PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 1 NewspaperIndex A monthly publication of newspaper’s articles From Business Recorder, Daily Times, Dawn, Finincial Times, Khaleej Times, The Nation and The News Compiled by Muhammad Asif Khan Deputy Chief Librarian, Serials Section, P.U Library Syed Saleem Abbass Zaidi Deputy Chief Librarian, Information Resource Centre, P.U.Library Kashif Khursheed Senior Librarian, Multimedia Section, P.U Library Hamid Ali Senior Librarian, Oriental Section, P.U Library Shafiq Ur Rehman Senior Librarian, Serial Section, P.U Library Muhammad Razaq Librarian, ,Circulation Section, P.U Library Haji Mahmood Librarian, ,Circulation Section, P.U Library Rehana Kousar Librarian, Cataloguing Section, P.U Library Published by PunjabUniversity Library © 2011 Ch. Muhammad Hanif Chief Librarian Punjab University Library, Lahore PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 2 Preface Punjab University Library is providing an indexing service “Newspaper’s index”. This is a monthly publication of newspaper articles published in famous local and foreign newspapers. Since January 2005 library is also providing this index on internet. Library is offering the current index as well as the archives and a cumulative index on our website http://www.pulibrary.edu.pk, In addition to that, hard and soft copies of the indices are also available in the Serials section of the Library. Contents are divided in two categories, Pakistan and the other World. Furthermore both of the categories have their sub-contents arranged alphabetically under various subjects. Indexed entries are further arranged under author alphabetically within their relevant subjects. Indexed entries provide bibliographic information about the articles. The scope, arrangement, format and abbreviations used in the index are as under. Scope: This Index covers seven major English newspapers "Khaleej Times, Dawn, The Nation, The News, Business Recorder, Financial Times and Daily Times". Bibliographical Information: It is a subject index; Entries in each subject have been arranged alphabetically by author. Sample entry: Ijaz Ahmad Rao. “Techtrix: agricultural biotechnology leads to prosperity.” The Nation, 1 Jan. 2010, p.19 Author: Only Christian author’s names are inverted in their family name e.g. Roy C. Macridis will be inverted as Macridis, Roy C. Title: Complete title of the article is in double quotes “Title: subtitle” while sub-title (if any) is separated with colon ( : ). Publisher: Name of the news paper e.g. The Nation Date of Publication: Abbreviated month and year of publication are printed in the Format ”1Jan. 20,” Page No: Regular pages are indicated as p.7, while pages having a specific category name are indexed as, “Business & Economics Review. IV” Ch. Muhammad Hanif Chief Librarian PunjabUniversity Library PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 3 Newspaper Index Vol. 10 No. 10 October, 2011 Contents Summary 1.Articles Index(6-20) 2.E-Journals Databases / E-Books(21) 3.Foreign Research Journals (22-23) 4.New Arrivals English (24-27) 5.New Arrivals Urdu(28-32) PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 4 Articles Index Detailed Contents Sr. No. Subject Page No. 1 Agriculture 6 2 Arts & Sports – Pakistan 6 3 Arts & Sports – World 6 4 Banking, Finance and Stock ExchangeBiographies 6 5 Biographies 7 6 Business, Economics and Industry 7 7 Crimes 8 8 Current Issues – Pakistan 9 9 Current Issues – World 8 10 Defense/ Military 8 11 Education –Pakistan 9 12 Geography and Travel 9 13 Governance / Policies – Pakistan 9 14 Governance / Policies – World 10 15 Health and Environment 10 16 History and Archaeology – Pakistan 10 17 History and Archaeology – World 11 18 Human rights – Pakistan 11 19 Human Rights – World 11 20 India Politics, Policies and Relations 11 21 Indo-Pak Relations 11 22 Internationl Relations 11 23 Islam 12 24 Kashmir and Kashmir Issue 12 25 Language and Literature 12 26 Law and Legislation 12 27 Media – Pakistan 13 28 Media – World 13 29 Miscellaneous 13 30 Other Religion 14 31 Organization 14 32 Pakistan Foreign Relations 14 33 Peace and war / After effects 14 34 Politics – Pakistan 15 35 Politics – World 16 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 5 36 Power Resources ( Gas, Oil, Dam, etc) 17 37 Science and Information Technology 17 38 Social Problems 18 39 Society and Culture – Pakistan 18 40 Society and Culture – World 18 41 Terrorism 18 42 US Politics, Policies and Relations 19 43 World Conflicts 20 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 6 AGRICULTURE Zafar Altaf. "The economic dilemma of Farmers." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, p.16 ARTS & SPORTS – PAKISTAN A K Bhurgri. "Subterfuge." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. IV A K Bhurgri. "The art of preservation." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. IV A. K. Bhurgri. "Passion the key to winning bridge." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Akbar, M.J.. "Be a sport, let go of sports." Dawn, 4 September, 2011, p.7 Akbar, M.J.. "In the memory of millions." Dawn, 18 September, 2011, p.7 Clarey, Christopher. "Unfazed by the task of 2012." Khaleej Times, 4 Sep,2011, p.9 Hina Mahmood. "The 'art' of dimplomacy." The News, 8 September, 2011, p.6 Maleeha Lodhi. "Another side of Pakistan." The News, 21 September, 2011, p.7 Masood Hasan. "Subculture." The News, 25 September, 2011, p.7 Nadeem Zuberi. "Reflections and refractions." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. II Nadeem Zuberi. "The tangible forms." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. II ARTS & SPORTS – WORLD Faur, Fabienne . "Washington salutes Warhol with two major shows." Business Recorder, 25 September, 2011, p.16 Godement, Francois . "China plays hardball with EU." Khaleej Times, 21 Sep,2011, p.11 Holledge, Richard . "Art by the yard." Khaleej Times, 24 Sep,2011, p.6 verma, Sanjay. "movies and my country." Khaleej Times, 29 Sep,2011, p.12 BANKING , FINANCE AND STOCK EXCHANGE Ahtisaari, Martti. "A European yes on palestine." Khaleej Times, 19 Sep,2011, p.10 Ashfaque H. Khan. "Control bank independence." The News, 6 September, 2011, p.6 Barry Eichengreen. "It is time for outsiders to save the single currency." Financial Times, 6 September, 2011, P.11 Bhaskar, P.G. "So,what makes a good bank?." Khaleej Times, 3 Sep,2011, p.6 Bruce Bartlett. "Why Obama is right to back buffett." Financial Times, 26 September, 2011, P.11 Christopher Caldwell. "French lessons in taking on the fizzy drink brigade." Financial Times, 10/11 September, 2011, P.7 David Marsh. "Discord at the ECB heralds the eurozone endgame." Financial Times, 13 September, 2011, P.9 Dillma Rousseff. "Brazil will figt back aganst the currency manipulators." Financial Times, 22 September, 2011, P.9 Dr. Kamal Monnoo. "Of recession and China's rise." The Nation, 7 September, 2011, p.6 Ed Miliband. "Time for the world's leaders to leave the sidelines." Financial Times, 1 September, 2011, P.7 Frank Partnoy. "On rogues, risk taking and restoring shareholders trust in banks." Financial Times, 23 September, 2011, P.11 Gideon Rachman. "The single currency'strue fatal flaw." Financial Times, 20 September, 2011, P.11 Gillian Tett. "Beware a hegelian touch of regulatory hubris." Financial Times, 15 September, 2011, P.9 Harry Mount. "The art of the medicis is a lesson in absolution for bankers." Financial Times, 16 September, 2011, P.11 Johan Gapper. "A revolt against the risks of elite international finance." Financial Times, 17/18 September, 2011, P.9 Johan Kay. "Dont listen to the lobbyists:they naver go away." Financial Times, 21 September, 2011, P.9 Johan Kay. "Taming the banks long overdue or utter folly?." Financial Times, 14 September, 2011, P.11 Karabell, Zachary. "Courting Europe's crisis." Khaleej Times, 17 Sep,2011, p.6 Kemal Dervis. "To solve our fiscal dilemma,look to the details." Financial Times, 2 September, 2011, P.9 Mark Rutte. "Leaving the eurozone has to be the ultimate sanction." Financial Times, 8 September, 2011, P.9 Martin Wolf. "Of course it's right to ringfence the rogue universals." Financial Times, 16 September, 2011, P.11 Martin Wolf. "Why breaking up is so hard to do." Financial Times, 21 September, 2011, P.9 Martin Wolf. "Why we must listen to what bond markets are telling us." Financial Times, 7 September, 2011, P.11 Michaels Pettis. "A bail-out by baric nations would leave Europe even worse off." Financial Times, 26 September, 2011, P.11 Nouriel Roubini. "Why greece should default and abandon the euro." Financial Times, 20 September, 2011, P.11 Philip Stephens. "How to confront the uk's fiscal fundamentalists." Financial Times, 20 September, 2011, P.11 Philip Stephens. "Wanted: a plan to save europe." Financial Times, 23 September, 2011, P.11 Philip Steven. "Vickers hands victory to the bankers shop steward." Financial Times, 13 September, 2011, P.9 Raghuram Rajan. "The IMF must stop playing second fiddle in Europe." Financial Times, 27 September, 2011, P.11 Richard Lambert. "Banks need a well-signposted path to reform." Financial Times, 5 September, 2011, P.9 Sakib Sherani. "Looting the banks." Dawn, 9 September, 2011, p.7 Saltmarsh, Matthew. "Pitfalls ofthe spring." Khaleej Times, 25 Sep,2011, p.11 Samuel Brittan. "Where an Augustinian fiscal policy falls short." Financial Times, 9 September, 2011, P.9 Sebastian Malaby. "One cheer for the ecb's attempt at shock and awe." Financial Times, 16 September, 2011, P.11 Tony Barber. "Why italy is short of statesmen but long on scoundrels." Financial Times, 24/25 September, 2011, P.9 Vohra, Bikram . "Me, my bank and the car loan." Khaleej Times, 17 Sep,2011, p.7 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 7 Wolfgang Munchau. "Policymakers fiddle while the eurozone burns." Financial Times, 26 September, 2011, P.11 BIOGRAPHIES David Pilling. "Japan's kafkaesque prose master takes on the world." Financial Times, 17/18 September, 2011, P.9 Goldberg, Andy. "Family horrified, America intrigued by Jackie Kennedy tapes." Business Recorder, 16 September, 2011, p.20 Goldberg, Andy. "Palin dismisses scandalous bio as 'disgusting lies'." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, p.20 BUSINESS, ECONOMICS & INDUSTRY A B Shahid. "An unrealistic view." Business Recorder, 20 September, 2011, p.22 Abid Mahmood. "The black holes of Pakistan." The News, 9 September, 2011, \p.6 Akbar Zaidi, S.. "Irrelevant economists." Dawn, 16 September, 2011, p.7 Akbar Zaidi, S.. "Who benefits from US aid." Dawn, 30 September, 2011, p.7 Alan Beattie. "Brace yourselves:September will be the cruellest month." Financial Times, 3/4 September, 2011, P.9 Arvind Subramanian. "Cooming soon when the renminbi rules the world." Financial Times, 12 September, 2011, P.11 Ashfaque H. Khan. "For sanity to prevail." The News, 27 September, 2011, p.6 Ashfaque H. Khan. "Gloomy outlook for economy." The News, 13 September, 2011, p.6 Ashfaque H. Khan. "The 'no' to the IMF." The News, 20 September, 2011, p.6 Beppe Severgnini. "How at last my fellow italians fell out of love with silvio." Financial Times, 27 September, 2011, P.11 Clive Crook. "A bold bid to rest the presidency." Financial Times, 12 September, 2011, P.11 Cork, Chris. "Pakistan: pluses and minuses." The News, 28 September, 2011, p.6 Cork, Chris. "Pakistan: pluses and minuses." The News, 29 September, 2011, p.6 David Pilling. "Hard to see the wood for the trees in China." Financial Times, 1 September, 2011, P.7 Dr. Kamal Monnoo. "An economic corner!." The Nation, 28 September, 2011, p.6 Dr. Sania Nazir Chaudhry. "Reckless taxing of the taxed." The Nation, 27 September, 2011, p.7 Farrukh Saleem. "Hunger and revolution." The News, 18 September, 2011, p.6 Farrukh Saleem. "Rs 61,000 per Pakistani." The News, 11 September, 2011, p.6 Hafed al Ghwell. "We must embrace Gaddafi's allies...or else." Financial Times, 1 September, 2011, P.7 Hashim Ali. "Minimum tax on service and accrual accounting." Business Recorder, 25 September, 2011, p.16 Hina Mahmood. "Aid can make a difference." Dawn, 27 September, 2011, p.6 Huzaima Bukhari. "Public participation in financial matters." Business Recorder, 30 September, 2011, p.22 Jacquues Lemieux. "Hoping for mining boom Canada opens last frontier." Business Recorder, 26 September, 2011, p.18 Jaffrey Sachs. "German hotheads are close to destroying the euro." Financial Times, 15 September, 2011, P.9 Johan Gapper. "Innovators dont ignore customers." Financial Times, 22 September, 2011, P.9 John Gapper. "The conflict of interest in free news." Financial Times, 15 September, 2011, P.9 John Kay. "Ingenuity and stupidity endure,but they defy all prediction." Financial Times, 7 September, 2011, P.11 John Plender. "Underestimate the revolting rich ata your peril." Financial Times, 10/11 September, 2011, P.7 Kolesnikov, Sonia . "Mobile wallet is new currency." Khaleej Times, 7 Sep,2011, p.7 Muhammad Waseem. "No sense of public money." Dawn, 20 September, 2011, p.7 Muhammad Yaqub. "From economic crisis to collapse." The News, 8 September, 2011, p.6 Muhammad Yaqub. "Politics and investment." The News, 20 September, 2011, p.6 Mukhtar Paras. "The real Wars ." Daily Times, 5 September, 2011, p.A6 Philip Augar. "The price and perils of taking on the banks." Financial Times, 8 September, 2011, P.9 Philip Stephens. "I told you so' not enough to save a left in crisis." Financial Times, 27 September, 2011, P.11 Philip Stephens. "The dangers of American retreat." Financial Times, 9 September, 2011, P.9 Robert Zoellick. "The big questions china still has to answer." Financial Times, 2 September, 2011, P. Roger Altman. "Europe's dithering is dragging america back to 1937." Financial Times, 22 September, 2011, P.9 Sakib Sherani. "Farewell to reform." Dawn, 23 September, 2011, p.7 Salman Shah. "Forewarned is forearmed." Dawn, 7 September, 2011, p.7 Shakeel Ahmad. "Pakistan's economy deluged, again!." The Nation, 20 September, 2011, p.7 Shakeel Ahmad. "Reforming the economy." The Nation, 7 September, 2011, p.7 Sonali Ranade. "Where do business profits come from?." Daily Times, 4 September, 2011, p.A7 Stephen King. "I can't hear the markets butt i can smell fear." Financial Times, 9 September, 2011, P.9 Steven Rattner. "The 2012 rivals can be named:Hayek v keynes." Financial Times, 13 September, 2011, P.9 Stive Schwarzman. "An olive branch to obama: i will share the pain." Financial Times, 12 September, 2011, P.11 Time Geithner. "What the world must do to boost growth." Financial Times, 9 September, 2011, P.9 Townshend, Ashley S. "China's string of pearls." Khaleej Times, 18 Sep,2011, p.10 William Wallis. "The firebrand whipping up a new South African storm." Financial Times, 3/4 September, 2011, P.9 Wolfganag Schauble. "Austerity is the only cure for the eurozone." Financial Times, 6 September, 2011, P.11 Wolfgang Muchau. "The worst of the euro crisis is yet to come." Financial Times, 5 September, 2011, P.9 Yaseen Anwar. "Financial support for trade and investment." Business Recorder, 6 September, 2011, p.20 Zafar Altaf. "Economic dilemma(s) of Pakistan." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, p.20 Zafar Altaf. "The irrelevance of macroeconomics." Business Recorder, 10 September, 2011, p.20 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. Zamora, Jordi. "China's double edged trade with Latin America." Business Recorder, 5 September, 2011, p.16 Zohare Ali Shariff. "Corporate volunteerism." Business Recorder, 21 September, 2011, p.20 Zubeida Mustafa. "The economy after 9/11." Dawn, 21 September, 2011, p.6 J Sir Raman . "Can Modi pull a fast one." Daily Times, 23 September, 2011, p.A6 CRIMES Barton, Cat . "Bangladesh police death squad under fire." Business Recorder, 14 September, 2011, p.20 Hina Hafeezulla . "Absolutely no room for complacency." Daily Times, 9 September, 2011, p.A7 Hina Hafeezullah. "Our heads and their handouts!." Daily Times, 3 September, 2011, p.A7 Kronemer, Alexander. "." Khaleej Times, 15 Sep,2011, p.11 Leghari, Faryal . "On the edge of a precipice." Khaleej Times, 2 Sep,2011, p.7 Salman Tariq. "Of mountains, plains and Katti Pahari." Daily Times, 10 September, 2011, p.A6 Sidhra Chaudhry. "We will rise to the occasion." The Nation, 8 September, 2011, p.6 Zafar Azeem. "An artist's view of the world of crime." Business Recorder, 8 September, 2011, p.22 Zafar Azeem. "An artist's view of the world of crime." Business Recorder, 9 September, 2011, p.20 CURRENT ISSUES – PAKISTAN A Q Khan. "The bitter truth." The News, 26 September, 2011, p.6 Aasim Sajjad Akhtar. "The bigger picture." The News, 13 September, 2011, p.6 Ahmad Fraz Khan. "Flawed flood probe." Dawn, 8 September, 2011, p.7 Amir Zia. "It does rain in Karachi." The News, 15 September, 2011, p.6 Asif Ezdi. "Slide into kakistocracy." The News, 5 September, 2011, p.7 Cork, Chris. "Escape from Karachi." The News, 19 September, 2011, p.6 Imran Khan. "Elitist misconceptions." The News, 30 September, 2011, p.6 Imtiaz Hussain Gilani. "For peace in Pakhtunkhwa." The News, 26 September, 2011, p.6 Jamil Nasir. "Bad state structures by design." The News, 14 September, 2011, p.6 Kamila Hayat. "The buzz of the mosquito." The News, 22 September, 2011, p.7 Khalid Aziz. "Endgame in Afghanistan." Dawn, 30 September, 2011, p.7 Kunwar Idris. "Jobs plots and rivalry." Dawn, 8 September, 2011, p.6 Masood Hasan. "Over the top." The News, 4 September, 2011, p.7 Masood Khan. "Bagpipes and the blues." The News, 18 September, 2011, p.7 Mehreen Zahra Malik. "Which road do we take?." The News, 16 September, 2011, p.6 Mohammad Hussain Khan. "Mitigating disaster." Dawn, 22 September, 2011, p.7 Muhammad Ali Siddiqi. "Crackdown no solution." Dawn, 13 September, 2011, p.6 Rehman, I.A.. "Karachi's three cultures." Dawn, 15 September, 2011, p.7 Saleem Safi. "The Karachi question." The News, 3 September, 2011, p.6 Shada Islam. "The view from abroad." Dawn, 3 September, 2011, p.6 Shafqat Mahmood. "Fighting nature and ineptitude." The News, 16 September, 2011, p.7 Shafqat Mahmood. "Pakisan at a crossroads again." The News, 23 September, 2011, p.7 Shah, Syed Mohibullah. "An albatross named LBOD." The News, 20 September, 2011, p.6 Shahid Lateef. "Behind the violence in Karachi." The News, 7 September, 2011, p.6 Tanvir Ahmad Khan. "Friendly fire." The News, 28 September, 2011, p.7 Wendell Steavenson. "Striving to overcome the manichean view of the world." Financial Times, 7 September, 2011, P.11 Zirgham Nabi Afridi. "Idealists in realist-speak." The News, 7 September, 2011, p.6 CURRENT ISSUES – WORLD Anjum Niaz. "'New Yorker' tale." The News, 19 September, 2011, p.7 Cohen, Roger. "Score one for interventionism." Khaleej Times, 3 Sep,2011, p.7 Jamil Nasir. "Happiness as national goal." The News, 21 September, 2011, p.6 Lodhi, Maleeha. "Lessons from libya." Khaleej Times, 9 Sep,2011, p.7 Muzaffar Iqbal. "The interminable war." The News, 9 September, 2011, p.6 Power, Jonathan. "Is Warfarereceding?." Khaleej Times, 8 Sep,2011, p.9 wolf, Naomi . "Cameron's expectations." Khaleej Times, 6 Sep,2011, p.9 DEFENSE/ MILITARY A R Siddiqi . "AI Qaeda: the world is my oyster?." Daily Times, 16 September, 2011, p.A6 A R Siddiqi. "A Soldier's duty and dilema." Daily Times, 29 September, 2011, p.A7 Adeela Naureen. "Psychological cost of the Long War." The Nation, 19 September, 2011, p.6 8 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 9 Aminullah Chaudry. "Military in civil service." Dawn, 4 September, 2011, p.7 Asif Ezdi. "The spectre of military intervention." The News, 26 September, 2011, p.7 Ayaz Amir. "For Pakistan to change, army must change." The News, 23 September, 2011, p.6 Castle, Stephen. "EU defence, ot really...." Khaleej Times, 14 Sep,2011, p.11 Dr Farah Aahra . "Credible minimum nuclear deterrence ." Daily Times, 9 September, 2011, p.A6 Dr Mohammad Taqi. "Jinnah Institute and USIP, S research ." Daily Times, 8 September, 2011, p.A6 Ghalib Hafiz. "The army: a balanced look." The News, 16 September, 2011, p.6 Imran Malik. "Defanging Pakistan!." The Nation, 7 September, 2011, p.6 Jawayria Malik. "Devotion towards a national cause." The Nation, 9 September, 2011, p.7 Khalid Iqbal. "Higher defence priorities." Dawn, 19 September, 2011, p.7 Mehboob Qadir . "Fall from grace - I." Daily Times, 21 September, 2011, p.A6 Mehboob Qadir . "Fall from grace - II." Daily Times, 22 September, 2011, p.A7 Mehboob Qadir . "Story of the Clay ptter ." Daily Times, 14 September, 2011, p.A6 Mehboob Qadir . "The faith Colonisers." Daily Times, 7 September, 2011, p.A7 Mehboob Qadir. "The victor and the vanquished." Daily Times, 28 September, 2011, p.A6 Momin Iftikhar. "The sterling spirit of September 6." The Nation, 5 September, 2011, p.6 Plate, Tom. "China's denial mode." Khaleej Times, 13 Sep,2011, p.9 S.Tariq. "Nations which forget!." The Nation, 10 September, 2011, p.7 Wajahat S. Khan. "The Kayani doctrine." The News, 24 September, 2011, p.6 Zahir Kazmi. "Security and FMCT." Dawn, 20 September, 2011, p.6 Birgit Zimmermann. "Bunker reveals undrworld East German secret service." Business Recorder, 15 September, 2011, p.20 EDUCATION – PAKISTAN Andleeb Abbas. "Mind your language." Daily Times, 11 September, 2011, p.A6 Atle Hetland. "Illiterate and wise? No, not in our time." The Nation, 8 September, 2011, p.6 Atta ur Rahman. "HEC-why India felt threatened." The News, 3 September, 2011, p.6 Dr.A.H.Khayal. "A blissful illiteracy." The Nation, 23 September, 2011, p.7 Hafiz Muhammad Iqbal. "Defying the Millennimum Development Goals." The Nation, 23 September, 2011, p.7 Hussain Ahmad Sidduqui. "Privatisation of HEC." Business Recorder, 18 September, 2011, p.16 Inayatullah. "Literacy year 2011 in Pakistan." The Nation, 10 September, 2011, p.7 Kahar Zalmay. "Moral decadence." Daily Times, 28 September, 2011, p.A7 Nargis Khanum. "Chinese in Sindh schools." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Zubeida Mustafa. "Inequalities in education." Dawn, 28 September, 2011, p.6 EDUCATION – WORLD Cabrios, Andrea Sosa. "New subject in Mexican schools how to escape bullets." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. III GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL Chauburji. "Under the cedars." The Nation, 8 September, 2011, p.7 Cork, Chris. "Family life." The News, 12 September, 2011, p.7 Curta, Francis . "A german mountain haunted by Hitler's ghost." Business Recorder, 13 September, 2011, p.22 Janssen, Peter. "Preserving Bangkok's straits-style shophouses." Business Recorder, 21 September, 2011, p.22 Lim, Philip. "Cold dim room sheds light on Singapore history." Business Recorder, 20 September, 2011, p.22 Marianne Barriaux. "North Korea cruise trip triggers offbeat moments." Business Recorder, 16 September, 2011, p.20 Mosharraf Zaidi. "Flying into Lyari for Eid." The News, 6 September, 2011, p.6 GOVERNANCE / POLICIES – PAKISTAN A B Shahid. "National intersts." Business Recorder, 13 September, 2011, p.22 Adnan Falak. "Reforming the police." The Nation, 27 September, 2011, p.7 Amir Zia. "Abandoning reforms?." The News, 22 September, 2011, p.6 Andleeb Abbas . "Live and let die." Daily Times, 18 September, 2011, p.A6 Andleeb Abbas. "Pray, lie and beg." Daily Times, 25 September, 2011, p.A6 Anjum Ibrahim. "Floods again." Business Recorder, 19 September, 2011, p.16 Anwar Syed. "Uniformity versus difference of opinion." Daily Times, 6 September, 2011, p.A6 Asghar Soomro. "The wretched of Sindh ." Daily Times, 21 September, 2011, p.A6 Ayaz Amir. "Strange ways of the Islamic Republic." The News, 16 September, 2011, p.6 Babar Ayaz. "Establishment fails as Pakistanis suffer." Daily Times, 27 September, 2011, p.A6 Dr. A.H. Khayal. "Animals love Shakespeare." The Nation, 16 September, 2011, p.6 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 10 Dr. Kamal Monnoo. "Lessons from Japan!." The Nation, 14 September, 2011, p.6 Farhat Taj. "Two policy reports: a comparative perspective." Daily Times, 10 September, 2011, p.A7 Farukh Khan. "Contradictory state of Pakistan." Daily Times, 3 September, 2011, p.A6 Hal Drap;er . "Democratic forms of government ." Daily Times, 21 September, 2011, p.A7 Hasan Mansoor. "Breadbasket reels from more floods." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. I Husaima Bukhar. "Why not BOT option for infrastructure development." Business Recorder, 23 September, 2011, p.20 Irfan Zafar . "the power of the patwari ." Daily Times, 23 September, 2011, p.A7 Javid Husain. "Pakistan and the modern world." The Nation, 6 September, 2011, p.6 Moeed Yusuf. "At a loss for an answer." Dawn, 19 September, 2011, p.7 Mohammad Taqi . "Pakistan s little Great Game - II." Daily Times, 22 September, 2011, p.A6 Muhammad ijaz ul Haq. "Waiting for a true national leadership." The Nation, 11 September, 2011, p.6 Munir Khalili. "Are we approaching moral death?." The Nation, 6 September, 2011, p.7 Naseer Memon. "Costs of poor planning." Dawn, 22 September, 2011, p.6 Noorani, A.G.. "Intellectuals and the state." Dawn, 24 September, 2011, p.7 S Tariq. "Unite, stand up and be counted." The Nation, 30 September, 2011, p.6 Salman Tarik Kureshi . "The watchmen ." Daily Times, 24 September, 2011, p.A7 Sayyed Bilal Imam. "The clash of ideologies." The Nation, 13 September, 2011, p.6 Shahid Kardar. "Circular debt solution." Dawn, 14 September, 2011, p.7 Tallat Azim. "No new dimension to the 'D' syndrome." The Nation, 17 September, 2011, p.6 Zafar Altaf. "The economics of fairness." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, p.20 GOVERNANCE / POLICIES – WORLD Butt, Yousaf. "Missile defence delusion." Khaleej Times, 22 Sep,2011, p.10 Clive Crook. "Time to be bold mr president." Financial Times, 5 September, 2011, P.9 Foster , Aidan. "The roach: survival of the fittest." Khaleej Times, 28 Sep,2011, p.11 Laessing, ULF . "Sudanese boycott meat to fight food inflation." Business Recorder, 18 September, 2011, p.16 Moon, Ban Ki. "An agenda for seven billion." Khaleej Times, 28 Sep,2011, p.10 Righter, Rosemary . "Overcoming a greek tragedy." Khaleej Times, 21 Sep,2011, p.10 S.Tariq. "Wanted - a Lee Kuan Yew." The Nation, 4 September, 2011, p.7 Syed Kamran Hashmi. "Dynamic leadership: Turkey under civilian rule." Daily Times, 29 September, 2011, p.A6 HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Asha ar Rehman. "Through the Lahore fog." Dawn, 27 September, 2011, p.7 Bettina Levecke. "Keeping the level of sweets under control." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. III Bushra Sultan. "Fighting the dengue war." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. I Daniel Rook. "Medics dice with death in Myanmar jungle warzones." Business Recorder, 12 September, 2011, p.16 Dr. Sania Nazir Chaudhry. "Dengue disaster: Who is responsible?." The Nation, 21 September, 2011, p.6 Dr. Tayyaba Ijaz. "The epidemic of dengue fever - an overview." The Nation, 16 September, 2011, p.7 Hina Hafeezullah Ishaq. "Dengue, drama and damages." Daily Times, 16 September, 2011, p.A7 Janardhan, N. "Cure lets down health care." Khaleej Times, 21 Sep,2011, p.11 Kumar, Asha iyer. "The much-desirde break......." Khaleej Times, 20 Sep,2011, p.9 Mohanty, Rajani Iyer. "Being fat, bulky matters." Khaleej Times, 17 Sep,2011, p.7 Nargis Khanum. "Firmly into the monsoon belt." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. I Nazia Nazar. "Dengue in full bloom." The Nation, 22 September, 2011, p.6 Patel, Zarina . "A new terrorist of the year 2011." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. II Sania Nishtar. "Developing health (pt-II)." The News, 3 September, 2011, p.6 Syed Mansoor Hussain. "Dengue: What next?." Daily Times, 26 September, 2011, p.A6 Tammy Swofford . "Military healthcare system ." Daily Times, 23 September, 2011, p.A6 HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY – PAKISTAN Ahmad Raza. "Arresting moral decline." Dawn, 16 September, 2011, p.6 Chaburji. "The gramophone." The Nation, 29 September, 2011, p.7 Chauburji. "Bungalows." The Nation, 15 September, 2011, p.7 Chauburji. "The Haunted 'Belna'." The Nation, 22 September, 2011, p.7 Dr. Mohammad Saleem. "The Quaid-i-Azam and Quit India Movement." The Nation, 11 September, 2011, p.7 Huma Yusuf. "The ultimate destination." Dawn, 5 September, 2011, p.6 Sharif al Mujahid. "A critical role." Dawn, 11 September, 2011, p.6 Syed, Saadat. "What price Jinnah's word?." Dawn, 15 September, 2011, p.6 Talat Farooq. "From September 11 to 9/11." The News, 11 September, 2011, p.6 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY – WORLD Berry, Neil. "The Spy Who Turned in his Grave." Khaleej Times, 12 Sep,2011, p.8 Margolis, Eric S. "On the wrong side of history." Khaleej Times, 18 Sep,2011, p.11 Shamshad Ahmad. "Ever since I witnessed it." The News, 12 September, 2011, p.6 HUMAN RIGHTS–PAKISTAN Anees Jillani. "When parents are in jail." Dawn, 29 September, 2011, p.6 Atle Hetland. "Feeling the pain of others." The Nation, 29 September, 2011, p.6 Masood Hasan. "The silly English roundabouts." The News, 11 September, 2011, p.7 Mir Mohammad Ali . "Agony, anguish and angst." Daily Times, 4 September, 2011, p.A6 Mohammad Ali Talpur . "Proper guidelines ." Daily Times, 18 September, 2011, p.A6 Rafia Zakaria. "No room for dreams." Dawn, 28 September, 2011, p.7 Rakhshinda perveen. "Violence against women in Pakistan - so what?." Daily Times, 10 September, 2011, p.A7 S.M. Hali. "PNS Darman Jah." The Nation, 21 September, 2011, p.7 Sana Baloch. "Genesis of the Baloch - Islamabad conflict ." Daily Times, 5 September, 2011, p.A6 HUMAN RIGHTS – WORLD Crowley, P J. "Obama's weak peace hand." Khaleej Times, 25 Sep,2011, p.10 Muhammad Javed. "The Syrian Puzzle." The Nation, 7 September, 2011, p.7 Vohra, Bikram. "The day of the wounded dove." Khaleej Times, 21 Sep,2011, p.10 INDIA POLITICS, POLICIES AND RELATIONS Akbar, M J. "Discord in democracy." Khaleej Times, 1 Sep,2011, p.9 Akbar, M.J.. "Chidambaram's response." Dawn, 11 September, 2011, p.7 Akbar, M.J.. "Tiger Tiger burning bright." Dawn, 25 September, 2011, p.7 Bhagat Sing. "To young political workers." Daily Times, 28 September, 2011, p.A7 Bidwai, Praful. "Missing a historic chance." The News, 19 September, 2011, p.6 Bidwai, Praful. "Modi's nasty 'fast politics." The News, 26 September, 2011, p.6 J SRI Raman . "The class 2011." Daily Times, 9 September, 2011, p.A7 Jamil Nasir. "Anti- Corruption crusade in India." Daily Times, 6 September, 2011, p.A7 Joseph, Manu. "The politics of secorning." Khaleej Times, 4 Sep,2011, p.9 Malik, Ashok. "Beyond point-scring." Khaleej Times, 5 Sep,2011, p.9 Mohan, Shivani. "Of yatras in the fast lane." Khaleej Times, 26 Sep,2011, p.11 Mowahid Hussain Shah. "Shining India?." The Nation, 15 September, 2011, p.6 Rahul Singh. "Rahul vs Modi in 2014?." Dawn, 26 September, 2011, p.6 Sonali Ranade. "Is India ungovernable?." Daily Times, 25 September, 2011, p.A7 Sonali Ranade. "Narendra Modi : is he the leader for these times?." Daily Times, 18 September, 2011, p.A7 INDO-PAK RELATIONS Aijaz Zaka Syed. "Cry, my beloved country." The News, 22 September, 2011, p.6 Ikram Sehgal. "Real hope for peace." The News, 8 September, 2011, p.6 Rudra Chaudhuri. "More is less in peace development." The News, 13 September, 2011, p.7 Sana Bucha. "While we are looking East." The News, 25 September, 2011, p.6 Sengupta, Hindol. "The eleven principles for my Pakistani friends." The News, 13 September, 2011, p.6 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Anne marie. "Veto or no veto, the middle east is on the brink." Financial Times, 23 September, 2011, P.11 Ayaz Ahmad. "Our leadership's US problem." The News, 28 September, 2011, p.6 Babar Sattar. "Our US problem." The News, 24 September, 2011, p.7 Cloghley, Brian. "Is this a price worth paying." The News, 23 September, 2011, p.6 Cohen, Roger . "Israel's faux pas." Khaleej Times, 7 Sep,2011, p.7 Cork, Chris. "The label game." The News, 26 September, 2011, p.7 Cowell, Alan. "Cost of a thaw with russia." Khaleej Times, 19 Sep,2011, p.11 Crowley, P J. "Libya proves obama right." Khaleej Times, 2 Sep,2011, p.7 David Pilling. "When the singapore sling meets the arab spring." Financial Times, 15 September, 2011, P.9 David Pilling. "Why taiwan still rattles beijing and washington." Financial Times, 22 September, 2011, P.9 Dempsey, Judy. "Going the asian way than europe." Khaleej Times, 18 Sep,2011, p.10 11 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 12 Ikram Sehgal. "Terms of endearment." The News, 29 September, 2011, p.6 Inam Khawaja. "Pakistan US relations a historical perspective." Business Recorder, 29 September, 2011, p.22 Jiang, Wenran. "Along march with china." Khaleej Times, 2 Sep,2011, p.6 Kuchins, Andrew C. "A Durable Russian Reset." Khaleej Times, 15 Sep,2011, p.11 Matthews, Owen. "The Turkish man of the moment." Khaleej Times, 9 Sep,2011, p.6 Mehreen Zahra-Malik. "The fog of war." The News, 30 September, 2011, p.6 Mehreen Zahra-Malik. "Until they , 'bluff our call'." The News, 23 September, 2011, p.6 Morris, Benny . "Israel on a slippery slope?." Khaleej Times, 16 Sep,2011, p.7 Raoof Hasan. "Watershed or waterloo?." The News, 29 September, 2011, p.6 Saleem Safi. "Pakistan's security stance." The News, 7 September, 2011, p.6 Shada Islam. "EU disapproval of Turkey." Dawn, 17 September, 2011, p.6 Shafqat Mahmood. "We need wisdom, not emoptional rants." The News, 30 September, 2011, p.7 Shamshad Ahmad. "Thank you, Admiral Mullen!." The News, 29 September, 2011, p.6 Taj M. Khattak. "Pakistan must turn to aquaculture." The News, 27 September, 2011, p.6 Tellis, Ashley J.. "Marching to a melt down?." The News, 10 September, 2011, p.6 Tobias Buck. "Out of Arafat's shadow and on to Palestine's pedestal." Financial Times, 24/25 September, 2011, P.9 Waqas Aslam Rana. "Why Pakistan should recognise Kosovo." The News, 14 September, 2011, p.6 Weedah Hamzah. "Syrian intelligence haunts activists in Lebanon." Business Recorder, 21 September, 2011, p.20 Whitbeck, John V. "America's mideast moment." Khaleej Times, 14 Sep,2011, p.10 Zafar Hilaly. "An indispensable relationship." The News, 20 September, 2011, p.7 ISLAM Abbas Nasir. "What's faith got to do with it." Dawn, 17 September, 2011, p.7 Asghar Ali Engineer. "Of paradise and hell." Dawn, 9 September, 2011, p.6 Ghazi Salahuddin. "Our relations with God." The News, 25 September, 2011, p.7 Imran Khan. "Lunar legitimacy." The News, 5 September, 2011, p.6 Mahjabeen Islam . "Owning Quran and the Hereafter ." Daily Times, 16 September, 2011, p.A7 Niaz Murtaza. "Secular or Islamist." Dawn, 18 September, 2011, p.7 Nilofar Ahmad. "First written constitution." Dawn, 23 September, 2011, p.6 Tammy Swofford. "The gadenken files." Daily Times, 10 September, 2011, p.A7 KASHMIR AND KASHMIR ISSUES Khalid Iqbal. "Massacre in Indian held Kashmir." The Nation, 5 September, 2011, p.7 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Afrah jamal . "Parting with the past, embracing the future." Daily Times, 17 September, 2011, p.A7 Afrah Jamal . "War and peace ." Daily Times, 5 September, 2011, p.A7 Ayers, Jeff. "A action packed thriller." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. III Ayers, Jeff. "Author puts a human element on complicated story." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. III Azad Iqbal. "Apna watan." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. III Burzynski, Andrea. "US needs a wake up call, says new friedman book." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. III Desilva, Bruce. "Lippman's new stand-alone novel drags a bit." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. III Fredrix, Emily. "Lynch's memoir heartfelt, funny." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. III Harris Khalique. "Hind-Urdu-u-stani?." The News, 9 September, 2011, p.7 Hill, Michael. "Rivera and rest of Yankees bullpen." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. III Irfan Zafar. "A matter of geography." Daily Times, 30 September, 2011, p.A7 Italie, Hillel. "'Wimpy Kid,' 'Heroes of Olympus' among fall books." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. III Kay, Jennifer. "Never the hope itself." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. III M.Abul Fazl. "Josh Malihabadi's freshness of thought." The Nation, 6 September, 2011, p.6 Mehr Tarar. "Masterstrokes by a literary wizard." Daily Times, 27 September, 2011, p.A7 Moore, Summer. "A new novel a mixed bag." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. III Nadeem Zuberi. "Before and after disaster." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. III Rhor, Monica . "Morris laces new novel with growing sense of dread." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. II Rizvi, Najmul hasan. "Let's learn chinese." Khaleej Times, 19 Sep,2011, p.11 Wahid Bashir. "Understanding Faiz." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. II Wiener, Michelle. "Tale of unrequited love lacks fresh insight." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. III Zubeida Mustafa. "Chinese in Sindh schools." Dawn, 14 September, 2011, p.6 LAW AND LEGISLATION Abdul Quayyum khan kundi . "Menace of corruption ." Daily Times, 20 September, 2011, p.A7 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 13 Babar Mirza. "Discontents of ICJ mission." Dawn, 29 September, 2011, p.7 Babar Sattar. "Still rooting for change." The News, 17 September, 2011, p.7 Byrne, Clare. "Legal showdown looms over French face veil ban." Business Recorder, 23 September, 2011, p.20 Elf Habib. "A case for two supreme courts ." Daily Times, 20 September, 2011, p.A7 Gulmina Bilal Ahmad. "Blasphemy, blasphemy everywhere." Daily Times, 30 September, 2011, p.A6 Hina Hafeezullah Ishaq . "the booming business of break- bone ." Daily Times, 23 September, 2011, p.A7 Hina Hafeezullah Ishaq. "The day the Zebra crosses." Daily Times, 30 September, 2011, p.A7 Ikram Ullah. "Key to Pakistan's destiny." The Nation, 19 September, 2011, p.7 Inam Khawaja. "Justice and equity." The Nation, 25 September, 2011, p.7 Ishaque Malik. "Judicial freedom but with responsibility." Daily Times, 26 September, 2011, p.A6 Mahmood Abdul Ghani. "Inconsistencies anomalies and omisions-I." Business Recorder, 28 September, 2011, p.20 Mahmood Abdul Ghani. "Inconsistencies anomalies and omisions-II." Business Recorder, 30 September, 2011, p.22 Mahrukh Malik . "Diffusion of responsibility: justice prevails ." Daily Times, 23 September, 2011, p.A7 Rehman, I.A.. "Labour's just demands." Dawn, 8 September, 2011, p.7 Shaheen Ashraf Shah. "Womens role in legislation." Dawn, 18 September, 2011, p.6 Vohra, Bikram. "In very cold blood." Khaleej Times, 1 Sep,2011, p.9 Yasser Laatif Hamdani . "A vote a day keeps the Ahmedi away ." Daily Times, 12 September, 2011, p.A7 Yasser Latif Hamdani. "1973 Constitution is theocratic in form and substance." Daily Times, 5 September, 2011, p.A7 Zafar Azeem. "Confronting litigation in asset protection." Business Recorder, 29 September, 2011, p.22 Zafar Azeem. "Injustices of a criminal justice system." Business Recorder, 15 September, 2011, p.20 MEDIA – PAKISTAN Abbas Nasir. "The not so lone ranger." Dawn, 10 September, 2011, p.7 Mansoor Hussain. "Liberals and conservatives on TV." Daily Times, 12 September, 2011, p.A6 Sonali Ranade. "WikiLeaks: can we handle the truth?." Daily Times, 11 September, 2011, p.A7 MEDIA – WORLD Amin A gadit. "It's time to speak up." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Annette Reuther. "Stars on holiday how PR plays a role in celebrity summertime breaks." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Bhskar, P G. "Earthlings are passe." Khaleej Times, 18 Sep,2011, p.11 Duralde, Alonso. "Fright Night forgettable but not regrettable." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Gordon, Julie . "Women directors shine at Toronto film festival." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. IV hun, Choe sang. "South korea's civilian paparazi." Khaleej Times, 29 Sep,2011, p.12 Janardhan, N. "Media Undr the Cosh." Khaleej Times, 12 Sep,2011, p.9 Knightley, Phillip. "Media's love _ hate escort." Khaleej Times, 16 Sep,2011, p.6 Malik Muhammad Ashraf. "Freedopm with responsibility." The Nation, 13 September, 2011, p.7 Mayer, Peter. "In Venice, theatre based movies make a splash." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Mayton, Joseph. "Lasting Change in egypt." Khaleej Times, 1 Sep,2011, p.8 Meyer, Manuel. "Malta not just alive in the eyes of Hollywood filmmakers." Business Recorder, 3 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Momin Iftikhar. "A deserving rebuke." The Nation, 12 September, 2011, p.6 Muhammad Ashraf. "Freedom with responsibility." Business Recorder, 9 September, 2011, p.20 Rozen, Leah. "Cough and the world coughs with you in 'Contagion'." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Scarpellini, Liliana Martinez. "Hollywood on end of year 3-D spree." Business Recorder, 17 September, 2011, Weekend. IV MISCELLANEOUS Abdulamir , Akif . "The hard facts of life." Khaleej Times, 27 Sep,2011, p.13 Abdulamir, Akif . "When life is passing you by." Khaleej Times, 17 Sep,2011, p.6 Brown, Gordon . "The G-20 must get serious." Khaleej Times, 20 Sep,2011, p.8 Dempsey, Judy . "Europe divided over un bid." Khaleej Times, 14 Sep,2011, p.10 deutsch, David. "Einstein the relative realist." Khaleej Times, 5 Sep,2011, p.9 Eatwell, John. "The comtested vision." Khaleej Times, 1 Sep,2011, p.8 Friedemann, Karin. "For a child.a hug is a magic circle." Khaleej Times, 22 Sep,2011, p.10 Kanter, James . "Migration bothers EU the most." Khaleej Times, 20 Sep,2011, p.9 Lubchenco, Jane . "The pirates of the fisheries." Khaleej Times, 7 Sep,2011, p.6 Nair, Chandran. "The asian route." Khaleej Times, 3 Sep,2011, p.6 Rachman, Tom . "The future of offline nostalgia." Khaleej Times, 16 Sep,2011, p.7 Ramchandani, Kumkum. "To Gossip or not to Gossip." Khaleej Times, 8 Sep,2011, p.9 Razvi, Waris.H.. "There's so much more of you." Khaleej Times, 17 Sep,2011, p.7 Solayman, Hanan. "Tweeting Tahrir." Khaleej Times, 9 Sep,2011, p.7 Vohra, Bikram . "Stop the car nage." Khaleej Times, 28 Sep,2011, p.10 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 14 Wassener, Bettina. "Circling the globe on solar power." Khaleej Times, 13 Sep,2011, p.8 Zakaria, Fareed . "The Euro-china nexus." Khaleej Times, 19 Sep,2011, p.11 OTHER RELIGIONS Mir Adnan Aziz. "Fundamentalism." The News, 21 September, 2011, p.6 Shada Islam. "The pope in Berlin." Dawn, 24 September, 2011, p.6 ORGANIZATIONS Brian, Cloughley. "A killing machine called CIA." Dawn, 12 September, 2011, p.7 Brunwasser, Matthew . "The kosavar dilemma." Khaleej Times, 29 Sep,2011, p.13 Muhammad Amir Rana. "Flawed surveys." Dawn, 12 September, 2011, p.7 Nida Mahmood. "Countering Islamophobia." The Nation, 20 September, 2011, p.6 Power, Jonathan. "The standoff at the UN." Khaleej Times, 24 Sep,2011, p.7 PAKISTAN FOREIGN RELATIONS Abdul Quayyum Khan. "moving pieces of foreign policy." Daily Times, 27 September, 2011, p.A7 Bassam Javed. "India cashes in on US interests." The Nation, 6 September, 2011, p.7 Illyas M. Mohsin. "The Afghan morass." The Nation, 28 September, 2011, p.6 Marvi Sirmed. "Liberalisation of strategic deth - I." Daily Times, 12 September, 2011, p.A7 Mohammad Taqi. "Pakistan ,s little Great Game - I." Daily Times, 15 September, 2011, p.A6 Mowahid Hussain Shah. "Big power; small politics." The Nation, 29 September, 2011, p.6 Nasim Zehra. "All power to informed debate but ... - II." Daily Times, 14 September, 2011, p.A7 Nasim Zehra. "All power to informed debate but I." Daily Times, 13 September, 2011, p.A6 Rashid Ahmad Khan . "Pakistan - Iran and regional connectivity." Daily Times, 22 September, 2011, p.A6 Riaz Mohammad Khan. "After Rabbani." Dawn, 25 September, 2011, p.7 Salman Shah. "Geographical realities." Dawn, 27 September, 2011, p.7 PEACE AND WAR / AFTER EFFECTS Ahmad Rashid. "Once again us afghan policy is hobbled by divisions." Financial Times, 20 September, 2011, P.11 Amelie Herenstein. "Date palm decline Iraq looks to rebuild." Business Recorder, 11 September, 2011, p.16 Atle Hetland. "Wars and structural violence." The Nation, 22 September, 2011, p.6 Castillo, Graciana Del. "Afghan Peace Calculus." Khaleej Times, 15 Sep,2011, p.11 Cowell, Alan. "Libya is no afghanistan." Khaleej Times, 5 Sep,2011, p.8 Dr Rashid Ahmad khan . "Hope in Nepal ." Daily Times, 7 September, 2011, p.7 Dziadosz, Alexander. "Ruined Libya town shows danger of post-war vendetta." Business Recorder, 30 September, 2011, p.22 Farah Khalid Khan. "Drone victims' right to compensation." The Nation, 24 September, 2011, p.6 Fraser, Malcolm. "America's self-inflicted decline." Khaleej Times, 1 Sep,2011, p.9 Greenway, H D S. "There is still a 9/11 blowback." Khaleej Times, 5 Sep,2011, p.8 Gulmina Bilal Ahmad . "No rest in peace (RIP)." Daily Times, 16 September, 2011, p.A6 Hasan Khan. "The realistic route." Dawn, 5 September, 2011, p.7 Huma Yusuf. "An information black hole." Dawn, 19 September, 2011, p.6 Humayun Khan . "The debate on the eandgame in Afghanistan." Daily Times, 12 September, 2011, p.A6 Khalid Iqbal. "Palestinian statehood: Now or never!." The Nation, 26 September, 2011, p.7 Lal Khan. "The dis-United Nations." Daily Times, 25 September, 2011, p.A7 M.A Niazi. "9/11, ten years on." The Nation, 16 September, 2011, p.6 Mansoor Hussain . "Afghanistan after the US leaves." Daily Times, 19 September, 2011, p.A6 Margolis, Eric S. "Death of a Warrior." Khaleej Times, 25 Sep,2011, p.10 Marvi Sirmed. "Resisting the Taliban menace." Daily Times, 26 September, 2011, p.A7 Mayer, Gregor . "Who is to get Moamer Qadhafi's frozen funds." Business Recorder, 4 September, 2011, p.16 Michael Herzog. "The perils of the palestinians'big moments at the un." Financial Times, 21 September, 2011, P.9 Mir Adnan. "Just a rocket." The News, 30 September, 2011, p.6 Mowahid Hussain Shah. "10 years after 9/11." The Nation, 3 September, 2011, p.7 Musa Khan. "Afghan militias fight for money." Daily Times, 29 September, 2011, p.A7 Naeem Tahir . "Remembering the September 1965 war ." Daily Times, 24 September, 2011, p.A6 Naeem Tahir. "Remembering the September 1965 war - I." Daily Times, 17 September, 2011, p.A6 Philip Stephens. "Israel should back a palestinian state." Financial Times, 16 September, 2011, P.11 Philip Stephens. "Libya-a last hurrah for britain's pretensions of influence." Financial Times, 6 September, 2011, P.11 Power, Jonathan . "Is warmongering down?." Khaleej Times, 3 Sep,2011, p.7 Razeshta Sethna. "The forgotton frontline." Dawn, 20 September, 2011, p.7 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 15 S P Seth. "9/11 and after - 1." Daily Times, 25 September, 2011, p.A6 S P Seth. "9/11 and after." Daily Times, 26 September, 2011, p.A7 Salman Tarik Kureshi . "The sad stench of failure ." Daily Times, 17 September, 2011, p.A6 Shahid Ilyas. "FATA is inhabited by normal human beings!." Daily Times, 3 September, 2011, p.A7 Syed, Mohib Asad. "A system with merit." Dawn, 13 September, 2011, p.7 Tomforde, Anna . "Thank you for the oranges British spy chief to Libya." Business Recorder, 7 September, 2011, p.20 Vivek Iyer. "Douse the fire." Daily Times, 28 September, 2011, p.A6 Wazhma Frogh. "There if no endgame in Afghanistan, Yet ." Daily Times, 13 September, 2011, p.A7 Widmer, Ted. "Was 9/11 turning point." Khaleej Times, 19 Sep,2011, p.10 Zahrah Nasir. "The peace enemies within." The Nation, 26 September, 2011, p.6 POLITICS – PAKISTAN A B Shahid. "September tragedies." Business Recorder, 6 September, 2011, p.20 A Q Khan. "Oblivious to public opinion." The News, 5 September, 2011, p.6 A Q Khan. "The rulers and their indifference." The News, 19 September, 2011, p.6 A Q Khan. "Turning up the heat." The News, 12 September, 2011, p.7 Abbas Nasir. "At what price reconciliation." Dawn, 3 September, 2011, p.7 Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi . "Foreign intervention in domestic affairs ." Daily Times, 6 September, 2011, p.A7 Adiah Afaz. "Eid denial." The News, 4 September, 2011, p.6 Alpher, Yossi . "What Israel Should do?." Khaleej Times, 15 Sep,2011, p.10 Ameer Bhutto. "Mufahimat madness." The News, 4 September, 2011, p.6 Ameer Bhutto. "The nuts and bolts of change." The News, 26 September, 2011, p.6 Andleeb Abbas. "All the president's men." Daily Times, 4 September, 2011, p.A6 Anjum Ibrahim. "Increasing reliance on foreign assistance." Business Recorder, 5 September, 2011, p.16 Anjum Ibrahim. "Pakistan shackled from all sides." Business Recorder, 26 September, 2011, p.18 Anjum Ibrahim. "Politics the art of the possible." Business Recorder, 12 September, 2011, p.16 Anjum Niaz. "Winners and losers." The News, 24 September, 2011, p.7 Anwar Syed . "Armed gangs in political parties ." Daily Times, 20 September, 2011, p.A6 Anwar Syed. "Revolution and reform as vehicles change." Daily Times, 27 September, 2011, p.A7 Asha ar Rehman. "Power politics among equals." Dawn, 6 September, 2011, p.7 Asif Edzi. "The case for a directly elected senate." The News, 19 September, 2011, p.7 Ayaz Ahmad. "Why failure is not an option." The News, 9 September, 2011, p.6 Ayaz Amir. "A woe self-created." The News, 9 September, 2011, p.6 Ayaz Amir. "Working the levers of patriotism." The News, 30 September, 2011, p.6 Ayaz Wazir. "An alliance of the clean." The News, 22 September, 2011, p.6 Azam Khalil. "Political storm, its repercussions." The Nation, 8 September, 2011, p.7 Babar Ayaz. "Mqm : the way forward ." Daily Times, 15 September, 2011, p.A7 Babar Ayaz. "Muhajir plitics in post - Bhutto period ." Daily Times, 14 September, 2011, p.A7 Babar Ayaz. "The dynamics of Muhajirs Politics ." Daily Times, 13 September, 2011, p.A7 Babar Sattar. "Doing the right thing." The News, 3 September, 2011, p.7 Babar Sattar. "Moment of truth." The News, 10 September, 2011, p.7 Bakhtiyar kazmi . "Political positioning ." Daily Times, 24 September, 2011, p.A7 Cork, Chris. "The unthinkable." The News, 5 September, 2011, p.7 Dr. A.H. Khayal. "Hearts and hands." The Nation, 9 September, 2011, p.6 Dr. Haider Mehdi. "Conscientious objectors...or??." The Nation, 13 September, 2011, p.6 Dr. Haider Mehdi. "Thank you, Mirza!." The Nation, 20 September, 2011, p.6 Dr. Ijaz Ahsan. "Our own Anna Hazare." The Nation, 13 September, 2011, p.7 Elf Habib. "Nawaz stirs new debate." Daily Times, 5 September, 2011, p.A7 Fahd Husain. "Bloodsport in our Colosseum." Daily Times, 6 September, 2011, p.A6 Farrukh Saleem. "Buy dollars." The News, 25 September, 2011, p.6 Farrukh Saleem. "Capital suggestion." The News, 4 September, 2011, p.6 Ghayur Ayub. "The world is not what it was, Pakistan is not what it was." Business Recorder, 24 September, 2011, Weekend. IV Ghazi Salahuddin. "Deceit and deception." The News, 11 September, 2011, p.7 Ghazi Salahuddin. "Democracy and its discontents." The News, 18 September, 2011, p.7 Gulmina Bilal Ahmad . "Seeking Legitimacy ." Daily Times, 9 September, 2011, p.A6 Harris Khalique. "War euphoria." The News, 30 September, 2011, p.7 Hussain H. Zaidi. "The method in his madness." The News, 5 September, 2011, p.6 Ikram Sehgal. "A great tragedy." The News, 22 September, 2011, p.6 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. Ikram Sehgal. "The end game?." The News, 6 September, 2011, p.6 Ikram Ullah. "Democracy on trial." The Nation, 5 September, 2011, p.7 Ikram Ullah. "Karachi: A frightening volcano." The Nation, 12 September, 2011, p.7 Inayatullah. "All eyes on the supreme Court." The Nation, 3 September, 2011, p.7 Iqbal Jafar. "How to make democracy work." Dawn, 26 September, 2011, p.7 Jalees Hazir. "Dr. Mirza's leap of faith." The Nation, 4 September, 2011, p.6 Jalees Hazir. "New challenges for the MQM." The Nation, 11 September, 2011, p.6 Javed Jabbar. "Democracy and disasters." Dawn, 21 September, 2011, p.7 Kamila Hyat. "Political solution to a political problem." The News, 8 September, 2011, p.7 Lal Khan. 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The Nation, 14 September, 2011, p.7 S.M.Hali. "Pakistan served Miranda." The Nation, 28 September, 2011, p.7 Sadiqi, Fatima . "Gender heart of politics." Khaleej Times, 9 Sep,2011, p.7 Shapiro, Gary . "How americ turns travellers away." Khaleej Times, 23 Sep,2011, p.6 Subel Bhandari. "The United States longest war drags on ." Business Recorder, 27 September, 2011, p.27 Taha Najeeb Khan. "The view from both sides." Daily Times, 28 September, 2011, p.A7 Tallat Azim. "Bewildered and bracing up yet again." The Nation, 24 September, 2011, p.6 Tammy Swofford. "Where the wild rice grows." Daily Times, 30 September, 2011, p.A7 Zaidi, M.. "A hybrid sentiment." Dawn, 5 September, 2011, p.7 Zaidi, M.. "Arab anti Americanism." Dawn, 26 September, 2011, p.7 WORLD CONFLICTS Lake, Eli . "Obama's israel bomb sale." Khaleej Times, 29 Sep,2011, p.13 Saida Fazal. "Palestinian bid for statehood." Business Recorder, 22 September, 2011, p.20 salzberger, fania oz. "With friends like these..." Khaleej Times, 22 Sep,2011, p.11 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 21 Simanovsky, Natalia. "Israel's self isolation." Khaleej Times, 23 Sep,2011, p.6 List of Digital Library E-Journals Databases Note: All of the resources are available only from registered IPs provided by ITC, University of the Punjab and can not be accessed outside The University Campuses. S No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Name of Database AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICS TEACHERS (AAPT) AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (ACS) AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS (AIP) AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY (AMS) AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY(APS) ASSOCIATION OF COMPUTING MACHINERY (ACM) BEECH TREE PUBLISHING BRITISH LIBRARY ELECTRONIC DELIVERY SERVICE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS (CUP) EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS ELSEVIER (Science Direct) EMERALD ESDU - ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS FOR ACADEMIA INSTITUTE FOR OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND THE MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (INFORMS) INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS IEEE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA (JASA) JSTOR NATURE PUBLISHING NRC RESEARCH PRESS JOURNALS ONLINE PROJECT MUSE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ROYAL SOCIETY - ROYAL SOCIETY JOURNALS ONLINE SCIENCE ONLINE SPRINGER LINK TAYLOR & FRANCIS JOURNALS UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS WILEY-BLACKWELL JOURNALS WORLD BANK E-LIBRARY E-Books 1. EBRARY E-CONTENT PLATEFORM PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 2. MC GRAWHILL COLLECTION 3. SPRINGER BOOKS 22 Subject wise List of 53 Foreign Research Journals Subscribed in 2011 Sr# Name of Department 1 2 3 Center for High Energy Physics College of Art and Design College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences 4 5 Department of Applied Psychology Department of Archaeology 6 7 Department of Botany Department of Economics 8 Department of English Language and Literature Department of Geneder Studies 9 10 Department of Geography Department of History 12 13 Department of Islamic Studies Department of Library & Information Science 14 15 16 17 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department of Philosophy Department of Physics Department of Political Science 18 Department of Special Education 19 Department of Zoolgy 20 21 22 Hailey College of Banking and Finance Institute Of Administrative Sciences Institute Of Business & Information Technology Institute of Business Administration 23 Name of Journal Hadronic Journal Arts of Asia Biometrika Journal of American Statistical Association International Journal of Epidemiology Journal of Applied Psychology Artibus Asia, New York, USA Jounal of Roayl Asiatic Society of Great Britian and Ireland Australian Journal of Botany Journal of Applied Economics Journal of Developmenht Economics Poetry Review Affilia; Journal of Women and Social Work Gender and Society Economic Geography International Journal of Punjab Studies The Indian Economic & Social History Review Journal of American Oriental Society Library Quarterly Journal of Libarianship and Information Science Journal of Bacteriology Philosophy of Social Sciences Reports on Progress in Physics Current History Asian Profile Asia pacific Journal of speech language and hearing Physical Disabilitieis Education and related services Teacher Education and Special Education Geobios Jounral of Clinical Endocrionology and Metabolism Harvard Business Review International Journal of Public Administration MIT Sloan Management Review Journal of Finance Journal of Marketing Research PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 24 Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology 25 Institute of Communication Studies Sr# Name of Department 26 Institute of Education and Research 27 28 29 Institute of Geology Institute Of Mycology and Plant Pathology Institute of Quality & Technology Management 30 Institute of Social & Cultural Studies 31 32 33 P.U.C.I.T University College of Pharmacy University Law College 23 AICHE Journal Industrial & Engineering chemistry research Media Asia Journalism and Mass communication quarterly Media, Culture & Society (Sage Publication) Name of Journal Educational Technology American Education research Journal Educational Management, Administration and Leadership Bulletin of Geological Society of America Journal of Plant Pathology Asian Journals on Quality International Journals on Quality and Service Science American Sociological Review Journal of Developing Societies Communications of ACM Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal of legal Education American Journal of International Law PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 24 List of New Arrivals for the Month of October, 2011 Sr. # Author 1. Title Sajwan, Kenneth S. (ed.) Class # Cutter # 621.312132 C 32 W 52 C G 32 a W 20 A C 62 P K 11 C S 27 B 55 P H 18 A N 68 R S 58 C G 55 H C 59 I14 K 11 W10 K 33 A2 C 28 A U2 A 28 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Chemistry of trace elements in fly ash Williams, A. Combustion and gasification of coal Aitchison, Ian J. R. (ed.) Gauge theories in particle physics (3rd.) Agroecology in action Warner, Keith Douglass Corsellis, Ann Public service interpreting Popper, Karl Conjectures and refutations Kohl, Philip L. (ed.) Selective remembrances Bishop, Robert The philosophy of the social sciences Hamblen, David L. Adams's outline of fractures Nola, Robert Rescuing reason Smoot, L. Douglas Coal combustion and gasification Gordon, Scott The history and philosophy of social science Copi, Irving M. Introduction to logic (14th.) Kagan, Donald The Western Heritage (10th.) Kemp, Barry J. Ancient egypt (2nd.) Camp, John M. The archaeology of athens Chang, C. Y. (ed.) Ulsi devices Advances in coal spectroscopy Meuzelaar, Henk L. C. (ed.) 665.772 539.721 577.55 418.02 121 930.1 300.1 617.15 001.01 662.62 300.1 160 909.09821 932 938.5 621.395 662.622 19. Engineering Foundation Conference… 621.312132 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. The impact of ash deposition on coal fired plants Davis, Angela Y. Waldram, J. R. Pelesko, John A. Women, Race and class Superconductivity of metals and cuprates Modeling MEMS and NEMS Turner, Monica G. (ed.) Landscape ecology in theory and practice Taylor, Steve 100 Years of magazine covers Cascio, Wayne F. Applied psychology in human resource management (7th.) Gonzalez, Rafael C. Digital image processing (3rd.) Fang, D. G. Antenna theory and microstrip antennas Rao, V S P Human resource management (2nd.) Laudon, Kenneth C. Management information systems (11th.) Chaitanya, Krishna History of Indian painting Kerrod, Robin Star guide (2nd.) Harvey, Ross Digital curation Russell, Bertrand Principles of mathematics Nolan, Brendan C. (ed.) Public sector reform Biochemistry of milk products Andrews, A. T. (ed.) Tinkle, Theresa Gender and power in medieval exegesis Survey of Muslim institutions and culture Hanifi, Manzoor Ahmad Moonis Ahmar (ed.) Rizvi, Syed Ali Akbar Conflict transformation and the challenge of peace Villa, Tomas G. (ed.) Enzybiotics Bibi Zaiban (R.A.) Moon, Brian M…(et.al.) Applied concept mapping Israel, Susan E. Breakthroughts in literacy Gondal, Ishtiaq Ahmad Role of mosque in Muslim community Henrici, Dirk RFID Security privacy Aziz Ahmad (ed.) Muslim self-statement in India and Pakistan, 1857-1968 305.42 537.623 621.3 577 741.652 658.30019 621.367 621.3824 658.3 658.4 759.954 523.80223 025.00285 510.1 352.28 637 220.8 297.09 327.17 B 300.223 372.6044 297.351 658.787 297.2954 615.35 E 72 I D 23 W W 11 S P 32 M L 18 T 21 H C 24 A7 G 51 D3 F 15 A R 19 H2 L 27 M11 C 27 H K 51 S H 39 D R 98 Pa P 91 B 53 T 53 G H 24 S C 53 Z3R A 68 B 80 G 50 R H 54 R M 93 E 76 PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. Sr. # Author 46. Lahirei Choudhury, Deep Kanta 47. Griffith, Robert (ed.) 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. McGlynn, Clare (ed.) Rust, Joshua 25 Title Telegraphic imperialism Major problems in American history since, 1945 (3rd.) Rethinking rape law John searle and the construction of social reality Class # Cutter # 384.109509034 L 12 T 973.92 345.02532 M 28 g3 R 39 121 R 98 J 372.632 956.94032 332.042 530.11 S 37 T B 29 R G 24 I R 88 I 371.144 M 36 R 332.6 658.3 H 67 E2 G 39 I Shemesh, Ruth Bartlett, W. B. Gay, Gerald D. Rosser, W. G. V. Teaching English spelling Road to Armageddon International finance Introductory special relativity Marshall, Kim Rethinking teacher supervision and evaluation Hirschey, Mark Giri, Ramadhar Investments (2nd.) Industrial relations Giordano, James J. (ed.) Scientific and philosophical perspectives in neuroethics 174.2968 S 24 Munck, Ronaldo (ed.) Rathore, Altaf Hussain Globalisation and migration Three great love stories of Punjab 325 808.8385 G 42 R 20 T Izutsu, Toshihiko Chandra, Prasanna Zahid Hussain Creation and the timeless order of things Projects (7th.) Frontline Pakistan 297.4 658.404 320.95491 I9C C 29 P7 Z2F Kalfayan, Leonard Production enhancement with acid stimulation (2nd.) 622.338 K 11 P Zettili, Nouredine Sprenger, Marilee Quantum mechanics (2nd.) Leadership brain for dummies 530.12 658.409 Z 5 Q2 S 65 L Shakir, M. H. (translated) Holy Quran 297.1225 H 77 Smith, Wolfgang Comsmos and transcendence Hodgdon, Barbara (ed.) Companion to Shakespeare and perfomance Bisswanger, Hans Practical enzymology (2nd. completely revised ed.) Gill, Rosalind Gender and the meida 501.2 822.33 572.7 302.23082 S 57 C C 53 B 56 P2 G 36 G Marnet, Oliver Behaviour and rationality in corporate governance 658.42019 M 33 B Abell, Sandra K. Designing and teaching the elementary science methods course 372.35 A 14 D 363.34 Ramkumar, Mu. (ed.) Geological Hazards Hefferan, Kevin Earth materials 550 Luxford, Heather Learning through talk 372.62 Marketing management (13th.) 658.8 Kotler, Philip…et.al. (ed.) Organizational behavior 658.3 Robbins, Stephen P. Arthur, Wallace Evolution 571.8 Gill, Robin Igneous rocks and processes 552.1 Laudon, Kenneth C. E-Commerce 658.05 Natural heritage of Korea, Dokdo (with, CD.) 951.95 Milonni, Peter W. Laser physics 621.366 Nonprofit essentials 004.068 Woodward, Jeannette Kaczorowska, Alina Public international law (4th.) 341 Pritichard, Alan Psychology for the classroom 370.1523 Shah, Niaz A. Islamic law and the law of armed conflict 340.59 Lowell, James What every fidelity investor needs and know 332.6327 Goyal, M. 620.00151 Computer-based numerical and statistical techniques (with, CD.) Rummler, Geary A. Rediscovering value 658.4 Gardner, Cynthia MIS Cases 658.4085011 658.804 McDonald, Malcolm Key account management (3rd.) Madura, Jeff International financial management 658.15 Straub, Richard O. Study guide (9th.) 150 G 26 H 49 E L 92 L M 33 k13 R 56 O14 A 78 E G 36 I L 27 E4 N 28 M 64 L W 78 N K 11 P4 P 86 P S 31 I K 83 W G 61 C R 87 R G 18 M M 13 K3 M 26 Ia S 88 S PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. Sr. # Author 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 26 Title Class # Cutter # Freeze, R. Allan Groundwater 551.498 F 88 G Das, Bikram K…et.al. Introduction to professional English and soft skills (with, CD.) 428.208865 D 17 I Legal environment of business (8th.) Learning for themselves Financial accounting (7th.) Relativity, gravitation and cosmology Physics and chemistry of solids Data warehousing 346.7307 372.13943 657 530.11 541.0421 Colour and the optical properties of materials (2nd.) C 60 L W 58 L S 80 F7 L 16 R E 54 P H 91 D T 52 C2 G 50 M6 L 27 M11 M 31 U2 C 53 S 41 A3 S 27 A G 26 C 60 L S 60 g3 V 28 W G 37 G D 17 R M 66 N F 20 E2 M 75 P Corley, Robert N. Wilson, Jeni Stice, Earl K. Lambourne, Robert J. A. Elliott, S. R. Humphries, Mark Tilley, Richard J. D. 658.43380285 Shoukri, Mohamed M. Analysis of correlated data with SAS and R (3rd.) Seldin, Peter Varadpande, M. L. Gillespie, Kay J. Academic portfolio Geographical inofrmation and climatology Lives of the planets Sociology (3rd.) Woman in Indian sculpture Guide to faculty development (2nd.) Das, Sudhansu Kumar Role of commercial banks in rural development Mohayuddin, G. Farrell, David M. Moore, Jane New anthology of English verse Electroal systems (2nd.) Key concepts in romantic literature 535.6 658.3 658.4 530 193 614.4 378.1224 551.6 523.2 301 704.942 378.12 332.15 821.008 324.63 808.8385 Four renaissance comedies 822.052308 Indian politics and society since independence Strategic project portfolio management Future of schools 320.954 380.13 004 530.143 320.95 658.4012 371.2 Leadership for quality and accountability in education 371.200941 Total quality management (3rd.) finance and financial makrets (3rd.) Modern political communication Csontemporary strategy analysis (7th.) Electromagnetic theory Witness Iraq Made for Mughal Emperors Matter and interactions (3rd.) Jewel in the Crown Islam as political religion Future of leadership development Mysterious stranger Routledge student statutes 658.4013 332 302.2 658.4012 530.141 Managing human resources (6th.) Laudon, Kenneth C. Management information systems (11th.) Mansfield, Michael Understanding physics (2nd.) Companion to Nietzsche Pearson, Keith Ansell (ed.) Gomez-Mejia, Luis R. Carrega, Pierre (ed.) Corfield, Richard Giddens, Anthony (ed.) Shaughnessy, 118. Robert (ed.) 119. Chakrabarty, Bidyut 120. Hocking, Brian (ed.) 121. Norton's, Peter 122. Mandl, Franz 123. Yahuda, Michael 124. Moore, Simon 125. Caldwell, Brian J. 126. Brundrett, Mark 127. Oakland, John S. 128. Pilbeam, Keith 129. Stanyer, James 130. Grant, Robert M. 131. Stratton, Julius Adams 132. 133. Stronge, Susan 134. Chabay, Ruth W. 135. Scott, Paul 136. Shabbir Akhtar 137. Canals, Jordi (ed.) 138. Twain, Mark 139. Moore, Marc (comp.) 140. Rouse, William B. (ed.) 141. Tallerman, Maggie Trade politics (2nd.) Introduction to computers (7th.) Quantum field theory (2nd.) International politics of the Asia-Pacific (3rd.) Economics of human systems integration Understanding syntax (2nd.) 956.70443 709.54 530 FE 297.272 650.071173 FA 346.41066 658.3 415 F 72 C 27 I T 68 h2 N 81 I7 M 29 Q2 Y 1 I3 M 76 C 12 F B 93 L O 11 T3 P 55 F3 S 68 M G 68 C7 S 88 E W 66 S 90 M C 27 M3 S 26 J S 31 I F 98 T 92 M C 53 R 91 E T 12 U PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. Banks, Summer Abir, Mordechai Developmental georgaphy Oil, power and politics Tezcur, Gunes Murat uslim reformers in Iran and Turkey Scott, David Professional doctorates Alterovitz, Gil (ed.) Knowledge-based bioinformatics Dwivedi, Sharat Status of women in independent India Chemistry of trace elements in fly ash Sajwan, Kenneth S. (ed.) Williams, A. Combustion and gasification of coal Aitchison, Ian J. R. (ed.) Gauge theories in particle physics (3rd.) Agroecology in action Warner, Keith Douglass Corsellis, Ann Public service interpreting Popper, Karl Conjectures and refutations Kohl, Philip L. (ed.) Selective remembrances Bishop, Robert The philosophy of the social sciences Hamblen, David L. Adams's outline of fractures Nola, Robert Rescuing reason 27 330.9 953 322.10955 378.013 572.80285 305.40954 621.312132 665.772 539.721 577.55 418.02 121 930.1 300.1 617.15 001.01 B 20 D A 14 O T 30 M P 87 K 86 D 97 S C 32 W 52 C G 32 a W 20 A C 62 P K 11 C S 27 B 55 P H 18 A N 68 R PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 28 ف ہر ست اردو ک تب ماہ س تم بر1102ء نمبر شما ر عنوان مصنف درجہ بندی نمبر 1آزاد ،ابوالکلام ہندوستان آزاد ہو گیا 2آمنہ مفتی آخری زمانہ(ناول) 3احمد کاشف فراز اردو آپشنل برائے پی۔ایم۔ایس 4اختر جعفری پنجابی زبان و ادب:چونویں سوال تے جواب 5اختر ،احمد رفیق استفسارات 6از میر بٹ راجہ داہر!سندھ کے متنازعہ حکمران کی اولین مستند، مفصل اور تحقیقی داستان حیات 7اشرف ،محمد خان اصطلاحات۔تدوین متن 8اشفاق،ملک ابن رشد:حیات،فلسفہ اور نظریات 297.9924ا 127ا 9اصغر گوندوی کلیات اصغر گونڈوی 891.4315ا 50کل اعطمی ،محمد 10 الیاس اعظمی ،خلیل احمد، مولانا مولانا عبدالستار خان نیازی(ایک صوفی۔ایک مجاہد) 320.954 کٹر نمبر آ 36ہ 91.4333آ 689آ 891.4307ا 27ا 891.49108ا 304پ 297.04ا 30ا د 452ا 923.2 491.434ا 458ا 297.9922 ع 375ا اسلام کا نظام اوقاف 297.0613ا 546ا 12افتخار احمد،مرتب روداد مجلس شواری 329.9547ا 565ر 13اقرار حسین شیخ لائبریری آٹومیشن 14اکرام چغتائی،محمد 1857ء :مجموعہ خواجہ حسن نظامی 15امجد جاوید عشق فنا ہے عشق بقا 16امجد جاوید جب عشق سمندر اوڑھ لیا 17انجم ،فرخندہ شام کی دہلیز پر 18انور راجہ قبر کی آغوش 19باوآ ،بشیر اساں غزلاں 20برنٹ ،ڈاکٹر افکار برنٹ:شفایابی کے آئینے میں 25.258ا 6075لا 954.083 ح 47ا ک 891.4332ا 68ع 891.4332 ا 68ج 891.4315ا 71شا 923.2ا 76ق 891.4911ب 275آ 615.532ب 473ا PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 29 21پریم چند پریم چند کے بہترین افسانے 22تشنہ ،نذیر احمد نادرات اردو 23تقی علی خان انوار جمال مصطفی ﷺ 24توصیف ایزد زرا کیمبرج تک 25ثاقبہ رحیم الدین نیند آئی 891.4331ث 41ن 26ثاقبہ رحیم الدین گلاب :بچوں کے لئے کہانیاں 891.4331ث 41گ 27ثاقبہ رحیم الدین بادل جھومے 891.4331ث 41با 28ثاقبہ رحیم الدین صبح کا تارا:بچوں کے لئے کہانیاں 891.4331ث 41ب 29ثمینہ ندیم ولی(تحقیق و تنقید) جامی ،نورالدین 30 محمد عبداالرحمن نفحات الانس 31جاوید ،نظام الحق موج میلہ 32جاوید اقبال ا ٓٓنکھوں کے امراض:وجوہات اور علاج 33جاوید اقبال مقالات جاوید(ادبی،فکری اور قانونی مباحث پر ڈاکٹر جاوید اقبال کی فکر انگیز تحریریں) 891.4304ج 21مق 34جاوید اقبال ،رائو حضرت علی ھجویری المعروف حضرت داتا گنج بخش 297.692ع 92ج 35جگر مراد آبادی کلیات جگر 36حاوی اعظم افغان حکمران 958ح 248ا حاصل عمر گریزاں 928ح 44ح حسن عسکری 37 کاظمی حسین محی الدین 38 قادری 891.4332 پ 47پریم چن 491.43ت 52ن 297.9921م 28نان 914.2ت 882ذ 891.43101و 8ث 297.692ج 15ن 891.4911ج 21مق 617.7ج 21آ 891.4315 ج 451ک نقش اول 891.4315ح 53ن 39حفیظ احمد نعتاں دا میحل 891.4911ح 59ن 40حقی ،علیم الحق تیل کی آگ 891.4333ح 658ت 41حمیرا رحمن اندمال 891.4315ح 805ان 42خالد رحمن پاکستان میں دینی تعلیم:منظر ،پس منظر و پیش منظر خانع تتوی،میر علی 43 شیر تذکرہ مقالات الشعرا 44خوشونت سنگھ خوشونت سنگھ کے بہترین افسانے 297.07خ 19پا 891.551092ق 3242ت 823خ 886خ PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 30 45خیال غلام نبی 46رؤف پاریکھ 47رشید نثار ،مرتب فغان کشمیر:کشمیر سے متعلق مزاحمتی شاعری کا ایک منفرد مجموعہ اردو نثر میں مزاح نگاری کا سیاسی اور سماجی پس منظر دھنک:ثاقبہ رحیم الدین کے شعر۵ی مجموعوں اور چند ادبی کتب پر تبصرے اور تنقید 891.493108 خ 90ف 891.43709ر 89ا 891.4301ث 41د 48رضیہ فصیح احمد ایک صدی کی کہانی(ناول) 891.4333ر 71ای 49ریحانہ نذیر انداز محبوب 891.4315ر 983ا 50زاہد چودھری 51زاہد چودھری 52زاہد چودھری مسلمانوں کی سیاسی تاریخ:عہد بنو امیہ۔ترتیب از حسن جعفر زیدی اور خالد محبوب مسلمانوں کی سیاسی تاریخ: دور رسالت مآبﷺو خلافت راشدہ مسلمانوں کی سیاسی تاریخ:عہد بنو عباس 297.93 ز 2مس 297.91ز 2م 297.94ز 2مسل 53زیب ،ایم۔جے عالمگیر(ناول) 891.4333ز 678ع 54ساقی فاروقی شاہ دولہ کا چوہا اور دوسری نظمیں 891.4315س 17ش 55 56 57 58 سعدی شیرازی، مشرف الدین مصلح بن عبداللہ سلطان بشیر محمود سلطان بشیر محمود سلطان بشیر محمود بوستان سعدی خبردار !قیامت سر پے ھے تلاش حقیقت قیامت اور حیات بعد الموت 891.5511س 71بوس 297.463س 83خ 297.11س 83ت 297.463 س 83ق 370.4س 95مک 59سید احمد خان ،سر مکاتیب سیر سید احمد خان 60سیف الرحمن رانا مطالعہ پاکستان جنرل:انسائی و معروضی۔مرتب از خالد محمد ڈوگر 320.9547س 96م 61شاہین زیدی جدا منزلیں ،جدا راہیں 891.4333ش 285ج 62شاہین فردوس کہیں دیر نہ ہو جائے 63شیریں زادہ خدوخیل رسول اکرم ﷺ کا دستر خوان 64صدیق علی مرزا کیسے کیسے لوگ(خاکے) 65صفدر رھمدانی تہران ہو گر عالم مشرق کا جنیوا(سفرنامہ ایران) 297.07ش 285ک 297.9921 م 28شی 891.43092ص 5ک 915.3 ص7ن PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 31 طاہر حسین کاظمی 66 ،سید معاصرین مرزا دبیر:تقابلی مطالعہ پروانہ شمع رسالت(غازی ملک ممتاز حسین قادری حدیث دیگراں:مضامین ،کالم و تقاریظ دربارہ 69عبدہ یمانی ،محمد اولاد کو سکھائومحبت اہل بیت 297.9921ع 59ا 70عرزم،طاہر حسین اشک نایاب 891.4911ع 685ا عشرت ،میر غلام 71 علی داستان سحر البیان 891.4331ع 76د 72علی اکبر رضوی خاتم النبیین حضرت محمد مصطفے ﷺ 297.9921م 28عخ 73علی شبیر تاریخ حجر اسود 74عمر زبیری ،ظفر قدیم تہذیبیں اور مذاہب 75عمران ملک ،محمد مکالمہ عقل و عشق 76غلام سرور,مرتب برسات:ثاقبہ رحیم الدین کی کتابوں پر تبصرے /تنقید/ تعارف 77فاطمہ حسن کتاب دوستاں 78فرحان ڈار ان پیج 2000 79فضل الہی حضرت ابراہیم بحیثیت والد 80قرۃ العین حیدر قرۃ العین حیدر کے بہترین افسانے 81قرۃ العین حیدر عہد نبویﷺ میں تمدن کامران اعظم 82 سوہدروی تاریخ گھوٹکی:صوبہ سندھ کے ضلع گھوٹگی کی تیرہ سالہ تاریخ اور عہد ساز شخصیات کا تعارف 83کرشن چندر 891.4332 84کشور ناھید سیاہ حاشیے میں گلابی رنگ 85کووے،اسٹیفن ایم آر اعتماد کی رفتار:ایک ایسی چیز جو ہر چیز کو بدل دیتی ہے 86کیفی ،عبدالقدوس اس سے کہنا خواب نہ بھیجے 67ظفر جبار چشتی 68ظہور احمد اعوان 87مجاہد اکبر 88محمد اشرف ذکر اکبر سوانح حضرت چودھری جلال الدین اکبر حضرت خواجہ امیر الدین کوٹلوی نقشبندی مجددی مع 891.431092 ط4م 297.9924م 71ظ 891.4304ظ 72ح 953.2ع 912ت ع 94ک 909 891.4315ع 940م 891.43101ث 41ب 891.4304ف 28ک 5.133ف 382ا 297.992ا 116فض 891.4332 ق 53ق 297.909ی 35عہ 954.16ک 15ت 891.4332 ک 4کر 891.4315ک 491سی 158ک 8551اع 891.4315ک 9ا 297.692 ا 61م 297.629ا 69م PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore. 32 89محمد علی صدیقی محمد کرم شاہ 90 للازہری محمد گوندلوی، 91 محمد حالات و کرامات اعلی حضرت میاں شیر محمد شرقپوری نقشبندی مجددی فیض احمد فیض:درد اور درماں کا شاعر جمال القرآن :آسان لفظی اور بامحاورہ ترجمہ مقالات محدث گوندلوی 891.431092ف 97مح 297.15م 538ج 297.304م 254م 808.8 92محمود فیضائی 1000خوبصورت چیزیں 93مفتون ،دیوان سنگھ سیف و قلم:ناقابل فراموش کا دوسرا حصہ 320.92م 68س 94موکوہا توجو مایا :ترجمہ از واتا سے جونکو 895.63م 814م 95ناصر زیدی۔مرتب قدیم و جدید معتبر شعراء کے کلام پر مشتمل ناقابل فراموش اشعار ناصر ،نصیر احمد 96 بٹ خزاں کے پھول 97نجم ،عبدالستار اقبال اور حب اصحاب و آل 98ندیم عزیز درون دل 99نذیر احمد،ڈپٹی زندگی کے چند سنہری اصول 891.43101 م 5784ا ن 18ق 891.4315ن 18خز 891.43101ا 605نج 891.4315ن 38د 891.4333 ن 44ز نظم طباطبائی، 100 علی حیدر شرح دیوان اردو غالب۔مرتب از ذکا صدیقی 101نوا،فائزہ صابری ہواسے ڈر گیا پاگل 891.4315ن 83ہ 102نور ،ثاقبہ ماہ نور:کلیات ثاقبہ نورمیں شامل مجموعہ کلام 891.4315ن 862م 103نیر اقبال علوی سلسلہ روز و شب(افسانے) 891.4332ن 96سل 891.43101غ 15نظ Please visit PunjabUniversity Library’s website to downloadcurrent issue http://www.pulibrary.edu.pk