BaSIC 2012 FMIPA kembali menyelenggarakan agenda


BaSIC 2012

FMIPA kembali menyelenggarakan agenda tahunannya, Basic Science International Conference

(BaSIC) 2012. Selama dua hari (24-25/2), acara di pusatkan di Hotel Aria Gajayana Malang.

Dengan dikoordinir Jurusan Matematika, tahun ini konferensi mengambil tema “Research

Innovation on Modelling, Simulation and Its Application”. Kegiatan ini diikuti 100 peserta dari delapan negara diantaranya Jepang, Malaysia, Belanda, Singapura dan Australia. “Melalui konferensi ini diharapkan akan terbangun jaringan yang bisa memperkuat inovasi dan pengembangan basic science

”, lapor Ketua Pelaksana Kegiatan, Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo,

PhD. BaSIC 2012 menurutnya bisa menjadi katalis untuk memacu penelitian dan pengembangan bidang basic science guna mendukung kolaborasi antara akademisi dan praktisi.

Lebih dari 100 makalah presentasi dan poster terkumpul dalam kesempatan tersebut yang terbagi dalam klaster biologi, fisika, kimia, matematika, statistika, dan ilmu komputer. Empat orang keynote speaker yang hadir adalah Prof. E.W.C. Van Groesen (“Effect of a Possible Anak

Krakatau Explosion in the Jakarta Bay”), Prof. Dr. Ariando (“Tailoring Multifunctional

Materials at Atomic Scale”), Acep Purqon, PhD (“Self-Assembly Fluctuation Modes and

Synchronization Patters in Bionanoclusters”) serta Dr. Takeshi Igawa (“A Case Study of

Conservation Genetics for Endangered Species in Japan: Population Structures and Its Causal

Landscapes of Two Endangered Frog Species of Genus Odorrana”).

Dalam paparannya, Groesen berencana membuat tanggul di Teluk Jakarta untuk mengatasi permasalahan perairan di kawasan ibukota yang sangat kompleks. Perencanaan ini juga dengan memperhitungkan kemungkinan tsunami yang disebabkan meletusnya Gunung Anak Krakatau di masa mendatang. Sebagai bahan simulasi, tim Groesen menggunakan data kasar gelombang tsunami letusan Gunung Krakatau yang terjadi pada 1883. Untuk menimbulkan skenario efek gelombang yang serupa dengan tsunami 1883, pihaknya menggunakan phreato-magmatic explosion model yang relatif mudah. Sementara simulasinya digunakan implementasi elemen terbatas berbasis Linear Variational Boussinesq Model.

Pembicara lainnya, Setyawan P. Sakti, dalam paparannya menyampaikan tentang “Low Cost

Immunosensor for Quantitative Detection”. “Pemanfaatan biosensor untuk deteksi biomolekuler telah banyak dimanfaatkan”, kata dia. Transducer berbasis elektrik, optik, panas dan mekanik menurutnya telah mutakhir digunakan untuk mendeteksi sejumlah target molekul baik berfase gas maupun cairan. Biosensor QCM untuk pendeteksian kuantitatif biomolekul tertentu yang dikembangkannya difokuskan pada sistem flow injection

. “Kami berhasil mengembangkan immunosensor menggunakan transducer QCM untuk mendeteksi biomolekul dengan biaya rendah”, katanya. Masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam penelitian ini adalah penekanan harga pada design sensor dan sistem. Pasalnya, pengembangan sistem immunosensor terdiri atas sistem elektronik, transducer, biosensitive layer, serta pembuatan immobilisasi dan sel reaksi. [nok]

BaSIC 2012

Again, FMIPA held its annual agenda, The Basic Science International Conference (BaSIC)

2012. For two days (24-25/2), the event was hosted in Hotel Aria Gajayana Malang. Coordinated by Department of Mathematics, this year's conference theme is "Innovation Research on

Modelling, Simulation and Its Application". This event was attended by 100 participants from eight countries including Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Singapore and Australia. "Through this conference, it is expected to built networks that can strengthen the innovation and development of basic science," reported the Chief of Executive, Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo, PhD. BaSIC 2012, according to him, could be the catalyst to spur research and development of basic science to support collaboration between academics and practitioners.

More than 100 papers and poster presentations were collected in that event which was divided into clusters of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Four keynote speakers who presented were Prof. E.W.C. Van Groesen ("Effect of a Possible

Explosion of Anak Krakatau in Jakarta Bay"), Prof. Dr. Ariando ("Tailoring Multifunctional

Materials at Atomic Scale"), Acep Purqon, PhD ("Self-Assembly Fluctuation Modes and

Synchronization Patters in Bionanoclusters"), and Dr. Takeshi Igawa ("A Case Study of

Conservation Genetics for Endangered Species in Japan: Population Structures and Its Causal

Landscapes of Two Endangered Frog Species of Genus Odorrana ").

In his presentation, Groesen had a plan to create a dike in the Bay of Jakarta to address water issues in the capital region which was very complex. This planning was also taking into account the possibility of a tsunami that caused the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau in the future. For the simulation of materials, the team used the data coarse Groesen eruption of Krakatoa tsunami waves that occurred in 1883. To create a scenario similar to the effects of tsunami waves in

1883, it used a phreato-magmatic explosion models which were relatively easy. While the implementation of finite element simulations was used based on Linear Variational Boussinesq


Other speakers, Setyawan P. Sakti, in his presentation delivered about "Low Cost immunosensor for Quantitative Detection". "The use of biosensors for biomolecular detection that has been widely exploited," he said. Transducer-based electrical, optical, thermal and mechanical cuttingedge he has been used to detect a number of target molecules either gas or liquid-phase. QCM biosensor for quantitative detection of specific biomolecules that are focused on the development of flow injection system. "We successfully developed a QCM immunosensor using a transducer to detect biomolecules at low cost", he said. The main problem encountered in this study is its emphasis on the price of sensor and system design. Because the development of immunosensor system consists of an electronic system, transducer, biosensitive layer, and the making of immobilization and reaction cell. [nok] transtated by: A. Wicaksono
