Anneberg Video Offerings - New Rochelle High School

To access these collections, go to:
Go to FREE VIDEO ON DEMAND (left menu). You may have to log in (or not) but it’s free and they do NOT solicit.
You can browse these teacher Resource titles by going to
I have organized their listings by subject in these pages so that you could view them and make selections more easily!
Enjoy! - Vitoria Guarino
Social Studies
Social Studies (cont’d), Economics and Math
Math (cont’d), Film and Literature & Writing
Literature & Writing (cont’d) and the Arts
The Arts (cont’d), Foreign Language, ESL and School Issues/Reform
Teaching and Methodology
Teaching and Methodology (cont’d), Psychology, Counseling, Ethics and Science
Science (cont’d)
Social Studies
The Africans
Beautifully filmed in 16 African countries, this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult
learners looks at the many influences that have shaped this complex continent and its people.
America's History in the Making
This course for middle and high school teachers explores American history from the Pre-Columbian era through
Art of the Western World
Discover some of the Western world's most impressive paintings, sculptures, and works of architecture, from ancient
Greece to contemporary New York, in this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult
The Power of Place: Geography for the 21st Century
This video instructional series for high school and college classrooms teaches the geographic skills and concepts that are
necessary to understand the world.
Primary Sources: Workshops in American History
Explore the use of primary-source documents in the research and interpretation of American history in this video
workshop for high school teachers.
A Biography of America
Explore the human side of American history with this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and
adult learners, using a biographical approach to examine the forces that have shaped our nation.
Making Civics Real: A Workshop for Teachers
This video workshop for high school teachers illustrates a constructivist approach to the teaching of civics.
Bridging World History
This video course for high school and college teachers examines history through a thematic lens, showing
interrelationships across time and place.
The Constitution: That Delicate Balance
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners probes understanding, beliefs,
and biases about constitutional issues.
Social Studies in Action: A Methodology Workshop, K-5
This video workshop for K-5 teachers provides a methodology framework for teaching social studies, with a focus on
creating effective citizens.
Social Studies in Action: A Teaching Practices Library, K-12
This video library for K-12 teachers shows a variety of effective social studies lessons and techniques for K-2, 3-5, 6-8,
and 9-12 classrooms.
Jargon (The Synergy Project)
This video program encourages educators’ thoughtful use of language by pointing out how jargon can undermine support
for change.
Democracy in America
This video course for high school teachers covers topics of civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions recommended by the
U.S. Department of Education’s Civics Framework.
Ethics in America
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners uses the Socratic method to
explore ethical dilemmas in legal, political, medical, corporate, and military arenas.
Ethics in America II
In this series, eminent leaders from government, business, science, and academia explore hypothetical ethical dilemmas
using the Socratic Dialogue format.
Human Geography: People, Places, and Change
Combining economic and cultural geography, this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and
adult learners helps students understand present-day events within the scope of global trends.
Out of the Past
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners provides new insight into the
evolution of human societies by following archaeologists as they examine physical evidence from ancient civilizations.
People’s Century
College and high school students and adult learners can gain insight into the turbulent events that shaped the last 100
years with this International Emmy Award-winning video series.
Teaching The Children of Willesden Lane
This set of video and Web resources with curriculum guide helps middle and high school teachers teach the Holocaustsurvival book The Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek.
Rural Communities: Legacy & Change
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners provides an unexpected and
fascinating perspective on America's rural communities, examining their diversity, values, economics, and future.
The Western Tradition
This video instructional series on Western civilization for college and high school classrooms and adult learners takes a
journey from ancient, pre-Western civilizations to the age of technology and beyond.
The Economics Classroom: A Workshop for Grade 9-12 Teachers
Explore topics from personal finance to global economic theories in this video workshop for high school teachers.
Economics U$A
Explore the fundamentals of economic history, theory, and practice, including microeconomics and macroeconomics, in
this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.
Inside the Global Economy
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners illustrates how international
economics affects individuals, businesses, and industry, with opinions from economists around the globe.
Against All Odds: Inside Statistics
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners leads to a greater understanding of statistics by
exploring authentic examples — from environmental studies to weight-loss programs.
Algebra: In Simplest Terms
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners guides students step-by-step through algebra
concepts, while highlighting common trouble spots.
Assessment in Math and Science: What’s the Point?
This video workshop for K-12 teachers examines current assessment issues and explores strategies for making classroom assessment
practices more effective.
Calculating Change
This video documentary shows how parents and communities can promote more creative math and science education. In English and
in Spanish (en español).
Creating a Climate for Change…Math Leads the Way
These materials show K-5 teachers and administrators how to present their own workshops on math education reform.
For All Practical Purposes: Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners explores the relevant applications of
mathematics in five major areas: management science, statistics, social choice, measurement, and computer science. The Missing Link:
Essential Concepts for Middle School Math Teachers
This video workshop for middle school math teachers presents four concepts that have been identified by TIMSS (the Third
International Mathematics and Science Study) as crucial to your students' success.
Insights Into Algebra 1: Teaching for Learning
This video workshop presents strategies to improve the teaching of topics found in most Algebra 1 programs.
Learning Math: Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
Learn the basic concepts of data analysis and statistics with this video- and Web-based course for K-8 math teachers.
Learning Math: Geometry
Learn the basics of geometry in this video- and Web-based course for K-8 teachers.
Learning Math: Measurement
This video- and Web-based course examines some of the major ideas in measurement and how to apply those concepts in K–2, 3–5,
and 6–8 classrooms.
Learning Math: Number and Operations
This video- and Web-based course for K-8 teachers examines the three main categories in the Number and Operations strand of
Principles and Standards of School Mathematics (NCTM).
Learning Math: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Gain a better understanding of the mathematics concepts you teach with this video- and Web-based course for K-8 teachers.
Math for All
This video series for families teaches math concepts for children in grades K-3 and shows activities that parents and children can do at
home. In English and in Spanish (en español).
Math for All—Plus
This video series for families teaches math concepts for children in grades 4-6 and shows activities that parents and children can do at
home. In English and in Spanish (en español).
Mathematics and Science for All
This video series for K-12 educators shows how five reform projects in the state of Montana dovetail to meet the needs of teachers and
students, including a large American Indian population, special needs students, and rural educators.
Mathematics Assessment: A Video Library, K-12
This video library for K-12 educators helps teachers and administrators understand the many types of mathematics assessment and the
information they provide about student knowledge and performance.
Mathematics: What’s the Big Idea?
This video workshop offers motivation and tools for K-8 teachers who want to explore ways of changing how they teach math.
The Mechanical Universe…and Beyond
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners demystifies physics and illustrates abstract
Private Universe Project in Mathematics
This video workshop for K-12 educators investigates how mathematics teaching can be structured to resonate with children's own
mathematical ideas — many of which are surprisingly complex.
Surprises in Mind
This video documentary on learning mathematics for K-8 teachers and administrators shows that mathematical creativity — expressed
in art, architecture, and music and valued by industry — is built into the brain and can flourish under the right conditions.
American Cinema
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners explores film history and
American culture through the eyes of over 150 Hollywood insiders.
Literature and Writing
American Passages: A Literary Survey
This video course for college-level instruction and teacher professional development places American literature
movements and authors in the context of history and culture.
Voices & Visions
In this video instructional series on American poetry for college and high school classrooms and adult learners, the works
of 13 poets are interpreted through dramatic readings, archival photographs, and interviews.
Artifacts & Fiction: Workshop in American Literature
This video workshop for high school American literature teachers introduces techniques for reading artifacts and
connecting them to works of literature.
Conversations in Literature
This video workshop in literary interpretation for grade 6-12 teachers illustrates the process of "envisionment building"
through the discussions of a community of expert readers.
Developing Writers: A Workshop for High School Teachers
This video workshop presents practical and philosophical advice for teaching writing in high school.
Engaging With Literature: A Video Library, Grades 3-5
This video library shows grades 3–5 teachers who are successfully guiding students toward becoming more active and
involved readers of literature.
Engaging With Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 3-5
This video workshop shows grades 3–5 teachers how to guide students in becoming effective and engaged readers of
English Composition: Writing for an Audience
This video instructional series on English composition for college and high school classrooms and adult learners introduces
basic principles and strategies for improving writing skills and communicating with a wide variety of audiences.
News Writing
Covering both traditional and emerging journalism styles, this video instructional series for college and high school
classrooms and adult learners provides the techniques for becoming a better writer.
Signature: Contemporary Writers
Barbara Kingsolver, Bobbie Ann Mason, and four other native Southern authors read from their works and discuss what
it's like to be a writer today, in this video documentary series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.
The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature in High School
This video workshop for high school teachers is an exploration of the richness of multicultural literature shown through
four pedagogical approaches to teaching it.
In Search of the Novel
Covering 10 of the most commonly taught novels, this video workshop for middle and high school teachers demonstrates
ways to effectively teach the novel to students.
Inside Writing Communities, Grades 3-5
This video workshop for grades 3–5 teachers demonstrates how writing workshops motivate students and help them
become proficient and independent writers.
Jargon (The Synergy Project)
This video program encourages educators’ thoughtful use of language by pointing out how jargon can undermine support
for change.
Literary Visions
This video instructional series on literary analysis for college and high school classrooms and adult learners includes
compelling dramatizations and readings of poetry, plays, and short fiction, as well as insights of contemporary writers and
Making Meaning in Literature: A Video Library, Grades 6-8
This video library for language arts teachers in grades 6-8 shows teaching practices that support unique student
interactions with literature.
Making Meaning in Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 6-8
Learn techniques for developing active and effective readers in this video workshop for middle school teachers.
Write in the Middle: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers
This video workshop helps middle school teachers learn effective practices and strategies for writing instruction.
The Arts
The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers
This video workshop for dance, music, theatre, and visual art teachers examines how principles of good teaching are
carried out in teaching the arts at the high school level.
Art of the Western World
Discover some of the Western world's most impressive paintings, sculptures, and works of architecture, from ancient
Greece to contemporary New York, in this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult
The Arts in Every Classroom: A Video Library, K-5
This video library shows K-5 classroom teachers and arts specialists how to introduce the arts into the classroom in a
variety of ways.
A World of Art: Works in Progress
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners teaches art appreciation from
inside the studios of 10 contemporary artists, including painters, photographers, and performance artists.
The Arts in Every Classroom: A Workshop for Elementary School Teachers
This video workshop provides new ideas about working with the arts for K-5 classroom and arts specialist teachers.
Connecting With the Arts: A Teaching Practices Library, 6-8
This video library features a variety of meaningful arts integration approaches taking place in middle school classrooms
around the country.
Connecting With the Arts: A Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers
This video workshop shows middle school teachers why and how to integrate the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual
art) with other subjects (language arts, social studies, science, and math).
Exploring the World of Music
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners explores the basic elements of
music, and music as an expression of culture.
Foreign Language and ELL/ESL
Connect With English
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners uses an engaging story that
covers everyday topics to teach English as a second language.
Teaching Reading K-2 Workshop introduces innovative research-based principles, teaching practices, and classroom
activities designed to stimulate your teaching. Each of the eight workshop sessions examines a critical issue of early
literacy. These sessions are designed to enhance the way you teach your K-2 students to read and write. The eight video
programs follow Professor Jeanne R. Paratore of Boston University and twelve K-2 teachers as they work through the
major issues of teaching reading. EXAMPLE: Through the story of Rebecca, an aspiring singer on a journey across
America, Connect With English touches on life's important issues: leaving home, parenting, education, work, love,
success, and loss. All of the characters use meaningful, natural language that students can put to work immediately in
their own lives. Each episode features dialogue that is slightly slowed down and subtly simplified. Key lines are repeated,
idioms paraphrased, and important events retold. There are constant visual clues to meaning, such as written signs,
notes, and documents. Facial expressions, gestures, and body language also reveal meaning for students.
Teaching Reading 3-5 Workshop
** Supporting the English Language Learner
In this session, you will investigate and apply research-based principles of effective early literacy instruction for English
Language Learners.
Lens on Literacy
Valuing Diverse Learners
In "Valuing Diversity in Learners," Professor Marjorie Hall Haley of George Mason University in Virginia
talks about ways of addressing multiple learning styles and levels in a standards-based foreign language
classroom. Professor Haley also joins a round-table discussion on effective instructional practices for
diverse learners and methods for connecting research to practice.
Teaching Multicultural Literature in the Middle Grades
FREE Professional Webcasts Regarding ELL Topics Some titles: Assessment of English Language Learners;
Comprehension - Helping ELLs Grasp the Full Picture; Teaching English Language Learners to Read.
Partnership for Literacy Resources (NOT videos)
Teaching Diverse Learners at Brown (NOT videos)
Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners teaches Spanish speaking,
listening, and comprehension skills.
El Niño Completo
Se proporciona información esencial a los padres y encargados profesionales del cuidado infantil sobre el desarrollo físico,
emocional y cognoscitivo de los niños. En inglés y español.
Fokus Deutsch
This video instructional series helps college and high school classrooms and adult learners increase their fluency in
German using a "story-within-a-story" approach.
French in Action
This video instructional series in French for college and high school classrooms and adult learners follows the romantic
adventures of Mireille and Robert, with the witty guidance of Professor Pierre Capretz.
Nuevos Destinos
New video episodes and a CD-ROM extend the Spanish immersion experience of the original Destinos series.
School Issues, Improvement and Reform
Critical Issues in School Reform
This video workshop for K-12 teachers, administrators, and parents takes you around the country to places where
educators, parents, and civic leaders are collaborating on innovative school reform.
The Learning Classroom: Theory Into Practice
This video course is an exploration of learning theory for K-12 teachers.
Learning That Works
These videos for high school science teachers profile successful programs around the country that connect science
learned in high school with real-world applications.
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
This video workshop for K-12 teachers and administrators features seven leading educators who share their ideas on how
children really learn.
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2
Through personal interviews, teacher discussions, and classroom video footage, this video workshop for K-12 teachers
and administrators encourages educators to analyze existing theories about how children learn.
The Merrow Report
Veteran NewsHour education reporter John Merrow investigates education's headline-making issues — as well as those
we don't hear about — in these video documentaries for K-12 educators and parents.
The Mind: Teaching Modules
These video modules for college and high school classrooms and adult learners are flexible teaching resources that
explore cognition in the brain.
Minds of Our Own
This video documentary on education and learning for K-12 educators and parents shows how traditional teaching
methods are often built upon false assumptions about learning.
The Next Move: Steps Toward Change in Elementary Math and Science
This video workshop will help K-5 math and science teachers move toward more student-centered classrooms.
New American Schools: Getting Better by Design
This video workshop on school reform for K-12 teachers, administrators, and policymakers presents eight reform designs
from New American Schools, with details on how communities can implement school restructuring at every level.
Principles for Principals
Designed by and for principals working to improve student achievement in mathematics and science, this video workshop
addresses the specific issues faced by K-12 administrators.
Private Universe Project in Mathematics
This video workshop for K-12 educators investigates how mathematics teaching can be structured to resonate with
children's own mathematical ideas — many of which are surprisingly complex.
Private Universe Project in Science
This video workshop for grade 1-12 educators explores alternative ways of teaching science concepts, helping to uncover
and overcome student misconceptions.
A Private Universe
This video documentary for grade 5-12 educators explores why students from early grades to Ivy League graduates don't
really grasp basic science concepts.
The Science of Teaching Science
This video workshop inspires new methods of teaching science for new and veteran K-8 science teachers.
School Testing—Behind the Numbers
This documentary shows a lively, humorous, and thoughtful discussion of the meaning and impact of school testing.
Science K-6: Investigating Classrooms
This video library, with separate units for K-6, shows how teachers are incorporating genuine science inquiry into their
Teaching and Methodology
Write in the Middle: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers
This video workshop helps middle school teachers learn effective practices and strategies for writing instruction.
The Science of Teaching Science
This video workshop inspires new methods of teaching science for new and veteran K-8 science teachers.
The Synergy Project
These materials provide the information needed to organize a strategic workshop about math and science education
reform for senior-level policymakers and educational administrators.
Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop
This video workshop will help K–12 foreign language teachers improve their practice by making connections between the
National Standards for Foreign Language Learning and current research in foreign language education.
Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices
This video library illustrates effective instruction and assessment strategies for the teaching of foreign languages in
grades K–12.
Teaching Geography
This video workshop provides a strong foundation in geography content and inquiry teaching skills for teachers in grades
Surprises in Mind
This video documentary on learning mathematics for K-8 teachers and administrators shows that mathematical creativity
— expressed in art, architecture, and music and valued by industry — is built into the brain and can flourish under the
right conditions.
Teaching High School Science
This video library for high school teachers shows the practice of effective inquiry teaching in the science classroom.
Teaching Math, Grades 3-5
This course, available only online, provides an overview and exploration of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics process standards for grades 3–5.
Teaching Math, Grades 6-8
This course, available only online, provides an overview and exploration of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics process standards for grades 6–8.
Teaching Math, Grades 9-12
This course, available only online, provides an overview and exploration of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics process standards for grades 9–12.
Teaching Math, Grades K-2
This course, available only online, provides an overview and exploration of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics process standards for grades K–2.
Teaching Math: A Video Library, 5-8
This video library for grade 5-8 math teachers shows real classrooms where the NCTM math standards guide the lessons.
Teaching Math: A Video Library, 9-12
This video library for high school teachers of algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, and integrated mathematics
shows real classrooms where the NCTM math standards guide the lessons.
Teaching Math: A Video Library, K-4
This video library for K-4 math teachers shows real classrooms where the NCTM math standards guide the lessons.
Teaching Multicultural Literature: A Workshop for the Middle Grades
This video workshop introduces middle school teachers to ethnically diverse American writers and offers dynamic
instructional strategies and resources to make works meaningful for students.
Teaching Reading 3-5 Workshop
This video workshop will show intermediate elementary teachers how to help their students transition from “learning to
read” to “reading to learn.” Supplemental classroom programs provide further exploration of each topic.
Teaching Reading K-2 Workshop
This video workshop addresses critical topics in teaching reading for K-2 teachers.
Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices
This video library shows the teaching practices of K-2 teachers across the country as they introduce their students to
reading through a variety of methodologies.
Teaching The Children of Willesden Lane
This set of video and Web resources with curriculum guide helps middle and high school teachers teach the Holocaustsurvival book The Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek.
Psychology, Counseling and Ethics
The Brain: Teaching Modules
These video modules for college and high school classrooms and adult learners are flexible teaching resources for courses
in psychology.
Death: A Personal Understanding
Case studies and moving personal stories promote a greater understanding of death and dying in this video instructional
series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.
Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition
Cover the fundamental principles of psychology in this updated video instructional series for college and high school
classrooms and adult learners.
The Whole Child: A Caregiver’s Guide to the First Five Years
Students, parents, and professional childcare providers are provided essential information about children's physical,
emotional, and cognitive development. In English and in Spanish (en Español).
The World of Abnormal Psychology
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners shows how people with
psychological disorders actually behave, presenting a range of abnormalities as well as more common problems.
Ethics in America
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners uses the Socratic method to
explore ethical dilemmas in legal, political, medical, corporate, and military arenas.
Ethics in America II
In this series, eminent leaders from government, business, science, and academia explore hypothetical ethical dilemmas
using the Socratic Dialogue format.
Growing Old in a New Age
A realistic and positive picture of older adults, this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and
adult learners challenges the common misconceptions and fears that surround the aging process.
Seasons of Life
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners examines the influence of our
biological, social, and psychological clocks through provocative insights drawn from current research in lifespan
Case Studies in Science Education
This video library for K-8 teachers profiles science teachers who are working to improve aspects of their teaching.
Cycles of Life: Exploring Biology
This video instructional series on biology for college and high school classrooms and adult learners provides a
comprehensive overview of the living world, from the simplest organisms to the vast web of Earth's ecosystems.
Earth Revealed
This video instructional series on geology for college and high school classrooms and adult learners explores how
scientific theories are developed as well as how our activities today affect Earth's continuing evolution.
Essential Science for Teachers: Earth and Space Science
This video course for elementary school teachers covers the Earth and space science concepts they need to teach today’s
standards-based curricula.
Essential Science for Teachers: Life Science
This video course for elementary school teachers covers the life science concepts they need to teach today’s standardsbased curricula.
Essential Science for Teachers: Physical Science
This video course for elementary school teachers covers the physical science concepts they need to teach today’s
standards-based curricula.
Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth
This video documentary for college and high school classrooms and adult learners provides an overview of the microbial
world, focusing on scientists as they investigate how microbes affect everything from the environment to infectious
Journey North
This free instructional Web site engages K-12 students and their teachers in investigations of wildlife migration and
seasonal change. A one-hour video program shows teachers how to use the popular Journey North Web site, and comes
with a printed 50 page Workshop Guide. A 150 page printed Teacher's Manual, especially helpful for teachers new to
Journey North, is also available.
Learning Science Through Inquiry
This video workshop for K-8 teachers shows inquiry teaching and learning in action — how it works and how it benefits
Out of the Past
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners provides new insight into the
evolution of human societies by following archaeologists as they examine physical evidence from ancient civilizations.
Private Universe Project in Science
This video workshop for grade 1-12 educators explores alternative ways of teaching science concepts, helping to uncover
and overcome student misconceptions.
Planet Earth
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners teaches Earth science, geology,
oceanography, climatology, and astronomy through remarkable footage and insights from noted scientists.
Private Universe Project in Science
This video workshop for grade 1-12 educators explores alternative ways of teaching science concepts, helping to uncover
and overcome student misconceptions.
Reactions in Chemistry
Learn chemistry content, history, applications, and lessons with this video workshop for high school teachers.
Rediscovering Biology: Molecular to Global Perspectives
This video course explains recent advances in the field to teachers of high school biology.
Science First Hand
This video library for grade 7-9 science teachers shows the process of teaching physical science through hands-on
Science IMAGES
This video library for grade 1-8 teachers features eight teachers and their unscripted, inquiry-based science lessons as
they unfold over several days.
Science in Focus: Energy
This video workshop for K-6 teachers explores the scientific meaning of energy and examines the role it plays in motion,
machines, the body, and the universe.
Science in Focus: Force and Motion
Explore science concepts in force and motion and come away with a deeper understanding that will help you engage your
students in their own explorations, with this video workshop for K-8 teachers.
Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science
This video workshop for K-5 teachers uses light as a theme to explore topics in physics, chemistry, biology, space science,
and Earth science.
Unseen Life on Earth: An Introduction to Microbiology
Peer into the microbial world and learn the basic principles of microbiology with this comprehensive video instructional
series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.
The World of Chemistry
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners explores the foundations of
chemical structures and behavior through computer simulations, interviews, and highly reactive experiments.
Seasons of Life
This video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners examines the influence of our
biological, social, and psychological clocks through provocative insights drawn from current research in lifespan
Visualizing Growth: Changing the Way We Teach Science
This video series for K-6 teachers documents teacher partnerships with museum scientists and colleagues that introduce
inquiry-based science to students.
The Science of Teaching Science
This video workshop inspires new methods of teaching science for new and veteran K-8 science teachers.