LLOYD E. LEVY Lloyd Levy specializes in economic and social analysis for environmental and natural resources policy, planning, and impact assessment. His accomplishments include: 27 years of experience with water, land use, energy minerals and other natural resource projects Expertise in project appraisal, regional economic and social analysis, economic and fiscal impact modeling, demographic analysis for planning and assessment, fiscal analysis, facilities and services assessment Economic, social, recreation and visual resource assessments for many NEPA documents Qualified to conduct economic and social analysis for the Bureau of Land Management as specified in Instruction Memorandum (IM) 2006-112 Private sector experience as a financial analyst for agribusiness and as an award-winning newspaper journalist Co-winner for excellence in reporting on the oil shale boom in western Colorado in the early 1980s Research on American Indian economic and social conditions Expert testimony and litigation support Economic and demographic consulting for local government and regional authorities Co-author of book chapter on socioeconomic assessment of mining Invited conference presenter; published in proceedings NEPA ECONOMIC & SOCIAL ASSESSMENT Study of Social Impacts of Natural Resource Development on Eastern Montana Communities (Consulting socioeconomist, ongoing). Montana Board of Crime Control (MBCC) ("State") awarded the team headed by BBC Research and Consulting to assess the impact of natural resource development on local communities in Eastern Montana, including literature review regarding boomtowns and their social and economic impacts, face-to-face and focus group interviews, and coordination with the Montana Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) to identify data sources that can be used in the study and data gaps where additional data collection may be considered. (BBC Research and Consulting, Denver, CO / Montana Board of Crime Control, Helena, MT). Keystone XL Project Supplemental EIS for U.S. Department of State National Interest Determination (Consulting socioeconomist, ongoing). Consulting socioeconomist on team preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the assessment of the new Keystone XL pipeline permit application. The Supplemental EIS will include analysis of the proposed new routes in Nebraska and other information or issues emerging since the Final FEIS was completed in August 2011 on the original project application. (Environmental Resources Management, Inc., Washington, DC / U.S. Department of State). BLM National Operations Center BPA for Social & Economic Analyses (Senior Consultant II, ongoing). Member of consulting team awarded one of four GSA Schedule 899-1 Blanket Purchasing Agreements (BPA) for social and economic analytical support over a five-year period. BLM required qualified Technical Assistance Contractors with expertise in social and economic analysis including environmental justice. Services will be available to BLM’s Washington Office and all of BLM’s State, District and Field Offices where the demand for social and economic expertise within BLM cannot be met by existing resources. (Environmental Resources Management, Inc., Washington, DC / Bureau of Land Management, National Operations Center, Denver, CO). Socioeconomic Modeling for San Juan Forest Plan Final EIS (Economist, 2012). Conducting the economic, demographic, and local government impact analysis for the final environmental impact statement to be developed in conjunction with, and in support of, the final land and resource management plan for management San Juan Public Lands (Forest Service and BLM) in southwest Colorado (San Juan National Forest, Durango, CO). Vantage Pipeline EA (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources, ongoing). A proposed ethane pipeline from a source near Tioga, North Dakota, to Empress, Alberta, Canada, requires a Presidential Permit for the border crossing, triggering NEPA. The analysis focuses on the northern Great Plains and Prairie Potholes region of North Dakota. (Gary Holsan Environmental Planning, Thayne, WY/U.S. Department of State). Continental Divide-Creston NG Development Project EIS (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources, ongoing). Contrator’s discipline specialist reporting on existing conditions and analyze potential impacts to rececreation and visual resources for 1,250 wells and facilities on 184,000 acres in Carbon and Sweetwater counties, Wyoming. (Holsan Environmental Planning, Thayne, WY/BLM Rawlins Field Office). White River Field Office Oil and Gas Resource Management Plan Amendment EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, ongoing). Discipline specialist preparing the NEPA section on social effects for this RMP amendment, which addresses natural gas leasing and development on 1.5 million jurisdictional acres over 20 years. (URS, Denver, CO/BBC Research and Consulting, Denver, CO/BLM White River Field Office). West Tavaputs Natural Gas Full Field Development Plan EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, Record of Decision 2010). NEPA social and economic analysis of long-term plan for 750 wells in eastern Utah. (Buys & Associates, Inc., Denver, CO/BLM Price Field Office). Greater Natural Buttes Gas Development Project EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics; draft EIS, 2010). NEPA socioeconomics analysis of long-range development project with 3,500 wells in eastern Utah. (Sammons-Dutton LLC/BLM Vernal Field Office). Desolation Road Exploratory Gas Well EA (Resource specialist, Special Management Areas, recreation and visual resources; Decision Record, 2010). A high visibility analysis of two proposed gas wells near Wamsutter, Wyoming. Sensitivity to effects to special management areas (SMA) is required because of the location within the Monument Valley SMA and near the Adobe Town Wilderness Study Area. (TEC, Inc., Denver, CO/BLM Rock Springs Field Office, Rock Springs, WY). Luman Rim Natural Gas Project EA (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources; Decision Record 2010). VRM and recreation analyses of 58 wells on 21,000 acres, including VRM Class I, Class II and Class III land adjoining the Red Lake and East Sand Dunes WSAs of the Red Desert Watershed Management Area. (Taylor Environmental Consulting, Evansville, WY/BLM Rock Springs Field Office). San Juan Public Lands Joint Forest Service/BLM Plan Revision DEIS Supplement (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 2009). Fiscal analysis of multi-county, multi-field reasonable foreseeable gas development scenarios and alternatives in southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico. (Economic Insights of Colorado/San Juan Public Lands Center, Durango, CO). Red Cliff Mine EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, draft EIS, 2009). IMPLAN economic impacts analysis of a proposed coal mine redevelopment and expansion with a new railroad spur and ancillary facilities in Mesa and Garfield (Colorado) counties. (Burro Canyon Consulting, LLC/BLM Grand Junction Field Office). 2 Pacific Gas Connector Pipeline Project (Resource specialist, socioeconomics; final EIS, 2009). Prepare project economic efficiency and economic impact analyses for 230-mile send out pipeline in southern Oregon. (Edge Environmental, Inc./Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline, LP/USDA Umpqua National Forest/USDOE Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). Riverton Dome Coalbed Natural Gas and Conventional Gas Development Project EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, final EIS 2008). Economic and social values, transportation, and environmental justice for 336 wells pads, roads, pipelines, and production facilities on 14,000 acres in the Wind River Indian Reservation in Fremont County, Wyoming. (Buys & Associates, Inc., Denver, CO/BIA Wind River Agency). Bowdoin Natural Gas Project EA (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources, decision record 2008). Recreation and visual resources analysis of 1,250 wells and field facilities in Phillips and Valley counties, Montana (Holsan Environmental Planning, Thayne, WY/BLM Malta Field Office). Old Spanish Trail National Historic Trail Comprehensive Management Plan EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 2008). Analyze social and economic consequences of a newly designated, multi-state trail in the U.S. (Sammons – Dutton, LLC / URS, Inc. – Albuquerque, N.M. / U.S. National Park Service-National Trails System / U.S. Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office). White River Field Office Resource Oil and Gas Resource Management Plan Amendment EIS (Resource specialist/team leader, socioeconomics; final AMS, 2007). Social and economic analysis of the affected environment for NEPA to address leasing and development on 1.5 million jurisdictional acres over 20 years. (URS, Denver, CO/BLM White River Field Office). Beaver Creek CBNG Pilot Project EA (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, decision record 2007). 20-well exploratory project in Fremont County, Wyoming. (Buys & Assoc., Inc., Denver, CO/BLM Lander Field Office). Eastern Shoshone Land Transfer and Gaming Facility EA (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 2007) Social and economic analysis for NEPA to address transfer of land to Tribal trust for a casino on the Wind River Indian Reservation northeast of Riverton, Wyoming. (E2M Engineering & Environmental Management, Inc./BIA Wind River Agency/Eastern Shoshone Business Council). Piceance Natural Gas Development Project EA (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources, decision record 2007). Recreation and visual resources for gas treatment plant, 1,080 wells on 28,000 acres in Rio Blanco County, Colorado. (Holsan Environmental Planning, Thayne, WY/BLM White River Field Office). Shell Oil Shale Research, Development, and Demonstration Pilot EA (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, decision record 2006). NEPA baseline analysis of public education facilities in Garfield, Mesa, Moffat, and Rio Blanco counties in northwest Colorado. (Blankenship Consulting LLC, Denver, CO/BLM Glenwood Springs Field Office). Northern San Juan Basin CBM FEIS IMPLAN Update (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, decision record 2007). Re-analysis of new project alternatives; 300 wells on 125,000 acres in La Plata and Archuleta counties, Colorado. (ARCADIS-Greystone, Denver, CO/BLM-USDA Forest Service San Juan Public Lands Center). Atlantic Rim CBM Development EIS (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources, decision record 2007). Recreation and visual resources for 2,200 wells and associated facilities on 3 310,335 acres in Carbon County, Wyoming. (Holsan Environmental Planning, Thayne, WY/BLM Rawlins Field Office). North Shore Road EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics / IMPLAN & revenue modeling, decision record 2007). Economics of alternative road construction scenarios in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Swain County, North Carolina. (Sammons-Dutton LLC, Denver, CO/USDOI-National Park Service). Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Uplake Development Concept Plan EA (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, EA and FONSI 2006). Economic and social analysis of 15-year development plan for Lake and Utah counties at the north end of the recreation area. (Environmental Engineering & Management (E2M), Inc., Denver, CO/USDOI-National Park Service). Gant Gulch Geographic Area Plan EA (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, decision record 2005). Socioeconomics for area plan EA of 97 gas wells on 2,646 acres. (Buys & Associates, Inc., Denver, CO/BLM Glenwood Springs Field Office). Lake Ridge 3D Geophysical Project EA (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources, decision memo 2005). Impacts of ExxonMobil survey in Sublette and Lincoln counties of Wyoming on 123 square miles on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, BLM Pinedale Field Office, and state and private lands. (Holsan Environmental Planning, Thayne, WY/USDA Forest Service Big Piney Ranger District/BLM Pinedale Field Office). Entrega Natural Gas Pipeline Project EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, final EIS 2005). Analysis of facilities and services impacts of pipeline construction alternatives from Meeker, Colorado, to Wamsutter, Wyoming, and then to the Cheyenne Hub in Weld County, Colorado. (Sammons-Dutton LLC, Denver, CO/USDOE Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). Draft General Management Plan EIS, Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments, Arizona (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 2004). Economic impact analysis of park operations. EIS terminated in June 2006. (Sammons-Dutton LLC, Denver, CO/USDOI-National Park Service). Pacific Rim Shallow Gas Development EA (Resource specialist, recreation and visual resources, 2004). Recreation and visual resources impact assessment of 120 wells on 48,000 acres in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. (Holsan Environmental Planning/BLM Rock Springs Field Office) Wind River Natural Gas Field Development DEIS (Resource specialist, recreation resources, 2004). Recreation impact assessment for 325 wells on 92,000 acres on the Wind River Indian Reservation and in Fremont County, Wyoming. (Buys & Associates, Denver, CO/BIA Wind River Agency). Northern San Juan Basin CBM DEIS IMPLAN Analysis (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, draft EIS 2004). Economic assessment of 300 wells on 125,000 acres in La Plata and Archuleta counties, Colorado. (Greystone Environmental Consultants, Denver, CO/BLM & USDA-Forest Service San Juan Public Lands Center, Durango, CO). Going-to-the-Sun Road Rehabilitation Plan EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, final EIS 2004). Economic impacts of road rehabilitation alternatives in Glacier National Park. (BBC Research & Consulting, Denver, CO/ERO Resources, Denver, CO/USDOI-National Park Service). I-70 Mountain Corridor PEIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 2000). Population, income, employment projections for travel demand forecast, Clear Creek, Summit, Eagle, Garfield, Lake and 4 Grand Counties, Colorado. (J. F. Sato and Associates, Denver, CO/Colorado Department of Transportation/U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration). East Boulder River Mining Project EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 1998). Economic, demographic and fiscal analysis of platinum mine, City of Big Timber and Sweetgrass County), MT. (Montana Department of State Lands, Department of Environmental Quality, and USDA-Forest Service). McDonald Gold Project EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 1997). Economic and social impact assessment of on private and state land, Lewis and Clark County, Montana (Morrison-Maerle Environmental, Helena, MT/Montana Department of Environmental Quality and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). Wasatch County Water Efficiency and Daniel Replacement/Provo River Restoration EIS's (Resource specialist/team leader, socioeconomics, 1996). Economic, fiscal, and social assessment of Central Utah Project Completion Act projects, Wasatch County, Utah. (MontgomeryWatson, Salt Lake City, UT/USDOI-Bureau of Reclamation, Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission and Central Utah Water Conservancy District). Warm Springs Project PDEIS (Resource specialist/team leader, socioeconomics, 1996). Socioeconomic, fiscal and sociocultural assessment of coal mine and transportation proposal in five counties of Utah, Nevada and Arizona, on what is now the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. (ENSR Inc., Denver, CO/USDOI-Office of Surface Mining, Denver, CO). Zortman and Landusky Mines Reclamation Plans Modifications & Mine Life Extensions EIS (Resource specialist/team leader, socioeconomics, 1996). Economic (RIMS II) and social assessment of gold projects in Phillips County, Montana, and Fort Belknap Indian Reservation. (Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Denver, CO/BLM Lewistown District Office). Wold Trona Project EA (Resource specialist/team leader, socioeconomics, 1992). Economic, demographic and fiscal impact assessments project in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. (Gene George Associates, Inc. Casper, WY/BLM Rock Springs District Office). HD Mountains Coalbed Methane Gas Field Development Program EIS (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 1992). Economic and fiscal assessment. For Planning Information Corp. (Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Denver, CO/USDA San Juan National Forest/BLM Durango District Office). Hayden Hill Mine EIS/EIR (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 1991). NEPA and CEQA economic, fiscal and social impact assessment under of an AMAX gold project in Lassen County, California. (SRK Consulting/BLM Susanville District Office/USDA Modoc National Forest/State of California/Lassen County, California). Black Mesa-Kayenta Mine Socioeconomic Preliminary Technical Report (Resource specialist, socioeconomics, 1987). A comprehensive economic, demographic and socio-cultural baseline was prepared for use in the Department of the Interior’s environmental impact statement—finalized in 1990—to consolidate, extend and upgrade the surface mines on the Hopi and Navajo reservations in Arizona. (Denver Research Institute, Denver, CO/U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement). 5 OTHER ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH & ANALYSIS Long Canyon Mining Project Economic Impacts Analysis (Consulting economist, 2013). Prepare baseline, economic and fiscal impacts for a proposed gold mine near West Wendover, Nevada. (Environmental Resources Management, Inc., Annapolis, MD / Newmont Mining Corp., Denver, CO). Mount Emmons Economic Impact Study – Phase 2 (Economist, ongoing). Manage a proposed contingent behavior survey to measure the impact of a proposed molybdenum mine to the visitor, relocation and second-home markets in Gunnison County and Crested Butte resort, Colorado. Center for Applied Research, Denver, CO/Red Lady Coalition, Crested Butte, CO). Economic Multipliers of Local Government Spending (Economist, 2011). Calculate employment, income and output multipliers for local government spending at the county level. Analyzing local fiscal data with the IMPLAN economic model identifies and measures the multiplier effects of city and county spending in a small region. (METI, Inc., San Antonio, TX/USDA Forest Service Region II). North Rim Wind Project (Economist, 2010). Analysis of employment, income and tax impacts of a proposed 37-turbine wind project in Albany and Carbon counties, County, Wyoming. (TRC Environmental Corp., Laramie WY/AES Wind Generation, Inc., San Diego, CA). Visual Impact Evaluation of Proposed Vectren Transmission Line (Consulting visual resources specialist, 2010). Consultant to BBC Research & Consulting, Denver, in reviewing a 345 kV line from Evansville, Indiana, to a plant south of Henderson, Kentucky. The study concerned minimization of adverse impact to scenic assets in Kentucky. (Kentucky State Board on Electrical Generation and Transmission Siting/BBC Research & Consulting, Denver, CO). Southwest Colorado Economic Drivers: Job Generation by Second Homes and Other Economic Drivers in Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata and Montezuma Counties (Economist, 2010). Study to quantify the drivers of the economic base in four counties, with an emphasis on the role of second homes. (Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado, Durango, CO). Montrose County, Colorado, Cumulative Socioeconomic Impact Study (Economist, 2010). Using the IMPLAN economic model, the analysis quantified the county’s economic base and projected a 25-year growth trend from oil and gas, uranium and other energy resources (Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., Denver, CO / Montrose County, Colorado, Planning & Development Office). Mount Emmons Economic Impact Study – Phase 1 (Economist, 2009). Analysis of employment, income and tax base in Gunnison County and the ski and summer resort of Crested Butte, Colorado. Focus is on measuring the economic drivers and the potential impacts of a proposed molybdenum mine on the recreation, environmental and natural amenity-based economy. (Center for Applied Research, Denver, CO/Red Lady Coalition, Crested Butte, CO). Economic Losses from Personal Injury (Economist, 2009). Litigation support in accidental injury (Sammons-Dutton LLC, Denver, CO/Benson & Case LLP, Denver, CO). Bridger Butte Wind Project Economic Analysis (Economist, 2008). Analysis of employment, income and tax impacts of a proposed 120-turbine wind project in Uinta County, Wyoming. (Tasco Engineering, Inc.). White Mountain Wind Project Economic Analysis (Economist, 2008). Analysis of employment, income and tax impacts of a proposed 240-turbine wind project in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 6 (Tasco Engineering, Inc., Lehi, UT/Sweetwater County, Wyoming, and BLM Rock Springs Field Office). Southwestern Wyoming Cumulative Impacts Analysis (Economist, 2008). Current and cumulative social and economic conditions and impact assessment for six counties of southwestern Wyoming using the REMI economic-demographic forecasting model. (Sammons-Dutton LLC, Denver, CO/Southwest Wyoming Coalition of Local Governments, Pinedale, WY). Chevron Piceance Basin Natural Gas Development Program ESHIA (Economist, 2007). Internal impact assessment and planning document for gas field development near DeBeque, Colorado. (ERM-Rocky Mountain, Inc., Denver, CO/Chevron U.S.A Production Company). La Plata County (Colorado) Economic Drivers (Economist, 2007). Study to quantify the drivers of the county’s economic base, including the role of second homes. (Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado, Durango, CO). Second Homes and the Economic Base of Four Counties in West Central Colorado: An Economic Drivers Study for Gunnison, Hinsdale, Ouray, and San Miguel Counties (Economist, 2006). Spending and IMPLAN analysis to estimate employment from second home development near Grand Mesa, Uncompaghre, and Gunnison national forests. (USDA Forest Service, Region 2 [Contract Number 53-82X9-4-0240] and Region 10 League for Economic Assistance and Planning, Inc., Gunnison, CO). Energy Efficiency: Bottom Line Opportunities for Metro Denver Companies (Economist, 2006). Technical adviser on methods and models, application of IMPLAN multipliers. (Metro Denver Economic Development Corp. / Colorado Energy Science Center). Economic Losses from Personal Injury (Economist, 2006). Litigation support in auto accident. (Benson & Case LLP). Economic Losses from Personal Injury (Economist, 2006). Litigation support in auto accident. (Sammons-Dutton LLC/Benson & Case LLP). Powder River Basin Coal Review (Economist, 2005). Current and cumulative social and economic conditions and impacts assessment in Campbell County, Wyoming, and adjacent counties with REMI model. (Sammons-Dutton LLC/BLM Casper Field Office). Economic Losses from Personal Injury (Economist, 2005). Litigation support in auto accident. (Sammons-Dutton LLC/Benson & Case LLP). Job Generation in the Colorado Mountain Resort Economy (Economist, 2004). IMPLAN-based analysis of the economic base in Eagle, Grand, Pitkin and Summit counties, Colorado, with emphasis on second home impacts. (Northwest Colorado Council of Governments and Colorado Department of Local Affairs). Market Survey for Waste Plastics and Wood as Alternative Fuels (Economist, 2004). Economics of industrial fuel substitution in Colorado and Utah. (Sammons-Dutton LLC./Industry client). 7 Plum Creek Ridge Fiscal Impact Analysis (Economist, 2004). Fiscal impacts of residential PUD. (Center for Applied Research/Town of Castle Rock, Colorado). Regulatory Impact of Household Ozone Generator Ban (Economist, 2003). Industry economics of proposed regulatory change in Canada. (Sammons-Dutton LLC./Stratus Consulting/Health Canada). Post-Census Update of Population Model (Demographer, 2003). Recalibration of community-level population model using administrative records; designed and implemented by Mr. Levy in 1991 in operation since then. (Nye County, Nevada, Planning Department/James M. Williams, Socioeconomic and Public Policy Analysis). Coachella Valley Water District Management Plan Impacts (Economist, 2003). Review of Indian casino development as source of non-agricultural water demand in the Coachella Valley, California. (Coachella Valley Water District). Economic Analysis Framework (Economist, 2003). Preparation of guidance document for conducting economic analyses of alternative potential pollution control strategies. (Western Regional Air Partnership Economic Analysis Forum). Competitiveness Impacts (Economist, 2003). Preparation of industry profiles for assessment of impacts of pollution controls to industry competitiveness. (TVA Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative [SAMI]). Socioeconomic Analysis Methods (Economist, 2002). Economic framework for microeconomic regulatory impact assessment of air pollution controls in the LA (Los Angeles, California) Basin. (South Coast Air Quality Management District, Los Angeles, CA). Kentucky Mountain Power Merchant Plant Siting Permit Review (Economist, 2002). For Design administrative procedure for permit review of coalfield-based, wholesale power producers. (Kentucky Public Service Commission). Lower Portneuf Valley Aquifer Benefit-Cost Analysis (Economist/demographer, 2001). Regional economic, demographic, and land-use baseline and analysis related to water pollution controls near Pocatello, Idaho. (Idaho Department of Environmental Quality). Highpointe Conference Resort Benefits Study (Economist, 2001). Revenue and employment impacts presented to City of Denver and Denver Public Schools of $172 million hotel at Denver International Airport. Analysis performed with RIMS II and proprietary models. (LNR Property Corp.). Colorado Water Resources & Power Development Authority M/WBE Availability (Economist, 2001). Design, survey contract procurement and management, and analysis of business survey to estimate minority and women-owned business availability in Colorado. (Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority). Colorado Springs Homeless Survey (Project manager/demographer, 2000). A two-stage study of the homeless and at-risk in Colorado in March 2000. Responsibilities included project management, design of in-person surveys for 19+ sites and telephone survey of low income households, descriptive analysis, and report co-authorship. (Pikes Peak Consortium to End Homelessness). Contra Costa County Litigation Support (Project manager/economist, 2000). Design, survey contract procurement and management, and analysis of business survey to estimate minority and 8 women-owned business availability in San Francisco Bay area. (Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area). Nye County Economic-Demographic Reports (Economist, 2000). Series of 8 economic impact assessments (REMI model) of existing and prospective developments, including construction of Yucca Mountain Project (Jim Williams Socioeconomic Research & Analysis/Nye County, Nevada, Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office). Employment and Income on the Hopi Indian Reservation (Project manager/economist, 1999). To measure and monetize traditional activities of tribal members for Tribe’s economic development strategy, executed and analyzed a key-informant survey, assisted by a local researcher, focusing on production of arts and crafts for sale and barter and of agricultural products and craft items for exchange at social and ceremonial events. (Hopi Tribe Department of Community Development). Indian Reservations and the New Mexico Economy (Project manager/economist, 1999). Economic and fiscal impacts using surveys and IMPLAN model; emphasis on gaming and transfer payments. (New Mexico Indian Reservation Economic Study Group). Nye County Business Interviews (Economist, 1998). Depth interviews with small business and appraisal of local readiness for participation in federal procurement preferences to promote economic development. (Nye County Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office). Study of the Potential Economic Impacts of Electric Restructuring on the State of Wyoming (Project manager/economist, 1997). REMI model-based analysis of economic and fiscal impacts of deregulation. For Planning Information Corp. joint venture with Black & Veatch Power Systems Group. (State of Wyoming Public Service Commission). Solvay Soda Ash Expansion Project: Wyoming Industrial Siting Permit Application (Economist, 1997). Fiscal impact assessment for project in Sweetwater County, Wyoming .(Solvay Soda Ash Joint Venture). Crow Creek Environmental Benefit/Cost Analysis (Economist, 1997). Survey design to measure attitudes toward water quality improvements in Cheyenne, Wyoming. For Planning Information Corporation. (City of Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities). Chief Joseph Scenic Highway Corridor Management Plan (Recreation specialist, 1997). Inventory and evaluation of recreation and tourism resources of Park County, Wyoming, near Yellowstone National Park. (Wyoming Department of Transportation). New World Mine Socioeconomic Assessment & Impact Management Report (Economist, 1996). Report to Park County, Wyoming, on a mining project occurring in an adjacent Montana county. (Park County, Wyoming). Rosebud Project Recreation Technical Memorandum (Recreation, 1993). Inventory and evaluation of recreation resources on private and BLM lands in Pershing and Humboldt counties, Nevada. (Hecla Mining Co.). Issues Identification for the Carlin Rail Route Option (Economist, 1993). Community-based environmental issues-and-opportunities report on potential rail transportation routes for nuclear waste. (Board of County Commissioners, Eureka County, Nevada). RV Park Survey in Nye County, Nevada (Project manager/economist, 1992-94). Design and execution of key informant survey to enumerate and characterize RV (recreational vehicle) park 9 visitors in southern Nevada towns near Las Vegas and Death Valley National Park, with exploratory work in 1992 followed by two years of formal data collection and analysis. For Planning Information Corporation. (Nye County, Nevada, Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office). Tourism and Recreation Resources and Potentials in Southern Nye County (Recreation specialist, 1992). Inventory, evaluation, opportunities analysis, and strategic planning document for anchoring economic development potential of local resources to nearby Death Valley National Monument. (Nye County, Nevada, Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office). LaBarge Project – Socioeconomic Impact Evaluation (Economist, 1991). Retrospective analysis of gas development in Wyoming modeled on the Wyoming power plant Construction Worker Survey. Analysis of 6,000-plus survey responses and report (proprietary) co-author. (Exxon Company U.S.A.). San Juan Basin Coal De-Gas Project Public Sector Revenue Study (Economist, 1991). Fiscal models to project state and local government revenues from coal bed methane development in Colorado and New Mexico. (Amoco Production Company). Tenneco Soda Ash Expansion Industrial Siting Permit Application (Economist, 1991). Economic, demographic, community facilities and fiscal assessment for Wyoming “trona patch” permit. For Planning Information Corp. (Tenneco Soda Ash Joint Venture). San Luis Gold Mine Project Socioeconomic Impact Analysis (Project manager/economist, project manager, 1991). Socioeconomic and fiscal analysis in Costilla County, Colorado; preparation of public relations “newsletter.” (Battle Mountain Gold, Inc.). Importance of Visitor Spending in Clark County, Nevada (Economist, 1988). Quantitative analysis of local employment created by tourism and gaming in Las Vegas. Published as Planning Information Corporation (1988), Characteristics of the Las Vegas/Clark County Visitor Economy, NWPO-SE-002-88 (State of Nevada Nuclear Waste Project Office, Carson City, NV).. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2003-present. Principal, Lloyd Levy Consulting LLC. 2000-2003. Associate, BBC Research and Consulting, Denver, Colorado. 1999. Economist, Center for Applied Research, Denver, Colorado. 1987-1998. Associate, Planning Information Corporation, Denver, Colorado. 1986-1987. Research Economist, University of Denver Research Institute, Industrial Economics Division. 1984-1985. Accounting Supervisor, Berger and Company, a division of ConAgra. 1976-1983. Staff Writer, The Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction, Colorado. 1975. Writer/Editor, The Valley Journal, Carbondale, Colorado. 1974-1975. Staff Writer, The Coloradoan, Fort Collins, Colorado. WRITING AND PRESENTATION Presenter, The Social and Economic Effects of Second Homes Symposium, July 8, 2004, Vail, Colorado. Presenter, 1999 American Indian Tourism Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 10 Presenter, 1998 REMI (Regional Economic Models, Inc.) Seminar on Economic Forecasting, Planning and Policy Analysis, Denver, Colorado. Speaker, 1997 REMI Users Conference, Key West, Florida. Co-author, “Socioeconomic assessment.” In Mining Environmental Handbook: Effects of Mining on the Environment and American Environmental Controls on Mining, Imperial College Press, 1997. Presenter, 1995 “Rural Housing Now” Conference, Vail Colorado. Presenter, 1994 New Mexico Tourism Research Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Author (with Marcia D. Housel), “1993 Recreational Vehicle Park Census in Beatty and Pahrump, Nevada.” In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, 1994. Author (with Marcia D. Housel), “Snowbirds vs. Seasonal Travelers: A Study of Non-Permanent Residents of Recreational Vehicle Parks in Beatty and Pahrump, Nevada.” In the Proceedings of the 1994 New Mexico Tourism Research Conference. Co-author, “The Boomtowns: a Special Report.” In The Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction Colorado, September 10, 1981. Best Story of 1981, Colorado Press Association; Award for Excellence in Magazines-General Reporting, Colorado Society of Professional Journalists. TESTIMONY Before the Eighteenth Judicial District Domestic Relations Court. Testimony in the matter of B. K Alpaugh child support…, August 2004. EDUCATION M.B.A., Finance, University of Colorado, 1986 B.A. History, Colorado State, 1974 TRAINING “Jobs and Economic Impacts: the JEDI Model for Wind Power,” American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Webinar, March 4, 2010. “Social & Economic Aspects of Planning,” BLM National Training Center, Course No. 1610-12, 2005 NEPA Assessment Short Course, Colorado State University, 1995 OTHER Qualified to conduct economic and social analysis for the Bureau of Land Management as specified in Instruction Memorandum (IM) 2006-112 11