Second Master Teacher Visit -

Second Master Teacher Visit
Guidelines for New Work-Based
Certified Career and Technology Education Teacher
Master Teacher Visit Summary
Second Master Teacher Visit Assignment
Visit to be scheduled by new teacher
September 2009—January 2010
Master Teacher Summary of the 2nd Visit is due:
on the first meeting of DIRECT 4: Assessment, January 30, 2010
Summary Instructions
You must score a 4-6 to complete the task successfully. A score of 1-3 is
incomplete and the summary/observation will be repeated until a 4-6 is
Summary should be typed, double-spaced, Arial or Verdana, size 12.
Make sure you gather enough information to complete the summary
The summary should:
Consist of a minimum of four pages,
Include in the heading of the each topic: the date, your name and
school, and the master teacher’s name and school,
Have numbered pages, and
Address each topic in the same order as in the outline.
Check the scoring rubric to address all criteria for an acceptable
Contact your education associate if you have not been assigned a master teacher.
Summary will be returned to the new teacher at the final meeting of DIRECT 4.
A cover sheet must accompany your paper to include your name,
your school, your program (subject) area, school visited, date
visited, name of master teacher and their school.
Topic 1: Providing Career Guidance
Because of your close association with students enrolled in your program, you have
a unique opportunity to provide students career guidance and may be called on to
help students with career decisions. You can assist your students by assessing their
interests and abilities, provide information about career opportunities and trends,
and help students make short- or long-range career decisions related to
employment or further education. Write a one-page, double spaced, 12-point font
reaction paper describing how your master teacher provides career guidance and
how these approaches and strategies can be used with your students. Include in
the heading of the reaction paper the date, your name and school, and the master
teacher’s name and school.
Topic 2: Improving Teaching Practices
Teachers take responsibility for the success of their students; striving to prepare all
students for success, setting an example for their students, serving an effective,
fair classroom manager, and using a variety of instructional methods. During your
second master teacher observation, be aware of methods and strategies your
master teacher incorporates into their daily routine to improve their teaching
practices and contribute to the success of their students. Write a one-page, double
spaced, 12-point font reaction paper describing how you can incorporate some of
these strategies in your classroom. Include in the heading of the reaction paper the
date, your name and school, and the master teacher’s name and school.
Topic 3: Marketing Your Program
As a teacher you must perform a number of public relations tasks. The way these
tasks are performed affects how various groups—including students, school
personnel, local employers, parents, and broader communities—view your career
and technology program. You will need to continually promote your program to
these various audiences. One of your key jobs is to be certain the business and
school community understand and have confidence in your program. Describe
information you obtained from your master teacher on how to set a plan to market
your career and technology program to the school and the community.
Write a one-page, double spaced, 12-point font reaction paper on the master
teacher’s marketing plan and how you plan to market your career and technology
program. Include in the heading of the reaction paper the date, your name and
school, and the master teacher’s name and school.
Topic 4: Impact of this visit
What will you change or incorporate into your teaching practices and/or your career
and technology program as a result of practices, procedures, and strategies
observed during this second master teacher observation? Write a one-page, double
spaced, 12-point font reaction paper on the master teacher’s marketing plan and
how you plan to market your career and technology program. Include in the
heading of the reaction paper the date, your name and school, and the master
teacher’s name and school.
Second Master Teacher Visit Summary
Scoring Rubric
The following broad categories define the scoring ranges for the writing assignment. A score of 3 or less
means that the summary will have to be resubmitted until a score of 4 or higher is achieved.
Score of 6
A summary in this category reveals the following:
Typed, double spaced, with Arial or Verdana font style, and size 12
Well organized and coherently developed
Clearly explains or responds to questions for each topic
Generally free from errors in mechanics, usage, and sentence structure
Score of 5
A summary in this category reveals the following:
Typed, double spaced, with Arial or Verdana font style, and size 12
Generally well organized and coherently developed
Explains or responds to some of the questions for each topic
Generally free from errors in mechanics, usage, and sentence structure
Score of 4
A summary in this category reveals the following:
Typed, double spaced, with Arial or Verdana font style, and size 12
Adequately organized and developed
Explains or responds to a few of the questions in each topic
Some errors in mechanics, usage, or sentence structure
Score of 3
An essay in this category reveals one or more of the following weaknesses:
Inadequate organization or development
Inadequate responses to questions
A pattern or accumulation of errors in mechanics, usage, or sentence structure
Score of 2
An essay in this category reveals one or more of the following weaknesses:
Weak organization or very little development
Little or no relevant detail
Serious errors in mechanics, usage, sentence structure, or word choice
Score of 1
An essay in this category contains serious and persistent writing errors.