in exercise physiology.
Evaluate lab grades in anatomy,
biomechanics, exercise testing & exercise
Evaluate competency in these topic areas
in exercise physiology and exercise testing.
Evaluate lab grades and content in exercise
testing as needed.
Growth and Development: Exercise
Science majors should understand how
exercise tests (ranging from testing,
training or analysis of blood markers)
are performed and individualized based
on the patient population employed.
The focus of this standard is the
application of exercise physiology
concepts to a broad range of
environmental, physiological or
psychological conditions that the Exercise
Science student may be involved with.
Exercise Science majors must demonstrate
the ability to plan and implement exercise
testing based on changes in the
experimental or clinical conditions.
Exercise majors must do the following:
Monitor individuals or groups of
individuals during exercise tests to be able
to perform exercise tests in general in
accordance with National Standards (set
forth by the American College of Sports
Medicine, ACSM).
Understand the physiological,
biomechanical, age, gender differences that
influence exercise physiology and exercise
Laboratory experiences in exercise
physiology and exercise testing to assure
that this goal is met.
Implement either a) that all majors should
demonstrate this competency in the Senior
Exercise program b) Internship experience
or, c) develop a new PEP course entitled
“exercise leadership”.
Evaluation of these competencies in
exercise physiology or exercise testing.
Diverse Students: Exercise Science
majors should understand how
individuals differ in their approaches to
learning and create appropriate
instruction adapted to these differences.
Through this standard, exercise science
candidates should demonstrate their ability
to plan and implement exercise physiology
experiences that are sensitive to diverse
students and that enable students to
develop qualities of respect and
responsibility for one another.
Identify and select appropriate instruction
that is sensitive to students’
strengths/weaknesses, multiple needs,
learning styles, and prior experiences (i.e.,
cultural, community).
Use appropriate services and resources to
meet diverse learning needs.
Documentation of recruitment initiatives of
diverse students to foster diversity and
respect for one another.
Evaluation of grades by semester to assess
needs/strengths/weaknesses of individuals
with multiple needs.
Assess grades of diverse learners.
Management and Motivation: Exercise
Science majors use an understanding of
the physiological, metabolic and
psychological functions of the individual
to create a safe learning environment
that encourages positive social
interaction, active engagement in
learning, and self-motivation.
Exercise Science majors must do the
Use their knowledge in exercise
physiology to create smoothly functioning
exercise experiences in a range of
Organize, allocate and manage resources
(exercise space, time, equipment) to
provide an active learning experience.
Use strategies to help students demonstrate
responsible personal and social behaviors
(i.e., mutual respect, safety, cooperation)
that promote positive relationships for
others and a productive learning
Comprehensive immediate feedback on
competency performance in lab
Peer evaluation of instruction, SEI’s.
SEI’s, self-evaluation of instruction in
exercise leadership competencies.
Communication: Exercise Science
majors use knowledge of effective verbal
and nonverbal techniques to enhance
learning and engagement in exercise
science settings.
Exercise Science candidates must do the
Describe and demonstrate effective
communication skills (i.e., use of
language, clarity, age-appropriate
Communicate managerial and instructional
information in a variety of ways (i.e.,
posters, internet, bulletin boards).
Communicate in ways that demonstrate
sensitivity to all students (ethnicity,
gender, age differences).
Evaluation from clinical internship site(s).
Evaluation of SEI’s and clinical internship
Evaluation of SEI’s.
Planning and Instruction: Exercise
Science majors should plan and
implement a variety of developmentally
appropriate exercise physiology tests
based on ACSM standards.
Exercise Science candidates must do the
Identify, develop and implement
appropriate program and instructional
Develop long-and short-term plans that are
linked to both program and instructional
goals and student needs.
Select and implement instructional
strategies, based on selected content,
student’s needs, and safety to facilitate
learning in the exercise science setting.
Provide learning experiences that allow the
student to integrate knowledge and skills
from a variety of areas.
Use effective demonstrations and
explanations to link together exercise
science concepts to learning experiences.
Develop case studies to facilitate student
learning, critical thinking and problem
Documentation of competency in exercise
programming/exercise testing.
Communicate with student on an
individualized basis to develop appropriate
mentoring either with a) internship
experience b) research.
Student evaluation of exercise laboratories.
Increase the faculty to mentor student in
either clinical or applied research areas.
Student evaluations of exercise laboratory
Add this content to all clinical exercise
physiology coursework.
Student Assessment: Exercise Science
majors should understand and use
assessment to better understand the
physiological response to an external
stressor (i.e., heat, cold, exercise) is
specific to that individual.
Exercise Science candidates must do the
Identify key components of various types
of assessment, describe the appropriate and
inappropriate use, and address the validity,
reliability of the tests.
Use a variety of exercise tests ranging
from indirect to direct assessment of
performance. Assess the students
understanding of the performance, provide
feedback, and communicate student
Documentation of competency in the
appropriate classes, i.e., exercise testing,
exercise physiology.
Competency tracking of performance in
clinical courses/tracked each semester.
Reflection: Exercise science candidates
are critical and reflective thinkers who
evaluate their actions on other (i.e.,
fellow professionals, clinicians, patients,
This standard can be met through evidence
that demonstrates effective self-reflection
on the exercise science major. Exercise
Science candidates must do the following:
Use a reflective cycle involving
description of testing, justification of
exercise leadership, critique of exercise
testing performance and implementation of
Use available resources (i.e., professional
organization, literature, colleagues) to
develop as a reflective professional.
Construct a plan that permits professional
growth based on the assessment of others.
Technology: Exercise Science majors
The intent of this standard is to ensure that
Track student’s performance of this
Evaluation of courses to assure this
objective is met.
Review resumes, Faculty CV’s and
resumes of Clinicians.
use technology to enhance learning and
to enhance personal and professional
Collaboration: Exercise Science majors
should foster relationships with colleagues,
Exercise Science candidates develop
knowledge of and ability to implement
current technologies in order to enhance
learning. Exercise Science candidates
must do the following:
Demonstrate knowledge of current
technologies and their application in
exercise science.
Design, develop and implement exercise
science laboratories that integrate
information technology.
Use technologies to communicate,
network, locate resources, and enhance
professional development.
Exercise candidates must do the following:
Tracking of this competency via formal
Enhance some of the laboratories to
achieve this objective.
Course projects to include this objective.
Track its implementation via SEI’s.
clinicians and community agencies to
support the students’ professional growth
and well-being.
Identify strategies to become an advocate
in the community and the school to
promote a variety of exercise science
Actively participate in professional
Exercise Science (i.e., local, state,
national) meetings.
Identify and actively seek community
resources to enhance the clinical
opportunities for the student.
Pursue productive relationship with
colleagues to support student professional
and intellectual growth.
Documentation of this strategy and track
the new incoming majors.
Evaluate CV’s of students/faculty to
achieve this objective.
Evaluation of SEI’s from the clinical
internship and evaluate the quality of
internship sites available to meet the
students’ diverse needs.
Enhance collaboration between faculty in
the areas of paper writing/grantsmanship,