WRITTEN COMPETENCY HEMATOLOGY Name: Date: Select the one BEST answer for each of the following statements. Circle the appropriate response on the answer sheet. 1. The following results were obtained on analysis of an anemic patient: MCV = 115 MCH = 50 MCHC = 34 Which of the following conditions would produce these results? A. acute blood loss B. aplastic anemia C. iron deficiency D. pernicious anemia 2. The term that indicates a variation in the shape of red blood cells is: A. anisocytosis B. poikilocytosis C. macrocytosis D. hypochromia 3. Which of the following hemoglobins is NOT found in normal adult blood? A. HbA B. HbA2 C. HbF D. HbC 4. Which of the following conditions will usually result in leukopenia? A. measles B. tonsillitis C. appendicitis D. peritoniti 5. Upon examination of a peripheral blood smear, a technologist finds 8 nucleated red blood cells per 100 white blood cells. The white blood cell count is found to be 15,5 X 109/L Which of the following is the next step to be taken? A. report the 15,500 white blood cell count B. report the 15,500 white blood cell count and make note of the nucleated red blood cells C. correct the white blood cell count for the nucleated red blood cells present D. none of the above Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 1 of 12 6. The normal white blood cell count is: A. 3,5-7,0 X 109/L B. 5,0-10,0 X 109/L C. 8,0-12,0 X 109/L D. 10,0-15,0 X 109/L 7. Which of the following would indicate a macrocytic anemia? A. MCV = 83 fl B. MCV = 87fl C. MCV = 94 fl D. MCV = 103 fl 8. Which of the following hemoglobin values would be considered abnormal in a male patient? A. 125 g/L B. 135 g/L C. 155 g/L D. 175 g/L 9. Normal hemoglobin A is made up of which of the following? A. 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains B. 2 alpha chains and 2 delta chains C. 2 alpha chains and 2 gamma chains D. none of the above 10. Which of the following cells shows an affinity for the acid dyes? A. eosinophils B. basophils C. neutrophils D. monocytes 11. What is the normal daily requirement for folic acid? A. 0.2 mg/day B. 10 mg/day C. 20 mg/day D. 40 mg/day 12. Which of the following hemoglobins is abnormal hemoglobin composing of four betaglobin chains? A. hemoglobin F B. hemoglobin G C. hemoglobin H D. hemoglobin S 13. Which of the following hemoglobin characteristically resists alkali denaturation? A. hemoglobin A B. hemoglobin F C. hemoglobin C D. hemoglobin S 14. Which of the following criteria should be used when attempting to identify cells? A. cell size B. nuclear characteristics Written Competency Hematology 2008 C. cytoplasmic characteristics D. all of the above Page 2 of 12 15. An increase in the total white blood cell count is known as: A. leukopenia B. leukocytosis C. lymphocytosis D. eosinophilia 16. Which of the following conditions is NOT a cause of eosinophilia? A. trichinosis B. asthma C. skin disease D. appendicitis 17. The normal range for a platelet count X 10 9/ L is: A. 5 – 10 B. 50 – 100 C. 150– 400 D. 1,000 – 3,500 18. Which of the following is the structure of hemoglobin F, fetal hemoglobin? A. 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains B. 2 alpha chains and 2 delta chains C. 2 alpha chains and 2 gamma chains D. 4 beta chains 19. Which of the following terms is used to indicate a variation of size in red blood cells? A. anisocytosis B. poikilocytosis C. hypochromia D. polychromasia 20. Which of the following is NOT one of the Romanowsky's stains? A. Giemsa's stain B. May-Grunwald stain C. Pappenheim's stain D. new methylene blue 21. Which of the following structures is that of hemoglobin A2? A. 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains B. 2 alpha chains and 2 delta chains C. 2 alpha chains and 2 gamma chains D. 4 alpha chains Question 22 Directions: One, some, or all of the responses for each of the following statements may be correct. Indicate your response as follows: A. B. C. D. E. if items 1 and 3 are correct if items 2 and 4 are correct if three of the items are correct if all of the items are correct if only one of the items is correct Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 3 of 12 22. Which of the following diseases may exhibit drepanocytes? 1. Hb SC disease 2. Hb S disease 3. Hb S-thalassemia syndrome 4. Hereditary spherocytosis Question 23- 24 Direction: The column on the left contains 3 scientifically related categories while the column on the right contains 4 items which may illustrate scientific phenomena or processes. Three of the items in the column on the right relate to only one of the categories in the column on the left. FIRST, indicate the category in which the 3 processes or phenomena belong. SECOND, indicate the one process or phenomena which is not related to that category. Category 23. A. iron deficiency anemia B. pernicious anemia C. sickle cell anemia Phenomenon 24. A. MCV 99 B. MCHC 30 C. MCH 25 D. B12 deficiency Question 25- 60 Direction: For each of the numbered items select the appropriate lettered response. Do not use the same letter more than once. 25. Hemoglobin C 26. Hemoglobin S-C 27. Hemoglobin D 28. Hemoglobin E A. B. C. D. E. Term migrates like hemoglobin S but non-sickling decreased osmotic fragility at pH 6.5 moves slower that hemoglobin S heterozygous state with 2 abnormal alleles increased red blood cell survival Red Blood Cells 29. 30. 31. 32. polychromatophilia hypochromia basophilic stippling Howell-Jolly bodies A. B. C. D. E. larger central pale area coarse blue-black granules blue-gray tint loop shaped structures smooth round, dark granule 33. 34. 35. 36. azurophilic granules large red granules large purple granules bluish gray cytoplasm A. B. C. D. E. eosinophil monocyte plasma cell neutrophil basophil Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 4 of 12 37. 38. 39. 40. hypersegmented neutrophils Barr body Pelger-Huet anomaly toxic granulation A. B. C. D. E. two-lobed nuclei folic acid deficiencies found normally in females dark blue-black cytoplasmic granules darkly stained lymphocytes Test 41. 42. 43. 44. Formula mean corpuscular volume (MCV) mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) corrected reticulocyte count A. Retic % X Patient’s HCT Normal HCT B. hematocrit X10 red cell count C. hemoglobin X 100 Hematocrit D. hemoglobin X 10 red cell count 45. leptocyte 46. acanthocytes 47. elliptocytes 48. schistocytes A. cigar shaped red cells B. red cells with thorn-like projections C. target cells D. crescent shaped cells E. red cell fragments 49. 50. 51. 52. A. B. C. D. E. Factor I Factor IV Factor VIII Factor XII Anticoagulant calcium Hageman factor fibrinogen prothrombin antihemophilic factor Mode of Action 53. 54. 55. 56. EDTA Ammonium potassium oxalate Sodium citrate Heparin A. B. C. D. E. inactivates calcium irons anti-thrombin and anti- thromboplastin chelating agent forms insoluble calcium neutralizes fibrinogen 57. 58. 59. 60. granulocyte erythrocyte platelet lymphocyte A. B. C. D. E. B cell promyelocyte promonocyte megakaryocyte basophilic normoblast Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 5 of 12 Select the one BEST answer for each of the following statements. Circle the appropriate Response on the answer sheet. 61. The mobility’s obtained on hemoglobin electrophoresis at pH 8.6 shows: A. B. C. D. HbS moves faster than HbA HbC moves faster than HbA HbA moves slower that HbC or HbS HbS moves faster than HbC but more slowly than HbA 62. Which of the following would give a reliable hematocrit determination? A. B. C. D. collect 1 ml of blood in a 5 ml EDTA tube perform fingerstick and squeeze finger to fill the capillary tube omit the buffy coat from the measurement of the cell column height centrifuge the hematocrit until you think the RBC are well packed 63. Which of the following is the average red blood cell survival time? A. 1-5 days B. 9-10 days C. 60 days D. 120 days 64. Consider the following indices: MCV = 60.6 MCH = 25 MCHC = 15.1 Which of the following would you expect to find on the differential blood smear evaluation of red blood cell morphology? A. B. C. D. normochromic red blood cells hypochromic, macrocytic red blood cells hypochromic microcytic red blood cells macrocytic red blood cells 65. Hemoglobinopathies such as Hgb S and C have abnormalities occurring in their: A. alpha chains of globin B. beta chains of globin C. heme D. pyrrole ring structure 66. An eosinophil count of 800 cells/cu. Mm. could be indicative of which of the following? A. B. C. D. normal finding the patient is suffering from an allergic reaction the patient has adrenal gland disease the patient is harboring a virus Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 6 of 12 67. According to the laboratory procedure manual at "Hospital X", hemotocrits are to be spun at 10,000 RPM for 4 minutes. A new employee centrifuged the hemotocrits for only 2 minutes at 5,000 RPM. The hemotocrit value may be: A. falsely decreased B. falsely increased C. both of the above D. neither of the above 68. A positive peroxidase stain will be seen in: A. lymphocytes B. promyelocytes C. myeloblasts D. lymphoblasts 69. There may be a prolonged bleeding time in many patients taking aspirin because it interferes with: A. platelet factor 3 production B. clot retraction C. vascular constriction D. platelet aggregation 70. The activated substance responsible for lysis of the fibrin clot is called: A. actomysin B. plasminogen C. plasmin D. thromboplastin Questions 71- 72 Directions: The column on the left contains 3 scientifically related categories while the column on the right contains 4 items which may illustrate scientific phenomena or processes. Three of the items in the column on the right relate to only one of the categories in the column on the left. FIRST, indicate the category in which the 3 processes or phenomena belong. SECOND, indicate the one process or phenomenon which is not related to that category. Category Phenomenon 71. A. calcium B. thrombin C. thromboplastin 72. A. EDTA B. potassium oxalate C. heparin D. sodium citrate Questions 73- 84 Directions: One, some, or all of the responses for each of the following statements may be correct. Indicate your response as follows: A. B. C. D. E. if items 1 and 3 are correct if items 2 and 4 are correct if three of the items are correct if all of the items are correct if only one of the items is correct Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 7 of 12 73. Which of the following statements are true about HbA, HbA2, and HbF? 1. 2. 3. 4. are all normal hemoglobins are present in equal amounts at birth each have a pair of apha chains each have a pair of beta chains 74. Examples of microcytic hypochromic anemias include which of the following? 1. iron deificiency anemia 2. sideroblastic anemia 3. Thalassemia 4. Folic acid deficiency 75. Wright's stain consists of: 1. eosin 2. janus green 3. methylene blue 4. safranin 76. Which of the following statements concerning capillary specimens are NOT true? 1. milking or squeezing the finger dilutes the specimen with tissue juices 2. for most determinations, the first drop is acceptable 3. with capillary smears, platelets are clumped 4. smears can be made from heparinized hematocrit capillary tubes 77. Which of the following values would be increased from a patient with hereditary spherocytosis? 1. reticulocyte count 2. osmotic fragility 3. Autohemolysis 4. MCHC 78. Which of the following will cause erroneous results with the Coulter Model LH 500? 1. 2. 3. 4. WBC count greater than 50,000 cold agglutinin titer 1,500 erythroblastosis fetalis with significant nucleated red blood cells WBC counts less than 1000 79. A newborn has a hemoglobin of 10 gm/dl, a reticulocyte count of 12%, 25 normoblasts per 100 WBC, marked polychromasia and is jaundiced. What additional tests should be done on the child? 1. direct Coombs test 2. bilirubin 3. ABO group and Rh 4. Hemoglobin electrophoresis 80. Which of the following will be increased in a patient with hereditary spherocytosis? 1. MCV 2. MCHC Written Competency Hematology 2008 3. red cell count 4. osmotic fragility Page 8 of 12 81. Which of the following are examples of normochromic, normocytic anemias? 1. hemolytic anemias 2. acute blood loss 3. Pernicious anemia 4. Myelophthisic anemia 82. Which of the following laboratory tests are useful in diagnosing an abnormality in platelet function? 1. template bleeding time 2. platelet aggregation 3. platelet adhesion 4. clot retraction 83. Platelet function includes which of the following? 1. 2. 3. 4. formation of a platelet plug release of phospholipids (Pf3) maintenance of vascular integrity release of thromboplastin for proper clot retraction 84. Overall competence of the coagulation system is assessed by performing which of the following tests? 1. prothrombin time 2. partial trhomboplastin time 3. Fibrinogen level 4. Clot solubility test Questions 85- 87 Directions: One, some, or all of the responses for each of the following statements may be correct. Indicate your response as follows: A. B. C. D. E. if items 1 and 3 are correct if items 2 and 4 are correct if three of the items are correct if all of the items are correct if only one of the items is correct 85. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) will be increased in the following situations: 1. Increased room temperature 2. Anemia 3. ESR tube is not exactly vertical 4. Increased red cell mass 86. The Coulter Model LH 500 directly measures which of these parameters? 1. MCV 2. RBC 3. WBC 4. PLT 5. HCT 87. As the red cell matures, which of the following changes occur? 1. Cell becomes smaller 2. Nucleus becomes denser and smaller and is finally extruded 3. The amount of hemoglobin increases in the cytoplasm 4. Cytoplasm progresses from blue to red with Wright’s stain Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 9 of 12 Select the one BEST answer for each of the following statements. Circle the Appropriate response on the answer sheet. 88. The bleeding time is a test for: A. factor VIII deficiency B. fibrin formation C. contact factor activation D. platelet and vascular function 89. If a differential has 10-20 white blood cells per high power field, what would be the patient’s estimated white cell count? A. 8,000-12,000/cu.mm. B. 13,000-18,000/cu.mm C. 25,000-30,000/cu.mm. D. 35,000-40,000/cu.mm. 90. A patient with the following indices could be said to have what type of anemia? MCV--71 MCH--22 A. hypochromic, normocytic B. normochromic, microcytic MCHC—31 C. hypochromic, microcytic D. normochromic, normocytic 91. Which of the following is produced by the first stage of coagulation? A. thrombin B. fibrin C. plasmin D. thromboplastin (plasma) 92. An increased erythropoietin level is seen in which of the following? A. secondary erythrocytosis B. polycythemia vera C. rheumatoid arthritis D. cancer Questions 93- 95 Directions: One, some, or all of the responses for each of the following statements may be correct. Indicate your response as follows: A. B. C. D. if items 1 and 3 are correct if items 2 and 4 are correct if three of the items are correct if all of the items are correct 93. Patient reports for correct INR calculations, patient values, and reference ranges should be checked under the following circumstances: 1. Change in lot or type of PT reagent 2. Change in instrument 3. Establishment of new PT reference range 4. Change in INR calculation 5. Annually, in the absence of the above changes Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 10 of 12 94. A hematocrit value >55% may: 1. Lead to spurious coagulation results. 2. The citrate anticoagulant distributes only in the plasma and not into the blood cells. 3. Plasma citrate concentration will be increased if the patient's hematocrit is greater than 55%, 4. Leading to prolonged PT and aPTT results, 5. Erroneous results for other calcium-dependent clotting tests such as clottable protein C/protein S. 95. Incorrect data maybe due to instrument malfunction or problems with the sample itself. Some examples may include: 1. spurious elevated MCVs and MCHCs with cold agglutinins, 2. falsely elevated MCHCs with lipemia and plasma paraproteins, 3. spuriously low MCHCs with leukocytosis and 4. osmotic effects such as hyperglycemia altering MCV. 96. MCV and MCH are fairly constant for each patient, and monitoring these indices in a delta check error detection program may provide rapid patient-bases detection of instrument malfunction or specimen misidentification. A. True B. False 97. The following illustrates a typical calculation of the INR from actual patient information and the ISI value: Patient PT value = 18.5 seconds Mean of normal range - 10.5 seconds ISI = 1.3 INR = -----------------------------98. How to handle a specimen with elevated hematocrits? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99. Compute the amount of anticoagulant needed for a 5 ml total volume specimen and hematocrit 60% Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 11 of 12 100. The following could give false- positive results in the solubility test for detection of HB S except: A. B. C. D. Presence of many nucleated red blood cells in the peripheral blood Large amount of proteins in patient plasma Incomplete lysis of red blood cells Severe anemia 101. The following findings may occur in sickle cell trait except a. b. c. d. Painless hematuria Isosthenuria Markedly increased HB A2 Sudden death 102. All of the following laboratory findings are consistent with HB SC disease except: a. b. c. d. Rare sickle cells Crystals Boat-shaped cells HB A2 will be contained within HB S by HB electrophoresis alkaline pH 103. All the following statements regarding the red blood cells indices are true except: a. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCH is calculated from hemoglobin and RBC b. MCV is determined by the distribution of the red blood cell histogram c. MCH is the most useful of the red blood cell indices d. MCH concentration is of minimal diagnostic use 104. HB S and HB F migrates together A. True B. False 105. PT test is used to evaluate the adequacy of the extrinisic system and common pathway the clotting mechanism A. True B. False 106. If the MCV indices are increased, the RBC is said to be macrocytic A. True B. False Written Competency Hematology 2008 Page 12 of 12