Marek JICHA A.C.K. Director of Photography Director of Photography, he has his masters from FAMU film academy of the Czech Republic, where he is currently teaching cinematography. He is a founding member of the independent film company Lampa film Praha and regularly works with Czech Television and private producers. As DoP, he has a dozen full-length features to his credit. He has been nominated for the Czech Lion award of Best Cinematography and his feature films have six times been nominated for the award of best cinematography from the Association of Czech Cinematographers. His work includes numerous documentaries, award-winning experimental projects, films for television, music video clips and collaborative work with the National Theatre of Prague. He represents the Czech Republic in Imago, the European Society of Cinematographers. Marek is teaching at FAMU in Prague in its camera department, since 2005 functioning as Head of Camera Department (succeeding Prof. Jaromir Sofr) and as professor at AU Abroad Program Washington DC + FAMU International Program. PRODUCTIONS as Director of Photography 1992 1994 1995 1996 1998 2000 2000 2001 2004 2005 – – – 1989 1993 1995 1997 - 1998 2000 2001 2001 2005 2005 - FULL LENGTH FEATURE FILMS „Malcik“ [A Small Boy] director David Sis „Ziletky [Razors] director Zdenek Tyc „Vasnivy bozk“ [Red Hot Kiss] director Miro Sindelka „Kamenny most“ [Stone Bridge] director Tomas Vorel „Cernobila v barve“ [Black&White in color] director Mira Erdevicki-Charap „Pramen zivota - Der Lebensborn“ [The Spring of Life] director Milan Cieslar „Cesta z mesta“ [The Journey from a City] director Tomas Vorel „Cerne slzy “ [Black Tiers] director Milan Cieslar „Vaterland Lovecky denik“ [Vaterland A hunting Logbook] director David Jarab „Skritek“ [The Imp] director Tomas Vorel DOCUMENTARY „Kardinal“ [Cardinal] director Petr Orozovic „Jaro,peklo,podzim,zima“ [Spring,Hell,Autumn,Winter] director Vaclav Kucera „Zuby Nehty - Utikej“ [Zuby Nehty - Run!] director Vaclav Kucera „Muj Parthenon jsou Holesovice“ [My Parthenon are Holesovice] director Rudolf Adler „Krejca, Svoboda, Faust“ director Rudolf Adler „Josef Svoboda“ director Rudolf Adler „Masky, demoni a saskove“ [Masks, Demons and Clowns] director Rudolf Adler „Somewhere Better“ director Mira Erdevicki-Charap „Marianek“ director Rudolf Adler „War in woman memory“ director Dasa Smrzova EXPERIMENTAL PROJECTS 1979 - „Tynsky chram“ [Tyn Church] director Marek Jicha 1990 - „Unaveni lide libaji psy aneb andaluskA kocka“ [Tired People Kiss Dogs or Andalusian Cat] director Petr Slaby 1992 - „Velka potreba“ [Big Need] director Miro Sindelka 1997 - „Barokni opera“ [Baroque Opera] director Miroslav Janek 2001 - „Dalibor“ [National Theatre screen production] director J.A.Pitinsky 2002 - „ANALOGON“ director David Jarab TELEVISION FILMS 1992 - „Penzionek I, II“ [Little Guest House I.,II.] director Ondrej Trojan 1993 - „Smele verse I, II, III“ [Bold Poets I.,II.,III.] director Tomas Vorel 1996 – „Hudebni porady „60““ [TV series on contemporary music - 60‘] collective of directors 1998 - „Spiritual bileho muze“ [Spiritual of White Man] director Zdenek Tyc 1999 - „The trial in Prague“ director Zuzana Justman 2000 - „Praha Anima“ director Jiri Syrovatka 2000 - „Rendez vous stryce Davida“ [Rendez vous of Uncle David] director Jan Hovorka 40 MUSIC CLIPS Ivan Hlas, Habera, Vltava, Priessnitz, Prouza, Bratrstvo, Zuby Nehty, Richard Muller, Toyen, Naceva, Hudba Praha, Fiction, Jablkon, Tatabojs, Lubos Pospisil, Laura a jeji Tygri, Vera Bila, Zluty pes, V.Koubek, Dan Landa, Monika Absolonova, Danetacek AWARDS - 27th September 1979 First price for experimental film in film festival ARS FILM KROMERIZ for „Tynsky chram“ [Tyn Church]. - Film „Cerna sobota“ [Black Saturday] had honourable recognition for cinematography at 30th annual international festival BRNENSKA 16 1989. In first prize „MAXIM“ for cinematography in FAMU festival. 1989 had - In 1989 Prize for Cinematography from Czechoslovakian Literary Foundation for film „Bara Basikova“ [Czech singer]. - 1991 film „Unaveni lide libaji psy aneb andaluska kocka“ [Tired People Kiss Dogs or Andalusian Cat] a 35mm montage film had honorable recognition from the jury of student work at FAMU. Highly praised in film quarterly culture newsmagazine SCENA 1991. - In 1993 Prize PIEROT 93 for cinematography awarded as „Best Cameraman in Czech Television“ from Czech Film&TV Society FITES for film „Priessnitz Prouza“. - Film „Ziletky“ [Razors] in international film festivals in France, Sweden, in Montreal and in Berlin 1995. In 1995 it was nominated by Czech Film Academy for three of the prestigious Czech Lion awards, including Marek Jicha, nominated for Best Cinematography. - Film „Kamenny most“ [Stone Bridge] was nominated for „best cinematography“ Award of Association of Czech Cinematographers 1997. - Film „Cernobila v barve“ [Black&White in colour] Awarded Price at film festivals in Greece and Roumania. In 1998 was nominated for „best cinematography“ Award of Association of Czech Cinematographers. - Film „Pramen zivota - Der Lebensborn“ [The Spring of Life] was in PANORAMA 2000 The International Film Festivals in Berlin 2000. - In 1999 was nominated for „best cinematography“ Award of Association of Czech Cinematographers. - In 2000 was awarded in Film festival FINALE 2000 in Pilsen. - At International Film festival of children films ZLIN 2000 received Award for the best film. - Special Price at MFF Gottbus, Germany 2000 - The best film in MFF Rimouski - Canada 2001 - Award for cting Troia 2001 - Portugal - Award of film critics in MFF Leba - Polska 2001 - Main Award at MFF Laon, France 2001 - Best film MFF Chemnitz 2001, Germany, 2001 - Take a part of MFFs in Karlovy Vary 2000, Jeruzalim 2000, AFI Los Angeles 2000, Fort Lauderdale 2000, Palm Beach Jewish FF 2000, Šanghaj 2001. - Film „Cerne slzy“ [Black Tiers] was nominated for „best cinematography“ Award of Association of Czech Cinematographers 2003. - Film „Vaterland“ [Vaterland Hunting Logbook] was nominated for „best cinematography“ Award of Association of Czech Cinematographers 2004. - Prize from Czech Literary Foundation 2005 for Directing and Cinematography.