JavaScript IM Project 3

Instructor’s Materials to accompany
Students will have mastered the material in this project when they can:
 Define rolling banner
 Write a user-defined function that
 Create an image object
changes an image when the mouse
 Write a rolling banner function
pointer passes over a related link
 Define array
 Write a user-defined function that
 Describe how to create an array instance
displays a menu of items and displays
 Call the rolling banner function
the price for an item that is selected from
 Create a dynamic greeting
the menu
 Describe the Switch statement
 Describe the onchange event handler
 Write a user-defined function that
 Write a user-defined function that
calculates the number of days to a future
 Discuss the getMonth() and getTime()
 Describe the onmouseover event handler
calculates the total cost of an item
selected from a menu
 Write a user-defined function to format
the total cost as currency
The Midwest Catering Web page introduces three new concepts: banners and image rollovers,
dynamic greetings, and arrays. Students will learn how to create image objects that will allow
them to change images either automatically or by dragging the mouse over an associated link.
With automatic image rollovers, students will learn how to create array objects. The dynamic
greeting uses the Date() object and introduces students to the Switch statement. Students learn
how to determine the number of days between the current date and some future date. Finally,
J 3.1
J 3.2 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
array objects are used in Selection lists for calculating prices. Students learn to pass data from
Selection lists to form text boxes using the array values.
Project Outline
 What a Doll!
Barbie® Doll Fans Are
Tickled Pink About
Teacher Notes and Activities
J 3.2
Have the students visit the Barbie site
( before you discuss this project.
Ask students to pay attention to the features of
Custom Dolls
I. Introduction
the site and ask them to speculate how the site
was built. Have students discuss how the
JavaScript was used to change images and
what role the mouse plays in interactive
aspects of the Web page. Ask students to
think of other ways JavaScript could
manipulate images to enhance a Web page.
J 3.4
Ask the students to discuss the concepts they
learned in Project 2. Give a brief overview of
the new concepts. Ask students to describe
Web sites they have visited that use banners.
Discuss the impact of the banner. Ask the
students if they have used Web sites that have
selection lists from which to select items. Ask
them what they think are the advantages and
disadvantages to such selection lists.
II. Project Three — Creating
the Midwest Catering
Web Page
J 3.4
Use Figures 3-1a through 3-1d to describe the
rolling banner. This banner replaces the
typical dull non-animated title. Explain that
each display is a graphic image file, and each
one displays in the same location. Tell
students the same effect basically can be
achieved through an animated GIF file, but if
students do not have access to such software,
this is one way to simulate simple animation.
Describe the form in Figure 3-1e. Tell
JavaSript Instructor’s Materials J 3.3
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
students that each food service has its own
form. Each of the forms perform a simple
calculation to display an estimated cost for
that food service. Tell students that actions
will trigger through the use of the event
Starting Notepad and
J 3.7
Use Figure 3-2 to review the steps to open the
cater.htm file.
J 3.7
Define rolling banner. Discuss the three steps
that must be followed in creating a rolling
banner. Discuss the More About Rolling
Banners box.
J 3.8
Remind students how the HTML IMG SRC
tag works. Use Table 3-1 to discuss the Name
attribute. Describe the general form of the tag
and purpose of the Width and Height
opening the cater.htm file
III. Rolling banners
A. Creating an image
attributes. Use Table 3-2 to describe how to
assign a new image to a location. Discuss the
relationship of the Name attribute and how it
is used in the object. Use Figures 3-3 and 3-4
to create the location for the image object.
B. Writing the rolling
banner function
J 3.9
Discuss the six steps needed in writing the
rolling banner function. Ask students to recall
the use of the recursive function call in Project
2 with the setTimeout() method. Ask the
students why they might need to use a
recursive call with the rolling banner. Define
array and subscript and describe their
relationship to each other. Use Table 3-3 to
discuss the general form of writing an array
and to provide examples of how to initialize
the array. Use Figure 3-5 to explain how data
fills an array and is accessed by the subscripts.
J 3.4 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
Discuss the More About Arrays and
Subscripts boxes. Use Table 3-4 and Figure 36 to discuss creating the array instance for the
rolling banner and how the array items are
used to replace the existing images.
C. Calling the rolling
J 3.12
banner function
Use Figures 3-7 and 3-8 to describe entering
the onload event handler to call the rolling
banner function when the Web page loads.
Review how the three steps to complete a
rolling banner were followed.
IV. Creating a dynamic
J 3.13
Explain the purpose of the dynamic greeting
and why it is important to have greetings that
change. Discuss the seven steps in creating the
dynamic greeting. Explain the need for a
variable to contain a generic greeting and how
the greeting changes and replaces the generic
greeting. Direct students to the More About
The Switch Statement box for more
A. The Switch statement
J 3.13
Define the Switch statement. Use the
flowchart in Figure 3-9 and Table 3-5 to
explain how the Switch statement works.
Discuss the general form and the example in
Table 3-5 and ask students to think of other
instances or items that can be tested using the
Switch statement.
B. The getMonth() and
J 3.14
Describe how the getMonth() and getTime()
methods work. Explain the importance of
using the Date() object to extract the system
date first. Explain why the getTime() method
returns the number of milliseconds from
January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00. Describe the
expression needed to convert the milliseconds
getTime() methods
JavaSript Instructor’s Materials J 3.5
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
to days. Discuss the More About The Date()
Object and getTime() boxes.
C. Creating the
J 3.15
Use the flowchart in Figure 3-10 to explain
the logic of the HolidayDays() user-defined
function. Explain the JavaScript code in Table
3-6 to determine the greeting for the St.
Patrick's Day holiday. Use Figure 3-11 to
explain how to enter the code for the St.
Patrick's day section of the HolidayDays()
function. Discuss the More About Math ceil()
Method box. Point out to the students that a
negative -2.89 returns a -2. Use Tables 3-7
and 3-8 to describe the code to set the greeting
for the 4th of July holiday and Halloween. Use
Figures 3-12 and 3-13 to describe how to
enter the JavaScript code for the
Independence Day and Halloween dynamic
messages. Use Table 3-9 to discuss the
JavaScript code to calculate the number of
days until Christmas. Use Figure 3-14 to
explain how to enter the JavaScript code for
the steps to count down to Christmas. Tell
students to use the current year as they enter
their code for Figures 3-11 through 3-13.
D. Calling the
J 3.20
function. Use Figure 3-15 to enter the
JavaScript section to call the HolidayDays()
E. Saving the HTML
file and viewing the
Web page
Use Table 3-10 to explain the placement of
the JavaScript code to call the HolidayDays()
J 3.21
Remind students to double check their code
before they save and test the Web page.
Review the steps to save the HTML file and
test the Web page. Use Figure 3-16 to point
J 3.6 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
out the rolling banner and the dynamic
greeting. Remind students as they enter their
JavaScript code for Figures 3-11 through 3-13
to enter the current year.
V. The onmouseover event
J 3.22
Describe how the onmouseover event handler
is used to change an image. Discuss the need
for Web developers to be careful when using
mouse event handlers. Use Table 3-11 to
discuss some of the other mouse event
handlers available.
A. Entering the
J 3.23
Use Figure 3-17 to discuss the placement of
the three onmouseover event handlers in the
anchor tags. Use Figures 3-17 through 3-19 to
enter the onmouseover event handlers that
will call the functions that will change the
images. Direct student to the URL listed in the
More About Mouse Event Handlers box.
J 3.25
Use Figures 3-20a and 3-20b to point out the
location of the images in the HTML code and
on the Web page. Use Table 3-12 to discuss
the JavaScript code needed to change the
image. Remind students about the IMG SRC
object used in the function that displays the
rolling banner. Tell students the same concept
applies here, except the image does not "roll."
Use Figure 3-21 to enter the JavaScript code
onmouseover event
B. Entering the functions
to change the images for the Picnics category.
Use Table 3-13 and Figure 3-22 to enter the
function to change images for the Dinner
Parties category. Use Table 3-14 and Figure
3-23 to enter the JavaScript code to change
the images for the Weddings category.
Remind students it is a good practice to save
JavaSript Instructor’s Materials J 3.7
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
and test their Web pages. Review the four
steps to save and test the Web page. Use
Figure 3-24 to show the new images when the
mouse is moved over the Picnics link
VI. Using selection lists to
display menu items
J 3.29
Discuss the Picnics section shown in Figure 325. Point out the selection list. Explain that
when a choice is selected a price displays in
the Extended price text box. The insertion
point is positioned in the Enter number of
guests text box and when the user presses the
TAB key, the extended price displays in the
Extended price text box. Explain how the
selectedIndex property is used to determine
which item was selected from the list. Direct
students to the URL in the More About Select
Lists box. Use Figure 3-26 to point out the
relationship between the items in the selection
list and prices in the array and how the
selectedIndex property is used to set the
subscript in the array item. Direct students to
the URL in the More About Passing Form
Names (this, form) box.
A. The onchange event
J 3.30
Describe how the onchange event handler
works. Remind the students that the price for
an item in the selection list displays in the
Extended price text box when the selection
list changes. Explain to the students that each
selection list for each food category must have
an onchange event handler to call the
appropriate function that displays the price.
Use Figures 3-27 through 3-29 to enter the
onchange event handlers for the Picnics,
J 3.8 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
Dinner Parties, and Weddings selection lists.
B. Entering the user-
J 3.32
defined functions for
the onchange event
Use Table 3-15 to explain the function to set
the price for the Ppicnics sSelection list. Ask
students to point out the array and identify the
different items. Ask students to explain the
use of the selectedIndex property and how it is
used to set the subscript. Use Figure 3-30 to
enter the function to assign the prices for the
picnics. Use Tables 3-16 and 3-17 to explain
the JavaScript code for the functions that set
the dinner parties prices and weddings prices.
Use Figures 3-31 and 3-32 to enter the
functions to assign the prices for the dinner
parties and weddings.
VII. Calculating the extended
price function
J 3.38
Use Figure 3-33 to point out the instructions
in the Picnics category for entering the
number of guests and displaying the extended
price. Explain why the onchange event
handler is used to call the functions to
calculate the prices. Use Figures 3-34 through
3-36 to enter the onchange event handlers to
call the functions to calculate the extended
price for the picnics, dinner parties, and
weddings functions.
Calculating the extended
J 3.40
Remind students how the insertion point is
placed in the Enter number of guests text box.
Use Table 3-18 to explain how the price that
displays in the Extended price text box
contains text and that only the numeric
portion can be used in the calculation of the
extended price in line 150. Emphasize that the
students must calculate the location of the
price exactly or errors will occur. Explain the
JavaSript Instructor’s Materials J 3.9
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
need to create the string object instance in line
151. Indicate the call to the dollarFormat()
function in line 152. Use Figure 3-37 to
describe entering the picPrice() function.
Using the same logic as Table 3-18 discuss
the code in Table 3-19 and use Figure 3-38 to
enter the dinPrice() function. Use Table 3-20
to explain the code for the wedPrice()
function and Figure 3-39 to enter the
JavaScript code.
VIII. The dollarFormat()
J 3.43
Remind students of the dollarFormat() userdefined function from Project 2. Review the
seven basic steps the dollarFormat() function
performs. Ask students to explain various
steps in the code in Table 3-21. Use Figure 340 to enter the dollarFormat() function. Use
Table 3-22 to discuss the sample test data.
Use Figure 3-41 to review the steps to save
and test the Web page using the data in Table
Printing the HTML
J 3.46
Review the step to print the HTML file using
J 3.47
Briefly review the material presented in this
J 3.47
Encourage students to use this section in
Notepad file
IX. Project summary
X. What you should know
preparing for tests and quizzes.
XI. Test your knowledge
XII. Use Help
J 3.48
These exercises test students on their mastery
of the material presented in this project.
Exercises 1 through 4 can be reviewed and
assigned at this time.
J 3.52
These exercises ask students to use JavaScript
Help to find out more about working with
J 3.10 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Project Outline
Teacher Notes and Activities
JavaScript. Exercises 1 and 2 can be reviewed
and assigned at this time.
XIII. Apply your knowledge
J 3.53
This exercise gives students a chance to apply
their knowledge to a document on the
JavaScript Data Disk. Exercise 1 can be
reviewed and assigned at this time.
XIV. In the lab
J 3.55
These exercises provide students with practice
in using the skills developed in this project.
Exercises 1 through 3 can be reviewed and
assigned at this time.
XV. Cases and places
J 3.60
These exercises offer students the opportunity
to learn more about JavaScript through openended activities with varying degrees of
difficulty. Students can be assigned one or
more exercises, or allowed to choose the
exercises in which they are most interested.
Instructor’s Materials to accompany
Multiple Choice
Understanding JavaScript Code Statements
ClassStanding = new Array("Freshman", "Sophomore", "Junior", "Senior")
document.Schedule.Class.value = Course[4]
Anniversary = Date("June 19, 2001")
curDay = new Date()
AnnivReminder = Anniversary.getTime() - curDay.getTime()
5. If (AnnivReminder > 0) {
numberDays = Math.ceil(AnnivReminder / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))
6. itemNum = CategoryList.Category.selectedIndex
Using onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousedown, and onmouseup to Simulate
9. The completed project for this assignment is supplied in the Instructor’s Lab Solutions
section on the Instructor’s Resource Kit CD-ROM as the mousesolution.htm file.
J 3.11
J 3.12 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Exploring Online Documentation
1. The predefined core objects are Array, Boolean, Date, Function, Math, Number, RegExp,
and String.
2. An array is an ordered set of values that you refer to with a name and an index. For
example, you could have an array called emp that contains employees' names indexed by
their employee number. So emp[1] would be employee number one, emp[2] employee
number two, and so on.
3. In Navigator 2.0 and Navigator 3.0, arrayLength is the initial length of the array. In
Navigator 4.0, if the <SCRIPT> tag does not specify "JavaScript1.2" as the value of the
LANGUAGE attribute, this is still true. However, if it does specify "JavaScript1.2", then
Array(arrayLength) creates an array of length one with arrayLength as its only element.
That is, it no longer considers a single integer argument as a special case.
4. a. concat joins two arrays and returns a new array.
b. pop removes the last element from an array and returns that element.
c. push adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns that last element
d. reverse transposes the elements of an array: the first array element becomes the last
and the last becomes the first.
e. sort sorts the elements of an array.
5. You can refer to an array's elements by using the element's value or ordinal number. For
example, suppose you define the following array: myArray = new
You then can refer to the first element of the array as myArray[0] or myArray["Wind"].
a. The Date object has a large number of methods for setting, getting, and manipulating
dates. It does not have any properties.
b. Currently, you cannot work with dates prior to January 1, 1970.
c. No parameters use the current system date. To provide parameters, allows the
developer to assign a specific date.
d. The Date object methods for handling dates and times fall into these broad categories:
"set" methods, for setting date and time values in Date objects.
"get" methods, for getting date and time values from Date objects.
"to" methods, for returning string values from Date objects.
parse and UTC methods, for parsing Date strings.
JavaScript Instructor’s Materials J 3.13
With the "get" and "set" methods you can get and set seconds, minutes, hours, day of
the month, day of the week, months, and years separately. There is a getDay method
that returns the day of the week, but no corresponding setDay method, because the day
of the week is set automatically. These methods use integers to represent these values
as follows:
Seconds and minutes: 0 to 59
Hours: 0 to 23
Day: 0 to 6 (day of the week)
Date: 1 to 31 (day of the month)
Months: 0 (January) to 11 (December)
Year: years since 1900
For example, suppose you define the following date:
Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995")
Then Xmas95.getMonth() returns 11, and Xmas95.getYear() returns 95.
The getTime and setTime methods are useful for comparing dates. The getTime
method returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 for a Date
Exploring Links to Other JavaScript Sites
1. Students should submit a printout of the Web development Web page.
2. Students should submit a printout of the Image flipping or banners Web page.
3. Students should submit a printout of the first page of the image rollovers tutorial Web
4. Students should submit a printout of the first page of the Date and Time tutorial Web
5. Students should submit a printout of the first page of the arrays and loops Web page.
6. Students should submit a printout of the image changing and cause a button to look
repressed with onmousedown and up Web page.
7. Students should submit a printout of the how to add extra zeroes at the end of 2.2 to
get 2.20 for an answer Web page.
J 3.14 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Using the onmouseover Event Handlers to Change Images
10. The completed project for this assignment is supplied in the Instructor’s Solutions section
on the Instructor’s Resource Kit CD-ROM as the travelsolution.htm file.
Using the Arrays Selection List Prices to Calculate a Total Price
7. The completed project for this assignment is supplied in the Instructor’s Lab Solutions
section on the Instructor’s Resource Kit CD-ROM as the computersolution.htm file.
Using Arrays to Create a Rolling Banner and Display Prices for a Selection List
10. The completed project for this assignment is supplied in the Instructor’s Lab Solutions
section on the Instructor’s Resource Kit CD-ROM as the floristsolution.htm file.
Creating Rolling Banners, Selection Lists, and Displaying Messages.
13. The completed project for this assignment is supplied in the Instructor’s Lab Solutions
section on the Instructor’s Resource Kit CD-ROM as the fencesolution.htm file.
Instructor’s Materials to accompany
Test Bank Answers are on page J 3.24.
Multiple Choice
266. What do you call a set of images, all the same size, that display in the location for a few
seconds, one after the other?
a. scrolling message
b. animated GIF
c. mouseover event handler
d. rolling banner or image rollover
267. Which of the following is not a step in creating a rolling banner?
create an image object
create an animated GIF
write the function
add the event handler to call the function
268. Which HTML tag attribute is used to identify image objects?
b. SRC
269. The Width and Height attributes in an IMG SRC tag set the size in __________.
a. pixels
b. inches
c. centimeters
d. milliseconds
270. What is an array?
a. a collection of graphic images used for animation
J 3.15
J 3.16 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
b. a collection of file names used for a history list
c. a collection of data items represented by one variable name
d. a collection of objects used for an image map
271. What does the subscript designate in an array?
a. the size of the array
b. the length of the array
c. the number of individual items in the array
d. an individual item or occurrence in the array
272. Subscripts follow the array variable name in __________.
braces { }
square brackets [ ]
parentheses ( )
a set of less than and greater than signs < >
273. Which of the following is not a valid example of a subscript?
a. [2]
b. [12]
c. [J 2]
d. [item] (where item is a JavaScript variable)
274. Besides the If…Else statement, what JavaScript statement is another way to multiple
a. Case
b. &&
c. ||
d. Switch
275. In the Switch statement, the comparisons begin with the first Case statement and
a. automatically stop execution on the first True condition
b. continue until all conditions are tested
c. stop and execute all True conditions
d. stop on first True condition and then execute the Default statement
276. Which statement passes control to the first statement after the closing brace for the
Switch statement?
a. Break
b. Case
JavaScript Instructor’s Materials J 3.17
c. Default
d. Next
277. Which statement is optional and is executed if none of the conditions are True?
a. Break
b. Case
c. Default
d. Next
278. The getMonth() method of the Date object, returns the __________.
a. number of the current month
b. name of the current month
c. number of days left in the current month
d. number of days in the current month
279. If the getMonth() method returned an 8, which month does that represent?
a. none, it returns the actual month name
b. August
c. September
d. October
280. The getTime() method returns the number of __________ that have elapsed since January
1, 1970 00:00:00.
a. microseconds
b. milliseconds
c. nanoseconds
d. seconds
281. Given the following statement: var count = Math.ceil(5.72), what is the value of count?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 5.8
282. Given the following statement: var count = Math.ceil(-5.72), what is the value of count?
a. -4
b. -5
c. -6
d. -5.7
J 3.18 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
283. Which mouse event handler triggers JavaScript when the mouse pointer is dragged off an
a. onmouseover
b. onmouseout
c. onmouseoff
d. onmousedown
284. Which mouse event handler triggers JavaScript when the mouse button is pressed?
a. onmouseover
b. onmouseout
c. onmousepress
d. onmousedown
285. Which mouse event handler triggers JavaScript when the mouse button is released?
a. onmouserelease
b. onmouseup
c. onmouseoff
d. onmousedown
286. Which mouse event handler triggers JavaScript when the user moves the mouse?
a. onmousemove
b. onmouseout
c. onmouseoff
d. onmousedown
287. What is the disadvantage to using mouse event handlers?
a. users might not know how to use the mouse
b. users might not know where to look for the event handler
c. users might be using a Web page with event handlers
d. before a web page is loaded, a user might drag the mouse over an object triggering an
event they were not expecting
288. The __________ provides the position of the item selected in the HTML Select Option
List tags.
a. selectedList property
b. selectedList() method
c. selectedIndex property
d. selectedIndex() method
289. How is the value of the selectedIndex property determined?
JavaScript Instructor’s Materials J 3.19
the location in the option list determines the value in the selectedIndex
the location in the corresponding array
the JavaScript Web developer must determine in advance
by the onchange event handler
290. Which event handler triggers an event whenever the object it is associated with changes?
a. onevent
b. ontrigger
c. onmove
d. onchange
291. A rolling banner is a set of images, all the same size, that display in the same
location one after the other.
292. Rolling banners are not the same as image rollovers or dynamic images.
293. Rolling banner images should pause for a few seconds to allow viewers to see a
graphic or read a message.
294. To create an image object, add the Name attribute to the <FORM> tag.
295. To create an image object, add the Name attribute to the <IMG SRC> tag.
296. The Name attribute provides JavaScript with the x and y coordinate location of
the new image.
297. The Name attribute provides JavaScript with a variable name, which is used to
assign the new image and replace the original image.
298. The Width and Height attributes in the <IMG SRC> tag indicate the size of the
image in pixels.
299. The Width and Height attributes in the <IMG SRC> tag indicate the size of the
image in centimeters.
300. The object name in the JavaScript code must match the object name in the <IMG
SRC> tag
301. An array is a collection of data items, represented by one variable name.
302. An array variable must have a subscript to identify an individual item.
303. A subscript is a number that designates an individual item or occurrence in an
J 3.20 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
304. The first item of a JavaScript array is element one.
305. The first item of a JavaScript array is element zero.
306. Subscripts are designated by placing pairs of braces {} after the variable name.
307. Subscripts are designated by placing pairs of brackets [ ] after the variable name.
308. A subscript may be any valid JavaScript variable name or numeric literal.
309. Subscript values always must be greater than zero.
310. A numeric literal is not acceptable as an array subscript.
311. An object instance, like an array, is an object created from a built-in object.
312. In JavaScript, three ways exist to add items to an array.
313. The data in an array is stored sequentially.
314. In the array, Banners[3], the number three is the size of the array.
315. In the array, Banners[3], the number three is the subscript and indicates the third
item in the array.
316. The Switch statement is a way of testing multiple conditions.
317. The only way to test multiple conditions is with nested If…Else statements.
318. The conditional testing in a Switch statement begins with the first Case statement
and continues until all the conditions are tested.
319. Only numbers can be used in Case conditions in the Switch statement.
320. The BREAK statement is used to cease all further testing of Case conditions
when a True condition has been found.
321. The default condition statement is required.
322. The default condition statement executes if none of the Case condition
statements are True.
323. The default condition statement executes if one of the Case condition statements
is False.
324. The Date() object returns the current system date to an object instance.
325. The setTime() method returns the number of microseconds that have elapsed
JavaScript Instructor’s Materials J 3.21
since January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00.
326. Using the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 is easier to calculate the
number of days that have elapsed than keeping track of the number of days in
each month.
327. To determine the number of days from the current date, divide the number of
milliseconds returned by the getTime() method by the product of
328. In the expression 1000*60*60*24, the first 60 represents the number of seconds
in a minute and the second 60 represents the number of minutes in an hour.
329. The Date() object can be used to specify a different date other than the current
system date.
331. The Math ceil() method returns a value rounded down to the nearest integer.
332. Given a number, 3.02, Math.ceil(3.02) returns 3.
333. Given a number, -2.99, Math.ceil(-2.99) returns 2.
334. Web designers must be careful when writing onmouseover event handlers.
335. The onmouseout event handler triggers JavaScript code when the mouse pointer
is dragged off an associated object.
336. The onmousedown event handler triggers JavaScript code when the mouse
button is released.
337. The onmouseup event handler triggers JavaScript code when the mouse button is
338. The onmousemove event handler triggers JavaScript code when the user moves
the mouse pointer.
339. The selectedIndex property provides the position of the item selected in a Select
option list.
340. The onchange event handler triggers an event whenever an object that is
associated with the event handler changes.
The Math ceil() method returns a value rounded up to the nearest integer.
J 3.22 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Short Answer
341. A(n) __________ is a set of images all the same size that display in the same location,
one after another.
342. Another name for rolling banners is dynamic images or __________.
343. For a rolling banner or image rollover to work, it must be assigned to the same
__________ as the previous images.
344. To create an image object, add the __________ attribute to the IMG SRC tag.
345. The __________ used in the IMG SRC tag allows JavaScript code to reference the image
object as a variable name.
346. The Width and Height attributes in the IMG SRC tag are measured in __________.
347. When assigning a new image to an image object, the object name in the __________
must match the object name in the IMG SRC tag.
348. A(n) __________ is a collection of data items, represented or referenced by a single
variable name.
349. A(n) __________ is a number that designates an individual item or occurrence in an
350. The first item in an array is element __________.
351. Subscripts are placed after the array name in __________.
352. A subscript can be any valid JavaScript variable or __________.
353. Arrays are __________ objects.
354. To create an array, use the __________ keyword to create an object instance.
355. __________ are useful for storing large quantities of items.
356. In JavaScript the default first element in an array is element __________.
357. In a simulated array, the first item (element zero) indicates the __________ in the array.
358. The data in an array is stored __________.
359. The __________ is another way to test multiple conditions.
360. The Switch statement starts testing with the first __________ and continues until all
conditions are tested.
JavaScript Instructor’s Materials J 3.23
361. The __________ statement passes control to the first statement after the closing brace for
the Switch statement.
362. The __________ statement is __________ and executes if none of the case conditions are
363. After creating a Date object, the __________ method returns the number of the current
364. The __________ method returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since
January 1, 1970 00:00:00.
365. To determine the number of days from the current date to a given future date, divide the
number of milliseconds by the product of __________.
366. The Math ceil() method returns the __________.
367. Given the following: var days = Math.ceil(8.09), the amount returned is __________.
368. A common error that may occur with mouse event handlers is the user might __________
over an object associated with an event handler before the page is loaded fully.
369. In the event of an error with a mouse event handler, simply __________ the Web page.
370. The __________ event handler triggers JavaScript code when the mouse pointer is
dragged off an object.
371. The __________ event handler triggers JavaScript code when the mouse button is
372. The __________ event handler triggers JavaScript code when the mouse button is
373. The __________ event handler triggers JavaScript code when the user moves the mouse
374. The selectedIndex property can be used to associate __________ items with
corresponding array items.
375. The onchange event handler triggers an event whenever a(n) __________, such as a text
box, changes.
J 3.24 Project 3 Enhancing the Use of Image and Form Objects
Multiple Choice
266. d [J 3.7]
271. d [J 3.9]
276. a [J 3.14]
281. c [J 3.16]
286. a [J 3.23]
267. b [J 3.7]
272. b [J 3.9]
277. c [J 3.14]
282. b [J 3.16]
287. d [J 3.23]
268. c [J 3.8]
273. c [J 3.9]
278. a [J 3.14]
283. b [J 3.23]
288. c [J 3.29]
269. a [J 3.8]
274. d [J 3.13]
279. c [J 3.14]
284. d [J 3.23]
289. a [J 3.30]
270. c [J 3.9]
275. b [J 3.13]
280. b [J 3.14]
285. b [J 3.23]
290. d [J 3.30]
291. T [J 3.7]
301. T [J 3.9]
311. T [J 3.9]
321. F [J 3.14]
331. F [J 3.16]
292. F [J 3.7]
302. T [J 3.9]
312. F [J 3.10]
322. T [J 3.14]
332. F [J 3.16]
293. T [J 3.7]
303. T [J 3.9]
313. T [J 3.10]
323. F [J 3.14]
333. F [J 3.16]
294. F [J 3.8]
304. F [J 3.9]
314. F [J 3.10]
324. T [J 3.14]
334. T [J 3.23]
295. T [J 3.8]
305. T [J 3.9]
315. F [J 3.10]
325. F [J 3.14]
335. T [J 3.23]
296. F [J 3.8]
306. F [J 3.9]
316. T [J 3.13]
326. T [J 3.14]
336. F [J 3.23]
297. T [J 3.8]
307. T [J 3.9]
317. F [J 3.13]
327. T [J 3.14]
337. T [J 3.23]
298. T [J 3.8]
308. T [J 3.9]
318. T [J 3.13]
328. T [J 3.14]
338. T [J 3.23]
299. F [J 3.8]
309. F [J 3.9]
319. F [J 3.14]
329. T [J 3.14]
339. T [J 3.29]
300. T [J 3.8]
310. F [J 3.9]
320. T [J 3.14]
330. T [J 3.16]
340. T [J 3.30]
Short Answer
341. rolling banner [J 3.7]
350. zero (0) [J 3.9]
359. switch [J 3.13]
342. image rollover [J
351. square brackets [J
360. condition [J 3.13]
343. location [J 3.8]
344. Name [J 3.8]
345. Name attribute [J
352. numeric value [J
361. Break [J 3.14]
362. default, optional [J
353. built-in [J 3.9]
363. getMonth() [J 3.14]
354. new [J 3.9]
364. getTime() [J 3.14]
346. pixels [J 3.8]
355. Arrays [J 3.9]
365. 1000*60*60*24 [J
347. JavaScript code [J
356. zero (0) [J 3.9]
348. array [J 3.9]
349. subscript [J 3.9]
357. number of elements
[J 3.9]
358. sequentially [J 3.10]
366. highest integer [J
367. 9 [J 3.16]
368. move the mouse [J
369. reload or refresh [J
370. onmouseout [J 3.23]
371. onmousedown [J
372. onmouseup [J 3.23]
373. onmousemove [J
374. selectedIndex [J
375. object [J 3.30]