Basic PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction BACKGROUND: Name _________________________ Sources: R. Aleff, Mayo Clinic; Campbell Biology Text, 8th edition; Wikipedia;; PCR: In PCR a small amount of DNA can be amplified. A target segment of DNA can be copied billions of times in a few hours. PCR uses a 3 step cycle to bring about a chain reaction that produces an exponentially growing population of identical DNA molecules. One cycle of PCR includes 3 steps. In a classroom setting 20-50 cycles are generally run. Step What is happening Details Denature DNA strands are separated. 94-95 ºC for 30 sec to 1 minute. Anneal Primers are attached. 50 – 70 ºC depends on the primers for 1 minute. Extensions Complementary nucleotides are added to each single strand of DNA using a heat resistant DNA Polymerase. In our lab we are using Taq polymerase. 72 ºC for 1 minute. pBR322: pBR322 is the cloning vector that we will be using. (the p stands for plasmid and BR for the creators Bolivar and Rodriguez.) It is a plasmid and is derived from a strain of E.col. pBR322 has 4361 bp and we will be amplifying the region from 34-688 bp Primers: are 18-24 base pairs in length and are single stranded DNA. Taq Polymerase: catalyzes the incorporation of dNTPs into DNA dNTPs: Deoxynucleotides triphosphates - the building blocks from which the DNA polymerases synthesizes a new DNA strand. PROCEDURE: Basic PCR pBR322 Amplification Source: R.Aleff Mayo clinic 1. Label a 0.2 ml PCR tube with your initials and pBR322 2. Add 23.0ul PCR supermix (contains buffer, DNTP’s, & Taq polymerase) 3. Add 1.0ul pBR322 5-10 ng/ul 4. Add 1.0ul of 5’ & 3’ primer 5. Mix gently 6. Spin down in pico-fuge 2 seconds 7. PCR Set-up 1 cycle 35 cycles Fill In Hold Hot start Denature Anneal Extension Extension Cool 95 degrees 95 55 68 68 4 8. Place __15ul PCR & 5 ul track dye into well on E-gel for __30__ minutes 9. Look for band at 654 base pair 10. Primers: 5 ‘ AATGCGGTAGTTTATCACAG 3’ GCTGACTGGGTTGAAGGCTC 4-10 minutes 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 7 minutes 1 cycle Infinity