National Bibliography - Open World Learning Community

An Innovation for Change through Non-Violent Resistance
Jennifer Lor
Norma Romero-Rodriguez
Senior Division
Group Documentary
Process Paper
Last year, Jennifer did a exhibit on Bayard Rustin’s nonviolent campaigns in the Civil
Rights Movement, where she learned of Satyagraha. Satyagraha became the innovation for our
project because it was something that inspired us and has made a difference
We first interviewed Professor Jack Nelson-Pallymeyer from St. Thomas University’s
Justice & Peace Studies Department and Elizabeth Dyson who grew up in India during the
1930s. Professor Peter Rachleff of Macalester referred us to Professors Jim Laine, chair of
Macalester’s Religious Studies Department, and Brendon LaRocque of the History Department
at Carleton College. We studied at Carleton’s Gould Library and often bussed to the Wilson
Library of the University of Minnesota, where we used The Times London microfilms and the
Ames Library of South Asia’s collection of books about Gandhi. We also contacted Mel Duncan,
founder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, and interviewed him. Duncan referred us to Michael
Nagler, professor emeritus at the University of California Berkley, whom we interviewed using
Skype. He is the founder of the Peace & Conflicts Studies at Berkley, and of Metta Center, a
program that promotes Gandhian non-violence. We also interviewed Colman McCarthy, a
journalist, teacher, and non-violent activist who has written for the Washington Post for 28 years.
When we were trying to understand the violence in India’s partition after independence
was achieved through non-violent methods, we hypothesized that Satyagraha is effective when
there is a group of oppressed individuals fighting against a government or people with higher
authority and power. We asked some of the professors and activists whom we had interviewed if
they could recall a moment in history where two groups of equal power had settled their
differences using Satyagraha. When they couldn’t disprove this theory, we did more research and
when we couldn’t disprove, we decided to incorporate that into our video.
We decided to make a documentary because it allowed us to include a lot of information
in a form that is easy for the audience to follow. However, even though a documentary let us
include more information than an exhibit, we were forced to cut back on a lot of the information
that supported our thesis, such as the many movements that used Satyagraha in India.
Our project relates to the National History Day theme, “Innovation in History: Impact
and Change,” because Satyagraha was a new method of combating oppression introduced by
Gandhi. Gandhi expanded on Tolstoy and Thoreau’s principles of pacifism and individual civil
disobedience, to develop a theory of collective non-violent resistance. Satyagraha had immediate
impact in South Africa by forcing the South African government to grant more rights to Indians
and in securing Indian independence from Great Britain. Satyagraha has impacted the lives of
many people in nations where it has been used to gain rights. Satyagraha has changed the way
people view power, and has brought equality and justice through non-violence in places such as
the United States, Poland, South Africa, Chile and Argentina.
Annotated Bibliography
Primary Resources
“Papers Relating to the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom”. 1963-1964, 1980-1993
Minnesota Historical Society Archives
In this box, there were a lot of posters, letters, and reviews about the March on
Washington. It provided many. This was helpful to use because we were able to
experience the excitement of the event. It gave us many details about the organizing,
and expanded our knowledge on how many people actually attended the March.
Bose, Subhas Chandra. The Essential Writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose/ edited by
Sisir K and Sugata Bose. New Dehli, India: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Subhas Chandra Bose was elected president of the Indian National Committee for two terms,
but because of conflict with Gandhi, he departed from the Committee. Bose was one of the
earliest leaders who advocated for India’s independence. He was imprisoned eleven times. In
the writings of Bose, he often referred to Satyagraha as active resistance, and didn’t oppose
its use. However, he felt that it wasn’t an effective strategy, and that time after time, it only
succeeded to bring more dilemmas to India’s independence struggle. He decided to advocate
violent resistance, to try and force full and immediate independence from the British
government. Bose opposed the Gandhi—Irwin Pact and developed his own political party,
called the All Indian Forward Bloc to continue fighting violently for India’s independence.
He traveled to Germany, Soviet Union, and Japan to form an alliance with the purpose of
attacking Britain. Bose’s writings and point of view helped us by providing a point of
reference to Satyagraha in India in our documentary and bettering our understanding of
Gandhi’s public role.
Carbado, Devon W., and Donald Weise. Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of
Bayard Rustin. San Fransisco, Ca: Cleis Press Inc., 2003.
Bayard Rustin was a civil rights activist who worked as an adviser to Martin Luther
King, Jr. and a civil rights strategist/organizer for A. Philip Randolph. Rustin was a
homosexual and had a background as a conscientious objector, and an ex-Communist.
Often, he worked “behind the scenes” of the Civil Rights Movement and was a part of
many civil rights organizations, such as the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the
Congress of Racial Equality, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Rustin had many entries that discussed of non-violent strategies. He often talked
about using them for campaigns, such as the Journey of Reconciliation and the 1963
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. In some of his writings, he also talks
about his experience with non-violence and how it had taught him how to think
Gandhi, Mahatma. All Men Are Brothers: Life and Thoughts of Gandhi as told In His Own
Words. First ed. Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan Publishing House, 1960.
This book consisted of entries from a journal that Gandhi wrote. Eventually, it turned
into an autobiographical type of literary work, but Gandhi said it was not an attempt
to write an autobiography. It was, instead, written to reveal his ways of thinking of
Ahimsa and truth. The sections with Gandhi’s writings helped us understand his
theory of Satyagraha and his opinion on the things involved in his everyday struggles.
It also helped us see that Gandhi was never impressed with his work, and always
pushed harder to do better because he believed that was the only way to make a
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi. First ed. IV.
Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan Trust; The Publications Division Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting Government of India 1960.
The collected works of Gandhi is a collection of Gandhi’s personal writings. His voice and
thoughts are vivid through out all 100 volumes. Volume IV helped us identify influences on
Gandhi. It was clear that the Bengal’s non-violent movement against partition, the nonviolent strikes at the beginning of the 1905 Russian Revolution, and the Chinese boycott
against American goods influenced him and his thoughts of several movements at the time.
The writing was a trustworthy source we could use to double-check our information.
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi. 1st Ed. V.
Navajivan Trust, Ahmedabad; The Publications Division Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting Government of India, 1961.
Volume V of Gandhi’s collected works is an extension of volume IV. Gandhi writes about the
other movements that happened later on in that year, as well as other things that influenced
him. Volume IV and V are Gandhi’s writings during the process of redefining Satyagraha
before he used it on South Africa. These series of volumes help us identify the assembling of
Satyagraha in Gandhi’s point of view.
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (August 1918July 1919). First ed. XV. India: Navajivan Press; The Publications Division Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting Government of India, 1963.
In this volume of Gandhi’s collected works, we read what he wrote about Satyagraha
tactics and the smaller campaigns that used Satyagraha as a technique. It has helped
us to understand Satyagraha in a clearer way, furthering our knowledge of what
Satyagraha is.
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (October 1917July 1918). First ed. XIV. Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan Trust; The Publications Division
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India, 1965.
Along with the citation above, these writings chronicle campaigns in India, which
were trying to end poverty, cure alcoholism, and banish untouchability. These articles
allowed us to develop the history of Gandhi’s continuing work between his departing
of South Africa after gaining better civil rights for the Indians, and returning to India
to reside in his homeland.
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (March-June
1930). First ed. XLIII. Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan Trust; The Publications Division
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India, 1971.
These entries captured the excitement of the Salt March and kept track of the days
that he marched the total of 241 miles to Dandi, Gujarat to make illegal salt. To see
footage of him was intriguing, but reading about his everyday experiences was more
helpful because it allowed us to understand the purpose behind the March and the
goals he set to be achieved with the movement. He also wrote about thoughts that
passed his mind and letters to colleagues and people who were important in the
evolving areas of his life.
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (August 1,
1947-Novemeber 10, 1947). First ed. LXXXIX. Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan Trust; The
Publications Division Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India,
The works included in this volume talked a lot about the Gandhi’s grand ideas. He
planned many protest events, and managed to lead a movement for the independence
of a country. There were speeches in here that he gave from the time the decision was
made for partition and the actual dissolution of the British Empire. By reading this
book of his compiled work, we were able to understand his philosophy better and
interpret it into our own words, coming to a conclusion that Satyagraha is numerous
actions of non-violent demonstrations.
Gandhi, Prabhudas. My Childhood With Gandhi. First ed. Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan
Publishing House, 1957.
This book was an intimate description of the author's great-uncle, Prabhudas Gandhi.
We were able to see Gandhi from a family view. It was interesting to learn about
Gandhi as a family man, because he was seen as such a powerful man. It took us
through the background of Gandhi's life at home and the great wave of love he had
for everybody in his family. His family was influenced by Gandhi's campaign against
foreign fabric, taking up Gandhi's way of wearing homespun cloth.
Mkhondo, Rich. Reporting South Africa. First Ed. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1993.
Mkhondo covered a lot of basic information about the anti-apartheid movement and
rallies on South Africa’s blacks. It gave us the basic information of who led nonviolent movements and Mandela’s imprisonment and early movement with the
African National Congress.
Murthy, B. Srinivasa. Mahatma Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy Letters. Long Beach, CA: Navijan
Trust Ahamedabad, India, 1987. Print.
Gandhi and Tolstoy exchanged multiple letters. To view these letters was something that
benefited our view about how Tolstoy influenced Gandhi. They exchanged views about
world events. Gandhi sent the first letter to Tolstoy while he was in South Africa, and
mentioned the situation there to Tolstoy. These letters supported what knew about in Gandhi
and Tolstoy’s biographies. They helped us identify the kind of relationship they had.
Rustin, Bayard. Down the Line. East Delaware Place, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, Inc.,
This book taught us a lot about Rustin’s beliefs and his struggle to change racism. It
gave us a lot of information about the work he did with the FOR, CORE, and King, It
also helped us to understand who he was and why his devotion to non-violence
resulted in the largest political rally in the United States.
Shridharani, Krishnalal. War Without Violence: A Study of Gandhi's Methods and its
Accomplishments. First. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1939.
Shridharani indicated the intentions of Gandhi and allowed us to come out of this
book with our own definition of Gandhi’s movement and innovation of Satyagraha:
peaceful resolution. Also while reading this book, it allowed us to think outside the
box and dig deeper into his text, helping us clarify Satyagraha and understand it in
our own words.
Thoreau, Henry David. Civil Disobedience. New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1986. 431.
This essay was very important because of the significance it had with Gandhi. Gandhi
was inspired by what Thoreau said in this essay, and used some of his philosophies to
redefine non-violence. In this essay Thoreau talks in depth about how a government is
best when there is no government at all and his opinion on the American government
is clear, since he criticizes them for the Mexican war. He was against men leaving for
war because of government flaws and talks about his disobedience of the law, by
refusing to pay his taxes and going to jail for it. His strong ideas were what
influenced Gandhi.
Walesa, Lech. The Struggle and the Triumph. New York, NY: Arcade Publishing, Inc., 1992.
Because Walesa wrote this book, it talked a lot about his family so it helped us to see
his family through his leadership and his movement. It seems he had a dream to
create a better future for his children and his people, so that is what he did by pushing
for victory and recognition of trade unions. It also helped us because it gave us some
of the thoughts of his plans and his ideas about how to gain a free Poland.
Duncan, Mel. Personal Interview by Jennifer Lor and Norma Romero-Rodriguez. 11 Feb
Mel Duncan is the founder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, and the father of an Open
school alumni. The Nonviolent Peaceforce is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota and
works in places around the world, such as Sri Lanka, Mindanao, and the Philippines.
Because Duncan’s foundation, Nonviolent Peaceforce, is greatly influenced by
Gandhi. Duncan told us he started the foundation with the influence of Gandhi. The
Nonviolent Peaceforce does a lot of peace work in countries such as Sri Lanka,
Guatemala, Mindanao and India. The work they do has helped us by letting us know
that they are continuing Gandhi’s work and promoting his legacy. He also gave us the
names of David Hartsough and Michael Nagler to contact.
Duncan, Mel. "Satyagraha." Message to Jennifer Lor. 07 Apr 2010. E-mail.
When we asked Duncan about their hypothesis of Satyagraha not working between
equal powers, he confirmed that there was never a movement in history that he knew
of where it had worked. It helped further support our hypothesis.
Dyson, Elizabeth 'Betty'. Personal Interview by Jennifer Lor. 01 Nov 2009.
Elizabeth Dyson is grew up in India during the. Dyson’s parents were in India at the
time of Gandhi’s movements and were Presbyterian missionaries. We started out with
little information and not much of an understanding of what Satyagraha was. During
my interview with Dyson, she was able to help me understand what Satyagraha was
and provided me with more background information on British India. It was
extremely helpful because my knowledge of India's history was unclear at that point.
Hartsough, David. "Interview." Message to Jennifer Lor. 26 Apr 2010. E-mail.
David Hartsough is the cofounder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, and works in
partnership with Mel Duncan. Hartsough was a part of the nonviolent workshops in
the South and the nonviolent lunch counter sit-ins in Maryland and Virginia. Jennifer
exchanged e-mails with David Hartsough, and learned about his non-violent actions
in Maryland and Virginia during the American Civil Rights Movement. He gave us an
essay that he wrote about his experiences and helped us by providing us with an in
depth example of how Satyagraha was used in the non-violent demonstrations.
Hartsough, David. Internet Videoconference Interview by Jennifer Lor and Norma
Romero-Rodriguez. 21 May 2010.
Hartsough was a student at the time of the Nashville lunch counter sit-ins in Virginia,
and participated as a student at lunch counters in Virginia and Maryland during the
Civil Rights Movement. As a peer of James Lawson, Hartsough also learned from
him and practiced the non-violent techniques that were taught in the non-violent
workshops at the time. His actions have helped us because they are an example of
how the leaders who had traveled to India came back to serve to the community nonviolently and righteously.
McCarthy, Colman. Telephone Interview by Jennifer Lor and Norma Romero-Rodriguez.
20 Apr 2010.
Colman McCarthy is a peace activist along with a lecturer and a journalist. He has
been columnist for the Washington Post, and the New Yorker and other publications.
He has also taught non-violence and started non-violence programs in many schools,
including Georgetown University Law Center, University of Maryland, American
University, and at least three high schools. Michael Nagler suggested Colman
McCarthy as someone that could help us with our project. McCarthy was very helpful
when we called him. He told us about the material he introduces in his non-violence
classes, and how Satyagraha has influenced his courses. He talked about the essence
of non-violence and how it is important to learn about it so we could live in a more
peaceful world, helping us to further our understanding of Satyagraha in the present.
Nagler, Michael E. Internet Videoconference Interview by Norma Romero-Rodriguez and
Jennifer Lor. 04 Mar 2010.
Nagler is a professor emeritus at the University of California Berkeley. During his
time at the University, he established the Peace and Conflicts Studies program, which
certifies participants in Gandhian study. Now, he works at Metta Center and teaches
about Gandhi. He also got an award for promoting Gandhian history. We interviewed
Nagler on Skype. He helped us by giving us information from the point of view of a
Satyagrahi. Like Duncan and the Nonviolent Peaceforce, he gave us reasons for why
he’s doing what he is doing and why he is teaching it to people. Michael Nagler was
extremely helpful when we were looking for people to interview.
Nagler, Michael. "Satyagraha." Message to Norma Romero-Rodriguez. 29 Apr 2010. Email.
We kept in close contact with Nagler after the interview. He was very helpful when
we had more questions. After we had thought out our hypothesis, that Satyagraha
does not work well between with two equal groups. He helped us clarify it and agreed
with it. He explained to us the way “power” was seen in these situations, and how
Satyagraha worked. Nagler agreed that it works with two of unequal power, and
suggested that we post the question in the Metta center website. Nagler could not
think of a time where our hypothesis was proved wrong, and to this date we haven’t
heard of anyone who has thought of a time in history when two equal groups have
used Satyagraha and it worked.
Hartsough, David. "Sit ins 421." 26 Apr 2010. Manuscript.
David Hartsough was a part of the Maryland and Virginia lunch counter sit-ins during
the time of the Nashville counter sit ins. Hartsough attended the non-violent
workshops led by James Lawson and studied non-violent tactics. His first successful
sit-in led to the integrating of a lunch counter in Virginia. Mr. Hartsough’s article has
helped us by giving us information about the widespread non-violent workshops in
the Civil Rights Movements.
Microfilm Periodicals
"American View of India; "No Tears Wasted on Gandhi." Times London 11 Aug 1942:
4931 Col E.
There were many people who disagreed on tactics with Gandhi, and because many of
them were from outside of India, they often sent anonymous complaints to be
published in the Times. In this article, the anonymous article complains about
Gandhi’s “out of control,” behavior and how he feels the British should have more
power over him. This was an example of opposition to Gandhi’s role as India’s
"Birth of Two New Dominions." Times London Aug 15 1947: Pg. 4.
This article focuses on the two new countries that emerged after India’s
independence, an independent India, and Pakistan. Both countries would have their
own major religion, Hinduism for India and Muslim for Pakistan. This article talks
about the partition and the arrangements being done on the day the independence of
India is being signed.
"Boycott in India: Mr. Gandhi's Influence Overrated, The Economic Reasons." Times
London 14 Jul 1931: pg. 15 col F.
After Gandhi led the march to Dandi, thousands of Indians followed in Gandhi’s
footsteps and began to make illegal salt, going continuously to the sea to make salt.
After a while, the economic purchases of salt had dropped to the lowest percentages
yet, and created an uproar with non-violent non-cooperation, publicizing the
Dharasana Salt Works raid. The British published this article, saying that Gandhi has
too much authority and respect in the Indian communities, and they felt that it was
dangerous to allow Gandhi to continue his leadership. This article helped us by
showing us the impact of Gandhi’s individual actions and how the world responded to
his demonstrations.
"Chinese Boycott of American Goods." Times London 23 Jul 1905.
The Chinese used a boycott against American goods in the 1905 in search of new exporting
policies. The way they organized this boycott caught his attention. The boycott was
unsuccessful and had no permanent impact on the regulations they were looking for.
The Chinese were protesting American immigration policies. This article goes into detail
about how they went about it with a boycott.
"Civil Disobedience in India: Mr. Gandhi and His Plans." Times London 18 Feb 1930: pg.
16 col B.
When Gandhi announced his plans to lead a Salt Satyagraha, the British published
this article, reporting Gandhi’s threat. The British saw it as no threat, and questioned
its success. This article contributed to our project by showing the doubts in his
individual actions.
"India's First Day of Independence; Jubilant Scenes in Delhi, Public Ovation for Lord
Mountbatten." Times London 16 Aug 1947: pg. 4 col A.
India’s Independence ended the 200 yearlong rule the British had over India. After a
long time of riots and deaths between the Muslims and Hindus, Indians celebrated
independence and the success that non-violent resistance had brought to India.
Although violent during the time of Partition’s first announcement, the report of this
day seemed to be lively, Indian’s expressing joy and happiness for the success of a
non-violent struggle.
"Indian Affairs: The Partition of Bengal" Times London 11 Jul 1905.
In India during 1905 there was a partition of the nation. Bengal was forced to leave because it
was overcrowded and poor. At this time many people did not want a partition, they used
tactics like boycotts and marches. Unfortunately these demonstrations were not planned well,
and had very little success. This newspaper article covers the story and the indignation of the
people due to the partition.
"Indian Army Partition." Times London 04 Jul 1947: Pg. 3.
This article was written in response to a British general’s comments in the July 03,
1947 newspaper. This article shows the British take on the partition of India. It talked
about the date the partition would go into affect and how it relates to Indian
independence. The British were in favor of the partition, and did not mention
anything ill about it. The media helps identify the friendship India and Britain had
established by opting not to speak of the violence that was foreseen in the partition,
and focuses on the facts, such as that both countries are building up their armies.
"Indian Cotton Duties." Times London 13 Mar 1930: Pg. 13.
In this article, it talks about the new laws implemented by the British to control the
boycott against cotton in India. The new law was to increase taxes so that the cotton
boycotts would lose power. Britain’s plan was to increase the taxes to maintain the
revenue they had with the textiles before the boycotts broke out. Because the Indians
were spinning cloth as a way to remove the British textile monopoly, the British
sought to stop the boycotts and passed the law. This article was useful because it
showed the power the movements had on the British government.
"Irwin-Gandhi Pact Passes Final Test." New York Times 31 Mar 1931: 14
Gandhi was able to talk to Lord Irwin, and made him understand that the British could no
longer continue to rule India. After several meeting, Gandhi and the Viceroy agreed on the
terms of this pact. Although this pact was a step closer to independence it still did not grant
India’s independence.
"Fatal Labour Riots in Russia." Times London 10 Jan 1905.
This article reports the violence within the strikes in Russia, and talks about how
deathly the riots became. Originally non-violent, the strikes turned violent and caused
the death of many factory workers and bystanders. This article helped us and gave us
the sense of failure within a demonstration and the reason to why Gandhi was
inspired by the original integrity of this revolution.
“Lord Mountbatten on a Friendly Parting." Times London Aug 15 1947: Pg. 4.
After Lord Irwin, Lord Mountbatten became the viceroy and saluted the
independence of India, signing the Indian Independence Act of 1947, to allow India’s
freedom from Great Britain, overseeing the creations of Pakistan and India as
independent states. After independence, the title of viceroy was abolished and was
converted to “Governor General.” Thus Lord Mountbatten became the first governor
General of independent India. This article helped us understand the power that
Satyagraha carries.
"Many Amendments." Times London 13 Mar 1930: Pg. 13.
This was a follow-up on the Indian Cotton Duties newspaper article, talking about the
Nationalist Party. The Nationalist Party opposed the new laws being implemented to
tax cotton goods. The Nationalist party was the party that looked for Indian rights.
This article gives insight to what the Indian people were doing and how the British
press viewed it.
"Mr. Gandhi's Death." Times London 31 Jan 1948, pg. 3 col G
Tragically, Gandhi was assassinated on the walk to pray in the garden. The person
responsible was a Hindu extremist who opposed Gandhi’s decisions to allow the
partition of India and the creation of Pakistan. His death shocked the nation. It was a
sad ending for his country. Many people were devastated. This showed us the impact
of his death and how beloved he was to the country.
"Mr. Gandhi's March." Times London 15 Mar 1930: Pg. 12.
In this very short article we viewed the difference in news coverage the British media
gave to Gandhi’s planned public demonstrations. This article gave a very quick
summary of Gandhi’s plan to organize a Salt March. It seemed clear that the British
wanted to keep the public demonstrations out of the public eye.
"Mr. Gandhi's New Proposals; Defense of "Free" India, No Assurance of Aid." Times
London 23 June 1942: p. 3 col A.
Reporting the plans of Gandhi’s, “Quit India,” movement, the British again published
an article with doubt of his success. This article showed an opposition to Gandhi’s
actions, for they felt that he had no real leadership due to most of the riots erupting in
"More Riots in India: Destruction by Hooligans, Whippings as a Punishment." Times
London 12 Aug 1942: pg. 4 col G.
The riots in India due to the Quit India movement resulted in a lot of violence and
destruction within the city. The British opposed the movement and called all of the
participants hooligans, due to interruption of the economy.
"Motorized Patrols." Times London 09 Jul 1947: Pg. 4.
This article was about the violence that broke out in India during the partition of
India and Pakistan. It talked about the level of policemen that was being used to stop
the riots. The level of enforcement being used by the police to stop the riots signifies
the violence that happened during the partition. This article outlined the damages
done, and the level of violence that was going on in the city before Gandhi’s fast.
"New Disorders in Calcutta." Times London 09 Jul 1947: Pg. 4.
This is the first article in The Times London that talks about the riots breaking out in
India. This article was limited to the violence in India and its pain and suffering, but
did not mention the independence of India, which was soon to be signed and sealed.
This article shows its significance through the tone the newspaper had, where they
were compassionate about what was going on in India. This is important because it
helps identify the long lasting, peaceful relationship that Britain and India develop.
New York Times 11 Mar 1930: 11. Print.
A lot of people at the time disagreed with Gandhi’s use of non-violence. America thought that
the British should take action. In these articles Gandhi is highly criticized because of what he
is doing against the British. A lot of the articles were shown in a negative light. They were
also very pessimistic about his doings. The New York Times covered Gandhi’s strikes and
movements. These movements were seen as annoying. The press had a negative viewpoint of
him, especially in places like America who sympathized with the British.
"Officials Urged to Strike." Times London 15 Mar 1930: Pg. 12.
This article showed the British impotence in the public demonstrations being held in
India. It discussed the strikes, and the limitations on what the British could do. This
article helped signify the strength the strikes and public demonstrations had on the
"Power Handed Over in India." Times London Aug 15 1947: Pg. 4.
This article is the newspaper coverage of India’s independence. In the title of the
article, “Power Handed Over in India,” it is easy to realize the way Satyagraha made
it easy for the British to leave without humiliating them. Satyagraha made it
impossible for them to stay, as well as making it easy for them to leave.
"Rioting Increases in Punjab Capitol; Death in Lahore Reach 153 as Flames Sweep the
City and Looting Spreads." New York Times 24 Aug 1942.
The Muslims and the Hindus were at constant war since the partition was announced. After
the Muslims had agreed to leave India, they were promised money. The Hindus in India
refused to pay the money and during the migration violence spreads. Many people die, and
neither refuses to stop fighting, because they are being just as evil to each other.
"Spread of Riots in India; Communal Revenge, Danger of Further Outbreaks." Times
London 05 Nov 1946: pg. 4 col E.
The author reports in this article that the violent riots between the Muslims and
Hindis were now spreading and erupting in different locations. Along with the spread
of violence, there were a large number of deaths, rapes, and slaughters reported. The
British lean toward the fact that Gandhi is not an efficient leader and does not have
the power to end the uncontrollable riots. Continuance of the riots concerned the
British for the health of their colony.
"The End of The Struggle In Sight: Negotiations Between General Smuts and Gandhi."
Indian Opinion 29 Apr 1911.
Written to announce the negotiations between General Jan Christiaan Smuts and Gandhi, this
article declared the compromise of equality and for more civil rights to the Indians in South
Africa. After Indians crossed illegal borders in the march led by Gandhi, the South African
government saw it as a threat to the government and compromised with Gandhi to better treat
Indians, and to allow them more equal rights. This article was used in our documentary as a
representation of the pact between the two men.
"The Indian Budget." Times London 01 Mar 1930: Pg. 1.
This article showed the importance that India had in Britain’s economy. In the 1930’s
India did not import enough textiles. As a result Britain’s textile business was
affected, but Britain’s economy was still saved due to the Germans paying
reparations. This article also showed Britain’s point of view during the
demonstrations. This article also reinforced the significance of the symbols used by
"The Scene in Delhi." The Times London Aug 15 1947: Pg. 4.
This article marked the celebration of Indians independence. It was a day of
celebration of their newfound freedom, but aside from that it was also a day where
Gandhi was unhappy because of the partition. This article not only talks about the
freedom in India but the sadness and violence in India.
"The Strikes in Russia." Times London 4 Jul 1905.
The strikes in Russia began for a fight of government representation and for worker’s rights.
Many Russians participated in strikes and refused to work until promised a better work
environment. This article helped us to represent the influences from Gandhi.
"The Strike of Chinese Labour." Times London 28 Jun 1905.
The Chinese went on various strikes, in search of a better policy that would make exporting
easier for them. These strikes gave them public attention, which gave Gandhi an idea of what
he wanted for his movement. These strikes were successful, but did not give the Chinese
what they were looking for.
"The Transvaal Indian Protest." Indian Opinion 22 Sep 1906.
In Transvaal, Indians protested discriminatory laws and burned their registration cards to
civilly disobey the government. They continued many non-violent demonstrations and
participated in the march led across the borders of Transvaal. This article contributed and
helped us better our understanding of early non-violent actions led by Gandhi.
Online Articles
Butturini, Paula. "Poles Learn they Must Compromise." Chicago Tribune, 25 Jan 1989.
Web. 26 Apr 2010.
In order to solve the problems of Poland, the Solidarity labor union and the Polish
government realized that they had to agree with each other. This is an example of
creating friendship and has helped us by making us realize that the Polish movement
was not only fueled by argumentative remarks, but friendship.
Cowell, Alan. "Black Activist on the Run in South Africa: There is Nowhere Safe." The
Ottawa Citizen. p., 27 Jun 1986. Web. 26 Apr 2010.
Due to the Second State of Emergency in South Africa, many anti-apartheid leaders
had gone into hiding due to the rise of violence, mainly leaders like Mkhuseli Jack.
This article showed the intensity of the movement and what had happened due to
rioting. It helped us because it showed us that the movement was not non-violent at
specific times.
Davidson, Joe. "South Africa Blacks Plan to Protest Emergency Rule With a Rent
Boycott." Wall Street Journal (1986): pp. 1. Web. 26 Apr 2010.
In attempt to combat apartheid, many leaders of the United Democratic Front,
protested the state of emergency act with a rent boycott. UDF leaders who had gone
into hiding also participated. This article helped our project by helping us to
understand the many small movements that allowed the South African blacks to
defeat apartheid.
"Gdansk Strikes End; Walesa to Delay Offensive." Los Angeles Times, 10 Nov 1988. Web.
26 Apr 2010.
After the strikes of many young radical shipyard workers, Walesa ended the strikes
and postponed further action. His plan was to wait for any gain, and if not, he would
launch another movement in the spring. This article showed Walesa’s organizational
skills and how he followed Gandhi’s techniques.
Kentworthy, E.W. "200,000 March For Civil Rights In Orderly Washington Rally;
President Sees Gain For Negro." The New York Times 29 Aug 1963 12 Mar 2010
President Kennedy saw that the March on Washington was a clear success and
admitted to seeing a good future for Negroes. He says that what King, Farmer,
Randolph, and many other political leaders spoke about were so mesmerizing that
they fully convinced him. The attendance at the March impressed many leaders, and
showed us how important of an event it was.
Seward G., Deborah. "Polish Workers End Shipyard Walkouts; Union Head Walesa Urges
Reconciliation as Proper Pathway." Boston Globe, 10 Nov 1988. Web. 26 Apr 2010.
In regard to the dropping of strikes in shipyards, Walesa urged for cooperation with
the government in order to have a working future. This example of non-violent
resistance shows the impact of Walesa words. Walesa’s actions in this article show us
that he worked like Gandhi to form a powerful movement.
"Walesa Backs Solidarity's Negotiations." The Washington Post, 21 Jan 1989. Web. 26 Apr
Lech Walesa urged Solidarity to accept participation in discussing Poland’s discussion of
negotiations as a way to reach agreement over Solidarity’s legalization. This article helped us to
understand the level of commitment when agreements of a labor union are set. It also helped us
to see the lever of fairness in the agreements that were made for the citizens of Poland.
Withers, Kay. "Poland; Solidarity on Closer Key Issues." St. Petersburg Times, 8 Mar 1989.
Web. 26 Apr 2010.
The Polish government and the Solidarity labor union came to agreement after a
month of feuding. This article helped us see the cooperation between the Communists
and the labor unions. It led to the recognition of labor unions in a Communist
"MLK Commemoration Speech Nobel Prize." You Tube - MLK Commemoration. Web. 25
Apr 2010. <>.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964 for recognition
of his non-violent tactics and leadership in the struggle of the Civil Rights Movement.
This has helped us by being evidence of the scope of non-violence’s impact and
strength. It also helped us by giving us a way to show Satyagraha’s impact and
change with King’s voice as the final thought of our documentary.
Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping. Nonviolent Peaceforce. 2007.
We got this video from Mel Duncan after we interviewed him. He asked us to watch it, so
that we could learn more about the Nonviolent Peacerforce’s work around the world. After
watching the video, we decided to incorporate the Nonviolent Peaceforce into our video,
because it is an excellent example of how Satyagraha is still used today.
"We Shall Overcome" - Martin Luther King, Jr.” YouTube - "We Shall Overcome". Web. 25
Apr 2010. <>.
“We Shall Overcome,” has been the song of the Civil Rights Movement for a long time. We
used it as the interlude before our Civil Rights section because we thought that it would
strengthen the section to indicate the long-term change and innovation of Satyagraha and its
use in a different country for a separate movement.
Indian Opinion (1903-1914): 25 May 2010.
The Indian Opinion was an everyday newspaper printed in Johannesburg and was established
by Gandhi. The publications were important in the fight of racial discrimination and for
Indian civil rights in South Africa in the early 1900s. We used two articles from the
publications because they provided information about the early non-violent demonstrations in
South Africa. These articles really helped us with providing enough information for our
section of the early Indian movement in South Africa,
Secondary Resources
Ackerman, Peter, and Jack Duvall. A Force More Powerful: A Century of Non-violent
Conflict. 1st. New York, New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Ackerman and Duvall’s book was one of the most helpful sources we used this year.
In A Force More Powerful, we were able to see a brief, but detailed overview of how
Gandhi’s Satyagraha brought about a cascade of movements and how it has been
important in overthrow of Communism, racial segregation, military dominance,
unjust laws, Nazism, and dictators. It shows the use of non-violence by ordinary
people. Ackerman and Duvall proved that Satyagraha has led to power and justice
around the world. A Force More Powerful also helped us to understand the battles of
oppressed peoples.
Ascher, Abraham. The Revolution of 1905; A Short History. Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 2004. Print.
Retelling the history of the 1905 Russian Revolution, this book provided a great explanation
of the start of the strikes and how they grew as non-violent demonstrations. It went on to tell
us that the strikes eventually led to violent riots and resulted in the many deaths of Russian
strikers. The history of the Revolution in this book helped us by showing us with textual
evidence that this was an originally non-violent struggle that failed, but influenced Gandhi
with it’s beginning techniques.
Bondurant, Joan V. Conquest of Violence: The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict. Princeton,
New Jersey: Princeton University Prince, 1958.
This book helped interpret the importance of Gandhi's philosophy. It also helped by
carefully providing details of the conflicts he had while using Satyagraha to bring
justice. In the text, we found it easy to understand the context of Satyagraha because
it was so well written.
Bouvard, Marguerite Guzman. Revolutionizing Motherhood: The Mothers of the Plaza de
Mayo. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources Inc., 1994. Print.
This book gave us chronological proof of protests and gatherings in the Plaza de
Mayo to demand for the return of the disappeared. It also helped us by giving us the
reasons behind the Mother’s several actions and the historical background of the
Dirty War and the parties of the government.
Branch, Taylor. Parting the Waters: America in the King Years. 1st. New York: Simon &
Schuster Paperbacks, 1988.
This is the first book in Branch’s trilogy about the Civil Rights Movement. It gave us
a lot of information about what Rustin and Lawson organized and what type of work
they did with King to help him understand Satyagraha. The way they organized the
movements using tactics they had learned in India showed us how Satyagraha had an
important impact in the Civil Rights Movement. “Parting the Waters,” gave us
information of King’s leadership and allowed us to present the leadership of King and
how he presented the ideas of Satyagraha to further the Gandhi’s innovation and
spread it’s use to the American people.
Chernus, Ira. American Nonviolence: The History of an Idea. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis
Books, 2004.
In this book, we were able to connect to the text because of our knowledge of
Satyagraha. We learned of many ways the Satyagraha is connected to the United
States and used what we learned to build the impact section of our documentary. The
American Civil Rights Movement one of the world’s biggest campaigns and
Satyagraha helped to open it up.
Craig, Mary. Lech Walesa and His Poland. Rev. Ed. New York, NY: The Continuum
Publishing Company, 1986.
This book helped us a lot with the history of Poland’s struggles and rise of
Communism. We were able to understand Walesa’s struggle and the level of
inequality in the labor unions and in the Polish communities. It was also very helpful
because it made us realize how powerful strikes can be in a Communist country.
D'Emilio, John. Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin. New York, New York:
Free Press, 2003.
This book listed the civil rights actions of Rustin and how he went about providing a
different force for the leaders in Civil Rights Movement to adopt. D’Emilio helped us
gain knowledge on Rustin’s behind-the-scenes work in organizing non-violent
political rallies. He also described his personal outlook of Satyagraha and Gandhian
Dalton, Dennis. Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action. Chichester, West Sussex:
Columbia University Press, 1993.
This book gave us an insight on the critics of Gandhi, among other things. Because
we were able to view his defects, we were able to appreciate what he became and
what he did. One of the things he was criticized for the most was his philosophy,
which we thought was strange, but helpful, because it made us form our own opinion
of his philosophy.
Gandhi, Gopalkrishna. The Oxford Gandhi. Third Ed. New Dehli, India: Oxford University
Press, 2008.
This book was a compilation of Gandhi's writings, essays and letters, plus essays
about him. One of the most valuable things we encountered while reading this was
that Gandhi was so religiously connected to his inner self. It brought happiness to his
life, respect and cooperation to his work and love to all of his companions.
Gier, Nicholas F. The Virtue of Nonviolence: From Gautama to Gandhi. Albany, New York:
State University of New York Press, 2004.
This book speaks of the different campaigns that used nonviolence as a weapon and
marks Gandhi as the, “Mahatma,” and true innovator. It was helpful for us because it
talked about the multiple uses of nonviolence. Gandhi was also named as a major
influence on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Gossman, Patricia A. Riots and Victims; Violence and the Construction of Communal
Identity Among Bengali Muslims, 1905-1947. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1999.
Beginning with the non-violent demonstrations of the Bengalis in 1905 trying to stop the
partition of Bengal, this led us through the whole struggle of the Muslims until independence
of India. It was a very helpful because it helped us understand the many violent and
nonviolent techniques in the destructible riots within the Muslim community, such as the
violent riots in Bombay with the Hindus over partition. It also helped us by finalizing our
statement of rioting between Hindus and Muslims and how partition was an important in
shaping India.
Green, Martin. The Origins of Nonviolence: Tolstoy and Gandhi in their Historical Settings
The Pennsylvania, 1986.
This book gave us insights on nonviolence as a whole as opposed to the traditional
nonviolent actions we were taught. Looking into several different nonviolence actions
helped us understand Satyagraha's impact on rights movements in general, as well as
the change. It also taught us about other movements that might have influenced
Gandhi's movement, but most importantly, the strong influence of Tolstoy on
Halberstam, David. The Children. 1st Ed. New York, New York: Random House, Inc.,
1998. Print.
The Children confirmed that George Houser, James Lawson, Bayard Rustin traveled to India
to study Gandhi’s nonviolent techniques and came back to teach the nonviolent workshops
that were a factor in the integration of lunch counters, schools, and public restrooms. Rustin
and Lawson influenced the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. It
contained information of the activism that young adults had a part in and helped us realize
that Satyagraha opened doors of opportunities for those who wanted to make a difference and
those who wanted to fight for their right of being an American citizen. It further helped us by
telling us that George Houser wasn’t the only one to go to India. Rustin and Lawson had also
gone and came back to teach and advise Gandhian non-violent tactics. We learned most of
what we knew about James Lawson. He taught the non-violent workshops.
Indian National Congress. Gandhian Way: Peace, Nonviolence and Empowerment. New
Dehli, India: Academic Foundation, 2007.
This book is a large work of pictures and speeches given at the Gandhian Philosophy
in the 21st Century New Dehli Conference, January 29-30, 2007, by leaders who
fought the oppression of the government in their nations. The speeches talked about
why Gandhi influenced them and why they believed that Satyagraha is effective.
Through this book, we gained knowledge on which movements in the world held onto
the beliefs of Gandhi and used it correctly to overthrow an unwanted presence. We
especially were moved by the speeches of Desmond Tutu and Lech Walesa, who
described Gandhi’s Satyagraha as the main influence of their movement. It
contributed to our decision about which movements to include in our documentary.
Itzkin, Eric. Gandhi's Johannesburg: Birthplace of Satyagraha. First ed. Johannesburg,
South Africa: Witwatersrand University Press, 2000.
Finding evidence of Gandhi’s South African movement was extremely hard. There
were only bits of paragraphs in the books that we read about the first Satyagraha
being in South Africa in his earlier years and they never really specified the reasons
why. This book helped us by confirming that it was first launched in Johannesburg in
order to protest identification registration, and unjust laws. It also helped us by giving
us a detailed story on the things that occurred in those years and informed us of the
things revolving around the launch of Gandhi’s nonviolent ideas.
Kurlansky, Mark. Nonviolence: Twenty-five Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea.
New York: Modern Library, 2006.
In this book, each individual section sets out things to learn about nonviolence and
the oath that one has to commit to before using nonviolence as a force to fight against
evil. This has helped us because it was one of the first books that taught us how
nonviolence works. Satyagraha states that non-violent civil disobedience is in every
person’s will.
Kurski, Jaroslaw. Lech Walesa: Democrat and Dictator? First Ed. Boulder, Colorado:
Westview Press, Inc., 1993.
This book seemed to show Walesa as a person striving for dictatorship, rather than the
peace of victory that he had publicized his work as. We found it very helpful, seeing
these assumptions as the side of the people that disliked him. It showed us that
Walesa was not liked, like many non-violent leaders, and that he was an ordinary man
wanting peace.
Najeim, Michael J. Gandhi and King: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance. Westport,
Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2004.
This book connected Dr. Martin Luther King and Gandhi by stating the similarities of
each other's movements. It described how Gandhi’s movement powered the
movement’s lead by King and other nonviolent strategists. When we finished the
book, it left us impressed and aware of the magnitude nonviolent resistance has had.
Nanda, B.R. Gandhi and His Critics. New Dehli, India: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Thinking that Gandhi was highly respected and adored, we dove into the depths of
this book and realized that he wasn’t liked by all people, and saw that he was a rival
with many people who were also working on the rise of independence for India from
the British. This book is one of the sources that gave us a larger picture of Gandhi. It
also made it more interesting to dig deeper into the information we had about Gandhi.
Ruhe, Peter. Gandhi. New York, New York: Phaidon Press Limited, 2001.
This book was extraordinary. By far, this was one of the most valuable picture
resources to our project. It provided detailed text, but limited to the topic, time period
and event. It provided pictures and allowed us to put ourselves into the period with
Gandhi because the pictures were well described. It was memorable because we were
able to remember what we learned from this exact book. Thanks to this book, we
almost never used websites for pictures of Gandhi.
Sharp, Gene. Gandhi as a Political Strategist with Essays on Ethics and Politic. Boston, MA:
Porter Sargent Publishers, Inc.
Sharp wrote this book about the struggle of India’s independence and the things that factored
into it: Gandhi’s technique of Satyagraha, the Indian National Congress that advocated
Satyagraha, the many non-violent resistance campaigns that caused delays in the British
economies, civil disobedience that resulted in many arrests, riots that erupted in many
provinces, and the leadership that Gandhi was able to step into to lead India to independence
in 1947. Sharp refers to Gandhi as the original innovator of the technique, Satyagraha and
mentions other things, like what originally influenced him, who opposed him, who worked
with him, and who lead non-violent resistance campaigns themselves. This book helped us
by confirming the larger aspects of our understanding of his work, and by refining our
inspiration section.
Singh, G.B. Gandhi: Behind the Mask of Divinity. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books,
From this book, we used pictures that we found and scanned them for our
documentary. It gave us a lot of information about the salt March, and gave us a
chronological order of the number of events that happened within the time frame of
the March.
Schock, Kurt. Unarmed Insurrections: People Power Movements in Nondemocracies.
Minneapolis, Minnesota: The University of Minnesota Press, 2005.
This book studies the use of nonviolence as a method and described four movements
that have promoted nonviolence, bringing unarmed resistance to promote political
change. It was helpful for us because it helped us to understand the unique and
valuable contributions of a social movement.
Sonnleitner, Michael W. Gandhian Nonviolence: Levels of Satyagraha. 1st. New Dehli:
Abhinav Publications, 1986.
While reading this book, we found it interesting because the author split the concept
of Satyagraha into three sections. He described Satyagraha being used as a
technique/method, a religious discipline, and a soul force. It helped us further
understand the philosophy of Satyagraha and the many ways it was capable of being
used in countries like South Africa, Philippines, Thailand, and Nepal. This book also
helped us to see that the ways Satyagraha were used were all connected to each other
in the way of believing truth and love.
Taylor, Diana. Disappearing Acts: Spectacles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina's
"Dirty War". Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1997.
This book was helpful to us because we saw it that Satyagraha played an important
role in overthrowing the unjust dictatorship of the time and from the other movements
in Argentina, involving the Plaza de Mayo mothers.
Wolpert, Stanley. Gandhi's Passion: The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2001.
This book provided us with pictures that helped us with creating our documentary.
The pictures that we used captured Gandhi’s lifestyle. The elements of the pictures
helped explain his life and will to us in visual view.
Visram, Rozina. Women in India and Pakistan: The Struggle for Independence from British
Rule. First Ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
The Quit India Movement was covered extensively in this book. We learned of it
from reading through collected works of Gandhi and decided that it was extremely
important to mention because it shaped India’s future. What was interesting and
really helped us was that this movement allowed women to be active in protesting
British rule. It showed that they were willing to be strong and fight the violence
erupting in the late 40s. It also helped by providing pictures to prove that women
were active.
Laine, James. Personal Interview by Norma Romero-Rodriguez and Jennifer Lor. 25 Feb
Professor Laine offers classes on the differences of religions and is chair of the
Religious Studies Department of Macalaster College. Professor Laine took the time to
clarify our questions and provided long, helpful answers to help us decide what path
to take when writing our thesis. Laine was also very directed himself towards the
purpose of Satyagraha and spoke passionately of it, showing us that Satyagraha
influenced people’s lives from within. He was helpful because he gave us many
different answers to the questions that we had asked other professors before him.
LaRocque, Brendon. Personal Interview by Jennifer Lor. 29 Jan 2010.
Professor LaRocque teaches at Carleton College in the History Department,
specializing in Indian studies. LaRocque incorporates the history of India into his
curriculum to explain to his students the effect of non-violence in the Indian
community. He recommended more books, movies and professors. He explained to
me the value of Satyagraha and helped to define its contents. During this interview,
he was able to help us pronounce Satyagraha correctly!
Nelson-Pallymeyer, Jack. Personal Interview by Jennifer Lor. 01 Nov 2009.
Mr. Nelson-Pallmeyer is a professor at University of St. Thomas who teaches in the
Justice & Peace Studies department. He was the first interview we conducted this
year and was extremely helpful with all of the information necessary for our research.
He answered my questions thoroughly and clarified some of the meanings to
keywords in my project. He also named peace foundations that are still fighting for
justice and helped to pinpoint a thesis and the change that Satyagraha brought to
politics and justice.
A Force More Powerful. Dir. Steven York." A Force More Powerful Films: 2000, DVD.
This video helped us with our background information. It was an excellent resource
that combined well with the book. The video was divided into two parts; both parts
went into detail about several movements. The video had a long section about
Gandhi, and had excellent footage from the time. Footage from this video helped
when putting the project together. It also provided multiple complex approaches on
each and every one of the movements. It was easy to view the change non-violence
did with every one of the actions.
Media Resources
By using the books, websites, and videos listed below, we were provided with
excellent resources for pictures, and media. From the books, we scanned pictures of
Gandhi in South Africa, the civil disobedience campaigns in India, the Civil Rights
Movement, the anti-apartheid movement, and the many movements that we have
studied and use as an example of impact in our video. We found that we did not have
to look for many pictures online.
Ackerman, Peter, and Jack Duvall. A Force More Powerful: A Century of Non-violent
Conflict. 1st. New York, New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Bouvard, Marguerite Guzman. Revolutionizing Motherhood: The Mothers of the Plaza de
Mayo. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources Inc., 1994.
Brimner Dane, Larry. We Are One: The Story of Bayard Rustin. Honesdale, Pennsylvania
1843: Calkins Creek, 2007
Craig, Mary. Lech Walesa and His Poland. Rev. Ed. New York, NY: The Continuum
Publishing Company, 1986.
D'Emilio, John. Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin. New York, New York:
Free Press, 2003.
Fischer, Louis. The Life of Mahatma Gandhi. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950.
Indian National Congress. Gandhian Way: Peace, Non-violent and Empowerment/ edited by
Anand Sharma. New Dehli, India: Academic Foundation, 2007.
Itzkin, Eric. Gandhi's Johannesburg: Birthplace of Satyagraha. First ed. Johannesburg,
South Africa: Witwatersrand University Press, 2000.
sKurski, Jaroslaw. Lech Walesa: Democrat and Dictator? First Ed. Boulder, Colorado:
Westview Press, Inc., 1993.
Ruhe, Peter. Gandhi. New York, New York: Phaidon Press Limited, 2001.
Shridharani, Krishnalal. War Without Violence: A Study of Gandhi's Methods and its
Accomplishments. First. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1939.
Singh, G.B. Gandhi: Behind the Mask of Divinity. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books,
Taylor, Diana. Disappearing Acts: Spectacles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina's
"Dirty War". Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1997.
Visram, Rozina. Women in India and Pakistan: The Struggle for Independence from British
Rule. First Ed. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Walesa, Lech. The Struggle and the Triumph: An Autobiography. First Ed. New York, NY:
Arcade Publishing, Inc., 1992.
Wolpert, Stanley. Gandhi's Passion: The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2001.
"Chinese Boycott of American Goods." Times London 23 Jul 1905.
"Fatal Labour Riots in Russia." Times London 10 Jan 1905.
"Irwin-Gandhi Pact Passes Final Test." New York Times 31 Mar 1931: 14
"Rioting Increases in Punjab Capitol; Death in Lahore Reach 153 as Flames Sweep the
City and Looting Spreads." New York Times 24 Aug 1942.
"The End of The Struggle In Sight: Negotiations Between General Smuts and Gandhi."
Indian Opinion 29 Apr 1911.
"Indian Affairs: The Partition of Bengal" Times London 11 Jul 1905.
"The Strikes in Russia." Times London 4 Jul 1905.
Brothers, The O’Neil. “We Shall Overcome.” Christian Music: Instrumental and
Inspirational Songs, Vol. II. Shamrock-N-Roll, 2007
Shankar, Ravi. “Raga Gaud Sarang: Aochar: Gat in Slow Teen Taal” Spirit of India.
Chhanda Dhara, 1988.
A Force More Powerful. Dir. Steven York." A Force More Powerful Films: 2000, DVD.
Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping. Nonviolent Peaceforce. 2007.
"Leo_Tolstoy_seated.jpg 921X120." Google Image Result. Web. 28 Apr 2010.
“South Sea Islander Men and Children under a tree in Cairns c1906”
“Young Gandhi to Mahatma Gandhi.”
"2630371.jpg 2200X3025." Google Image Result. Web. 28 Apr 2010.
"03_03_1998_0952." Google Image Result. Web. 28 Apr 2010.
"Martin Luther King "I Have A Dream"." You Tube-Martin Luther King”. Web. 28 Apr
"MLK Commemoration Speech Nobel Prize." You Tube-MLK Commemoration. Web. 28
Apr 2010.
""We Shall Overcome" - Martin Luther King, Jr." You Tube-"We Shall Overcome"-. Web.
28 Apr 2010.