Appendix I-2. Appendix I-2.1. Aerospace Engineering Course Syllabi ...................... I-2 Page 2 Appendix I-2.2. Engineering Fundamentals Course Syllabi ............. I-2 Page 44 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Appendix I-2.1. Aerospace Engineering Course Syllabi Appendix I-2 Page I-2.2 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM-100 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-100. Introduction to Aerospace Engineering. 1 cr. Introduction to college staff and organizations. Small group work, including ethics, the coop program, and a team project in creative problem solving None. Creative Problem Solving: Thinking Skills for a Changing World, E. Lumsdane and M. Lumsdane, McGraw-Hill, 1995 None. Paul Orkwis, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 478 ERC, 556-3366, 1. Understand the mission of the AsE & EM Department and College of Engineering, the services they offer, and the location of all Departmental, College and University facilities. 2. Study skills and time management necessary for success in engineering, mathematics, and basic sciences. 3. Recognize how freshman year basic science courses form the basis of later engineering fundamentals courses and departmental courses. This is achieved through an introduction to aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, dynamics and controls, and space systems 4. Learn about the nature of co-op jobs and co-op employment. 5. Describe engineering practice and the work involved in the profession; develop a sense of ethical behavior as applied to engineering practice. [f] 6. Fabricate a rectangular wing and subsequently test it in wind tunnel [i, j, k] 7. Prepare overall project report [g] Aerospace Curriculum, Faculty and Staff, time management, study skills, introduction to aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, and control and space systems, application of current courses, description of engineering practice, ethics, and co-op program. Engineering; General Education 3, 4, 5, and 6 An appreciation of an engineer’s professional and responsibilities [f] An ability to study effectively An ability to work on a team and communicate effectively [g] An ability to use wind tunnel for lift and drag measurements [k] Elementary ability to fabricate a composite wing [i, j] An ability to write a report of their findings [g] AEEM 110 Introduction to Aircraft Engineering Appendix I-2 ethical Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 Page I-2.3 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 20-AEEM-110. Introduction to Aircraft Engineering. 1 cr. History of Aviation. Topical case studies from trade/technical publications. Aeronautical terminology. Role of disciplines and their interrelations. Role and importance of basic sciences and mathematics. Design, fabricate, and test a flying wing. 20-AEEM-100 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering. Introduction to Flight, J.D.Anderson, McGraw Hill Aviation Week and Space Technology Shaaban Abdallah, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 721 Rhodes, 556-3321, 1. Recall the basic history and current issues in Aviation and the contribution of Aerospace Engineering [j] 2. Define basic aeronautical terminology and describe the particular subsystems 3. Define the basic disciplines inherent in aerospace engineering and their interconnectivity [j] 4. Recognize how freshman year basic science courses form the basis of later engineering fundamental and departmental courses 5. Utilitze MATLAB to solve simple problems [k] 6. Design, fabricate, and test a radio-controlled ZAGI™ wing, [c] 7. Write a short report for the ZAGI™ wing. [g] History of aviation, the role of technical societies, topical case studies from current trade/technical periodicals to explore: aeronautical terminology and subsystems, aerospace disciplinary roles, interdisciplinary cooperation. CompuFoil™ for wing design; MATLAB Engineering; General Education; Design Experience 3, 4, 5, and 6 An ability to design, fabricate, and test a wing [c, k] An ability to work with a team and communicate effectively [g] A knowledge of contemporary and historical issues [j] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.4 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 111 Introduction to Spacecraft Engineering JUNE 2004 Date prepared: April 21, 2004 Catalog data: 20-AEEM-111. Introduction to Spacecraft Engineering. 1 cr. Development of the fundamental concepts of spaceflight mechanics. Applications to Earth orbiting spacecraft. Prerequisites: 20-AEEM-100 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering. (Recommended) Understanding Space: An Introduction to Aeronautics, J.J. Sellers, McGraw-Hill Space Technology Series, 2004 (revised 2nd ed.) None. Trevor Williams, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 735 Rhodes, 556-3221, 1. Basic Orbital Mechanics Newton’s laws, inverse square law of gravitation, Kepler’s laws [a] Two-body problem; orbital period as a function of orbit geometry; orbital elements [a] Conservation of energy; speed vs. altitude; Kepler’s equation [a] Sensitivity of orbit to initial velocity errors; practical implications for orbit insertion [a] Relative orbital motion: rendezvous/docking missions [a] Introduction to in-plane and out-of-plane maneuvers; launch windows [a] Satellite ToolKit (STK) exercise: orbital ground tracks and Earth coverage. [k, g] 2. Fundamentals of Spacecraft Engineering Practical satellite roles: e.g. Earth observation, communications, astronomy, navigation [h, j] The space environment: vacuum; microgravity; thermal extremes; radiation [a] Implications of space environmental effects on spacecraft design and implications of launch loads on spacecraft structural design [c] Introduction to spacecraft hardware for attitude control (e.g. wheels, magtorquers, thrusters, gyros, GPS) [e] Introduction to spacecraft power generation hardware (e.g. solar cells, fuel cells, batteries, RTGs) [e] Spacecraft design trade-offs: e.g. communications power vs. antenna gain and pointing; orbital architecture [c] Spacecraft design case studies: Apollo mode decision, Mars landers, Hubble [c, j] 3. Hands-on project Construction of CricketSats (small sensor package analogous to those in small spacecraft) in teams of five students each [b, c, d] Functional testing and calibration of CricketSats [b, d] Drop-testing of protected CricketSats (analogous to airbag touchdown of Mars landers) [c, d] The three main topics covered by this course are: basic orbital mechanics (including use of Satellite ToolKit orbital analysis software), fundamentals of spacecraft engineering, and a hands-on project. Specifically this will include Newton’s Laws, Kepler’s Laws, the environment of space, two-body motion, orbital motion period, speed, distance, and position, Kepler’s equation, Hohmann transfers, the rocket equation, & the rendezvous equations. Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Appendix I-2 Page I-2.5 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Computer usage: Satellite ToolKit Professional Experience: Mathematics; Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1 through 6 ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Will have a basic understanding of orbital mechanics [a] Will have a basic understanding of spacecraft engineering principles [a, c] Will have experience building & calibrating an electronic circuit [b] Will have experience working in teams on a hands-on design project [c, d, k] Will have elementary skills in STK orbits analysis package [k] Will have the ability to write a report presenting their design [g] Will have an understanding of the uses and impact of spacecraft in society [h, j] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.6 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 211 Basic Integrated Engineering Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-211. Basic Integrated Engineering. 3 cr. Elementary design concepts, team problem solving, optimization of fundamental engineering problems, and oral and written communication skills 20-ENFD-111 Computer Language; 20-ENFD-101 Mechanics I; 15-MATH253 Calculus III; 15-PHYS-201 Physics I None. Applied Optimal Design, Haug, E.J. and Arora, J.S., Wiley, NY The Engineering Design Process, Ertas, E. and Jones, J.C., Wiley, NY Paul Orkwis, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 478 ERC, 556-3366, 1. Describe the relationship between general design theory principles, the Hermann four-quadrant brain model, creative problem solving mindsets and concurrent engineering [h, k] 2. Solve practical engineering problems with non-unique solutions using calculus, physics, statics and a computer language [a, b, c, e, i, j] 3. Work in a team to solve problems [d, f] 4. Write technical reports [g] 5. Deliver oral presentations [g] 6. Apply elementary optimization methods to perform trade-off studies for a simple design governed by statics. Creative problem solving techniques, brainstorming, brain models, general theory of design, concurrent engineering, technical writing, oral presentation, optimization, cost functions, constraints. Mathematics; Engineering; General Education; Design Experience 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Know how to apply the knowledge of calculus, computer science, physics, and mechanics to solve engineering problems [a, b, f, h, i, j, k] Be able to design a simple system and optimize it [c, e, g, i, j] Be able to work in a team environment [d, g] Be able to present the design in the form of an oral presentation and written report [g] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.7 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 212 Probabilistic Engineering Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional JUNE 2004 Date prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-212. Probabilistic Engineering. 3 cr. Probability and statistics for design and reliability, design case studies, and continuation of engineering design experience from Basic Integrated Engineering 20-AEEM-211 Basic Integrated Engineering; 15-MATH-254 Calculus IV Statistical Method for Engineers, G.G. Vining, Duxbury, 1998 Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, J. Devore & N. Farnum, Duxbury, 1998 Bruce K. Walker, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 745B Baldwin, 556-3552, 1. Construct and interpret representations of random data including histograms, relative frequency tables, and box plots [b] 2. Compute mean, median, variance, standard deviation and quartiles from random data [a, b] 3. Conduct a lab experiment and evaluate the data for variables [b] 4. Construct probabilities of composite events from independent and elementary events [a, b] 5. Use and interpret probability mass functions and probability density functions, including calculation of mean and variance [a, b] 6. Use the standard normal distribution to compute probabilities for ranges of values and for constructing confidence intervals [a, b] 7. Compute and interpret correlation coefficients for jointly distributed random variables [a, b] 8. Calculate statistics of linear combinations of random quantities, as used in meeting tolerance specifications [a, e, k] 9. Construct and interpret simple control charts (mean chart and range chart) for statistical process control and process capability analysis [e, k] 10. Analyze the reliability of simple systems involving parallel and series subsystems, including computation of reliability and comparison of reliabilities using more or less reliable components [a, e, h, k] 11. Solve design problems involving quantities (strength, dimensions, etc.) that include random variations with variances given [c] 12. Appreciate the importance of six sigma concepts in manufacturing & design process [i, j, k] 13. Write technical reports [g] Data representation for random data. Sample statistics. Basic properties of probabilities. Events and event probabilities and independent and mutually exclusive events. Random variables and probability mass functions, probability density functions, and cumulative distribution functions. Expectation and mean and variance. Binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric, uniform, normal, exponential, & Weibull distributions. Jointly distributed random variables and correlation. Functions of random variables including linear combinations. Tolerances. Error and variation of computed sample statistics. Control charts and process capability. Reliability. Mathematics; Engineering; General Education; Design Experience Appendix I-2 Page I-2.8 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Experience: AEEM Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Know how to apply statistical tools to interpret large amounts of random data from homework and projects [a] Be able to conduct an experiment and analyze & interpret the data for variability [b] Be able to apply probabilistic concepts to simple design problems [c] Be able to design components to meet tolerance specifications [e] Be able to write a technical report [g] Be able to improve quality and reliability of product [h] Be able to appreciate the need for continuous improvement of products using six sigma concepts [i] Be able to appreciate the role of six sigma practices in a global competitive environment [j] Be able to apply modern probabilistic engineering skills [k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.9 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 313 Modeling & Simulation of Physical Systems Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-313. Modeling & Simulation of Physical Systems. 3 cr. Modeling of physical systems, actuators, and sensors. Transient response, design of physical systems to meet constraints. Introduction to computer simulation and virtual laboratory. 20-ENFD-111 Computer Language; 20-ENFD-102 Mechanics II; 15-MATH273 Differential Equations; 15-PHYS-203 Physics III Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems, R.L. Woods and K.L. Lawrence, Prentice-Hall, 1997 None. Bruce K. Walker, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 745B Baldwin, 556-3552, 1. Set up the differential equations governing a physical system [a, e] 2. Model a given system using state space methods [a, e] 3. Simulate the response of a system using SimuLINK [b, j, k] 4. Model and simulate a linear mechanical system [a, b, e] 5. Model and simulate an electrical system based on Kirchoff’s Laws [a, b, e] 6. Model and simulate a fluid system (viscosity, Reynolds number effects, capacitance) [a, b, e] 7. Model and simulate a thermal system (convection, conduction, and radiation) [a, b, e] 8. Linearize a non-linear system model about a nominal condition [a] 9. Experience participation in a team design effort [d] 10. Present results in a technical report [c, g] Introduction to modeling and simulation; differential equation models; state space methods; Laplace transforms and the frequency domain (transfer function) approach; introduction to SimuLINK; modeling of mechanical systems; modeling of electrical systems; modeling of fluid systems; modeling of thermal systems; report preparation and presentation of results. SimuLINK Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Ability to apply mathematics, science, and engineering principles [a] Ability to design and conduct numerical experiments and analyze data [b] Ability to analyze and design a system [c] Ability to formulate engineering problems [e] Ability to write technical reports [g] Ability to use modern engineering tools and skills (SimuLINK) [j, k] Ability to work on a team design effort [d] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.10 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 329 Fundamentals of Engineering Measurements Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Prof. Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-329. Fundamentals of Engineering Measurements. 3 cr. Principles of modern computer-based engineering measurements, sensors, data acquisition systems, signal processing, data storage and display. 15-PHYS-201 - 203 Physics I, II, & III; 15-PHYS-211 - 213 Physics Laboratory I, II, & III Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, Alan S. Morris, Butterworth, 2001 B. Paton, Fundamentals of Digital Electronics, Nat. Instr. Corp., 1998; LabView Graphical Programming for Instrumentation, Nat. Instr. Corp., 1998; The Measurement, Instrumentations, and Sensors Handbook, CRC Press, 1999; class notes at Peter Nagy, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 731 Rhodes, 556-3353, 1. analyze and design simple digital networks for measurement control, data acquisition, and data evaluation purposes. [a, b, k] 2. understand the basic operation of analog sensors and signal conditioning methods. [a, k] 3. operate different types of virtual instrumentation such as digital oscilloscopes, signal analyzers, data loggers, function generators, multimeters, and general purpose input/output devices. [b, k] 4. design and build simple virtual instruments in LabView for measurement control, data acquisition, and data evaluation purposes. [b, c, e, k] 5. design simple experiments to measure fundamental engineering quantities and to interface different types of sensors to computers through either analog-todigital converters or serial/parallel interfaces. [b, c, e, k] 6. compare analytical predictions and experimental results and analyze their differences. [b] 7. present the results of laboratory measurements in formal laboratory reports. [g] Basic concepts of engineering measurements, fundamentals of digital electronics, computer-based instrumentation, data acquisition, computer-based signal processing, data evaluation, correlation estimation, error assessment, sensors,; active and passive transducers, examples of engineering measurements, displacement, velocity, acceleration measurements, force, weight, torque, time, frequency, phase, temperature. LabView Engineering; General Education; Design Experience 2, 3, 4, and 6 Combine mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles [a]. Design and conduct experiments [b, c] Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems [e]. Communicate through technical discussions and written reports [g]. Use modern engineering techniques, skills, and tools [k]. AEEM 342 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Appendix I-2 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 Page I-2.11 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 20-AEEM-342. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics. 3 cr. Principles of ideal fluids and aerodynamics: potential theory, flow of perfect fluids about 2-D bodies. Lift and pitching moment of an airfoil of infinite span. Panel method. 15-MATH-252 - 254 and 256 – 258 Calculus II, III, & IV; 15-PHYS-201 Physics I; 20-ENFD-383 Basic Fluid Mechanics. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 2nd edition, J.D. Anderson, McGraw-Hill, 1991 Foundation of Aerodynamics, Bases of Aerodynamic Design, 4th edition, Arnold M. Kuethe and Chuen-Yen Chow, John Wiley & Sons, 1986 Ephraim Gutmark, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Ohio Eminent Scholar, 799 Rhodes, 556-1227, 1. Understand basic concepts of fluid mechanics including: conservation equations, stream function, vorticity, strain, circulation, rotational flow, potential flow [a, e] 2. Apply Bernoulli’s equation to solve aerodynamic problems [a, e] 3. Use the superposition principle to solve potential flow problems [a, e] 4. Understand physics of lift generation [a, j] 5. Apply existing panel methods to calculate flow & forces on nonlifting & lifting bodies [k] 6. Project: design an airfoil for desired specifications. [c, g] Basic laws & concepts of fluid mechanics, aerodynamics & thermodynamics: shear stress, viscosity, ideal & real fluids, aerodynamic forces & moments, control volume. Review of vector algebra and integrals, & application in fluid dynamics. Stokes, divergence, & gradient theorems. Conservation equations: mass, momentum, energy. Integral & differential formulation. Pathlines and streamlines. Substantial derivative. Angular velocity, vorticity, strain, circulation. Potential & rotational flows. Stream & potential functions. Bernoulli’s equation and applications in incompressible flows. Superposition of elementary potential flows. Flows over bodies, cylinders, generation of lift. Kutta-Joukowski Theorem. General panel method solution for non-lifting bodies Lifting airfoils and circulation, thin airfoil theory. Kutta conditions. Vortex panel method for general lifting airfoils, symmetric and cambered. Comparison between theory and experiments. Stall. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Mathematics; Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, and 4 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.12 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Be able to apply mathematical, scientific, & engineering tools to homework, exams, & projects [a] Identify, formulate, & solve engrg problems in homework, exams, & projects [e] Be able to discuss contemporary issues e.g. high lift devices, micro-aircraft, high speed flight, maneuverability, etc. [j] Be able to apply modern engineering skills through homework & projects requiring the use of a computer to calculate an airfoil flow field [use of a panel code] & to graphically analyze the results [k] Be able to design an airfoil for maximum lift & desired pitch movement [c] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.13 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 352 Vibration Analysis Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-352. Vibration Analysis. 3 cr. Free and forced vibrations of systems with one and many degrees of freedom; introduction to continuous systems; computational techniques. 20-ENFD-103 Mechanics III; 20-MATH-273 Diff Equations; 20-MATH-276 Matrix Methods or equivalent Engineering Vibrations, 2nd ed., D. J. Inman, Prentice-Hall None. James Wade, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 734 Rhodes, 556-3556, 1. Set up the equations of motion for discrete parameter vibration systems. [a] 2. Identify spring and damping components for simple systems and use to determine the natural frequency of vibration and damping ratio. [a, e] 3. Use the energy method to determine the natural frequency of 1 dof systems. [a] 4. Calculate the initial condition response of 1 dof systems. Use complex variable representation of response and relate to real response. [a] 5. Solve the eqn of motion for 1 dof with damping & determine the different solutions associated with underdamped, critically damped & overdamped response [a] 6. Determine the frequency response of simple 1 & 2 dof systems under various forms of harmonic excitation. Identify and compute the resonance condition, beat phenomena, and vibration isolation. [a, e] 7. Set up the required convolution integrals and appropriate numerical solution methods, to compute the response of a system to arbitrary excitation. [a] 8. Use Fourier series to represent any periodic function as an infinite sum of harmonic functions. Apply to calculation of response of a vibration system to arbitrary periodic input. [a] 9. Use eigenvalue and eigenvector methods of matrix algebra to compute natural frequencies and mode shapes for multi degree of freedom systems. [a, e, k] 10. Obtain the decoupled modal equations using orthogonality of modes. [a, k] 11. Derive the partial differential eqns of motion for some simple continuous system models (string, beam, etc.). Determine natural frequencies and mode shapes as the eigenvalues & eigenfunctions of the associated Sturm-Liouville problem. [a, k] Harmonic motion, viscous damping, modeling and energy methods, stiffness, design considerations, stability, harmonic excitation of damped and undamped systems, base excitation and rotating unbalance, impulse response function and response to an arbitrary input, response to an arbitrary periodic input, multi DOF systems (damped and undamped), eigenvalues and natural frequencies, modal analysis (forced and unforced response), Lagrange’s equations, vibrations of strings, cables, rods and bars, bending vibrations of beams. Computer usage: Professional Experience: JUNE 2004 Mathematics; Engineering; General Education Appendix I-2 Page I-2.14 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEEM Program Objectives: 2 and 3 ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Apply mathematical, scientific, & engineering tools from homework and examinations [a] Identify, formulate, & solve engineering problems in homework & examinations [e] Apply modern engineering skills through homework & projects requiring the use of a computer [k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.15 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 360 Numerical Methods for Engineering Design Catalog data: Prerequisites: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-360. Numerical Methods for Engineering Design. 3 cr. Interpolation and approximation, numerical integration, solutions of equations, systems of equations. Solution of ordinary differential equations; computer design problems with application to Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. 15-MATH-251 - 254 (Calculus I through IV); 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 15-MATH-276 Matrix Methods; 20-ENFD-101, 102, 103 (Mechanics I, II, III) Textbook: Applied Numerical Analysis Using Matlab, L. V. Fausett References: Numerical Methods, R. Hornbeck, Quantum Press, 1975 Applied Numerical Methods, B. Carnahan, H. Luther, and J. Wilkes, Wiley, 1969. Coordinator: Prem Khosla, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 745C Baldwin, 556-3551, Course Objectives: The student will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Write a Lagrangian interpolation program for 1 & 2 dimensional data in MATLAB [a, k] Write a MATLAB program for numerical integration using Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rule, and Gauss Quadrature. [a, k] Write a MATLAB program for fixed point, secant, and Newton’s Method for finding roots/zeros of functions. [a, k] Solve simultaneous sets of linear algebraic equations using direct and iterative methods (Gauss elimination, Jacobi, SOR) using MATLAB [a, k] Solve simultaneous sets of non-linear equations using Newton’s Method [a, k] Compute finite difference representation of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th derivatives of given accuracy, using Taylor series. [a, k] Distinguish between a boundary value and an initial value problem and choose appropriate methods of solution [a] Write a MATLAB program solving a two-point boundary value problem [a, c, k] Write a MATLAB program integrating several ordinary 1 st order diff. equations [a, k] Appreciate the concepts of order of accuracy, errors, & stability & their role in advanced applications [i, j] Apply numerical methods to solve engineering problems: 2-D Lagrangian interpolation of data [b] Application of Newton’s method to Prandtl-Meyer function [a, e] Parametric analysis of length of a heat exchanger piping system [a, e] Design of beam with displacement and stress constraints [b, c, e] Maneuvering of an astronaut in outer space [b, c, e] Present results in the form of a technical report [g] Topics Covered: MATLAB, Lagrangian interpolation, numerical integration, Newton’s method, finitedifferences, and numerical solution of differential equations. Students perform application of numerical techniques for the analysis and design of engineering problems of interest to aerospace engineers. Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: MATLAB Mathematics; Engineering; General Education, Design Experience 2, 3, 4, and 6 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.16 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Apply computational tools to solve engineering problems from homework and projects [a, k] Convert mathematical descriptions of a problem into numerical for digital implementation [e, k] Apply computational techniques for open-ended problems and analyze numerical data [b, c] Written and oral communications skills through class projects and discussions [g] Employ state of the art computer tools and understand need to adapt; learn more for advanced sophisticated practical problems [i, k] Knowledge of techniques required for the solution of problems and an appreciation of importance of computers as a vital tool in industry [j] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.17 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 361 Integrated Aircraft Engineering Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-361. Integrated Aircraft Engineering. 3 cr. Students will learn aircraft, spacecraft, & propulsion system nomenclature. Students will develop an appreciation for aerospace vehicles & propulsion systems through case studies of or in response to previous preliminary design efforts, or via case studies from AIAA or aerospace contractors. Students will work in small groups on several aspects of a component or subsystem design of an aerospace vehicle or propulsion system component. 15-MATH-251 - 254 (Calculus I through IV); 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 20-ENFD-101, 102, 103 (Mechanics I, II, III) Notes from instructor Engineering Vibrations, 2nd ed., D.J. Inman, Prentice Hall Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, 3rd ed., T.H.G. Megson, Wiley James Wade, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 734 Rhodes, 556-3556, 1. Identify the flight envelope, with gust effects, and its relation to the design of an aerospace vehicle [a, j] 2. Relate the wing loading, due to various maneuvers, of the flight vehicle to the design points on the flight envelope and design structural elements [a, e] 3. Apply the flight loads and analyze open and closed sections for shear flow and boom stresses or loads (both continuous and area skin) [a, e] 4. Use energy methods to find loads & stresses in frames and bulkheads; use instructor-developed force-displacement equation for a 4 dof beam element, from applying Lagrange’s equation, to determine the first bending frequency of a wing [a, c, d, i] 5. Use a given wing layout, subjected to a wing loading, and design the wing with stringers and ribs for a specific point on the flight envelope as a group project [a, c, d] 6. Approximate the wing mass distribution & boundary conditions, & estimate the first bending frequency [a, h, k] 7. Explain & present problem solution as a team effort report and a report on previous AIAA case studies [b, c, d, f, g] The application of Castigliano’s first theorem to statically indeterminate structures, column buckling as applied to the design of rib spacing, loads on structural components, bending of open and closed sections, shear of open section beams, shear of closed section beams, torsion of closed and open section beams, structural idealization and its effect on the analysis of open and closed sections; semi-monocoque structures, tapered beams, fuselage frames & wing ribs, factors of safety: flight envelope, load factor determination, symmetric maneuver loads. Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.18 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering principles to problem solving [a] An ability to analyze and interpret data [b] An ability to design a wing rib stringer configuration based on specified loading [c] An ability to function in a team environment & communicate effectively [d, g] An ability to identify and solve engineering problems [e] An awareness of professional and ethical responsibility [f] A knowledge of contemporary issues [j] A recognition of the need to learn present-day advanced tools [i] An ability to certify the validity of computations for flying quality [h] An ability to use computational tools to obtain numerical results [k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.19 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 382 Aerospace Vehicle Performance Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-382. Aerospace Vehicle Performance 3 cr. Development of equations for vehicle motion. Performance of aircraft and rockets in the atmosphere and in space. 20-ENFD-102 Mechanics II; 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 20-AEEM342 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Fundamentals of Flight, 2nd ed., R.S. Shevell, Prentice Hall: 1989 Space Mission Analysis & Design, 3rd ed., J.R. Wertz and W. Larson, Microcosm Press: 1999 None James Wade, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 734 Rhodes, 556-3556, 1. Compute orbit trajectories and compute velocity requirements to reach specific orbits [a, e] 2. Determine V for a rocket, and determine rocket performance requirements to reach a specific orbit, including possible rocket staging [a, e] 3. Estimate lift and drag characteristics for subsonic aircraft [a] 4. Formulate and solve quasi-steady performance problems using simple analytical models [a] 5. Use the computer to generate algorithms and code to solve more complex performance problems using numerical models [k] 6. Do preliminary wing and propulsion system sizing of a vehicle to meet specific mission requirements [c, j] 7. Communicate solutions of engineering problems in written and oral presentations [g] Equations of motion for vehicles in and outside the atmosphere. Elementary astronautics. Solution of rocket equations. Preliminary design of space missions. Review of wing aerodynamics. Elementary airbreathing propulsion system performance. Performance calculation for air vehicles and preliminary sizing to meet mission specifications. MATLAB Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience 1, 2, 3, and 6 Ability to apply math and engineering principles to solve orbit and aircraft performance problems [a, e] Ability to do preliminary design of an aircraft configuration to meet realistic performance specifications [c, j, k] Ability to communicate in written and oral presentations [g] Ability to use computer codes (MATLAB) to solve problems [k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.20 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 403 Fundamentals of Control Theory Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-403. Fundamentals of Control Theory 3 cr. Fundamentals of feedback control system modeling, transfer functions, root locus and frequency response methods. 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 20-AEEM-313 Modeling & Simulation of Physical Systems Feedback Control Systems, 4th ed., C.L. Phillips & R.D. Harbor, Prentice Hall, 2000 None Bruce Walker, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 745B Baldwin, 556-3552, 1. Construct dynamic models (circuits, mechanical motion, etc.) of systems and determine transfer functions [a] 2. Draw block diagrams and/or signal flow graphs of physical systems [a, e] 3. Relate transient time response characteristics to Laplace transform poles and zeros [a] 4. Evaluate closed loop control system characteristics (stability, sensitivity, steady state error, etc.) [a] 5. Design and analyze performance of control systems using the root locus method [a, c, k] 6. Use frequency response methods to analyze stability and to design a control system to meet closed loop specifications using PID and lead/lag compensation [e, k] Review of dynamic models, Laplace transforms and transfer functions. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs and their reduction. Open loop and closed loop transfer functions. Time response specifications and stability and their relationship to pole and zero locations. Sensitivity and steady state error. Root locus analysis and design. Basics of frequency response and Bode plots. Compensator design using frequency response methods. Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience Ability to construct dynamic models and models of feedback systems [a] Ability to relate pole-zero configuration to transient and steady state response [a, e] Ability to design a control system to meet performance specs using appropriate computer tools [a, c, k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.21 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 430 Matrix Structural Analysis Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-430. Matrix Structural Analysis 3 cr. Computer oriented methods for solving determinate and indeterminate structures with emphasis on trusses, frames, and beams; extensive static analysis using the force-displacement method; dynamic response of bar and beam elements using lumped and consistent mass matrices. 20-ENFD-375 Basic Strength of Materials or equivalent; 20-AEEM-352 Vibration Analysis. Matrix Structural Analysis, W. McGuire, H.H. Gallagher& R.D. Zieman, 2nd ed., Wiley & Sons. None Ala Tabiei, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 722 Rhodes, 556-3367, 1. Develop the Force Displacement Equation: 1) for the axial force member (locally & globally); 2) for the frame (beam) element (locally & globally); 3) use these elements in the set up of multi-degree of freedom structural configurations; 4) apply boundary conditions, invert the reduced stiffness matrix, and obtain the nodal replacements; 5) calculate axial loads, shear forces, and bending moments [a, b] 2. Use the direct stiffness method and develop the global force displacement equations for structural trusses that have been synthesized from bar elements. [a, b, h, k] 3. Apply boundary conditions to the global force-displacement equation, partition, reduce, and condense the stiffness matrix in obtaining the nodal displacements, then using these displacements to find the element (bar) forces. [a, e] 4. Know the role of work and energy in the development of the stiffness matrix, and the importance of Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem for linearly elastic structures. [a] 5. Use the equilibrium matrix to develop the complete stiffness matrix from a given flexibility matrix. [a] 6. Calculate the entries, using equilibrium methods, for the 12 dof frame element for the local coordinate system, transform the element to a global coordinate system, and use the element in the structural analysis of a built-up frame structure. [a, b, e, h, j, k] 7. Resolve the given loads on a frame element into the appropriate loads at the nodal points. [a] 8. Dynamic response of bar and beam elements using lumped and consistent mass matrices [a, k] Degree of freedom; detailed development of the stiffness matrix for the axial force member and the frame element; equilibrium of internal forces with external nodal forces in the development of the algebraic equations for the Direct Stiffness Method; inversion of the reduced stiffness matrix to obtain the flexibility matrix, determinate and indeterminate structures, and work and energy; Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem for Hookean structures; reconstruction of the complete stiffness matrix from the flexibility matrix and the equilibrium matrix; 12 dof beam element; reduction of distributed and contracted and concentrated loads to nodal point loads. Appendix I-2 Page I-2.22 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Computer usage: Professional Experience: Mathematics; Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 ABET Criteria Addressed: Ability to integrate the knowledge of theory with mathematical and engineering analysis [a] Ability to analyze the numerical results for possible errors and engineering accuracy [b] Ability to formulate the problems in the form of stiffness matrices [e] Emphasis on computer solutions for large assembled systems [h] Ability to use modern computational tools [k] Ability to identify contemporary issues and practices in engineering problem solving [j] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.23 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 438 Mechanics of Solids Laboratory Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-438. Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 3 cr. Experimental stress analysis. Strain gauge rosettes. Static and dynamic measurements. Stability 20-ENFD-375 Basic Strength of Materials; 20-AEEM-329 Engineering Measurements F. P. Beer & E. R. Johnston, Jr., Mechanics of Materials, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1992. “MIL-HDBK-5, Metallic Materials & Elements for Flight Vehicle Structures,” U. S. Government, 1966; class notes at Peter Nagy, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 731 Rhodes, 556-3353 8. Analyze the state of deformation of simple structures under combined loading conditions and design appropriate strain gauge rosettes for their experimental investigation [a, b] 9. Use computer-based instrumentation to analyze structural deformations under different loading conditions [b, k] 10. Use digital signal processing techniques to reduce experimental uncertainties and to evaluate the measured data [b, e] 11. Analyze and evaluate the repeatability, reproducibility, and accuracy of structural measurements [b] 12. Understand material behavior under elastic & plastic loading conditions [a] 13. Understand reciprocity concepts and their application in structural measurements [a] 14. Compare analytical predictions and experimental results and analyze their differences [b, k] 15. Present the results of laboratory measurements in formal laboratory reports [g] Computer-based instrumentation, strain gauge rosettes and bridges, strain transformation, tensile machine, displacement and strain measurements in beams and plates, torque transducers, moment transducers, combined stress and strain, dynamic deformations, Maxwell's Reciprocity Theorem, uniaxial tension, plastic yield, beam columns, buckling. Engineering; General Education 2, 3, 4, and 6 An ability to combine mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles [a] An ability to design and conduct experiments [b] An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems [e] An ability to communicate through technical discussions and written reports [g] An ability to use modern engineering techniques, skills, and tools [k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.24 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 445 Gas Dynamics Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-445. Gas Dynamics 4 cr. Equations of one and two-dimensional gas motion. Speed of sound, normal and oblique shock waves, expansion wave theory. Applications are presented for diffusers and nozzles, wind tunnel design, jet exhausts, and airfoils. 15-MATH-254 Calculus IV, 15-MATH-276 Differential Equations, 20-ENFD382 Basic Thermodynamics, 15-ENFD-383 Basic Fluid Mechanics; 20-AEEM342 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 2nd ed., John D. Anderson: McGraw-Hill, 1991 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 5th ed., Fox and MacDonald: Wiley & Sons, 1998. Gas Dynamics, 2nd ed., James E. A. John, Allyn & Bacon Publishers, 1984 Karman Ghia, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 681 Rhodes, 556-3243 8. Understand the concept of Conservation Equations in integral form for a Control Volume [a] 9. Develop proficiency in manipulating the isentropic flow relations for a perfect gas Determine the expression for the speed of sound for a perfect gas [a] 10. Explain the concepts of zone of silence and zone of action for supersonic flows [a] 11. Determine the flow properties inside a converging-diverging nozzle for [e] isentropic conditions; flows with normal shock; flows with oblique shocks and Prandtl-Meyer waves 12. Design a high speed wind tunnel, taking into account factors such as compressor pumping time, model size and balance, and present results as a technical report [b, c, f, g, h, i, j, k] 13. Compute lift and drag using shock expansion theory for airfoils [a, e, k] 14. Compute the flow-field variables in jets exhausting in quiescent air [a, e, k] 15. Sketch the Fanno and Raleigh line T-S diagrams and compute the associated flow variables [e] Basic equations of mass, momentum, and energy from control volume concepts; Wave propagation and the speed of sound; One-dimensional isentropic flow and/or normal shock waves; Application to converging-diverging nozzles and diffusers, and wind tunnels; Oblique shock waves and Prandtl-Meyer flow in nozzles and diffusers; Application to under and over expanded jets and airfoils; Friction and heat addition for subsonic flows in constant area ducts; Design of supersonic inlet or nozzle using shock-expansion theory; Design of supersonic nozzle in presence of friction and heat addition. Design of supersonic inlet or nozzle using shock-expansion theory; design of supersonic nozzle in presence of friction and heat addition. Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 ABET Criteria Addressed: Know how to apply mathematical, scientific, and engineering analyses tools Appendix I-2 Page I-2.25 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 appropriate to gas dynamics [a] Be able to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems related to gas dynamics in homework, project, and examinations [e] Calculate lift and drag on supersonic airfoils, determine flow fields in the wake of under and over expanded nozzles, etc. [a, e, k] Utilize modern engineering skills in the homework and project requiring the use of computer software in the detailed computation of an optimum nozzle configuration, wind-tunnel design, etc. [b, c, f, g, h, i, j, k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.26 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 452 Flight Mechanics Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-452. Flight Mechanics 3 cr. Equations of motion of aircraft. Longitudinal and lateral dynamics. Automatic control of aircraft 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations, 20-ENFD-103 Mechanics III; 20AEEM-313 Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems Flight Stability and Automatic Control, 2nd ed., R. Nelson, McGraw-Hill, 1998 None. Gary Slater, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 733 Rhodes, 556-3221 1. Identify the Euler angle set used to describe the rotational motion of a rigid aircraft or spacecraft. [a] 2. Derive and linearize the aircraft equations of motion for arbitrary reference flight conditions. [a] 3. Determine appropriate linear stability derivatives for aircraft motion using reference material and basic aerodynamic theory, in dimensional and nondimensional form. [a, e, j] 4. Identify the difference in “stick-fixed” and “stick-free” stability properties of aircraft and estimate hinge moments and stick forces. [e] 5. Solve numerically for the modes of motion, and identify the modes of motion from the mode shapes and eigenvectors of the linearized dynamics model. [a, k] 6. Utilize reduced order models to compute approximate modes of motion. [a, k] 7. Design control surfaces and size the horizontal and vertical tails to give required stability and control characteristics and relate these characteristics to the “handling qualities” of aircraft. [c, e] 8. Apply simple feedback theory to demonstrate how a stability augmentation system works. [a] Flight mechanics terminology and reference systems. Six degree of freedom equations of motion for rigid vehicles operating in the atmosphere or in space. Linearization of equations about a reference condition, and analysis of motion. Determination of dimensionless and dimensional aerodynamic derivatives and relationship to aircraft geometry. Application of stability and control design criteria to meet aircraft handling qualities criteria. Computer usage: Prof. Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience 1 and 2 Ability to derive and linearize aircraft equations of motion [a] Ability to estimate stability derivatives from basic theory and reference data [a, e, j] Ability to compute linearized modes and mode shapes [a, k] Ability to design stability and control surfaces to meet required “handling qualities” [c] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.27 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 456 Applied Aerodynamics Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: AEEM Program JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-456. Applied Aerodynamics 3 cr. Theory and application of a vortex lattice code, introduction to the concept of a viscous flow, presentation of the Navier Stokes and boundary layer equations, theory and application of 2D boundary layer code, introduction to turbulence modeling and application for boundary layers 20-ENFD-383 Basic Fluid Mech.; 20-AEEM-342 Fnd of Aerodyn.; 20-AEEM445 Gas Dyn.; 20-AEEM-360 Num. Meth. Eng. Des. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 2nd ed., John D. Anderson, McGraw-Hill: 1991 Fluid Dynamic Drag: Practical Information on Aerodynamic Drag and Hydrodynamic Resistance, Sighard F. Hoerner, Hoerner Fluid Dynamics, 1965 (ISBN 9991194444) XFOIL 6.9 User Guide, Mark Drela and Harold Youngren, PDF file available at Foundations of Aerodynamics: Bases of Aerodynamic Design, 4th ed., Arnold M. Kuethe and Chuen-Yen Chow, John Wiley & Sons: 1986 (ISBN 0471806943) Paul Orkwis, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 478 ERC, 556-3366 1. Calculate the lift, drag, and moment on any given 2D airfoil including boundary layer effects using X-Foil [a, c, d, e, g, i, j, k] 2. Know the nomenclature for the NACA airfoil series [a] 3. Be able to understand the basic concepts of finite wing theory: downwash; induced drag; elliptical lift distribution; classic lifting line theory [a] 4. Assess the performance characteristics of a wing using Prandtl’s lifting line and a given vortex lattice code [a, b, d, e, g, k] 5. Estimate the drag on any given 3D wing including end effects [a, e, k] 6. Apply the concept of Area Ruling over all flow regimes [a] 7. Apply boundary layer concepts & understand when appropriate to apply [a] 8. Define important aerodynamic quantities such as Reynolds number, Mach number, boundary layer thickness, angle of attack, sweep, dihedral, downwash, & aspect ratio [a] Navier-Stokes and boundary layer equations, integral boundary layer methods, Reynolds number, Mach number, boundary layer thickness, angle of attack, sweep, dihedral, downwash, and aspect ratio Application of XFOIL (a coupled panel and integral boundary layer method) to get an appreciation for NACA series airfoil definitions, boundary layer concepts, integral boundary layer methods, effects of Reynolds number and laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow Finite wing theory, downwash and induced drag, classic lifting line theory and elliptical lift distribution X-Foil Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.28 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: Ability to apply knowledge of modern aerodynamic analysis [a, e, j, k] Ability to interpret lift and drag data [b, e, j, k] Ability to design an airfoil [c, e, i, j, k] Ability to present results in technical reports [g] Ability to work in a team environment [d] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.29 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 462 Integrated Spacecraft Engineering Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-462. Integrated Spacecraft Engineering 3 cr. Application of fundamentals earned in previous courses to the design and construction of a simple device or system, to meet specified design objectives. Formal documentation/presentation of results. One class hour/wk for introduction, discussion of approaches, problems and progress reports. Two hours/wk design and/or fabrication in lab. Students spend time normally devoted to homework with design and construction. The formation of the groups and definition of projects will consider the senior options students wish to take. 15-MATH-251 - 254 (Calculus I through IV); 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 20-ENFD-101, 102, 103 (Mechanics I, II, III), 20-AEEM-111 Intro to Spacecraft Eng Space Mission Analysis and Design, J.R. Wertz and W.J. Larson, 3rd edition, Microcosm/Kluwer, 1999 None. Trevor Williams, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 735 Rhodes, 556-3221 1. Determine suitable orbits and required maneuvers, & simulate the resulting groundtracks [a, k] 2. Identify a suitable launch vehicle, & calculate the on-orbit propellant required for the mission [a, e] 3. Determine mass and power budgets for the spacecraft for the specified mission [c, j] 4. Produce a physical layout of the spacecraft [c, e] 5. Perform a preliminary design of an attitude control system (active, passive, or semi-active) [c, k] 6. Design a power system, sizing both solar arrays & batteries for the given mission [c,e,k] 7. Use link budget analysis to design a spacecraft uplink and downlink communication system [e, j] 8. Perform a preliminary spacecraft thermal analysis & design a suitable thermal control system [a, e, k] 9. Perform a preliminary spacecraft cost analysis [h, j] 10. Experience participation in a design team effort [d] 11. Make a professional presentation as a team to a panel of faculty members [g] Discussions of the design process and constraints and design tradeoffs; orbital maneuvers analysis; launch vehicle options; mass and power budget analysis; effects of the space environment on the spacecraft; attitude control hardware options; propulsion systems; energy budgets for batteries; communication system: data rates and link budgets; thermal analysis: effects of external properties vs. active thermal control; parametric cost analysis; intermediate report preparation and presentation of results. Satellite ToolKit Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience Appendix I-2 Page I-2.30 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 Know how to apply engineering, science and mathematical tools [a] Demonstrate the ability to design a spacecraft and its components and estimate its cost [c, e] Be able to work on assigned projects in teams [d] Be able to communicate results of projects in both oral and written reports [g] Be able to use existing orbital analysis packages and write computer programs to accomplish project objectives [k] Be able to perform a preliminary spacecraft cost analysis [h, j] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.31 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 474 Airbreathing Propulsion Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-474. Airbreathing Propulsion 3 cr. Aero-thermodynamic data: foundations of propulsion theory. Cycle thermodynamics. Turbomachinery. Aerodynamic design of compressors and turbines. 20-ENFD-382 Basic Thermodynamics; 20-ENFD-383 Basic Fluid Dynamics; 20-ENFD-385 Basic Heat Transfer; 20-AEEM-445 Gas Dynamics Gas Turbine Theory, H. Cohen, G.F.C. Rogers and H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo, Longman 2e Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, J. Mattingly, McGraw-Hill. Shaaban Abdallah, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 721 Rhodes, 556-3321 1. Define the principal definitions, concepts, cycles, and basic physical laws. [a, e, h] 2. Draw and label ideal and real, and carry out performance analysis for, airbreathing propulsion systems: [a, e, j] a. turbojet b. turbojet with afterburner c. turbofan engine d. turboprop engine e. turboshaft engine 3. Apply the energy principles in engine components: [a, e, j] a. axial and centrifugal compressors b. axial and radial gas turbines 4. Carry out component and engine performance analysis [e, j] a. intake pressure recovery b. nozzles c. compressor and turbine efficiencies d. matching of components (compressor and turbine) 5. Sketch a gas turbine combustor and explain the flow condition in its various zones [a, j] Fundamental propulsion system performance, equations, Brayton cycles, analysis of airbreathing engines (turbojet, turbofan, turboprop, and turboshaft), component performance and efficiencies. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Engineering; Design Experience AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, and 4 ABET Criteria Addressed: An ability to apply knowledge of thermodynamics, gas dynamics, and heat transfer to propulsion systems [a] Ability to identify the significant engine performance parameters and their role in engine selection for various applications [e] Recognize environmental constraints and their impact on engine selection [h, j] AEEM 502 and 512 Aircraft Design I & II Appendix I-2 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 Page I-2.32 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Catalog data: 20-AEEM-502/512. Aircraft Design I & II 4 cr. ea; 8 cr. total. Integrated vehicle system performance, mission/constraints. Aircraft design, analysis, trade studies, and optimization. Prerequisites: 20-AEEM-382 Aerospace Vehicle Performance; 20-AEEM-445 Gas Dynamics; 20AEEM-456 Applied Aerodynamics; 20-AEEM-452 Flight Mechanics Textbook: Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, Third Edition, Daniel P. Raymer, AIAA, New York, New York, 1999. References: Coordinator: Awatef Hamed, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 745E Baldwin, 556-3553 Course Objectives: The student will be able to 1. Topics Covered: Discussion of the RFP and design process, constraints and tradeoffs, aero-surface design, lift and drag estimates, aerodynamic loads, structural analysis, weight balance, flight performance, stability and controls analysis, sizing optimization and propulsion system selection. Computer usage: CompuFoil™ Engineering; Design Experience 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 Prof. Experience AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: Design and analyze an aircraft from needs and requirements given in an RFP [b, c, e] 2. Synthesize aircraft layout of all major components [e, j] 3. Define global and interface quantities required for the component design teams [g] 4. Design aero-surfaces and select airfoils, estimate aircraft’s lift, drag, moment characteristics [e] 5. Select and install propulsion system [e] 6. Calculate loads, layout and analyze structures, calculate weight and balance data [a, e, k] 7. Conduct stability and control analysis [a, e, k] 8. Analyze flight performance [a, e] 9. Accomplish sizing and performance trades and optimization [c, e, k] 10. Experience participation in a design team effort [d, g, i] 11. Make a professional presentation as a team to a panel of engineers from industry [g, h, i] 12. Prepare a well-documented team report of the design methodology and trade-off studies [d, g, h, i] Know how to apply engineering, science and mathematical tools [a] Know how to interpret specifications and performance data [b] Demonstrate the ability to design an aircraft and its components (wing, tail, etc.) [c, e] Be able to schedule various tasks involved in the design and trade-off studies among the team members [d] Be able to write progress reports and final report in an appropriate format and be able to make an oral presentation on the design [g] Be able to access resources outside the assigned text and interact with industry or government laboratory experts [i, j] Be able to use existing software packages effectively and write computer programs to accomplish the objectives [k] AEEM 515 and 517 Spacecraft Design I & II Catalog data: Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-515/517. Spacecraft Design I & II, 4 cr. ea, 8 cr. total. 515: Appendix I-2 Page I-2.33 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Prerequisites: Textbook: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Introduction to space mission analysis and the principles of spacecraft design, space mission lifecycle, mission constraints and objectives. Cost Estimation. 517: Concepts of space subsystem design. Formal design of a space mission and associated spacecraft. Report preparation and formal presentation. 20-AEEM-403 Fundamentals of Controls; 20-AEEM-462 Integrated Spacecraft Eng Space Mission Analysis and Design, J.R. Wertz and W.J. Larson, 3rd edition, Microcosm/Kluwer, 1999 References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Trevor Williams, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 735 Rhodes, 556-3221 1. Interpret the requirements given in a Request for Proposal (RFP) to determine suitable orbits and required maneuvers [a, h, j] 2. Determine mass and power budgets for the spacecraft for the specified mission [e] 3. Produce a physical layout of the spacecraft [e, h] 4. Perform a detailed design of an attitude control system [c, e] 5. Design a power system sizing both solar arrays & batteries for the given mission [c, k] 6. Use link budget analysis to design a spacecraft uplink and downlink communication system [c, k] 7. Perform a detailed spacecraft thermal analysis, and so design a suitable thermal control system [c, k] 8. Perform a parametric spacecraft cost analysis [e] 9. Experience participation in a design team effort [d, g, i] 10. Make a professional presentation as a team to a panel of faculty members [g, h, j] 11. Prepare a well-documented team report of the design methodology and trade-off studies [d, g, h, i] 12. Access outside resources to complete knowledge required for the design [i] Discussions of the RFP; design process & constraints & tradeoffs; orbital maneuvers analysis; mass & power budget analysis; effects of space environment on spacecraft; attitude control hardware options; propulsion systems; energy budgets for batteries; communication system: data rates, link budgets; thermal analysis; effects of external properties vs. active thermal control; parametric cost analysis; report preparation & presentation of results. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Engineering; Design Experience AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.34 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Know how to apply engineering, science and mathematical tools [a] Know how to interpret specifications and performance data [b] Demonstrate the ability to design a spacecraft and its components [c, e] Be able to schedule various tasks involved in the design and trade-off studies between the team members [d] Be able to write progress reports and final reports in an appropriate format and be able to make an oral presentation on the design [g] Be able to access resources outside the assigned text and interact with industry or government laboratory experts [i, j] Be able to use existing software packages effectively and write computer programs to accomplish the objectives [k] Be able to develop cost-effective spacecraft designs that are useful to society [h] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.35 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 519 and 523 Engine Design I & II Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-519/523. Engine Design I & II 4 cr. ea & 8 cr. total. 519: Integrated propulsion/vehicle system performance, mission/constraints. Trade off studies design and off design cycle analysis and optimization. 523: Engine flow path and sizing. Intake, turbomachinery, combustor and exhaust system design. Report preparation and formal presentation 20-AEEM-382 Aerospace Vehicle Performance; 20-AEEM-445 Gas Dynamics; 20-AEEM-474 Airbreathing Propulsion Aircraft Engine Design, J.D. Mattingley, W.H. Heiser, and D.H. Daley, AIAA, New York, New York, 1987 References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Awatef Hamed, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 745E Baldwin, 556-3553 1. Construct an aircraft constraint diagram from RFP requirements [a, b, c, e, k] 2. Calculate the fuel required for a given mission using engine performance estimates [a, b, e, k] 3. Use an engine code to select the best design point parameters [c, e, k] 4. Use an engine code to calculate off-design performance [e, k] 5. Select an engine design point for a given mission and size the engine [b, c, e, h, j] 6. Define global and interface quantities required for the component design teams [c, d] 7. Outline design methods for all engine components [a, b, c] 8. Design engine components [c, k] 9. Experience participation in a design team effort [d] 10. Make a professional presentation as a team to a panel of engineers from industry [g, h, i] 11. Prepare a well-documented team report of the design methodology and trade-off studies [d, g, h, i] Discussion of the RFP and design process and constraints, constraint analysis, and mission analysis; engine selection (on-design analysis, off-design analysis, design point selection, and sizing); engine component design, fan, compressor, and turbine flow paths and blading design; combustor, afterburner, inlet, and nozzle design; report and presentation of results. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Engineering; Design Experience AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.36 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Know how to apply engineering, science and mathematical tools [a] Know how to interpret specifications and performance data [b] Demonstrate the ability to design a propulsion system and its components [c, e] Be able to schedule various tasks involved in the design and trade-off studies among the team members [d] Be able to write progress reports and final report in an appropriate format and be able to make an oral presentation on the design [g] Be able to access resources outside the assigned text and interact with industry or government laboratory experts [i, j] Be able to use existing software packages effectively and write computer programs to accomplish the objectives [k] Be able to understand and comply with environmental constraints [h] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.37 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 574 Aerodynamic Measurement Laboratory Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-574. Aerodynamic Measurement Laboratory 3 cr. Analysis of data, measurement of pressure, velocity, volume flow rate, and drag. Drag and lift evaluations on a lifting airfoil and bluff body experimentation. Experiments. 20-AEEM-329 Engg Measurements; 20-AEEM-342 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics; 20-AEEM-456 Applied Aerodynamics Aerodynamic Measurement laboratory notes Experimental Methods for Engineers, 6th edition, J.P. Holman, McGraw-Hill; 1994; Foundations of Aerodynamics, A.M. Kuethe & C-Y. Chow, Wiley & Sons: 1986 Peter J. Disimile, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 480 ERC, 556-3355 1. Conduct experiments that reinforce and verify concepts covered in lecture courses [b] 2. Analyze experimental data and quantitatively evaluate a flow system [b] 3. Interpret acquired experimental data/observations through a clear written technical communication [b] 4. Operate a wind tunnel and utilize various pressure probes/liquid manometers for the measurement of total and static pressure within the flow field, from which be able to compute flow speed [b] 5. Apply the equations of hydrostatics to manometers and understand the implications of static calibration of a pressure transducer [a, b] 6. Investigate the sensitivity of thermal anemometry to setup conditions and flow direction using computer controlled data acquisition. [a, b, k] 7. Calculate the lift and drag on a streamlined body arbitrarily oriented in the flow field through the use of surface measurements [a, b] 8. Calculate the lift and drag on a bluff body using both surface and flow field measurements and applying the conservation of momentum. [a, b] 9. Understand the use of flow obstruction meters for the determination of volume and mass flow rate. [b] 10. Determine through the use of a drag balance the coefficient of drag on generic bluff bodies [a, b] 11. Explain results in a well structured team technical report [d, g] 12. Respond to a request to design an experiment to evaluate a pre-specified fluid dynamic phenomenon using existing laboratory instrumentation and facilities, and present findings orally. Fluid Mechanic measurement techniques: Flow speed measurements using pressure probes, velocity measurement using thermal anemometry, volume and mass flow rate determination for internal flows, the measurement of lift and drag on both streamlined and bluff bodies, and the use direct measurement of drag using a force balance. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Mathematics; Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.38 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ABET Criteria Addressed: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Application of engineering [a] Hands-on laboratory experience [b] Team environment [d] Enhancement of communication skills [g] Use of experimental techniques for engineering practice [k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.39 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 575 Propulsion and Gas Dynamics Laboratory Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-AEEM-575. Propulsion and Gas Dynamics Laboratory 3 cr. Measurement of pressure, temperature and velocities in flows, force, torque, rotational speed. Nozzle flow, pipe flows with heat addition, compressor and turbine performance parameters/charts. Elements of uncertainty analysis, reporting of data. 20-AEEM-329 Engrg Measurements; 20-AEEM-445 Gas Dynamics; 20-AEEM474 Airbreathing Propulsion Propulsion & Gas Dynamics Laboratory Experiment Notes, S. Jeng/R. DiMicco. None Peter J. Disimile, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 480 ERC, 556-3355 1. Conduct experiments following the guidance of experiment notes and analyze the acquired experimental data with principles of gas dynamics for propulsion devices. [b] 2. Write technical reports describing the laboratory activities. These reports should include: [d, g] Introduction of experiments, description of experimental apparatus, results of experiments, discussions and comparisons of experimental results with analytical/numerical solutions, conclusions, appendix for raw data and sample calculations 3. Calibrate the pressure and temperature transducers [b] 4. Apply gas dynamics principle to calculate the pressure and temperature history in a discharging chamber and compare to experimental results. [a, e] 5. Calculate the one-dimensional compressible flows including effects of friction, heat addition and variable flow area. [a] 6. Measure the performance characteristics of gas turbine propulsion devices and graphically represent them [b] 7. Explain the function and operation of the individual gas turbine components (fan, compressor, combustor and turbine) 8. Conduct an actual gas turbine performance test and use the thermodynamic principle to verify the acquired experimental data. [a, b, k] Experimental method, report preparations and writings, principle and calibration procedure of pressure transducers and thermocouple, one-dimensional compressible flow, Fanno Flow, Rayleigh Flow, convergent-divergent nozzle, compressor performance chart, turbine performance chart, fan performance chart, flame propagation and stabilization, actual engine thermodynamic cycle and testing. Computer usage: Prof. Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: Mathematics; Engineering; General Education 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 Ability to apply scientific principles [a] Ability to conduct hands-on experiments and interpret data [b, e, k] Ability to communicate results through plots and reports [g] Ability to work in a team environment [d] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.40 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 576 Rocket Propulsion Catalog data: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 Textbook: 20-AEEM-576. Rocket Propulsion 3 cr. Preliminary design considerations of a rocket engine for a missile or satellite. “Exotic” rocket propulsion systems. 20-ENFD-382 Basic Thermodynamics; 20-ENFD-383 Basic Fluid Mechanics; 20-ENFD-385 Basic Heat Transfer; 20-AEEM-445 Gas Dynamics; 20-AEEM-474 Airbreathing Propulsion Rocket Propulsion Elements, G.P. Sutton, Wiley Interscience, 1998 References: Space Propulsion Analysis and Design, Ronald W. Humble et al., McGraw-Hill Coordinator: Shaaban Abdallah, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 721 Rhodes, 556-3321 1. Appreciate rocket history and general operating principles. 2. Apply thermodynamic relations for rocket engines and nozzles using the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics and the Perfect Gas Law. [a, e] 3. Apply thermal chemistry basics to combustion chambers: absolute and relative enthalpies, heat of formation and reaction, products of combustion using the equilibrium constant method, and flame temperature using the available heat method and chemical kinetics. [a, e, k] 4. Design liquid rocket propulsion systems utilizing preliminary design decisions which include: estimating system mass and envelope; selection of propellant; choice of engine cycle and pressure levels; injection & ignition of liquid propellants [a, c] 5. Perform design trade off studies for thrust chambers and propellant feed system configurations and thrust vectoring [c] 6. Design solid rocket motors utilizing preliminary design decisions which include [a, c, d] component sizing techniques propellant burning rates fuels, oxidizers and binders performance prediction using lumped parameter methods ballistics with variations in spatial pressure calculating specific impulse mass flow and thrust 7. Understand fundamentals of hybrid rocket propulsion systems, nuclear rockets and electric propulsion systems. [a, c, h, j] 8. Identify rocket test procedures. [b] 9. Design and test a chemical rocket to meet specified objectives of altitude, range and flight time. [c] 10. Present results as a technical report [g] Fundamentals of rocket propulsion system mathematics and equations, component performance and efficiencies, and rocket design procedures. Prerequisites: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: Engineering; Design Experience Appendix I-2 Page I-2.41 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ABET Criteria Addressed: JUNE 2004 An ability to apply knowledge of thermodynamics, gas dynamics, & heat transfer [a] An ability to identify the impact of the mission parameters & their role in engine selection [c, e] An ability to work with a team and communicate effectively [d, g] Recognition of environmental constraints and their impact on engine selection [h, j] Use of computer programs to predict combustion properties and rocket trajectory [k] Ability to identify rocket test procedures [b] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.42 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AEEM 597 Composite Structures Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-AEEM-597. Composite Structures. 3 cr. Manufacturing processes of composite materials, design, and analysis of composite structures. Concepts of mechanical and hygro-thermal behavior of composite materials. Properties, strength, and stiffness calculation of composite structures. Application to engineering components 20-ENFD-375 Basic Strength of Materials; 20-ENFD-376 Nature & Prop Matl Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, I. Daniel & O. Ishai, Oxford University Press, 1994. Mechanics of Composite Materials, by R. Christensen, John Wiley and Sons, 1979. Ala Tabiei, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 722 Rhodes, 556-3367, 1. Know what composite material means. [j] 2. List the difference between the various composite materials. [j] 3. Know how composite materials are manufactured. [j] 4. Use the macro mechanical behavior models to understand deformation and elastic response of lamina. [a] 5. Determine the properties of fibrous composites. [a, b] 6. How to obtain mechanical properties of laminated composites analytically. [a, e] 7. Explain the relationship between constituent properties and laminated properties. [a] 8. Apply micro-mechanics to obtain effective properties of laminated composites. [a, e] 9. Consider the effect of temperature on mechanical properties of composites. [a] 10. Apply failure criteria estimate the strength of composite materials. [a, e] 11. Analyze and design composite structural components. [a, c, e] Introduction to composite materials, manufacturing composites, mechanics of composite materials, analysis, strength, and design of composite structures. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4 ABET Criteria Addressed: Be able to know what composites are [j] How they are manufactured and made [j] Know the appropriate usage and applicability of composite [c] Apply presented formulation to analyze composites [a, e] Design composite parts [b, c] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.43 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Appendix I-2.2. Engineering Fundamentals Course Syllabi Appendix I-2 Page I-2.44 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ENFD 101 Mechanics I Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-ENFD-101. Mechanics I. 3 cr. Study of statics – moments, resultant forces, and equilibrium for particles and rigid bodies; friction. 15-PHYS-201 Physics I; corequisite 15-MATH-262 Calculus II F.P. Beer & E.R Johnston, Vector Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, 7th ed.; New Media: McGraw-Hill. (ISBN 007230491X) None. James Wade, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 734 RH, 556-3556,; Shaaban Abdallah, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 721 RH, 5563321, 1. Understand and apply the fundamental concepts and principles of mechanics [a] 2. Apply Newton’s laws to a particle body and determine the [a, e] forces on a particle as vectors resultant of forces resolution of a force into components equilibrium of a particle in two- and three-dimensions 3. Apply Newton’s laws to a rigid body and determine the [a, e] external and internal forces resolution of a given force into a force at a point and couple principle of transmissibility – equivalent forces 4. Determine the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body [a, e] 5. Determine the conditions of equilibrium of multi-rigid body structures [a, e] 6. Determine the equilibrium of rigid bodies with friction forces and determine the [a, e] free-body diagram with friction static and dynamic forces conditions of equilibrium The fundamental concepts of the parallelogram law, transmissibility, Newton’s laws and systems of units. Forces on a particle in two- and three-dimensions, resultant of forces in two- and three-dimensions and the equilibrium of a particle body. External and internal forces acting on a rigid body and the equilibrium of a rigid body. Moment about a point and a line. Free body diagram. Analysis of multi-bodies in two- and three-dimensions. Friction and angle of friction. Free body diagram with friction. Computer usage: Prof. Experience: AEEM Program Objectives: ABET Criteria Addressed: Mathematics; Engineering 1& 2 Know how to apply mathematical, scientific, and engineering tools from homework and examination [a] An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems and ability to draw a free body diagram [a, e] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.45 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ENFD 102 Mechanics II Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 20-ENFD-102. Mechanics II. 3 cr. Development of the fundamental concepts of force and motion in particle dynamics. Applications to a variety of Aerospace, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering problems. 20-ENFD-101 Mechanics I F.P. Beer & E.R Johnston, Vector Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, 7th ed.; New Media: McGraw-Hill. (ISBN 007230491X) None. David Richardson, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 730 RH, 556-3365; 1. Apply [a] Newton’s three laws of particle motion and the Universal Law of Gravitation. the kinematics of particle motion using Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates and path variables (in the two-dimensional osculating plane of Serret-Frenet). basic procedures for Newton’s Second Law to determine equations of motion for dynamical systems of one mass particle. 2. Determine time, speed, position or force information from available dynamical system data. [a, e] 3. Formulate procedures using Calculus I and Calculus II combined with [a, e] direct formulations using the Second Law. direct formulations using integrated forms of the Second Law. torque and angular momentum considerations. the principle of work and energy and extensions. the principle of impulse and momentum. Impulsive, non-impulsive, and average force considerations. 4. Compute orbital period, position, and speed. Determine speed change requirements for orbit transfer. [a, e] 5. Apply impulse momentum principle in determining two-body collision motions. [a, e] Kinematics and coordinate systems, Newton’s Laws, dynamical forces, dynamical equations of motion, integrated forms of the Second Law, elementary orbital motion, two-body impact. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Mathematics; Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1&2 ABET Criteria Addressed: Know how to apply mathematical, scientific, and engineering tools from homework and examination [a] An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems [a, e] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.46 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ENFD 103 Mechanics III JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: February 2, 2004 Catalog data: 20-ENFD-103. Mechanics III. 3 cr. Centroids, center of gravity. Study of motion and the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration for rigid bodies. Prerequisites: 20-ENFD-102 Mechanics II Textbook: F.P. Beer & E.R Johnston, Vector Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, 7th ed.; New Media: McGraw-Hill. (ISBN 007230491X) References: None. Coordinator: James Wade, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 734 RH, 556-3556,; Trevor Williams, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 735 RH, 556-3221, 1. Analyze the dynamics of a system of particles [a] Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: determine the motion of center of mass compute and use linear and angular momentum, kinetic energy 2. Analyze the kinematics of a rigid body: [a, e] understand translation vs. rotation and angular velocity vectors compute absolute and relative velocities; apply the velocity vector triangle compute absolute and relative accelerations; motion with and relative to a rotating frame, including the Coriolis acceleration 3. Analyze the planar motion of a rigid body: [a, e, k] determine the angular acceleration of body, and linear accelerations at all points on it, from the applied forces and moments; moments of inertia; free-body diagrams apply the work-energy principle to rigid bodies apply the impulse-momentum principle to rigid bodies solve planar rigid body problems involving friction forces; coefficients of friction; no-slip conditions 4. Analyze the general (3-D) dynamics of a rigid body: [a] understand the inertia tensor; principal axes compute the angular momentum vector and kinetic energy of body Euler’s equations Dynamics of systems of particles: momentum, kinetic energy. Kinematics of rigid bodies: relative and absolute velocities and accelerations. Planar motion of rigid bodies: forces and moments; energy and momentum methods. General motion of rigid bodies: Euler’s equations. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Mathematics; Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1&2 ABET Criteria Addressed: Know how to apply mathematical, scientific, and engineering tools from homework and examination [a] An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems [e] An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice [k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.47 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 ENFD 375 Basic Strength of Materials Catalog data: 20-ENFD-375. Basic Strength of Materials. 3 cr. Stress-strain curves and properties of materials; direct stress; thermal stress; shear; torsion; flexure; deflections of beams; columns; combined stresses. Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry III (15-MATH-264) Textbook: Beer, Johnston & DeWolf, Mechanics of Materials, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill References: Gere & Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials, 4th Ed., Brooks/Cole Coordinator: Dr. James A. Swanson, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Goals: This course introduces the basic topics of structural analysis. The goal is to enable the students to solve elastic problems involving any external loading, with particular focus on the calculation of stresses and deformations. Lecture or lab topics: 1. Review of static’s. Internal forces. (1 class) 2. Review of approaches to the solution of trusses (1 class) 3. The concepts of normal stress and shear stress (2 classes) 4. Stress-strain curves. Definition of normal strain (2 class) 4. Uniaxial, biaxial, triaxial states of stress. Definition of shearing stress. Hooke’s Law for the general case. (2 classes) 5. Statically determinate and indeterminate structures subjected to axial forces. Temperature effects. (3 classes) 6. Effects of torque on structures. Shearing stress and angle of twist (2 classes) 7. Statically determinate and indeterminate structures subjected to torque. Interaction of gears (2 classes) 8. Transversally loaded beams. Internal shear and internal moment. Diagrams. (2 class) 9. Normal stress due to bending moment (2 classes) 10. Shear stress due to shear (2 classes) 11. Relationship between external load, shear and moment. Internal force diagrams (3 classes) 12. Design of beams for normal stress and shear stress (1 class) 13. Stress transformation. Analytical and graphical approach (Mohr’s circle)(2 classes). 14. Midterms and final exam. (2 classes) Due to the mostly theoretical content of the course, and to the relatively simple problems, the usage of computer programs is limited. General mathematic programs can be used to solve simple differential equations or to calculate solutions to elementary integrals or linear systems of equations. Computer usage: ABET Criteria 3: a, c, e Date prepared: March 2, 2004 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.48 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Specific Examples of ABET Criteria 3 a: The assigned homework covers a wide range of problems associated with the theoretical topics analyzed in class, and include problems for the solution of which a moderate level of engineering judgment is required. The solution of the proposed problems requires extensive use of the mathematics and calculus background of the students, as well as ingenuity and intuition. c: The covered topics and the assigned homework explicitly involve the design and/or the verification of a simple structural system or of an assembly of simple structural systems, including the design process necessary in order to obtain a structure compatible with given deformability or stress constraints. e: The very nature of the topics covered by the course requires the students to become able to identify, formulate and solve the given structural problems. Specific Examples of ABET Criteria 8 a: Basic knowledge of trigonometry, analytic geometry, linear algebra and calculus are necessary for the solution of the vast majority of the problems assigned during the course, and the students need to apply all these theoretical topics on practical problems. d: The topics taught in this course will allow the students to be able to actively participate in the design process possibly involved in the professional component of the curriculum. Appendix I-2 Page I-2.49 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 ENFD 382 Basic Thermodynamics Catalog data: ENFD-382-001 Basic Thermodynamics 3 cr. Prerequisites: none Textbook: Y.A. Cengel and M.A. Boles, Thermodynamics- An Engineering Approach, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2002 References: none Coordinator: Goals: The goal of this course is to teach the key concepts of thermodynamics, through the investigation of examples and introduction to the principles. The course will focus on the development of ideas and problem solving techniques. Lecture or lab topics: 1. Basic concepts of thermodynamics a) Dimensions and Units b) Closed and Open Systems c) Energy d) Pressure 2. Properties of Pure substances a) Phase Changes Processes b) Phase Diagrams c) Equation of State d) Specific Heats e) Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Specific Heats of Ideal Gas, Solids and Liquids 3. Energy Transfer by Heat, Work and Mass a) Heat Transfer b) Energy Transfer by Work c) Forms of Work d) Conservation of Mass Principle Computer usage: 4. The First Law of Thermodynamics a) The First Law of Thermodynamics b) Energy Balance for Closed Systems c) Energy Balance for Steady Flow Systems d) Some Steady Flow Engineering Device 5. The Second Law of Thermodynamics a) Thermo Energy Reservoirs b) Heat Engines c) Energy Conversion Efficiencies d) Refrigerators and Pumps e) The Carnot Cycle Midterms and final exam. (2 classes) none ABET Criteria 3: a, c, e Date prepared: May 2, 2004 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.50 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 Specific Examples of ABET Criteria 3 a: The assigned homework covers a wide range of problems associated with the theoretical topics analyzed in class, and include problems for the solution of which a moderate level of engineering judgment is required. The solution of the proposed problems requires extensive use of the mathematics and calculus background of the students, as well as ingenuity and intuition. c: The covered topics and the assigned homework explicitly involve the design and/or the verification of a simple structural system or of an assembly of simple structural systems, including the design process necessary in order to obtain a structure compatible with given deformability or stress constraints. e: The very nature of the topics covered by the course requires the students to become able to identify, formulate and solve the given structural problems. Specific Examples of ABET Criteria 8 a: Basic knowledge of trigonometry, analytic geometry, linear algebra and calculus are necessary for the solution of the vast majority of the problems assigned during the course, and the students need to apply all these theoretical topics on practical problems. d: The topics taught in this course will allow the students to be able to actively participate in the design process possibly involved in the professional component of the curriculum. Appendix I-2 Page I-2.51 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ENFD 383 Basic Fluid Mechanics Catalog data: Prerequisites: Textbook: References: Coordinator: JUNE 2004 Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004 20-ENFD-383. Basic Fluid Mechanics. 3 cr. Physical nature of fluids, fluid statics, conservation principles and their application to engineering problems. Bernoulli equation. Duct flow of real fluids with losses. 15-MATH-254 Calculus IV; 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 20ENFD-101 Mechanics I Introduction to Fluid Flow, R. W. Fox & A. T. McDonald Wiley Publishing Co., 5th ed. Fluid Flow—A First Course in Fluid Mechanics, Sabersky & Acosta, MacMillan Kirti (Karman) Ghia, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 681 RH, 556-3243, Course Objectives: The student will be able to 1. Define a continuous fluid and flow behavior at a point [a] 2. Apply the equilibrium principle to solve simple hydrostatic and manometer problems. [a, e] 3. Apply integral conservation laws of mass and momentum to control volumes [a, e] 4. Apply the continuity equation for possible fluid flow [a] 5. Solve for the stream lines, path lines, and streak lines [a, k] 6. Apply Bernoulli equation [e] 7. Application to pipe flows with and without losses [e, k] Topics Covered: Observable fluid properties and introductory concepts. Basic integral conservation laws of mass and momentum. Apply to hydrostatics. Differential approach and Bernoulli equation. Application to pipe flows with and without losses. Computer usage: Professional Experience: Mathematics; Engineering AEEM Program Objectives: 1&2 ABET Criteria Addressed: Ability to apply mathematics, science, and engineering principles to problem solving [a] Ability to identify the role of appropriate control volumes, stream lines, and engineering approximations to problem solving [e, k] Appendix I-2 Page I-2.52 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI AEROSPACE ENGINEERING JUNE 2004 ENFD 385 Basic Heat Transfer Catalog data: 20-ENFD-385. Basic Heat Transfer. 3 Cr. Fundamental concepts of heat transfer including conduction, convection and radiation. Prerequisites: 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations (Recommended) Textbook: J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 9th Ed., McGraw-Hill References: None Coordinator: Daniel Hershey, Professor, Chemical Engineering Course Objectives: The student will be able to Topics Covered: Computer usage: Professional Experience: ABET Criteria Addressed: Date prepared: Understand the mechanisms of conduction, convection, and radiation Solve simple steady – and unsteady – state conduction problems in several configurations Understand the fundamentals of convective transfer Design simple double-pipe exchangers and understand simple heat exchangers Solve radiation problems in conjunction with convection and conduction 1. Steady – and unsteady – state conduction and convection . 2. Heat exchangers. Introduction of pertinent concepts of fluid mechanics, and equations of energy conservation . 3. Radiation and radiation combined with conduction and/or convection General mathematic programs can be used to solve simple equations or to calculate solutions. a, c, e June 3, 2004 Appendix I-2 Page I-2.53