Wyndham Richardson Wyndham Richardson Scholarship Fund APPLICATION FORM Wyndham Richardson Scholarship Fund is offering a number of scholarships for students enrolled on a full-time basis in a Certificate IV or above (AQF) qualification. Scholarships are awarded to the value of $1000 provided you are enrolled and actively participating in full-time study. The Wyndham Richardson Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate a commitment to study and are in significant financial hardship. Scholarships are only available to Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents. PERSONAL DETAILS First Name: _______________________________ Surname: ___________________________________ Postal Address: _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Postcode: ___________ Telephone: ( )__________________________ Mobile: ______________________________________ Email (primary means of communication): _____________________________________________________ Gender: Male Australian Citizen Female OR Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy) __________________________________ Permanent Resident OR Non-Permanent VISA sub-class: ___________ Year of arrival in Australia (If not Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident): __________________________ Full-time student: Yes No Certificate IV or above (AQF) qualification: Yes No Title of Qualification: _____________________________________________________________________ Campus: ___________________________ TAFE SA Student ID number: __________________________ EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND List any previous completed qualifications in the table below. In the last column, please indicate whether your past qualifications have been recognised in Australia – if completed overseas. Qualification e.g. Certificate IV, Diploma, Bachelor Degree Subject Area e.g. Chemical Engineering, IT Educational Institution & Campus e.g. TAFESA, Port Adelaide Years of Study e.g. 1998-2000 Recognised Yes/No COPY OF STUDY RESULTS I have attached a copy of my most recent results (which have been translated into English if necessary) with this application form. Yes No, I have not included results No, as this is my first semester of study SECTION 4 – EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND / WORK EXPERIENCE List (most recent first) any jobs in which you have been/are employed. Job Title e.g. Account Manager Main Tasks e.g. Accounting Employer, Country e.g. EDS, Australia Years of Service e.g. 12 years 4. FINANCIAL DETAILS (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY & ANSWER ACCURATELY) 1. Are you independent as classified by Centrelink? Yes or No (please circle) If YES, complete the LIVING INDEPENDENTLY* column for Q3 & Q4. If NO, Please answer Q2. 2. Are you living with your parents/guardian/partner? Yes or No (please circle) If YES, are parents/guardian/partner providing financial assistance for your study?) If YES, please complete the HOUSEHOLD column with your parents/guardian/partner income/expenditure for Q3 & Q4).If NO, please detail all your expenses and income in the column (LIVING INDEPENDENTLY*) 3. INCOME on a FORTNIGHTLY basis: (Please include evidence of a Centrelink financial statement or a copy of your bank statement and three recent pay slips) INCOME (on a FORTNIGHTLY basis) LIVING HOUSEHOLD** INDEPENDENTLY* Total number of members: ____ Salary/Wage (before deductions) $ $ Centrelink: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Child Maintenance received Other Income (e.g. Austudy Supplement, Rent, Interest) $ $ $ $ TOTAL INCOME per fortnight $ $ Benefits*** Rent Relief Family Payment Parenting Allowance minus Tax deductions Centrelink deductions Relationship of members to you: (e.g. Partner, Parent/Guardian, Child, Sibling, Housemate etc.) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: *** Including Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy, Parenting Payment Single, Aged, Disability and Newstart. EXPENSES on a FORTNIGHTLY basis: Please list all ESSENTIAL expenses you will have during the period for which you are enrolling. Only provide Household expenses here if you have HOUSEHOLD income as quoted in Q3. LIVING EXPENSES (on a FORTNIGHTLY basis) HOUSEHOLD ** INDEPENDENTLY * Mortgage, Rates & Taxes Rent or Board (please circle) $ $ $ $ Food, Groceries etc. Gas &/or Electricity Phone (including Mobile) Water $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Insurance (Health, Building, Contents, Car etc) $ $ Maintenance/Allowances paid for/to Dependents $ $ Car Maintenance & Petrol Public Transport (Bus, Tram or Train Tickets) $ $ $ $ Loan Repayments $ $ Credit Card Repayments (Minimum required) $ $ Other known ESSENTIAL expenses $ $ TOTAL EXPENSES per fortnight $ $ 5. Total income (from 3) minus Total expenses (from 4) BALANCE per fortnight $............... $............... = $............... I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the details in this financial statement are true in every particular. Student Name: _________________________ Student Signature: _________________________ COMMITMENT TO STUDY (200 WORD STATEMENT) Please complete a 200 word statement describing your commitment to study in your chosen career path and how this scholarship would assist. (If preferred, you can type your statement and attach it to the application). Student Name: DECLARATION I declare, I am not in receipt of any other scholarship support valued at $500 or more. I agree to TAFE SA providing the Wyndham Richardson Scholarship Fund with my name, contact details and course title, if I am successful in obtaining this scholarship. Name: Signature: Date: / / REMINDER: The following details must be included (photocopy/scan) for your application to be eligible: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Proof of full-time study load (e.g. TAFE SA student ID card) Proof of current enrolment in a Certificate IV (or above) qualification Certified copies of qualifications or relevant experience if applicable (translated into English if necessary) Proof of citizenship or permanent residency Income statement/proof of income (e.g. Centrelink statement) Please forward completed applications and all supporting documentation by COB Friday, 14 August 2015 to: Mikaela Millar Student Welfare and Career Officer TAFE SA Student Services 137 Days Road Regency Park SA 50110 Tel:: 08 8348 4429 Email: mikaela.millar@tafesa.edu.au Please attach all requested documentation to your application. Incomplete applications will not be proceed to the selection process.