Attachment 1 Learn Local: Focusing on the Future Newsletter (doc

November 2014
Edition 1
Learn Local: Focusing on the Future
Implementation Newsletter
Since the release of Learn Local: Focusing on the Future
much work has been undertaken to support the delivery of
its strategic directions. Implementation Newsletters will be
distributed to share progress on achievements with the
Learn Local sector and to advise of opportunities to engage
and provide feedback.
Learn Local: Focusing on the Future is available at:
Consultation Report Back &
Partnership Support Package
Across March and April 2014, eight consultation sessions were
held in tandem with Provider Forums to engage with Learn Local
organisations on content of the Strategy. Thanks must go to the
over 200 individuals who attended these sessions, and those who
also emailed feedback, for their participation and valuable input to
the process.
The consultations focused on the three key themes of co-location,
new partnership models and communities of practice. The sessions
also addressed the supports that can be provided by government
and the ACFE Board to assist Learn Local organisations to achieve
the benefits that can be returned through various models of
Supports detailed in the Strategy were well received by participants
who identified that external support in identifying and initiating
partnerships would be particularly useful. This was also consistent
in relation to the three key themes that general information and
guidance materials would be also valued by the sector.
A Partnership Support Package will be developed and made
available to Learn Locals in early 2015. This will consist of
instructional and guidance materials to assist in the development
and implementation of partnerships within the sector and build on
work already underway.
Consultation feedback also informed the Partnerships for Access
Grant Program which opened for applications on 6 October 2014.
This funding will directly support and encourage Learn Local
organisations to participate in innovative partnership models with
each other and other stakeholders. Applications close 28
November 2014 and further information is available at:
ACFE Youth Taskforce
In early 2014, the ACFE Board established a
Youth Taskforce to investigate issues relating
to the engagement of school-aged young
people in programs delivered by Learn Local
The Taskforce made recommendations to the
Board for future actions aimed at improving the
broader education sector’s capacity to support
school-aged young people to gain the skills
economically and socially.
The Taskforce’s report and recommendations
were accepted by the ACFE Board in May
2014 and implementation has begun.
Work is currently occurring to develop
principles to guide future policy development
and the report will be made available on the
DEECD website.
Family Learning Partnerships
In June 2014 expressions of interest were sought from
Learn Locals interested in participating in a 12 month
Family Learning Partnership trial. These partnerships
seek to raise the educational engagement and
attainment of parents and children in family based
settings such as early childhood centres, schools and
community centres, while encouraging parents to
progress to training and employment.
Eighteen projects are now underway, each with a
distinct focus on working with either Koorie families,
vulnerable families or newly arrived families. An
induction day was held in early September with all
Learn Locals participating in the project. Each
community of practice has also commenced with initial
meetings held in October. An experienced professional
facilitator has been engaged to guide the trials and work
with participating Learn Locals. Planning is now firmly
underway, with organisations consulting with their local
communities to inform the development of the trials.
In 2014, over 90 organisations opted-in to the FLSP who
are currently supporting learners to access over 14,000
days of occasional child care.
Expressions of interest to participate in the 2015 FLSP are
currently open and close 24 November 2014. Further
information including program guidelines are available at:
Funding for professional
Further information will be provided to the sector on the
progress of the Family Learning Partnership trials in
due course.
Professional development support for Learn Local
organisations through the VET Development Centre (VDC)
has continued over the past year. Additional investment
was made for Learn Local organisations to access places
in activities on the VDC’s Professional Learning Calendar.
Workshops attended by Learn Local practitioners covered
Recognition of Prior Learning; skills for supervisors;
designing and validating assessment programs; and
specialist skills for training particular learner groups,
including refugees and asylum seekers.
Family Learning Support
Learn Local: Focusing on the Future commits to
supporting Victorian learners who face barriers to
participation in education and training, including
supporting learners with children through the Family
Learning Support Program (FLSP).
The FLSP assists parents undertaking Victorian
Government subsidised education and training
(accredited and pre-accredited) through the Learn Local
sector by providing funding to subsidise occasional
child care during course hours. Subsidies target
learners where the cost of child care is a barrier to
learning, with a focus on supporting those most in need.
A total of 457 places were taken up by Learn Local
practitioners in 2013-14 across both the general
professional learning program and in Learn Local-specific
offerings. Learn Local organisations have been well
opportunities offered through the VDC, including
scholarships and fellowships.
Customised professional development for Learn Local
organisations has also been delivered by the VDC to
support the Capacity and Innovation Fund. Workshops in
grant writing and project management are assisting Learn
Local organisations to further develop and manage quality
projects to support their learners.
Following a successful Business Resilience Workshop
conducted in December 2013, further opportunities were
provided in May and April 2014. These sessions were
designed to assist Learn Locals to develop business
resilience in navigating and responding to changes to the
Victorian training marker.
Digital Literacy for Older
Victorians 2014
Participants are being recruited via targeted
advertising in organisations and clubs with a senior’s
membership, including the partner organisations.
Contact: Leanne Fitzgerald (97587801)
Longbeach PLACE
The program addresses the challenges for elderly residents
to conduct financial transactions online, communicate with
family, develop friendships, engage with the community
and access vital services and information which have
emerged as areas of key concern within the region. These
challenges are further heightened by a lack of aid to
overcome simple and common technology problems.
As part of the Learn Local: Focusing on the Future, the
Government and the ACFE Board committed to supporting
older Victorians to develop digital literacy skills,
acknowledging the critical role of Learn Local organisations
in helping to promote digital inclusion.
To deliver on this commitment the ACFE Board established
the Digital Literacy for Older Victorians program to support
the development of sustainable programs that will improve
digital literacy outcomes for learners aged 65 and over.
Tools including an online banking and shopping simulator
will be developed to build digital literacy skills through
workshops and social presentations, which will allow older
residents to develop their skills in a safe and secure
manner. Delivery includes tailored, short workshops, to
gently build essential computing and online skills and a
computer repair session where simple difficulties can be
A social networking group where members can share
knowledge and build social connections will also be
facilitated. The program contains a number of elements
which will continue to provide on-going benefits to the
community. This includes a ‘Train the Trainer’ program and
tools developed through the program.
The following Learn Locals were successful in their
application for the 2014 Digital Literacy for Older Victorians
grants. Please do not hesitate in making contact with any of
the organisations if you would like to discuss their program.
Members of the Chelsea PC Group and networks of retired
residents affiliated with the six local community centres are
being linked to the programs on offer. Additional
participation is encouraged via local newspapers ads and
flyers targeted at retirement villages and seniors'
organisations in the community.
Coonara Community House
Contact: Longbeach PLACE Inc. (97761386) as well as
The program will cover twelve Learn Locals (6 rural and 6
metropolitan) partnering with one community organisation
in their town or suburb.
Organisations involved at each of the twelve locations are
hosting a series of workshops to address the most
commonly requested skills (as identified in the National
Seniors research project Older Australians and the Internet:
Bridging the Digital Divide) with morning or afternoon tea
provided at each session. The sessions have been
developed so the learner can train on their own device
(such as tablet or iPad) in order to overcome the
complication of transferring their skills to their technology at
On completion of training learners will be given information
on local seniors computer groups, clubs and U3A with
capacity to support further computer skilling. In
communities where an existing group or club does not exist
a short course will be conducted and learners will be
assisted to establish their own group in their community.
Macedon Ranges Further Education
The program focus is on those that have been left behind in
the digital era or who are more likely to have lower
education levels due to below average participation rates in
mainstream education.
The program will increase the participants’ digital literacy
on devices of their choice with delivery taking place at the
Romsey, Woodend, Kyneton and Gisborne libraries as well
as the Senior Citizens, U3A groups and Macedon Ranges
Further Education Centre.
Delivery is focusing on small groups directed by learner
needs, and providing one to one assistance as required.
The program will continue to assist older learners needing
computer training and support in the community through
the development of a community skills bank and mentors
within Senior Citizens Groups and U3A.
The program is being marketed through the libraries, on
local radio and print media and through senior citizens
groups and U3A. Macedon Ranges Shire is also promoting
the program through their healthy ageing department, as
well as networking with aged care facilities.
Contact: Carol Franceschi (03 54283799)
Simpson & District Community Centre
The program is aimed at the large number of small
marginalised communities across South West Victoria
where access to digital and online resources is often
beyond the means and reach of older residents.
Delivery is utilising existing partnerships and networks of
organisations including the Neighbourhood House Network,
Men’s Sheds and U3As to deliver hands on digital literacy
training in a familiar environment. The delivery is taking
place in small sessions with groups of 6-8 people,
introducing them to the internet, Skype, Google etc.
The sessions include the use of mobile devices such as
smart phones, iPads, laptops and tablets with participants
being invited to bring their own devices. The program will
aim to conquer the older residents’ fears of the Digital Age
and start them on their digital journey. Each delivery site
will be encouraged to establish an on-going user group
where participants will continue to support each other as
they develop their digital literacy skills.
Participants are being attracted through existing networks
including Neighbourhood Houses, U3As and aged care
services. Local media will be utilised to share the
development and success of the project and encourage
further participation and sustainability across regional
Contact: Debra Smith (03 55943448)
Support for Communities of
The Capacity and Innovation Fund provides opportunities
for Learn Local organisations to develop and implement
projects that build their capacity and increase learner
participation and achievement.
In March 2014 the ACFE Board implemented changes to
the Capacity and Innovation Fund that aligned projects to
the strategic objectives of the Strategy, including a funding
stream designed to support Communities of Practice for
Quality − networks of Learn Local organisations and other
community partners who regularly share good practices
and collaborate on innovative approaches to delivering preaccredited and accredited training.
Eight Learn Local organisations and one of the Adult
Education Institutions have been granted a total of
$675,904 to create new Communities of Practice for
What’s next?
Learn Locals are encouraged to provide any feedback
regarding the implementation of Learn Local:
Focusing on the Future to your Regional Council or