Mathematics - University of Tasmania

KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Calculus and Applications 1
Enrolment code: KMA150
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
Combines KMA152 Calculus and Applications 1A and KMA154 Calculus and
Applications 1B.
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr practicals weekly
Prerequisites *MT841 or *MT843 or from Year 12 with a TCE score of 80 or above (subject to
counselling and approval from the Head of Mathematics)
Mutual exclusions KMA152, KMA154, KMA156, KMA157, KMA171, KMA172, KNT125,
Assessment mode 2x3-hr exams (80%), assignments (20%)
Courses [N3A] [S3G] [S3Gc2] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Calculus and Applications 1A
Enrolment code: KMA152
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Provides fundamental tools of one variable calculus that are essential in the application of
mathematics in science and engineering. Review of basic functions. Numerical sequences
and series. Calculus of one variable: differentiation, differentiation techniques, implicit
differentiation, upper and lower sums, integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Applications, including optimisation (maximum and minimum problems) and rates of
change. Introduction to vectors and applications, vector spaces and dot products.
Introduction to Mathematica.
Staff Dr PG Trotter
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites *MT841 or *MT843 or from Year 12 with a TCE score of 80 or above (subject to
counselling and approval from the Head of Mathematics)
Mutual exclusions KMA150, KMA156 and KMA157
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (80%), assignments (20%)
Required texts etc
J Stewart, Calculus, 4th edn, Brooks/Cole, Melb, 1999, ISBN 0534359493
Courses [S3G] [S3Gc2] [N3H] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Data Handling and Statistics 1
Enrolment code: KMA153
Offered: Hobart: semester 2, Launceston: semester 1 OR semester 2
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Introduces the management and interpretation of quantitative information. A ‘hands-on’
course, developed using data which is drawn from disciplines of relevance to the students.
Topics include: collecting, processing and presenting quantitative information; descriptive
statistics for summarising data; data exploration techniques; the role of chance; sampling;
commonly used statistical methods. Interpreting statistical information; mathematical
skills; the concept of modelling; use of computers and spreadsheets in mathematical and
statistical applications.
Staff Dr S Wotherspoon (Hbt), Dr D Fitzgerald (Ltn)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern equiv to 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites *MT730 or *MT841 or *MT843 or from Year 12 with a TCE score of 80 or above
(subject to counselling and approval from the Head of Mathematics)
Mutual exclusions KMA165, KMA272
Assessment mode assignments and class tests
Courses [C3U] [M3F] [N3H] [S2B] [S3A] [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3Gc2] [S3K] [S3T] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Calculus and Applications 1B
Enrolment code: KMA154
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Continuation of KMA152, with emphasis on the applications of single-variable calculus to
problems in the physical and biological sciences, economics and engineering. Techniques
of integration, proper and improper integrals. Approximation of functions by Taylor
polynomials. Power series. Approximation of integrals: Simpson’s and trapesoidal rules.
Differential equations, with applications to growth and decay and oscillatory motion.
Non-linear differential equations in one variable. Solution of systems of linear algebraic
equations. Matrices. Parametric curves and motion in 3 dimensions. Applications in
Staff Dr P Trotter, Dr B Gardner
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites (KMA152 or KMA153 or KMA171 or KNT125) and (*MT841 or *MT843) or
from Year 12 with a TCE score of 80 or above (subject to counselling and approval
from the Head of Mathematics)
Mutual exclusions KMA150
Assessment mode 3-hr examination (80%), assignments (20%)
Required texts etc
J Stewart, Calculus, 4th edn, Brooks/Cole, Melb, 1999, ISBN 0534359493
Courses [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3Gc2] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics for Computer Science 1
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: KMA155
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Introduces the fundamental concepts of mathematics and computation. No computing
experience is required. Functions, sets, equivalence relations, order relations, logic and
boolean algebras. Vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices in 2 and 3
Staff Mr D Fearnley-Sander
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites *MT730 or *MT841 or *MT843 from Year 12 with a TCE score of 80 or above
(subject to counselling and approval from the Head of Mathematics)
Assessment mode 3x1-hr class tests (75%), assignments (25%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Calculus and Applications 1S
Enrolment code: KMA156
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
For students who have achieved a high level qualification in pre-tertiary mathematics,
preparing them for subsequent studies in analysis-based mathematics and other
disciplines requiring a solid grounding in mathematical skills of both a theoretical and
practical nature. Studies include those prescribed for KMA150. There will be a special
‘problem solving’ session in each week.
Staff Dr B Gardner (sem 1), Dr P Trotter (sem 2)
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr practical weekly
Prerequisites *MT843 or *MT841 or from Year 12 with a TCE score of 80 or above (subject to
counselling and approval from the Head of Mathematics)
Mutual exclusions KMA150, KMA152, KMA154 and KMA157
Assessment mode 2x3-hr exams (80%), assignments (20%)
Required texts etc
J Stewart, Calculus, 4th edn, Brooks/Cole, Melb, 1999, ISBN 0534359493
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Essential Mathematics
Enrolment code: KMA157
Offered: not offered in 2002
Provides essential mathematics and communication skills in mathematics for those whose
primary interests lie in other disciplines. The unit allows only restricted access to second
year maths units. An introduction to key mathematical concepts together with
University of Tasmania unit details
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
communication skills that have application in a variety of disciplines. Mathematics: basic
mathematical modelling, probability, function study (polynomial, exponential, and
trigonometric functions), solving systems of equations, introduction to calculus, difference
and differential equations. Communication skills: scientific writing techniques, graphical
representation, presentation and seminar skills. Emphasis is placed on the use of
appropriate computer packages for both the mathematics and communication aspects of
the unit. Examples are chosen from disciplines of interest to students.
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr practical weekly
Prerequisites *MT730 or *MT841 or from Year 12 with a TCE score of 80 or above (subject to
counselling and approval from the Head of Mathematics)
Mutual exclusions KMA150, KMA152 and KMA156
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics for Aquaculture
Enrolment code: KMA162
Offered: Launceston: semester 1
Special note: normally restricted to Aquaculture students
Is designed specifically to meet the practical mathematical needs of students with
restricted background in mathematics. The unit comprises basic arithmetic, algebra,
trigonometry and statistics.
Staff tba
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs tutorial weekly
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (55%), 3 assignments (45%)
Recommended texts etc
Foster PC, Easy Mathematics for Biologists, ISBN 9057023393
Courses [S2B] [S3K] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics in Life Sciences 1
Enrolment code: KMA165
Offered: Launceston: semester 2
Provides a basic understanding of key mathematical concepts used in biological science,
particularly statistical design and analysis and growth modelling. The unit introduces the
use of statistical software.
Staff Dr D FitzGerald
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 4 hrs lectures/tutorials/practicals weekly
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Prerequisites Mathematics Applied Level III or *MT730 (recommended), or permission
from the lecturer
Mutual exclusions KMA153, KMA272
Assessment mode continuous, no exam
Courses [M3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics I
Enrolment code: KMA171
Offered: Launceston: summer school OR semester 1, Distance education: summer
school OR semester 1
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Is the first unit in the mathematics sequence, providing an introduction to several areas of
mathematics of immediate applicability in other fields. The theme of mathematical
modelling which informs the sequence is initiated, beginning with direct applications of
theory and with the formalising of simplified problems. Studies cover differential calculus
and applications, integral calculus – techniques up to partial fractions; applications to
areas, moments, volumes, work. Introduction of first-order separable differential
equations; linear algebra – solution of systems of linear equations by Gauss-Jordan
reduction, and the inverse matrix; determinants; complex numbers up to de Moivre’s
theorem; real functions up to inverse hyperbolic functions.
Staff Dr D FitzGerald
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs tutorial weekly
Prerequisites *MT841
Mutual exclusions KMA150, KMA152, KMA155, KMA156, KNT125
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (60%), regular written work (40%)
Required texts etc
Stewart I, Calculus: Early Vectors, ISBN 0534349412
Recommended texts etc
Thomas GB and Finney RL, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, ISBN 0201531747
Courses [N3H] [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics II
Enrolment code: KMA172
Offered: Launceston: summer school OR semester 2, Distance education: summer
school OR semester 2
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Provides an understanding of: techniques of differentiation and integration, as applied to a
wide range of elementary functions; rigorous definitions of limit, continuity, derivative,
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
and the relevance of these definitions; applications of standard techniques in the solution
of ordinary first order differential equations; numerical integration; applications of the
basic properties of geometric vectors; and basic features of vector spaces as abstract
structures. Lectures cover limits, hyperbolic and circular substitutions in integration,
partial differentiation, first order and linear second order homogeneous differential
equations, sequences and series, vectors, vector spaces, and linear operators.
Staff Assoc Prof D Blest
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly
Prerequisites KMA171 or KNT125
Mutual exclusions KMA154, KNT126
Assessment mode exam (50%), regular written work (50%)
Required texts etc
Stewart I, Calculus: Early Vectors, ISBN 0534349412
Recommended texts etc
Thomas GB and Finney RL, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 1996, ISBN 0201531747
Hill R, Elementary Linear Algebra (with Applications), ISBN 0030103479
Courses [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Real and Complex Analysis 2
Enrolment code: KMA215 or KMA315
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Provides a deeper understanding of the calculus of real functions, and an introduction to
the powerful methods of complex variable theory. Recommended for mathematics majors,
and teachers at the upper secondary level. Introduction to real analysis. Sequences.
Convergence, limits, Cauchy sequences. Compact sets. Sequences of functions, point-wise
and uniform convergence. Introduction to metric spaces. The complex plane. Complex
sequences, limits. Analytic functions. The Cauchy-Riemann equations. Power series.
Complex integration. Cauchy’s integral theorem. Singularities and residues. The residue
theorem, applications.
Staff Dr P Trotter, Dr K Dharmadasa
Unit weight 16.67%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Prerequisites KMA252
Assessment mode 2-hr exam (70%), internal assessment (30%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Algebra and Applications 2
Enrolment code: KMA251
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
A first unit in modern algebra. An introduction to algebraic structures, including groups
and rings. Applications of algebra, including switching circuits and coding.
Staff Dr B Gardner, Dr P Trotter
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Prerequisites one of KMA150, KMA152, KMA154, KMA155, KMA156, KMA171, KMA172,
KNT125, KNT126
Assessment mode 2-hr exam (80%), assignments (20%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Calculus and Applications 2
Enrolment code: KMA252
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Calculus of several variables. Scalar fields, contours. Partial and directional derivatives,
gradients. Optimisation and Lagrange multipliers. Vector fields. Line integrals. Surface
and volume integrals. Green’s Theorem in the plane. Flux across a surface. Divergence and
curl. The Divergence Theorem. Stokes’ theorem. Irrotational and incompressible vector
fields. Introduction to Fourier series for periodic functions. Euler’s formulae. Examples.
Staff Prof LK Forbes
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Prerequisites one of KMA150, KMA152, KMA154, KMA156, KMA171, KMA172, KNT125,
Mutual exclusions KME271
Assessment mode 2-hr exam (80%), assignments (20%)
Required texts etc
J Stewart, Calculus, 4th edn, Brooks/Cole, Melb, 1999, ISBN 0534359493
Courses [S3G] [S3Gc2] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Data Handling and Statistics 2
Enrolment code: KMA253
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Extension of the concepts, methods and tools introduced in KMA153. The course covers
the following areas: design of investigations and surveys. Introduction to inferential
statistics: estimation and testing, likelihood, efficiency, least squares, Bayes methods, rank
methods. Commonly used statistical methods: chi-squared tests, analysis of variance,
regression analysis and nonparametric methods. Extension of mathematical skills, and
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
further applications of models. Development of skills in using statistical computing
Staff tba
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites one of KMA150, KMA152, KMA153, KMA154, KMA171, KMA172, KNT125,
Assessment mode assignments and class tests
Courses [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3T] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Differential Equations, Linear Algebra &
Applications 2
Enrolment code: KMA254
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Covers use of calculus and applied linear algebra in solving problems that arise in the
modelling of real-world situations in biology, physics, chemistry and engineering.
Introduction to phenomena that involve continuous change with time; dynamical systems.
Differential equations of first order. Examples. Separable and linear equations. Non-linear
equations, transformations. Second-order equations; examples. solutions of forced and
unforced equations. Systems of first-order equations, reduction to algebraic systems.
Solution of linear equations. Matrices. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors. Linear independence,
orthogonality. Inner product spaces. Laplace transforms. Linear and non-linear differential
Staff Prof LK Forbes
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1 computer lab weekly
Prerequisites one of KMA150, KMA152, KMA156
Assessment mode 2-hr exam (70%), internal assessment (30%)
Courses [S3G] [S3Gc1] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Operations Research 2
Enrolment code: KMA255
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
A first unit in the major non-calculus methods of applied mathematics. Graph theory and
linear programming. Topics from: flows in networks, transportation and assignment
problems, time and task management, game theory and graph colouring.
Staff Mr D Fearnley-Sander
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Prerequisites any Yr-1 Maths unit
Assessment mode 2-hr exam (70%), assignments (30%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Computational Mathematics & Linear Algebra
Enrolment code: KMA265
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Special note: this unit is for Geomatics students
Fundamental numerical processes for obtaining approximate but useful solutions to
mathematical models. Topics include: errors in computations; solution of linear and
non-linear equations arising from problems in the physical and biological sciences,
commerce and engineering; approximation of functions; numerical integration and
differentiation; eigenvalues and eigenvectors with applications to differential equations
and optimisation. Vector methods, linear algebra and matrix theory and some applications
to spherical trigonometry and geometric transformations (if time permits).
Staff Dr J D Donaldson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites one of KMA150, KMA152, KMA156
Assessment mode tba
Courses [N3H]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics III
Enrolment code: KMA271
Offered: Launceston: summer school OR semester 1, Distance education: summer
school OR semester 1
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Commences with a development of the basic ideas of year one mathematics in the areas of
vector algebra and the solution of ordinary differential equations to second order.
Attention is given to series solutions, Laplace Transforms, special functions. The unit
concentrates on: the calculus of several variables including vector calculus; multiple
integrals – methods, relationships, applications.
Staff Assoc Prof D Blest, Mr B Robinson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 4 contact hrs weekly, mixed lecture/tutorial/practical
Prerequisites KMA172
Mutual exclusions KMA252, KME271, KNT227
Assessment mode exam (50%), regular written work (50%)
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Required texts etc
James G, Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 2nd edn ISBN 0201596211
Recommended texts etc
Stewart I, Calculus: Early Vectors, ISBN 0534349412
Courses [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics IV – Introductory Applied Statistics
Enrolment code: KMA272
Offered: Launceston: semester 2
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Encompasses: (a) Descriptive statistics and basic ideas of data analysis – data and their
distributions, graphs and summaries, comparison and association; (b) Probability notions –
discrete and continuous variables, distribution functions, density functions, expected
value, moments; (c) Sampling and sampling variation, estimation, likelihood; size and
power of a test; tests for differences between and among groups, for goodness-of-fit, and
for independence in contingency tables; and (d) Linear regression and correlation –
models, fitting criteria, residuals, estimation and tests; and linearising transformation.
Staff Dr D FitzGerald
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 1 hr lecture, 2 hrs tutorials, 1 hr computing session weekly
Mutual exclusions KMA165, KMA153
Assessment mode practical data analytic tasks (60%), 2x1-hr tests (40%)
Courses [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Computational Techniques 3
Enrolment code: KMA350
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Fundamental numerical processes for obtaining approximate but useful solutions to
mathematical models. Topics include: errors in computations; solution of linear and
non-linear equations arising from problems in the physical and biological sciences,
commerce and engineering; approximation of functions; numerical integration and
differentiation; eigenvalues and eigenvectors with applications to differential equations
and optimisation.
Staff Dr JD Donaldson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites KMA150, KMA152, KMA156
Assessment mode tba
Courses [S3G] [OC]
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Faculty website <>
Algebra and Applications 3
Enrolment code: KMA351
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
The development and application of structure theorems for various types of algebras.
Staff Dr A Kelarev
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab sessions weekly
Prerequisites KMA251
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (80%), assignments (20%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Analysis 3
Enrolment code: KMA352
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Further studies of Hilbert and Banach spaces. Linear operators. Measure theory.
Applications from Banach’s fixed point theorem, integral equations, approximation theory
and Fourier series. Functional analysis.
Staff Dr K Dharmadasa
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab sessions weekly
Prerequisites KMA254
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (70%), assignments (10%), mid-sem test (20%)
Recommended texts etc
Kreyszig E, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, ISBN 047103729X
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Data Handling and Statistics 3
Enrolment code: KMA353
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Extension of the concepts, methods and tools introduced in KMA253. A ‘hands-on’ course
in which the emphasis is on the development of skills in the selection and application of
statistical methods and the presentation of statistical results. Statistical methodology
covered in the course will be selected from the following: analysis of variance applied in
the area of experimental designs; generalised linear methodology; multivariate statistical
methodology; methods for analysing frequency data; methodology for studying data
collected over time. Expertise with statistical computing packages will be extended.
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Staff Dr S Wotherspoon
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites KMA253
Assessment mode assignments and class tests
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Mathematical Analysis & Applications 3
Enrolment code: KMA354
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Covers use of advanced calculus in resolving problems in the physical and biological
sciences, commerce and engineering. Partial differential equations models: modelling of
physical phenomena; classification of second order partial differential equations;
separation of variables and Fourier series; numerical solutions; elementary perturbation
theory; random processes; and characteristics of first order equations. Complex analysis:
the fundamental notions of calculus and analysis (convergence, sequences and series,
differentiation and integration) for complex variables; Cauchy’s theorem and its
Staff Dr J Donaldson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites KMA252
Assessment mode to be discussed with students, includes 1x2-hr exam
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Operations Research 3
Enrolment code: KMA355
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Applied Probability. Markov chains and their application to Information Theory. Coding
and Cryptography. Topics from: Boolean algebra, combinatorics, cryptography, algebraic
coding theory and linear feedback shift registers.
Staff Dr A Kelarev
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites any Yr-2 Maths unit
Assessment mode 2-hr exam (80%), assignments (20%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Principles of Statistics 3
Enrolment code: KMA356
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Topics from: foundations of statistics, maximum likelihood, likelihood ratio tests,
sufficiency, general linear models and least squares, generalised linear models, statistical
computing, decision theory.
Staff Mr D Fearnley-Sander
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites one of KMA253, 252
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (70%), assignments (30%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Topics in Advanced Mathematics 3
Enrolment code: KMA357
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Selected topics from geometry, combinatorics, set theory, topology, number theory and
history of mathematics.
Staff Dr B Gardner
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly
Prerequisites any Yr-2 Maths unit
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (70%), assignments (30%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Topics in Applied Statistics 3
Enrolment code: KMA358
Offered: not offered in 2002
Selected topics from real-life applications of statistics such as survey sampling, biological
species abundance estimation, clinical trials, quality control, geophysical assays,
forecasting, experimental design.
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr practical weekly
Prerequisites KMA253 or 153
Assessment mode tba
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
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KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Topics in Applied Algebra
Enrolment code: KMA359
Offered: not offered in 2002
Selected topics from applications of algebra. These will be computer science or
communication based applications such as to automata, formal languages or coding.
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr practical weekly
Prerequisites on of KMA155, KMA251, KMA255
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (70%), assignments (30%)
Courses [S3G] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics Va
Enrolment code: KMA371
Offered: Launceston: semester 2
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Consists of two parts: (a) provides an introduction to the properties of real numbers and a
systematic introduction to the spaces used in functional analysis; and (b) introduces
complex variables, analytical functions and complex integration with applications.
Staff Mr B Robinson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly
Prerequisites KMA271
Mutual exclusions KMA354
Assessment mode end-of-sem exam (50%), practical work (50%)
Required texts etc
James G, Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 2nd edn ISBN 0201596211
Courses [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics Vb
Enrolment code: KMA372
Offered: Launceston: semester 1
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Includes methodology of operations research – the role of models and communication;
quantitative techniques for decision-making; linear programming; project scheduling;
quality management; inventory; and maintenance scheduling.
Staff Mr B Robinson
Unit weight 12.5%
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Teaching pattern 5 hrs lectures/tutorials/practical sessions weekly
Prerequisites (KMA171 and KMA272) or (KMA153 plus any one of KMA150, KMA152,
KMA154, KMA156)
Mutual exclusions KMA255
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (50%), assignments and quizzes (50%)
Required texts etc
Taha HA, Operations Research: an introduction, ISBN 0132811723
Courses [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics VIa
Enrolment code: KMA373
Offered: Launceston: semester 1
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Consists of two parts: (a) introduces numerical methods for the solution of large systems
of linear equations, ordinary and partial differential equations; and (b) examines the
theoretical aspects of the numerical methods in part (a), and solutions of partial differential
equations which occur commonly in applications.
Staff Mr B Robinson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 5 hrs lectures/tutorials/computing sessions weekly
Prerequisites KMA271 or KMA252 or KMA254 or KNT227
Mutual exclusions KMA350, KME300
Assessment mode exam (50%), practical work (50%)
Required texts etc
James G, Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 2nd edn ISBN 0201596211
Courses [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics VIb – Intermediate Applied Statistics
Enrolment code: KMA374
Offered: Launceston: semester 2
Special note: Bachelor of Science students may enrol in this unit subject to approval
Linear, non-linear, multiple and logistic regression; analysis of variance and multiple
comparisons; model diagnosis. Extensive experience with statistical software and the
preparation of reports.
Staff Dr D FitzGerald
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 4 hrs lectures/tutorials/computer sessions weekly
Prerequisites KMA272 or KMA153 (with permission of lecturer)
University of Tasmania unit details
March 8, 2016, 20:24 PM, page –15
KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Mutual exclusions KMA253
Assessment mode 2-hour exam (40%), practical data analytic tasks (60%)
Required texts etc
Hamilton LC, Regression with Graphics, ISBN 0-53-415900-1
Courses [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Mathematics Honours
Full time/Part time
Enrolment code: KMA400 or KMA401
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
Special note: full-time students enrol in KMA400 (100%); part-time students in KMA401 (50%)
The honours program extends the knowledge of students to the frontiers of research
through coursework in several areas of mathematics. Students are prepared for a career in
mathematics and are expected to gain an ability and understanding of the literature and
an ability to express that understanding in written form. Units are offered in pure and
applied mathematics and statistics. Students are required to write a thesis under the
direction of a supervisor. The thesis is usually a survey. Students start their thesis work on
the first Monday in February and should complete it by the first week in September.
Unit weight 100%/50%
Teaching pattern equiv 6-8x1-hr lectures weekly, plus thesis work
Prerequisites BSc with major in mathematics or equiv
Assessment mode either 20% thesis and 80% coursework or 40% thesis and 60% coursework
Courses [S4E] [S6X]
Faculty website <>
Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours,
specialising in Mathematics
Enrolment code: KMA500 or KMA501
Has the same objectives as KMA400/401. Full time/part time ‘umbrella’ code.
Courses [S6X] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Project A
Enrolment code: KMA581
Offered: semester 1 OR semester 2
Is for students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Statistical
Applications: analysis of data and report. For full details contact the School of
Mathematics and Physics.
University of Tasmania unit details
March 8, 2016, 20:24 PM, page –16
KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Unit weight 25%
Faculty website <>
Project B
Enrolment code: KMA582
Offered: semester 1 OR semester 2
Is for students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Statistical
Applications: analysis of data and report. For full details contact the School of
Mathematics and Physics.
Unit weight 25%
Faculty website <>
Project C
Enrolment code: KMA583
Offered: semester 1 OR semester 2
Is for students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Statistical
Applications: analysis of data and report. For full details contact the School of
Mathematics and Physics.
Unit weight 25%
Faculty website <>
Project D
Enrolment code: KMA584
Offered: semester 1 OR semester 2
Is for students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Statistical
Applications: analysis of data and report. For full details contact the School of
Mathematics and Physics.
Unit weight 25%
Faculty website <>
Mathematics 4 unit
Enrolment code: KMA586
Offered: Hobart: semester 1 OR semester 2
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Computational
Mathematics, course who undertake Mathematics 4 units use this code if enrolling in a
12.5% single unit.
Faculty website <>
Mathematics 4 unit
Enrolment code: KMA589
University of Tasmania unit details
March 8, 2016, 20:24 PM, page –17
KMA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Computational
Mathematics, course who undertake Mathematics 4 units use this code if enrolling in units
with a total weight of 25%.
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
March 8, 2016, 20:24 PM, page –18