OFFICE OF CHRISTIAN FORMATION DIOCESE OF LUBBOCK 2011 VIDEO CASSETTE/DVD CATALOG DESIGNATIONS BY TOPIC VC-1…RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Children) VC-2…RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Adult) VC-3…YOUTH MINISTRY VC-4…FAMILY/CRISIS VC-5…FAITH/EVANGELIZATION/PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT VC-6…SACRAMENTS VC-7…PRAYER/VOCATION VC-8…SAINTS/ROLE MODELS VC-9…MORAL THEOLOGY/THEOLOGY VC-10..CHURCH YEAR/MINISTRY/LITURGY VC-11..JUSTICE & PEACE ISSUES/CHURCH ISSUES VC-12..CHURCH HISTORY VC-1.3 OUR FRIEND IS ALWAYS WITH US…EVERYWHERE (Paulist Press) VHS VC-1.4 Jim & Gaynell Cronin MUSIC, MEDLEYS & CELEBRATIONS VHS Carey Landry & Carol Jean Kinghorn The video is a dynamic teaching aid which can be used by teachers. It presents elementary school children demonstrating gestures, signs and movements to many of the songs from HI GOD 2. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 VC-1.6 (4) GOD IS A SURPRISE IF I WERE A BUTTERFLY I BELIEVE IN THE SUN GOD IS SO GOOD MAY GOD SMILE ON US SMILE A GIFT OF GOD CHILDREN OF THE LORD GOD IS BUILDING A HOUSE #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 THANK YOU LORD CELEBRATE GOD PEACE IS FLOWING WECOME TO ASK FORGIVENESS PEACE TO YOU AND ME ALLELUIA ROUND JESUS, JESUS OUR GOD IS A GOD OF LOVE THREE HEROES Vol. 4 (Superbook, TCV) VHS 60min. ...PITCHERS OF FIRE – Gideon ...MOTHER'S DAY – Ruth ...MUSCLEMAN - Sampson VC-1.6 (7) MEN OF FAITH Vol. 7 (Superbook, TCV) VHS 60min. ...THE TRUE PROPHET – Elijah ...FLAMING CHARIOTS - Elijah/Elisha VC-1.6 (8) THE LIFE OF JESUS Vol. 8 (Superbook, TCV) VHS 60min. ...THE FIRST CHRISTMAS ...MIRACLES OF LOVE VC-1.6 (9) ...PATIENCE OF JOB ESTHER & PAUL ...THE BEST NEWS YET Vol. 9 (Superbook, TCV) VHS 60min. ...THE BEAUTY QUEEN ...THE MIGHTY CONVER VC-1.16 THE VELVETEEN RABBIT (Mass Media Ministries) VHS 20min. Children of all ages will enjoy this animated film based on the classic story by Margery Williams. A little boy comes to love his rabbit and cannot bear to be separated from him. Like toys, people grow old and eventually and lose their outer beauty. Their eyes grow dim, hair falls out and, joints get loose. Even their skin shows patches and blemishes. If these same people have found love and friendship in their lives, an inner beauty takes over—and, just like magic—they become real. 2 VC-1.19 (2) VC-1.21 THE PARABLES - Volume 2 (Tyndale Christian Video) VHS 30min. Volume 2 tells the parable of the TALENTS. MARY, OUR MOTHER (Brown-ROA) VHS 15min. This video gives children an introduction to Mary and her life. It also offers ways in which to model her in everyday life. VC-1.25 THE CITY THAT FORGOT ABOUT CHRISTMAS (Family Films) VHS 22min. A gloomy city and its children discover that “You cannot stop Christmas”. The video is designed for children ages 4-11 years. VC-1.26 (1) LITTLE VISITS WITH GOD (Family Films) VHS 70min. This video includes 10 video devotions. Each story is 5-8min. Designed for 4-10yrs. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 VC-1.26 (2) LITTLE VISITS WITH GOD (Family Films) VHS 70min. This video includes 10 video devotions. Each story is 5-8min. Designed for 4-10yrs. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 VC-1.30 A GOOD RULE FOR YOUR CLUB FOR GOD, NOT FOR THANKS WHEN GOD WOULD LIKE TO SAY YES HOW JIMMY FIXES THINGS MIGHTY WHEN I’M WEAK A SECRET WAY TO STAY HAPPY IT TAKES ALL KINDS WHEN A LITTLE IS BETTER THAN MUCH LIKE CATCHING FEATHERS ALL PAID UP WHEN GEORGE GRUMPED HOW GOOD LIFE CAN BE STU, THE SILLY SHEEP A VOICE THAT COMES BACK BECAUSE GOD IS NEAR HOW GOOD GOD IS #7 KEEP ON ASKING #8 HOW GOD MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL #9 WHEN IT’S BETTER TO LOSE #10 GOD’S SURPRISE FOR DANNY THE OTHER WISE MAN (Brownlow) VHS This fully animated video tells the touching story of Artaban, the “fourth Wise Man” who sold all he possessed and bought three jewels to present to the Christ-child. He could not have predicted how his eventful journey would end. VC-1.31 JIMMY AND THE WHITE LIE (Family Films) VHS 25min. Help your children learn an unforgettable lesson in honesty, faith, and forgiveness in this comical and inspiring video. 3 VC-1.33 (3-5) VC-1.35 CHILDREN’S VIDEO BIBLE (Oxford Vision Resources Ltd.) VHS approx. 50min. each #3 #4 #5 KINGS AND PROPHETS THE FIRST CHRISTMAS JESUS AND THE KINGDOM THE PROUD TREE (Liguori Publications) VHS 25min. This inspirational video tells children the story of the Crucifixion from the viewpoint of Rex, the tree that became the cross Jesus carried to Calvary. Rex, proud and ungrateful, learns a lesson from the humble, gentle Jesus. VC-1.36 CHARLOTTE’S WEB (Hanna-Barbera Producations, Inc.) VHS 94min. This video shows the classic story which is a tale of friendship and salvation. It is a story of miracles…the miracle of birth, miracle of friendship and, the miracle of death. VC-1.37 (1) VC-1.37 (2) VC-1.37 (3) VC-1.38 THE KING IS BORN (Family Entertainment Network) VHS The video is the story of the birth of Jesus. THE PRODIGAL SON (Family Entertainment Network) VHS This video tells the parable of a once wayward son re-united with his father and the family after squandering all his possessions. HE IS RISEN (Family Entertainment Network) VHS This video re-lives the Easter story…. The resurrection of Jesus. PARABLE OF THE TWO SONS (Brown-ROA) VHS 8min. Pete refuses to help his father gather wool. His brother Peabody agrees to help, but changes his mind after his father leaves to do an errand. How does Pete turn out to be the more responsible son? VC-1.39 THE MIRACLES OF LOVE (NEST Entertainment, Inc.) VHS 30min. Favorite New Testament bible stories come to life as music videos. VC-1.44 (1-25) IN THE BEGINNING (CCC of America, 1995) VHS approx. 30min each -Series of 25This is a delightful animated series of stories from the Old Testament. There are 25 videos in this set. The videos begin with the story of Adam and Eve, continue through Exodus to King David and the Birth of Jesus. There is a study guide with helpful discussion questions to aid the catechist in helping the students understand the stories. #1 #2 #3 ADAM & EVE NOAH’S ARK THE TOWER OF BABEL #14 #15 #16 4 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS THE GOLDEN CALF JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 VC-1.45 ABRAHAM THE FOREFATHER SODOM & GOMORRAH ISAAC & ISHMAEL ABRAHAM’S SACRIFICE JOSEPH IN BONDAGE JOSEPH’S TRIUMPH MOSES THE EGYPTIAN THE BURNING BUSH MOSES & PHARAOH THE EXODUS #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 THE GREATEST ADVENTURE STORIES OF THE BIBLE (Hanna- Barbera) VHS 1: DANIEL AND THE LION'S DEN MOSES 2: SAMSON AND DELILAH 3: JOSHUA AND THE BATTLE OF JERICHO 4: NOAH'S ARK 5, MOSES VC-1.47 THE FALL OF JERICHO ONE KING FOR ISRAEL DAVID & GOLIATH KING DAVID THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON THE EXILE OF ISRAEL RELEASE FROM BABYLON PROPHETS OF THE DESERT THE BIRTH OF JESUS 6. DAVID & GOLIATH 7. THE NATIVITY HOW DO YOU SPELL GOD? (HBO kids video) VHS 32min. This video provides a unique perspective on the questions that every child asks about God, faith and their place in the world. Adults and children of many different religions come together through animation and conversation to create discussion on the meaning of God in their lives. The video is based on a popular book of the same name by authors Rabbi Marc Gellman and Msgr. Thomas Hartman VC-1.48 WHO IS THE SPIRIT? (St. Anthony Messenger) VHS 11min. Gayness Bordes Cronin The Holy Spirit moves through and in all times, places and people, making us one. The Holy Spirit is God’s life in us and among us, the Spirit of Jesus with us, the one who brings life to the Church. Grades 1-5 VC-1.50 FRANCESCO’S FRIENDLY WORLD (Edmundo Productions) VHS 41min. THE LAST STONE This video is designed for children ages 2-9 years old. Francesco’s world is a happy place where life’s simple values are still appreciated and wonderful lessons are taught. Through his friends, you will learn all about God’s love, the joys of giving and how prayers are often answered in wondrous ways. Included are 10 enchanting original songs. VC-1.51 FRANCESCO’SFRIENDLY WORLD (Edmundo Productions) VHS 31min. THE BROKEN CROSS This video is designed for children ages 2-8 years old. Francesco’s world is a happy place where life’s simple values are still appreciated and wonderful lessons are taught. The time is fitting for a peaceful new teacher with a gentle old message. Included are 10 new playful, prayerful songs. 5 VC-1.52 A MEMORY FOR TINO (Oblate Media & Communication Corp.) VHS 30min. Leo Buscaglia, Phd. Book with same title. Middle Grades Friendship and selfless giving mark this heart-warming tale of how a boy grows in friendship with a lonely old woman. As the friendship grows, and Mrs. Sunday’s birthday approaches, Tino seeks a job to buy a birthday gift. Unable to earn money, he dejectedly presents a card & learns that his friendship is the greatest possible gift he could have given her. VC-1.53 HOLIDAY FOR CHILDREN: CHRISTMAS (Schlessinger Video) VHS 25min. Grades K-4 There are many symbols and legend associated with Christmas, yet few know the meaning behind them. This video shows both the legendary and religious stories of Christmas to help children understand there is more to the holiday than the department store Santa. VC-1.54 HOW CAN I CELEBRATE PASSOVER? (Creative Communications) VHS 25min. Young Children Some of Digger’s friends celebrate a holiday he has never heard of before. This animated video helps children learn the significance of the ancient feast of Passover. They are excited to learn that young Christians can enjoy the celebration with the knowledge that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. VC-1.55 THE BOOK OF VIRTUES: GENEROSITY (PBS Video) VHS 30min. Young Children Zach and Ann get caught up in planning their rewards for delivering food to a homeless shelter. Plato helps them discover the true spirit of giving. (animated video) DVD-1.57 BIG AL LIVE! (Gospel Values Inc.) DVD Vol. 1- Gospel Values for Children – ages 2-102 The messages of this program were written for people of all ages to explore and share together. Uses: parish meeting, parent programs, intergeneration faith gatherings, children’s Liturgy of the Word, education classes, etc. DVD-1.58 MOVE! PRAY! CELEBRATE! (Harcourt Religion Publishers) DVD John Burland - Music & Movement for Religious Education This program contains 18 songs and covers a variety of themes such as: Gathering, God’s Love, Christmas, Easter, Mary, the Sacraments, Justice & others. VC-2.1 RELIGIOUS TEACHER’S TRAINING PROGRAM (Twenty-Third Pub.) VHS -Series of 3- Segment 1 #1 #2 VC-2.2 THE MINISTRY OF THE CATECHIST 24:45min. BUILDING COMMUNITY IN YOUR CLASSROOM 21:22min. RELIGIOUS TEACHER’S TRAINING PROGRAM (Twenty-Third Pub.) VHS Segment 2 #3 #4 STEPS TO EFFECTIVE TEACHING 28:58min. A DEMONSTRATION LESSON 29min. 6 VC-2.3 RELIGIOUS TEACHER’S TRAINING PROGRAM (Twenty-Third Pub.) VHS Segment 3 #5 #6 VC-2.4 MOTIVATING YOUR STUDENTS 20min. DISCIPLINE: DO’S AND DON’TS 28:11min THE WAY CHRISTIANS WALK TOGETHER: BUILDING COMMUNITY THROUGH CONVERSION, SACRAMENTS, AND COMMITMENT (Argus) VHS -Series of 3- Segment 1 #1 #2 #3 VC-2.5 VC-2.6 VC-2.7 Regis Duffy, OFM DISCIPLE-COMMUNITIES: HOW TO RECOGNIZE THEM THE CROSS: STONE OF STUMBLING OR GATHERING POINT THE EMMAUS WALK: A QUESTION OF CONVERSION THE WAY CHRISTIANS WALK TOGETHER (cont.) VHS Segment 2 #4 #5 #6 DOWN IN THE WATER: A THEOLOGY OF INITIATION EUCHARIST: WHOSE BODY IS IT? PENANCE & RECONCILIATION: LEARNING TO WALK AGAIN Regis Duffy, OFM THE WAY CHRISTIANS WALK TOGETHER (cont.) VHS Segment 3 #7 #8 #9 THE FEELING CHRISTIAN: STRANGERS IN OUR OWN COUNTRY? A CELEBRATING PEOPLE? TWO BY TWO: IS EVERYONE SENT? Regis Duffy, OFM 7 KEY PRINCIPLES: SUCCESS IN WHOLE COMMUNITY CATECHESIS (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 45min. Bill Huebsch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DVD.2.8 Catechesis has several tasks. Catechesis is constitutive of Christian life. Conversion precedes catechesis. All catechesis is tightly connected to the Sunday assembly. The goal of all catechesis is to develop households of faith. Catechesis must look and feel more like church and less like school. All catechesis builds on grace which is offered to everyone. EVANGELIZING GOD’S PEOPLE IN A CULTURE OF DIVERSITY (NAICE) The North American Institute for Catholic Evangelization is a group of Catholic leaders celebrating the diversity in the Church of North America & exploring how to evangelize God’s people. Disc One: Oscar Andres Cardinal Rodriquez Maradiaga, Rev. Peter C. Phan,Cultural Exchange Panel #! Disc Two: Sr. Jaime Phelps, OP, Cultural Exchange Panel II, Rev. Robert Barron, Liturgy homilies. Disc Three: Rev. Frank DeSiano, CSP, Sr. Eva Marie Lumas, SSS, Panel: Initiating Diversity in the Church Through the RCIA, Dr. Adele J.Gonzalez DVD-2.9 THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Knowing What We Believe (Paraclete Video) DVD 95min. Tom Tufts The Apostles’ Creed is a cornerstone of Christian Faith. This video goes beyond merely knowing the words of the Creed to exploring it as a guide to Christian walk and the unifying force that connects them to the body of Christ. Young Adults 7 VC-2.10 ON FIRE WITH FAITH: FORMING ADULT DISCIPLES (St. Anthony Mess.) VHS 40min Story segment: Road to Emmaus in contemporary drama Witness segment: Five approaches to adult faith formation (liturgy, family- or homecentered activities, small groups, large groups and individual activities.) Teaching segment: talk about the importance of nurturing adult faith and the pivotal role of the parish in this effort. Music Video segment: retells the Emmaus story and highlights the characteristics of mature adult faith and discipleship. VC-2.11 THRESHOLD TO GOD’S WORD (Twenty-Third Publications) 23min. Threshold Bible Study This motivational video challenges viewers to: VC-2.13 read the Bible both for information and transformation overcome barriers to reading the Bible with understanding understand what the text meant and what it means today discover the divine message beneath the cultural context interpret with expectancy, always looking for something new learn a method for reading which leads to reflection and pray encourage and support reading Scripture in the Catholic tradition UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE (DOKO) VHS 30min. Part I: God’s Word: an Invitation; God’s People Respond: Law and Worship; Leaders of God’s People: Priests, Kings, Prophets. VC-2.14 UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE (DOKO) VHS 30min. Part II: God’s Word in God’s Church; God’s Word in Human Words; God’s Word: light in our darkness. VC-2.15 …AND GOD SAID WHAT? (AVCEL) VHS 60min. This is a video in which people present questions as to how the bible was written and what it means. The explanation includes thought-provoking explanation of literary forms, revelation and inspiration. VC-2.16 VC-2.17 UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE (DOKO) UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE (DOKO) VC-2.24 WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? THE GOSPEL STORY (Archdiocese of Chicago) Part One Part Two copy 2 copy 2 VHS 30min. Rev. Donald Senior/Fountain Square Fools The video explains the story of Jesus and formation of the Gospels while exploring the world of the early Christian communities of the Old Testament. 8 VC-2.25 WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? WHO DOES MARK SAY JESUS IS? VHS 30min. Rev. Donald Senior/Fountain Square Fools This section of the program presents the very human and undeniably divine qualities of the Markan Jesus. It explains the set of experiences of the Gentile Christians in Rome. VC-2.26 WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? WHO DOES MATTHEW SAY JESUS IS? VHS 30min. Rev. Donald Senior/Fountain Square Fools This video introduces the Matthean Jesus, the Son of God who stands at the crossroads of Judaism and Christianity. Jesus is the perfect link between the Old and New Testament. The presentation explains the special problems faced by the Jewish Christians. VC-2.27 WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? WHO DOES LUKE SAY JESUS IS? VHS 30min. Rev. Donald Senior/Fountain Square Fools This video presents the compassionate and forgiving Lukan Jesus who offers liberation and salvation to all people. Issues present in Luke’s time are explored. VC-2.28 WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? WHO DOES JOHN SAY JESUS IS? VHS 30min. Rev. Donald Senior/Fountain Square Fools This section of the program explores the Johannine Jesus,Word of God, Revealer of God’s love to the world. The special qualities of this community are explored. VC-2.29 RCIA: JOURNEY OF FAITH (Sheed & Ward) VHS 19min. The RCIA process is explained: pre-catechumenate through mystagogia. A variety of participants witness to the meaning of the process in their lives and the life of the parish community. VC-2.30 (1) EXODUS (Liturgical Press) Little Rock Scripture Study VHS 2 tapes Commentary: “The God of Freedom and Life”, Study Guide, answers Lessons 1-9 VC-2.30 (2) VC-2.30 (3) GALATIANS AND ROMANS (Liturgical Press) Little Rock Scripture Study VHS 3 tapes Lessons 1-12 Commentary, Study Guide, answer book PAUL’S CAPTIVITY LETTERS (Liturgical Press)Little Rock Scripture Study VHS 2 tapes Commentary, Study Guide, answer book Lessons 1-9 VC-2.30 (4) FIRST CORINTHIANS (Liturgical Press) Little Rock Scripture Study VHS 2 tapes Commentary, Study Guide, answer book Lessons 1-9 VC-2.30 (5) SECOND CORINTHIANS (Liturgical Press) Little Rock Scripture Study VHS 2 tapes Commentary, Study Guide, answer book Lessons 1-6 9 VC-2.30 (6) VC-2.30 REVELATION (Liturgical Press) Little Rock Scripture Study VHS 2tapes Guide, answer book Commentary “The Message of the Book of Revelation”, Study Lessons 1-7 INTRODUCTION TO THE BIBLE (Liturgical Press) (7a) VHS 2 cassettes Little Rock Scripture Study Cassette 1 Lessons 1-5 (7b) Cassette 2 Lessons 5-8 VC-2.31 EFFECTIVE TEACHING METHODS #1 (Paulist Press) VHS VC-2.32 CREATING THE ENVIRONMENT ASKING THE QUESTION BEGINNING AND ENDING CLASS WITH PRAYER EFFECTIVE TEACHING METHODS #2 (Paulist Press) VHS 50min. Gaynell Cronin This program is the 2nd in a series. The use of classroom and home situations will help the beginning/veteran catechist gain insight into the dynamic of conveying faith through religious instruction. Topics addressed: Discovering Faith and Exploring Scriptures. VC-2.33 WHY BE A CATECHIST? (National Catholic Catechists Society) VHS 15min. The video is designed to help in recruiting and motivating catechists for the parish program. It helps seek to put the role of the catechist into perspective. The presentations draw on the insights of experienced catechists who assist and inspire to encourage those who are willing to teach. VC-2.34 THE BOOK OF REVELATION (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 23min. Rev. Paul Fachet, OMI It is the most controversial and talked about book of Scripture. What is the meaning behind the symbols, imagery, and numbers? What is the mystery behind these pages? Fr. Fachet, professor of biblical theology, offers some fascinating insights & addresses some of the most commonly asked questions. The primary message of Revelation is actually a message of hope and consolation. The video is divided the Book into three parts: letters to the seven churches; Christianity’s relationship to Judaism; Christianity’s relationship to its oppressor. VC-2.35 EFFECTIVE TEACHING METHODS 3 (Paulist Press) VHS 55min. (2parts) To be an effective teacher takes preparation. The video suggests ways to be creative and imaginative in designing lesson plans for the classroom. The second part of the video addresses Prayer Celebrations with demonstrations for varying ages of children. 10 VC-2.36 (1) THE STORY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT COVENANT (DeSales Program) VHS -Series of 4#1 #2 THE GENESIS OF THE COVENANT PATRIARCHS AND MATRIARCHS: THE FOUNDATION OF FAITH (2) #3 #4 MOSES, EXODUS AND THE COVENANT ISRAEL GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE (3) #5 #6 #7 #8 A KINGDOM DIVIDED: THE EARLY PROPHETS THE BABYLONIAN DISASTER/LATER PROPHET JUDAISM: THE MOVEMENT FROM POLITICS TO FAITH PSALMS: THE PRAYER BOOK OF THE OLD/NEW COVENANT (4) VC-2.37 (1-8) THE LIVING GOSPELS (DeSales Program-Franciscan Communications) VHS 8 videos 60min. each These videos are a wonderful tool for Adult Faith Formation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. VC-2.38 (1) (2) (3) (4) DVD-2.39 THE GOOD NEWS ACCORDING TO MARK LEARNING THE SECRETS OF THE MESSIAH AND HIS KINGDOM PRESENTING THE NEW TESTAMENT ACCORDING TO MATTHEW INSTRUCTING OUR HEARTS WITH PARABLES SEARCHING FOR THE MEANING OF JESUS ACCORDING TO LUKE THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT GOD’S MERCIFUL LOVE REVEALING THE RISEN LORD ACCORDING TO JOHN THE JOY OF GOSPEL LIVING THE WRITING OF ST. PAUL (DeSales Program) VHS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 -Series of 4PAUL: THE PARADOX OF BEING A JEW FOR THE GENITLES A LOOK AT THE CHURCH ONLY 20YRS AFTER RESURRECTION TO BE OR NOT TO BE…JEWISH PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF EARLY CHRISTIAN LIFE IN THE BIG CITY II CORINTHIANS: PAUL’S LETTER OF TEARS THE LETTER TO THE ROMANS: HISTORY’S “TIME BOMB” PAUL OF LATER VINTAGE THE PAULINE SPIRIT LIVES ON WHAT MAKES US CATHOLIC (Silver Burdette Ginn) DVD 9 CD’s Thomas H. Groome 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. WHAT STORIES TO TELL? – Interpreting Christian Faith WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE? – Living as Graceful People WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? – Taking a Sacramental View ARE WE MADE FOR EACH OTHER? – Getting Together for Good WHAT TIME DO WE HAVE? – Mining the Treasure of Scripture/Faith IN WHAT WILL WE INVEST? – Risking the Leap of Faith no #7 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? – Loving Beyond Borders WHAT IS OUR HEART’S DESIRE? – Growing Spiritually for Life WHAT ARE OUR POLITICS? – Working for Justice for All 11 VC-2.4 0 JESUS THE TEACHER (Augsburg Fortress) VHS 18min. Jesus was a marvelous teacher. His skillful storytelling and compassionate listening is a powerful model for today’s teacher. Using real-life classroom situations to show teachers-the video help show how to strengthen our teaching ministry and follow Jesus’ example as they share the good news. VC-2.43 (1) VC-2.43 (2) LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY: THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES VHS 20min. each (Liturgical Press) This video contains Lessons 1-4 covering ACTS 1-12. LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY: THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES VHS 20min. each (Liturgical Press) This video is a continuation of the previous one and contains Lessons 5-9 covering ACTS 13-28. VC-2.44 (1) (2) (3) (4) VC-2.45 (1) VC-2.45 THE VISION OF THE GOSPELS (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VHS 30min. Michael Himes The Gospel of Matthew The presenter sees this gospel as “The Christian Book of Wisdom”and invites the reader to become a wise scribe of the new law. This gospel also tells us what it means to be church. The Gospel of Mark The central questions which occur again and again in this gospel are: “What do you want of us?” “Who do you say that I am?” and “What do you want me to do for you?” Fr. Himes helps us discover why these questions are so important and why the answers might impact our life. The Gospel of Luke This video is filled with insights into Luke’s Gospel which may be new to us. The first time Jesus was given the exalted title of “Lord.” According to Luke, woman are clearly the first disciples. What is the true meaning behind the Abraham and Lazarus story? What the story of the Prodigal Son tells us about the love of God. The Gospel of John In this video, Fr. Himes helps us to see the comic vision of John by looking in depth at some of the details of this gospel. What is the real meaning of the word “paraclete”? What Jesus tells us about God when he washes the disciples’ feet. Why does Jesus express more anger at Peter than Judas? THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. CHURCH Rev. Michael Himes Questions answered in this video: What does it mean to be church? How does the Church continue Christ’ presence in our world? What does “there is no salvation outside the church” really mean? THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM 12 (2) VC-2.45 (3) VC-2.45 (4) VC-2.45 (5) VC-2.45 (6) VC-2.45 (7) VC-2.45 (8) VC-2.45 (9) VC-2.45 (10) VHS 20min. BAPTISM Rev. Michael Himes There are many videos available about Baptism, this program is unique in its exploration of the awesome and mystical depth of the sacrament. Viewers will have a renewed appreciation of what a baptismal commitment really involves. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. RECONCILIATION Rev. Michael Himes Reconciliation is more about the compassionate love of God than it is a about our sin. See why in this wonderful presentation. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. EUCHARIST Rev. Michael Himes “The Eucharist tells us what our destiny is” Understand why in this inspiring program. Fr. Himes shows why Eucharist expresses God’s commitment to us in love. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. TRADITION Rev. Himes explains what Tradition is and how it is a dynamic reality within contemporary Catholicism. He sheds light on this controversial topic with rich images of a growing and life giving Tradition. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. SACRAMENTS OF VOCATION Rev. Michael Himes This program shows Matrimony symbolizing the deepest dimension of the God-human relationship. Also presented is a new appreciation for the meaning of Holy Orders. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. INCARNATION Rev. Michael Himes In this insightful video, Fr. Himes explains why Incarnation tells us as much about humanity as it tells us about God, and why unity with God demands reverence for humanity. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. SALVATION Rev. Michael Himes In this video, Fr. Himes renews the meaning of this traditional term and shows why social justice is essential to our salvation. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min. TRINITY Rev. Michael Himes No element of the Christian tradition has caused more confusion than the doctrine of the Trinity. And yet, belief in the Trinity is the core of our faith. THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM VHS 20min.GRACE Rev. Michael Himes Grace is woven throughout our lives. In this warm and challenging presentation, Fr. Himes helps us appreciate the presence of grace in all we do. 13 VC-2.46 BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL CATECHIST: GETTING STARTED (Part One) VHS National Catholic Catechists Society The video provides encouragement and guidelines on the practical concerns of a new catechist. Topics addressed: examples of ways of relating lessons to student’s life experience: suggestions of how to integrate formal, spontaneous and reflective prayer in the classroom: methods of building community in the classroom. VC-2.48 BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL CATECHIST: GETTING STARTED (PartTwo) VHS 16min. National Catholic Catechists Society This segment provides encouragement and guidelines on practical concerns of a new catechist. It offers a clear explanation on how elements of lectionary-based catechesis can help your instruction be consistent with the Church’s liturgical year. DVD-2.50 A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE (Ascension Press) 4 DVD’s Leader’s Guide, Student Workbook, Bible Timeline Jeff Cavins #1 Session 1: How to Read the Bible & Explanation of Materials Session 2: Early World #2 Session 3: The Patriarchs Session 4: Egypt, Exodus and Desert Wanderings #3 Session 5: Conquest, Judges & Royal Kingdom Session 6: Divided Kingdom & Exile #4 Session 7: Return from Exile & Maccabean Revolt Session 8: Messianic Fulfillment & the Church VC-2.75 BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL CATECHIST: GETTING STARTED (Part Three) VHS 19min. (National Catholic Catechists Society) The video shows the beginner how to integrate writing into the lesson, using Scripture, student experience and research. It then explores the issue of memorization in religious education. It explains the importance of vocal prayer as a means of holding the community together. VC-2.76 YOUR ROLE ON A BETTER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEAM (Part One) VHS (National Catholic Catechists Society) The video is directed to catechists, directors and coordinators of religious education, deacons, liturgists, pastors and parish leaders. The program explains the components of a team; explores the responsibilities of team members and leaders; examines working together for shared goals. VC-2.77 PATHWAYS OF FAITH: THE STORY OF TODAY’S DRE (NPCD) VHS 14min. The video provides examples of the multi-faceted responsibilities and services of DREs in parishes as leaders committed to excellence in catechesis. It gives an over-view of the development of the role of parish director of religious education since Vatican Council II. VC-2.78 RCIA: STARTER STORIES (Liguori Publications) (1&2) VHS Volumes 1-2 -12 segments- 2-7min. each These videos contain a variety of short features with people sharing their faith stories. There are also dramatic vignettes that portray pivotal life experiences. The stories can and 14 will effectively stimulate RCIA groups into sharing their own unique faith journeys. They can be especially helpful during the pre-catechumenate period. The stories have been chosen to encourage faith sharing in the group. VC-2.79 THE EVANGELISTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES: MARK & MATTHEW (1) VHS 75min. -two segments- William Burke (ACTA Publications) Each segment stands alone and is designed to help viewers recognize the “flavor” and uniqueness of that evangelist’s gospel. The video offers two dramatic monologues. Actors portray Mark and Matthew explaining the context of their separate gospels and the relevance of each to today’s Christians. VC-2.79 THE EVANGELISTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES: LUKE (ACTA Publications) (2) VHS 45min. Rev. Burke appears on video before an audience as the evangelist Luke. He is joined by five teenagers from his parish who assume roles from some of Luke’s beloved stories: The Two Sons, the Rich Man, Martha & Mary, the Good Samaritan, Zacchaeus, the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Lazarus. Luke is portrayed as a compassionate physician explaining the relevance of his gospel to today’s Christians. VC-2.82 YOUR ROLE ON A BETTER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEAM -Part Two (National Catholic Catechists Society) VHS This video explores the reasons people become catechist as well as their responsibilities to the parish and to their students. This program discusses being committed and prepared two of the most essential responsibilities of a catechist. VC-2.84 (1) ENRICHING THE CATECHIST (XXIII Publications) VHS -Series of 3Part 1: GOSPEL VALUES 32min. Part 2: THE MYSTERY OF GOD 35min. VC-2.84 (2) ENRICHING THE CATECHIST (XXIII Publications) VHS Part 3: JESUS CHRIST: HUMAN AND DIVINE 33min. Part 4: THE CHURCH: GATHERING OF GOD'S PEOPLE 37min. VC-2.84 (3) VC-2.85 (1) ENRICHING THE CATECHIST (XXIII Publications) VHS Part 5: INITIATION INTO THE LIFE OF CHRIST 33min. Part 6: JESUS: HEALER, FORGIVER, BREAD OF LIFE 37min. ECHOES OF FAITH: THE CATECHIST (Tabor Publishing/NCCL) VHS -Series of 3This series is a basic-level resource for the formation and enrichment of catechists. The goal is to acquaint catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and introduce them to the principles and practice of sound catechesis. PART 1 VC-2.85 GETTING STARTED AS A CATECHIST. ECHOES OF FAITH: THE CATECHIST (Tabor Publishing/NCCL) 15 (2) (2) VC-2.85 (3) PART II: ROLES OF THE CATECHIST ECHOES OF FAITH: THE CATECHIST (Tabor Publishing/NCCL) VHS PART III: THE PERSON OF THE CATECHIST VC-2.86 THE FOUR GOSPELS:MATTHEW'S GOOD NEWS, MARK'S GOOD NEWS, LUKE'S GOOD NEWS, JOHN'S GOSPEL NEWS (Credence Cassettes) VHS 110/125min. each VC-2.87 (1-15) -Series of 4- Richard Rohr CATHOLICS READ THE BIBLE (Catholic Education Videos) VHS -Series of 151: UNLEARNING THE BIBLE 2: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CANON OF SCRIPTURE 3: CAN YOU TRUST IT? 4: LET'S LOOK AT OUR ANCESTORS--Part 1 5: LET'S LOOK AT OUR ANCESTORS--Part 2 6: LET'S LOOK AT OUR ANCESTORS--Part 3 7: WISDOM AND A LOOK AT THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES 8: LET'S LOOK AT THE NEW TESTAMENT 9: THE GOSPELS 10: THE GOSPELS ACCORDING TO MATTHEW AND LUKE 11: THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN 12: APOCALYPTIC LITERATURE 13: LETTERS TO ALL THE CHURCHES 14: A BOOK OF HEBREWS 15: THE PASTORAL EPISTLES VC-2.88 CATECISMO DE LA EGLESIA CATOLICA (Catholic Comm.) VHS 70min. The video has reflections by Archbishop Karlic and Rev. Virgilio Elizondo on the meaning of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It also addresses some principles of faith, sacraments, and prayer. VC-2.89 ECHOES OF FAITH: METHODOLOGY (Tabor Publish/NCCL) (1-4) VHS -Series of 4TAPE 1: TAPE 2: TAPE 3: TAPE 4: METHODS FOR GRADES 1 and 2 METHODS FOR GRADES 3 and 4 METHODS FOR GRADES 5 and 6 METHODS FOR GRADES 7 and 8 The Echoes of Faith-Methodology series is a basic-level, video assisted resource for the formation and enrichment of catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. Each video has a related companion booklet which acquaints the learner with the area of doctrine or catechetical methodology. VC-2.91 YOUR CHILD & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (NCCS) VHS approx. 20min. This video provides an introduction to the philosophy, goals, and strengths of parish religious education programs. It will stimulate fruitful discussion. 16 VC-2.92 PARENTS, PARTNERS IN CATECHESIS (Loyola University Press) VHS 30min. This video program explores the relationship of the home to classroom catechesis. Suggestions will be made on how Christian home life can be the nurturing place for the growth and development of student faith life and christian living. VC-2.93 ECHOES OF FAITH: INTRODUCTION TO THE SCRIPTURES (NCCL/RCL) VHS 4 Segments 1hour each to complete This module is intended as a general overview of the central themes and message of the Bible. Students will learn what the Bible is and why it is considered the holy book of the Christian community. Students will also be introduced to some of the foundational stories. It concludes with a reflection on Jesus Christ, who reveals to us the fullness of God's saving action in our midst. VC-2.94 INTRODUCTION TO THE LEARNER (NCCL/RCL) -VHS This module introduces learners to the continuous cycle of growth and development that occurs throughout their lives. Three areas will be explored: how we build knowledge and construct meaning; how we grow psychologically and in our ability to relate to others; and how we grow in our ability to think and act morally. The final segment will address how all these areas of development affect how we perceive and express our faith. VC-2.95 (1-4) ACTS (Visual Entertainment, Inc.) VHS approx. 40-50min. each #1 #2 VC-2.96 (1-3) Volume 1 - Chapters 1:1-8: Volume 2 – Chapters 14-20 #3 #4 Volume 3 - Chapters 14-20 Volume 4 - Chapters 21-28 A WALK THROUGH THE SCRIPTURES (RCL) VHS approx. 30min. each Rev. Virgil Elizondo #1 #2 #3 INTRODUCTION: THE LIVING WORD A FIRST LOOK AT THE OLD TESTAMENT A FIRST LOOK AT THE NEW TESTAMENT In this series Fr. Elizondo introduces viewers to the spirituality at the heart of the books of the bible. Viewers will find their walking through the scriptures to be a joyous experience of discovery and growth. VC-2.97 (1-4) VC-2.98 MATTHEW (The Visual Bible) VHS Volume 1 (1:1-9:1); Volume 2 (9:2-14:36) Volume 3 (15:1-23:39); Volume 4 (24:1-28:20 ECHOES OF FAITH: LA INICIACION DEL CATEQUISTA (NCCL/RCL) VHS Su objetivo es familiarizar a ustedes los catequistas con los fundamentos y la tradicion de la doctrina catolica, y resumirles los principios de la mejor teoria catequetica. VC-2.99 ABRAHAM * DAVID * RUTH (Ikonographics) VHS (1) VC-2.99 JONAH * DEBORAH * MOSES (Ikonographics) VHS VC-2.99 JEREMIAH * JOSEPH (Ikonographics) VHS 17 VC-3.1 EFFECTIVE ADOLESCENT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (St. Mary’s Press) VHS VC-3.2 VHS VC-3.3 Personal Development and Growth in Faith Thomas Zanzig #2 A Model of Total Youth Ministry Thomas Zanzig #3 Effective Lesson and Program Planning EFFECTIVE ADOLESCENT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (St. Mary’s Press) VHS VC-3.6 #1 EFFECTIVE ADOLESCENT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (St. Mary’s Press) VHS VC-3.4 Thomas Zanzig EFFECTIVE ADOLESCENT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (St. Mary’s Press) Thomas Zanzig #4 A Teacher as a Witness of Faith VIDEO VIGNETTES (Creative Resources for Youth Ministry) VHS 64min. The following are titles to visual presentations of stories, cases and situations. #1 MAN FROM ICK 7min. Theme: The Church #2 SERMON OF THE MOOSE 8min. Theme: The Church #3 FOOD STORY ROBBERY 8min. Theme: Justice #4 GREAT FISH CONTROVERSY 6min. Theme: Evangelization/Mission #5 GREAT DONUT CRISIS 3min. Theme: World Hunger #6 ISLAND AFFAIR 6min. Theme: Relationships #7 WHAT DO YOU SAY 7min. Theme:Communication #8 THE WINDOW 9min. Theme: Values/Attitudes #9 LIFE SAVING STATION 5min. Theme: The Church #10 MAD LATE DATE 5min. Theme: Parent/Teen Relation. VC-3.9 (1) A PEER MINISTRY TRAINING PROGRAM (St. Mary’s Press) VHS -Series of 2- 30-50min. each Brian Reynolds #1 #2 #3 VC-3.9 (2) VC-3.10 THEORY OF ENABLEMENT TEN PRINCIPLES OF PEER MINISTRY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURE A PEER MINISTRY TRAINING PROGRAM (St. Mary’s Press) #4 #5 #6 #7 GETTING PEER MINISTRY STARTED DESIGNING A TRAINING PROGRAM THE EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CYCLE PLACEMENT AND SUPERVISION JESUS: THE GOOD NEWS PROCLAIMED TO YOUTH (St. Mary’s Press) VHS 56min. This video is a presentation by Tom Zanzig. It is an attempt to re-tell the gospel story in a way that speaks to young people. Each of us, as christians, must hear the gospel message in our hearts and to encounter it within our own life’s experience…then share. VC-3.38 CALLED TO BE WITNESSES & STORYTELLERS (NFCYM) VHS approx. 90min. This video is based on the document entitled THE CHALLENGE OF CATHOLIC YOUTH EVANGELIZATION: CALLED TO BE WITNESSES AND STORYTELLERS. The evangelization of young people is a challenge faced today. The video and the document provide direction, principles and approaches for effective evangelization. 18 VC-3.40 (1-6) YOUTH MINISTRY TRAINING: AN ADULT LEARNING RESOURCE VHS -Set of 6 videos- Center for Ministry Development 1. UNDERSTANDING YOUTH MINISTRY – John Roberto (program 1&2) WORKING WITH FAMILIES AND THE COMMUNITY – John Roberto GROWING IN MINISTRY WITH YOUTH – Maria Elena Cardena & Tom East PLANNING YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAMS – Mike Moseley (program 3&4) UNDERSTANDING YOUTH-Mary Lee Becker & Mike Moseley (program 5&6) WORKING WITH GROUPS – Mary Lee Becker & Mike Moseley BUILDING COMMUNITY WITH YOUTH- Mary Lee Becker (program 7&8) EVANGELIZING YOUTH – Maria Elena Cardena & Tom East FACILITATING LEARNING WITH YOUTH – Joan Weber (program 9&10) EMPOWERING YOUTH FOR JUSTICE & SERVICE –Thomas Bright CELEBRATING LITURGY WITH YOUTH- Thomas Tomaszek (program 11 &12) PRAYING WITH YOUTH – Thomas Tomaszek 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. VC-4.1 also: Manual PARENTS TALK LOVE (Society of St. Paul) VHS 60min. Susan Sullivan/Matthew Kawiak This is a program designed to help Christian parents succeed in their role as educators of their children in sexuality. #1 #2 #3 VC-4.5 Understanding oneself as a sexual being begins at birth…parents attitude will be the primary influence on the attitudes of the child. This segment describes the foundation for some of the views held by Christians throughout the years in regard to sex. It continues with role playing using frank answers to children’s questions. Examples stress treating each other with equality, trust, as well as, intimacy in relationships. The last segment stresses the importance of value-centered education in sexuality especially in the teen years. There are examples of how parents approach difficult situations stressing Christ values in living and loving relationships. MY SON, MY SON (Franciscan Communications) VHS 14min. This is a story of two fathers and their sons. It looks with compassion at two different realities which are very much at issue in society today…namely, homosexuality and Aids. Because of the issues treated in the video, it is important to prepare the class for viewing the video and, to make sure there is adequate follow-up time for discussion. VC-4.6 HELLO IN THERE (Franciscan Communications) VHS 21min. The video deals with the themes of aging, communication and, self-identity.. VC-4.7 THE AMERICAN FAMILY: It’s not Dying, It’s Changing (Tabor Publications) VHS -Series of 3#1 #2 #3 25-30min.each Dolores Curran STAGES OF FAMILY LIFE CHANGING FUNCTIONS OF THE FAMILY CHANGING VALUE SYSTEMS IN THE FAMILY The content of these presentations is an excellent source for understanding the changing roles in families and can help parents understand the rewards to be found instead of concentrating on the losses of previous experiences. 19 VC-4.11 THE GRIEVING CHILD: MELISSA’S STORY (Treehaus) VHS 16:30min. This video program is designed for teachers, counselors, parents, funeral directors. The video can be used for any professional or mutual support group concerned with helping children grieve a violent death. VC-4.12 WHEN MOM AND DAD BREAK UP (Paramount Pictures) VHS 23min. Alan Thicke Was it my fault? Do Mom and Dad still love me? Will I always feel bad? A large percentage of children go through divorce and ask these questions. In a re-assuring and entertaining way, the video uses music, dance, animation and kid-to-kid talk to help young children of divorce. VC-4.13 LOSS OF A LOVED ONE (Don Bosco Multimedia) VHS 28min. -Series of 2Part 1 Young people often experience the difficulty of coping with the death of a loved one. The video interviews young folks who have faced the sudden loss of a loved one and explores the paths they traveled both to acceptance and healing. VC-4.14 LOSS OF A LOVED ONE (Don Bosco Multimedia) VHS 28min. Part 2 The second part of the series continues its exploration of coping with death of a loved one. The interviews show various stages of grief which people experience and, faith-filled answers to help the grieving VC-4.18 THROUGH THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE (Dallas Christian Video) VHS 120min. The video offers hope, encouragement and practical advice to those struggling with death, pain and loss. The first part of the video will depict life through the eyes, hands, and lives of people of all ages. The second part presents a biblical perspective on suffering and death. The third part contains a personal testimony of Shelly Chapin. VC-4.20 THE SACRAMENT OF PARENTHOOD (Paulist Press) VHS 30min. Grace is everywhere. God’s love is not limited to seven sacraments. Parents’ love for their children are tangible manifestations of God’s love. This video offers inspiration and insight in the following areas: God as father/mother, church as family, healthy families, parenting for justice. VC-4.24 SEE DICK & JANE LIE, CHEAT & STEAL (Mass Media Ministries) VHS 45min. Teaching Morality to Kids Surveys of young Americans indicates that a surprising number have lied to their best friends, cheated at school and stolen something. If that isn’t enough the number of murders by teenagers has increased dramatically. The number of young folks are growing up today with no values, no conscience and no shame. The statistics are not current, however, the ways in which schools and parents are dealing with the current issues can prove to bring helpful ideas to parents. 20 VC-4.27 LITTLE FRIEND (Franciscan Communications) VHS 43min. This is the story of a young boy, an old man, and a time of war that divided and yet united them. The video illustrates the whole question of prejudice and the need we all have for enlightenment. The story is an excellent tool for teaching reconciliation. VC-4.28 SAM: WHY AM I DIFFERENT? (Franciscan Communications) VHS 25min. Sam has cerebral palsy. He cannot do the things other children can. Inside, he is like everyone else. This is a wonderful story to teach: sensitivity to other’s feelings; the dignity and potential of every human being; and the unique gifts that each person has to offer. VC-4.29 1-2-3 MAGIC (Child Management) VHS 120min. Thomas Phelan, Ph.d It is not easy handling disrespectful out-bursts of children. The video presents a method developed by a clinical psychologist. It is the no-nonsense method which provides parents with tools to discipline children ages 2-12yrs. Discipline administered without arguing, yelling, or spanking children. VC-4.31 MY LEFT FOOT (Miramax) VHS 103min. This a full length movie which tells the story of a man who triumphs over impossible odds to achieve greatness. It also shows a mother’s undaunting faith and love. Her support was what he needed to reveal his creative genius to the world. VC-4.32 PARA QUE CREZCAN LOS HIJOS (Ethnic Communications) VHS 35min. The video provides a guide for both new and old parents. Four mini-dramas are presented. Rev. Pedro Rodriguez, CMF gives practical advice on how to strengthen the parent/child bond within the Hispanic context. VC-4.33 MASK (Universal City Studios) VHS The video contains a full length movie based on the real-life story of Rocky Dennis, a disfigured teenager whose face resembles a bizarre mask. With the help of uncompromising mother’s love and fierce determination, he overcomes pain, loneliness and prejudice. Rocky emerges as an outstanding young man who becomes an inspiration of his classmates and teachers. VC-4.34 (1-5) VC-4.35 PARENTING: AN ATTITUDE OF THE HEART (Priority 1 Publishing) VHS -Series of 5- #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 IMPROVING YOUR ATTITUDE HOW TO LOVE YOUR CHILD THE SECRET TO DISCIPLINE WHY VALUES ARE IMPORTANT LIFE AS A MISSIONARY: A SON REMEMBERS 20-23min. each JOHN PAUL II: THE MAN, THE POPE AND HIS MESSAGE 21 VHS VC-4.37 30min. (Creative Communications) “Family be Yourself” GATHERED IN MY NAME (ACTA Publications) VHS 10min. This video is an introduction to the spirituality of family life. Using real life video clips of many different families, the video explores the profound love that should be at the center of every Christian family. Ordinary family events, such as, meals, conversation, moments of intimacy and reconciliation are shown to be occasions of God's presence. Suggested uses: individual family use, parish and diocese for marriage preparation and marriage enrichment programs. The video gives an all inclusive view of family within the church community. VC-4.38 RAISING CHILDREN IN A VIOLENT WORLD (XXIII Pub.) VHS 33min. Kathleen O. Chesto This video offers very practical advice on how to counteract the trend of acceptance of the dominance of violence in our society. The video would be helpful for those preparing for marriage, parents of young families, and educators. The presenter calls on parents to evaluate their lives and make choices that are in the best interest of their children and of society as a whole. VC-4.39 CHRISTIAN HOPE AND HUMAN EMOTIONS VHS 3-15min. segments DEPRESSION: Sensitivity to and recognition of the pain and depression of persons and the Christian hope. SUCCESS: Understanding that the world's definition of success is not necessarily God's definition. VULNERABLILITY: This is a complex emotion and is considered to be the easiest time for persons to lose sight of God's promise. VC-4.40 PASTORAL BEREAVEMENT COUNSELING (St. Paul Past.Center) VHS approx. 60min. Patrick Del Zoppo The video contains the following topics: understanding the nature of grief bereavement and mourning; dynamics of the grief response; factors that determine the mourning process; principles of bereavement counseling; bereavement crisis intervention; pastoral ministry with the bereaved. VC-4.41 TEENS AND LOSS: A Program Education and Support VHS (St. Paul Pastoral Center) Patrick Del Zoppo This video peeks into the world of the adolescent mourner to provide an understanding of the unique process of teen grieving. VC-4.42 CHILDREN AND SELF-ESTEEM VHS 30min. This video is an interview with Art Linkletter about children and the responsibility of today's adults as parents. It addresses how parents can develop self-esteem and the importance of positive communication. VC-4.43 THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE (ACTA Publications) 22 VHS Coping with Today's Pressures. Advice and exercises on how to improve the psychological, physical and spiritual quality of our lives in a Christian context. Can be done either in the context of small groups or by individuals. VC-4.45 (1&2) NO ONE CRIES THE WRONG WAY (Brown ROA) VHS 70min. High School Version (2 tapes) These two videos contain eight episodes featuring Rev. Joe Kempf and others who witness to their experiences of faith during times of great challenge. Section One: THE FACE OF GOD Section Two: LIFE FROM THE SHATTERED PIECES Section Three:DIGNITY-IN LIFE AND IN DEATH Section Four: LIFE AFTER LIFE Section Five: TO GRIEVE Section Six: PUTTING SKIN ON GOD Section Seven:BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD Section Eight:WE PRAY VC-4.46 NO ONE CRIES THE WRONG WAY (Brown ROA) VHS 87min. Children's Version In this eight-episode program, Rev. Joe Kempf helps children understand the goodness of God and the mystery of suffering and death. Section One: I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS Section Two: LIFE FROM THE BROKEN PIECES Section Three:WHAT NO ONE CAN TAKE FROM US Section Four: GIVE HER A HUG FOR ME Section Five: GOD UNDERSTANDS A BROKEN HEAR Section Six: LIGHT IN DARKNESS Section Seven:WE PRAY Section Eight:QUIET TIME WITH JESUS VC-4.47 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS (US Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. Living in a violent society paralyzes some with fear; others, it motivates to take action. This video shows three communities and individuals that are taking action to stop the violence on the streets, among young people, and in families. The video delivers a powerful message of hope. VC-4.48 THE FALL OF FREDDIE THE LEAF (AIMS Multimedia) VHS 17min. Grades K-12, Adult This story is based on the book by Leo Buscaglia. Freddie the Leaf enjoys dancing in the spring breezes and being cooled by summer rains. But when the first frost arrives, the leaves shiver with the cold, and Freddie is frightened. His wise friend helps to prepare Freddie for change and the mystery of death. His friend’s response brings peace, understanding and comfort. VC-4.50 SHATTERED DREAMS: HEALING AFTER DIVORCE (Paraclete) 23 VHS 30min. This video offers insightful help on: rejection, grief, anger, intimacy, forgiveness and letting go. VC-4.51 AT A LOSS FOR WORDS (Paraclete Press) VHS 30min. This video is intended to help those in need of care after a miscarriage stillbirth or a newborn death experience VC-5.1 THE HEART HAS ITS REASONS (Journey Communications) VHS 57min. This is a video-documentary about Jean Vanier and the l’Arche community for men and women with mental handicaps. VC-5.2 WORK OF LOVE (Iknonographics) VHS The video presents a unique portrait of Mother Teresa. There are scenes of her work among the poor, instruction in prayer and, an invitation to a fuller understanding of Jesus’ call to service. VC-5.5 WHO IS GOD? (Christophers) VHS 30min. This video is designed for teens and pre-teens. It explores the wonder, wisdom and unchanging love of God. VC-5.10 The wonders of creation speak of the mystery of God. The mystery of God is unlocked by Jesus Christ. Prodigal Son learned his father’s love was unchanged by his bad conduct. THIS SACRED PLACE (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 25min. This is a story, a discussion starter, a touching encounter that speaks of the great symphony of faith found in the parish church. Suggested uses: RCIA process, adult discussion groups, high school religion classes. VC-5.12 MOTHER TERESA (Today Home Entertainment) VHS 82min. This powerful and inspiring film is considered the definitive portrait of Mother Teresa. Filmed over a period of 5 years, in 10 countries and 4 continents, the story follows Mother Teresa into the world’s most troubled spots. The film is an experience of transcendence over all barriers to do works of love. VC-5.13 LAS SECTAS 1: ACTITUDES (Instituto Pastoral Del Sureste) VHS Juan Diaz Vilar, SJ The video addresses how Roman Catholics view persons from other faith traditions…actitudes, equivocas, desprecio, oidio, paralysis. VC-5.14 LAS SECTAS 2: ACTITUDES (Instituto Pastoral Del Sureste) 24 VHS Juan Diaz Vilar, SJ This video explores the reasons why so many Hispanics are leaving the Roman Catholic Church and accepting other values and teachings from other faith tradition VC-5.20 AN INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM (Paulist Press) VHS 60min. Joseph Moore The video is conducted by a university chaplain. It is designed to give the viewer some feeling for Catholicism and to whet the appetite for more. VC-5.21 GOD THE POTTER, WE THE CLAY (Liturgical Press) VHS 8min. Adeline Kroll, OSF The video presents an intense visual prayer experience for persons suffering physical, emotional or spiritual crisis. The program is highly recommended for penance, healing and reflection with the sole purpose of bringing people in closer contact with God through prayer. VC-5.22 SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES: A VISION OF HOPE (Paulist Press) VHS 25min. Kleissler/LeBert/McGuinness The video will assist parishes in becoming familiar with and implementing the pastoral direction of small faith communities. It addresses the value of balanced spirituality in a parish; introduces three types of small communities; the role of leadership; impact on evangelization, RCIA, and family VC-5.23 GOD VIEWS (Gospel Films) VHS 42min. Curt Cloninger This video takes us on a dramatic expedition into our misconception of God. In a humorous way, it helps us to look at our own perspective of the way we view-God. VC-5.24 CREATING SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES (St. Anthony Messenger) VHS Art Baranowski The video explores how and why small basic faith communities transform parish life. The present parish structure comes from another time in history. Parishes today are large in size with less stable relationships due to a transient society. Today’s world makes it easy never to ask basic faith questions. Small faith communities can be very helpful in this respect. VC-5.2 7 (1-14) WHAT CATHOLICS BELIEVE ABOUT...(Liguori Publications) VHS 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: VC-5.28 approx. 30min. each THE CHURCH JESUS CHRIST THE MASS RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS THE SACRAMENTS THE CHURCH 2ND copy THE BIBLE MARY AND THE SAINTS JINGO (Franciscan Communications) 25 10: CONFIRMATION 11: RECONCILIATION 12 BAPTISM 13. DEATH AND AFTERLIFE 14. THE HOLY SPIRIT VHS 12min. This story is based on the true story of a Vietnamese refugee who uses his talent of juggling to make a living. The story invites discussion and exploration of the hungers we all share for acceptance, relationships, and ultimately for God. VC-5.29 THE JUGGLER OF NOTRE DAME (Paulist Publications) VHS 50min. A contemporary adaption of a story from long ago. The story of the Juggler of Notre Dame goes back to at least the 12th century in France as one of the "miracle plays" of the medieval period in which God rewards devout commoners through acts of wonder. In this gripping, heart-warming contemporary version, Barnaby ekes out a bare existence juggling in streets for coins. He is broken hearted over the death of his wife and his best friend. Barnaby drifts aimlessly until he stays in a small community where he is treated kindly. As Christmas approaches, all are making special gifts for the Lord. Barnaby despairs over having nothing to offer until he discovers a most profound truth about the meaning of Christmas and giving. VC-5.30 PORTRAITS (Franciscan Communications) VHS 14min. Portraits is a story of the search for identity so characteristic of the teenage years, but it is a search that surfaces again and again throughout life. VC-5.35 (1-3) VC-5.36 (1-2) THE NEW CATECHISM: CATHOLIC FAITH TODAY (Twenty-Third Publication) VHS -Series of 32 copies This six-part series explores the content of the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. WRESTLING WITH ANGELS (Zondervan House) VHS An Intimate Look at the Tough Questions of Life TAPE ONE: GUIDANCE, WHY ME? PRAYER 77min. TAPE TWO: FORGIVING, DOUBT, LOVE 77min. VC-5.37 CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH : AN INTRODUCTION VHS 108min. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops VC-5.38 A PLACE TO BELONG: CATHOLIC SCHOOLS TODAY VHS 60min. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops This video brings a powerful testimony to the belief that values-based education extends far beyond the classroom walls, penetrating to the very heart of the community. VC-5.39 ROUGH EDGES (EcuFilms) VHS 24min. Two lives, worlds apart, one with plenty and one without, meet by chance on a wintery night and share a park bench and a small portion of their lives. The exchange is more than words hope is given that the real meaning of Christmas can be brought back into the heart and in turn help a troubled family. 26 VC-5.40 COMUNIDAD (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 17min. In response to the growing number of small church communities, the U.S. Bishops offer this video to help answer the question, "What makes a community viable and Catholic? It shares the experience of one small church community in Texas. By following this group through prayer, study, discussion, parish activities, outreach, and evangelization, the viewer comes to understand the unique contributions such groups can make to the Church. The video is done in Spanish with English subtitles. VC-5.41 (1-5) SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR ADULTS (Priority One Publishing, 1996) VHS approx. 30min. -Series of 5This series of videos deals with human issues that adults face on a daily basis. There is a helpful Leader's Guide which allows you to use this series as a five week discussion program or as a complete 13 week course. Some suggestions for use might be retreats, evening classes, counseling sessions, or even Sunday morning sessions. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 VC-5.42 WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN? OVERCOMING STRESS IN 5,000 EASY STEPS! HE SAID/SHE SAID WHEN ANGER HITS HOME MAKING A DIFFERENCE TOGETHER IN FAITH (Brown-ROA) VHS 20min. The customs, beliefs, and practices of the Catholic faith are rooted in a rich tradition that calls for each of us to know, love and serve God in our daily lives. This video presents an overview of Catholicism, which will introduce or review for the viewer what it means to be a member of the Catholic Church. VC-5.43 BECOMING CATHOLIC: AN ADULT'S FAITH JOURNEY (St.Anthony) VHS 33min. This video allows individuals to reflect on their personal faith experience against the backdrop of the Church's Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The video presents a story segment, witness segment, teaching segment, and a music video reflection. VC-5.44 BARNABAS: RCIA SPONSOR (Brown-ROA) VHS 30 min. The story of Paul and Barnabas is used to illustrate what it means to be a sponsor for a candidate. Members of catechumenate teams share their experiences, insights, and personal rewards as a sponsor. VC-5.45 PERSONS, PLACES 7 PRACTICES IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH VHS (Liguori Publications) This video is a live-action dictionary of many of the "externals" that inquirers and catechumens find unfamiliar and intriguing about the Catholic Church. An excellent way to help newcomers feel "at home" in the Church. 27 VC-5.46 RCIA: THE JOURNEY THROUGH EASTER (Brown-ROA Media) VHS 30min. VC-5.47 WHAT CATHOLICS BELIEVE (Catholic Educational Videos) VHS Diocese of Wichita, Kansas Rev. William Karr Tape 5: THE FAITH OF OUR OLD FATHERS-1 Tape 6: THE FAITH OF OUR OLD FATHERS-2 VC-5.48 HEROES OF FAITH (Brown-ROA VHS 60min. total This video highlights the inspiring profiles of 11 extraordinary Christians. Part 1: HEROES HELD CAPTIVE Part 2: HEROES IN THE ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Part 3: HEROES OF SOCIAL ACTIVISM VC-5.49 STORIES OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT (Brown-ROA) VHS 45min. total These eighteen classic tales from theologian and master storyteller John Shea are performed by professionals offer thought-provoking discussion starters that will enrich your catechetical and RCIA programs. Topics include such themes as: looking for God, prayer, perfectionism, conversion, giftedness, integrity, reconciliation, etc. VC-5.50 FINAL BLESSING (Catholic Communication Campaign) VHS 52min. This video examines the spiritual dimensions in the lives of the terminally ill. This program helps to uncover a place within the soul to begin to understand suffering on a different level and to look forward to what lie beyond. VC-5.51 WHERE IS GOD WHEN LIFE HURTS? (XXIII Publications) VHS 42min. Kathleen Chesto Anyone who has experienced suffering or tragedy has asked this question. Is it really God's will? In sharing her own struggle with disability and degenerative disease, the presenter questions a society that measures our worth by our productiveness. There are some very candid challenges of religious theories we have created to justify pain. By suggesting that there is no answer to the question, the video offers the possibility of accepting life as mystery and discovering healing and hope. VC-5.52 INACTIVE CATHOLICS: Why They Leave and How You Can Help (Liguori Publications) VHS 30min. This video is inspired by the efforts of one priest to help bridge the gap that has grown between the Church and those who have drifted away from it. VC-5.53 (2) CAMINANDO CON JESUS HACIA EL TERCER MILENIO-Segunda Serie VHS (Hispanic Telecommunications Network) ( #1 video is LOST) 3: DISCIPULOS DE JESUS EN LA IGLESIA 4: DONDE ESTA JESUS ENCARNADO HOY? 28 VC-5.56 (1&2) ECHOES OF FAITH:I BELIEVE WE BELIEVE (NCCL, 1997) VC-5.57 (1-6) Asi vivimos porque creemos:EL CREDO (Tabor Publishing) VHS This video will acquaint you with the central creedal statements of the Catholic community. One goal is to help you reflect upon and articulate your personal faith. Another goal is to better understand the truths you profess as a member of the believing community so that you can share your faith with others. VHS approx. 45min. SPANISH #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 VC-5.58 QUE SIGNIFICA EREER? QUIEN ES DIOS NUESTRO PADRE? JESUS NOS ENSENA A RESPONDER A SU LLAMADO PORQUE JESUS MURIO Y RESUCITO, ENEMOS ESPERANZA EL ESPIRITU DE DIOS ESTA CON NOSOTROS COMO IGLESIA CELEBRAMOS NUESTRA FE OPEN WIDE THE DOORS TO CHRIST (US Catholic Conference) VHS 12min. This video is designed as a tool for parish and personal reflection. It represents a way to help people think about the meaning of the year 2000 and the coming new millennium in their own lives. It particularly invites us to consider the justice dimensions of jubilee--to reach out to those who are poor and homeless and who need our assistance. VC-5.59 (1-3) TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERIES (Kantol) VHS approx.25min. #1 #2 #3 VC-5.60 BE PREPARED TO SPEAK BE PREPARED FOR MEETINGS BE PREPARED TO LEAD JESUS-NO STRANGER TO US (Follow Me Communications, Inc.) VHS Dr. John Yzaguirre The speaker on the video is a psychiatrist and native of Spain. He explores the spiritual and psychological components of unity in diversity lived in a Trinitarian lifestyle. Suggestions are offered how to discover and enjoy the presence of Jesus within us, within others and how to generate Jesus' presence in the local community. VC-5.61 DOORWAY PEOPLE: SPIRITUALITY OF THE CATECHIST (Ikono II) VHS 20min. Gaynell Cronin/J. Rathschmidt, OFMcap. As Catechists we are the doorway for people. The video explores ways to implement this role in the home and the classroom. VC-5.62 (1-8) WHAT CATHOLICS BELIEVE (Liguori Publications) VHS approx. 30min. each #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DE MARIA Y LOS SANTOS LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DEL ESPIRITUS SANTO LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DEL NUEVO CATECISMO LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DE JESUS LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DE LA BIBLIA LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DE LA ORACION LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DE LA IGLESIA 29 #8 VC-5.63 LO QUE LOS CATOLICOS CREEN DE LA VIDA DESPUES DE LA MUERTE THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: AN INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM (Fisher Production) VHS 18:15min. Rev. Michael Himes RECONCILIATION is more about the compassionate love of God than it is about our sin. This video is part of a ten video series Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism. VC-5.64 (1) YOUR CALL TO FAITH: JEPHTHAH'S DILEMMA (Center/Learning) VC-5.64 (2) YOUR CALL TO FAITH: TESTING YOUR FAITH (Center/Learning) VC-5.64 (3) YOUR CALL TO FAITH: WHO AM I? (Center for Learning) VC-5.65 PARABLES: A NEW LOOK AT FAMILIAR STORIES VHS Bruce Deaton 17:31min. Jr.High This is a story of a man's journey to war, his return to his family, and consequences of the commitment he made with God. The two-fold objectives (1) choosing to journey with Jesus and with each other (2) understanding the value of commitment. VHS Bruce Deaton 20:41min. Jr.High This video shows a drama of faith, love, and concern for another person. Actually, it is the story of the living body of Christ, we, who are called to be there for others. VHS Bruce Deaton 18:16min. Jr.High This video describes how a stonecutter is dissatisfied with himself and wishes to be someone else. He lacks SELF-ESTEEM because he does not believe God loves him just as he is. VHS (60min) Four-15min.segments Paraclete Press Jesus was a master storyteller. Using tangible realities, he taught profound spiritual principles and complex religious truths to ordinary people. This video uncovers the character nuances and shades of meaning which gives these familiar stories their richness and depth. VC-5.66 THIS SACRED PEOPLE (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 23min. Daniel Connors This video centers around a conversation between two women who are at different stages in their faith journey. One woman who recently entered the church through the RCIA is feeling some disillusionment in her new found faith. The other, a retired DRE, is grieving the death of her husband. Through their faith-filled conversation they both come to terms with what it means to join our lives to the dying and rising of Jesus. VC-5.67 (1) VC-5.67 (2) VC-5.67 (3) PEACEFUL JOURNEYS: PRAYING (Fisher Productions) VHS 24min. Robert Wicks PEACEFUL JOURNEYS: NURTURING (Fisher Productions) VHS 24min. Robert Wicks PEACEFUL JOURNEYS: CARING (Fisher Productions) VHS 24min. Robert Wicks 30 VC-5.68 WHAT IS FAITH? (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 31min. Kathleen O. Chesto This video presents an inspiring and uplifting challenge to live our faith to the full. The focus is on helping viewers understand that what we know is never as important as the WHO we know—and how we can share that knowledge with others. VC-5.69 STORIES OF FAITH (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 37min. Kathleen O. Chesto Powerful faith stories are one of the strengths of our Judeo-Christian tradition. Believing that God acts through our lives when such stories are shared, the video invites viewers to begin recognizing and sharing their faith stories. Uses: catechists meetings, parent sacrament meetings, retreats, study groups. DVD-5.70 THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS (Paraclete Video Productions) 40min. Every human being gets hurt in ways both big and small, and in turn we sometimes inflict hurt on others. There comes a time when we face the difficult choice to forgive others and to forgive ourselves. But Forgiveness can seem impossible and even undesirable. The video contains the following four parts: The origin of forgiveness. What is forgiveness? Why do we need to forgive? How is forgiveness possible? DVD-5.71 JESUS DECODED: Catholic Belief Versus Modern Fiction (USCCB/CC) 60min. Readers of Dan Brown’s novel, The DaVinci Code, have been faced with questions that challenge basic Catholic beliefs about Jesus and the Church. Brown’s novel is not alone in presenting these challenges. This documentary provides accurate information about the person of Jesus, his followers, their belief in his divinity, the formation of the New Testament, and the role women played in his ministry and the spread of the Gospel. DVD-5.72 Prt.1&2 WHY CATHOLICS DO WHAT THEY DO (in Church) Oblate Media VC-6.1 THE CHOICE: SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION (Franciscan Comm) DVD 5-7 minutes each topic Symbols and signs are essential to the Roman Catholic Liturgy and Ritual. Candles, water, gestures and crosses are discussed to help young people, catechumens and even life-long Catholics better understand the important reasons for these traditions that help us grow in faith. CONNECTING WITH GOD: WAYS TO PRAY DVD Have you thought of God as you gaze out at the ocean, as you listen to your favorite music, or as you have a good stretch in the morning? If so, you are connecting with God. This section is tailor-made for teens depicting real life situations. Can also be used with RCIA candidates or adult learners. VHS 19min. This video is moving and authentic in its approach to teenage concerns. It is an ideal film for Confirmation preparation, youth ministry-touching on themes of service, responsibility, Christian identity, commitment, parent-teen conflict, peer-to-peer talks 31 VC-6.2 PREPARING FOR YOUR CHILD’S BAPTISM (Paulist Press) VHS 38min. The goal of this video is to convey an understanding of baptism in our Church today and to challenge us, parents and others involved with your child, to responsible involvement in this sacrament. The video is divided into three parts. Exploration of what it means to be a Christian Theological dimensions of Baptism discussed Ritual and symbols of Baptism DVD-6.4 BECOME ONE BODY ONE SPIRIT IN CHRIST (USCCB Publications) DVD Five foundational essays by experts in sacramental theology and liturgy provide the themes and pathways of this resource, which uses video, text graphic and music to help enrich the user’s understanding and deepen their appreciation of the Eucharist. VC-6.12 SKATEBOARD (Teleketics) VHS 12min. This video is designed for students preparing for First Reconciliation. There is discussion about making choices, both good and bad. The story also addresses listening to those who care about us. Ages: 7-9yrs. VC-6.13 GRANDMA’S BREAD (Teleketics) VHS 15min. This video is designed for those students preparing for First Eucharist. The story tells a parable of the love which unites us all in God’s family. VC-6.14 PREPARANDO PARA EL BAUTISMO DE SU NINO (Paulist Press) VHS (Spanish) -three partsThe goal of this video is to convey an understanding of Baptism in our church today. It also challenges parents to be involved in the sacramental preparation of their children. VC-6.16 UNDERSTANDING THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION FOR CHILDREN (Paulist Press) VHS Gaynell Cronin/Rev. J. Rathschmidt This three-part video will help children understand and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is designed for use with children in grades 4-6. The tape concludes with an actual communal penance service accompanied by individual confession. VC-6.17 EL BAUTISMO (S.E. Regional Office for Hispanic Affairs, Inc.) VHS 50min. Casiano Floristan Spanish This video presents the history of the sacrament, its significance and effect. Theological implications of the sacrament are also addressed. VC-6.18 INTRODUCCION A LOS SACRAMENTOS (S.E.Office of Hispanic Affairs) VHS 50min. Casiano Floristan Spanish The origin, history, and effect of the sacraments since Vatican Council II are presented. Also addressed in the video: relationship between the sacraments and life; sacraments and the Word of God; sacraments as deeds/actions, sign/symbol, ritual. 32 VC-6.19 BAUTISMO/BAPTISM (Franciscan Communications) VHS 8min. Spanish The Sacrament of Belonging is the true story of a scarred and orphaned Mexican boy who finds a home and family. The story leads to an exploration of baptism as a sign of being called to the community of God. VC-6.20 LOS CAMBIOS EN LOS SACRAMENTOS (Franciscan Communications) VHS 54min. Spanish Through humor and characters, the history and changes in the sacraments since Vatican Council II are recounted and explained. VC-6.21 PLANNING YOUR WEDDING LITURGY (St. Anthony’s Messenger) VHS 31min Segment 1: Shows how the ritual action of the wedding liturgy connects to the reality of married life. (7min.) Segment 2: Segment3: Segment4: Two couples share both fond memories and thoughtful planning put into their weddings. (14min.) This segment explains that a wedding is a prayer event, a liturgical celebration and a sacrament. (6min.) Contains a music video reflection. (6min.) DVD-6.23 SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: SEALED WITH GOD’S SPIRIT DVD The video includes several segments: story, witness, teaching, and a musical reflection. “Moving On: Responding in the Spirit.” (20min) Bishop Kenneth Untener discusses his viewpoint as preside (6 min) Rev. Richstatter, OFM presents hsitor and meaning of the sacrament. (7 min) A celebration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit by Reggie Butler. (4 min) DVD-6.24 BABY’S BAPTISM: SACRAMENT OF WELCOME (St.Anthony Messenger) 2 DVD’s (Disc One same as VC-6.27 Disc Two same as VC-6.27 & VC.6.28) See PAGE 34 for description . VC-6.25 LORD OF MERCY: RECONCILIATION (Brown-ROA Publications) VHS 19:26min. The video touches briefly on each of the seven sacraments as an opportunity for God to enter into our lives in a special way. The sacrament of reconciliation is presented in the context of history, theology and, scripture. VC-6.26 LORD OF LOVE: EUCHARIST (Brown-ROA Publications) VHS 25:47min. The video touches briefly on each of the seven sacraments as an opportunity for God to enter into our lives in a special way. Through scripture (Jesus feeds the 5,000; the story of the Last Supper), history, theology and celebration, the viewer is brought to a clearer understanding of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. 33 VC-6.27 SACRAMENT OF WELCOME: FAITH JOURNEY (Franciscan Communications) VHS Part 1 45min. 2 copies This video looks at the need of every human being to belong. It invites the parents to reflect on their personal faith journeys and, on the nature of the commitment they will be making by requesting Baptism for their child. The history of the sacrament is addressed. VC-6.28 SACRAMENT OF WELCOME: SYMBOLS AND RITE OF BAPTISM VHS Part 2 45min. (Franciscan Communications) 2 copies The video explores the power and meaning of symbols in our lives. It uses a beautiful dramatization of the Rite of Baptism for Children. VC-6.29 SACRAMENT OF WELCOME: CHRISTIAN PARENTING (Franciscan Com.) VHS Part 3 45min. 2copies This video is designed to be used after Baptism. It reflects on the beauties and responsibilities of Christian parenting, including ongoing religious formation. It emphasizes the process of initiation begun in Baptism and culminating in Eucharist. VC-6.30 LOS SACRAMENTOS (Tabor Publishing) VHS -Series of 8Roberto Gutierrez This video series reflects the Hispanic experience of celebrating and understanding the sacraments. The videos present the sacraments in a way that inspires and educates adult Hispanics to personal growth in their faith. Each video takes a documentary approach in presenting the material as signs of God’s love. A scriptural reflection is related to each sacrament, followed by a short homily and summary. VC-6.30 (1) VC-6.30 (2) VC-6.30 (3) BAUTISMO AGUA/LUZ VC-6.31 RECONCILIATION: CLOSING THE GAP (Brown/ROA Publishing) VHS 22min. CONFIRMACION VHS 18min. LA EUCHARISTIA VHS 23min. VC-6.30 (4) VC-6.30 (5) VC-6.30 (6) LA UNCION DE LOS ENFERMO VHS 24min. LA RECONCILIACION EL PECADO/ PERDON VHS 24min.& 26min. ORDEN SACERDOTAL VHS 28min. VHS 12:55min. Through role playing, this video helps adolescents make the connection between conflicts in their lives and the need to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A brief history of how the sacrament has changed through the ages in also presented. VC-6.32 COMMITMENT TO CARING (Franciscan Communications) VHS 20min. Two brief and dramatic vignettes on the witness of Christian service are presented. Themes: commitment/witness/moral judgement/service. VC-6.33 LIVING EUCHARIST (Franciscan Communications) 34 VHS 10min. The video is brief, direct, and visually appealing aimed at the heart. It uses the celebration of Sunday Mass in a typical parish as its framework. Three simple moving stories reveal the Lord’s presence “in the breaking of the Bread”. Themes: Eucharist/sharing/tolerance. VC-6.34 BRIDGES (Franciscan Communications) VHS 23min. The video shows a touching drama linking three generations. It tells of a mother’s love for her college age son and for her ailing, uncommunicative father. The story is of family relationships and the universal need for affirmation, especially from those who are closest to us. Themes: reconciliation/self identity/family/intergenerational concerns. VC-6.35 AMIE: A UNIQUE CHRIST FIGURE (Franciscan Communications) VHS 17min. Amie, a young, intelligent photo journalist, has one passion…people. Through the relationships she makes, the words she speaks, we see her life mirror the Gospel message. Themes: faith/Christ/love/sharing. VC-6.36 CAMINO A CASA/THE WAY HOME (Franciscan Communications) VHS 25min. This contemporary version of the parable of the Prodigal Son explores the New Rite of Reconciliation and asks questions about forgiveness and reconciliation. Themes: conversion/reconciliation/family. VC-6.37 BAUTISMO: EL PRIMER PASO (Don Bosco) VHS 10-15min. each The five segment series is designed for pre-baptismal catechesis. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 VC-6.38 LOS PRIMEROS CINCO ANOS Y LA FE LA NUEVA CEREMONIA DA NUEVAS RESPONSABILIDADES Y LOS PADRINOS, QUE? QUE LE SUCEDE AL NINO AL BAUTIZARSE? CON RAZON CELEBRAMOS! TE AMO! (Ethnic Communications Outlet) VHS 23:04min. This video was created for use with groups dedicated to strengthening the marriage bond and re-discovering the needs and skills necessary to communicate feelings and values. Ideal for marriage encounter or sessions for engaged couples. VC-6.39 WHAT CHANGED MICHAEL? (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 8min. The celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation enables children, like Michael, to experience love through forgiveness. The sacrament provides the atmosphere for children to grow in the desire to express their own lovingness in return. VC-6.40 A CHILD’S FIRST PENANCE (Liguori Publications) 35 VHS 20min. This video offers a well-rounded presentation to help children understand the basic concepts of sin and forgiveness. It also includes helpful instruction on how to participate in the actual Rite of Reconciliation. VC-6.41 SACRAMENTS FOR CHILDREN (Liguori Publications) VHS 60min. This video is an introduction to the seven sacraments for middle grade students. The video is divided into eight vignettes. The first vignette addresses the concept and meaning of “sacrament”. The others cover each sacrament individually. VC-6.43 A EUCHARIST PARABLE (Franciscan Communications) VHS 24min. This is a story of Eucharist as a tale of love and forgiveness. Kate is confronted with the reality of a terminal illness. She is inspired to invite her alienated brothers to a family Thanksgiving. The meal provided a forum for forgiveness and reconciliation between family members. VC-6.47 LORD OF OUR HEALING: UNDERSTANDING THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING THE SICK VHS (Liguori Publications) Through detailed explanation this video discusses the following: biblical origins/history of the sacrament; changes in the sacrament over the years; how the sacrament is celebrated. VC-6.48 (1) CELEBRATING SACRAMENTS: BAPTISM (XXIII Publications) VC-6.48 (2) CELEBRATING SACRAMENTS: CONFIRMATION (XXIII Publications) VC-6.48 (3) CELEBRATING SACRAMENTS: EUCHARIST (XXIII Publications) VC-6.48 (4) CELEBRATING SACRAMENTS: RECONCILIATION (XXIII Publications) VHS 15min. Charles Keating (Welcome to the Christian Community) The video is designed for parent/parents asking baptism of their child. It provides theological and scriptural background on the sacrament. It also addresses the role of the parent/parents in the spiritual and religious development of their child. VHS 15min. Margaret Bowman (Celebrating Faith) The video is designed for parent/parents of students preparing for Confirmation. It provides theological and scriptural background on the sacrament. It also addresses he role of the parent/parents in the spiritual and religious development of their child. VHS 13min. Margaret Bowman (Celebrating Community) The video is designed for parent/parents of students preparing for Eucharist. It provides theological and scriptural background on the sacrament. It also addresses the role of the parent/parents in the spiritual and religious development of their child. VHS 17min. Margaret Bowman (Celebrating Forgiveness) The video is designed for parent/parents of students preparing for Reconciliation. It provides theological and scriptural background on the sacrament. It also addresses the role of the parent/parents in the spiritual and religious development of their child. 36 VC-6.49 MARIA’S FIRST COMMUNION (XXIII Publications) VHS 8min. This video helps children to understand more of Jesus’ unique presence in the sacrament as they are guided through each step and prepare for First Eucharist. VC-6.50 BAPTISM: SACRAMENT OF BELONGING (Franciscan Communications) VHS 14min. This video introduces the touching story of Alfredo a young Mexican boy orphaned by a tragic fire. He wanders the villages of Mexico in search of acceptance and family. The story tells of Fr.Wasson’s orphanage and the acceptance Alfredo finds. Themes: baptism, community. VC-6.51 THE WAY HOME: THE PARABLE OF LOVE (Franciscan Communications) VHS 23min. This is a contemporary version of the parable of the Prodigal Son. A rebellious son repentantly returns to his family.. His father is joyful at the reunion. While everyone else celebrates the homecoming, the dutiful older brother deals with his conflicting feelings at what seems to be unfairness of life. VC-6.52 OF SACRAMENT & SYMBOL (Franciscan Communications) VHS 56min. The sacramental symbols of water, fire, oil, wind, bread, wine, light and gesture are explored in relation to life experiences. The introductory segment of the video shows how symbolism bridges the natural and supernatural to reveal God in our lives. Themes: Liturgy, symbol, sacrament. VC-6.54 BAPTISM: SACRAMENT OF BELONGING (Franciscan Communications) VHS 15min. (Spanish version of VC-6.50) Themes: Baptism, community. VC-6.55 WHAT IS SACRAMENT? (Tabor Publishing) VHS Richard McBrien) This video contains a course in sacramental theology. PART 1: The Principle of Sacramentality PART 2: The Sacraments of Initiation PART 3: The Sacraments of Healing and Commitment VC-6.57 RICKY’S FIRST RECONCILIATION (XXIII Publications) VHS 9min. Gwen Costello A variety of settings and situations are used to illustrate an inclusive approach to sacrament preparation. Following Ricky throughout the video, children will more fully understand both the Rite of Penance and the sacramental theology that surrounds it. VC-6.58 LOAVES OF THANKSGIVING (Franciscan Communications) 37 VHS 30min. The five aspect of Roman Catholic Liturgy are highlighted through real life minidrama.Faith, participation, worship, community and sacrifice are presented as symbolic loaves of thanksgiving. Themes: Eucharist, worship. VC-6.59 CHANGING SACRAMENTS (Franciscan Communications) VHS 118min. total This video contains animated presentations explaining the history and development of the seven sacrament of the Roman Catholic Church. VC-6.60 LIVING THE SPIRIT: A CONFIRMATION KIT (Franciscan Communications) VHS This series builds on multi-levels: listening to personal experience, controversy, questioning, reflection and mission. VC-6.61 HE WILL SEND YOU THE HOLY SPIRIT (Paulist Press) (VHS) This fifty minute video by the Fountain Square Fools shows the meaning of the sacrament of confirmation & is expressed with inspiration, humor and insight. VC-6.62 ADULT BAPTISM: EXPLORING ITS MEANING (St. Anthony Messenger) VHS 31min. This video is a multi-faceted resource with several segments. Story segment: Helps viewers to answer the question: What does it mean to be baptized? Witness segment: Persons testify to what the celebration of their own Baptism means to them. Teaching segment: Images offer insights into the question of what it means to be baptized. Music reflection: Echoes the Christian’s ongoing response to Baptism. VC-6.65 CONFIRMATION: IT’S YOUR CHOICE (Liguori Publications) VHS 20min. A Confirmation candidate talks a friend into joining her in a service project. Her commitment is challenged and she gives witness to the value of this preparation. An explanation of the sacrament and its ritual is also explained. VC-6.66 ANSWERING GOD’S CALL: THE EXPERIENCE OF PRIESTHOOD (USCCB) VHS 57min. The video presents two different styles of ministry in the daily lives of two priests. The story reveals the faith journey and the changes these men face. It shows two devoted men bringing God’s love to young and old with humor and sensitivity. VC-6.68 SACRAMENTOS PARA NINOS (Liguori Publications) 38 VHS 60min. (2 parts) El Campo Sacramento es el lugar en el cual el Padre Ray Hain y sus once amigos, pasan el tiempo descubriendo el significado y los simbolos de los Siete Sacramentos. VC-6.69 (1) CELEBRATING OUR FAITH Reconciliation: Children (BrownROA) VHS 4-8min. each part Rev. Joe Kempf #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 WE BELONG WE CELEBRATE GOD'S LOVE WE HEAR GOOD NEWS WE LOOK AT OUR LIVES WE ASK FORGIVENESS WE GO FORTH IN PARDON AND PEACE VC-6.69 (2) CELEBRATING OUR FAITH Reconciliation: Families (BrownROA) VC-6.70 (1) CELEBRATING OUR FAITH Eucharist: Children (Brown-ROA) VC-6.71 TO LAST A LIFETIME: MAKING MARRIAGE WORK (US Catholic Conference) VHS 7-24min. each part Rev. Joe Kempf #1 Through the parable of the prodigal son, parents learn of the incredible forgiveness of God and the gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. #2 This episode shows the Rite of Reconciliation. #3 The importance of the role of parents in the faith lives of their children is addressed here. VHS 3-8min. each part Rev. Joe Kempf #1 BELONGING #2 INVITED TO THE TABLE #3 GATHERING TO CELEBRATE #4 FEASTING ON GOD'S WORD #5 OFFERING OUR GIFTS #6 REMEMBERING AND GIVING THANKS #7 SHARING THE BREAD OF LIFE #8 GOING FORTH TO LOVE AND SERVE VHS 58min. The video examines the challenges of making a marriage work in spite of the odds. It shows how faith-based marriage preparation, marriage mentoring, and marriage mending are helping couples to grow in love and understanding for each other. VC-6.72 THIS SACRED MEAL: THE EUCHARIST IN OUR LIVES (Twenty-Third) VHS 21min. Daniel Connors Catholics come to Mass week after week, but seldom have an opportunity to reflect on the larger meaning of why we come, what we are doing there, and what it all means for our daily lives. This video can help adults reflect on these questions and deepen their understanding of the Eucharist. Uses: adult religious education, RCIA. VC-6.73 LOS SACRAMENTOS (Paulinas) 39 VHS 44min. Los Sacramentos no son magia, son signos, simbolos de Dios que nos acompana en nuestro camino. Si sabemos entenderlos y practicarlos, el Espiritu obrara en nosotros. Por que podemos decir que algunas cosas de la vida ordinaria son como Sacramentos? Cuales son los Sacramentos de la Iglesia y que realizan en nosotros? Cada uno de los Sacramentos incluye unas preguntas para la reflexion personal y el dialogo en grupo. VC-6.74 PARDON AND PEACE…REMEMBERED (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VHS 15min. Jr. High-Adult This video is a poignant retelling of the ageless Parable of the Prodigal Son. Themes: forgiveness, Sacrament of Reconciliation VC-6.75 CONFIRMATION: A COMMITMENT TO LIFE (Liguori) VHS 57min. Rev. Joe Kempf Grades 9-12 Join Rev. Joe Kempf and a group of high-school students as they prepare for confirmation. In a series of video vignettes, these young Catholics face the same problems and doubts as other adolescents. Issues addressed: sexuality, peer pressure, relationships and commitments, doubts about themselves and their faith. VC-6.76 EUCHARIST: A TASTE OF GOD (Liguori) VHS 2hrs. Rev. Joe Kempf This video is intended for small groups, and encourages discussion, prayer, and group activities. Each section is 10-15minutes long and includes these topics: Hunger VC-6.77 (1-3) SACRAMENTS: GOD’S AMAZING GRACE (Oblate Media) VHS (1) (2) (3) VC-6.78 The Quiet Presence of God I Am Here for You Mission Called to the Gathering: The Challenge Called to the Gathering: The Gift A Meal for Sinners The Voice of God Broken, Poured for Love I Am Here for You Mission To Say “Amen” -Series of 3Sacraments of Initiation -Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Sacraments of Healing-Penance/Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick Sacraments of Service- Holy Orders, Matrimony PREPARING YOUR CHILD FOR RECONCILIATION (Iknonographics II) VHS 25min. Gaynell Cronin This video is designed to help parents prepare their children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Helpful reflection/discussion questions are provided. 40 VC-6.79 NEW BIRTH DAY CLUB (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VHS 15min. Gaynell Cronin In Baptism we experience God’s promise of being with us always. In celebration, the faith community, the sign of God’s presence, initiates and welcomes us into membership in the Church. This spirited video tells the story of Charlie and his desire to become a member of a community, the New Birth Day Club. Through the building of a clubhouse and the initiation of Charlie into this neighborhood club, the meaning of the symbols and gestures used in the rites of Baptism are explored. (Grades 1-5) VC-6.80 (1) THE SPIRIT AND CONFIRMATION (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VHS 14min. (Part 1) Gaynell Bordes Cronin These videos challenge us to see the Spirit revealed as giver of life, giver of gifts and maker and keeper of promises. They are excellent for classroom and Confirmation preparation and RCIA for children. Themes explored: VC-6.80 (2) Who is the Spirit? When has the Spirit been present in salvation history? What are our experiences of the Spirit in our daily living, in the life of Jesus, the Church and the world? How do we name our gift in the service of others? What are the fruits of the Spirit? THE SPIRIT AND CONFIRMATION VHS 14min. (Part 2) Gaynell Bordes Cronin Theses explored: VC-6.81 What is the work of the Spirit? What scriptural images speak of the Spirit? What are the traditional seven gifts of the Spirit? How do we ritually celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation? How does the Spirit breathe in the Sacraments of Initiation? FIRST COMMUNION: A FAMILY JOURNEY (Oblate Media) VHS Segment 1: Children 9:37min. – Segment 2: Parents/Teachers 9:29min. This is a wonderful new resource for family catechesis. There are separate segments for children and parents. The meaning of the Eucharist, Baptism and full membership in the Church is made clear to 1st Communicants. The importance of parental involvement and family activities in preparation for the big day are also provided. (Ideal for use with “The Gift of Eucharist” Silver Burdett Ginn. VC-6.82 WHAT IS A SACRAMENT? (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VHS 14min. Jack Rothschmidt, OFM, CAP. Grades 5-8 Sacraments are signs and symbols of the sacred. This video helps us deepen our appreciation of sacraments as actions and expressions of God’s love within the Christian community. They help us to live more like Jesus and be a sign of Jesus’ love by the way we love one another. VC-6.83 BAPTISM & CONFIRMATION – WE BELONG (St. Anthony Messenger Press) 41 (1) VHS 14min. Gaynell Cronin/Jack Rathschmidt, OFM,CAP Through story and ritual, the two sacraments of initiation, Baptism & Confirmation, are looked at. Reminding us that we belong to a faith community, we are challenged to welcome and strengthen others as we work to heal the earth and her people. VC-6.83 (2) EUCHARIST: WE FEED (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VC-6.83 (3) RECONCILIATION: WE FORGIVE (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VC-6.83 (4) MARRIAGE & HOLY ORDERS: WE COMMIT (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VC-6.83 (5) ANOINTING OF THE SICK: WE CARE (St. Anthony Messenger Press) VC-6.84 (1) THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Past and Present (Twenty-Third Pub.) VC-6.84 (2) THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Past, Present, Future(Twenty-Third) VC-6.85 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH THE SACRAMENTS (Oblate Media) VHS 11 1/2min. Gaynell Cronin/Jack Rathschmidt, OFM,CAP Through story and ritual, the Sacrament of the Eucharist is looked at in a way that invites us to eat at the table of the Lord. Jesus gives himself to us as word, food and community. Reminding us that our bodies and spirits hunger for both food and God, this video challenges us to reach out for those who suffer hunger in the world. VHS 11 1/2min. Gaynell Cronin/Jack Rathschmidt, OFM,CAP Through story and ritual, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is looked at as a help to heal our relationships with God, ourselves and others when we do wrong. Reminding us that we sometimes act in unloving ways, this video challenges us to change, seek forgiveness and celebrate God’s mercy through the Church. VHS 12min. Gaynell Cronin/Jack Rathschmidt, OFM, CAP Through story and ritual, we look at the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders in considering service to others as the heart of Jesus’ message to the world. Reminding us that Marriage celebrates life-long love and service and Holy Orders celebrates a life of ordained service to the community, we are challenged with the question of how we will commit ourselves to Christ. VHS 12min. Gaynell Cronin/Jack Rathschmidt, OFM,CAP Through story and ritual we look at the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick which speaks of the way God and the community of faith loves us in a special way when we are sick or elderly. Reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles, this video challenges us to remember Christ’s healing presence in our lives. VHS 26min. Kathleen O. Chesto The video leads viewers through the development and history of the sacrament from Hebrew times to post-Vatican II. The engaging presentation uses language that is comprehensible and clear. VHS 29min. Kathleen O. Chesto This video leads viewers through the development and history of the sacrament from biblical times to post-Vatican II. The presentation presents Catholic adults with a better understanding of the valuable place of these sacraments in their lives today. 42 VHS 14:30 min. An angel guides young Anna as she struggles with the complex problem of what the sacraments mean in our everyday lives. (Middle Grades – Junior High) VC-6.86 INFANT BAPTISM: A Gift to the Community (St. Anthony Messenger) VHS 31 min. This video offers a four-part resource package that can be used as part of a parish program for parents who are bringing their child to be baptized. -story segment, witness segment, teaching segment, musical reflection – VC-6.87 GODPARENTS OF CHILDREN: Handing on the Faith VHS 20 min. The video helps parents and godparents understand the role of godparent and offers ideas for making this relationship meaningful. - story segment, witness segment, teaching segment, musical reflection – VC-6.88 OUR CATHOLIC WEDDING (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS 30 min. Fr. Austin Fleming and Paul Covino are nationally known authors and teachers on the Catholic rite of marriage. They and two couples, their parents and parish musicians offer their insights on the rite of marriage. This is an informative series for those who want a deeper appreciation of the Mass. It offers an in-depth look at the parts of the Mass. VC-7.5 WHAT IS THE LOVE OF GOD LIKE? (Argus) VHS John Shea John Shea is a marvelous storyteller and poet charming the viewer with six stories that have great religious significance entitled: Summer Camp, Cigar Smoker, The Little Girl, Big Jerry/Little Jerry, Irish Brothers, 31Flavors of Ice Cream, Patricia is Bored. VC-7.6 RELIGIOUS WOMEN (Franciscan Communications) VHS 30min. The video focuses on five very diverse apostolates. It introduces members of a contemporary experimental community, a long distance runner, mobile catechists, the Trappestines, and an award-winning coach. These women defy any stereotype of the woman “running away from life” to join the convent. Despite the diversity of their apostolates, these women all acknowledge the importance of their prayer life as the moving force in their lives. VC-7.7 THE SISTERS ARE HERE (Office of Public Affairs, Seattle WA) VHS 20min. The video focuses on what it means to be a sister today. There is a profile of eight women from different communities. Each presents a testimony of how the women were called to their religious vocation and their various ministries in which they serve. VC-7.8 GUIDING GOD’S CHILDREN (Paulist Press) 43 VHS 50min. Tolbert McCarroll There is a hunger for spiritual experience in the world today. The formal classroom approach to religious education cannot respond to this need in young children.It is in the home that children can be guided to experience the presence of God. This program is designed for family catechesis. It is divided into three parts: introduction/explanation and Steps 1-4; Steps 5-7; Prayer VC-7.9 THE KINGDOM WITHIN (Paulist Press) VHS 45min. John Sanford The video brings together findings of depth Psychology with the personality of Jesus. Jesus is seen as a man deeply in touch with and attuned to the stirrings of the Spirit found within himself. Jesus entered into the mystery of who he was which unleased the reality of God’s kingdom. Jesus teaches us the Kingdom of God, not by rigid definition, but rather through enchanting parables which entice us to discover and live the present mystery of God’s loving reign. The tape is divided into three parts and can be used for family, parish, or community reflections. VC-7.15 BREAD AND WINE (Franciscan Communications) VHS 17min. The processes of making bread and wine are combined with scenes of their ultimate use. The music chosen is especially effective. This video contains no dialogue. Themes: faith/prayer/worship/sacraments. VC-7.16 CHARGED WITH THE GRANDEUR OF GOD: THE SPIRITUALITY OF PRIEST IN PASTORAL MINISTRY VHS 18min. (United States Catholic Conference) The life and spirituality of the Catholic priest is looked at in an upbeat perspective. As a spiritual leader, the priest hungers for holiness. The video illustrates the priest’s ministry to the people of God as the foundation for holiness. Highlighted in the video is the constant struggle faced in trying to live a spiritual life in the midst of a material world. VC-7.17 MEETING THE LIVING GOD IN DEEPER PRAYER (Argus) VHS 3 Segments SEGMENT ONE: SEGMENT TWO: SEGMENT THREE: VC-7.18 George Maloney, SJ EXPLORING PRAYER PRAYING IN THE NEW CREATION PRAYER OF THE HEART OVERCOMING BARRIERS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH (Tabor Publishing) VHS 30min. each Dolores Curran With humor and good sense, Dolores Curran brings the subject of spiritual growth into the tensions and demands of modern daily life. SEGMENT ONE: SEGMENT TWO: SEGMENT THREE: SEGMENT FOUR: VC-7.20 OVERCOMING NEGATIVITY OVERCOMING DEPRESSION RECOVERING FROM PERFECTIONISM MAKING ANGER WORK FOR US GOD’S CALL: A FAMILY AFFAIR (NEFF Productions) VHS 44 27min. The video shows how young men and women come to realize God’s call to the religious life and priesthood. VC-7.21 PRAYING THE PSALMS (Fisher Producations) VHS VC-7.22 21min. Joan Chittister,OSB CREATIVITY: TOUCHING THE DIVINE (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. This video brings together artists and non-artists who have experienced the joyful tandem of spirituality and creativity. Viewers are inspired to re-think the possibility for creativity in their own lives. VC-7.23 LIVING FROM THE CENTER: HOW TO PRAY (Fisher Productions) VHS 20min. Combining Fr. Rohr’s wisdom with visually intense images, the video leads viewers in a powerful prayer exercise. The video presents a radical look at the illusions we have made into idols and offers an invitation to take an inner journey to the place where God dwells. VC-7.25 A DIFFERENT PATH (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. The video offers a look at the lives of women religious in two diverse communities— Benedictines Sisters of Perpetual Adoration and Sisters of St. Joseph in Brooklyn. VC-7.26 VC-7.27 THE HOLY ROSARY (St. Paul) ECHOES OF FAITH: PRAYER AND SPIRITUALITYVHS (NCCL/RCL) The video is divided into four segments. Segments one and two explore the nature of prayer, various forms of prayer, and some obstacles to prayer. The third segment examines the spiritual life as it is lived in the midst of day-to-day issues and challenges. The final segment offers a reflection and catechesis on the central prayer of the Christian tradition, the Our Father. This presentation is only an introduction to these themes. Through the process of reflection and sharing, the content provided in the guide will help with better understanding of these principles. VC-7.28 THE JUBILEE SONG VHS This is a music video entitled The Jubilee Song, which follows the theme of the Third Millennium. It may be used for reflective prayer. VC-7.29 PRAYER OF PRAISE (Ikonographics II) VHS Gaynell Cronin This video is designed for grades 1-5. Children are encouraged to have an attitude of praise through story, a praise walk and a guided mediation. It also contains a Glory Be Prayer with gesture, a chant, Francis' Son of the Sun, and the voices of young people speaking their own prayers of praise. VC-7.30 PRAYER: ANY TIME, ANY PLACE, ABOUT ANYTHING (Ikono II) 45 VHS Gaynell Cronin Grades 1-5 Prayer is talking and listening to God. It is also a meeting with our friend Jesus. Children's prayers are heard answering the questions: Where/When and about what do we pray? VC-7.31 PRAYER OF QUIET (Ikonographics II) VHS Gaynell Cronin Grades 1-5 This video invites young people to come face to face with God in silence. Children will be introduced to breathing prayer, a word prayer, centering prayer, a prayer of Mother Teresa and a relaxing body prayer which leads them into guided imagery. VC-7.32 PRAYER OF ASKING (Ikonographics II) VHS Gaynell Cronin Grades 1-5 In prayer, we trust God is with us in all our needs. The most common form of prayer is one of petition. Children are invited to experience a guided imagery, a pebble prayer, a world prayer, Prayers of the Faithful, and praying as a group for someone who is sick. VC-7.33 THE ANGEL'S PRAYER LESSON (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 12min. Gwen Costello A young angel, Callista, enthusiastically teaches children ages 7-11 about prayer and the many forms it takes. VC-7.34 ANSWERING THE CALL OF JESUS CHRIST (Archdiocese of St. Louis) VC-7.36 (1) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE CALLED? (National Association of Diaconate VC-7.36 (2) WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR BE FORMED? (NADD) Talk 2 VC-7.36 (3) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE SENT? (NADD) Talk 3 DVD-7.37 THE LORD’S PRAYER: Entering into God’s Country (Paraclete Video Directors)Talk 1 VHS VHS 60min. 60min. Richard Rohr, OFM Richard Rohr, OFM VHS 60min. Richard Rohr, OFM This series of talks was specifically given to Deacons however; the excellent material that Rev. Rohr presents is applicable to all baptized adult Christians. Productions) 90min. Walter Wangerin, Jr. The author explores the petitions and structure of the Lord’s Prayer. The discussion sheds light on what the prayer reveals about God’s nature and our own, and how we should live in relationship with God and one another. There are eight segments presented in the video. DVD-7.38 EXPLORING GOD’S PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE (Paraclete Video Productions)40min. In today’s fast-paced and stress-oriented world, it is hard for young people to stop and search for God’s will in their lives. The video explores the path to finding God’s will in the following six segments: 1. 2. 3. God has a purpose for your life. Seeking God Obstacles to hearing God 46 4. 5. 6. DVD-7.39 Trusting God Making decision Steps of faith THE FOUR ACTS OF PRAYER (Paraclete Video Productions) 132min. Walter Wangerin, Jr. Stories are used to explore the vital elements of the complete circle of praying: We Speak; God Listens; God Speaks; We Listen. By practicing and developing these simple acts with diligence, we can develop a close communion with God. VC-7.40 (1) QUESTIONS OF THE SOUL: WHAT IS SPIRITUALITY? (Fisher Productions) VC-7.40 (2) QUESTIONS OF THE SOUL: WHAT IS PRAYER? (Fisher Productions) VHS 30min. Rev. Michael Himes This video looks in depth at unbelief and the attitude that God is dead. Unbelief cannot be reversed by reading books or by attempts at prayer. It is only by loving others and God’s creation, that we can experience it profoundly if we are open to an expansion of the imagination. VHS 25min. Rev. Michael Himes Questions answered in this video: o o o o o o o If God knows everything, why pray? If God is beyond all, how dare mere creatures speak to God? If someone says “pray for me,” does it make any difference if we do or not? If we pray for physical healing, and it happens, who did it: God or the doctor? What is the “best way” to pray? Is it ever all right not to praise God in prayer? What does it mean to say “prayer is the moment we shift our line of vision?” VC-7.40 (3) QUESTIONS OF THE SOUL: WHAT IS SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE? (Fisher Prod.) VC-7.40 (4) QUESTIONS OF THE SOUL: WHAT CAN SUFFERING TEACH US? (Fisher) VC-7.40 (5) QUESTIONS OF THE SOUL: DO I REALLY NEED A COMMUNITY? (Fisher) VHS 25min. Rev. Michael Himes Asceticism has a long and valued history within Christianity. Does it mean anything in our world today? Fr. Himes will explore an answer by reflecting on the wisdom of St. Francis, St. John the Baptist and St. Augustine. VHS 25min. Rev. Michael Himes In the video, Fr. Himes addresses suffering …which is a part of life. Christianity does not have an answer for it, but it does show us how to take invaluable life lessons from suffering. VHS 25min. Rev. Michael Himes There is a tendency in our culture to believe we can find God through our own private individual journey. There is a search for our own mystical experiences. However, we cannot have a true life of faith separate and apart from an involvement with God’s people. This video inspires and challenges us to take on the task of life long conversion and partake in deep conversation with an array of people and to engage in the problems of our world. 47 DVD-7.41 THE PASSION OF CHRIST (Oblate Media) DVD 50min. (2parts) Ron Rolheiser, OMI When we think of passion we think of Christ’s physical suffering and death, but in the Agony in the Garden, The Gospel writers want us to understand Jesus the love, who undergoes moral and emotional sufferings without resentment or bitterness. Fr. Rolheiser explains that God’s strength comes when we are exhausted and open to being transformed. DVD-7.42 THE CROSS OF CHRIST (Oblate Media) DVD 50min. (2parts) Ron Rolheiser, OMI The Cross has become the ultimate symbol of love in the world. It is central to Christianity in that we are to forgive our enemies. As such, it is the single most revolutionary moral event that has happened on this planet. The Cross reveals God’s unconditional love and vulnerability; as a teaching and an invitation to discipleship; God suffers with us. It calls us beyond ourselves, our own agenda, and our own life without resentment. VC-7.43 (1) MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY: GLORIOUS MYSTERIES VC-7.43 (2) MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY: JOYFUL MYSTERIES VHS 180min. Jacques Daley, OSB VHS 150min. Jacques Daley, OSB Resurrection, Ascension, Descent of the Holy Spirit, Assumption, Coronation Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Presentation, Finding of the Lord in the Temple VC-7.43 (3) MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY: SORROWFUL MYSTERIES VC-7.41 CONNECTING WITH GOD: WAYS TO PRAY (Oblate Media) VHS 150min. Jacques Daley, OSB Agony, Scourging, Crowning, Carrying of the Cross, Crucifixion VHS 23:19min. This program takes a look at three ways prayer can connect us closer with God – through our bodies, through music, and through nature. VC-8.1 BROTHER SUN, SISTER MOON (Franco Zeffirelli) VHS (2 copies) The video is a full length movie that presents St. Francis as a figure of our time. The story is simple, direct, and true to the uncluttered, innocent life that Francis led. VC-8.3 SAINT FRANCIS: TROUBADOUR OF GOD’S PEACE (Argus) VHS 60min. This video is an inspiring drama that captures the spirit of St. Francis. Known to people everywhere as “the saint who loved animals”, St. Francis of Assisi continues to bring a message of salvation to the world today. This one-man dramatic special is filled with acting, song, and dance. It is suitable for all ages. VC-8.5 EL GRAN ACONTECIMIENTO : The Big Event (Condor) 48 VHS 33min Spanish This is the story of the apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego in 1531 and his struggle to convince the Church to build a sanctuary in her honor. Children and adults will enjoy this touching animated drama of Mexican Catholic heritage. VC-8.7 JESUS OF NAZARETH (Franco Zeffirelli) VHS Series of 3 total time 376min. Maintaining the perfect balance between religious fervor and realism, this movie is a unique film depicting the life of Christ from his birth through his resurrection. PART ONE: This section of the film starts with Jesus’ humble beginnings; moves through John the Baptist; and ends with some of the miracles of Jesus. VC-8.8 JESUS OF NAZARETH (Franco Zeffirelli) VHS 90min. PART TWO: The second part of the movie continues showing the healing miracles of Jesus; Christ’s public ministry; and the predictions of his death and resurrection. VC-8.9 JESUS OF NAZARETH (Franco Zeffirelli) VHS 90min. PART THREE: The third part of this movie begins with Christ’s entry into Jerusalem for the Passover; includes the story of his betrayal, suffering, death and resurrection. VC-8.10 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE APPARITIONS PLAY VHS 43min. (Catholic Telecommunications Center) The video portrays a play of the apparitions to Juan Diego by the Blessed Virgin, known as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Produced by the Diocese of Corpus Christi. VC-8.11 NUESTRA SENOR DE GUADALUPE (Franciscan Communications) VHS 29min. This is the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Spanish. VC-8.13 ROMERO (Vidmark Entertainment) VHS 105min. This is a compelling and deeply moving look at the life of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador. He made the ultimate sacrifice in a passionate stand against social injustice and oppression in his country. VC-8.14 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (Franciscan Communications) VHS 28min. An animated life of the saint beloved by so many. Beginning with the party-prone teenage Francis and concluding with a blessing from the dying founder, the film is simple, factual and powerful. VC-8.16 MISSION (Warner Communications Co.) VHS 125min. This is a full length film. It is a powerful epic about a man of the sword and a man of the cloth. Both unite to shield a South American Indian tribe from brutal subjugation by 18th 49 century colonial empires. The movie triumphs on two levels: a class between faith and greed; an action-filled clash of wills and cultures. VC-8.18 (2) ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI: KNIGHT FOR PEACE (Twenty-Third Publications) VC-8.18 (3) ST. JOAN OF ARC (Wm. H. Sadlier, Inc.) VC-8.19 SR. THEA: HER OWN STORY (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 15min Kathleen Glavich, SND This video is designed for children ages 7-11years. Gilbert tells of St. Francis total commitment to God's will and of his love for all of God=s creation. Lessons for children: be satisfied with what they have: share with others; be peacemakers; care for the gifts of the earth. VHS 15min. The story of the courageous Joan of Arc. VHS 58min. This is a stirring video presentation of the life and ministry of Sr. Thea Bowman. From her childhood in Mississippi through her death from cancer, this documentary illustrates how Sr. Thea faced the hardships of life without sacrificing her goal of teaching people to remember and to celebrate their cultural heritage and their individuality. VC-8.20 MARY OUR MOTHER (Our Sunday Visitor) VHS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 VC-8.21 7-10min each segment WHAT WE SAY ABOUT MARY: The honor the church bestows on Mary is given to her because of her son. Whatever the church says in doctrinal statements always reflects the understanding of Jesus and the mystery of Church. WHAT SCRIPTURES SAY ABOUT MARY: The cultures that produced the scriptures were male dominated. Women play a minor role in most of the Bible. Even Mary is mentioned rarely after the Annunciation. This segment highlights the role of women in the history of salvation. Mary is portrayed as the culmination of a long line of heroic women who sought to serve God. WHAT WE SAY TO MARY: Even a limited understanding of Mary often flowers into devotion to her. The Church’s prayer life and individuals personal spirituality is enriched by Marian devotions. WHAT MARY TELLS US ABOUT DISCIPLESHIP: The concept of discipleship is presented in a way that related Mary to the life of the young person and to the mystery of the Church. WHAT WE CALL MARY: Many of Mary’s titles grew out of cultures where the concept of a royal family was part of everyday life. Today, our children only know the meaning of queenship through history and a few foreign “titular head of state”. WHAT MARY SAYS TO US TODAY: This episode explores a few of the major appearances of Mary in modern times and old. If Christianity and Mary speak to the issues of our time, then we must address these issues. FRANCIS: KNIGHT OF ASSISI (Epoch/NALR) 50 VHS Story of St. Francis of Assisi. VC-8.22 MARY OF NAZARETH (Epoch/NALR) VHS 57min. Rev. Lucien Deiss Mary, the mother of Jesus, exemplifies acceptance of God’s will for us. The video reflects on Mary’s humanity, humility, and beauty. These reflections will open a new understanding of Mary which will help us be aware of the opportunity to become part of God’s will and work. VC-8.23 (1-3) JESUS AND HIS TIMES (Reader’s Digest) VHS #1 #2 #3 VC-8.24 (1-5) SAINTS ALIVE SERIES (Don Bosco Multimedia) VHS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 VC-8.26 -Series of 3JESUS THE STORY BEGINS (61min.) The beginning video traces the story of Jesus beginning with Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem and ending with Jesus in the Temple at 12yrs. of age. JESUS AMONG THE PEOPLES (57 min.) The second video begins with John the Baptist and tells of Jesus’ miracles, healings and the raising of Lazarus. JESUS THE FINAL DAYS (55 min.) The third video begins with Jesus’ entrance into the city of Jerusalem and ends with crucifixion, death and, resurrection. DOROTHY DAY (15min). ST. ELIZABETH SETON: MOTHER OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH VHS 19min. Kathleen Glavich, SND (Twenty Third Publications) SAINTS ALIVE SERIES: ST PATRICK (Don Bosco Multimedia) VHS SAINTS ALIVE SERIES: ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON (Don Bosco Multimedia) VHS 15min. SAINTS FOR ALL SEASONS: ST JOSEPH (Don Bosco Multimedia) VHS 18min. Kathleen Glavich, SND The video tells the nativity narrative from Joseph’s perspective and how he followed God’s plan even though he could not fully understand it. ( 7-11yrs.) Lessons for children to learn: to be just and merciful; to be attentive and obedient to God’s will; to be humble and prudent; and to do duties faithfully. FRANCIS XAVIER AND THE SAMURAI’S LOST TREASURES (Creative C) VHS 30min. This is a fully animated story about St. Francis who became a Jesuit missionary. The video captures the true spirit of a daring man who braved the coasts and jungles of India and, the castles of Japan, in adventures of courage and strength. VC-8.27 BERNADETTE: THE PRINCESS OF LOURDES (Creative Communications) VHS 30min. Story of Our Lady of Lourdes. This is a fully animated story of a visit by Mary, the mother of God. VC-8.29 JESUS OF NAZARETH: MESSIAH OF LOVE (Don Bosco Multimedia) 51 VHS 25min. Part 9 The video contains these stories: lambs for the sacrifice; Jesus enters Jerusalem; the money changers; Jesus with the children; Jesus addresses the Pharisees. VC-8.30 JESUS OF NAZARETH: PROPHET OF TRUTH (Don Bosco Multimedia) VHS 26min. Part 10 The video contains these stories: the woman caught in adultery; a Roman Centurion; Jesus cures the blind man; Jesus confronts the Pharisees; Jesus and Nicodemus. VC-8.31 ENTERTAINING ANGELS: The Dorothy Day Story (Paulist Press) VHS 112min. This is a story of a woman that lives hard, makes mistakes, endures the experiences. But the unquenchable fire burning within her cannot be contained. Dorothy wants to make a difference and does. During the Depression, her persistence enables her to accomplish her vow to house the homeless, feed the hungry, tend the sick. VC-8.32 ALWAYS REMEMBER (Benziger, 1999) - Come Follow Me Series- (1-8) VHS 5-8min. each #1 ST. JOHN NEUMANN #2 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS #3 MOTHER FRANCES CABRINI #4 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI #5 ST. TERESA OF AVILA #6 PAUL THE APOSTLE #7 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER #8 ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX VC-8.33 WE LEARN FROM MARY: THE CLOAK OF MANY COLORS VHS 18min. Grades 1-5 (Also DVD) This video introduces the viewer to Mary as a girl, woman, mother, disciple and companion who hears and brings God's word to others. As her life unfolds, we are invited to place our own thanks, joy, sadness, trust, worries and faith on her cloak as she once did in her own life. DVD also includes: WE PRAY WITH MARY - Grades 1-5 (17min.)also VC-8.40 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE - Jr.High to Adult (24min.) VC-8.34 THE SOURCE (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 30min. The story, sites, and sounds of Lourdes, where Mary, the mother of Jesus appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, is the basis for exploring healing, faith, conversion and reconciliation in today's society. VC-8.35 JUAN DIEGO: MESSENGER OF GUADALUPE (CCC of America) VHS 33min. This is a true story of the appearance of the Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Animated video for children. VC-8.36 JUAN DIEGO: MENSAJERO DE GUADALUPE (CCC of America) 52 VHS 33min. The same as video above. SPANISH version. Animated video for children. VC-8.37 MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS (Family Home Entertainment) VHS 91min. In this powerful and inspirational story of love, sacrifice and faith, follow the life of one of the world’s most beloved figures, Mary, the mother of Jesus. A compelling portrayal of a mother’s undying and steadfast love for her son, the film celebrates her humanity, humility and gracefulness. VC-8.38 THERESE: LIVING ON LOVE (Elijah Project & Frank Frost Productions) VHS 55min. This video explores why so many people from all walks of life are drawn to St. Therese, called the “Little Flower”. Journalists and psychiatrists, clergy, sisters, and others reflect on her continuing appeal. VC-8.39 ROSES IN DECEMBER (First Run Features) VHS 56min. With compassion and sensitivity, this documentary chronicles the life of lay missioner Jean Donovan who with three nuns, was brutally murdered by members of El Salvador’s security force on December 2, 1980. VC-8.40 WE PRAY WITH MARY (St. Anthony Messenger) VHS also DVD-8.33 (18min.) Gaynell Bordes Cronin This video uses the delightful image of Mary’s cloak of many colors to teach children how to pray with Mary. The video helps children learn favorite Marian prayers and teaches the Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar. Grades 1-5 VC-8.41 (1) VC-8.41 (2) VC-8.41 (3) VC-8.41 SAINTS’ GALLERY : Volume I (Oblate Media & Communication Corp.) VHS 33min. #1 #3 #5 St. Joseph Elizabeth Ann Seaton Martin de Porres #2 #4 #6 Joan of Arc Martin of Tours Elizabeth of Hungary SAINTS’ GALLERY: Volume II VHS 47min. (Oblate Media & Communication Corp.) #1 #3 #5 St. Benedict St. Ignatius St. Eugene Canonization St. Francis St. Angela #2 #4 #6 SAINTS’ GALLERY: Volume III VHS 42min. (Oblate Media & Communication Corp.) #1 #3 #5 St. Valentine St. Nicholas Mary Queen of Saints St. Patrick St. Mary Magdalen #2 #4 SAINTS’ GALLERY: Volume IV 53 (Oblate Media & Communication Corp.) (4) VC-8.42 VHS 44:57min. #1 #3 #5 St. Peter St. Thomas Aquinas St. Paul #2 #4 St. Clare of Assisi Catherine of Siena BECKET (MPI Home Video) VHS 148min. This is a historic drama of Henry II, the Norman King of England and Thomas Becket, the Saxon peasant whom Henry has elevated to the position of Chancellor of England. Henry appoints his friend the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England & the account takes an ironic turn. This is a political move designed to put the Church under the King’s control. Becket’s new station affects him in a way that he finds himself moved toward an uncompromising devotion to God, a rival with whom Henry cannot compete. The battle of wills ends in ultimate tragedy. VC-8.43 THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (Icon Productions) VHS 126min. This is the Academy Award winning film directed by Mel Gibson about the passion and death of Jesus the Christ. CD/MP3-8.43 OUR LADY IN SCRIPTURE (A Biblical Conference) Presentations by Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Brant Pitre, Pr. Michael Barber at “Footsteps in Faith” Conference in Lubbock February 2009. VC-9.6 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: A PROGRAM CONFRONTING TEEN SUICIDE (ROA) VHS 26min. Next to accidental death, teen suicide is the biggest killer of young people. This video deals with the tragedy of teen suicide and tries to offer insight into the perplexing questions of the problem. VC-9.10 JUST WAIT (Womanity) This is a short 14minute video to help teens value virginity. It contains highlights of interviews with young men and women sharing their views on sexuality. The video was produced a number of years ago, however, the content is quite helpful. VC-9.12 A BETTER WAY (Multimedia Ministries) VHS 27min. This video asks each of us to deal with very difficult questions about life and death. Many young people are committing suicide. Developing meaningful relationships can provide an answer to a perplexing problem. VC-9.15 THE MAGIC OF GOAL SETTING (Priority One) VHS 15-20min. Through the use of magic and humor, the video will show young people how to turn “dreams” into reality. Step by step, the video teaches four guidelines necessary to accomplish goals in life and shows that goal-setting is not as difficult as perceived. VC-9.17 DEPRESSION & SUICIDE (Priority One) 54 VHS 15-20min. Suicide is a second greatest cause of death among young people. “Why” is the big question. Through real-life interviews, the video focuses on depression caused by the breakdown of meaningful relationships. The video deals with the pain of feeling unloved and rejected. VC-9.23 SEX IS ABOUT…(TELEMAR Communications) VHS Texas Teens Project (1990) This video features teens from multicultural backgrounds discussing their views on dating, sex & marriage. VC-9.24 PARABLE (Mass Media Ministries) VHS 22min. This video is a wonderful aid to help show what it means to be a member of Christ’s Body in the world; what it means to enter into the lives of other people; what the nature of sacrifices; what is accomplished in any community where concern for one another motivates what is done there. VC-9.29 JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR (MCA Home Video, Inc.) VHS 1hr45min. Movie musical about Christ’s passion and death. VC-9.31 IN GOD’S IMAGE: MALE AND FEMALE (Franciscan Communications) VHS Series of 4 VOLUME ONE: Teacher to teacher; Parent to parent (41min.) VOLUME TWO: God doesn’t make junk; fabulous female; marvelous male VOLUME THREE: Dating decisions, Guy Talk-Girl Talk, It’s okay to say “no” VOLUME FOUR: Being aware, consequences, birth/control-self/control, abortion, miracle of birth. VC-9.33 (1) CHRISTIAN MORALITY AND FORGIVENESS (DeSales Program) Session One: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN MORAL Session Two: TRADITION A HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN SACRAMENTAL FORGIVENESS VC-9.33 (2) CHRISTIAN MORALITY AND FORGIVENESS (DeSales Program) Session Three: FORMING A HEALTHY CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE Session Four: THE DIVINE SELF: A FOUNDATION FOR MORAL RELATIONSHIPS VC-9.33 (3) CHRISTIAN MORALITY AND FORGIVENESS (DeSales Program) Session Five: LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF Session Six: HUMAN SEXUAL LOVE: THE POWER OF LIFE VC-9.34 (1-2) MOLLY KELLY: TEENS & CHASTITY (Center for Learning) VHS Series of 2 30min. each Teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases, abortion, contraceptives, and the “safe” sex lie is addressed in this video series. The problems facing teens today are presented and an invitation given to choose chastity as the best means for a happy and healthy life. 55 VC-9.35 MOLLY KELLY: ABORTION ISSUES (Center for Learning) VHS 30min. The hidden facts re: abortion are revealed including statistics on teen abortions, the profit of the abortion business, legal rights and responsibilities, possible medical complications. VC-9.36 HANDLE WITH CARE: HELPING CHILDREN RECOGNIZE MORAL VALUES VHS Developing sensitivity of concern and care for others can be nurtured in children by discussing caring behaviors. Discussing open-ended stories and hypothetical situations allows children to be part of the decision-making process, empowering them to face their own problematic situations and enabling them to make decisions. The video presents various moral dilemmas which give children exercises in moral reasoning. VC-9.37 THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT SEX (Tabor) VHS 30min each Rev. David Knight #1 HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT MY BODY? #2 WHAT DO I THINK ABOUT MY FEELINGS? #3 WHAT DO I BELIEVE ABOUT MY SEXUALITY? VC-9.38 LIVING PROOF: A VISUAL ENCOUNTER WITH THE UNBORN VHS (Pope Paul VI Institute) Pictures of the preborn human person are shown in the video. These photographic sequences reveal the incredible personality of the human embryo and fetus. VC-9.39 CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES: THE RICK NUNES STORY VHS 25min. (Franciscan Communications) This is a powerful and honest witness of a young man paroled from prison to fight the battle of HIV. He tells the story of drug addiction and its power to control personal decisions, deaden all sense of values alienating family and friends. VC-9.40 GIFT OF LOVE (Our Sunday Visitor) VHS 20min. The video presents an introduction to the benefits of Natural Family Planning. Couples talk candidly about NP as a holistic approach to child-bearing which gives them a deeper understanding and appreciation of their won love.This method is safe, reliable, and a truly Christian approach to sexuality in marriage. VC-9.41 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (Paulist Press) VHS 20min. The video conveys the importance of the commandments & examines the commandments in the context of a child’s life. VC-9.42 THE BEATITUDES (Paulist Press) 56 VHS 20min. Gaynell Cronin The Beatitudes are examined in detail in the video. Middle School students see their meaning lived out in scenes from daily experiences. It presents a different vision of the world than received from the prevailing culture as viewed through the media. VC-9.43 GREATER LOVE (Mass Media Ministries) VHS This is a poignant drama of a brother and sister which reveals a deeper message. The story exemplifies the kind and unselfish love which is an example to all. VC-9.44 THE POWER AND IMPACT OF THE MEDIA (Brown-ROA) VHS 21min. The purpose of this video is to raise awareness of the need to critically evaluate the impact of media on viewers, both personally and socially. VC-9.45 WHAT MAKES NEWS? (Center for Learning) VHS 22min. The video portrays a role-play discussion demonstrating the decision-making process for international news. The discussion helps participants to discover: how music acts as a window on other cultures; what implications of entertainment brings to or takes away from native culture; why international news focuses on certain issues; why access to communications is an issue of human rights. VC-9.47 THE WALL (Ikonographics) VHS Gaynell Cronin Young children often hurt each other through friendly conversations that turn to gossip. The video attempts to help students discover the power of words in their lives and to realize the need of speaking kind words to one another. VC-9.48 LIVING WITH AIDS: AN OCCASION OF GRACE VHS 30min. (United States Catholic Conference) This video demonstrates how individuals can make a difference in healing the physical, emotional, and spiritual scars brought on by AIDS. VC-9.54 WITH BURNING HEARTS (Orbis Video) VHS 25min. Henri Nouwen The video shows us how the Eucharist is an intensely human event, revealing the deepest of human experiences: sadness and loss, attentiveness and invitation, intimacy and engagement. It will inspire the viewer with new appreciation for the Eucharist, and its power to touch the soul. VC-9.55 (1-6) LOS DIEZ MANDAMIENTOS: CAMINOS DE LIBERTAD (Tabor Publishing) VHS #1 AMAR ES BUSCAR LA FELICIDAD a) Las leyes y la felicidad b) El amor, ley de leyes #2 AMAR ES CONFIAR EN DIOS 57 #3 #4 #5 #6 VC-9.56 a) Confiar en Dios es vivar la alianza b) Confiar en Dios es tomarlo en serio c) Confiar en Dios es dedicarle tiempo AMAR ES RESPETAR a) Respetar es corresponder b) Respetar es comprender las debilidades c) Respetar es proteger a los mas debiles AMAR ES ACEPTAR LA SEXUALIDAD COMO UN DON SAGRADO a) El don de la sexualidad b) La fidelidad, expresion de amor AMAR ES USAR BIEN LOS BIENES MATERIALES a) El proposito de los bienes materiales b) El trabajo y los bienes materiales AMAR ES DECIR Y VIVIR EN LA VERDAD ON THE AIR: RACISM – GOING COLOR BLIND (Total Network) VHS 24min. Neil McClendon Racism is not so much in how you feel, but in what you do. This episode will challenge viewers to think and do something about race issues in their lives. VC-9.58 ECHOES OF FAITH: CATHOLIC MORALITY (NCCL/RCL) VHS The goal of this module is to explore the foundations of Catholic morality and the practice of the moral life. Each of the four segments contain related topics: human dignity and community as the foundations of moral life; meaning of virtue and its foundations in Jesus' teaching; implications of the Beatitudes; meaning and validity of objective morality; sources for arriving at moral truth; delicate relationship between objective moral truth and personal responsibility. VC-9.59 (1-6) COMMANDMENTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE (Ikonographics II) VHS 10 min. each Gaynell Cronin #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 VC-9.60 WE REMEMBER 1st, 2nd, 3rd Commandments WE HONOR PARENTS 4th Commandment WE RESPECT LIFE 5th Commandment WE ARE FAITHFUL 6th, 9th Commandment WE RESPECT THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS 7th, 10th Commandments WE SPEAK THE TRUTH 8th Commandment LOS 10 MANDAMIENTOS PARA ADOLESCENTES (Liguori Pub.) VHS 42min. Este videotape as dirigido a cada uno de los mandamientos, ilustrando graficamente cada uno individualmente (los mandamientos 6y9y7y10 estan juntos). La presentacion puede ser observada por partes ocompleta. Cada segmento dramatiza las necesidades reales de los jovenes adolescentes y les muestra como cada uno de los mandamientos puede ayudarles a tomar decisiones. VC-9.61 RENEWING THE MIND OF THE MEDIA (US Catholic Conference) 58 VHS 12min. This video addresses questions regarding media's influence as it relates to gratiutous violence and misuse of sexuality. The video can provide a starting point for further reflection by dioceses, parishes and others. VC-9.62 SHE SAID YES: A VIDEO TRIBUTE TO CASSIE BERNALL (Plough Publishing) VHS 25min. The video deals with accounts of the fateful day at Columbine High School in Littleton CO. Friends and parents relive the tragedy and describe how the massacre and its aftermath strenthened their faith and gave their lives new meaning. VC-9.65 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (Paraclete Video Productions) VHS 60min. Walter Wangerin, Jr. Are the Ten Commandment outdated? This video invites us to take a look at the commandments in their historical context and proposes that they are still relevant to us today. Given by a loving God, they are not to put chains around us, but to help guide us in our everyday lives. The video contains 10-six minute discussion starters for each commandment. VC-9.66 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH THE BEATITUDES (Videos with Values) VHS 12:30min. While sleeping, Jimmy is visited by an angel who shows him how some of his schoolmates are helping to build God’s Kingdom. By the time Jimmy’s journey with the angel is finished, he come to understand and makes a commitment to live the Beatitudes in his own life. VC-9.67 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH THE COMMANDMENTS (Oblate Media) VHS 19:18min Young Anthony “burns the midnight oil” trying to complete his homework on the Ten Commandments. However, he just can’t see how the “old list of rules” makes any sense to today’s modern kids. Mom suggests that he investigate & when he drifts off to sleep, he finds himself in the parlor of famous detective Sherlock Holmes and the investigation begins. (Middle Grades – Junior High) VC-9.68 NO APOLOGIES: The Truth About Life, Love & Sex (Focus on Family) VHS 30min.--14 yrs. & up This video gives young people a side of the story they do not always hear. It gives testimonies from real people their own age and from others looking back. The message tells of the importance of waiting until marriage to have sex & uncovering what happens when teens do not. VC-9.69 LOVE IS PATIENT: Saving Sex for Marriage (Paraclete Video) VHS 30min. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God to be enjoyed within marriage. Choosing to save sex for marriage is difficult for young people, especially in today’s society. They need to know the many benefits of saving sex for marriage: It shows respect for oneself, one’s sexuality, and one’s relationships. It is an expression of love for God. Living with sexual integrity recognizes and respects the importance, value, and power of sex. 59 DVD-9.70 (1-4) THEOLOGY OF THE BODY for TEENS (Ascension Press) DVD-10.1 FEEDING HUNGRY HEARTS: Celebrating the Eucharist (Liguori) 4 DVD’s Leader’s Guide- Student Workbook-Parent’s Guide #1 Created to Love; Love Defined: Giving versus Using; Naked Without Shame; Hope and Redemption in Christ. #2 Truth & Freedom; Language of the Body; Language of the Body(Guys) Free Total, Faithful, Fruitful; Dating with Purpose and Purity (Guys) #3 Marriage; Celibacy and Religious Life; Finding Your Vocation; Dating with Purpose & Purity #4 Living the Good (and Free) Life; Language of the Body (Girls) Dating with Purpose and Purity (Girls); Parent Overview DVD 45 min.(4 part ) Rev. Joe Kempf Rev. Kempf walks us through the celebration of the Mass and opens to us a new appreciation for the sacrament of the Eucharist. Uses: RCIA, youth, senior adults will all be enriched by a simple explanation of how by our celebration as a community of faith we are fed and transformed by love. VC-10.2 LENT: A TIME FOR RENEWAL (Franciscan Communications) VHS 1hr.5min total The video is designed for family and parish. Each segment blends the Word and videoimagery into an inspirational presentation of the the message of renewal. THEMES: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 VC-10.3 Baptism; personal renewal; New Life; conscience (Skateboard) everyone is special; unacceptance (story of nearsighted boy) Living Water; Samaritan woman; Asian woman asks for Baptism Jesus, Light of the World; story of blind Indian artist; gospel story-blind man Jesus believe in us; Raising of Lazarus; Peace; story of cheerful dancer story of Mario/grandmother baking bread; Holy Week Happy Easter; Baptismal renewal; story of child in nursing home SHARING THE PASSION (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS Rev. Isaias Powers, CP As adult Christians, we believe that the heart of life’s meaning is to be found in the events of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. His journey is our journey; his story is our story . This audio-visual based on the Stations of the Cross, invites us to question Jesus as he makes his way to Calvary and to listen carefully for the answers offered to us. VC-10.4 LENNY LEARNS ABOUT LENT (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 11min. Lent is a six-week period of the liturgical year--a time for reflection, prayer and almsgiving. This liturgical season reminds Christians to stop and look at the truths of their faith and to value them by practicing them. This video can be of benefit to both children and adults. VC-10.5 PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS II (Franciscan Communication) VHS 56min. Rev. Anthony Scannell 2 copies This is a series of four separate programs; each one developing a special aspect of God’s 60 promise to send us a Savior and of the wonder of Jesus’ coming. Through music and drama and narrative, it draws adults and children into the experience of hope and joy that mark the Advent season and the glory of Christmas. PART ONE: We are taken through a series of brief vignettes that show us how everyday life is a constant reminder of what Jesus’ becoming human means to us. PART TWO: We meet a very special person who spends his life as a “natural” Santa Claus as he brings to seniors and children his own loving presence and gift for helping them realize their own specialness. PART THREE: We witness a touching story of the power of a child’s faith as she prays for a special wish. It is a story of simple, hard pressed people transformed by the spirit of Christmas and a child’s love. PART FOUR: This segment is the story from Aaron to the events leading up and following Jesus’ birth. It is a wondrous Advent calendar brought to life. VC-10.6 NO ESCAPE FROM CHRISTMAS (Concordia) VHS 30min. The death of a loved one is always hard, but when that loved one is a young child, the death seems all the more difficult to handle. The Fosters’ seven year old son died just before Christmas, Margo’s faith in God died, too. Now, one year later, she is constantly reminded of her loss. In order to help her deal with her grief, Dennis suggests a holiday backpacking trip. Alan, a dedicated young Christian boy is on the trip. He is able to lead Margo to a better understanding of Christmas. VC-10.7 WELCOME THE STRANGER (Concordia) VHS 20min. The story begins as two children, friendless and alone in the world, are frightened, hungry, and tired from walking a long distance. Suddenly, they are thrilled to be witnesses to the angel’s song on that first Christmas Eve. How this experience changes their lives unfolds in the story. The wonder and excitement of the children guides the viewer to the manger of the Christ child. VC-10.9 UNDERSTANDING THE LITURGY OF THE MASS (Liguori Publications) VHS 27:30min. The video will guide the viewer through the main movements of the Liturgy of the Mass. It will help the viewer become aware of his/her role in the liturgy and how to make Mass a more positive and faith-affirming experience. VC-10.10 TRAINING THE EUCHARISTIC MINISTER (Liturgical Press) VHS 24min. Michael Kwatera, OSB 2 copies The video explains the responsibilities of the Eucharistic Minister. It addresses the ministry within the assembly, to the sick and confined, and when leading communion services. There is enactment of correct and incorrect methods of distributing bread and wine so that, ministers will see which habits to practice and which to avoid. The video also addresses the theology of this ministry in a 61 simple and understandable way. VC-10.11 TRAINING THE PARISH LECTOR (Liturgical Press) VHS 47min. James Wallace, CSSR 2 copies The video will address how to read the Word of God effectively to the parish community. It demonstrates both right and wrong methods of delivery and provides a step-by-step approach to preparing for the ministry of lectoring. The theology of this ministry is also presented and practical answers to questions. VC-10.13 LEADING THE COMMUNITY IN PRAYER: The Art of Presiding for Deacons and Lay Persons VHS (Liturgical Press) 76min. Through discussion and demonstration, viewers learn the significance of the actions and words that constitute this ministry of service. The art of presiding is built upon genuine reverence and hospitality. These together with careful preparation are fundamental for leading the community in prayer. The video is a primer for beginning presiders. It also can serve as a review for priests who wish to improve their presidential skills. VC-10.14 BEHOLD THIS CHILD (Franciscan Communications) VHS 43min. This video is hosted and narrated by Fr. Scannell. It contains a set of four programs both theologically insightful and deeply spiritual and presents the Christmas stories of Matthew and Luke. Part One: THE CHRISTMAS STORY – AN INTRODUCTION Part Two: THE PROMISE FULFILLED – THE ANNUNCIATION STORIES Part Three: AND IT CAME TO PASS-THE BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH Part Four: WHAT CHILD IS THIS? – THE MESSIAH IS RECOGNIZED VC-10.15 PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS (Franciscan Communications) VHS 59:49min. 15min.each Christmas is a special time of the year. But, the true meaning of Christmas is much more than these things. Fr. Scannell guides us through the scriptures, stories and music with warmth and charm. THEMES: #1WAITING #2 HOPING #3PREPARING #4GIVING AND RECEIVING VC-10.16 LENT: A TIME TO FORGIVE (XXIII Publications) VHS 20min. Kathleen Chesto 1991 Lent allows us to slow down and realize that we are loved for who we are, not for what we do. The speaker has an engaging anecdotal style in which she leads us into a deeper understanding of the church year. She draws from her own family experiences which help us to see what is at the core of our Catholic faith. VC-10.17 EASTER SEASON: A TIME TO REMEMBER (XXIII Publications) VHS 20min. Kathleen Chesto 1991 Parents experience a “letting go” as their children grow into adulthood. But, they also 62 learn that memory will hold a family together, despite moves and transitions. Family life can teach us about the eucharist, where we remember Jesus’ passion, death and celebrate his new life in resurrection. VC-10.19 TRAINING FOR HOSPITALITY (Liturgical Press) VHS 49min. Delores Dufner, OSB 1990 This video is designed to train parish greeters and ushers. It begins with an explanation of hospitality, the scriptural basis, and the importance of hospitality in a parish. Detailed examples are given of the various tasks that both greeters and ushers can do to further the hospitality and communal worship of the parish. VC-10.20 WALKING WITH JESUS (XXIII Publications) A Children’s Way of the Cross. VHS 8min. VC-10.21 AFTER THE TRAIL OF JESUS (XXIII Publications) VHS 23min. The setting is a few days after Christ’s crucifixion, in the temple of Jerusalem with Chiapas the High Priest. The video has compelling dialogue, a contemporary setting, and dramatic action which bring political, social, and spiritual issues to life. VC-10.22 TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW (Liturgical Press) VHS 18min. Kathyrn Weiss This video follows the traditional format of this lenten devotion. The program substitutes modern language and images to make the Stations more immediate and current with our lives as Christians today. VC-10.23 THE TEMPTATION: THE GOSPELS FOR LENT/CYCLE C (XXIII Pub.) VHS 12min. Rev. Chris Emerson 1992 This is a contemporary presentation in which the viewers are challenged to reflect on the meaning of evil and the manner in which the devil tempted Jesus in the desert. VC-10.27 PHOS (Franciscan Communications) VHS 19min. Themes: cultural awareness/Easter/Faith/Reconciliation. This classic video intertwines the customs and lifestyle of a Greek village preparing for the Easter celebration with the private, unspoken anxieties of a fatherless boy. With much difficulty he succeeds in being the first to receive the new light at the Easter Vigil ceremony. His effort is misunderstood by his mother. VC-10.30 THE GOSPELS LIVE: (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 1995 This is a live-action series which can help adults and teens focus on the significance of the lenten gospels relevant to our lives today. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 THE TEMPTATION/THE TRANSFIGURATION (9-14min.) THE WOMAN AT THE WELL/THE MAN BORN BLIND (11-14min) THE RAISING OF LAZARUS/THE BETRAYAL (15-17min) THE GRAIN OF WHEAT/THE ANOINTING AT BETHANY (28min) B THE CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE/GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD (28min) Cycle B 63 #6 #7 VC-10.31 FIESTAS IMPORTANTES (Don Bosco) VHS #1 #3 #5 VC-10.32 THE ADULTERESS/THE TRAIL (8-11min) Cycle C THE FIG TREE/THE PRODIGAL SON (8-10min) Cycle C Series of 5 LA CUARESMA LA PASCUA DE RESURRECION GUADALUPE #2 #4 DOMINGO DE RAMOS ADVIENTO ADVENT: A TIME OF HOPE (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 20min. Kathleen Chesto 1990 Family activities reveal a spirituality that can teach us about Advent. We live in a hectic world, and Christmas is a busy time, but God calls us from within this world to witness to the presence of Christ. Family life can provide signs and symbols of hope as we wait for the coming of the Kingdom of God. VC-10.33 THIS IS THE NIGHT: A PARISH WELCOMES NEW CATHOLICS (LTP) VHS 30min. 1992 In the video, we follow the elect and the candidates from the celebration of the third scrutiny during Lent, through their baptisms and receptions at the Easter Vigil. They are also followed to Easter Sunday. It is a wonderful visual experience of the Rite of Christian Initiation. VC-10.35 MY SOUL PROCLAIMS: VOICES OF CATHOLIC WOMEN VHS 60min. (United States Catholic Conference) The video is a moving one-hour presentation that captures the historical and contemporary contributions of Catholic women in the Church and society. In stirring examples of vibrant faith, women are touching thousands of lives through their leadership, teaching, writing, and tireless work in parishes and communities. VC-10.36 THE SONGS OF CHRISTMAS (Franciscan Communications) VHS 48min. The video is a special presentation for the entire family. It is a classic that dramatizes the birth of the most familiar Christmas songs. VC-10.37 ADVENT IN SIGN & SYMBOL (CTNA) VHS Rev. Eugene LaVerdiere, SSS An adult reflection of the liturgical season on Advent. VC-10.38 INTRODUCTION TO THE LITURGY (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS Series of 5 25-30min.each 1991 Each part of this series examines the post Vatican II Liturgy. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 LITURGY AS SACRAMENT: RECOGNIZING GOD’S GRACE LITURGY AS DIALOGUE: REVEALING AND EXPRESSING FAITH LITURGY AS COMMUNICAL WORSHIP: RESPONDING AS ASSEMBLY LITURGY OF THE WORD: LISTENING LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST: SHARING 64 VC-10.40 THE PARISH COUNCIL AND PASTORAL LEADERSHIP (Tabor) VHS Greer Gordon Series of 5 1991 The program pre-supposes a desire to grow in your understanding of the Church and a willingness to be of service to the people of God. It is a valuable tool for newly formed councils or established councils wanting to grow. SESSION 1: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE CHURCH? SESSION 2: WHO IS THE CHURCH? SESSION 3: THE INITIAL ELEMENTS OF PLANNING SESSION 4: THE SPECIFIC ELEMENTS OF PLANNING SESSION 5: SUSTAINING THE VISION: WHAT IS THE SPIRITUALITY OF THE PARISH COUNCIL? VC-10.41 THE ANGEL’S LENTEN MESSAGE (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 14min. Gwen Costello 1995 The video is perfect for children in grades 3-8. It can be helpful to catechists/parents with little background on Lenten Season or can be used as a refresher for seasoned catechists. VC-10.43 LENT IN SIGN & SYMBOL (CTNA) VHS Rev. Eugene LaVerdiere, SSS The video presents an adult reflection of the liturgical season of Lent. VC-10.44 MUSIC IN THE LITURGY FOR SMALL PARISHES (Liturgical Press) VHS VC-10.48 Michael Prendergast 2 copies 1996 CELEBRATING THE CHURCH YEAR FOR CHILDREN: EASTER VHS 20min. Gaynell Cronin and Jack Rathschmidt, OFM 1989 Easter is a time of New Life offered to all through the power of the resurrected Jesus. As a community of believers, we celebrate this event with numerous meaningful liturgical signs and family customs. In this video the dynamism of Easter is communicated for children aged 8-12. VC-10.49 CELEBRATING THE CHURCH YEAR FOR CHILDREN: HOLY WEEK VHS 20min. Gaynell Cronin and Jack Rathschmidt, OFM Holy Week is the most sacred time of the year. It is a time of light and darkness, joy and sadness, triumph and tragedy and hope. This video draws connections between the events in Jesus’ life that last week and our everyday experiences. It is designed for ages 9-12. VC-10.51 CELEBRATING CHRIST’S SPLENDOR: AN EASTER SPECIAL VHS 60min. United States Catholic Conference 1997 Filmed at St. John’s Cathedral in Cleveland, this hour-long Easter special is filled with the pageantry and spirituality of the holiest of days in the Christian Church. VC-10.52 OUR CATHOLIC MASS (Catholic Educations Video) VC-10.53 (1&2) ECHOES OF FAITH: LITURGY AND SACRAMENTS (NCCL, 1997) VHS 2 copies1998 65 VHS 60min. Catholics are a sacramental people. Our faith is rooted in belief that God is present among us, that God took on flesh and walked among us in the person of Jesus Christ, that Jesus' death and resurrection was saving for us all, and that the Spirit of God was sent by Jesus to guide and animate us as Church. When we gather to worship, we ritualize our belief in these mysteries. This video will explore the meaning of liturgy and sacrament which is central to our Catholic identity. VC-10.54 THE GIFT OF LIFE: LA FAMILIA DE DIOS LA FIESTA. 1996 VHS 12min. Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence 2 copies This video is intended to be used in conjunction with Quince Anos: Celebrating a Tradition, a bilingual book. The book contains: general information, history, meaning of the tradition, what scripture and documents of the church say re: youth. Also included are the Sacraments of Initiation and Reconciliation, suggestions for planning a celebration of the Mass--songs, poetry etc. VC-10.55 EASTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME (USC Conference) VHS 60min. 1998 Through scripture and song the viewer experiences a truly catholic expression of faith as they celebrate Christ's resurrection--and the hope it symbolizes. VC-10.56 MASS FOR OLDER CHILDREN (Ikonographics II) VHS 15min. Gaynell Cronin From the earliest times, Christians gathered at least once a week to remind themselves of Jesus' life, death and resurrection and to celebrate his presence still with them in the meal of the Eucharist. Like the early followers of Jesus- we gather, tell stories, remember and break bread, go forth to those in need. This video walks students through the Mass and challenges them to live it in their daily lives. VC-10.57 (1) THE HISTORY OF THE EUCHARIST (Brown-ROA) VC-10.57 (2) WHAT THE EUCHARIST REALLY MEANS (Brown-ROA) VC-10.58 THE ANGEL'S ADVENT LESSON (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 14min. This part of the program explains in dialogue style how the Eucharist has developed from the Last Supper to the present. VHS 18min. Part II explains the parts of the Mass in a way that helps teens relate to it more personally. VHS 11min. Gwen Costello 1995 While happily making out his Christmas list, Danny is visited by his guardian angel, Theophane. Theo reminds Danny that he has forgotten the real meaning of Christmas. Together they review practices like the Advent wreath, reciting daily prayers and doing acts of kindness. Guide: background information on Advent, suggested activities, questions. VC-10.59 LEARNING THE MASS IN SPANISH : A Language Guide for Priests (MACC) VHS 28min. 1998 The video presents a language pronunciation guide for priest. It is an excellent and handy 66 reference tool for the Spanish-language learner who wants to continue improving pronunciation skills as the presider during Mass. VC-10.60 ECHOES OF FAITH: LITURGIA Y SACRAMENTOS (NCCL/RCL) VHS 1998 Los catolicos somos un pueblo sacramental. El fundamento de nuestra fe es que Dios esta presente entre nosotros, que Dios tomo carne y vivio entre nosostros en la persona de Jesucristo, que la muerte y resurreccion de Jesus es salvacion para todos, y que Jesus envio el Espiritu Divino para guiar y animarnos a nosotros, la Iglesia. Cuando nos reunimos para el culto, expresamos ritualmente nuestra fe en estos misterios, y celebramos la manera tan profunda en que todavia estan presentes en nuestra vida. VC-10.61 (1&2) COME ON IN! (Twenty-Third Publications) VHS 12min. each 1995 The two-part video series for elementary students helps children feel at home in church. Viewers learn about: VC-10.62 the baptismal font and the meaning of baptism. the lectern/lectionary and the importance of God’s Word the altar and why it’s essential to the eucharist the chalice and other liturgical vessels the significance of candles which represent the presence of Christ the reconciliation room and the sacrament of reconciliation the crucifix and the stations of the cross statues and the value of praying to Mary and the saints A WALK THROUGH THE MASS (Our Sunday Visitor) VHS 60min. Bishop Donald Wuerl Bishop Wuerl explains the Mass step-by-step, showing what is done and explaining why it is done. VC-10.63 GATHER FAITHFULLY TOGETHER (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS 30min. Cardinal Roger Mahoney The Cardinal has said, “If we do nothing else in preparation for the new millennium, let’s get our Sunday liturgy where Vatican II wanted it to be.” A good place of worship has effective ministering by ushers and presider, communion ministers, lectors, musicians and all others. VC-10.64 PRAYING AT ALL TIMES (Oblate) VHS 20:50min. (Diocese of San Diego) Praying the Divine Office is a way to share in the Church’s public prayer in union with Jesus, who left his disciples the lesson of his own prayer. This video includes a brief history and explanation of the spirituality of the Liturgy of the Hours. The presentation closes with Evening Prayer in a parish setting. VC-10.65 (1-3) LITURGIES OF THE TRIDUUM (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS Series of Three 26-55min. 1999 Three days are the center and climax of our Christian Year. (1) HOLY THURSDAY 67 After the powerful scripture readings, the video shows how three different parishes wash each other’s feet, raise a collection for the poor, celebrate eucharist and, process with the Blessed Sacrament. (2) GOOD FRIDAY This video explores what happens in the afternoon or evening of Good Friday. The church assembles in a way that is unlike any other day of the year. Kneeling or prostrate, all are silent. Scriptures are then proclaimed, and many prayers of intercession are chanted. Finally, the holy cross is set down in the midst of church, and each person comes forward to venerate and honor the wood of the cross. (3) EASTER VIGIL From Thursday night until sundown on Saturday, the church prays and keeps the paschal fast. At the vigil, the cantor proclaims the Exsultet—“This is the Night.” From a blazing fire, candles are lit; stories of our salvation are proclaimed. Finally, the catechumens process to the font. They renounce evil, profess their faith in Jesus, are baptized and anointed with Chrism and joyfully rejoin the assembly to participate in the Eucharist. VC-10.66 MINISTERS OF COMMUNION (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS 26min. Spanish 1997 This video explores the spiritual dimensions and meaning of this ministry. It also looks at the practical aspects of procedure and the distribution holy communion at Mass. VC-10.67 MINISTERS OF COMMUNION (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS 26min. -2 copies of EnglishSAME AS VC-10.66 VC-10.68 1997 A HISTORY OF THE MASS (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS 40min. 2001 This video traces the evolution of the Mass, showing how it was shaped and reshaped by times and cultures, by theologies and the arts.The video is especially useful for catechumens, high & college students, liturgy committees, liturgical ministers & parish staff. VC-10.70 SUNDAY MORNING (Oblate Media & Communication) VHS 19min. This video is bright and lively, filled with children singing, praying & praising with bible stories. It is unique in its approach to how Christians pray together. The video situates our principle worship on Sunday morning, the traditional first day of creation, the day of resurrection. (4yrs-10yrs.) VC-10.71 CHILDREN, LITURGY AND THE WORD (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS 26min. 1997 This is a resource for any parish that wants to begin the Liturgy of the Word with with children or wishes to evaluate and enhance their current celebrations. The video shows how children process from the assembly to celebrate their own liturgy of the word with ritual words, singing and gestures. Listen to how the lay presider proclaims the scriptures from the Lectionary for Masses with Children & preaches to the children--seen in the context of the entrance rite, the dismissal, the 68 children’s participation in the Liturgy of the Eucharist with the assembly. VC-10.72 (1 & 2) WHY WE GO TO MASS: LITURGY & OUR LIVES (Loyola Press) VC-10.73 THE WORD OF THE LORD (Liturgy Training Publications) VHS 87min. Rev. J-Glenn Murray, SJ 2002 Why do we celebrate Mass? How is the Mass relevant to our lives today? In these three 30min. segments, Fr. Murray walks viewers through the order of the Mass explaining how each part calls for our “full, conscious, active participation” in God’s work here on earth. VHS 29min. 1995 Christians are people of the book. Every Sunday our communities gather to read our book and to listen. In this video we see the Word of God proclaimed with vigor, respect and understanding. Parishioners also speak about what they need and hope for from the liturgy of the word, including the singing of psalms and acclamations around the attentive listening to the scripture. VC-10.74 (1) Serie: Tiempos Liturgicos-2 CUARESMA VIACRUCIS (Paulinas) VHS Esta serie prentende ser un subisdio para ayudar al pueblo latinoamericano a vivir Mas intensamente los momentos fuertes de nuestra Historia de la Salvacion. VC-10.74 (3) VC-10.75 Serie: Tiempos Liturgicos-3 CUARESMA VIACRUCIS (Paulinas) VHS HOW DO WE HELP? WHAT IS THE GOAL OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRY? VHS 24min. Richard Rohr, OFM Why do we do what we do in ministry? This video presents an insightful look at ministry which will disturb, challenge and ultimately inspire all involved in Christian ministry in its many forms. VC-10.77 WIVES OF DEACONS: Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives (USCCB Pub.) VHS 17:24min. 2004 The video is an informative series of interviews with six deacon’s wives. These diverse interviews address the challenges, questions, joys, and concerns during the course of deacon’s formation and ministry. VC-10.78 (1-5) AN ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS JOURNEY (St. Anthony Messenger) VC-10.79 RE-EXAMINING BAPTISMAL FONTS (Liturgical Press) VHS 20min.each 5 tapes Rev. Michael Himes Advent I HOPE IN THE DARKNESS Advent II SECOND COMING IS NOW Advent III THREATENED BY GRACE Advent IV PROPHETS: JOHN, MARY, JOSEPH Christmas THE ETERNAL GIVING OF GOD 2005 VHS 36 min. S. Anita Stauffer 1991 In the same way that a renewed theology of the Eucharist caused the church to redesign the space used to celebrate the Eucharist, so does the renewed theology of baptism call 69 us to re-examine the space used to celebrate the sacrament of baptism. Through a historical survey and an analysis of contemporary baptismal fonts, this video will guide pastors, pastoral councils, architects, and liturgical designers in the design and placement of fonts in new churches or in older churches where the baptismal space needs to be redesigned. DVD-10.80 (2) DIES DOMINI: SUNDAY THE DAY OF THE LORD (SWLConference) DVD Workshops DVD-10.80 RCIA Adapted to the Hispanic Community (Bilingual) LET THE CHILDREN COME – Dan Girardot BE NOT AFRAID: RCIA FOR CHILDREN ISN’T AS SCARY AS IT SOUNDS – Judy Reilly SUNDAY CELEBRATIONS IN THE ABSENCE OF A PRIEST: WHAT’S INSIDE THE NEW RITUAL BOOK – Michael Prendergast A LENTEN JOURNEY (Franciscan Communications) Rev. Michael Himes Insights from the Lenten Sunday readings are presented in this program. It is ideal for use with adults preparing for Baptism, prayer groups and those gathered for faith formation. #1 What is Temptation, Really? (19min.) #2 Danger and Desire (21min.) #3 God Sees Into the Heart (17min.) #4 Endless Possibilities (20min.) DVD-10.81 LECTOR AND GOSPEL READER’S WORKSHOP (Liturgy Training Pub) CD/DVD 32min. A Resource for Bringing God’s Word to Life. CD – contains useful tips that can be printed and handed out. DVD – combines the liturgical and spiritual aspects of being an effective lector with public speaking techniques. DVD-10.82 WERE YOU THERE? A PAIR OF PARABLES (Oblate Media) DVD Were You There? This program takes you through the events of the Passion using a combination of the traditional images of the stations & professional actors. A Pair of Parables –Rev. Edward Hays will touch you with his own rendition of two insightful, modern parables. Throughout the program he makes the connection between the world of science/technology and the world of faith. Too often, expansion of our scientific consciousness is not accompanied by an expansion of our faith-consciousness. The result can be that hope dwindles. DVD-10.83 RITUAL: THE LANGUAGE OF WORSHIP (St. Francis Special Ministries) DVD 69 minutes Barry Brunsman, OFM This explanation of the Mass is a fascinating collage of the origin of the ritual from human history, the early Christian Church, through the centuries until today. Each individual part 70 of the ritual is explained. The program unfolds the beauty and profound meaning of the liturgy in a way that will deepen viewer participation and experience in the Eucharistic celebration. DVD-10.84 THE JOURNEY (Family Theater Productions) DVD 28:30 minutes (Contains English & Spanish Tracks) A homeless, pregnant woman is robbed of her only possessions and dragged ruthlessly behind the thieves’ truck. A young social activist horrified by what he sees, rushes to help her. Close to giving birth, the woman and her jobless husband desperately seek shelter and face the harsh reality of life for their child on the streets. The story is interwoven with the biblical story of Mary & Joseph seeking shelter and it dramatically change the lives of both families. VC-11.13 FOR ALL THE PEOPLE (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 28min. The video points to concerns that motivated the National Conference of Catholic Bishops to write the landmark pastoral letter, ECONOMIC JUSTICE FOR ALL. VC-11.20 REVIVAL (Liguori Publications) VHS 15min. This program reveals the dynamism of the Black Catholic experience and how the Black Catholic community is raising up spirit-filled leaders in the Church today. VC-11.21 WE ARE ONE FLOCK (National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities) VHS 14min. The video is about full participation of persons with disabilities as proclaimed in the US Bishops’ Pastoral statement. VC-11.22 MARKETPLACE PROPHETS: VOICES FOR JUSTICE IN THE 20TH CENTURY VHS 60min. United States Catholic Conference One hundred years ago, Pope Leo XIII spoke out on the growing social and economic problems created by the Industrial Revolution in Rerum Novarum. This video takes a look backward and forward at the continuing relevance of the 1891 statement; the issues of economic justice it identified; and the history of the Church’s engagement with those issues. VC-11.23 BRING DOWN THE WALLS (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 14min. This video produced by the Department of Social Development & World Peace, is a commemorative of the 100th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum. VC-11.24 SHARING THE PAST-SHAPING THE FUTURE (Archdiocese of Detroit) VHS Series of Five 27min. Ten important documents of the Catholic Church are covered. The style is popular and intended to be an “opening wedge” to generate interest on the part of parishioners or 71 students for a quest for social justice which the documents detail. Guides contain discussion questions; opening and closing prayer; a panel for action commitments. #1 Encyclical: RERUM NOVARUM Pastoral: ECONOMIC JUSTICE FOR ALL #2 Encyclical: MATER ET MAGISTRA Pastoral: BROTHERS & SISTERS TO US #3 Encyclical: PACEM IN TERRIS Pastoral: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES #4 Encyclical: LABOREM EXERCENS Pastoral: PEOPLE ON THE MOVE #5 Encyclical: CENTESIMUS ANNUS Pastoral: CHALLENGE OF PEACE VC-11.25 OPTION FOR THE POOR (Center for Center) VHS 38min. VC-11.26 FAITH RESPONSE TO SOCIAL CONCERNS: 100 YEARS OF SOCIAL TEACHING VHS 120min. VC-11.28 WINDOWS TO UNDERSTANDING (United States Catholic Conference) VHS #1 #2 #3 VC-11.29 38min. WOMEN & WORK: THE STRUGGLE FOR BALANCE WOMEN & MENTORING: MIDWIVES OF THE SELF WOMEN & SPIRITUALITY: MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD YO TRABAJO LA TIERRA: I WORK THE LAND (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 13min. This video is a visual meditation about the dignity of work and the serenity of faith. With almost no dialogue, this intimate portrait of a farm-working family reveals the toils and pleasures of summer work in the American Midwest. VC-11.31 WHEN YOU PREACH…REMEMBER ME (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 12min. This short video is a discussion starter about preaching used to help break the cycle of violence in families. VC-11.32 STATES OF FAITH: A LOOK AT RELIGION IN AMERICA (USCC) VHS 60min. The video gives viewers a glimpse inside the kaleidoscope of faith expression found in their nation today. It is a documentary that explores the vital role religion plays in people’s lives. VC-11.36 POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITY (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 16min. 1996 The US bishops’ statement on political responsibility challenges Catholics to participate in public life, using the opportunities of our democracy to help shape a society more 72 respectful of the life and dignity of all and more committed to the common good. Recognizing that we are a diverse community of conservatives and liberals, of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, we are called to reinvigorate the democratic process with civil and principled debate about the values and priorities that will determine our future. VC-11.37 WHO ARE MY SISTERS AND BROTHERS? (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 30min. Understanding and welcoming immigrants and refugees to this country is the purpose of this video. This is the story of three Catholic parishes that have discovered in the newcomer the face of Christ. VC-11.38 SHARING FAITH ACROSS THE HEMISPHERE VHS 28min. (United States Catholic Conference) This video tells the story of the relationship of the Church in the United States and in Latin America—a mutual sharing of faith. VC-11.39 STEWARDSHIP: A 3-D WAY OF LIFE: NOT FOR ADULTS ONLY VHS 25min. Stewardship is not a matter of giving a little more; rather, it is away of life. Youth are called to be formed in this spirit from an early age. This video discusses a program designed to work with youth. VC-11.40 STEWARDSHIP: A 3-D WAY OF LIFE: THE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE VHS 25min. Putting scripture into action: This program presents stewardship as an ongoing process of a pilgrim people on their journey to God. There is a discussion how parishioners share their time, talents and treasures within the parish. VC-11.41 COME AND SEE (Columban Fathers) VHS 18min. This is a video in-service presentation for Directors of Religious Education and Catechists introducing ideas and concepts about MISSION in the changing world today. VC-11.42 GLOBAL SOLIDARITY (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 14min. As our world grows increasingly inter-dependent, the suffering in other lands touches us more immediately and deeply. Catholics are uniquely called to respond. U.S. Bishops' statement "Called to Global Solidarity" is summarized here in video to provide a concise, compelling version for various groups wishing to explore how parishes can respond to the call for global solidarity. VC-11.43 TRADITION OF STEWARDSHIP IN THE U.S.HISPANIC COMMUNITIES VHS Most Rev. Ricardo Ramirez VC-11.44 THE HOLY SPIRIT; PRINCIPAL AGENT OF STEWARDSHIP; 73 GRATITUDE'S GENEROSITY VHS Most Rev. Robert F. Morneau, DD VC-11.45 TO WHOM DOES ALL THIS BELONG? WHAT SCRIPTURE TELLS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP VHS Sr. Caroline Osiek, RSCJ VC-11.46 YOU SHALL LOVE THE STRANGER (Come Follow Me Comm) VHS Rev. Walter Burghardt, SJ The meaning and significance of biblical justice where the stranger is concerned is exemplified by the experience of Israel and the approach of Jesus. What confrontation do we face: the Christ-like attitude toward one of today's most controversial strangers, the immigrant. VC-11.48 HELPING PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 15min. The video is a journey around the United States. It shows how lives have changed as the result of self-help projects that received seed money from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Work done by the Campaign is in the spirit of Catholic social teaching. VC-11.50 FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP (United States Catholic Conference) 2000 VHS 10:33min Cardinal Roger Mahony and Bishop Fiorenza join to encourage all citizens to be informed, active, and responsible participants in the political process. The bishops ask Catholics to bring their moral values and principles to the debate by evaluating political platforms and issues in the light of Catholic social teaching. Working together, we can bring about a brighter future that benefits the common good. VC-11.52 “I AM JOSEPH YOUR BROTHER” (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. This contains a story of self-examination and soul searching. It is the revolutionary story of estranged brothers and sisters beginning to speak with one another, leading to deeper understanding and genuine mutual respect. It is the climax of the journey of the Catholic Church’s recognition of, and reconciliation with, the Jewish people. VC-11.53 CHURCH WITHOUT BORDERS (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. This video examines the experiences of young people from the United States & Latin America who share their faith through creative inter-American missionary programs. It also illustrates the need for all Catholics to appreciate the traditions and cultures that every Catholic brings to the faith and shows how each have a connection with Christ. VC-11.54 AMONG THE PEOPLE: FACING POVERTY IN AMERICA (CCHD) VHS 53min. This video takes audiences below the poverty line into an uncertain state where more 74 than 34 million people across this nation are struggling to survive. It presents the poignant, compelling and ultimately heartening stories of how grassroots groups and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development are “striving toward longterm solutions by attacking poverty’s causes together.” VC-11.55 CARRY THE LIGHT (Oblate Media & Communication) VHS 23:15min. Will YOU “Carry the Light”? What light? This video follows a three-day pilgrimage made by teens. As they gather, they take a closer look at how the Light of Christ, the Holy Spirit, is present in them, and how they can carry that light to others. Original music adds a light & lively dimension as youth are introduced to this new way of living. VC-11.56 FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Inc.) VHS 9min.- A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility Cardinal McCarrick, Bishops Gregory, Skylstad, & friends describe how we as Catholics can bring the values of our faith to our roles as responsible citizens. We have a moral obligation to participate in the political process—to vote, to be involved in public decision making, and to seek the common good. The video & Catholic teaching challenges us to consider how we are going to respond. VC-11.57 IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) VHS approx.20min. How does God call you to make a difference in the world? This video addresses Catholic Social Teaching at work today. Part One offers an overview of the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching and a summary of the scriptural and historical context for their development. Part Two offers living examples of people who share their own commitments to promoting justice and peace in the world today. VC-11.58 MANY FACES IN GOD’S HOUSE (United States Conference of Cath.Bishops) VHS 17min. Discover the many unknown riches present within our culturally diverse communities through this colorful and inspiring video. It can be used in parishes and dioceses to start or continue conversations on multiculturalism, to embrace diversity in your local community, and to train leaders in multicultural ministry. VC-11.59 WALKING GOD’S PATHS (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) VHS 90min. This video is a perfect resource for adult education, ecumenical officers, and interfaith marriage counselors. There are six 15 minute discussion starting segments which lead participants to experience each tradition’s understanding of how the two faith communities can relate to one another in positive ways. DVD-11.60 A CULTURE OF LIFE AND THE PENALTY OF DEATH (USCCB) 15:30 min. Learn about Catholic social teaching on this important issue. Hear from those who have been touched by violence, like Bud Welch, whose daughter died in the Oklahoma City 75 bombing. Join the Church’s campaign in working to eliminate the use of the death penalty in the United States. VC-11.60 (A&B) DVD-11.61 ISLAM: Empire of Faith (Gardner Films, Inc.) VHS 2 tapes 3hours --PBS This program tells the story of the great sweep of Islamic power and faith during its first 1000 years. It follows the birth of Prophet Muhammed to the peak of the Ottoman Empire under the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent. Increasingly, scholars and historians are recognizing the profound impact that Islamic civilization has had on Western culture and the course of world history. MINISTRY IN A MULTICULTURAL WORLD: BEYOND BORDERS Mexican American Cultural Center This program gives a fresh look at multiculturalism and how it is changing ministry. This is an interactive resource for personal study and for use in ministry and in the classroom. DVD-11.62 U.S. CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS (USCCB) 27min. The Bishops’ Committee on the Home Missions appeals to the more prosperous congregations to assist the Church’s poor and more isolated home mission dioceses in Alaska, the Deep South, Rocky Mountain States, Appalachia, Southwest, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Pacific Islands. DVD-11.63 FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP: A Matter of Conscience (USCCB) 30min. Three ten-minute segments show how everyone can faithfully participate in the political process. Each segment helps Catholics learn how they can form their consciences in order to make important public choices. (1) A MATTER OF CONSCIENCE – English for adults (2) UN ASUNTO DE CONSCIENCIA - Spanish for adults (3) GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE - English for teens VC- 11.64 (1-6) RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD (Schlessinger Media) VC-12.1 JESUS: HIS LIFE AND HIS LAND (DOKO) 6 Video Cassettes Narrated by Ben Kingsley Explore issues that probe the very core of our existence and gain new understanding about humanity. 1. PROTESTANTISM 4. HINDUISM 2. JUDAISM 5. CATHOLICISM 3. ISLAM 6. BUDDHISM VHS 54min. The video follows the footsteps of Jesus in a visual pilgrimage to the places where Jesus walked. 76 VC-12.2 THE HOLY LAND: 5000 YEARS AND INCREDIBLE JOURNEY (DOKO) VHS 58min. This video is a beautiful visual journey through the Holy Land. It is a chronological tour of biblical sites from the pages of Genesis to the present day. VC-12.3 LA TIERRA SANTAVHS VC-12.4 JESUS: SU VIDA Y SU TIERRA (DOKO) 58min. This video is the Spanish version of VC-12.2 VHS 54min. This video follows the footsteps of Jesus in a visual pilgrimage to the places where He walked. (Spanish) VC-12.5 JESUS THE REDEEMER (Franciscan Communications) VHS 45min. Rev. S. Doyle In this video, the viewer is invited to participate in Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem and to reflect on the loving witness of the Savior’s mission. Viewers will learn the meaning of “pilgrimage” and are introduced to the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings. VC-12.13 ON FIRE WITH FAITH (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. The story begins with Christopher Columbus’ preparation for his first historic voyage. The video presents the story of Spanish evangelization in the New World and the inculturation of Native Americans into the faith of Hispanics in the American Southwest. VC-12.14 (1) MISSION AMERICA (Catholic Extension Society) 1990 VC-12.14 (2) MISSION AMERICA (Catholic Extension Society) 1990 VC-12.15 THE HOMELAND OF JESUS (Sami Awwad, Jerusalem) VHS VC-12.16 CONCERT OF THE DISCOVERY: SPANISH HERITAGE IN THE U.S. VHS 36min. A history of Spanish heritage in the United States. (J.Franco) VC-12.17 A TIME TO BUILD (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. Part I The video tells the inspiring story of the Catholic missionary spirit in our country. It is the first comprehensive look at mission work in America. The story looks at: High Plains, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Appalachia. VHS Part II This is a continuation of the previous video. It looks at the following geographical areas of the United States: South, Non-continental US, Far West, Mid-Plains. VHS 60min. A dramatic story of survival and hope as Catholics in Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, and Czechoslovakia experience new religious freedoms after more than forty years of Communist oppression. 77 VC-12.19 OUT OF DARKNESS (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 15min. A program has been established to secure aid for the church in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the former USSR. The video tells the dramatic story of perseverance, devotion, and steadfast faith amid decades of communist oppression in these countries. VC-12.20 VISITING THE POPE: A DAY WITH JOHN PAUL II (Creative Communications) VHS VC-12.21 A CELEBRATION OF FAITH (GEM Tapes) VHS 500th Anniversary of the Evangelization of the Americas. VC-12.22 FIVE EXTRAORDINARY DAYS (CTNA/CCC) VHS The video contains coverage of World Youth Day and the Papal Visit to Denver, CO. August 11-15, 1993. VC-12.23 JOHN PAUL II: A LIGHT FOR ALL NATIONS (United States Catholic Conference) VHS 60min. John Paul II has reshaped the image of the Catholic Church through his worldwide travels, statesmanship, and personal charisma. The video is an intimate portrait in the life and ministry of the pope seen through the eyes of childhood friends and church leaders. VC-12.24 (1) VC-12.24 (2) VC-12.24 (3) VC-12.24 (4) THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH: THE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH VHS (Ikonographics) THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH: THE CHURCH IN THE MIDDLE AGES VHS (Ikonographics) THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH: RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION VHS (Ikonographics) THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH: IN THE MODERN WORLD VHS (Ikonographics) VC-12.25 ISRAEL: GOD’S CHOSEN LAND (Christian Productions) VHS VC-12.26 A BLESSING FOR CUBA (Odyssey Productions, Ltd.) VHS 60min. See Communist Cuba open its arms and heart to the Holy Father in this colorful and uplifting video. The video shows coverage of Pope John Paul II's pilgrimage to Cuba. VC-12.27 (1-5) THE FAITHFUL REVOLUTION: VATICAN II (RCL) VHS -Series of 5- 2 copies of this series More than 30 years ago, Pope John XXIII called the Second Vatican Council, a significant event which, to this day, continues to affect the very flow of contemporary human history. Set against a dramatic backdrop of world events, the Faithful Revolution: Vatican II is the 78 first filmed series to document this council, its decisions and its profound impact on all of humanity. Told through the eyes of many men and women who witnessed this event firsthand, this series is an important historical documentary for people of all faiths. #1 GENIUS OF THE HEART #4 A WORLD TRANSFORMED #2 INSPIRED AWAKENING #5 THE DYNAMICS OF HOPE #3 HUMAN DIGNITY VC-12.28 GATEWAY TO FAITH (Brown-ROA) VHS 60min. This video commemorates the historic record of the papal visit to St. Louis on January 2627, 1999. The first Mass celebrated on the banks of the Mississippi River took place in 1698 in present day St. Louis, Missouri. Three hundred years later Pope John Paul II came to celebrate Mass and preach the Gospel of Christ. VC-12.29 REMEMBERING REJOICING RENEWING: JUBILEE 2000 (XXIII) VHS 20min. Rev. Joseph Donders/Alison Berger This video is a companion to the booklet "Countdown to 2000: Celebrating the Great Jubilee". The host takes you on an enlightening and prayerful tour of the history and spirituality of the jubilee year. VC-12.30 OPEN WIDE THE DOORS (Resources for Christian Living) VHS 11min. This video is a resource in preparing parishes for the Jubilee Year. It is meant as a way to inspire concrete ways to make a fulfilling holy year. VC-12.31 REFLECTIONS ON VATICAN II (Resources for Christian Living) VHS 12min. A capsulized reflection on Vatican Council II of the Roman Catholic Church. DVD-12.32 CHRIST OUR HOPE (USCCB/Catholic Communications Campaign) 8 DVD’s Pope Benedict XVI - Apostolic Journey to the United States. April 15-20, 2008 – Washington, DC & New York DVD-12.33 TERRA SANCTA: GUARDIANS OF SALVATION’S SOURCES (Antoniano Production) Disc 1 English, Italiano, Francais, Espanol, Deutsch Disc 2 Polski, Hvatski, Portugues The program presents the latest biblical and archeological information on the land where Jesus lived. Nazareth(8min), Bethlehem(13min), Gethsemane (14min), Emmaus(9min). DVD-12.34 A MIGRANT’S MASTERPIECE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF PATRICK FLORES (Galan Incorporated & CTSA) DVD-12.35 60 mim. EPIC: A Journey Through Church History (Ascension Press) 79 10 DVD’s Study Set (Workbook, Chart, Bookmark) Steve Weidenkopf (1) Session 1: Session 2: Introduction & Mustard Seed Persecution (Part I) (2) Session 3: Session 4: Persecution (Part II) Conversion & Councils (Part I) (3) Session 5: Session 6: Conversion & Councils (Part II) Missionaries & the Emperor (Part I) (4) Session 7: Missionaries & the Emperor (Part II) Review: Sessions 1-7 Session 8: Crusaders & Scholars (Part I) (5) Session 9: Session 10: Crusaders & Scholars (Part II) Crusaders & Scholars (Part III) (6) Session 11: Session 12: Weak Leaders & Schism (Part I) Weak Leaders & Schism (Part II) (7) Session 13: Session 14: Protestors & Defenders (Part I) Protestors & Defenders (Part II) (8) Session 15: Session 16: The Catholic Reformation (Part I) The Catholic Reformation (Part II) (9) Session 17: Session 18: Revolutions & Modernism A World at War (10) Session 19: Session 20: The New Springtime the Threshold of Hope & Conclusion 80 81