English 235: Literature of Southern Africa Summer 2005 Dr. Stan Galloway Bowman 304, 828-5339 sgallowa@bridgewater.edu http://www.bridgewater.edu/~sgallowa/eng235.html Required texts: Dangarembga, Tsitsi. Nervous Conditions. Fugard, Athol. Master Harold and the Boys. Head, Bessie. Maru. Paton, Alan. Cry, the Beloved Country. Schreiner, Olive. The Story of an African Farm. Texts in campus library or from Dr. Galloway: Couto, Mia. Every Man is a Race. de Kock, Leon, and Ian Tromp, eds. The Heart in Exile: South African Poetry in English, 1990-1995. Hirson, Denis, ed. The Lava of This Land: South African Poetry 1960-1996. Hirson, Denis, and Martin Trump, eds. South African Short Stories. Moore and Beier, eds. Penguin Book of Modern African Poetry Mtshali, Oswald. Sounds of a Cowhide Drum Smith, Pauline. The Little Karoo. Soyinka, Wole, ed. Poems of Black Africa. Wylie, Dan. Original Forest Quizzes: Multiple quizzes will be given each day. Two Papers: A short paper (6 pages; 1500 words) investigating one or more of the assigned readings before apartheid, using at least two critical sources. A short paper (6 pages; 1500 words) on one or more of the assigned readings during or after apartheid, again using at least two critical sources. Papers will be written in MLA style, with page numbering in the upper right, with a cover page. These papers will be assessed on both the critical content and the grammatical and mechanical presentation. Errors in common usage will be considered. Sufficient evidence of critical history must be shown in the paper, though the paper should address a larger issue than critical history. Each paper is worth 200 points. Evaluation: The student will be evaluated on the basis of oral and written quizzes covering reading content, historical background, and geographical concerns (30 quizzes at 1% each =30%). The student will write 2 short essays of a critical and evaluative nature (2 essays at 20% each =40%). The student will turn in an evaluative log of daily insights (30%). Reading Calendar May 31 Introduction to class. Discussion of geography. June 1 Geography: Wylie: P, Q ; Stockenstrom “Africa Love” LL100; Mtshali “At the Seashore” CD 46-47 History: Wylie: G, H, O; Cronin “’To Learn How to Speak’” LL163, Clouts “Prince Henry the Navigator” PSAEP131 [p] June 2 Animals/ plants: Wylie: F, I, K,L, M, N, P, R, T, X, Y, Z; Pretorius “The Leopard,” Berold “Boubou” see web page, Cullinan “The First, Far Beat” (lizard) Heart79, Dendy “Guavas” Heart102, Eppel “Jacaranda” Heart127, Schwartzman “Hadedah” Heart258-259,] Pringle “The Honeybird and the Woodpecker” PSAEP37-39 [p], Fairbridge “The Puff-Adder” PSAEP67 [p], Campbell “The Mocking Bird” PSAEP82-83 [p], Miller “Penguin on the Beach” PSAEP123 [p] see web page, Campbell “The Zebras.” [p] View Percy Fitzpatrick’s Jock of the Bushveld. June 3 San: Watson “Song of the Broken String” LL3-4, “The Rain that Is Male” LL6-7, “The Sound of the Stars” LL7, Clouts “Firebowl” LL10, Swift “Windvogel Mountain” Heart281, Pringle “Song of the Wild Bushman”, Cope “Rock Painting” PSAEP138 [p], “Prayer to the Hunting Star, Canopus” PSAEP140-141 [p], Wylie: U (caverns, bones), Haarhoff “San Song” PSAEP283 [p] Bantu: Slater “Lament for a Dead Cow” PSAEP73 [p], Mtshali “Inside My Zulu Hut” CD23, Sitas “Six Sections from Slave Trades” LL276-281, “The Birth of Shaka” CD26, Campbell “The Zulu Girl” PSAEP78-79 [p], Havemann “Bloodsong” SASS37-47, “Ndela, Son of Sompisi” PBA324-25. Colonial: Pringle “Afar in the Desert”, Brooks “Nature’s Logic” PSAEP40 [p], Africaners/Voortrekkers: Ould “Voortrekkers” PSAEP76 [p], Celliers “Kruger” AP15 [p], Smith “The Sinner” and “Sisters” (in The Little Karoo, see web pages), Bosman “Seed” PSAEP92 [p] June 6 Schreiner, Story of an African Farm, Mines: Mtshali “The Miner” CD51, Brodrick “Epitaph on a Diamond Digger” PSAEP55 [p], Plomer “Johannesburg” PSAEP88-89 [p], Haarhoff “Zacharias Lewala” PSAEP282 [p] Boer War: Grover “I Killed a Man at Graspan” PSAEP63-64 [p] June 7 Racial tension before apartheid: Paton Cry, the Beloved Country, June 8 Fugard Master Harold . . . and the Boys June 9 Apartheid: Mtshali “Sounds of a Cowhide Drum” CD91-92, Yako “The Contraction and Enclosure of the Land” LL24, Dlhomo “Because I’m Black” PSAEP104 [p], Gordimer “Country Lovers”, “Six Feet of the Country,” Serote “City Johannesburg” LL40-41, Mtshali “Always a Suspect” CD43, “The Detribalised” CD64-67, Matthews “Living in This Land Is a Political Action” PSAEP162 [p], Sepamla “To Whom It May Concern” PSAEP174 [p], Kgositsile “Song for Ilva Mackay and Mongane” PMAP268 [p], Smit “I Take Back My Country” SASS133-142, Mann “State of Emergency” PSAEP206-207 [p], Serote “For Don M. – Banned” LL43, Mthimkulu “Nineteen Seventy-six” LL117-118, Krog, “Refused March at Kroonstad Monday 23 October 1989” LL218, de Kok “Small Passing” LL195-197, “Our Sharpeville” LL197-198, Jonker “The Child Who Was Shot Dead by Soldiers in Nyanga” LL18-19, Brutus “Goree” Heart45, Berold “Dark City” LL231, Mtshali “This Kid Is No Goat” PSAEP159-161 [p], Oliphant “Song of the Unemployed” LL191-192. June 10 Prison: Mtshali “Handcuffs” CD75, Brutus “Cold” LL25-26, Mtshali “Men in Chains” CD22, Cronin “Motho Ke Motho Ks Batho Babang” LL167, “Walking on Air” LL168-176, Afrika “Shacklemates” Heart26-27, Bryer “Release, February 1990” Heart55-56. View Andre Brink's A Dry White Season. Exile: Nortje “Waiting” LL27-28, Hirson “The Long-Distance South African” Heart4-12, Driver “Somewhere Else” Heart103-104, Nortje “Dead Roots” PSAEP136-137 [p] June 13 Outside SA during Apartheid: Paton “Caprivi Lament” PSAEP108109 [p], Head, Maru, Sole “Poem from Botswana” LL236, Eppel “Waiting for the Bus” Heart123-125, June 14 Dangarembga Nervous Conditions, June 15 Civil war: Couto “The Private Apocalypse of Uncle Gegue” 10-24, “Fisherman on Departure, Hero on Arrival” 114-116, Gordimer “Oral History”, Rebelo “Poem” PMAP166-167, “Poem for a Militant” PMAP167 June 16 Post-apartheid: Clayton “South Africa: Memorial Wall” Heart65-66, Mann “Where Is the Freedom for Which We Died?” Heart211-212, Zerbst “Johannesburg” Heart 310, Berold “valley “ online at http://www.geocities.com/joopbersee/v.html; McGrane “The Puzzle” online at http://www.wah.org.uk/wah1/MichelleMcGrane/MichellePoems.htm and “Some Poems” online at http://www.geocities.com/joopbersee/mg10.html.