Accounting I Final Exam Review 1. What other account is used when making an adjustment to Merchandise Inventory? Income Summary 2. Goods that a business purchases in order to sell are called what? Merchandise 3. What wording is used when a journal page is filled and must be moved to the next page? Carried Forward and Brought Forward 4. What account is used to close out Income Summary for a corporation? Retained Earnings 5. What is the source document for a sales return? Credit Memorandum 6. What is the annual depreciation for an asset that originally cost $2000, can be salvaged for $200, and has an expected lifetime of 6 years? $300 7. In the Cash Payments journal, the Accounts Payable amount must equal what other two amounts? Cash and Purchases Discount 8. When posting totals from a special journal, where does the Post. Ref. go? Under the total in parenthesis 9. Adjusting and closing entries are recorded where? General Journal 10. What is the correct order of posting from special journals? Sales, purchases, general, cash receipts, cash payments 11. Why do businesses have an Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts? Risk that customers will not pay 12. What two accounts are affected by transactions in the Purchases Journal? Purchases and Accounts Payable 13. What accounting concept is used when revenue is recorded at the time goods services are sold? Realization of Revenue 14. Which two accounts are affected by the following transaction and how? Paid cash to owner for personal use. Drawing – debit, cash – credit 15. What is the next step after adjusting and closing entries have been created? Post to the General Ledger 16. Accounts Receivable is what type of ledger? Subsidiary 17. Is the balance of the Cash Short and Over account a debit or credit? Both 18. What is listed in the Post. Ref. column of the General Journal after an entry has been posted to the General Ledger? Account number 19. If you discover a mistake in the General Journal, but there are no blank lines immediately after the incorrect entry, how do you fix it? Draw a line thru the incorrect part and record the correct information directly above on the same line 20. How do you prove the total of the Schedule of Accounts Receivable? Must match the balance of Accounts Receivable in the General Ledger 21. What two accounts are adjusted for Federal Income Tax? Federal Income Tax Payable and Expense 22. What does it mean if the Owner’s Equity is reported in detail on a balance sheet? Owner’s equity reflects how it is calculated (net income/net loss, owner’s drawing) 23. What goes in the Post. Ref. column for a balance entry in a journal? Why? Checkmark – doesn’t get posted 24. What does G13 in the Post. Ref. column of the General Ledger represent? Entry came from page 13 of the General Journal 25. Credit card sales are recorded in which journal? Cash Receipts 26. Assets that are expected to be consumed within a year are called what? Current Assets 27. How is the book value of Accounts Receivable calculated? Accounts Receivable – Balance of Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts 28. What are the four accounts/sets of accounts that are closed at the end of a fiscal period? Revenue, expenses, income summary, and owner’s drawing 29. How much Federal Income Tax needs to be paid on Net Income of $136,589? $36,519.71 30. Where do the amounts for the closing entries come from? Worksheet – Income statement columns 31. What occurs to the value of plant assets over time? Depreciates 32. The Post. Ref. in a journal will always be what piece of information? Account number from ledger 33. What is the purpose of a worksheet? To summarize general ledger information needed to create financial statements 34. What is done in the General Ledger to show that an account has been closed out. Draw line thru both debit and credit balance columns 35. What are the two pieces of information that need to be written at the top of each account in a General Ledger? Account title and account number 36. Comparing the cash balance in the checkbook with the cash balance in the cash account of the General Ledger is known as what? Proving cash 37. The length of time in which a business summarizes and reports financial information is known as what? Fiscal period 38. What is the normal balance side of the owner’s drawing account? Debit 39. Anything of value that is owned is called what? Asset 40. What are the 3 major types of plant assets? Equipment, buildings, and land 41. Which two accounts are affected by the following transaction and how? Bought supplies on account from Supply Depot. Supplies – debit, Accounts Payable – credit 42. How often should a business enter transactions in their General Journal? Daily 43. Which 3 journals have entries posted to the Accounts Payable Ledger? Purchases, Cash Payments, General 44. Why is it necessary to create adjusting entries for Supplies and Prepaid Insurance? To reflect what is used during the fiscal period. 45. Which section in a chart of accounts should be in alphabetical order? Expenses 46. What type of source document would be used when goods or services are sold on account? Sales invoice 47. What are the 5 components of workplace skills? Resources, information, systems, interpersonal skills, and technology 48. What enables a business to pay cash for small expenses without writing a check? Petty cash fund 49. Which accounts are listed on the Post-Closing Trial Balance? Assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity 50. A debit to an expense does what to the account balance? Increase 51. If there is only one blank line remaining on journal page, what should you do with the next transaction? Start on the next page 52. What is the accounting concept demonstrated by the use of source documents? Objective Evidence 53. What do you have when expenses are greater than revenue? Net loss 54. A business activity that changes assets, liabilities, or owner’s equity is called what? Transaction 55. What does the first digit of an account number represent? General ledger division 56. What is the last step in the accounting cycle? Post-closing trial balance 57. What are the three components of a financial statement heading? Company name, document name, and date 58. How should the date be written on an Income Statement? For month ended 59. In what order are accounts listed on a worksheet? Assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue, and expenses 60. Using the same procedures each accounting period is an example of which accounting concept? Consistent reporting 61. What does a double rule line represent? Total that is finalized and accurate 62. How do you calculate % of sales on an income statement? Divide by sales 63. Revenue and expenses are reported in the same fiscal period in which they occurred. What accounting concept does this follow? Matching Expenses with Revenue 64. What is the purpose of the Income Summary account? Temporary account used for closing revenue and expense accounts 65. Revenue, expenses, Income Summary, and Owner’s Drawing are what type of accounts (Not Owner’s Equity)? Temporary 66. What information is used to create an income statement? Revenue and expense 67. Expenses fall under which part of the accounting equation? Owner’s equity 68. When entering a transaction in a general journal, which part of the transaction is entered on the first line? Debit 69. A form for recording transactions in chronological order is called what? Journal 70. The Purchases Journal is used only to record what type of transactions? Purchase of merchandise on account 71. What are the four sets of columns on a worksheet? Trial balance, adjustments, income statement, and balance sheet 72. What is the accounting equation? Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity 73. What are the 3 aspects of objectivity that accountants must display? Impartial, honest, free from personal conflicts 74. A debit to Accounts Payable does what to the account balance? Decrease 75. A business paper from which information is obtained for a journal entry. Source Document 76. Planning, recording, analyzing, and interpreting financial information is called what? Accounting 77. What two accounts need to have adjusting entries? Supplies and Prepaid Insurance 78. What is the purpose of a T account? To analyze transactions 79. What does T22 represent? Calculator tape for the 22nd day of the month 80. Accounts Payable is what type of account? Liability