Progress/Report Card Comments January 2006 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 has good participation and effort in class. is doing a nice job - keep up the good work! is highly motivated. using a modified curriculum/materials. should keep up the hard work in all areas. shows improvement. assumes responsibility. is prepared and has good class participation. does not turn in required work. works well in class. is a pleasure to have in class. is a cooperative student. has a pleasant attitude. is passing satisfactorily. is doing a great job! is an excellent student. is self-directed. shows leadership. has lab work complete and up-to-date. is working hard. has good aural comprehension. has sufficient oral use of second language in class. is an outstanding writer. is promoted on the basis of the final grade. has been denied credit for class due to absences. is academically strong but inattentive during class. mark reflects supportive grading. should participate more in class. has a number of absences. needs to settle down in class and work. displays poor attitude; lacks desire to try activities. is frequently impolite and inconsiderate of others. is uncooperative in class. is often disruptive in class. is seldom prepared for class. received poor grades in recent weeks. is frequently late to class. grades are negatively affected by poor attitude. would do better in class if attendance improved. is irresponsible for work after absences. lacks motivation. needs to stop talking in class; socializes too much. shows lack of self-discipline. is often inattentive in class; needs to focus. has been spoken to for inappropriate language in class. is not working to his/her potential. needs to improve quiz grades. needs to proofread work. is borderline passing. is in danger of failing this course. needs to complete work on time. could improve grade w/ effort; has inconsistent effort. has inconsistent homework effort. does a nice job when work is in on time. is doing a nice job; concerned about amt. of absences. has missing assignment(s) which affect grade. needs to do homework regularly. has not made up back work. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 99 100 101 102 104 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 210 211 212 213 214 is very capable but needs to get work in on time. is doing a good job. Could participate more in class. needs to improve test scores/written work. is regularly unprepared for class; grade low. needs to improve study skills. needs to listen and follow directions. needs to study/prepare for tests or quizzes. has poor homework preparation and/or tests grades. has low notebook grade - 1/4 of chapter average. does not use advisement time wisely. has poor basic writing skills. needs to improve essays or tests. needs supporting evidence in written responses. needs to do corrections. is behind in class assignments. is poorly organized or has incomplete notebook/notes. needs to improve organization. has missed too many lessons. did not participate in the concert. has been unprepared two or more times. needs to attend make-up class. has not made up missed labs. has not completed lab work. Regents credit is at risk. is medically excused and is taking adaptive PE. does not have enough grades collected yet; new student. this grade is based on five (5) weeks work. has an incomplete due to illness. incomplete-student has 2 weeks to complete assignments. has a note attached to report. needs to seek/stay after for extra help. is doing satisfactory job grade could improve w/effort. is consistent in doing homework. have a nice summer! is currently passing. uses well developed organized writing. has improved since last report card. responds well to constructive criticism. has good technical writing skills. has good creative writing skills. has good reading comprehension. seems to enjoy class. reads well orally. is off to a good start. Keep up the hard work. is off to a great start. Keep up the good work. written responses need more detail. has difficulty identifying parts of speech. needs to improve standard English. uses relevant information in essays. develops ideas clearly and fully. makes insightful connections in essays. maintains clear focus in essays. writes well but is inconsistent completing essays. needs to improve mechanics. lacks organization in essays. uses fluent and original language. uses sophisticated and engaging language. uses imprecise or basic vocabulary. varies sentence structure. Progress/Report Card Comments January 2006 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 327 328 329 330 332 333 403 406 407 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 600 601 602 603 604 uses basic sentence structure. needs to develop more sophisticated language skills. has good public speaking skills. needs to improve public speaking skills. needs to improve word recognition skills. needs to improve reading comprehension. has not turned in assigned articles. is currently failing this course at 35 weeks. is currently failing this course at 25 weeks. is currently failing this course at 15 weeks. is currently failing this 5 weeks. is in danger of failing this current quarter. should see teacher for extra credit work. has incomplete lab work. needs to review and study material covered in class. needs to do better next 5 weeks. often rushes through his/her work. was absent for test. exhibits no self-direction. needs to keep up-to-date on reading and be prepared. needs to improve note taking. needs to improve independent work in class. needs to read more regularly. does not utilize in-class writing time. needs to improve written work. needs to improve vocabulary. needs to improve revising/editing skills. needs to improve spelling. needs to practice language. needs to improve word attack skills. needs to practice regularly. needs to practice lesson material/band/music. has missed a performance. has an inadequate fitness level. sportsmanship needs to improve. lacks confidence in his/her ability. has an injury preventing class participation. needs to study for weekly spelling tests. needs to improve basic reading skills. must prepare for final exam. receives no credit; audited course. is dropped - failure to comply with course requirement. received lower grade - failure to comply with course. has an average grade between 95 -100. has an average grade between 90 - 94. has an average grade between 85 - 89. has an average grade between 80 - 84. has an average grade between 75 -79. has an average grade between 70 - 74. has an average grade between 65 - 69. has an average grade between 60 - 64. has an average grade lower than 59. has an average grade below 50. shows effort in using relevant information in essays. shows effort in including more details in written resp. shows effort in organizing essays. shows effort in having noun/verb agreement in writing. shows effort in using consistent voice in writing. 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 shows effort in varying sentence structure in writing. shows effort in using appropriate supporting details. shows effort in punctuating writing correctly. shows effort in spelling words correctly. shows effort in learning meaning of vocabulary words. shows effort in finding main ideas in reading. shows effort in sequencing events of a story. shows effort in using context clues in reading. shows effort in writing clear and concise sentences. shows effort in using accurate information. shows effort in clarifying answers. shows effort in writing answers in a more formal voice. shows effort in punctuating written work correctly. shows effort in spelling words correctly. shows effort in learning meaning of vocabulary words. shows effort in making inferences in reading. shows effort in finding main ideas in reading. shows effort in sequencing events of a story. shows effort in using context clues in reading. shows effort in learning to use word attack skills. shows effort in reading for information. shows effort in including more details. shows effort in using appropriate supporting details. shows effort in organizing essays. shows effort in varying sentence structure. shows effort in using consistent voice in writing. shows effort in having noun/verb agreement. shows effort in using relevant information in essays. shows effort in writing clear and concise sentences. shows effort in using accurate information to answer. shows effort in clarifying answers. making progress writing answers in more formal voice. asks questions when help is needed. uses time wisely. displays poor attitude lacks the desire to try activities. shows improvement since last report. 's effort has slacked off this quarter. should be proud of his/her effort as I am. many projects incomplete. needs to make better use of time. did not re-take unit test/quiz. has difficulty staying on task/is easily distracted. lab reports not completed on time. is missing 1-2 lab reports. is missing 3-4 lab reports. is missing more than 5 lab reports. regularly hands in late labs. needs to work on scientific writing skills. needs to improve graphing skills. needs to correct labs for regents credit. missing sketchbook assignments that effect grade. needs to use second language more in class. needs to improve second language vocabulary knowledge. needs to practice fifteen minutes every school day. needs to see me about making up missed lessons. is regularly unprepared for rehearsal. Progress/Report Card Comments January 2006 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 is a great musician. did not attend make-up lessons. didn't complete playing quizzes and/or practice charts. instrument needs repair. needs to get rid of gum during rehearsal. attends rehearsal but does not participate. needs to stop talking during rehearsal. has an average grade between 90 - 100 has an average grade between 80 - 89 has an average grade between 70 - 79 working toward computation competency. working toward problem solving competency. demonstrates computational skills at grade level. demonstrates problem solving competency. Uses time wisely to complete skills and assignments Poor attitude:lacks desire to complete assignments. practice addition, and subtraction facts. practice multiplication, and division facts. Needs to improve keying technique. Needs to improve keying technique - looks at fingers. Needs to improve keying technique-needs to use home row Needs to improve keying accuracy. Needs to improve keying speed. has not completed all outside points. has 2 or more late assignments. is missing outside points; classwork is fine. is missing outside points and class work. did a great job. did a good job. did a satisfactory job. did an adequate job. did not complete all assignments. could have done better with a little more effort. Revised 12/21/2005