Physics 555: Elementary Quantum Mechanics (Fall 2010)
Class number: 2402 (Credit units: 3)
Lecture Room: 104 Natural Sciences BLDG
Lecture Time: 11:00 am-11:50 pm (Monday, Wednesday, & Friday)
Textbook: Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications by N. Zettili (John Wiley & Sons)
(Second Edition)
Reference book: (1) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths, second edition
(Pearson Prentice Hall);
(2) Introductory Quantum Mechanics by Richard L. Liboff (Holden-Day, Inc);
(3) Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Ramanurti Shankar (Plenum Press);
(4) Quantum Mechanics: A New Introduction by Kenichi Konishi & Giampiero
Paffuti (Oxford University Press)
Instructor: Dr. Ming Yu
Office: Room 242, John W. Shumaker Research Building
Office Hour: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (MW)
Phone Number: 502-852-0931
Web site:
This course is the first part of the two-semester course of quantum mechanics (phys 555 and phys
556). This course (Phys 555) will cover the general concepts of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger
equation and solutions in one-dimension problems, and angular momentum. The second semester
(phys 556) will cover the topics of Schrödinger equation and solutions in three-dimension problems,
identical particles, various approximation methods, and scattering theory. A mathematical background
of linear algebra, differential equations, and partial differential equations is strongly required in the
The goal of the course will be to understand basic concepts of quantum mechanics, to develop critical
thinking skills, and to develop problem-solving skills. The key elements related to this goal will
include: recalling the origins of quantum mechanics, introducing the mathematical tools of quantum
mechanics, discussing the formal foundation of quantum mechanics, and then dealing with the exact
solutions of the Schrodinger equation in one-dimensional problems, as well as introducing angular
momentum. You are encouraged to read the chapters and sections related to the topics from the
textbook and reference books and to discuss with your fellow students or the instructor to make clear
in concepts and in solving assigned problems. Your progress in this area will be assessed with a graded
assignment (homework assignment, quiz set, and embedded in exam questions, etc.).
Course Requirements
PHYS 300, 450, and 460.
Topics covered
1. Origin of Quantum Mechanics (Chapter 1)
1.1 Historical Note
1.2 Particles Aspect of Radiation
1.3 Wave Aspect of Particles
1.4 Particles versus Waves
1.5 Indeterministic Nature of the Microphysical World
1.6 Atomic Transitions and Spectroscopy
2. Mathematical Tools of Quantum Mechanics(Chapter 2)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Hilber Space and Wave Functions
2.3 Dirac Notation
2.4 Operators
2.5 Representation in Discrete Bases
2.6 Representation in Continues Bases
2.7 Matrix and Wave Mechanics
3. Postulates of Quantum Mechanics (Chapter 3)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Basic Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
3.3 The State of System
3.4 Observables and Operators
3.5 Measurement in Quantum Mechanics
3.6 Time Evolution of the System’s State
4. One-Dimensional Problems(Chapter 4)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Properties of One-Dimensional Motion
4.3 The Free Particle: Continuous States
4.4 The Potential Step
4.5 The Potential Barrier and Well
4.6 The Infinite Square Well Potential
4.7 The Finite Square Well Potential
4.8 The Harmonic Oscillator
5. Angular Momentum (Chapter 5)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Orbital Angular Momentum
5.3 General Formalism of Angular Momentum
5.4 Matrix Representation of Angular Momentum
5.5 Spin Angular Momentum
5.6 Eigenfunctions of Orbital Angular Momentum
Homework assignments will be distributed at beginning of each week. The Homework includes both
general problems and challenge problems. You are asked to accomplish the general problems and
encouraged to take the challenge problems. Your solutions for each problem must include not only the
final answers but intermediate steps. The corresponding due dates for Homework will be written on the
Homework assignments. Homework assignments will be collected and graded, and form part of your
final score. You may discuss homework problems with your fellow students. In fact, you are
encouraged to work as a group. However, the final write-up must be your own.
There may be two conceptual quizzes. Some extra points will be given.
There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. The midterm exam is scheduled on October 8/13, and
the final exam is scheduled on December 6/13. Each exam will have an “in-class” and a “take-home”
section. They are weighted as one-third and two-third, respectively.
Class Participation
Class participation will be monitored throughout the semester. You are basically required to attend the
class otherwise, with an excuse. Each absence without an excuse will cost 0.5 point. It is true that
certain individuals are able to learn physics solely from a textbook and may think that lectures are
unnecessary. It is also true that most part of the course follows the text book basically, but (1) more
explanations which do not appear in a typical textbook will be given in class (2) some of the topics of
the course are even not covered by the textbook. Participation will provide you the opportunity to gain
more, to ask questions as well as clarifying explanations.
Grading Policy
The final scores will be based on the two exams and the homework with breakdown as follows:
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
The letter grades will be assigned based on the final scores. The approximate cutoffs are:
Grade A+
Cutoff 95
* Please note that the scheduled exam date and above cutoffs are tentative. The instructor reserves the
right to lower the cutoffs if deemed necessary. The cutoffs, however, will not be raised in any cases.