REQUIREMENTS FOR USING THE AMERICAN EXPRESS® NAME AND LOGO ON YOUR WEB SITE The accompanying logo can be used on your Web site wherever you display other bankcard logos, particularly on your home page and payment page. WHEN LISTING PAYMENT OPTIONS The term "American Express®" must be displayed in full with at least equal prominence and accessibility as other general purpose payment options such as Visa® and MasterCard® on any Web site payment menus, drop down boxes or lists (i.e. not shown under "Other" or secondary menus.) Alphabetical listing is preferable. WHEN SHOWING PAYMENT OPTIONS An approved American Express® logo must be displayed with at least equal prominence as other general purpose payment logos, such as Visa® and MasterCard®, where those logos are displayed on a Web site. If you automatically bring forward a customer's Card details from a previous transaction when arranging payment for a current transaction, it is essential that the American Express® logo is displayed, offering Cardmembers a choice in payment method. REPRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS The minimum reproduction size for the "Blue Box" logo (including the ®) is 53 x 45 pixels. The Blue Box logo cannot be specified smaller than 15.5mm in electronic media. The Blue Box logo cannot be modified, shortened or altered in any way. The American Express® typography inside the Blue Box cannot be used outside of the Blue Box. Do not cut, realign, reduce or enlarge any element of the logo, and do not alter the Blue Box to credit card shape. The logo must always be surrounded by an open space. A minimum distance of 1/3 of the Blue Box width must be allowed above, below and to the sides of the logo (including the "®"). The Blue Box logo must always be reproduced in American Express® Blue (PMS 307), or in black if a piece is black and white only. The Blue Box logo should never be placed on a blue background that is close in colour to American Express Blue. In lieu of American Express Blue, PANTONE® 307 may be used. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. The words "American Express®" inside the Blue Box logo must always be outlined in white, regardless of the background colour upon which the logo appears. The Blue Box logo may not be reversed to a white box/blue type for any reason. The American Express® logo may not be incorporated into line drawings, cartoons or artistic depictions other than those provided by American Express®.